. ==== 0 w- .J 6 ru u m If) m :r cO - ,.::I "": - 0 If) - u.. o - ,.::I - iñ _ r- ffi ,.::I > z- ::> m , ') I -. ì w;,tt r1rl3 /o..dL St1s :r lti.-u. ftr-rl I c..u.t 1tv.. F "'ê 0J N-w. I f - 6.0 KING ALFRED"S OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF BOETHIUS SEDGEFIELD HENRY FROWDE, :M.A. PUBLISHER TO THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD LONDON, EDIN'ßVRGH, AND NEW YORK KING ALFRED'S OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF BOETHIUS I)E CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE EDITED FROM THE MSS., WITH INTRODUCTION CRITICAL NOTES AND GLOSSARY BY WALTER JOHN SEDGEFIELD M.A. MELB., aA. CANTAB. LATE SCHOLAR OF TRINITY COLLEGE, MELBOURNE Ð,rforb AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 18 99 MAY 1 4 ,1956 () fOf PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRES5 BY HORACE HART, M.A. PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY TO PROFESSOR EDWARD ELLIS MORRIS :\1.A., LITT. D. THIS BOOK IS GRATEFULLY DEDICATED BY HIS OLD PUPIL 'IC pllnobe peoriðFulhce to lIbbanne 'ð'a hplle 'ðe IC hFbe, 7 æf'cep mlnum lIFe 'ð'æm monnum to læFanne, 'ð'e æFteJl me pæpen, mIn ðemynb on obum peoflcum.' KÙzg Al.fred concerllz"ng hÙnse!f. PREFACE . . THIS edition of King Alfred's most personal and therefore most important \vork, may be regarded as a compromise, aiming as it does at meeting the \vants of the scientific investigator of Old English on the one hand, and of the student of our literature on the other. The former has long been calling for a text which should faithfully reproduce the Cotton MS., and in offering him such a text I ask him to bear in mind the difficulty of the task. Even ,vhen MSS. are in perfect condition it is almost impossible to avoid errors in copying, as \vill be readily granted by those who have had experience of this kind of ,york ; but when, as in the case of the chief lVIS. of the Old English BoetkÙts, fire and water have played havoc \vith almost every page, the labour of deciphering and the liability to error are immensely increased. Indi- vidual pages of this IVIS. have received as much as an hour's scrutiny, and this scrutiny was repeated three or even four times in a fe,v instances. By taking advantage of the rare intervals of London sunshine during the ,v;nter and spring months, I found much decipherable which in ordinary light ,vould have re- mained hidden. VIIl PREFACE A fresh examination of this MS. by better eyes than mine may show that a few more letters and words can be made out, but I have made it a rule throughout only to print as clear what I could see really distinctly. It may be remarked here that as Professor Bright in his .A1lglo-Saxon Reader gives some passages from King Alfred's Boetkius based on a fresh collation ,vith the Cotton MS., I have made a special re-colla- tion of his text with that 1\11S. A complete edition of the Old English Boethz"us \vould include not only the text of both the English 1\1SS., but also the Latin text, and perhaps a full collection of n1arginal scholia and passages from Latin Commentaries, to illustrate in detail King Alfred's obligations to the work of others. In default of such completeness it is hoped that the analysis by chapters and sections given in the Introduction will be useful in sho\ving ho\\' far the King- departs from his original. The copious extracts from the article by the late Dr. Schep s, whose untimely death removed one of the chief authorities on the textual criticism of Boethilts, require but slight apology, as they thro\v ,vhat must to many be a ne\v light on IZing Alfred considered as a maker of books, The facts kno,vn about this work are not many, and such as they are will be found col- lected in the Introduction, varied ,vith a discussion of theories in the case of the Cotton Jl;Ietra. These .JIetra, though included in the complete glossary forming part of Grein's Bibliothek der aJlgelsächsische1l Poesz"e, are also indexed in the Glossary of the present work, for the sake of completeness, especiaJly as a number of new readings of the Cotton MS. are now given for the first time. PREFACE IX The Glossary, too, I have tried to nlake useful to the student of Old English who requires help in his reading, as ,veIl as to the phonologist, for ,vhom it is primarily meant. The interesting question of the dialect of the Boethius has not received more than a short notice, as it requires for its proper elucidation more room and time than I have been able to give. lVly best thanks are due to Professor York Po\vell for kind assistance in collating parts of the Bodleian MS., and much sound advice; to Professor A. S. Napier for supplying me with some valuable notes on several points; to Professor Eduard Sievers for.a communi- cation on the subject of dialect; to Ernst !{rälner of Bonn for the loan of his collation of the Cotton lYIetra ; to Frau Professor Schepss of Speyer for kindly sending me son1e notes by her late husband; to Sir Edward lVlaunde Thompson, and to Dr. Henry S\veet. Valu- able help \vas given in verifying the references in the Glossary by hvo ladies \vhose namcs I am asked not to mention. Finally, I heartily thank the Rev. Dr. W. W. Skeat, whose kindly criticism and encourage- ment have been invaluable to a junior \vorker in his own field, \\'ho esteems himself fortunate to belong to the University and College so long adorned by the Elrington and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon. CII RIST'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. .1\ TfJ'ZJember 5, 18 9 8 . . INTRODUCTION , , i. MSS. THE Old English version of Boethius' treatise De COllsolatione P hilosoplliae is preserved, as far as is kno\vn, in three MSS., one of which is but a small fragment, and in one paper transcript. 1. The Cotton MS. (C) Otho A. vi (Wanley, p. 217) in the British Museum, bound up \vith a Latin life of Ed\vard the Confessor, 'per A itredu 1JZ , Abb. R'ievallis,' contains a prose version of the Latin prose, and an alliterating version of the Latin carmina. It \vas injured in the fire ,yhich proved so disastrous to the Cotton library in 173 I, but the loose leaves \vere rather more than a century later collected and carefully mounted in an album. Wan ley thus describes this MS. as it ,vas before the fire: 'Codex 1Jze1Jzbr. Ùz octavo grand-iori, ex duobus sÙuul c01/pactis, cOlllectzt111 (sic), 'Ùl quo cOlltilletllr I lot. I Boeth'Ùts de COllsolatiolle Philosopltiae, Sa.xollice per .LElfredullt XlI INTRODUCTION Rege1ll versus. quo Vi'i/ellte, aut salte1Jt paulto post obit1l1H eilts, JUtllC codicel1z scriþtznJ'l credo.' i\ t the present time about three-quarters of the whole remain, mostly legible, though some leaves can only be properly read in a good light, and for a few even direct sunlight is necessary. The leaves vary in size from charred fragments a square inch or so in area to almost perfect specimens; but not one has quite escaped the action of fire or water. It seems that the latter element is responsible for most of the oblitera- tion, for parts n1erely charred are generally easy to read by a strong transmitted light. There are now J 29 leaves in C, the size of the most perfect being, on the average, about 7! by 4l inches. The first three leaves are missing, as well as one bet\veen fols. 79 b and 80 a, and t\vo between fols. 127 band 128 a. The usual number of lines to the page is 26 or 27, but occasionally 28; and about 7 words go to the line, The MS. is in one distinct and neat halld\vriting, · generally written \vith a fine pen. The \vriting varies considerably in size, perhaps in part owing to the unequal shrinking of the vellum under the influence of intense heat, as it is frequently small at the top of a page, and gro\vs larger towards the bottom. There is no formal division into chapters, but each of the Metra begins a fresh line, \vith a large space left for the initial capital, \vhich has, ho\vever, not been \vritten. Illumination is entirely absent. Paragraphs are generally marked by the use of sInall or medium capitals, but these, like the marks of punctuation, are pot always logically used. Words are not run together, but letters are frequently combined, especially certain groups with the letter e, \vhich has two fonns, the short MANUSCRIPTS xiii and the tall. A fe\v prefixes, especially ge- and be-, are often separated from the main \vord; and some common proclitics, such as lle, are merged in the follo\ving \vord, thus: lle1Jlæg. Contractions are on the \vhole infrequent. especially at the beginning of the book, though they increase in number to\vards the end. The principal ones are cwõ:=cwæð (once or twice cUlð), æfl:=æfter, and no\v and then þOllñ þ Ol111e. The letter 1JZ is not seldom replaced by a stroke over the preceding vowel, espe- cially in dative fornls. Punctuation, represented only by the dot or full stop, is fairly frequent in the prose. marking paragraphs rather than sentences; but is rarer in the verse, \vhich is externally in no way distinguished from prose. Of individual letters it may be noticed that y has a short tail curved to the left, and there is no dot above it; s is either r or r, the form S only occurring as a capital. As a final ð is used with few exceptions; medially and initially h probably predominates, except in pronominal forms, Accents are rare, and occur chiefly on the adverb a, the verbal prefix a-, and on god, good, ,vhich however is generally \vritten good. Sir Ed\vard Maunde Thompson believes C to have been written shortly after the middle of the tenth century, about 960-970 A. D. Dr. Henry Sweet, in his Anglo-Saxon Reader, ascribes it to the beginning of the tenth century, agreeing with Wanley, 'who sa\v it before it was injured, and referred it, as \\'e have seen, to King Alfred's lifetime, or the period irrlmediately followi ng his death. 2. The Bodleian MS. (B) (\Vanley, p. 64), formerly lettered on the back NE. C. 3. I I, now numbered IRa XIV INIRODUCTION (2079), contains 94 leaves of vellum. The 12 fragments of another work formerly bound up with this MS. \vere in 1884 taken out of the binding, and are now numbered Bod!. Add. D. 98. The vellum pages, which have been much pared in parts, measure about I I! by 7l inches, and the \vritten page fills a rectangle of about 9 by 6l inches. With few exceptions there are 24 lines of writing to the page, though as many as 27 lines have been frequently ruled, and about I I or 12 is the average nUlTI ber of \vords to the line. The gatherings are of five or six plies each, and are generally numbered for the binder, the numerals i, ii, iiii, v, vii being marked on fols. lob, I I a, 31 a, 41 a, 6Ia respec- tively. B is written and corrected in a bold English hand hardly earlier than the beginning of the twelfth century. The text has initials in red, blue, purple and green, at the beginning of chapters, and occasionally of sections, but these colours have not lasted as ,veIl as the ordinary ink, which is of a very legible dark brown. The writing gro\vs rougher, and the vellum worse to\vards the end of the book. The text-writer has occasionally left small initials in the margin as guides to the rubricator. The text is divided into forty-two chapters by Roman numerals \vritten after the last word of the preceding chapter on the same line, \vhile sections and paragraphs are marked by initial capitals of medium size. Punctuation, represented by the dot, is frequent, but not always logical. The mark of interrogation occurs once or twice, closely resembling the modern form (?). Accents are rare, except on one or two pages, where they have been sprinkled in profusion in an undecided manner, perhaps by a later J.}IA NUSCRIP TS xv hand. The chief contractions are a stroke over vowels denoting an omitted 1'1l, and the form þÕ1l for þ01ule, both being very common. A curly mark above the line represents -us in the ,vords PajÙlz"allUS and Aþol- li1llts (p. 66, L 30 and p. 116,1. I). TVæter (p. 80, 1. 18) is written wæt \vith a mark over the t denoting -er. The proper names Callcaseas (p. 43, 1. 9), Boetz"us (p. 58, 1. 29), and Orfeus (p. 101, 1. 25), are written with initial capitals. The original spelling is fairly \vell preserved in B for so late a MS., but a number of errors have crept in, letters and \vords being often omitted. In its text B agrees on the whole pretty closely \vith C, of which however it seems independent, and has moreover a table of contents at the beginning. A prayer is added at the end, written in a hand resembling that of the main text, of which it may have been an imitation 1. A close examination decides against the identity of the two hands, which ho,vever may belong to the same school of handwriting. This prayer seems hastily written \vith a hard pen. One example of the con- tinental g occurs. I t may be here noticed that the fragments (Bod!. MSS. Add. D. 98), formerly in the binding of MS. 180, are part of a folio double-column digest, apparently written in England in the beginning of the fourteenth century, with glosses. The writing on one of them in a sixteenth-century hand runs-' BoetÙts de C011solatz"õe phz"losoplliae translated into the Saxo1Zz"C tüg by KÙzg Aelfred.' 3. A fragment (N) of a third MS. \vas discovered ] This prayer is entered by Wanley in his Catalogue as a separate work distinct from B, under the heading Oratio ad Deum. XVI INTRODUCTION in 1886 by Professor A. S. Napier, of Oxford, \vhose transcript is printed \vith some words of introduction (in GenTIan) in the Zeitschrift fÜr deutsches Altert/uun, vol. xxxi. pp. 5'2-54 (vol. xix. part I, ne\v series, 1887). Professor Napier says-' The follo\ving frag- ment of the Alfredian translation of Boethius in a hand of the first half of the tenth century forms the last leaf of lVIS. Bodl. 86. This leaf, \vhich evidcntly has been used previously in the binding, \vas placed in its present position by the binder, and originally belonged to a small folio Boethius MS. The fragment formed the lower half of a leaf, and judging by the part missing between the t\VO sides each page must have contained about thirty-eight lines. The \vriting is in parts very indistinct, as the letters are frequently blurred; the parchment is also perforated here and there, so that some letters are . , q utte gone. Some years ago N \vas taken out and bound separately, ut it has since been temporarily mislaid, so that the present editor has not been able to see it. The words in Professor Napier's transcript, \vhich accurately represents the MS., are much run together, and no capitals are used. Contractions and accents are relatively frequent. The vowels a and 0, follo\ving h, 'In, and 1l, are in some cases formed by a looped prolongation of the last stroke of these consonants belo\v the line, a characteristic of the age of the fragment. The relations of the MSS. are conjecturally repre- sented in the following diagram, \\There A represents the archetype of B, C, and perhaps of N. and A 1 stands for the archetype of the Cotton Metra. PRESENT EDITION xvii A Suoo. S oo ...........'f""........ 895-900 , ......... ....../ Kentish ..,/ i......... Prose 895-93 0 1 . . ..........only. Allit. verse ..... //... 1 : = . ......... / only. ........ / 13 Kentish in- N W. Saxon. "c Kentish influence. 9601 fluence. 9301 Prose from A. I I 101 Prose Verse from AI' Prose only 1 only. 4. In the Bodleian library there is also a transcript (J un. 12) of B, made by Franciscus Junius, \vith his selection of the more notable C variants in the margin; also a good copy which he made of the Cotto Metra. As Junius made these excerpts and copy of C before the latter IVIS. was injured by fire, his readings are often our only authority for it. The whole of the transcript with the printed Latin text pasted in and occasional notes by Junius, are bound up in one large folio volume. Wanley (Catalogue, p. 80) states that among the MSS. presented to the chapter of Exeter Cathedral by Bishop Leofric in the eleventh century was an Old English version of the De COllso1atiolle, known as Boeties boc on ellglisc. Of its subsequent history we know nothing, unless perchance it \vas one of the MSS. just described. It is probable that such a popular work as the De C01zsolatiolle would have been frequently copied in its English dress during the tenth and eleventh centuries, so that it is somewhat surprising that only two perfect MSS. have reached modern times. ii. Present Edition. The present edition contains the three parts of the extant Old English version of the De COllsolatiolle, VIZ. : b X Vlll INTRODUCTION I. The prose version of the Latin prose original, common to Band C. 2. The prose version of the Latin Car1J1Ïlla, only found in B. 3. The alliterating metrical version of the Latin car1Jzz"na, only found in C. As regards (I), the text adopted is that of C. Where C is uninjured and legible, the chief variants of B are given in footnotes, but variations constantly recurring, such as B's llzz"hte for C's 1neahte, B's Óalll for C's ðæ1n, &c., are not reproduced. Where C is inj ured or at all illegible, the text of B is printed, and the C readings preserved by Junius are given in foot- notes marked J. If part of a word is visible in C the word is completed from B, or from J \vhere available; for this the footnotes should be consulted. All words in the text not in C, or illegible in C, are in italics; all parts now missing fron1 C are in square brackets, while ,vords and letters not in C from the first are in round brackets. Words and letters in italics, but" not in brackets, do occur in C but are not legible. In short, it may be assumed that all words ;in italics are fro1n B, unless otherwise stated in tIle footnotes. As regards (2) the text of B is printed, and these prose Metra are printed (in italics) just where they occur in B. For (3), the Metra are printed together after the prose, though they occupy in C the places filled by (2) in B. The text is that of C, supplemented (in italics) where deficient from the transcript of the C Metra made by Junius, and also referred to as J in the footnotes. The numbering of these Metra ,vas PRESENT EDITION XIX first made by Fox, and is here retained. Grein's arrangement of the lines is generally followed. C is in parts much injured \yith holes in the parch- ment, which is also creased to such an extent that it is often impossible to indicate in a printed text exactly what is missing and what illegible. In such cases the passage is enclosed in square brackets, and a note is added to the effect that part is gone, part illegible in C. Contractions are not expanded, but given as they occur. except in two or three instances noted above in the description of B. The wavy mark (-) over the t in æfl (= æfter) and one or t\VO other words is intended to stand for exactly the same sign as the straight mark printed in other cases, such as ÔÕll, ðã, &c., \vhich in the MSS. is generally straight but occasionally somewhat wavy. The letters of the MSS. are not specially reproduced as to form, except that õ and Þ are given as they occur in B, C, and J. The abbreviation 7 (== and) is after a fuB stop printed as a capital, but does not occur as such in the MSS. When a bracket bisects the digraph æ the latter is written ae. Accents are marked where they occur in the MSS. The particles corresponding to the German separable particles, and used in Old English either as adverbs or prepositions, such as fra1n, of, OJl, &c., are generally treated as prepositions when following their cases, if there is a regimen; and as adverbs, where there is no regimen. In either case they are printed separately. Occasionally, however, they form true compounds with verbs, and are then printed as such both in the text and the glossary. Emendations and conjectures, \vhich occur chiefly b 2 xx INTRODUCTION in the text of B, are mostly self-evident corrections of errors made by the scribe in copying. Many of these had already been made by Junius, and reproduced by later editors. In this edition only the more important emendations and conjectures suggested by Junius, and Grein (in the verse), and one by Professor Napier, are specially acknowledged. In addition to these, however, a considerable number have been made by the present editor, where they seemed necessary to an intelligible text. All e11zenda/ions al/d conjectures are 1Jlarked as such Í1/' the footnotes. The division of the prose text into sections was first made by Junius, who also supplied the references to the Latin original. A few corrections and alterations have been made in the former, and the latter have been carefully verified from Peiper's text (Leipzig 1871, Teubner). Where the beginning of a section does not coincide \vith a Latin section, the corresponding page and line in Peiper are given in a footnote. For the punctuation of the text the editor is responsible. That of the prose part is modernized for the first time, for convenience in reading. In the Metra, Grein's punctuation is followed on the whole but with numerous exceptions. In Old English writings it is not always easy to clearly mark by punctuation the correlation of words and sentences, and the MSS. are frequently unsatisfactory and even misleading in this respect. The fragment N is printed from Professor Napier's text as an appendix on pp. 205-206, but with modern punctuation and words separated; contractions are left unexpanded except in the case of the looped h, 1n, and n, \vhere the vowels are printed in italics (,v. supra). The Glossary is intended to give every word occur- BIBLiOGRAPHY XXI ring in the text, and every instance, except of constantly recurring words. In these cases the first instance of the word's occurrence is given from the prose, and generally from the verse, and an C. added. As the Glossary aims at being phonological rather than syn- tactical or lexicographical, a full record of forms is given, rather than of shades of meaning, though these latter have not been neglected. The prepositions indeed have been treated with some fullness, in vie\\' of their high syntactical importance and the interesting light they thro\v on the \vays of thought of the early users of our language. It should be remembered that as the B text is here not printed in full, tIle Glossa1')' is Ùzc017zplete as a register of B for1lzs. iii. Bibliography. I. Previous Editions. (a) By Christopher Rawlin- son, Oxford 1 1698, containing the \vhole text of B, the C variants, and the Cotton Metra; printed, with no additions (except a Latin preface and a nU111ber of quotations from early writers concerning King Alfred's authorship of the Old English Boethilts), directly from the transcript by Junius above described. There is a full-page engraved portrait of Junius facing the title-page, after the picture by Van Dyck. The il1zprimatur of John Meare, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, is dated April 2, 1698. There are further a small copper engraving representing Boethius in his dungeon, with a female figure at his side, crowned with a halo and pointing upwards, and also a portrait of King Alfred, with the legend Al- uredus R. ex Lapide in ColI. Aenei Nasi. (b) By J. S. Cardale, London, 1829. The B text is . xxn INTRODUCTION given, embodying emendations and conjectures, \vith English translation and explanatory notes, and a speci- nlen of the Cotton Metra. (c) King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of the Metra of Boethius, \vith an English prose translation and explanatory notes, by the Rev. Samuel Fox, M.A., of Pembroke College, Oxford. William Pickering, London, 1835. (d) Complete edition by the Rev. Samuel Fox, Bohn, London, 1864. The text of the prose is that of B, apparently copied from Ra\vlinson's edition \vithout collation vith B itself. Up to Chapter xxix, only the readings from C excerpted by Junius and printed in Rawlinson's edition are given in footnotes; afterwards these I atter are supplemented by some n10re variants taken directly from C. A literal English translation faces each page of the original. The Metra of C are collected at the end of the book, apparently copied from the Junius transcript, or from Ra\vlin on, without fresh collation Tith C. An English rhymed translation of the Metra, by Martin F. Tupper, is printed side by side with the text; there are some explanatory notes and a word-list at the end. (e) The Cotton Metra are printed \vith critical notes and emendations in C. W. 1\1. Grein's Bibliothek der allgelsächsischell Poesie. Hickes in his Thesaurus had printed some extracts from these Metra, using Ra\vlinson's edition. Extracts from the prose and verse parts of the Old English Boethius are given in various Readers and Analecta, a list of which will be found in \Vülker's G YUl1driss zltr Geschichte der allgelsächsischell L ite- ratltr. Professor Bright in his Anglo-Saxon Reader BIBLIOGRAPHY XXlll has printed portions of the prose, embodying a fresh collation of C; in the other Readers the text of the editions is followed. A facsimile of a page of Cotto MS. Otho A 6 is given in the Jubilee edition of the TYorks of King A lfred the Great, p. 515. 2. Translations. In addition to the translations given in the editions of Cardale and Fox, the latter's version of the Old English prose and Tupper's rhyming paraphrase of the verse are printed in the Jubilee edition of the Whole T170rks of Ki1lg Alfred the Great. Tupper also published his version sepa- rately in 1850. A good deal of Alfred's Boethius is translated in Sharon Turner's History of the A1Zglo- Saxo1ls (vol. ii. ch. ii, seventh edition, 1852), accom- panying a full analysis of the \york and a commentary, \vith a literal translation of the corresponding passages in the original Latin added in the footnotes. In his Proeve eeller geschiedellis der dichtkzt1lSt ell fraajelettere1l 01lderde A1lgel-Sakse1l(Amsterdam, 1842) J. P. Arcnd has some notes on Alfred's Boethius, followed by a Dutch translation of some passages (pp. 130-180). A part of the fable of Qrpheus and Eurydice is translated into French in H. Taine's Histoire de la littlrature anglaise (vol. i. pp. 59- 6 3, eighth edition, 1892); and Grein gives an alliterating German version in his Dichtlt1lge1l der A1lgelsachse1l. 3. Literature. The question of the authorship of the Cotton Metra has been fully discussed by A. Leicht in Anglia, vi. 126-170; by M. Hartmann in A1lglia, v. 411-450; and by O. Zinlmermann in a dissertation published at Greifswald in 1882. Wülker in his Grzt1zdriss gives a précis of the researches and argu- XXIV INTRODUCTION ments of these \vriters, and his own summing up. Leicht also wrote an article in Anglia, vii. 178-202, supplementing his first one, and containing notes on the MSS. (as represented in Fox's edition) and their phonology, and a comparison of the Old English version with the original Latin. In BoethÙts, all Essay, by H. F. Stewart (pp. 170-178), there is an interesting appreciation of Alfred's translation. In a very suggestive article in the Archiv fÜr das Studitt1Jl der neueren SpraClle1l 94 (2 and 3), pp. 149- 160, the late Dr. Georg Schepss showed that many illustrations and amplifications found in the Old English version of the De C01Zsolatiolle and hitherto credited to King Alfred, especially those of a marked Christian tendency, are undoubtedly derived from Old Latin commentaries, belonging to two types, now represented by (1) a complete separate commentary bound up with the Boethius MS. written by Froumund in the tenth century and now belonging to the Öttingen- Wallerstein library at Maihingen; and (2) the marginal Scholia of the Munich MS. no. 19452, written in the tenth or the eleventh century. J. W. Tupper, in a dissertation published in Balti- more, U.S.A., in 1897, investigates the tropes and figures in the prose of the Boethius. In Modern Languag"e Notes for 1894 (no. 6), pp. 321-342, there is an article on the close connexion between the Alfredian Boethius and the Alfredian Soliloquies or 'Blooms.' Max Rieger gives an analysis of the metre of the Cotto verses in his Die alt- ltnd a1Zgelsächsische Vers- kunst (Halle, 1876), first published as an article in Zacher's Zeitscllrift lilr deutsche Philologie. RELA TION TO LA TIN ORIGINAL xxv A Latin MS. of the De COllsolati01le with Old English glosses (Corp. 214, Camb.) is described by Professor W. W. Skeat in the A1Jzerican Journal of Philology, v. (4) p. 488; but, as Dr. Skeat remarks, these glosses are in no ,yay connected with Alfred's Boethius. In pjchard \Vülker's Grlt11driss zur Geschichte der allgcisächsischen Literatur will be found further in- formation about the literature of the BoethÙts. iv. Relati011 to Latin Original. The following analysis by chapters and sections will serve to sho\v the degree of correspondence bet\veen the Old English version and its Latin original, as represented in R. Peiper's text. It may be premised that the words 'close' or 'literal' have a looser sense than usual, as here applied to our version. Even in his most faithful translation, that of the Cura Pastoralis, King Alfred is by no means \vhat would in these days be called literal; while in his BoethÙts it is the exception to find a passage of even a few lines rendered ,vord for word. ABBREVIA TIONS. ab. = abridged. add. = addition(s), added. ell. = chapter. ct. = close, literal. ex. = expanded, expansion. f = free. I. = line, lines. L. = the Latin original. 1lL. = not in the Latin original. þs. = passage(s). r. == rather, fairly. 1-ef. = refers, referring. st. = sentence. Irs. = transposed. v. = very, greatly. VV. = very greatly. i nL. ii r. c/. iii==i, ii, iii, iv of L, Irs. and vv. ab. Ch. iv of L. om. lIIefr. iii and iv om. iv r. c/. In V I 'ðære XXVI INTRODUCTION heofoncundan Ierusalem nL. 2 r. cl., but sÙJlpler than L. v, vi r. cl. vii I, 2 r.f. iJIetr. ii I om. 3 v. f. and ex. espeClally at end. After smyltra yõa (p. 17 1. 26) is om. nunc procellis ae fluetibus inhorreseere. Afler the allusion to Croesus and Cyrus, a ref.!o Paulus and the Perszan KÙlg Ù om. 5 nL. viii vv.f. ix gzves the sense. x Beginning and end ex. The ps. rif. to SJmll71achus and the 'lvife and sons of Boethzus is cl. xi gz'ves sense, but zS loose and full. The last words, f wæron ealle þa halgan martiras, are nL. xii Ù 1!lore detailed than L. The applicalzon of the moral zS llL; no lllelllzon ill L. oj' Christ and God. xiii r. cl. on the u'hole. xiv Firs! part r. d., the latter half of I (p. 3 0 I. 3 to end) is v. ex. In 3 the passage Gif ðu nu wære wegferend etc. (p. 33 I. 8)= Tu igitur qui nunc eontum gladiulnque sollieitus pertimescis, si uitae huius callem uacuus uiator intrasses, coram latrone eantares. xv r. d. The words ac nu . . . forbaernõ (p. 34 1. 7-10)= Sed saeuior ignibus Aetnae Feruens amor ardet habendi. xvi vv. ex. The ref. in I to TheodorÙ: is nL. The explallalzoll se is on Sicilia õæm ealonde . . . wæs (p. 34 I. 28-30) Ù 'ilL. Tarquzlz (1. 31) is not naJlled zlZ L. In 2 the allusions !o gnats and the flea are nL. (p. 36 I. 8 and I I ). The Lalz1z words liberum quemdam are mistranslated romaniscun1 æõe1inge, se wæs haten Liberius (p. 36 I. 17). The St01Y of Busiris (I. 29 et seq.) rests on Busiridem accipimus necare hospites solitum ab Hercule hospite fuisse n1actatum. That if Regulus==. Regulus plures Poenorum bello captos in uincla coniecerat, sed mox ipse uictorun1 catenis n1anus praebuit. The dl.vÙz'OJl be/ween Books i a11d ii Ù wrrmg (p. 38 I. 6). 3 is vv. ex. ' the latter half (p. 38 I. 14 to e1ld) zS ex. from 13 I. 0/ L. 4 zS more detazled than L., whLTe there is 1l{} mentzon of the heavenly power. xvii zS llL. e 'l"Ct'pt the first 5 lines. xviii In I the words (p. 41 I. 23) on õære bee õe Astralogium hatte==.astrologicis den10nstra- tionibus, and se towrat . . . anre bee (I. 27) is nL. The rest RELA TION TO LA TIN ORIGINAL XXVll of thz's z"s r. cl.. as also are the remazizzlzg of the ch. except the zoords V ge næfre . . . manega 'ðioda (p. 4 2 I. 25), the rfj". to the ScythÙlns (p. 43 I. 10), the blame cast Oll careless -hz"storÙlns (p. 44 I. 1-8) and the concludIng sentence if 3, none of whÙ:h are z1Z L. xix r. cl. ' The bones of \Veland' z"s suggested by ossa Fabricii. The error oõre naman Cassius (p. 46 I. 22) should be noted. Cato z11 L, z"s rigidus Cato. xx r. cl, ' frontenl zS nllstaken for fontem (p. 47 I. 9)' The words Ac seo orsorhnes . . . windes pyf = il1am uideas uentosam fluentem suique semper ignaram. xxi Z'. ex. God = caelo imperitans amor. xxii ex. Last st. I = talia . sunt quippe quae restant, ut degustata quidem mordeant, interius autem recepta dulcescant. xxiii r. cl. xxiv I z"s f. after the first j"elfJ I. ' God (p. 52 I. 20) = bonum. The last st. aúout the brooks and the sea z"s nL. 2 z"s r. cl. 3 has add. of slight importance ' the words buton õæs getreowan freondes . . . cræftas (p. 54 I. 15-22) are llL. The latter part of 4, wenst õu etc. (p. 55 I. 3 I), is f. and ex. The ps. 011 p. 55 I. 28-31 zS nL. xxv r. d., except the last part, seo ræst etc. (p. 57 I. 3 I to end), whÙ:h z"s nL. englum (I. 8) zS also nL. xxvi 1 r. cl.) but Þ is God (p. 58 I. 8) z"s llL. 2 r. cl. except last part (p. 60 I. 15 to nul). 3 r. cl., úut the zt'ords 7 õeah he erige his land mid õusend sula = oneret bacis colla rubri litoris. xxvii 1 r. ev'\, . The ps. about Catulus (p. 6 I I. 16 to end) = unde Catullus licet in curuli N onium sedentem strumam tamen appellat. (One Latin i11S. has here Catulus.) 2 has add. The words õæs unrihtwisan cyninges Ðiodrices == Decorato. The p.r. on p. 62 I. 24-31 z"s nL. In 3 the last part (p. 63 I. 27 to end) z"s nL. 4.f I-Iit wæs gio . . . ænig is (p. 64 I. 11-16) = atqui praefectura magna olim potestas nunc inane nomen et senatorii census grauis sarcina: si quis populi quondam curasset annonam, magnus habebatur, nunc ea praefectura quid abiectius? xxviii f. but 110t ex. xxix The first 15 I. of I are an ex. of 4 z1Z L. The sent. forõam xxviii INTRODUCTION c\Væõ gio etc. (p. 65 I. 27) = expertus sortis suae periculorum tyrannus regni metus pendentis supra uerticem gladii terrore simulauit. The last part, btgznnÙzg Ac ic \Vat (p. 66 I. 4 10 end), zS v. ex. In 2 the alluszon to Seneca Ùz L. zS Sl1nP(y Nero Senecam familiarem praeceptoremque suum ad eligendae mortis coegit arbitrium (if. p. 66 I. 23-29); and the sent. relating to Papinianus == Papinianum diu inter aulicos poten- tem rniliturn gladiis Antonius obiecit. The rest of the is ex. 3 r. cl., but the Ultima Thyle of L. is ex. (p. 67 I. 32 etc.). xxx In I sum sceop . . . nane eart = tragicus excIamat 1' 't. <;,.'t. ' ' ß - . , - .,.f , CJ> UOçU UOçU P.VPWHJL Uf} pOTCJ>V O\IUEV 'ì'f'ì'wow OYKOV WYKCJ>UUS- p.Eyar J . (The Latzn lI:fSS. vary here.) The ps. ealle men . . . meder (p. 68 I. 30) == uidetur namque esse nobilitas quaedam de meritis ueniens laus parentum. The rest if the is r. ex. In 2 forõam hi ealle comon of anum fæder 7 of anre meder (p. 69 I. 18) is r..f., and tIle 'word God is nL. xxxi The chiif add. in I are, 7 hu micele . . . 'ðurhteah (p. 70 /. 10-13), Gif nu hwa cwiõ . . . wrænnesse (I. 14-18), and for'Oæmõe manig wif . . . dæd wæs (I. 21-27). 2 r. cl. xxxii I mostly r. cl. ' but the last part, 7 'ðeah 'ðu etc. (p. 7 2 I. 8 10 end of Ð zS add. In 2 swa swa Aristotelis . . . lox (p. 73 I. 1-3) == Quod si, ut Aristoteles ait, 1 ynceis oculis homines uterentur. 3 r. c/. ' se weg is God (p. 73 I. 24) is nL. xxxiii I is r. c/. 2 and 3 f. and v. ex. 4 f 5 vv. e '\,'. from 28 I. Ùz L. xxxiv The first half of I is f, and last part ex. swa swa sum micel æ\Velm . . . riõa of (p. 82 I. 27) = quidam omniutn fons bonorum. 2 r. d. The nzÙldle part of 3 (p. 84 I. 18-p. 85 I. 2) Ù 1zL. except the st. ac we sculon . . . betst. * 4 r. d. except that the last few /z"lles (p. 85 I. 22 to end) == ueluti geometrae solent demonstratis propositis aliquid inferre quae porismata ipsi uocant. The mzddle part of 5, se is stemn . . . âfæred (p. 86 I. 2-10) zS nL. 6 v. ex. The chzif add. are, swa swa of 'ðære sæ . . . eft to sæ (p. 86 I. 18-22), swa swa nu saul... cræftas (p. 86 /. 29--P. 87 /, 9). 7 r. c/. 8 f. RELA TION TO LA TIN ORIGINAL XXIX Jne alluszons ziz L. to Tagus, llernzus, and Indus are not rendered. 9f. 10 r. cl. Hwa mæg . . . anwald (p. 9 2 I. 7-10) Ú nL. In I I the ps. gif 'ðu õonne . . . ær wæs (p. 92 I. 25), and 'ðu meaht witan . . . asyndred (p. 9 2 I. 32- p. 93 I. 6) are nL. In 12 there are consÙlerable but unimportant add. xxxv 1 gives the sense fazrlY. 2 f. but not v. ex. The last sent. õone god etc. (p. 96 I. 22) = Hoc quidquid est quo condita manent atque abitantur usitato cunctis uocabulo deum nomino. In 3 the last part, N u ic 'ðe andette etc. (p. 97 I. 13 to end) is llL. In 4 the first half is r. cl., except the alluszon to õa wiõerweardan englas (p. 9 8 I. 13), whÙ:h z's nL. But the lalter ha if, begz'nnÙlg Hwæt, ic wæt . . . (p. 98 I. 26 to elld) is an ex. of Accepisti, inquit, in fabulis lacessentes caelum gigantas: sed iUas quoque, uti condignum fuit, benigna fortitudo òeposuit. 5. r. cl. In 6 the quotallon from Parmenz'des is 7fá liTO Bf V fVKVKÀÛV ucþaí.P'7r ÈvaÀíYKLOV ðYKC;J (if. p. 101 I. 3 et seq.), In 7 the story of Orpheus has numerous add. explanatzons, the chz"if if whzch are: Sio wæs on Creca rice . . . Orfeus (p. 101 I. 24); Sio... Eurudice (I. 26); 7 'ða tanas . . . swege (I. 27); Ða sædan hi . . . dæges 7 nihtes (p. 102 I. 1-5); Ða õohte he . . . swi'ðe oreald (I. 10-(8). These last 2 ps. = Infernas adiit donlos, and stupet tergeminus ianitor. j\/ext follow õe folci ce men hataõ Parcas (I. 22) ; Ða hi secgað . . . wyrde (I. 24); Ða eode he . . . õe he bæd (I. 26-29); wæs to gebunden . . . scylde (I. 30); 'ðe hine ær . . . hearpode (p. 103 I. 1-4); Ða eo de . . . 'ðæs wifes (I. 11-13). xxxvi 1-5 r. cl. In 3 the words õe we hata'ð Saturnus . . . tungol are nL. (p. 105 I. 12-14). In 6 hwæt, õa cild . . . ealdum monnum zS nL. (p. 108 I. 8-12); also p is God. . . to lufianne (I. 19-2 I), and 'Þ ilce . . . Gode (I. 24) are nL. 7 ex. 8 v. f. Swa swa ælces .. . hrof ge fiar (p. 1 10 I. 22-25) z's nL. xxxvii v. f. and ex. 2 r. j". The ps. Nis p eac . . . gebyreð (p. 112 1.20-27) zS an ex. of uti currendi (al. currenti) in xxx INTRODUCTION stadio propter qUaIn curritur iacet praen1iuln corona. 3 r. cl. Swa swa an lTIOn . . . ær wæs (p. 114 I. 4-9) Ù llL. 4 r. cl. The ps. 'ð'e symle . . . 'ðæron (p. 115 I. 6-10) zS nL. xxxviii I IS much more detailed than L. The first part, as far as the mentioll of Circe (to p. 116 I. 2) zS in L. , Ve]a neritii ducis Et uagas pelago rates Eurus appulit insulae. 2.f. ; swa swa great beam. . . swiõe earme (p. I 17 I. 29-3 I) zS llL. The first part of 3 zS r. cl. (to p. 119 I. 9); the rest is ex. 4 ex. 5 .f.; unhale eagan (p. 121 I. 9) = oculos tenebris assuetos, and ne mag-on. . . willan (I. 9-13) is nL. ; also for'ðæm hi ne 1 yst . . . lichoman (I. 19-29) zS nL. The last part zS 'll. ex. 6 r. cl. 7 110t e 1,'., but.f. Ùz þarts. xxxix 1 r. cl. but the st. lufie . . . Inæg (p. 124 I. 16) is llL. 2 r. cl. Se ælmehtega God (p. 125 I. 14) = deus rector. 3 ex. 17z the astrOllomÙ;al part at the bcgÙzllÙzg ' Saturn is 110t me1ltz"oued zn L. In 4 the ps. ða race . . . fyre (p. 12 7 I. 4-14) Ù an e \;. of talis nan1que n1ateria est, ut una dubitatione succisa innumerabiles aliae ue]ut hydrae capita succrescant. The ps. Forðæm hit . . . langan speU (p. 127 I. 26-29) zS nL. The last part of 5 zS f. ' deus does not occur Ùz L. .but on(y diuina ratio alld diuinae mentis. 6 r. c/. 7 v. ex. from about 10 I. z1Z L. In 8 the ps. SU111e u'ðwiotan . . . heora scylda (p. 131 I. 8-15) wz"th the alluszoll to cristene men is nL. 9 r. cl. 10 j". ' a quotaNon from Lucall Ù om. Se godcunda . . . eagan (p. 133 I. I 1-13) = clv8pò 8 iEpOÛ 8ip.a alBÉpf c!!Ko8óp.7jUall. I I r. cl. Ac hwæt . . . goodan willan (p. 134 I. 9-13) llL. ' also se-gooda læce t is God (I. 16) zS llL. 12 f. A quo/alion from the Ilt"ad (zit Greek) is om. 13 r. cl. / o'ð don1es dæg (p. 136 I. 8) Ù llL. xl I r. ex. 2 r. cl. 3 f. III 4 near(y all L. om. ' here there are a ?lumber of 71l)lthologzcal alluszons Ùz L. 5 r. cl. / last part cOlldènsed. The last part of 6 condensed. Lib. v carm. 10m. In 7 englas (p. 140 I. 28) = supernis diuinisque substantiis, and the further re.f. (I. 3 I) Ù nL. An ælmihtig God (p. 141 I. 7) = ille ab aeterno RELATION TO LATIN ORIGINAL XXXI cuncta prospiciens. xli III 1 se gooda sceop .. selest (p. 141 I. 11-13) zS llL., otherwzSe the zS r. cl. 2 condensed and feebler than L. Lzö. v carm. 3 and 4 are om. 3 v.f. The account of CÛ:ero (p. 143 I. 5) and'iuhat jòllows (to I. 15) zS nL. There Ù no ref. to God in L. rhe sÙJlile of the steersman at the end Ù nL. 4 give the sense. Sio gesihð (p. 145 I. 24) = ratio or intelligentiae celsior oculus. In 5 onlY the first 5 I. correspond to L. The rest Ù llL. Lzö. v carJJl. 4 and 5 om. 6 gives the bare sense. xlii Here the L. zS lazd asz'de, except Ùz God ece is (p. 147 I. 19), and H wæt is ecnes (I. 22); all the rest to the end of the book zS nL. It may here be convenient to supply some notable instances of the use, in the Old English version, of early Latin commentaries. They are taken from the article by Dr. Schepss, mentioned above. The mention of 'the heavenly Jerusalem' (p. ] I, L 17), \vhich is not in the Latin text, is taken from the commentary, \vhich runs: (hoc) ta1Jt ad ROllzae eivitate1Jl quallt ad eeelesia1Jl sell ad eaelcste1Jt Hie1"'u- sale1JZ 1/cfcrripotest (Lib. i. prosa 5, Peiper, p. 19, 1. 14). The allusion to 'the holy martyrs' (p. 26, 1. 21) comes from the Froumund MS. commentaries (F), \\Thich have hie sanetos 1Jlartires vult Ùttellegi, qui, lit beatitudille1Jl perell11Cl1l aeeipere1lt, diversa potius tor- 1Jlenta qua1n si111plieem 11torte'Jll desiderabant (Lib. ii. prosa 4, P. 35. 9 1 ). The \vords perellllz's sedes and hU1Jlili saxo (Lib. ii. metro 4, 1. I and 1. IS) are in the Munich commentary MS. (M), explained in a Christian sense, and Ùt deo is written over saxo. F has saxo id est Ùz Christo. The Old English has Crist (p. 27, 1. 7). In the account of Nero's crimes (Lib. ii. metro 6, XXXll INTRODUCTION P. 43, v. Iff.) F and lYI explain urbe fla1Jl1llata with the remark that Nero set Rome on fire, volens vz'dere quantu11t flterit ÙzcelldÙan T roiae. The Old English has æfter ðære biselle ðe gio Trogia burg barn. HÙze lyste eac geseort hu seo burne, hu la1tge, 7 hu leohte be ðære oðerre (p. 39, 1. 20). The passage on the elements and seasons (p. 49, I. 5 et seq.) does not occur in Boethius, but F and M give expìanatory notes to which the Old English version closely corresponds. In Lib. iii. met. 9 (Peiper 70, v. I et seq.) the ,vord 111t1neris is annotated at some length, and here too the Old English version closely follows the commentary (p. 80, I. 5 et scq.). In the commentary to the same poem (v. 13 et seq.), we find a note explaining that by the \vords trzplicis 1nedial1l naturae anil1Za1Jl we are to understand allÍ1'na rationabilis, together with allÙlla Ù-ascibilis and allÍ1na c01zCltpz'scibilz"s. The Old English runs (p. 81, I. 17-19) An ðara gecynda is fl heo bið willlige1zd.e, oðer p hio bið irs ien de, ðridde p /ÚO bið gesceadzvis. At the end of this poem the commentaries add the vvords per que1n (per)vellialJllts ad te; the Old English has ðe ealle llzell to fundiað. To the words of Boethius (Lib. iii. prosa 12, P. 83. 52) nihil est quod 1taturallt serllans deo cOlltraire conetur, Alfred adds butoll dysig 1noJZ, oððe eft ða wiðcrweardan e1zg1as (p. 98, 1. 12, 13). This seems to be taken from the commentary, ,vhich, in speaking of the devil, mentions that he was good Ùz sui 1la/llra but that he voluntate deo resistit. In Lib. iii. prosa 12 (P. 84. 65) occur the words lacesselltes cae/u1Jz gigantas. In M. we find loquitur RELATION TO LATIN ORIGINAL xxxiii SCCtllldUlIZ ftdeut gelltilÙtl1Z vel veri/a/enz tallgit, quando divisio linguaru11l facta cst. This biblical allusion is not lost on I(ing Alfred (p. 99, 1. 6). In Lib. iv. prosa 1 (P. 89. 33) M. annotates dOlllU11l thus: ad apicclIt prislÙlae 'Ùztclli'g-elltiae lIzelltisque sccrctulIz SCll ad paradJ 1 SUlIl, ubi d01JUtS est 1laturalz"s. The Old English version has (p. 10-+, 1. 27) to cære heof01llican byrig ðe ðu ær of conle. The gelz"di sOlis of Boethius in Lib. iv. metro 1 (P. 9 0 . II) is explained as SaturllllS in the commen- taries. In Lib. iv. metr.5 (P. V. 1-3 ff.) Arcturi . . . Bootes, the commentaries explain Bootes stella est Ùz te/Jlone pïaltstri quae gracce arctoftlax 'vocatur, id est, custos plallstri . . . sidera quanto vicÍ1zi01'a SU1lt cardÙÛ, tanto tardiores habcllt occaslts et celeri01 es ortJ.!s, qllonialll diu vide1ltllr, .par'llullZ autcut occulta1ltur. U1lde Bootes quia þrÙllus (proxil1luS.?) cst cardÙzi, par'llo te111porr occultatllr, ergo sClllper tardius ad OCCaS1I11l qualll ad ortlt1Jl vellit. . . Rurstts, quanto 101lgius fltcrillt sidera a cardi1le, celcrius occidzt1zt ct tardius orÙt1ltllY. Com- pare v:ith this the Old English (p. 126, 1. 1 ff.). The elaborate simile of the \\Theel contained in Chapter xxxix. 7 of the Old English version (p. 12 9, 1. 19) seems also to owe something to the \vords of the commentary. Finally, the simile of the egg (Metr. xx. 169), which has generally been ascribed to King Alfred, is to be found indicated in the marginal scholia of the Frou- mund Codex in the words CaelU11l et tcrra11t 11zareque Ùz 11l0dU111 o'i)i figurari. Dr. Schepss further sho\vs that Alfred might have avoided certain errors if he had been able to make c XXXIV INTRODUCTION consistent use of the commentaries above described. Thus Alfred speaks of SU71lU1Jl r011la1lisclt1JZ æðelÙzge, se wæs haten Libcr-Ùts (p. 36, l. 17), \vhere the Latin text has liber qzddallz / but the commentaries refer the allusion to Anaxagoras, Zeno, or Anaxarchus. Alfred's error se wisa Catulus for Catullus (p. 6 I, 1. 17) may have been due to a faulty reading in his MS., or perhaps to the mention of Catulus in Orosius, but the commentary 1\1 has a note llobilis et vero1Zellsis poeta. The identification of Brutus with Cassius (p. 4 6 , I. 22) seems to sho\v carelessness or ignorance on Alfred's part, but at the san1e time he avoids some blunders \vhich \ve find in the commentaries. For example, he does not regard Alcibiades as n01ne1l '1Jlulieris fa1JlOSae pulchritudillis, as is gravely set forth in the commentary F. The curious mistake which makes Ulysses a prince of Rhaetia (p. 115, 1. 16 and lVletr. xxvi. 8) is due to the reading velalli relii for vela lleritii. Alfred seems to have left unused a mass of material contained in the commentaries regarding matters metrical, grammatical, and etymological, but eagerly availed himself of any hints and information he could get on Biblical, mythological,. and historical questions, and all that related to what \ve now call natural science. Dr. Schepss has undoubtedly made out a strong case, and has indicated a ne\v field of inquiry \vhich may lead to still further interesting discoveries of the same nature, as he has only (i alt \vith the more notable of the explanations and expansions of the Latin text \vhich have been generally ascribed to King Alfred. In this connexion William of Malmes- bury's statement that Asser SellSUtll It"bro1'zt1n Boettï DIALECT OF TEXT xxxv de cOllsolatiolle pla1lioribus verbis ellodavit is of interest, as it almost looks as if Asser \vere the author of the above-mentioned commentaries F and M; but, as Dr. Schepss points out, it is safer to believe that in the written and oral explanations ,vhich he gave the king, Asser made use of commentaries already in existence. v. Dialect of text. The follo.wing short note kindly communicated to the Editor by Professor Eduard Sievers ,viII be of interest. ' The dialect question (of the O. E. Boethius) is rather puzzling. The BodI. MS. contains a good many Kenticisms, and so does Cotto The latter is evidently copied from an Early W. Saxon source, but the scribe has introduced Kentish forms here and there, especially his IZentish e for E. W. S. ie, and, \vhat is perhaps of greater weight, Kentish io for E. .W. S. (or O. E.) eo, as in sWlor, ðïo f,o also weoruld for \\T. S. woruld (on the latter see Beitr. xxii. 255). It is only the eo ,vhich represents W. Germ. eu or e that is replaced by Kent. io, not the 20 which stands for W. Germ. iu or i, and ,vritten io in E. W. S. too, as far as it exists. Then the Metra are so full of IZentish forms that I cannot but believe that they \vere done in Kent, and probably the versifier worked fro111 a Kentish copy of the prose text. I have a short note on this question in Beitr. x. 197, but \vithout amounting to proof I consider the following observa- tion rather convincing. The prose text (p. 136, I. 23) reads thus: pa1l01Z he welt ðal1z gewealdleðeru111 ealle gesceaftu. The versifier makes ðal1z gewealdleðerulJl (Metr. xxix. 76) a regular half line; consequently he C 2 xxxvi INTRODUCTION had to alter the \vords immediately preceding, and I believe he did it this way: j. j. waldeð I ðallon he 'lpç{f ða1n ge'lvealdle'Jerul1z. Then he, or some scribe, copied out \vhat he found before him, but his eye \vas caught by the 'lp{'{f, and so he \vrote \vhat \ve find in the Metra: he ð01la1Z 'lvaldeð 1 ðal1Z ge'lveltleðrullz. So the Kentish welt evi- dently \vas in the (original) prose text from which the man worked.' There are numerous other Kenticisms in the text of both Band C, and this question of dialect is one that calls for detailed investigation, as it may thro\v light on the source of these two MSS. An examination of the Cotto Metra from this point of vie\v would probably lead to results regarding their author- ship of greater value than those hitherto obtained by other methods (v. infra). The fragment N, \vhich is older than the other two M SS., is West Saxon, \vith no important admixture of l{entish or other dialect. .vi. Authorship and date of the I,Vork. That King Alfred translated into English the De COllsolatiolle of Boethius is testified by several early writers of varying authority. Æthelweard in his Chronicle (Lib. iv. cap. 3 ad 901 A. D.) has this passage: DivÙlis quippe super 011111ia doeul1zentis il1Z- butus, lla11Z ex Latino rhetorieo fas1Jzate iu propria111 verterat lÙlguallZ VOlul1zÙza, lZU1JlerO iglloto, z"ta varie, ita praeopi1Jze, ut lZ011 talltu1n expertioribus sed et audielltibus liber (libru11l ?) Boetii lachrYl1losuS quodaln- 11l0do suseitaretur 11l0tUS. \Villiam of Malmesbury says (De Gestis Regu11l 1 Cotto MS. has he ðOlle aJZ'Zvald deð. Ed. AUTHORSHIP AND DATE OF THE IVORK XXXVIl AJlgliae, Lib. ii. cap. 4, 122), Hic (i. e. Asser) SC11SU1Jl librorU1Jl Boetii dc COJlsolatioJlc Ph ilosophiac plallioribus 'ZIcrbis cllodavit, quos -ipse rex i1l allglicalll IÙlgua1JZ COJl- '(lcl'Iit,. and a little further on he again speaks of Alfred's translation ofthe\vork. In his GestaPOlltzfiC1tl1ZA llg1iac, ii. 248 (page 177 of Hamilton's edition), occurs this pas- sage, Asserus. . .1/01/ usquequaque cOl1telltpllelldae scicll- tiae fuit, qui librulJl Boetii de COl1solatiolle philosopll'iae plaJlioribus clucidavil,labore illis diebus 11ecessario, 1l0S- Iris ridiculo. Scd cl1Ùn Ù/ss1l1 ø egis factulJl est, ut le'ZIÙts ab eod{,1Jl ill a11l:liclt7JZ tra71sferretur scrl110l1elJl. Robert Plot in his Hist01,ia N aluralis C01l1itallis OX07/. (cap. x, 118) remarks that there seems to have forn1erly existed at 'Voodstock (Wudestoc) a Royal residence, dating fron1 King Alfred's time, as it appears from a Cotton lVIS. (sub Othone A) that that King translated at Woodstock the De COllS0- latiolle of Boethius into' Saxon.' Plot probably refers to MS. Cotto Otho Ax, no\v destroyed except for a fe\v charred fragments. \Vanley in his Catalogue n1akes no mention of this statement alleged to be contained in the MS. In the Liber 1nollaslcrii de H},da (edited by Edwards IH66) it is stated that Alfred caused the De COllS0- latiollc of Boethius as ,veIl as Gregory's Dialogues to be translated into the Saxon tongue by Bishop Wirefrith (i. e. 'vVerfrith of \V orcester). Several other early \vriters from whose ,vorks extracts are printed in the preface to Ra\vlinson's edition, such as Bromton, Polydorus Vergilius, Leland, and Bale, refer to Alfred's translation of the De COllsolatiolle in nearly the same \vorcls as those just quoted. Most modern critics have secn no reason to doubt c 3 XXXVlll INTRODUCTION the tradition of antiquity and the express statement in the prefaces to the Old English version of Boethius, that King Alfred \vas its author. At least there has been no doubt as to his authorship of the prose rendering of the prose and verse of the original. The whole of this version bears the strong personal in1press of its author, and in the views of life expressed, especially of a king's life, with its manifold cares and duties, we can hardly fail to recognize the great king's voice. Often groping darkly after the sense of his original and failing to find it, he is ahvays earnestly trying his utmost to utter in his simple speech the high thoughts that surge within him. But \vith regard to the authorship of the Cott01l lJIetra there is not this unanin1ity. This question has been exhaustively treated in the articles already referred to, by Leicht, Hartmann, and Zimmermann, and nothing has since been contributed to its dis- cussion. Ingenious argulnents for and against Alfred's authorship have been brought fonvard but it cannot be said that the question is settled. However, certain facts and conclusions have emerged from the dis- cussion, and may be here shortly stated. It is established beyond doubt that the Cotton IVletra are based directly on the corresponding prose version found in B, \vithout further reference to the IJatin original. They reproduce in metrical dress the prose version, omitting little, and adding few thoughts of any importance; and they seem to have been composed by rearranging the words of the prose version, and inserting poetical commonplaces or' tags,' to bring the lines into an alliterating form, much as a schoolboy might use a Gradus in making Latin verses. A UTHORSHIP AND DA TE OF THE lVORK XXXIX It has been remarked that certain of the Latin l\Ietra are translated in B, but omitted in C (Metra i. 6, ii. 2, iv. 7), and that it is precisely these Metra that in B lack the formulae \vhich generally introduce and dismiss a metrum. This fact is used as an argument against the !Zing's authorship of the Cotton :;\iletra. But, on the other hand, it is pointed out that the prose version of Metr. i. 7 has also no formulae, but is nevertheless versified in C. Leicht, \vho has investigated the question most thoroughly, shows that none of the usual arguments against the !Zing's authorship amount to proof, \yhether those of an a priori nature, or those drawn from certain discrepancies observed in the corre- spondence bet\veen the Band C versions of the Metra. He himself, ho\vever, after carefully comparing one version with the other, finds that the alliterating Metra of C ' offer nothing fresh, such as \ve should expect of Alfred, but only a weak dilution of the terse and vigorous prose'; and accordingly he decides against the !Zing's authorship. The consensus of critical opinion seems to be against Alfred's authorship of the prose and metrical prefaces, on the authority of \vhich the authorship of the Cotton Metra is often ascribed to him; but nothing has been clearly proved one way or the other. The prose preface which is found in both Band C closely resembles certain passages in Alfred's preface to his translation of Gregory's Cura Pastoralis. It clearly states that King Alfred 'trallslated this book fro11Z Latill 'into English prose., and afterwards into verse (leoðe).' The metrical preface n1akes the same assertion in more words. l...eicht sho\vs that the prose preface could not have xl INTRODUCTION been prefixed to the original version containing the prose translation of the Metra, but must have accom- panied C only, or its archetype, and ,vas aftenvards added to later copies of the first edition, such as B. The Cotton Metra have been compared with the verses in the preface to Alfred's Cura Pastoralis, \vhich Dr. H. S\veet in his edition of the latter \vork ,vith some justice styles 'doggerel,' but they seem to stand on a rather higher level than these latter. They share certain characteristics \vith the \Vest Saxon verse of the tenth century, and clearly belong to a period when the rules of Old English prosody, observed so carefully in the golden age of Cynewulf and in the Beowulf, were neglected, and perhaps almost forgotten. Thus the la\vs of alliteration of the classic poetry are often transgressed. Provided he has one or t\VO ,vords in the first half line allite- rating \vith one in the second, or vice versa, the versifier does not much care \vhat \vords bear the stress, ,vhile proclitics are at times divorced from their main \vords in a most inelegant ll1anner. In conclusion \ve may say that it lies \vith the oppo- nents of the King's authorship of the Cotton Metra to prove their case, and this they have not done. An investigation of the language of these lVletra may, ho\vever, throw some further light on the question. The IZing, \ve are told by Asser, \vas fond of the poetry of his native land, and learned much of it by heart, and we can well believe that he \vould please both himself and his people by adding a metrical version. His hearers, for readers \vere few in those days, would find even a rude rhythm more impressive and more easily remembered than the terser prose; REFERENCES xli and Alfred himself might perhaps, as an unpoetical, practical West Saxon, have regarded these Metra \vith considerable satisfaction. On the other hand, he may perhaps have commissioned some skilled leoõwyrhta, possibly a I(entish clerk, to undertake the versification, and the latter's version \vhen in- corporated into Alfred's prose n1ay conceivably have passed from the first under the name of the I(ing 1. As regards the date \vhen Alfred translated the De COllsolatiollc no certain conclusion is possible. Critics vary greatly in their chronological arrangement of the I(ing's literary \vorks, arguing chiefly from a priori grounds, unfortunately almost the only grounds avail- able. \VÜlker's vie\v, that Alfred translated Boethius' treatise after the Halldboc, the Cura Pastoralis, and the Orosius, about the year R97, seems reasonable, as our \vork does not look like the production of a novice in composition, but bears the stamp of a mature mind \vielding the language \vith the ease that could only come from practice. vii. The references to B are given here in order not to further burden the n1argin of the text. Page and line of this edition are printed opposite each folio number. 7a = 12. 30 8b = 15. 16 lOa = 17. 31 7b = 13. 24 9a = 16. 14 lOb = 18. 26 8 a = 14. 18 9 b = 1 7. 7 11 a = 19. 20 1 Professor E. Sievers, in Beitrå"ge (Paul and Braune), x. 197 note, declares against Alfred's authorship of these Metra, and says that he believes they were originally written in the Kentish dialect by a Kentish- man, and based on a Kentish version of the prose text. Our 1\155., B and C, according to Prof. Sievers: represent this Kenti:;h text pattially re-converted into \'". Saxon. xlii lIb == 20. 15 12 a == 2 I. I 0 12 b == 22. 8 13 a == 23. 2 13b == 23. 27 14a == 24. 21 14b == 25. 15 15a== 26. 7 I5b == 26. 31 16a == 27. 23 I6b==28.21 17a == 29. 15 17b == 30. II 18a == 31. 5 18b == 31. 3 1 19a == 3 2 . 23 19b == 33. 17 20 a == 34. 8 20b == 35. 2 2la == 35. 26 2Ib == 36. 20. 22a == 37. 12 22b == 3 8 . 3 23a == 38. 28 23b == 39. 18 24a == 4 0 . 9 24b == 41. 6 25a == 41. 28 25b == 42.25 26a == 43. 18 26b == 44. 10 27 a == 45. 3 27b== 4.3.27 28a == 46. 18 28 b == 47. 7 29a == 4 8 . 4 29b == 4 8 . 27 30a == 49. 19 30b == 50. 7 3Ia == 50. 28 3Ib = 5I. 22 32a == 52. 16 INTRODUCTION 32b == 53. 10 33a == 54. 2 33b == 54. 27 34a == ,55. 22 34b == 56. 17 35a == 57. 10 35 b == 58. I 36a == 58. 27 36b == 59. 24 37 a == 60. 15 37b == 61. 10 38a == 62. I I 38b==63. 4 39a == 63. 30 39b == 64. 24 40a == 65. 16 40b == 66. 12 41a == 67. 3 41b == 67. 26 42a == 68. 16 42b == 69. 10 43a == 70. I 43b == 7 0 . 24 44a == 71. 19 44b == 7 2 . 15 45a:= 73. 8 45b == 73. 3 2 46 a == 74. 24 46b == 75. 18 47a == 7 6 . 5 47b==7 6 . 2 7 48a == 77. 17 48b == 78. 10 49a == 79. 2 49b == 79. 23 50a == 80. 9 50b == 80. 32 51a == 81. 19 5lb==82, 7 52a == 82. 30 52b == 83. 24 53a == 84. 16 53b == 85. 8 54a == 86. 3 54b == 86. 28 55a == 87. 23 55b = 88. 17 56a == 89. 10 56b == 9 0 . 3 57a == 9 0 . 30 57 b == 91. 24 58a == 92.21 58b == 93. 16 59a == 94. 10 59 b == 95. 4 60a == 95. 27 60b == 96. 19 61 a == 97. I 2 6lb == 98. 6 62a== 98.31 62b == 99. 26 63a == 100. 21 63b == 101. 16 64a == 102. 12 64b == 10 3. 5 65a == 10 3. 29 65b == 10 4. 25 66a == 105. 18 66b == 106. 15 67 a == 107. 6 67 b == 108. 3 68a == 108. 30 68b == 10 9. 25 69a == 110. 19 69b==III. 8 70a == 112. 2 70b == I I 2. 26 71a == I 13. 22 7lb == 114. 14 72a==115. 8 72b==116.4 73a== 116. 26 73b == 117. 17 74a = 118. 1 I 74b == 119. 4 75a == 119. 27 75b == 120, 18 76a == 12I. II 76b == 122. 4 77a == 122. 30 77b == 123.21 78a == 124. 12 78b== 12 5. 7 79a == 12 5. 31 79b == 126.21 80a == 127. 14 80b == 128. 5 81a == 128. 31 REFERENCES 81 b == 1 29. 24 82a = 130. 18 82b == 13I. 13 83a = 132. 6 83b == 13 2 . 29 84a = 133. 21 84b == 134. 13 85a == 135. 7 85b = 135. 3 0 86a= 13 6 . 19 86b == 137. 10 87a == 138. 6 87b= 13 8 . 30 xliii 88a = 139. 25 88b == 140. 20 89a = 14I. I I 89b == 14 2 . 3 90a = 142.30 90b == 143. 27 91a = 144. 20 9lb == Lt-5' 12 92a == 146. 6 92b == 14 6 . 29 93 a == 147. 18 93b == 14 8 . 14 94a == 149. 5 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS --+- On p. 32, 1. 16, read dierrall ðOll1ze. MSS. omit ðonlle. On p. 89, 1. 22, the em. tJæster1zes was suggested by E. Thomson; see Fox, p. 358, n. 44. On p. 94, 1. 7, B has ealle gesceafte 7 ealle wuhta; 1. 22, B has .z"c wite with ic erased. f On p. 190, 11. 3, for wyrst read WY1;St. Metr. xxix, 1. 7, read fyraze ne mot; Com. 11e; 1. 8, read mOllan for C's 11l01Z1Za, as Leicht suggests (Allg1ia, vi. 15 1 ). GLOSSARY.-Diminish by one each line-number of p. 91 and of p. 1 I 2 after 1. 11. Several references to p. :;0 are a line out. s. v. ãbedecian, for 71. 12 read 7 1 . 17. s.v. ãscierþan, the þp. ascerþed, p. 47, 1. 27, bad better perhaps be taken as connected with sceorþ, and = equipped, prepared; the Latin has SllCChlctam. s. v. ãstferan, dele astyrest and astyrast which belong to ästyrian. s. v. dõ"i, add domes dæg 120. 3 I. s.v. dysilic, dele 42. 10. s. v. fær, for aspect 1 read moHon, S.v. forbiïgan, dele prevent. s. v. gierwan, addþþ. gegyrewod 32.27. S.v. hwelc, for us read usual. For /ocian read lõcian, and for /ucude II. 1 read /ocude II. 1. s.v. gelll}'11dwz"ertJe, supply I worth}' if mention.' s. v. siëstrëam, for seaman read water of the sea. PRO E IVI . , ÆLFRED KUNIl't/G 'lvæs wealhslod ðz'sse bee, 7 hÙ! o.f boclædene 1 on engHsc wende, swa hz"o 'JUt z's gedO?z. Hwz7u7Jl he sette word be worde, hwz7ulll andgz"t if a71dgite, swa swa he hZI þa sweololost 7 andgzifullÛ:ast gereccan mihte for þam nllstlicü 2 7 manigfealdum weoruldbz'sgunz 3 þe hine qft ægðer 5 ge on mode ge on IÛ:homan bz'sgodan. Ða bz'sgu us sÙzt swiþe eaifoþrime 4 þe on hz's dagulll on þa ricu becoman þe he undeifangen hæfde, 7 þeah ða þas boc hæfde 5 geleornode 7 of lædene 10 englzscü spelle gewe71de, 7 geworhte 6 hz' eft to leoðe 6, swa swa heo nu gedon z's / 7 nu bZI 7 for Godes 10 naman he halsað 7 ælcne þara þe þas boc rædan lysle, jJ he for hÙze gebÙlde J 7 hÙJl ne Wzle gif he hz"t n"htlÙ:or ongz"te þonne he 1JlzÏlte s . flrþanzþe ælc mO?z sceal be hz's andgzles mæðe 7 be hz's æmettan sprecan jJ he sprecð, 7 don jJ þæl he de}. 1 So also J, where the first vowel is apparently e turned into o. 2 mislic1l11l J. 3 So J, wordit 7 bisgum B. 4 eaifoð'rimu J. :) em. hæfe B. 6 }a geworlzte he hi ejler to leoðe J. 7 hca!sað J. 8 1lleahte J. B 1- HEADINGS OF CHAPTERS --+- I. Ærest hu Gotan gewunno1'l Romana nee, 7 hu BoetÙts hi wolde eft l berccdall, 7 Ðeodrze þa jJ anfullde, 7 hÙze het on carcerne gebrÙlgan. II. Hu Boell"us on þam carcerne hz's sar seojiende wæs. II I. Hu se fVisdo/ll com to Bodie ærest inne on þã carcenze, 5 7 hzne ongan frefrz"all. IV. Hit Boetius hlne szllgende gebæd, 7 his earjòðu to Gode /JuEnde. V. Hu se Wz'sdom hÙze eft rete 7 rihte mid hz's andsworum. VI. Hu he him rehte bz'spell bz" þære SUllnan 7 bz' oorum 10 tunglum 7 be wolcnum. V II. Hu se TVz'sdom sæde þã .l1Iode jJ him 1zaht sWldor nære þonne hz"t forloren haifde þa woruldsælða þe hz"t ær to gewltJlod hæfde ' 7 sæde him bispell hu he hz"t macz"an seeolde gif he heora þegen beon sceolde ' 7 be þæs sczpes segele, 7 hu his T 5 gódella weorca ealra wolde her on worulde habban lean. VIII. Hu jJ .l1Iod andsworede þære Geseeadwz'sllesse, 7 sæde jJ hz"t hit æghwonan ongeate scyldig ' eac sæde jJ hit wære ofseten mÙl ðæs laþes sare, jJ hit ne mz"Jde him geandsworÙl1z. pa cwæð se TVÙdoJ1l: jJ z's nu git þz"nre 2 unrz'htwisnesse jJ ðu 20 eart fulneah Jòrþoht 3 . tele nu þa gesælþa Wld þam sorgum. IX. Ða ongan se Wisdom eft secgan bÙpell be þær sunnan, hu heo o.ferliht ealle oþre steoran, 7 geþlostraþ mid hire leohtf; 7 hu þOlle smyltan sæ þæs 'wÙzdes yst. . . 1 eft above line. 2 þi e B. B 2 3 em. foþoht B. 4 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE X. Hu BoeHus sæde hu swytole ongz"ten hæfde jJ hz"t eall soð wære þæt se fVÚdom sæde,. 7 seo orsorhlles, 7 þa sælða þe he ær wende þæt gesælða beon seeoldan, llauhtas næran,. 7 hu se JrisdoJJl sæde jJ he lze mihte gereeean jJ he ungesælig 5 wære; sæde jJ his aneor wære þa gzt fæst on e01-þan. XI. Hu seo Geseeadwisnes hlnZ andsworede 7 ewæþ jJ heo wende þæt heo hÙze hwæthwegnunges ûp ahafill hæfde 7 fulneah gebroht æt þam 17ean weorþseipe 1 þe he ær hæfde,. 7 aesode hÙze hwa hafde eall jJ he wolde on þisse worulde ' sume habbað 10 æþelo 7 nabbaþ are. ...YII. Hu se JVisdom kine lærde, gif he fæst hus tÙJlbrzall wolde, fJ he hzï ne selle up on þone hehstan enoll. X I II. H u se fVisdom sæde jJ hie meahtall 2 ða smealÙ;or spreean, f01-þa1Jlþe seo lar hwætkwegllUllges eo de 01Z his 15 andgz"t. XIV. Hit fJ ]Jfod ewæð hwi hl'm 11(' 3 seeolde IÛ;Ùl1Z fæger land . 7 hit se JVisdom ahsode hwæt hÙn belÜpe to hira fæg('rllesse. X V. Eli seo GeseeadwÙlles sæde hu gesælig seo forme 20 eld wæs. X VI. Eu se TVisdo1Jl sæde jJ hz' hi woldoll ahebball for þam anweald oð ðone heojèn ' 7 be Ðeodriees allwealde 4 7 Nerones. X VII. Hu jJ lIIod sæde jJ hzill ncifre seo mægþ 7 Sf 0 25 gz"tsung forwel ne heode, buton to laþe he tzlade. X VIII, XI..."\.. Be hlzsan. Be hlzsan. X...Y. Be þære wzõerweardall wyrde, 7 be þære orsorgan. XXI. Be þæs æl1Jllntigan Codes anwealde / hu he welt eallÜ his gesceaflü. 30 X...YII. Hu se JVisd011l 7 seo GesceadwÚlles hæfdoll jJ llIod are! ægþer ge mÙl sJJlealzcre spræce ge mid 'If.!J'llsuman sange. X...YIII. Eu se JT"'Ùdomlærde þone þe he wolde wæstmbære land sawan, jJ he atuhge f!.f ærest þa þonzas, 7 þa fyrsas, 7 þa 35 U1Z1Z)Jttan. weod ' 7 hu he sæde gif hwa bZleres hwes onberede, jJ him þuhte beobread þl' swe!re. 1 weÓ)sâpe B. 2 em. mealtan B. t" 3 ne above line. 4 allweald .D. . DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 5 Y...J{IV. Hu men1l 'lJ}z"llniað þurh 1 ungelice geanllt1zga cuman to anre eadignesse., }{J.Y V. Eu God welt ealra gesceafla nUll þam bridlzi hz's allwealdes, 7 hu æZc gesceq(t wrigað wið hire geCJ!1ldes, 7 wzlnað jJ hz"! cume þÙler ðonan þe hit ær com. 5 }{X VI. Hzt se TVz"sdonz sæde jJ men mz'hton be Gode sweZce hi mæle ' 7 hwæþer se we/a mznle þone mon ged01z swa zvelille jJ he maran ne þorfle ' ï hwæþer Boehe eall hz's woruld lz"code þa he gesælgost wæs 2. J.YX VII. Htt se zl'eorðscipe mag gedon lu s ðÙzg: ðone 10 1J;segan þam oðrü d)'srgit weorþne ' 7 hu Nonzits wæs fir- cweden for þam g)lldenan scrz'dwæne ' 7 hu ælees nzonlles ;jèl bl"ð þy opellre gif he anwald hæfð 4 . XX VIII. Be T"erone ðanz casere. X}{IX. Hwæðer 5 þæs C)'nillges neaUJest 7 hz"s freondscz"pe 15 lllæge ælligne mOll zveliglle 7 ZfJaldendlle gedon ' 7 hu þa oðre frÙnd cumað mz'd þä we/an, 7 eft mÙl þam 'welal' gewÜað. .LY...Y Y. Hu se scop sang jJ ma manna fægnodon qysiges fiZces gedwolan þonne hzi: fægnedon soþra spella, jJ z"s jJ hi 20 wcndon hz's beteran þonlle he 'lfHere ' þOllne fægllÙzð hi þæs þe hz' seeamian seeolde. XXXI. Hu se sceal fila nearanessa geþolÙl1z þe þæs Üchomall htSlas forlætan nele 6 . 7 hu nLOn mæg i!Y dcan weorce cu'eþan jJ neteJlU send gesælige, gif man cwz"ð jJ þa 25 men Sf1l gesælige þa heora It'cl107Jlan luslU1Jl fulgað 7. J.Y}{){II. Eu þes anwearda wela merð þa men þe beoþ alihle 10 þã soðu7Jl gesæ/ðum ' 7 hu se wz"sdo1Jl z"s an anlipe cræ/t 8 þære sawle, 7 is þeah be/era 'Jonne ealle þæs h"choman cræftqs ' 7 þeah hwa gegaderze ealle þas andweardan god, 3 0 þonlle l1e mæg he no þe raðor beon swa u'elig swa he wolde, ne he eft him na:fð jJ þæt he ær wende. X}{XIIL Hu se vVz"sdom hæfde getæht þã flIode þa anlz"c- l1essa þara soðena sælþa,. wolde hi þa seljè gelæcan, 7 be bam fif gesælðulll 9: jJ is u'ela 7 anweald]O 7 weorðscipe 7 3:; foremærnes 7 willa. 1 }ú h B. 5 em. Hwðer B. 9 em. gesæð um B. 2 wæs above line in B. 3 t ra B. nde fulga6 6 sceal B. 7 jjligað B. 10 em. and'weald B. 4 em. hæf R. 8 em. cræf B. 6 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE XXXIV. Hu se Hí"sdom hæfde gereh/ hwæt jJ hehste god wæs / wolde him þa gereccan hwær hit wæs, 7 hu of þam 1Jlycelan gode cunzaõ] þa læssan. .J.YX.J.Y T Hu se TVÚd01ll lærde þæt lJIod jJ hit sohte onÙznan 5 hz'm jJ hz"t ar J'lllbutan hz'1 sohte, 7 forl{cte Ullll.ytte )'JJlbhogall sLua he szmõost mznk / 7 hit God zoealt ealra geseeafla 7 eallra goda m/d þã steorroðre his godnesse. .lYX...Y VI. Hu Þ AIod sade þã TVisdome jJ hz"t ongeate jJ hz'nz God reahte þurh hine þæt jJ he rehte ' 7 forhwy se goda God 10 kcte ænig- yfil beon,. 7 hu seo GesceadwÙnes bæd jJ lJIod jJ hz"t sæte on hzre scridwæJle, 7 heo seeolde beoll hÙ ladteaw . 7 hit heo sæde jJ tu 2 õÙzg zværeJl, wz'lla 7 allweald / gif hwam jara auþres 'U}ana zvære, jJ heora lle Illznte llaðer bulon oþrunz nauht don. 15 Y...l..LY VII. Be jam ofermodan rican 7 unryhtwÚall, 7 hu 1/1011 hehþ þOlle heafodbeah æ/ þæs ærneweges ende, 7 hu mOll sceolde ælene mon hatan be þam deore þe he gelicost wære. ...Y...l..LYVIII. Be Troia gewZ 111e ' hu Eulixes se cynÙzg hæfile 3 Iwa oeoda under þam casere, 7 hu hÚ þegnas zVllrdan 20 forsceapene to wz'ldeorÜ. .lYX}{I...Y. Be ryhtre 4 jiozt1zge 7 be unrzÏ2tre, 7 be ryhtu1Jl eadleane, 7 hu mÙIlz"clt wZIU 5 7 manz"g-(eald ear/oou 6 oft cumað to þam godü swa hi to jam Jftlü sceoldan,. 7 be þære foreteo- hUllga Gqdes 7 be þære wyrde. 2;; XL. Hu (fie wyrd beoð god, sam heo manllü god þÙlee, sam heo hÙn yfil þÙzee. XLI. Hu Omerus se goda sceop herede þa Sttllnall, 7 be þã freodome. XLII. Hu we sceoldan eall01l mæglle spyrzan æ./ter Gode, 3 0 ælc be hz"s alldgites mæþe. 1 em. ramað B. 5 em. mistficum witÜ B. twa de 2 tll B. 3 hæf B. 6 em. eaifoðulIl B. 4 em. ryhre B. * 1&. * 3b B. ON oære tÙle ðe Gotan of Sciððz"u nzægðe wio Romana rÙ:e gewÙz up ahoJòll, 7 mÙl 1 heora ryllÙzgu, Rædgota 7 E'allerica warOll hable, Romane bung abræcon 7 eall Italia rice jJ Ù betwux þam mUlltu 7 SZCzlÙZ þam ealonde Ùz anzfJald 2 gerehloll, 5 7 þa æfter þã foresprecellan c)'ningft j:Jeodrzc fing 10 þam z'!can rice. Se Ðeodric wæs A mulÙzga ' he was crÙtell, þeah he 01Z þã arrianiscan gedwolan þurhwunode. He gehet RomanÜ his freondsczþe, swa fJ hi mostan heora ealdrihta 'If.}yroe beon. Ac he þa gehat sWI"ðe yfile gelæsle 3, 7 swÛJe wraoe geelldode nlla 10 nzanegu mane. p wæs to eacan oorÜ unarz'medit yjlit jJ he" Iohannes þone papan het ofslean. pa wæs sum consul, jJ we heretoha halao, Boetz'us wæs gehalen á . se wæs In boccræftu 7 on woruldþeawum se n"fllwÙesta. Se þa ollgeat þa manig- fialdan yftl þe se cynillg Ðeodrzc WlÔ þã crÙlenandome 7 wz"ð IS þä ronzanÙcu wzlum qyde. He þa gemunde þara eðnessa 7 þara ealdrihla þe hi under þã caserü hæfdon heora ealdhlafordÜ. j:Ja ongan he smeagan 7 leornigan on him se!fit IIU he jJ nce þã unrihtwÙan cynz.nge aftrran mihle, 7 on ryhlgeleaffulra 7 on rz"htwz"sra anwealde 6 gebrillgan. Sende þa digellzce 7 ærend- 20 gewrÜu to þä kasere to Constenlznopolz"m, þær Ù Creca heahburg 7 heora rynes/ol, jörþä se kasere ZfJæs heora ealdhlafordcynnes / bædon hzne þæt he him 10 heora crzstendome 7 to heora ealdrihtÜ gefultumede. j:Ja jJ ongeat Sf wælhreo'l1:a cynÙzg Ðeodnc, þa het he hine * gebrÙlgan 8 on carcerne 7 þærznne belucan. j:Ja * 4 a R. 25 hit oa gelomp jJ se arwyrða wæs on swa mlcelre nearanesse a Cotto Metr. i. d ) em. mið B. a1Z7J)al B. 3 em. gelæst B. 4 he above line B. Et! t! I ,- :; haten B. ð an'Weald B. 7 digelice B. 8 gebÍ1zgan B. 8 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [1 becom, þa 'lfJæs he swa nzicle swzõor on his mode gedreJëd swa hz's mod ær swz"ðor to þã woruldsæ!þü gewunod wæs ' 7 he þa nanre frqfre bez"nnan þã carcenze ne gemunde,. ac he geJëoll nzwol ofdune on þa flor, 7 hÙze astrehle swz'oe 2/nrot, 7 ormod hÙze se!íne ongan wepan 7 þus szngend cwæð : 5 II a. ÐA lioo þe zc wrfcca geo luslbærlzce song zc sceal nu heojiende st"ngan, 7 mÙl swiþe 1 ungeradit wordit gesettan, þeah zc geo hwzlit gecoplÙ:e funde / ac lC nlt wepende 7 gÙczende ofgeradra zvorda mzifo. life ablendan þas ungelreowa1l woruldsælþa, 7 me þa forletan swa blindne 011 þz's dimme hol7 me 2 þa bereafodon 10 ælcere /ustbærnesse þa oa lC hi æfre betst truwode,. þa weizdon hz. me heora bæc to, 7 me mz'd ealle from gewlÏan. To hwon sceoldan la mzne frzend seggan jJ lC gesæ/z"g mon wære; Hu mæg se beon gesa:lig se þe on þã gesæ!þü þurhwunian s ne mot; III b. i. P A lC þa þù leoð, cwæð Boetzus, geomrzende aSllngen 15 hæ/de, þa com þær gan Ùl to me heojèncltlld Jrz'sdom, 7 jJ min JJlurllcnde mod mÙl his wordÜ gegrette, 7 þus cwæo: Hu ne eart ðu se nlOn þe on 1}u"nre scole wære ajèd 4 7 gelæred; Ac hwonon wurde þu mid þz'ssit woru/dsorgû þus swioe geswenced? butoll zc 'ivat jJ þu hæ/st þara wæpna to hraoe jòrgz"ten þe zc þe 20 ær sealde. Ða c/z"pode 5 se fVz'sdom 7 cwæð: GewzÏaþ nu awÙ-gede woruldsorga of mÙzes þegenes mode, forþã ge sz1zd þa * -}b B. mæstan sceaþan. * Lætaþ hzne eft hweoifan to mÙzü laru. Ða eode se Wz'sdõ near, cwæð Boelz.us, mÙzû hreowszendü geþohte, 7 hlÏ swa 1l1owul 6 þa hw{clhwega 7 up arærde,. adrz"gde 25 þa Jnlnes 8 modes eagan, 7 hZI frall bliþü 9 wordü hwæðer hlÏ Ollcneowe hz's /ostermodor 10. 3Iid þã þe oa jJ i1Iod W1Õ his 11 \ a Boeth. i. met..1. 'Carmina qui quondam,' &c. Cotto Metr. ii. b Boeth. i. pr. I. 'Haec dum mecum: &c. 1 em. swi B. 2 7 me ab. 1. 3 em. þuhwunian B. ;, cleopode J. 6 From J, 1l'iowoul B, written over 1rlwoll. hwugu. J. 8 From J, minenes B. 9 frægJl liþü J. modor J. 11 his from J, om. B. 4 afeded J. 7 hwæt- 10 fæster- III. 4] DE COIVSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 9 bewende, þa gecneow h t swzde sweotele hiS agne 1 modor; jJ wæs se TVisdom ðe hz"t lange ær tyde 7 lærde. Ac hzï ollgeat his lare swzde 10torellne 2 7 SZiJzde tobrocene 3 lllùl dysz"gra hondu, 7 hzne þa fi-an4. hu jJ gewurde. Ða andwJ'rde 5 se TVÙdom hï 57 sæde jJ his gÙlgran hafdon hzne SUJa tolorenne, þær þær hz' teohhodon jJ hi hÙze ealbze habban seeoldoll" ac hi gegaderiað monifèald 6 dysz"g on ðære jòrtruwunga 7 on þä gz"lpe, butan heora hwelc ift to hJ're 7 bote geczrre, ii c. Ða ongan se TVisdom hreowsÙln for þæs .J.1Iodes tyder- 10 nesse, 7 ongan þa gÙldÛl1l 7 þus cwæð: Eala on hu grundleasu1ll seaðe jJ mod drigð, þõn hzï bestyrmað þisse worulde ungeþwær- nessa 8. Gif hzt þõn forget his ahgen 9 leoht, jJ is ece gefia, 7 ðrz11gð 011 þa frëdall þÙlro, jJ sÙld woruldsorga, swa swa ðis .1Jlod lUt deð, nit hzï nauht elles llat butan gl1ornunga. 15 iii. jJa se TVÙdõ þa 7 seo GesceadwzSnes þzS leoð asullgen hæfdõ, þa ollgall he ift sprecan 7 cwæð to þan A/ode: Ic geseo jJ þe is lUt fro/res mare þearf þÕll unrotnesse. iv. Forþä gif þu þe ofsceaJJlz'an 10 wz"lt þz'rzes gedwolan, þõn OllgÙzne I'C þe son a beran 7 brznge mid me 10 heofonu. pa 20 andsworode hÙn jJ unrote J7fod 7 cwað: Hwæt la hwæt, sznt þz"s *llU þa gód ll 7 þa edlean þe þu eahze weg gehete þä 1ll0nllU * 5a B. þe þe heorsumÙln woldall" Is þz"s nlt se cwÙle þe þu me geo sædest jJ se wzSa Plato cwæde, jJ was jJ nan allweald nære riht butan rihtu þeawït " Gesihst þu nu jJ þa rzïdwzSan Slnt laðe 7 25 forþrycte, forþã hz' þinÜ wz?lan woldall fitlgán, 7 þa unryht- wzSan seolldan 12 up ahafine þurh heora won dæda 7 þurh heora seljlice? j) hz' ôj eð mægen heora unrznl gewill forðbrÙzgan hi sz.nd mid glfù 7 mÙl geslreollu 13 ge.fyrðrode. .F'orþä Ù: lUt wz"lle geornlice to Gode cleopÙln. Ongan ða giddzen, 7 þus sÙzgende 3 0 cwæð: c Boeth. i. met. 2. 'Heu, quam praecipiti,' &c. Cotto Metr. iii. I agene J. 2 totorene J. 3 7 S. t. ab. 1. B, tobrogdene J. 4 frægll J. 5 7 w yrde B. 6 em. 11lonifeal B. 7 rihtre J. 8 em. U?l- geþhærnessa B. 9 So B. 10 onsceamiall J. 11 good J. 12 siendoll J. 13 gestrodum J. 10 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [IV IVd. EALA þu scippend heofones 7 eorþan; þu þe 011 þã ecan setle rzcsast, þu þe 011 hrædü færelde þone heofoll ynzbhweorjëst, 7 þa tzuzglu þu gedest þe geJryrsu1Jle, 7 þa sun1lan þu gedest Þ heo nzz"d heore beorhtan SCzlJlan þa þeoslro adwæsco þære sweartan nihte. Swa deð eac se mona mÙl hz's blacal1 leohte 5 jJ þa beorhtan steorra1l dU1lJliao 011 þã heofone, ge eac hwilu1Jl þa sunnan heore leohles bereafaþ, þ01lne he betwux us 7 hire wyrð,. ge eac hwz"lÜ þone beorhlan steorra1l þe we hatao nzorgensteorra, þone zlcan we hatao oore nanzan æJënsteorra 1. pu þe oam wz1zterdagü selest scorte lida 7 þæs sumeres dahu 10 lallgran ' þu þe þa treowu 2 þurh þone steqrcan wz1zd norþan 7 eastan on hæifesttíd heora leafa berea/ast, 7 eft on lene/en oþru leaf sell est þurh þone s1Jl):ltan suoanwestenzan wind. * f. b B. Hwæt, þe * ealle gesceafta heorsu1Jlzao, 7 þa gesetnessa bÙzra beboda Izcaldað, bulan men anit . se þe ojèrheoro. Eala þu 15 ælnzzntiga scippend 7 rzÏltend eallra gesceafla, help llU þz1zü earnzum 1Jlonrynne. Hwy þu la DnÏlten æfre wold est jJ seo wyrd swa hwyifan seeolde? heo þreat þa 11llscz"ldz"gan 7 nauht ne oreaþ þam scildz"gu. Szïtao nzalifulle on heahsetlÜ, 7 halz"ge under heora fotu þrycao ' sticzao- gel!Jfdde beorhte 3 cræflas, 7 20 þa unnntwÙan tælao þa nnlwz'san. Nauht lle deregao 1JlO1l111t mane aþas, ne jJ lease lot þe beoð" mid þã wrencu óewrigen 4 . Forþã went llU fubzeah eall fl101lcyn on Iweonu1lga, gif seo wyrd swa hweoifan mot on yfilra manna gfwzll: 7 þu heore nelt stzran. Eala mÙz Dnnten, þu þe ealle gesceafta ofersihst 5, 25 hawa llU mz"ldelÙ:e 6 on þas earman eorþan, 7 eac on eall1Jlollcyn, forþã hzï nu eall wino on þã yðulll þz'sse wont/de. Ve. i. P A jJ .l1fod þa þillzc sar cweoende wæs, 7 þù leoo sin- gende wæs, se 1VÙdonz þa 7 seo Gesceadwz'snes hz'nz blzõum d Boeth. i. met. 5. ' 0 steUiferi condit or,' &c. Cotto Metr. iv. e Boeth. i. pro 5. 'Haec ubi continuato dolore delatraui,' &c. 1 em. æfenþeorra B. 2 em. treowa B. 3 em. beorte B. 4 b/figen B. :; em. ofersz"ht B. tì em. midelice B. v. 9 I] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPliIAE II eahunz on locodon 1 ,; 7 he for þæs lJlodes geomerullge 2 næs llauht gedrefed, ac cwæð to þã Mode: Sona swa z'c þe ærest on þÚse unrotnesse geseah þus nzurczende S ze ongeat jJ þu wære ut afaren 4 of þÙles fæder eoele, jJ Ú for 5 7lununz larum. j:Jær 5 ou hÙn fore q/6 þa þu 7 þine _íæstrædnesse 8 flrle/e, 7 wendest jJ seo weord 9 þas woruld wende heore agenes ðOJlces buton Godes geþeahte 7 hiS þafunge 10 7 monna gewyrhtii.. Ic wÚte 11 jJ þu ut afaren wære, ac ze nysste hu feor, ær ou þe self hz"t me gerehtest mid *þÙzü sarczvÙiit. Ac þeah þu nu fyr seo 12 oõn * Ga B. 10 þu wære, lle eart þu þeah ealles o.f þã earde a drifen , oeah þu þæron gedwolode. Ne gebrohte þe eac nan oðer man on þã gedzuolan butall þe sylfunz þurh þÙle ogene gemeleste 13. Ne sceolde þe eac nan man swelces to gelefan þær þu gemunan wold est hwylcra gebyrda þu zvære 7 hwylcra burgwara for 15 worulde / ooðe eft gastbee hwlÏces gefirscipes þu wære on þÙzü mode, 7 on ðÙzre 14 gesceadwisnesse J' jJ is jJ þu eart an þara rzÏltwisena 7 þara ryhtwlÏlendra ' þa beo'ð þære heoj"ellcltndan Ierusalenz burgware. Of oære næfre nan, buta 15 he self wolde, ne zfJearo adrifen, jJ Ù o.f hÚ godan wlÏlan16 . ware þer 20 he wære, sinzle he h(ifde þone mÙl hÙJl,. þÕJz he oone 17 lllÙl him hæfde, wære þær he wære, þän U){l're 18 he mÙl hiS agnü ty11lle 7 mid hÚ agnü burgwarü on his agnu earde þõn he wæs 071 oara ryhtwisena gemanan. Szua hwa þõn swa þæs wJlrðe bz'ð jJ he on heora þeowdome 19 bemz mot, þõn bz'o he 011 oam hehsta1l 20 2sfreodome. l'le onscullige ze 110 þæs neoþeran 7 þæs *uncIænan * Here be- stowe gif ic þe geradlle gemete; ne me [na J 21 ne I yst mid glase gins C. [geworhtJra waga ne 22 [heaJhsetla n1id golde [7 J mid gÍn1mù gerenodra, ne boea mid golde awritenra me swa swiõe ne lyst swa nle lyst on þe rihtes \Villan. Ne sece ic no her þa bec, ae 3 0 jJ 'ð'æt þa bee forstent, õæt is, [þÙ1J gewit. Swiõe ri[ h]te þu seofodes[t Þ Ja wôon wyrd ægþer ge on õa[ra unr Jihtwisra 1 eagufll onlocude J. 2 geomrzmga J. 3 murcniellde J. 4 utadriftn J. of J. Ó em. hifB. 7 }u from J, om. B. 8 em.fætrædnesse B. II sio -wyrd J. 10 geðafimga J. 11 wisJe B. 12 }ier sie J. 13 gie1llelieste J. H From J, winne B, orig. ôÙzne It 15 bU!OIl J. it> em. willa B. 17 em. ðOIl B. 18 wæ... J. 19 }eawdo1lle 20 em. hehtan B. 21 no J. ::2 lle om. B. 12 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [V. 9 I anwalc1[ a ] heanesse [ge on m]inre unweo[rþ]nesse 7 for- see wenne Jsse ge on þara manfulra for'ðforlætnesse on 'ðas weoruldspeda. Ac forþon þe þe is swa 1 micel unrotnes nu get 2 getenge ge of þinum irre ge of þinre gnornunga, ic þe ne mæg nu giet geandwyrdan ærþon 'ðæs tiid wyr'ð; fOl'ðon 5 eall jJ mon untiidlice ongyn'ð næf'ð hit no æltæwne ende. ii f. ponne 'ð'ære sunnan scima on Agustes 3 n10nðe hatost scin'ð 'ðonne dysega'ð se 'ðe þonne wile hwelc sæd oðfæstan þæm drygü furum, Swa de'ð eac se 'ðe wintregum wederu[ m J wile blostman [seJcan. Ne meaht þu win wringan 10 * lb C. on [mz'de 4Jwinter, þeah *[õe we! [ysle wearmes nzusles. iii g. Ða clzþode se Wz"sdo Jm 7 cwæ'ð: 1\10t ic nu cunnian [hJwon 5 þinre fæstræd[nes Jse, t ic þonan ongietan nlæge hwonon ic þin tilian scyle 7 hu? Ða andwyrde Þ l\lod 7 cwæ'ð: Cunna swa þu wille. Ða cwæ'ð seo Sceadwisnes 6: 15 Gelefst 'ðu 7 jJ sio wyrd wealde [þz"]sse worulde, [oõJ'ðe auht godes s[ wa ] geweor'ðan mæge [buIJan þæIll wyrhtan 8? Ða andwyrde [ß .l1fod 7 cwJæð: N e gelyfe 9 ic no jJ hit gee weorþan ] meahte swa endebyrdlice, [ac IJo so'ðun1 ic wat ðætte God 10 rihtere is his agenes weorces, 7 ic no ne wearð of þan1 soõan 20 gelea(fan) n. Ða andwyrde se \Visdom eft 7 cwæ'ð: Ymb p ilce þu giddodest nu hwene ær 7 cwæde Þ ælc wuht from Gode wi"sse his rihttin1an 7 his rihtgesetnesse fuleode, butan men anum. For'ðæ ic wundrige swiðe ungen1etlice hwæt þe sy oõ'ðe hwæt þu mæne nu þu 'ðone geleafan hæfst. Ac 'v it 25 sculon þeah giet dioplicor yn1b 'ð'æt bion. Ic nat ful geare )'lnb hwæt þu giet tweos/; gesrge me, nu þu L wist jJ 'ðu noht ne tweoge þte God [þz]sse worulde rihtwisige 12, hu h[e * 2a C. þon Jne wolde Þ heo wære. *[ Ða and'lf)yrde Þ J1Iod 7 cwæþ: Uneaþe] ic mæg forstandan 13 þine acsunga, 7 cwyst þe[ah J p ic 30 þe andw)'rdan sc)'le. Se \Visdom þa c\Væð: \Venstu jJ ic nyte r Boeth. i. met. 6. ' Cum Phoebi radiis grave,' &c. g Boeth. i. pro 6. C Primum igitur paterisne me,' &c. 1 swz}e B. 2 get om. B. 3 augustus B. 4 midne J. 5 kwón. B. 6 gesceaðwisnes B. 7 ne lefs þu B. 8 wyrhtum B. 9 gelifde B. 10 Cod above line C. 11 gelea occurs at nd .of line in C; fall omitted. 12 rihtere sz"e B. 13 The s above lme In C. v. 3J DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPJ-IIAE 13 [þone] dem 1 þinre gedræfednesse þe þu [17udJ ymLfangen eart? ac sæge me hw[elces] endes ælc angin wilnige. Ða andwirde 'ðæt Mod 7 cwæ'ð: Ic hit 2 gemunde gio, ac me hæf'ð þios gnornung 'ðære [ge Jmynde benumen. Ða cwæ'ð 5 se \Visdo[ m] : Wast þu hwonan ælc wuht cume? Ð[ a] and- wyrde .p l\Iod 7 cwæ'ð: Ic wat jJ æ1c wuht from Gode com. Ða cwæ'ð se \Visdom: Hu mæg þæt bion, nu þu 'ðæ[tJ angin wast, þæt 'ðu eac ðone ende nyte; for'ðæm sio gedrefednes rnæg- 1> moq 3 onstyrÙzn \ ac hio hit ne mæg his gewzïtes 10 bereafian. Ac ic wolde þæt þu me sædest hwæþer 'ðu wi sse hwæt þu self wære. Hit þa andwyrde 7 c\Væ'ð: [Ie watJ 'P ic on libbendum men 7 on gescead[ wz"]sum eom 7 þeah on deadlicum. Ða andwyrde se \Visdom 7 cwæ'ð: \Vastu [ouht 5 J oþres bi þe seIfum to secganne buton p þu nu sædest? 15 Ða cwæ'ð p l\Iod: N at ic nauht o'ðres. Ða cwæ'ð se \Visdom : Nu [ic] hæbbe ongiten þine ormodnesse, *[llU ðu self nast * 2b C. hwæt þu eif eart, ac Ù: wat hu þÙz man tz7Ùl1z 6 sceal. Forþam þu sædJest 1> þu wræccea wære 7 berea[jòdJ ælces godes for'ðon þu [ne Jstes hwæt [Þu J wære. þa þu cyddest p 'ðu 20 nystes hwe[lc Jes endes æ1c angin wilnode, þa 'ðu wen[dJest 'ðætte stiorIease men 7 recelea[s Je wæren gesæ1ie 7 wealdendas þisse [w Jorulde; 7 7 'ðær þu cyddest 8 eac jJ þu nys[tJes mid hwelcere 9 gerece God wilt 'ðisse [w Jorulde, o'ðþe hu he wolde p hio wære, [Þ Ja 'ðu sædest p 'ðu wende p þios sli'ðne [w Jyrd 25 'ðas worul(d) 10 wende buton Godes ge[þJeahte. Eac p wæs swi'ðe micel pleoh Þ [ðJu swa wenan sceoldes; næs hit no pan [ßJ þu on ungen1etlicum ungesæl'ðum wære, ac eac p þu fulneah mid ealle fonvurde. Ðonca nu Gode 'Þ he 'ðe geful- tumade p ic þin gewit mid ealle ne forlet. We habba'ð nu 3 0 giet þone mæstan dæl þære tyndran þinre hæle, nu 'ðu geliefæst j; sio wyrd þurh [hz"Je selfe butan Godes geþeahte þas [w Jeoruld wendan ne n1æge. N u 'ðu ne þe[ a Jrft þe nauht ondrædan, for'ðæn1[þ]e of 'ðæm lytlan spearcan þe þu mid 1 wol B. 2 hit om. B. 3 From B, mode C. 5 From J, aht B. 6 getz"lia1Z B. 7 7 om. B. 9 llwilcall B. 10 From B, 'worul C. { astyrigan J. 8 cyðdest B. I I ) 14 DE COl'ÇSOLA TIOIVE PHILOSOP/fIAE [V. 3 õære tyndran gefenge lifes leoht þe onlyhte 1, Ac hit nis * 3a C. giet se tima * Þ. ic þe [healt"eor mæge onbryrdan, fir Jðæm hit [z]s 2 æ1ces modes wise þte [solla ] swa hit forlæt soðcwidas, swa folga[þ] hit leasspellunga. Of ðæm ðonne onginna'ð weaxan þa mistas õe p mod gedrefað, 7 mid ealle fordwilmaõ 5 ða soõan gesihõe swelce mistas swe[lJce nu on þinum mode sindon. Ac [lC J hi sceal æræst geþinnian, Þ ic si'ð'ð[ an J õy eõ mæge p s[oþeJ leoht on þe gebringan. VIh. (Loca lZll be þære unnan 7 eac be o'ðrit tunglit / þÕ1Z sweartan wolcnu h/m beforan gað ne mahon hi þõn heora leoht sellan. 10 Swa eac se su'ðenza wind hwz7Ü mz'd 3 1Jzielum storme gedrefeð þa sæ þe (J'r wæs sm)/lte wed ere glashlutru on to seonne. jJõn heo þÕll swa gemellged w)lrð mid ðan .J'Þum, þõn wy'r'ð heo swz''ðe hraðe ullgladu, þeah heo ær gladu wære on to locienne. Hwæt, cae se broe\ þeah he swife 5 of his Yl"lliryne, 'ðÕl1 þær micel stan 15 'wealwiende of þã heohan munte onÙznan feal'ð 7 hine todæl'ð 7 hi hz's riht1J!1les wz"ðstent. Swa do'ð nll 'ða þeostro þinre gedrifed nesse wiðstandan minuleohtÜ larit. Ac gif ðu wibz/ge on Yl"lllü geleafan jJ so'ðe leoht onenawan, afyr frã þe ða yfilan sa;!þa 7 þa unnettan, 7 eac 'ða Ull71ettan ungesælþa 7 þone yflan 20 ege þz'sse wont/de, jJ z's þæt þu þe ne allhebbe on o.fermelto on þinre gesundfulnesse 7 on 'ðz1zre orsorgnesse, ne eft þe ne georttÿwe nanes godes on llanre wzõerweardnesse. For'ðam jJ mod siemle bz"ð gebullden lIu"d gedrifednesse, þær þz'ssa twega yfila au'ðer 6 rlcsað.) 25 VII i. i. Ða geswigode se \Visdom ane lytle hwile oð p he ongeat þæs IVlodes ingeþoncas. Ða he hi þ[ a ] ongieten hæ[fdeJ, þa cwæð he: Gif ic þine unrotn[esse on] riht h Boeth. i. met. 7. ' Nubibus atris,' &c. Cotto Metr. V. I Boeth. ii. pro 1. ' Post haec paulisper opticuit,' &c. 1 onliehte B. 2 is conj. om. B. 3 mid above line. i Some words appar. omitted here, vide Metr. 5 em. swiðe B. 6 em. auðes B. VII. 2J DE C01VSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE IS ongieten hæbbe, þOl1n[e nz"s þe llJoh[tJ 1 swiðor þonne ðæt Þ þu fo[rloren haftt þJa woruldsælða þe þu [ær hæfdest, 7 geo ]mrast nu forðæm þe hio [0 ]nhwyrfed is. Ie ongiete genoh sweotule p þa woruldsælða mid swiðe monigre swetnesse 5 swiðe lyteliee oleecað þæm modü ða 2 hie on last willað swi- þost bes,viean; 7 þonne æt nihstan, þonn[ e hy] læs[tJ wenað 3, hi on ormodnesse 4 forlætað on þæm mæstan sare. Gif þu [n Ju witan wilt hwonan hi 6 eumað, þonne 111eaht þu ongietan p hi eumað of woruldgidsunga. Gif þu þonne heora þea was 10 witan wilt. þonne meaht þu ongietan Þ hie ne beoð nanü men getreowe 6. Be þæm þu meaht ongietan 'ð'æt þu þær nane myrhðe on næfdest *[ða þa þu hie lzæfdest, ne ift nane * 4 b C. ne .forlure þaJ ða þu hi forlur[e. Ie wende jJ ù: þe J geo gelæred hæfde [fi þu hi oncnawa In euðe 7, 7 ic wisse j; [Þu hi 15 onscune Jdest ða ða þu. hi hæfdest, ðeah þu hiora bruce. Ie wisse þæt ðu mine cw[zä]as wið hiora wiUan oft sædest, ac [il' J wat Þ nan gew[ una J ne m[ æg J nanum men 8 bion onwend[ed jJJ p mod ne sy be sumii [dæle onsryredJ. For- ðæm þu [e Jart eac [flU of þznre s Jtilnesse ahworfen. 20 ii k. Eala [.lJfod, hwæt be Jwearp þe on ðas 9 care 7 on þas g[ no Jrnunga? Wenst 10 þu j; hit hwæt niwes sie oþþe hwæthwugu ungewuneliees 11 Þ þe 12 on becumen is, swelce oþrum 1JlOllnÜ ær 'Þ ilce ne eglede? Gif þu þonne wenst p hit on þe gelong sie 13 [f3J ða woruldsælða on ðe swa onwenda 25 sint, þonne eart ðu on gedwolan, ac swylce 14 hiora þea[ w Jas sint; hi beheoldon on ðe hiora agen geeynd, 7 on hiora wandlunga hy gecyðdon hiora unfæstrædnesse 15. Swylce hi wæron rihte ða hi ðe mæst geoleetan 16 swilce hi nu sindon, þeah ðe hi ðe Holcen 17 on þa leasan sælõa 18. Nu ðu hæfst 19 3 0 ongiten 'ða wanc1an * [truwa 20 þæs blz"ndan lustes. jJa trz()'wa * sa C. k Boeth. ii. pro I. 1. 24 P. ' Quid est igitur, 0 homo,' &c. I llallht B. 2 pc B. 3 wællað B. i ofèrmodllcsse B. 5 hy B. (I lle treowe B, for getreowe. 7 cuðest B. 8 man B. g þa B. 10 Instead of l-Venst . . . ungewislices B has only hwæt kwega lmge'liJunelices. 11 ullgewislices J. 12 ðe from B, te C. 13 se B. 11 In B S'liJelce follows sillt. 15 WI above line C, fæstrædllesse B. 16 geoleftan B. 17 olercan B. 18 leasÜ sælðu B. 19 From B, haft C. 20 treowa J. 16 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [VII. 9 2 þe þe nu sindon opene hz' sz"ndon glÏ mid manegu o'ðrü belzelede. Nu þll wast hwelce þeawas þa woruldsælða habbao 7 hu hi hwearjia'ð. Gif þu þõn heora þegen beon wz"lt 7 þe heora þeawas IÙ:zað, to hwon 17l:J'rnst þll s'lt'a swÛJe? Hzvi lle hweaifost þu] eae m[za him? Gif þu pOlllle heora J untrio[ wa 5 OllSCZtJlz"ge, ofirhoga 1 hi] þonne [7 adrif hz'frã þeJ; hi 2 spana'O [þe to þÙzre unoearefi. Ða] i1can þe þe [gelrydOll llU þas gnornungaJ for'Oæm þe þu hi [hafdest, þa 11can þe] wæren on stilness[e gif þu hz' na lle J underfenge. Ða [ilcan þe habbað llU heo ]ra agnes 'Oonces [jòrlæten 3, llales 'ðl'nes], 'Oa 'Oe næfre 10 nan[ ne 171011 buton sor ]ge ne forlæta'O. [jJYllC ]a'O þe nu swi'Oe diore 4 7 swi e le[o ]fe 'Oa 'Oing 'ða 'Oe naw'Oer 5 ne sint ne getrewe to habbanne, ne eae ie'Oe to forlætanne? ac 'Oonne hi hwæm frõ hweorfende bio'O he hi sceal mid 'Oæm mæstan sare his modes forlætan? N u 'Ou hi 'Oonne æfter þinum 15 *,Sb C,. willan þe getrewe habban ne meaht, 7 hy þe willa'O *[on F rom thIS 6 b . Þ - h . Þ fi h V'r: ';:t h point to the nun cunga ge r111gan on ze e ram weo1J au, to wæm next square cuma'ð hi þÕll elles butan to tacllunge sorges 7 anjèaldes sares? bracke t t h Ne sindoll þa woruldsælþa ana Y mb to þencelllle þe nzon þõn more an half is gone hæfð, ac ælc gleaw mod behealt hwelcne 7 eude hz' habba'ð, 7 Ill"t 20 fro d m h Cott. gewarena'ð æg'ðer ge wz"'ð heora þreaullga ge wið olecunga. Ac an t e rest illegible. gif] þu wil[t beon heora þegn] " þon[ ne scealt þu geonze ge'ðolÙlll ge]hwæt "Cþæs þe to heora þenungü] 7 to hiora [þeawu 7 to Izeora wlllan] belipet. Gif [þu þõn wllnast jJ] hi for þinu 'Oin[gÜ oþre 'ðeau)as] nimen o'Oer hiora [zvllla 7 heora 25 gewun]a is, hu ne un[ weorþast þu þõn] 'ðe selfne, t 'Ou [zvins'ð 9 Wl"'ð þã hla/]ordscipe þe 'Ou [self gecure, 7 swa ]'Oeah ne 10 meaht hiora [sz]du 7 hio[ra] gee)'nd onwendan. H wæt, þu [wast] gif þu þines scipes segl ongean þone wind tobrædest, t þu þonne lætæst eall eower færeld to 'Oæs windes dome. Swa 3 0 eac 11 gif þu þe selfne to anwalde þæm woruldsælõum gesealdest * 6a C. hit is riht þæt þu eae hiora þeawü fulgonge. Wenst þu *j; ðu t [hwnjèndeJ hweol þonne [hz't on] ryne [wyr'ð mæge] . 1 oferhige J. 5 nauðer B. hiora hz'era J. 2 flr'ðæ1Jl hi B. 3 em.for/elan B. 4 dyre B. 6 From J, 1Jlur1zuga B. 7 em. hweble B. 8 Þe..g- n 7 9 So ], wilt B. 10 ne om. B. 11 geac B. VII. 3J DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 17 oncerran? Ne mzn[t þJu þon ma þara woruldsælða hwe[ ar J- funga onwendan. iii J. Ie woIde nu giet 'ðæt wit ma 1 spræcen emb 2 ða woruldsælða. To hwæm ætwit(e) 'ðu n1e ær 'Þ þu hi for 5 minum ðÙlgÜ forlure 3 ? Hwi murc[nast 4 J õu wi'ð nun, swelce þu for min[Ü 'ðÙlgU] sie ðÙzes agnes [benumen, a'gþer ge þzn Jra () welona ge [þines U'eorþseipes? ægþer J þara þe com [ær 6 from lIle þa hz' þe onlænde 7 wæron, Ute nu tellan beforan Jzm'!cu1Jl deman sWzLee þu wzLle.; gif 'ðu geseþan miht jJ ænz"g deaðlÙ: 10 man swe!ces hwæt agnes ahte, Ú: hz"t þe eft eat ag[fe jJ þu gereecan mill! jJ þznes agnes wære. Dysine 7 ungelæredne 8 ie þe underfing þa þu ærest to monnu become, 7 þa þe getydde 7 gelærde, 7 þe þa snyt/ro on gebrohJte, þe þu þa woruld[are mid begeate, þe þu nuJ sorg[iende a1iforlete J. pu meaht þæs 15 habban [þane þæt þuJ minra gifa wel bruc[e. Ne mlÏltJ tu no gereccan 1> þu [þÙzes auht for Jlure. H wæt siofast þu [wi'ð me? HabbeJ ic þe awer benumen þinr[ a gifina þara *ðe from * 6b C Æ ' l ' J, l J Þ . [ . d ] . about here. me comon; c SOy we a 7 soþ weor SClp e szn an mIne [ag Jne þeowas, 7 swa hwær swa ic beo hie bioõ mid toe. 20 Wite þu for soð, gif 'Þ þine agne welan wæron þe þu mændest p þu forlure, tie meahtes[t þuJ hi na forleosan. Eala, [hJu yfele [me do J'ð mænige weoruldmenn mid þæ [jJ Ù: ne mot wealdan mzft Jra agenra þea[ ZlJa. Se heofill mot bre ]ngan leohte [dagas 7 eft jJ leoht mz'd] þeostrum [bellelian.,' jJ gear 25 mot] brengan blost[man 7 þy zLean gear Je eft geniman; [seo sæ mot brucan J Emyltra yþa, [7 ealle gesceqJla J motan hiora gee wunan 7 heora wlllJan bewitigan, [butan me anum]. Ic ana eom benu[ men mznra þeawa 7 J eom getogen to Lfremdu þeawu þurh þJa ungefylledan [gl sunge 9 woruldmon Jna. 30 purh ða gid[sunga hi me 10 habba'ðJ benumen mines [naman þe z'e mid] rihte habban sceolde. [pone naman Û: J scoIde I Boeth. ii. pro 2. ' Vellem autem pauca tecum,' &c. 1 mare B. 2 ymbe B. 3 In B forlun follows hi. { So J, mU1-cas B. 5 em. þira B. 6 From here to next square bracket more than half gone from C ott., rest illegible. 7 em. onl 1lde B. 8 Dysigne 7 unlæredlle J. 9 gitsullga J. 10 me conJect. om. B. e * ïa C. * ,L C. 18 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [VII. 3 mid rihte hab[ban jJ lC wære wela J 7 weor'ðscipe, ac hy [hine habbaðJ on me genumen, 7 hi [me habbað geJsealdne 1 hiora wlencii [7 getehhod] to heora leasü welii, j; ic *ne mot [mid] minum 'ðeo[ wum J min[ra þeJnunga f[ ulganJgan swa ealla o þra [ge Jsceafta moton. Ða mine þeowas siC ndJon wisdomas 5 7 cræftas 7 soõe welan; mid þæm þeowum wæs on symbel min plega; mid þæm þeo,,"ü ic eom ealne þone hefon ymb- hweorfende, 7 þa ni'ðemystan ic gebringe æt þæm hehstan, 7 þa hehstan æt ð'æm ni'ðemæstan; 'ðæt is p ic gebringe eadmodness[e J on heofonum) 7 ð'a hefonlican god æt þæm 10 eað'modii. Ac þonne ic up gefere mid minum þeowü [Þo Jnne forseo \ve þas styrmendan woruld swa se earn ð'onne he up gewit bufan 'ða wolcnu styrmendü weùrü, jJ hÙn þa storm as derigan ne mægen 2. Swa ic wolde, la [lJfod]. p þu þe fore up to us gif þe lyste, on þa gerad 3 jJ þu eft mid us þa eor'ðan I:; secan wille for godra manna þearfe. Hu ne wastu mine þea was, hu georne ic symle wæs ymbe godra manna þearfe? Wast þu hu ic gewand ymb Croeses 4 þearfe Creca g;ninges, þa þa hine Cirus Pærsa cynÙlg gefangen hæfde 7 hine forbærnan wolde? Ða hine mon on þæt fyr wearp þa alysde 20 ic *[hÙze mÙl heofonlzcoll rene. Ac þu ðe .fortruwu Jdest for þinre r[ilztwzS Jnesse 7 [.10 Jr þinum godan willan; wendest þæt þe nanwuht unrihtlices on becuman ne meahte, swe1ce þu wolde 5 þa lean eal þinra godena weorca on þisse weoruld habban. Hu meahtest þu sittan on middü gemænü rice 25 'Þ ð'u ne sceolde 6 p ilce geþolian .P oð're men? Hu meahtes þu bion on midre þisse hwearfunga l' 7 'ðu eac mid ne hwearfode 7? H wæt singa'ð þa leoð'wyrhtan o'ðres be ð'isse woruld buton mislica hwearfunga þisse worulde? H wæt is þe ð'onne j; þu þærmid ne hwearfie? Hwæt recstu hu ge 30 hwearfigen nu ic [szfmle 1Jlla þe beoJ ? ð'e wæs þios hwe[ a Jrf ung 8 be/ere forð'æm 'Þ ð'e ð'issa woruldsæl'ða to wel ne lyste, 7 þæt ðu þe eac betre na gelefde 8. 1 geheldcne B. 2 mahan B. 3 From B, geard C. 4 Croesos B. :i woldest B. 6 sceo/dest B. 7,p þu eae mid earefoðe sü eofe/ne gifeldest B. 8 kwemfung sælþa to we! gelyste. 7 J1 þu eae be/era lle gelifdest B. na in text is from J. VIII] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 19 iv m. 'ðeah þæ 1 feohgitsere cume swa fela welena swa þara sondcorna bið be þisum sæclifum 0 þþe þara steorrena 'ðe þiostru nihtum scinað, ne for1æt he þeah no ða seofunga 1> he ne seofige his ermða. peah nu God gefylle þara weligra 5 monna willan *[ge mid golde ge mid seol.fre ge mid eallü * 8a C. deorwy Jrðnessum, swaðeah [him lle beod se J ðurst gefylled hiora git[ sunga, ac s Jio grundlease swelgend hæfð [swiJ'ðe mænegu westu holu S on to gadrianne. H \Va mæg þæm wedendan gietsere geno[ h] forgifan? Swa him mon mare 10 selð, swa hine I11a lyst. v n. Hu wilt þu nu andwyrdan þæm woruldsæl'ðii gif hi cweðað 4 to þe: H wæt witst þu, la Mod, us? H wi yrsast þu wið us? On hwæm abulgon we þe? Hwæt, þe ongan lystan ure, nales us þin; þu settest us on 'Þ setl ðines sc[eopJ- 15 pendes þa õu [w Jilnode t to us þæs godes ðe ðu to hie m J sceoldes. Vu cwist ri ðæt we hæbban þe beswicenne, ac we 1llagan cweþan ma þæt þu hæbbe us be[swzCene], nu us ðurh þine lust 7 þur[ h þz'n Je gitsunga 6 onscunian sceal ea[lra ge Jsceafta sceppend. N u [þu earl scyldig Jra þonne we, ægþer 20 [ge for þÙzü ag Jnu unrihtlustum ge eac forðæmþe we ne moton for 'ðe fulgan ures sceppendes willan; forðæmðe he ure ðe onlænde æfter his bebodii to brucanne, * [ nallas 7 þÙzre * 8b C. unrilzlgilsunga gewill 10 fulJfremmanne. [ A ndwJ'rde unc nu], cwæõ se \Visdom, swa swa þu r willeJ; wit geanbidiaõ þinre 25 o[ ndswore]. VIII. Ða cwæ'ð 'Þ l\Tod: Ic me ongite [æghwoJnan s[ry Jldigne, ac ic eom 1llÙl þæs Ia'ðes sare swa swi'ðe ofðrycced þæt [zeJ inc geandwyrdan ne mæg. Va cwæð se \Visdom eft: Þ is nu giet þinre unrihtwisnesse 'Þ ðu earl fulneah forþoht. Ac 30 ic nolde jJ þu þe forþohte, ac ic wolde 1> õe sceamode swelces gedwolan; forõæm se se õe hine forþencõ se bið ormod, ac m Boeth. ii. met. 2. ' Si quantas rapidis flatibus incitus,' &c. n Boeth. ii. pro 3. ' His igitur,' &c. 1 }æm om. B. 2 em. hi B. manega weste hola B. {cwðan B. 5 'wilt B. 6 lus fJÜsu1Zga B. 7 nales J. C 2 20 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [VIII se se 'ðe hine sceama'ð se bi'ð on hreowsunga. Gif 0 þu nu gemunan wilt ealra õara arwyrðnessa þe 'ðu for þisse weoruld[e hæ.fdest] si'ððan 'ðu ærest [geboren wære o'ð] ðÙne dæg: gif þu nu [atelan IJ wilt ealle þa bliþnessa wið [þã] ullrotnessü, ne meaht ðu fu[leaþe cwe'ðan J 'Þ þu earm sie 7 unges[ ælig . 5 firþam û: J ðe geongne 2 underfeng ltll!Jldne 7 unlæredne, 7 lne to bearne genom, 7 to minum tyhtü getyde, H wa mæg * 9 a C. þonne auht oð'res cweðan butan j) þu wære se ge*sæIgesta, þa þu n1e wær[e ær Ieoj' þõn Jne cuÞ,7 ær þon þa S ð'u cuõe min[ne] tyht 7 mine þeawas, 7 ic þe giongne gelærde swyIce 10 snytro swe1c manegum oðrum eldran gewittum oftogen is, 7 ic þe gefyrðrede mid minum Iarum to ðon p þe 4 mon to domere geceas? Gif þu nu forðæm c\vist p þu gesælig ne sie þe þu nu næfst ða hwilendlican awyrðnessa 7 õa bliþnessa 6 þe þu ær hæfdest, þonne neart ðu þeah ungesæ1ig, 15 forðæmðe 6 þa unrotnessa þe þu nu on eart swa ilce 7 oferga'ð swa ðu cwist 'ðæt þa blissa ær dydon. Wenstu nu j) þe anum þellecu hwearfung 7 þillecu unrotnes on becume 7 nanú oð'r( ü] mode sweIc [ne on J become, ne ær þe [ne æfler] þe? [OJþþe wenst þu yte on ænegü men1l1"scu mode mæge auht 20 fæstrædlices bion buton hwearfu[ nga ? OðJðe gif hit on ænegum [ænige hwz"le] fæstlice wunað} [se deaþ hit) huru aferreð j; hit bion ne mæg þær hit ær wæs. H wæt ndon ð'a woruldsælð'a oðres buton deaðes tacnung? Forþam se deað * 9 b C. ne cymð to nanü *oõrÜ ÕÚlgU butan jJ he jJ lif afyrre 8,. swa 25 eac þa woruldsælða cumað to 'ð'æ mode to þã j) hi hit ben[Ùn Jen þæs õe him leofast bi'ð ð'isse weorulde; þæt bið þonne þonne hie him .fram gewitað'. Gesege, la lVIod, hwæð'er þe betere þince, nu nanwuht woruldlices 9 fæstes 7 un[ h]wearfiendes bion ne mæg? H wæðer ð'e ðu hl'forseo, 7 þines agnes þonces 30 hi flrlete buton sare, þe þu gebl'de hwonne hi ð'e sorgiendne forlæten ? o Boeth. ii. pro 3. 1. 13 P. 'V erumtamen ne te,' &c. t atella1t J. 2 C has either geoncne or ge012ene, giungne B. 3 þe B. f From B,þte C. 5 7 tJa hli}n. ab. 1. in C. 6 ðe ab. 1. in C. 7 æ/ce 13. S aferre J. 9 nault! 'Zvoruldrices B. X] DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 21 IXp. Ða ongan se \Visdom sÙzgan 7 gÛJdode þus: jJÕ.l.V seo sunne on hadrit heojòne beorhlos/ 1 scÙzeð, þõn aþeoslrzað ealle sleorra1l 2 , forþãþe heora beorhlnes 1ze beoð na1l beorhlnes 3 for hire. jJõn sJJIy'lle blaweð suþanweslan wind, þõn weaxað 5 swiðe hraðe fildes blosman ' ac þõn se stearca wind c)lmð norðaneaslan, þõn loweorpð he swz7Je hraþe þære 4 rosall wlite . swa ifl pone 10 smyllon Sa' þæs norðãwÙzdes ysl olls!yreõ. Eala jJ nanwuht nÙ fæsle slondendes weorces a wuniende on worulde. Xq. 10 jJa* c\Væ'ð Boetius 5 : Eala, JVÙdom,þuþe eartlllodor 6 eallra * loa C. mægena, ne mæg ic 1la wl7Jcweðan ne andsaczgan ß þe 7 þu me ær sædest..forþonþe hit Ù tall soð ' forþã ic nu hæbbe ongitell jJ õa mÙze sætða 7 sio orsorgnes, þe ic ær wende jJ gesæl'ða beon seeoldan, nane sælða ne Sztzl,j"orðanz hz'swa rædlzee gewitaþ. Ac J 5 jJ me ha:fð eallra swzdost gedrqèd þõnze .Jln/be swelc smealicost þence, jJ Ie llU sweolole ongiten hæbbe jJ þæt Ù seo mæste unsæl'ð on þys andweardan life jJ mOll (prest weorðe 8 gesælig, 7 æfler þã ungesælig. pa andsworede se Wisdom 7 sio Geseear(wÙnes, 7 cwæð: Ne meaht þu no mid so'ð'e getælall 20 þine wyrd 7 þÙze gesæl'ða, swa swa þu wensl, fir pã leasit ungesæ1þü 9 þe þu ðrowast. HZl Ù leasung jJ þu wenst 'ðæt 'ðu sie ungesæ1ig. Ac gif þe nu Þ swa swi'ðe gedrefed 7 geunrotsad hæfð (jJte þu forlure þa leasan gesa'1þa), þonñ n1æg ic pe openlzee gereccan Þ 'ðu swutole ongits'ð j)te þu gzet 25 hæfst * [ðone mæslan dæl] þara 10 gesæl'ða þe [þu ær] hæfdest. * lob C. Saga me nu hwæ[ðer] þu mid rihte n1æge siofian [þÙz]a unsæl'ða, swelce 'ðu eallunga [11 ]æbbe fodoren þina gesæl'ða ; P Eoeth. ii. met. 3. ' Cum polo Phoebus,' &c. Cotto Metr. vi. q Boeth. ii. pro 4. 'Turn ego, Vera, inquam,' &c. 1 em. beohtost B. 2 em. }e01-yan B. 3 em. beohtnes B. tern. }ær B. :> beotz"us B. {) llloduy B. 7 andsaâgian þæs}e J. 8 M sy J. \I u1zsælðum J. 10 }z"m-a B. 22 DE CON SOLA TIONE PHILOsOPHIAE [X ac 'ðu hæfst get gesund gehealden eall 'Þ deorwyrðoste ðætte þu ðe besorgost hæfdes. Hu meaht þu þonne mænan p wyrse 7 Þ laðre nu ðu ðæt leofre hæfst gehealden? H wæt, þu wast p sio duguð ealles moncynnes 7 ðe se [mæ ]sta weorðscipe get Ieofað, t is [Si]machus 'ðin swior. H wæt, he 5 is giet [ha]l 7 gesund, 7 hæf'ð ælces godes gee n Jog; for'ðon ðe ic \Vat jJ ðu auht 1 ne forslawode 1'te þu þin agen feorh fir hine ne sealdest 2 gzI þu hine gesawe on hwe1cum earfo'ðü, forðæm [se] wer is domes 3 7 cræfta full, 7 geno[gJ orsorg nu get æ1ces eorðlices eges. Se is swiõe sarig for õinü 10 earfoõum 7 for õinü wræcsiðe. Hu ne liofaõ þin [wif eac, þæs ilcan] Simaches dohtor? 7 sio is swiðe [wel] gerad 7 swiðe gemetfæst; sio hæfõ eall oþru wif oferõungen 4 mid clænnesse. Eall hire god ic þe mæg mid feam wordum * 1 I a C. areccan; *þæt is õæt hio is on ealü [Þeawzï hiere] fæder gelic. 15 Sio liofaõ [nu þe, þe anum, fir J'ðæmõe hio nanwuht eIl[es ne Zzifað] buton þe. Ælces godes hio hæ[fÞ 5 genoh on] õys andweardan life, [ac heo hit /uifð] eall forsawen ofer ðe [anne 6 . eall heo hù'] onscuna'ð, forðæmþe [heo þe ænne] næfð; þæs anes hire is [nu wana. For] þinre æfweardnesse 20 hire þincð [eallJ noht l' hie hæfõ, forõæm hio is [fir] þinum lufum ormod 7 fulneah [dead] for tearum 7 for unrotnesse, [Hwæt] wille we cweõan be þz"num twam 7 [SZt1zü]? õa Sztzt ealdormen 7 geõeahtera[ s . OIl] þæm is swzotol szo gifu 7 ealla 8 õa 9 dL ugu ]þa heora fæder 7 heora eldran fæder, swa swa 25 geonge 10 men magon gelicoste [beon] ealdum monnunl. þy ic wundrige hwz" õu ne mæge ongietan j; õu eart nu git swiõe gesælig, nu õu gil hofosl 7 eart hal. H wæt, p is sio meste ar deaðlicra monna (jJ hie libball) 7 sien hale; 7 þu hæfst nu giet to eacan eall t ic õe ær tealde. H wæt, ic wat 3 0 t jJ is giet diorwyrþre þonne mon[ nes liJf, forõæm mænegum men is leo[.fre þæt] he ær self swelte æf he gesio his \Vif 7 1 naht B. 2 Between sealdest and gif B has inserted ab. 1. 7 hu ne leofoð þin wif eac }æs ilcan Simaches dohter 7 sio is swiðe (repeated below). s wisdollles B. .. A letter appar. erased, between the ð and u of oj"e1ðungen, in C ; oftrðungen B. :I em. hæft B. G æ1l!lle J. Ie e C 10' J 7 twæm J. 8 eala C. 9 ða. gZlt11ge. :XI. I] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 23 his bearn swelt[en ]de. Ac hwi * [1z7ast 1 þu þõn] to wepanne * lIb C. bulo[ n andweorce { Ne] meaht 'ðu nu giet þinre [zl!J!rde nauhl] o'ðwitan ne þin lif no rgelælan, n Je eart þu no eallunga to [nauhle ge Jdon swa swa þu wenst. [NÙ þe nu gzïJ nan 5 unaberendlic [broc gelenge], for'ðon (ðin) ancer is giet [on eorðan fæ ]st; f sint 'ða ealdor[ men] þe we ær ymb spræeon. pa 'ðe ne [la Jetaõ geortrewan 2 be ]JYs and[ wearJdan life; 7 eft þin agna treowa [7 seoJ godcunde lufu 7 se tohopa, [þa ðr ]eo þe ne lætað geortrewan be þam ecan life. 'ða and. 10 sworode þal unrole llIod 7 cwæð: Eala, \væran þa ancras szoa Irunle 3 7 swa 'ðurhwunzende, ge for Gode ge for worulde, swa szva þu segsl.; þonne mihle zve lllicle þy eð' geþolian swa hwæt earfoþnessa swa us on becon1e. Eall hze us þynca'ð þy leohtran 'ða hwz7e þe þa on eras fæsle bio'ð. Ac þu nu"hl þeah I50ngitan hu þa mina sæl'ða 7 se min weorðscipe (her for worulde) is oncerred. XI r. i. Ða andswarode se \Visdom 7 seo Geseead[ zmsnes J, 7 cwæ'ð: Ic wene þeah 'P ic hwæthwugununges *[þe uþ aho.fe 0/* lIb ends, þære unrolnesse 7 fubzeah gebrohle æl þam zlcan weorðscipe þe ne.xt. fol.. mIssmg m 20 þu ær hæfdes, bulon þu gillo fit! ry þæs þe þe læfed 5 Ù, jJ þe c. forðy zvlalige. Ac zc ne nzæg adreohan 6 þine seofunga for þam fyllan þe þu forlure . forþã þu simle nll"d wope 7 mÙl unrolnesse mænsl gif þe ænzes wz71an zvana bið, þeah hzï !J'lles hwæl sze. Hwa wæs (p jre on þis andweardan life, oððe hzva 25 wyrð gel after us on þisse worulde, jJ hÙJl nanwuhl W10 hz's wzilan ne sie, ne fylles ne miceles? Swiðe nearezve senl 7 7 szviðe heanlÙ:e 8 þa mennÙcan gesæ/þa, forþam oþer Izvega oððe hie naj"re 10 llanù men ne becumaþ, oððe hz' ðær næfre /æsIIÙ:e 9 ne ðurhzvuniað szvelca swelce hi ær 10 coman. 'pæl Ù: wz7le her r Boeth. ii. pro 4. 1. 34 r. 'Et ilIa, Promouimus, inquit,' &c. 1 !iotas! J. ð adreogan J. 2 geortreowan B. 3 em. rume B. 4 -ùð J. :; alyfed J. 7 1zearwa sin! J. 8 Izeanllca J. 9 em. fie/lice H. 24 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XI. I beæflan szveotolor gereccall. We ZfJlloll j5 1 monige habbað ælces zvoruldwelall genog 1, ac hz' habbað sceame þæs zvelan gif hz' ne beoð swa æþele O1Z gebyrdu szva hz' zvoldon. Sume beoð swzõe æþele 7 widcuðe 011 heora geq;/Ydü, ac hi beoþ mid zvædle 7 nlla henðe 2 ofþrycte 7 geullrotsode j5 hï wære leofre þæt hie 5 wæran unæþele þÕ1Z szva earme, gif hz"t on heora anwealde wære. llIanege beoð þeah ægðer ge full æðele ge full welige, 7 beoð þeah fullulzrole, þÕll hz' oðer twega oððe wif habbað 3 hz111 gemæc, oððe him gemede llabbað 3. JJfanige B habbað genog gesælilzce 4 gewifod, ac for bearnleste ealbze þone zoelall þe hz' gegaderigað hz' lætað 5 10 fræmdu to brucanne, 7 hz' beoþ jòrþam unrote. Sume habbað bearn genoge, ac þa beoþ hwzïu unhale oððe yfile 7 ullzveorþe 6. oððe hraðe gifarað, jJ þa eldrall jörðam gnor111"að ealle heora woruld. Forþã lle mæg llan man O1l þ)IS andweardan 7 life eallunga gerad beoll zvið hz's 'w)1rd. jJeah he lZU llanzouht elles 15 1zæbbe ymbe 10 sorgzenne, jJ hÙll mæg 10 sorge þæt he llat hzvæl hz'm loweard bzõ, hwæðer þe god þe yfil, ðon ma þe þu wz'stest; 7 eac þæl jJ he þõn gesællzce b7J 1 cð he ondræt jJ he scyle firlælan. * 12a C. Getæc me llU SU1Jlne malln þara ðe þe gesælegost þznce] * 7 on his se[ifwille ry szvz'ðost gezvzlell]; ic þe gerecce swiðe hraþe 20 jJ ðu ongitst jJ he bi'ð for swi'ðe lytlum þingü oft swioe ungemetlice gedrefed, gif hin1 ænig wuht bið wio his willan oõoe wio. his gewunan, þeah hit nu Iytles hwæt sie, but on he 10 [æl]cum men mæge gebecnan 'P he z1'ne 8 on his ",iUan. 'Vundrun1 lytel mæg gedon þone ealra gesæIgostan mon her 25 on 9 worulde p he we no oæt his gesæloa sien oooe swiðe gewanode ooðe mid ealle forlorena. þu wens'ð (llu) 'P þu [seoJ swiðe ungesælig, 7 ic wat 'ðæt monegu men þuhte j5 he wære to hefonum ahæfen gif he ænigne dæl hæfde þara þinra gesæloa 10 þe þu nu giet hæfst. Ge furoum sio stow þe 'ðu nu 30 on gehæft 11 e[ a Jrt 12 7 þu cwist 'ðæt þin wræcstow sie 13, hio is II Boet},. ii. pro 4. 1. 45 P. ' DIe nuptiis felix,' &c. 1 mOll'Íge habbað ælces 1.voroldwz."llall gellog J, jJ mæg habbað æles woruldwela1l genog B. 2 hællðe J. 3 nabba'ð oððe him gemæc o'ððe gemede nabbað J. 4 gesællÙe J. 5 læfað' J. 6 U1l1.veor'ð J. 7 em. anweardall B. 8 ierlle J. 9 for E. 10 1/llgesælða B. 11 hæft B. 12 eard B. ]3 Conject. C has siLJ, B sy. XI. 2J DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 25 þæm monnum eþel þe 'ðæron geborene wæron, 7 eac þam þe hiora willum þæron eardia'ð. N e nanwuht ne bi'ð yfel ær 1110n wene p hit yfel sie,7 þeah hit nu hefig sie 7 wi'ðerweard, þeah hit biõ gesæ]'ð gif hit mon lustlice [de J'ð 7 ge þyldelice 5 aræfne'ð. Feawe sint 1 to þæm gesceadwise, *[gif he wyrð on * 12b C. ullgeðylde, jJ he lie wilnige 2 j5 his] sælõ[ a 1 weoroen onwen[ de]. 'Viõ sWlðe monige biternesse is gemenged sio swetnes þisse worulde; ðeah hio hwæm wynsumu 'ðynce, ne mæg he hi no gehabban :3 gif hio hine flion ongin'ð'. H u ne is hit þær 10 swiðe swiotol hu werelica f þas woruldsæl'ða sint, nu hi ne magon þone earman gefyllan, for[þJæm he 5 symle wilna'ð hwæshwugu [þJæs 'ð'e he þonne næfõ; ne hi þæm [g Jeþyld- egum 7 þæm gemetfæstum [s Jymle ne wUl1ia'ð'. ii t. Hwy sece ge þonñymbutan eow þa gesælða þe ge 15 [0 Jninnan iow habba'ð þurh þa godcundan mieht geset? Ac ge nyton hwæt ge doo . ge sint on gedwolan. Ac ic eow mæg IllZ'd fiawum wordum gereccan hwæt se hrof is ealra gesæloa; wi'ð þas ic wat þu wilt higian þon ær þe 'ðu hine ongitest; p 6 is þonne good. l\Ieaht þu nu ongitan hwæðer þu auht þe 7 20 deorwyr'ðre hæbbe þonne þe selfne? Ic wene þeah :þ 'ðu wille cw[eþJan t þu nauht deorwyr'ðre næbbe. Ic wat, gif þu nu *hæfde 8 fulne [allweald þznes se!fês,þõn] hæfde þu hwæt- * 13a C. hwugu on 'ðe seVum þæs 'ðe þu næfre þinum willü alætan noldes 9, ne sio wyrd þe on geniman ne meahte. For'ðæm 25 ic 'ðe mindgige p þu ongite pte nan gesæl'ð nis on þis and- weardan life 10 ðonne seo gesceadwisnes, for'ðæm hio þurh nan þing tze mæg }æm men loszan; for'ðy Ù betere }æt feoh pte næ.fre 10siall ne 1llæg ðonne yte mæg 7 sceal. Hu ne is þe nu genoh sweotole gesæd p sio wyrd þe ne mæg nane 30 gesælõa sellan ? forþæmþe ægþer is ullfæst, ge seo wyrd ge seo gesælð,o .forþam Sztzt swt7Je tedre 7 sWlõre hreosende þas gesælþa. t Boeth. ii. pro 4. 1. 67 P. 'Quid igitur, 0 mortales,' &c. 1 sient B. 2 em. he wibzige B. 3 habban B. 4 hwetftire B. 5 From R. hy C. 6 ðe B. 'I þe om. B. 8 næfdest B. 9 woldest B. 10 In B between life and ðonne are the words ac 01lget }æ! nauht 1lis btltre on þis andweardulll life. 26 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XI. 2 Hwæl, ælc þara þe þas woruldgesæ(þa hæfð oþer iwega oððe he wal fi hi 1 him fromwearde beoð, oððe he hzï þõn nal. Gif he hz! þõn nal, hwelce gesælþa hæfð he æt þã 'lvelan gif he bz7J swa dysig 7 swa ungewz"ss 2 fi he þæl 'lvilan ne mæg ? Gif he hzï þõn wal, þonne ondræl he him -þ hi losien, 7 eac geara wal 'Þ 5 * I3 b C. he hi alætan sceal. *[ Se sz"ngala ege ne lælnonne mon gesæ- lz"n ]ne bion. Gif þonne hwa ne Tecð hwæðer he þa gesælþa hæbbe þe 3 næbbe þe he þonne hæfõ, hwæt, f þonne beoð for lytla sælða oþþe nane, þæl mon swa eaðe forlætan mæg, Ie wene nu 'P ie þe f hæfde ær genog sweolole gereaht be monegun1 10 tacnum fite 1Jlonna sa wla 5 sint undeadlica 7 eee 6, 7 þis is genog sweotol -þte nænne mon þæs [/]weogan ne þearf fte ealle men geendiað 7 on þam dea'ð'e, 7 e c heora welan. jJl' [zc] wundrige hwz'men sien swa [ungeseea ]dwise 1J hi wenen þæt te þis [andwear]de lif [ma ]ege þone mon[ nan dJon 8 gesæligne ] 5 þa hwile þe he [leo/að], þonne hit hine ne mæg [æfler] þys life earmne gedon. [Hwæl], we gewislice witon unrim [ða ]ra monna [Þe] þa ecan gesælða sohton nalles þurh t an 'P hi wilnodon ðæs [lzch]omlican deaðes, ac eac nzanegra sarlicra wit a hi gewil[nodon Wlõ'] þæm [ee Jan life; þæt wæron ealle 9 20 þa h[ a ]lgan martiras. XII u. * ] aC, top *[jJa ongan se fVl"sdom glz"O'lVÙln 7 geoddode þus ' eele þæt of fo1. spell mÙl leoðe fi he ær sæde, 7 cwæð : ] (Se þe wzlle fæsl hus gone. limbrz'an ne sceal he hz! 110 sellan up on ðone hehslan owll, 7 se ðe wille godcundne wÚdom secan ne mæg he hzne wið ojèrmella,o 25 7 ifl se þe wzlle fæsl hus tÙJlbrian ne selle he hz! O1Z s01zdbeorhas. Swa eae gif þu wz"sd01ll limbrÙzn wzlle, ne sele þu hine on uppan þa gz"tsullga,forþã S'lva swa sigende sond þone ren swylgð, swa su!)'lgo seo gz'lsung þa dreosendan welan þÚses mz"ddangeardes, forþã hzo hz"ora sz"mle bz"ð þurslegu. Ne mæg hus nahl lallge 3 0 stand an on þã hean 1Jlunte gif hz"l full ungemellzc 10 wÙzd u. Boeth. ii. met. 4. ' Quisquis uolet,' &c. Cotto letr. vii. 1 ern. he B. . 2 unwis J. 3 }e he B. 4 }e om. B. 5 sawula B. 6 tea J. 7 geendi að C, with space between 'i and a. 8 monn andon B. 9 ealle om. B. 10 ern. u1lgametlie B. XIII] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 27 gestent . næfð 1 þæt jJte on ðam sigendã sonde stent for swiðlicu rene. Swa eae jJ mennisee mod bið undereten 7 aweged qf his stede þõn hzï se wz'nd strongra geswinca asryroð oððe se ren ungemetliees ymbhogan. Ae se þe zm'lle habban þa ecan 5 gesælða he seeal jleon þone freenan wlzïe þises middaneardes 7 timbnan jJ hus his 2 modes on þam fæstã stane eaðmetta, fôrþãðe Crist e rdað on þære dene eadmodllesse 7 on þã ge1llJmde wz'sdomes. Forþam simle se wÙa mOll eall his lif læt on gifean ullonwendendliee 7 orsorg, þõn he forszÏ1þ ægðer ge 10 þas eorðlÙ:an gód ge eac þa yjlu, 7 hoþað to þã toweardä . jJ sint þa eean. Forþãþe God hine gehelt æghwonan singalliee wuniendne on his modes gesælðu1Jl, ðeah þe se wind þara eaifoþa 7 seo szngale gemen þz'ssa woruldsælða hÙJl on blawe.) XIII v. Ða se Wisdom þa 7 seo Gesceadwisnes þis leoð a[ s Jungen 15 hæfdes,þa ongon he e(ftJ secgean spel, þu[s cwæ Jð: JIIIeþineð [nu J Þ wit n1ægen [smeaHcor spreean 7 dlogolran J wordum, for[þam ie ongz"te jJ min J lar hwæthwu[gll z"n gæð on þz'n ondgù'] 7 þu genoh we! [understenst jJ ie þe to] sprece. Ge- þenc [nu hwæt þz"nes agnes J sie ealra ðz'ssa [woruldæhla 4 7 20 we!ena, oððe hwæt þu þæron age Ullan dergl1des, g f þu hÙll sceadwz'sIÙ:e 5 after spy Jrest. H wæt hæfit þu [æt þam gifüJ þe þu cwyst p seo wyrd eow [gijè, 7 ætJ ðæm welan, þeah hy nu ece zvæ[ron J? Sæge me nu hwæðer se þin wela [þz'nesJ 'ðances swa diore seo, þe for hz's agenre gecynde. H wæðer ic 25 þe secge þeah ðæt hit is of his agenre gecyllde, næs of þinre. Gif hit þÕll his agenre gecynde is, nas of þinre, hwi eart þu þonne a þy betera for his gode 6 ? Sege me [nu hwæt hz's þe deorast 7 J þince, hwæ[ðer þe gold þe hwæt]. Ic wat þeah gold. [Ae þeah hz"t nu god 8] sie 7 diore, ðeah [bzd' hHseadigra J 7 3 o leoj"u)endra se ðe hit * [selð þÕ1z se ðe hzï gaderað j on oðrit * ISb C. v Boeth. ii. pro 5. 'Sed quoniam rationum,' &c. 1 em. 11æft B. 2 Ilis above line B. 3 hæfdon B. 4 In C the words in square brackets are partly gone; rest illegible. 5 gesceadwisllce J. 6 goode J. 7 dlorust J. 8 From J, gold B. 28 DE CONSOLATIONE PI-IILOSOPHIAE [XIII reafa'ð. Ge eac þa we/an J bio'ð hlisead[zgran] 7 leoftælran þonne þonne 1 hi mon sel'ð þonne hi bion 'ðonne hi mon gadr[ a'ð] 7 hilt 2. H wæt, sio gitsung gede'ð [heore gi!Jseras [la'ðe J ægþer ge [Gode ge 1ll0nnu, 7 þa C)'sla J gedo'ð [Þa sznde leo.ftale 7 J hliseadige 7 we [or'ðe agþer ge Gode ge] monnum 'ðe 5 [hie lllfia'ð. lVu jJ fioh þõn J ægþer ne [mag beon ge mid þã þeJ hz"t sel'ð ge [1Ju"d þam þe hzï mon s Jel'ð 3, nu is for[pä ælc fioh he/ere J 7 deorwyr'ðre [geseald þõn gehe Jalden. Gif nu eal1 [þÚes middallea Jrdes \Vela come to [allu men], hu 1Ie wæren þonne ealle [oþre men J wædlan buton him f anum? [ Genoh J 10 sweotol 'P is þætte god word 7 [god hlÙa] ælces monnes bi'ð betra 7 [deorra 6 þõn ænlg] wela; hwæt, þæt [1.V Jord gefyl'ð [ ælces 6 þJara earan þe hit geher'ð, 7 ne bi['ð þe Jah na þy læsse mid þæm þe hit spr[lc'ð. HJis heortan diegelnesse hit geopen[a'ð 7 , 7 þæs 0 ]õres [heor!Jan belocena hit [þurlfær'ð, 7 IS on þã] færelde þærbeÌ\'Yx [ne bz''ð hz"tno] gewanod; nee mag * 16a C. hz'! mOlz mÙl sweorde *0 Jfslean ne mid rape gebindan, [ne hzt n Jæfre ne 8 acwylð. Ac þa eowre welan, [Þeah hz] ealne weg mid eow sien 9, ne þinc'ð eow no þy hra'ðor hiora genoh; 7 'ðeah ge hi þonne oþrum n10nnum sellen 10, ne n1agon ge no 20 þe ma mid þæm hiora wædle 7 heora gitsunge gefyllan. peah 'ðu hi smale 11 todæle swa dust, ne nu"h! þu 'ðeah ealle men emnlzce mid gehealdall ' 7 þÕ1l þu ealle gedælde hæft! þõn his! þu 'ðe self wædla. Sint jJ werzLzce 12 welan þisses middangeardes, þõn hz' nan mon fullice habban ne mæg, ne hz"e nallne mon 25 gewelegian ne magon, buton hie o'ðerne gedon to wæd/an. Hwæþer 13 llU gimma wlite eowre eagan to him [ge Jtio hiora to wundriganne ? Swa ic w[ at] p hi do'ð. H wæt, sio dugu'ð þonne þæs wlites þe on þæm gimmum bi'ð, bi'ð heora, næs eower. py ic eom swi'ðe ungemetlice ofwundrod hwi eow 30 þince þære ungesceadwisan gesceafle god web b[ete]re þonne eower [agen] god; hwi ge swa ungemetlice wu[ ndrzgenJ þara 1 }o1'lne once B. 2 healt B. 3 em.}e hit 1tÍmõ B, 11101l selõ J. 4 him om. B. 5 diort'a J. 6 From J,eallra B. 7 idelnesse hit oþenaõ B. 8 lle above line. 9 eown sin B. 10 sellan B. II smale B, swa smealice J. 12 were/ice J. 13 J. hwær B. XIV. I] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 29 gimm[ a ] oþþ[e ænzges J þara [deadlice Jna ðinga þe [gescead- wÙnesse n foJ; forðæm hi *[mid nanü ryhte ne magon J * 16b C gearni[gan ß ge he]ora wundrien. peah hi Godes [gescea Jftes sien, ne sint hi no wiõ eo[ w tJo metanne \ forðæm 2 þe oþer 5 twega oð'ðe hit nân gód nis for eow selfe, oððe þeah for 4 lyteI god wi'ð eow to metane s. [TJo swiðe we herwað [us selfi þon ]ne we fP 4J ma lufiað fte [under J us is on us [sum] 5 anwalde, þonne us selfe oððe [þon]e drihten þe us [ge]sceop, 7 us eall [oa] god forgeaf. H w[ æ Jþer þe nu licien [fJægru 6 10 lond ? XIV w. i. Ða andsworode t l\Iod [þa Jere Gesceadwisnesse 7 cwæõ: Hwi ne [sc]eolde me lician fæger lond? Hu ne is [þæ Jt se fægeresta dæl Godes gesceaf[ta? GeJ, ful oft we fageniað smyltre sæ, [7 e Jac wundriaõ þæs wlites þære sunnan ] 5 [7 J þæs monan 7 ealra þara steorrena. [ Ja andswarode se Wisdom 7 seo Gesceadwisnes þæm l\iode 7 þus cwæ'ð: H wæt belimp'ð' þe to hiora fægernes[s Ja ? II wæðer 7 þu dyrre gilpan þæt [h]iora fægern[es þJin sie? N ese, nese. r HJu ne was[t] þu [Þ' ouJ hiora nan ne worhtest 8? [Ac gif 201u] giIpan wille, gilp 9 Godes. Hwæðer þu n[u ./ægerraJ blos[tnzælla J fægnige on eas[tran, swelce þu hz"e gescope? * Hwæoer OU nu swelces auht wyrcan mæge, ooõe geworhtes * I7a C. habbe? Nese, ?lese. l\ e do þu szva 10. Hwæþer hz't flU þÙzes gewealdcs se n ß se hærJêst sioe swa welzg J on wæ[ stmü ? Hu 25 ne waf ic jJ hz't] nis no [þzones gewealdes? Hwi eart þu ] þonne [onæled mid swa idde ge.fean], oð'ð'e hwi [lifast þu oa fremdan god] swa unge[ metlice, swelce hz' sen þine get nu 12] ? Wenst þu mæge [seo w)'rd þe gedon jJ] þa þing þin agnu IS [setz þa oe heora agene 14] gecynd þe ged[on 15 fremde? P-lese, w Boeth. ii. pro 5. 1. 30 P. ' Quidni 1 Est enim pulcherrimi,' &c. 1 Second n above line. :iI of þã B. S metanne B. 4 jJ from J. man jJ lufiað B. 5 USSUnl J, 'Zlrufll. B. 6 fægre C: fægeru B. 7 Hwær B. " 11ml1le ne geworhtest B. 9 gilp above line. 10 no swa J. 11 So B. 12 agme for get 1lU J. 13 agnu agme C. 14 agnlt J. 15 gedydoll J. \ 3 0 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XIV. I nese]. Nis hit 1 no þe gecynde [pte þu ki age]; ne him nis gebyrde [f hi ðe folgÙn]. Ac þa hefoncu[ ndan þÙzg ðe szizt 2 ] gecynde, næs þæs [eorðlzean. pas eorðlican wæstmas sin[t gesceapene nete ]num 3 to andlifene; [7 þa woruldwelanJ sint gesceapene to blIswzce] þã mon[ nit] þe bioõ neatum 4 gelic[e, jJ 5 beoð unJrih[t]wise 7 ungemetfæs[te. To] þæm hi ea[c] becun1aõ of to st. Gif [þu] þonne þæ[t] gemet habban wz"lle, 7 5 þa 0"dþearf[e] witan wille, þõn zS þæt mete and [ d1Y ]nc 7 cIa'ð'as [7 tól to] swelcii. cræfte [swelce þu cunne jJ þe zS] * 17 b C. gecynde 7 Þ [þe is riht to habbenne J. H wile fremu i[s* þe jJ 10 þæl þu wzlnige þz"ssa andzveardella gesælþa ojèr geme!, þõn hz'e llaþer 6 ne magon 11f' þÙz gehelpall, lIe heora se(fra ? On sWlõe rytlon hz"era htPfð seo gerynd gellog ' on swa mlel] Ü hio [hæfð genog swa we ær sþræco ]n. Gif õu [heore mare selesl, oþer IweJga oðõe [hz! þe derað, oððe hz"t ðe þJeah 7 unwynrsü bÛJ, 15 oððe unget]æse, oõõe fre[cenlzc, eall jJ þu llU 0 ]fer ge met dest. [Gif ðu lilt ofer gemttJ itst, oõõe drin[cst, oððe claða þe 8 ma on J hehst 9 þonne [.bu þurjè, seo ]oJ oferinc 11 þe wyrõ oõõe [10 sare, oððe 10] wlættan, oþþe to un[gensazil, oððe J to plio. Gif þu nu wenst fte [wundorlzce J gegerela ]2 hwele weo[r Jõmynd 20 sie, þon]ne telle ic þa weorõ[ m Jynde þã wy Jrhtan þe hi worhte, nealles ]8 þe. Se wyrhta is God 14; þæs cræft ic þær [h ]erige on. Wenst þu p sio menigo [öÙlra J monna þe mæge don gesælig[ neJ? Nese nese. Ac gif hi yfe1e sint [7 [ytzge 15] þonne sint hi þe pliolicran [7 geswi]ncfulran hæfd 16 ðonne 2;; næfd 17; [forþ]æm yfele þ[egnasJ bioõ simle [heora J hlafo[rdes * 18a C fiendJ. Gif hi þonne [gode beoð 7 hlaford:i- holde 7 unlwifealde, about here. hu ne beoð jJ þõn heora godes, næs þz'nes? Hu milzt þu þõn þe agnian heora god? Gif þu nu þæs gzÏþsl, hu ne gz"lpst þu þõn heora godes, næs þÙzes ? 3 0 ii X. J\Tu þe zS genoh openlzce gecyþed þætJte na[ n þara x Boeth. ii. pro 5. 1. 51 P. 'Ex quibus omnibus,' &c. 1 hit om. B. 2 sendan J. 3 nytenum J. t neatenum B. :; 7 conj. om. B. 6 1tawðer J. 7 Conj. þealt. om. B. 8 claðe ma J. 9 hæfst B. 10 sio J. 11 ofering B. 12 gJrela B. 13 llæs na B. 11 god C, an 0 appar. erased,gVd B. ]5 7lytige from J, om. B. 16 gehæfd B. 17 guzæfd B. XIV. 2] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 31 goda þin nÙ, þe we ær] yn1 b 1 spræcon, 7 [þu ieohhodes 1 2 jJ hz' ðz"tle] bion sceolden. Gif [ðonne 8 þÙse wo ]rulde wlites 7 wela [10 wibzzenne ?lÙ], hwæt murcnast 4 þ[u þõn æfler þã] þe þu forlure, oð[ðe 10 hwon fag Jnasl þu þæs þe 'ðu [ær hæfdesl 5 ? 5 G!f hziJ fæger is, p is of hio[ra agnft gecyndeJ, næs of þinum; hiorr a fæger hl! z"s, nas] þin. H wæt fægnast [þu þõn heora] fægres? Hwæt belimpð 6 [hz's 10 þe? !{e þu hzì] ne 7 gesceope, ne hi þ[Ùze agene ne senl]. Gif hi nu gode sint [7 fægere, þõn] wæron hi swa gesceaprene,o 7 swalce hi 10 wo Jldan bion, þeah þu h[i næfre nahlest]. \Venst þu p hi a õy deo[rwyrðran seon 8 þe hi] to þinre note gelæ[ nde wæran? Ac f]orþæmþe heora d[yszge men wafiað 7 hz] him þinca'ð . de[ore,for}ã þu hz' gaderast 7 J heIst 9 * o[ n þÙzü horde. I-Iwæl'iC I d 8a h C 1 en sere, wz7llast þu þõn jJ þu hæbbe æl swelcere geHcnesse 10 ? Gelifl rest gone. 15 me,?lu ic hzï þe secge: ?lafst þuþær nauht æt, bUlonjJ þu tz?as/ 12 wædle to jlzonlle, 7 forþy gæderasl mare þõn þu ðuife 18, Ac ic wat þeah sU'lne geara jJle eall jJ ic her sprece is wzn þznft willan. Ac eowra gesælða ne sznt no jJ ge wellað þæl] hi [sen, forþã se þe mlcel] *Ùznzerfe 14 7 mislic [aga71 wz7e, he beðea ]rf * I b C 20 eac miceles ful[lumes. Se ealda cwi]de is swiõe sot) þe [nlOn ;S;rt gifyrn cwæðJ, þætte þa micles be[ðuifon þe nllcel a ]gan gone. willa'ð, 7 þa þurffon s'lviþe {ytles þe] maran ne wilnia'ð [þõn genoges. EutJan hi wilnien mid ofer[Ùlge hzora gz"lsu ]nga gefyllan, p hi næ[fre ne gedoð. I]c 15 wat f ge wena'ð þæt 25 ge [?lan gecundltc 16J god ne gesælþa onin[ nan eow selfü J næbben 17, forðæm ge hi [secað butan eow] to fremdft gesceaftü. [ Swa hzï is mis ]hweorfed 1J þæm men þinc'ð, [þeah he se god]- cundlice gesceadwz's, [jJ he on hÙJl selJfü næbbe sælþa gee noge, bulon he] mare gegaderzge þara [ungesceadwisene 18J gesceafta 3 0 þOl1ne [he beþurfi oöðe him] gemetlicre 19 sie; [7 þa ungescead- wisall lleolena 20J ne wile nlað nanes oðres feos 21, ac þlncð him genog on þã þe hz' bÙznan heora ægenre hyde habbað to eacan 1 b ab. 1. 2 tiohhodes J. 3 õone B. · 1Jlurhast C. 5 }ær hallst J. 6 be above line C. 7 ne om. B. 8 deorra1Z sÙn J. 9 heltst B. 10 So B, gesælignesse J. 11 gelief J. 12 tz"olast J. 13 ðyrft J. 14 From J, -ineife B. 15 em. Ac B. IIi gecyndelic J. 17 nabbaõ B. 18 So B. 19 gemetlz"c B. 20 neat J. 21 jios J. 32 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPIIIAE [XIV. 2 * 19 a C þãfodre þe him gecynde/ic bz'ð. * Hwæt} ge þõn þeah hwæthwega about here. godcundlices on eowerre saule habbað, jJ z"s andgit 7 gemynd, 7 se gesceadwz"slz"ca willa jJ hÙze þara twega IJyste. [Se þe þõn }as ðreo hæfðJ, þonne hæf'ð [he his sceoppelldes onlz"c Jnesse swa forõ [swa swa ænegu gesceaftJ fyrmest] mæg [hz"ere sceppendes 5 on Jlzcnesse habban. [ A c ge secað þære J hean gecynde [gesæ a 7 heore weorðJsczpe to 'ðæm niþ[erlzcum 2 7 to þã] hreosendlicum S [þÙzgü. Ac ge ne] ongita'ð hu rnicel[ ne teonan ge doð] Gode eowrü scippe[ nde, forþãþeJ he wolde þte ealle [ men zværan ealJra oþerra gescea[fta 10 zvealdendas J; ac ge underþeoda'ð [eowre hehstan J medemnesse under [þa eallra nyðe ]n1estan gesceafta; [1Jlla þã ge] habba'ð gecy'ðed [jJ æfter eowrüJ agnum dome ge [doð eow seife W)lr Jsan þonne eowra [agne 4 æhta, nu ge w Jena'ð l' eowre * I9a C n[ auht we/an 5 send eowre gesæ Jlþa, * [7 teohhÙlð þæt eall eowre 15 ends, woruldgod szen dzerran 6 ge seife. Swa hz"f eac wyrð þõn ge swa rest gone. wz"llað. iii Y. pæs mennz'scan lifts gecynd z's jJ hi þy anan seon 7 biforan eallit oðrÜ gesceaflum þy hi hze seife ongilon hwæt hz"e send 8 7 hwonan hi send 8 . 7 þi hi send 9 zl!Yrsan þõn nytenu 10, 20 þy hz' nellað wz"tan hwæt hi sint, oððe hwonan hz' sÙzt. pã * 19b C neatü] *is gecynde [ß hi f!J'ton hwæt hzeJ send 8; ac Þ is begins, first þa[ra monna unðeaw J þæt hi niton rhwæt hz"e sen. "Tu þeJ part gone. - is swiþe sweotol [þæt ge beoþ on gedwolan ], þonne ge wenaõ [ß ænig] mæg mid [rem[ dÜ we/it beoll geweorþod. Gif hwa nu 25 bið mid hwelcu] we/it geweorþod [7 mza hwelcit] deorwyrþil æhtit [gegyrewod lI , hu ne b]elimp'ð se weor'ðscipe [þõn to þã] þe hine geweor'ðaõ? [Pæt z's to htriann]e hwene rihtlzcor. [Ne þæt ne beoþ] no 'ðy fægerre F mid [e/leshwã gere Jnod bið, þeah þa ge[renu fægru 1 szen þe hz't mza gerenod [bzõ. Gif 30 hz"f] æf scandlic wæs, ne [bið hit no ðy fa Jegerre. \Vite þu fo[r soð jJ nan god n Je dere'ð þæm [þe hit ah. Hwæt, þu Y Boeth. ii. pro 5. 1. 81 P. 'Humanae quippe naturae,' &c. 1 furemest B. :iI ern. ni}erlÙam B. 3 hreorendÜ B. f agna J. S noht welan J. 6 dz'orran J. 7 sit J. 8 sien J. g sint J. 10 em. 1lJ'tena B. 11 gearod J. XV] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 33 wast nuJ Þ ie [Þe nc leoge, 7 eac wast þæt þa we/an off derz"aõ þamJ * þe hi agon on manegum þingu, [7 on J 'ðænl swi'ðost Þ * 20a C. te men weor'ða'ð [swa up ]ahæfene for 'ðæm we Ian 1 þæt oft [se J ealra wyrresta 7 se ealra unw[eor ]õesta mon wenõ Þ he sie 5 ealles [Þæs J welan wyr'ðe þe on þisse 2 worul[ de J is, gif he wisse hu he him to euman meahte. Se õe micelne wee Ian] hæfõ, he him ondræt nlonige 3 [fiond 4J; gif he nane æhta næfde, ne þ[or Jfte he him nænne ondræda[n]. Gif þu nu wære wegferend 7 bæfd[est] mieel gold on õe, [7 J þu þonne 10 beco[me J on þiofscole, þonne ne wendes þu þe þines feores, þonne 5 gif 'ðu þ[ onne ] swelces nanwuht næfde, þonne n[e] õorftes þu õe nanwuht ondræd[an], ae meahtes þe gan singende þo[ ne J ealdan cwide þe mon gefyrn saC ng J, Þ se nacoda wegferend hin1 nanw[ uhtJ ne ondrede. ponne þ[ u ] 15 þonne orsorg wære, 7 þa þeofas þe from gewiten wæron, þonne meahtes þu bismrian þæs andweardan welan,[l mea Jhtes ewe þan : Eala Þ hit is god [7 wynsum J Þ mon micelne welan hæ[bbe, nu] se næfre ne wyrõ orsorg þe hine underfehõ. XVz. 20 LPa seo Gesceadwisnes þa þz"s spell asæd hæfde, þa ongan heo sz1zgan 7 þus cwæõ:] (Eala, hu gesælig seo forme eld was þises lllÙJallgeardes, ða ælcum men þuhle genog on þære eorþan wæstmu. Naron þa welz"ge hamas, ne mistlÙ:e swot- met/as, ne drincas, ne diorwyrðra hrægla hi ne gz'rndan, 2sforþam hi þa git llæran, ne hio nanwuhf ne gesawon, ne nc geherdon. Ne gemdon hie nanes .fyrenlustes, bulon swÛJe gemellÛ:e þa gecynd beeodan ' ealne weg hi æton æne on dæg, 7 jJ was 10 æfinnes. Treowa wæslmas hi æloll 1 wyrla, nalles sczr win hi ne druncan, ne nanne wætan hi ne cuþon wiõ huni'ge 3 0 mengan ' ne seolocenra hrægla mÙl misllicu bleowu hi ne gimdon. Ealne weg hi slepon ule on Irzowa sceadü ' hlulerra z Boeth. ii. met. 5. 'Felix nimium,' &c. Cotto Metr. viii. 1 we/an from B, C has simply fa. 2 þisse om. B. 3 monig1ze B. 4 fynd J. 5 þonne om. B. D 34 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XV wella wæter hi druncon. Ne geseah nan cepa ealand ne weroõ, ne geherde non 1ll0n þa gel nanl1e sciphere, ne furþon ynzbe nan gejèoht sprecan. Ne seo eorðe þâ get besmiten mid ofslægenes 1ll0nnes blode, ne mon furðum gewul1dod.J' lle nzonn ne geseah þa git yfilwz71ende men.J' nænne weorõsciþe næfdon, ne hi non 5 mon ne lufude. Eala jJ ure tida nu ne 1Jlzntan weorþan swilce. Ac nu manna gitsung Ù swa byrnel1de swa jJ fyr on þære helle, seo Ù on þã munte þe Ætne hatte, on þam Ùgla1lde þe SÚ:z7ia halte.J. se 1llunt bzõ sz"mle sweße bzrnende, 7 ealla þa neahstowa þæ1J/lllbutan forbærnõ. Æala, hwæt se f01111a 10 glÏsere wære, þe ærest þa eorþan ongan deifan æfter golde, 7 æfter gzl1l17lÜ, 7 þa frecnan deorwyrðnesse 1 funde þe ær bel!J!d wæs 7 behelod mid ðære eorþan.) XVI a. i. pa se Wisdom þa þis leo'ð asungen hæfde, þa ongan he eft spellian 7 þus ewæþ: Hwæt mæg ic þy 2 mare secgan 15 be þæm weor'Oscipe 7 be þæm anwealde þisse worulde? For 'Oæm anwealde ge eow [w ]oldon âhebban up 0'0 'Oone heofin, gif ge S meahten. 1> is for'ðæmþe ge ne gemunon ne eac ne ongitaõ þone heofoneundan anweald 7 þone weor'ðscipe; se is eower agen, 7 þonan ge comon 4. Hwæl, se eower wela 20 þonne 7 se eower a1tweald, þe ge nu weor'Oseiþe hatað, gif he becymõ to þã eal/ra wyrreslan men, 7 to þã þe hz's eallra * 22a c. unweorðost bzõ, swa he nu q)'de to}z's z7can *Peodrice, 7 iu:> ær to Nerone þæm [c Jasere, 7 oft eac to nlænegum hiora gelicum, hu ne wile he 'ðonñ don swa hi dydon 7 get do'O, ealle oa 25 ricu þe him under bzo'O o'ðõe awer on nea weste, forslean 7 forheregian, s\Væ swa fyres leg de'O drigne hæ'Ofeld, o'O'Oe eft se byrnenda swefel 'Oone munt bærn'O þe we hata'O Etne 6, se is on Sicilia 'Oæm ealonde; swi'Oe onlie 'ðæm n1iclan flode 'Oe gzit 01Z Noes dagum wæs. Ie wene 'Oæt þu mæge gemunan 30 'ðætte eowre eldran gio Ronlana witan on T orcwines a Boeth. ii. pro 6. 'Quid autem de dignitatibus,' &c. 1 em. deoY; se wæs to manegum wztÜ g[worht, for'ðæn1 þe he nolde 17leldÙzn on his geferan þe mid [him] siredon YInb õone cy1lzng [Þe hz"e ær] mid unrihte gewunllen [hæfdon 6. P Ja he õa beforan 20 'Oone [gram an J cyning gelæd wæs, [7 he hine het] secgan hwæt hies ge.feran wærol1J 'ðe mid him [j'mbe sÚ!red01z 7 , þa] * 24 a C. flrceaw he [hzS tunga1l7 J *wearp hine mid 'ðære tung[an 8 011 þæt nJeb foran. For'ðæm hit ge[ wearð jJ ðJæm wisan men com to lore [j to wyrðJscipe Þ se unrihtwisa [rynÙlg hÙJl] 25 tiohhode to wite. [Hwæt is jJJ denllna 9 õæt ænig mon mæge o'Orum do[n], Þ he ne mæge him don 'ðæt ilce? Gif he ne mæg, o'Oer mon mæg. We leornodon eac be õæm wæìreo- wan Bosiridem, se wæs on Egyptum. æs leodhatan gewuna wæs Þ he wolde ælcne cuman swi'ðe ar]ice underfoon 30 7 swi'Oe swæslice wi'O gebæran, õonne he æres'ð him to com. Ac eft, ær he him from cerde, he sceolde bion ofslægen. Ond 'ða geberede 10 hit 'ðæt Erculus [IJobes sunu co[ m ] to 1 ðælte J. 2 hine h'Wilum deadne B. om. B. :I tiberius B. 6 hæfde J. 8 þærmid for m. ð. t. B. 9 em. ðemma B. 3 hit ne sit B. 4, ne 7 ymbe hint syredon J. 10 g-etyddt B. XVI. 3] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 37 him. pa woIde he do[ nJ ymbe hine swa swa he ymbe m[ anzgne] cuman ær dyde; woIde hine [a ]drencan on þære ea 'ðe Nilus [hat]te. a wear'ð he strengra, [7 adre Jncte hine swiðe rihte [be Godes dome], swa swa he manign[e 5 oðerne ær dy Jde. H wæt, eac Regulus, [se] foremæra [heretJog[ a, þa he fiaht] wiõ Africanas], r he hæfJde [fulneah] *ullasec- * 24b C gendlicne sige of[er þa Afrzc Janas 2; þa he (hi) þa swiõost about here. [forslagenJ hæfde, õa het he hi bind[ an 7 on ba Jlcan lecgan. a ge!!Jlrede [hit swzõe] hra'ðe r (he) wear'ð gebullden [mzd 10 hit-a J racentum. Hwæt wenst [þu þõnJ hwæt godes se S anzveald [sÙ, þõn J he 4 on nane wÚan his agenes cræftes ne mæg forbugan Þ he õæt z"lce yfel ne geõafige oðrum monllü p he ær oðrü tlyde? Hu ne Ú se anweald þÕ11 þær nauht? iii c. Hwæt wenst þu? gifse weorõscipe 7 se anweald 5 his IS agnes þonces god wære 7 hÚ seifes anweald hæfde, hwæ'ðer he wolde þã /orcuðestü monnü folgian swa he 111t hwilum 6 de'ð? Hu ne zvast þu jJ hit llzS nauht gecynde ne llauht gewunelz"c jJ {l'1zig wlõerweard þzng bÙm gemenged wzô oðrü wlõerweardü, oððe a'll{ge giferrædenne wZô habban? Ac seo geC)'lld hz! 20 onsCltJzaðþæt hi lle nzagoll weor'ðan togædere gemenged, [þe 7J ma 'ðe r good 7 'ðæt J.fel nzagon ætgædere bion. Nu þe is swzõe openlzce gecyõed Þ þi[ s alldwearde rlce J 7 þas weoruld- gesælþa 7 þes allweald of heora 8 agnü gec[ynde 7 heora agnes ge Jwealdes nauht * [gode ne sÙ ]nt, ne he ora selfr[ a nanne * 2sa C. 25 a Jnwald nabba'ð', nu hi willaõ cl[ijlall J 9 on þam '9''frestan monnum, 7 hÙll geþafiað þæt hz' bio'ð hiora hlajõrdas. Nz"s ðæs nu nan tweo õæt oft þa ]0 eallra forcuþestan men cumað to þam anwealde 7 to þam weorõscipe. Gif se anweald 'ð'onne of his agenre gerynde 7 his agnes gewealdes god wære, ne 30 underfenge he næfre þa yjdan ac þa godan. pæs ilean is to wellallne to eallü õæm gesælþum þe seo w}'rd brengõ þisses c Boeth. ii. pro 6. 1. 38 P. 'Ad haec, si ipsis dignitatibus,' &c. 1 em. A ffrica1lllS C, A ifricallas B. 3 se godes .D. 4 he from 13, hio C. 7 )011 J. 8 jæs anwealdes hiora J. J, of jam B. 2 em. Janus C, Africas B. :I em. a1l'lVeal B. 6 kwilcÜ B. !I cliojian J. 10 oft)a from 3 8 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XVI. 3 andweardan lifes ge on cræftum ge on æhtü.J' forþæmþe hi hwilum becumað to þã forcu'ðestum. H wæt, we 1 gene og georne] witon 'ð'æt nanne mon þæs ne /weoð Þ se sie strong on his mægene þe mon gesih'ð Þ stronglic weorc wyrc'ð ; ne þõn ma, gif he hwæt bi'ð', ne tweo'ð nænne mon jJ he hwæt ne sie. Her 2 5 * 2sb c. enda'ð sio forme boc Boetius 7 ongz'nne'ð sio æftere 2. * Swa mæg S eac se dreamcræfl õæt se mon bi'ð' dreame[re J, 7 se læcecræft .p he bzõ læce, 7 seo racu deð 4 þæt he biõ reccere. Swa de'ð' eac se gecynda cræft ælcunl men 'ð'æt jJ god ne lllæg beon wi'ð' õæt yfel gemenged, ne Þ yfel wiõ Þ god; þeah hie 10 buta on anU111 men sien, þeah biõ æg'ð'er him onsundran. "þ gecynd llyle næfre nanwuht wzõerweardes lætan gemengall, for'ðæm heora æg'ðer 01lscu1zað o'ðer, 7 ægõer wile bion jJ õæt hz"t bzõ. Ne mæg se wela gedoll jJ se gitsere ne sie gz"tsere, lle õa grundleasan gzÏsltllga gefyllan; ne se an[ weald] ne mæg IS gedon his waldend wealdendne. Nu þonne nu ælc [gesc Jeaft onscuna'ð õæt õæt hire wi'ðerweard bi'ð, 7 swi'ðe georne tiola'ð' t hit hinl Þ from ascufe, hwylce twa sint þonne wi'ðerweardran b[e/wuh him] þonne god 7 yfel ? N e [weorþað hi] næfre tosomne ge[figed. Be 1 þænl þu meaht 20 * 26a C. ong[ztan, gif þa * gesælþa ðz"ses andweardan lifts þurh hie selfi heora selfr geweald ahtoll, 7 of heora agnü gecyllde gode wæron, þõn wold01l hz' simle on þã clijia71 5 þe hÙll god] mid wo[rhte, nalæs 6 yfil. AcJ ðær õær [hz' gode beoð, þÕll be Joõ hi þurh [þæs godan monnes] god gode þe [hÙJl god mÙl wyrcð], 25 7 se bi'ð þurh God go[ d. Gif hzne J þonne yfel mon [hæfð, þÕll J biõ he yfel þurh [þæs llzonnes] yfel þe him yfel [mid de'ð: 7 þurhJ diofu1 7 . Hwæt godes is [se welaJ õonne, 'ð'onne he ne mæg þa grundleasan gitsunga afyllan þæs gitseres; o'ð'ðe se anweald, 'ð'onne he ne mæg hz's waldend waldendne gedon? 3 0 Ac hine gebindaõ þa won \velnunga mÙl hiora unabindendli- cum racentum. eah mon nu yfelü men anwald selle, ne gede'ð' se anwald hine godne ne me[ do ]mne 8, gif he ær næs, ac I we om. B. 2 This sentence, omitted by B, is completed from J. :I gedeð B. 4 gedeð J. 5 cleofian J. 6 1Zalles J. 1 deofel B. 8 .From J, meOdU1Jl1ZC B. X\TI. 4J DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 39 ge[op Jenaõ his yfel, gif he ær yfel [w Jæs, 7 gedeõ hit õonne sweo[tJol, gif hit ær næs. For'ðæm *þeah 1 he ær .Jftl wolde, * 26b C. þõn nysste he hu he hz"t swa fullice ao'ðde 2, ær he fulbze anzveald hæfde. jJæt gew)'rð for þam dysige þe ge fægniað 5 þæt ge moton sceppan þone S naman, hatan jJ sælþa jJ nane ne beoð, 7 þæ/ medunl1zes jJ nan medoJJlJles 4 ne beoð.; forþã ht" gecyðað on heora endunge, þõn hie endÙlð, jJ hie nauð[r ne ú bioð, forþæm nawðer 5 ne se zuela ne se anweald lle se weorðsciPe ne beoð to wella?lne jJ hit seo soþe gesælð sie. Swa hz"t is nu hraðost {; 10 to secgalllle 7 be eallum þã woruldgesælðu1Il 8 þe seo wyrd brengð, jJ nall wuht on nis õæs þær to wzLnialllle seo, forþãðe þær llan wuht gecyndelÙ:es godes on nis þæs õe ifhÜn cume. p is on õæm sweotol Þ hi hi symle to õæm godü ne õeodað 9, ne ða yfelan gode ne gedoð þe hi hie oftosõ to geþioda'ð. 15 iv d. Ða se \Visdom 'ða þis [spellJ õus areaht hæfde, 'ða ong[ an he] 10 eft giddian 7 þus cwæõ: * (Hwæt, we wz/on * 27 a C. hwelce wælrzownessa 7 hwzlce hry'ras 7 unryhthæmedu 7 hWzlC man 7 hwz/ce arleasnesse se ullrihtwÙa 11 kasere Neron weorhte. Se he! æt sumum cyrre firbærnan æalle ROllleburg on anne szõ 20 æfter þære bÙene þe gio TrogÙlburg barn. Hine {yste eac geseon hu seo burne, hu lange, 7 hu leohte be þære oðerre.; 7 eft he he! ofslean ealle þa wÚes/an wlÏan Romana, ge furðon his agene nlOdor, 7 hz's agene broðor.; ge furðõ hz"s agen wif he o.filog mÛl s'lveorde.; 7 fir i!yllecü næs he nanwuht geunro/sod, 25 ac wæs þ)I bliþra 7 fagenode þæs. Ond þeah betwuh þyllecum unrihlü wæs 12 him no þy læs underþeod eall þes lllÙJdangeard from easteweardü oj westeweardne, 7 eft from suðeweardü oð 1l0rðeweardne ' eall he was on hz"s anwealde. TVenst ðu jJ se godcunda anweald ne mznte afjrran þone ânweald þã unnntwîsan 3 0 kásere, 7 him þære wühhunge ges/éoran, gif he wolde? Gise, la, gese.; ic wat þæt he mznte, gif he wolde. Eala, eaw, hu d Boeth. ii. met. 6. 'N ouimus quantas,' &c. Cotto :Metr. ix. 1 Only a few words legible on fol. 26b. 2 gecyþde J. 3 wone J. · Jf nan medomnes from J, om. B. 5 ne . . . nawðer from J, om. B. 8 em. hradost B. 7 em. sagmlge B. 8 sælðulIl J. 9 geðeodað B. 10 he conject. om. B. 11 em. ullrihwisa :D. 12 1f } B. 4 0 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XVI. 4 Jzefig géoc hê beslépte 1 on 2 eallæ þá þæ on his tidÜ lz"bbende wæron on eorõan.J' 7 hu oft his su'eord wæron besyled on unscyldegit blode. Hu ne was þær genog sweotol jJ se anweald his agenes ðonces god næs, þa se god næs þe he 10 cõ?) XVII e. Ða se Wisdom 'ða þis leoõ asungen hæfde, 'ða gesugode S 5 he ; 7 þa andswarode 4 þæt l\Iod 7 þus ewæ'O: Eala, Gescead- * 18b C. wisnes, hwæt, þu [wa Jst Þ *[ me næfre seo gztsung 7 seo gemægõ þisses eorõ/z"cal1 anwealdes forwel ne lzcode, ne Ù; ealles for- swiõe negirnde þisses eorõlz"can nces, buton tola 5 ic wilnode þeah 7 andweorces to þã weorce þe me beboden was 10 wyrcanne / jJ 10 'was jJ Ù; zt1ifracodlice 6 7 gerisenlz"ce mihte steoran 7 reccan þone J anwald þe me be[fæst wæs. Hwæt, þu] wast Þ nan [mon ne mæg J nænne cræft cy'ðan [ne nænne an Jweald recean ne stio[ran butit 7J to/it 7 andweorce. [I' bzõ ækes J cræftes andweorc [jJ mon J þone eræft buton 8 wyrcan [ne 9 mæg. jJJ 15 biõ þonne cyninges [andweorc 10 7] his tol mid to riCSzlZnlle,:p he hæbbe his lond fullmonnad; he seeal habban gebedmen 7 .fyrdmen 11 7 weorcmen. H wæt, þu wast þætte butan þissan tolan 12 nan ryning his cræft ne mæg ryõan. p is eae his ondweore,.j; he habban sceal to 'ðæm tolit þã þrz'm geferseipit 20 biwiste. j) is þõn heora biwz"st: land to bugianne, 7 gifta 13, 7 * 29 30 C. wæpnu, 7 mete, 7 *ealo 14, 7 claþas, 7 gehwæt þæs õe þa þre about here. gefersciþas behofiaõ l5 . Ne mæg hebutanþisitþas tol gehealdan, ne butoll þisit tolit nan þara þillga wyrcall þe him beboden is to wyrcenne. Fòrpy zc wz"lnode andweorces pone allweald llzz'd to 25 reccenne, jJ mz1ze cræftas 7 allweald ne wurden 16 forgztene 7 forholene 16. Forþã ælc cræft 7 ælc anweald biõ sona forealdod 7 forsugod 17, gif he bi'ð buton [wisdomeJ; forõæm ne mæg e Boeth. ii. pro 7. ' Turn ego, Scis, inquam,' &c. 1 The second e of beslêpte is altered to y. 2 7 on B. 3 geswigode B. i a1tdsworede B. :I From J, la B. 6 ul1fracoðlice J. 7 butan J. 8 butan J. 9 ne ne B. 10 From J, weore 7 weore B. 11 ftrdnzen J. 12 ðt"sunz tolum B. 13 gifa J. Ii ealu J. The greater part of fo1. 29a illeg. 15 behojigen J. 16 From J; wurde forgifen 7 forho/en B. 17 fors'wugod B. XVIII. I] DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 4 1 [non llzon nænneJ cræft bringan 1 bulon [wÙdome]; for'ðæmþe swa hwæl [swa þurh dy Jsig 2 gedon bi'ð, e nzæg [hzï mon J næfre to cræfle [gereean 3. j) Ù nuJ hraðost to seeganne, [P ic wz7node] weor'ðfullice to libb[ anlle þa hzvi]le þe ic lifde, 7 5 [æfter mz1zü] life þæm monnum [to læfanne] þe 4 æfter me wæren mz'n 5 g e1l 0'ndig 6 on godum weorcum. XVIII f. i. Ða ðis þa gesprecen was, ja gesugode 7 y l\Iod, 7 seo Geseeadwz'snes ongon sprecan 7 þus cwæþ: Eala, l\Iod, eala 8 ; an 9 yfil Ù swiõe 10 to anscunianne ; p Ù p pie swiðe inganice 10 7 swiðe hefiglice beswzcð ealra *[þara monna mod þe beoð ll * 29b C. on heora geg'nde gecorene, 7 jeah ne beoð to þii hrojè þõn git cltnzen fulfrenzedra mægena,o p Ù þõn wz7lllJllg leases gilpes 7 ullryhtes anzvealdes 7 ungemetlzces hlisall godra weorca ojër eall folc. Forþanz 12 'lvz7nigað nzonige men 13 anwealdes þe hz"e 15 'lvoldoll habban godne hlz"san, þeah] hi his 14 unwyr[ðe szen .J' ge furðJum se ealra [foreuþesla wilJnað þæs ilcan. Ac [se þe wzle wÚlz]ce 7 geornlice [æfler jam] hlisan spyrian, [Þõn] ongit he swiðe hræðe [hu [ylelJ he bið, 7 hu læne, 7 hu [tedre, 7 h Ju bedæled ælces godes. [Gif þlt nu] geornlice smeagan 20 wilt [7 wzïan wzltlJ/mb ealræ þisse eorõan ym[bJhwyrft from easteweardan ðisses 15 middangeard(es) oð westewear[ dJne, 7 from su'ðeweardum o'ð nor'ðeweardne 16, swa (swa) þu liornodest on þære bec þe Astralogium hatte, ðonne meaht þu ongetan 'P he Ù eal wiõ þone heofon to n1etanne 17 25 swi1ce an lytlu price 18 on bradum brede 19, o'ðþe rondbeag on scelde, æfter *[ zmsra mOllna 20 dome. Hu ne wast þu ß ðu * 30a c. leornodest on Plolomeus boeft, se lowrat ealles þÚes mÙldangeardes gemét on anre béc? jYær þu mznt 011 geseon ß eallmoncylln 7 ealle f Boeth. ii. pro 7. 1. 4 P. 'Et illa : Atqui hoc unum est,' &c. 1 forð'bringall B. 2 dJ'sige B. 3 gereccan J. 4,}e om. B. 5 mÍ1z from J, om. B. 6 From J, gemynd B. 7 geswigode B. 8 ea J. 9 all om. B. .0 swiðe swiðe J. J 1 em. þeoð B. 1:l forþo1Z J. 13 woruldmcn J. Ii his om. B. 15 Conject.}is B. 16 From B, norð'ewcardulll C. 17 metá,ze C. 18 lytel þrz"cu B. 19 brádall bréde B. 20 From ], mona B. 4 2 DE CONSOLA TIOl\'E PHILOSOPHIAE [XVIII. I 1letClllt lle 1l0tz"gað nawer neah IJ feor'ðan 2 [dæles þz"sse eorðan] 'ðæs þe men ge[faran S magan, for Jþæm þe hy hit ne [mago1l eall ge ]bugian, sum [for hæ/o, SU1Jl for] cile ; 7 þone mæstall [dæl hÙJ hæfð sæ oferseten 6. [Do nu of ðam] feor'ðan dæle an þÙzu [mode J eall :þ seo sæ his [ofiete1l hæfð], 7 5 eal þa sceard þe hio [hÙJl on ge Jnumen hæfO, 7 eall jJ his fennas 7 moras genumen habba'ð, 7 eall :þ on eallum þiodum westes lige'ð, þonne meaht þu 0[1lgzÏa In jJte þæs ealles nis monnum þonne mare læfed to bugianne, [bJuton sweIce on 6 lytel caucrtun 7. Is r þonne fordyslic geswinc .p ge winna'ð 10 [eow]re woruld to 'ðon þæt ge wilen Jia'ð eowerne hlisan ungemet[liJce to brædanne 8 ofer sweIcne cauertun 7; sweIce * 30b C. jJ is 'ðætte men *[bUgÙlð þz"sse worulde fulneah swz7ce an pnca 9 for þa;t oðer. Ac kwæl rumedlices oððc micellÙ:es oððe weorðfullÙ:es h{ifð se eower gz"lp þe ge þar bogzað 10 on þã 15 (zftan dæle hcaifit I01ldes 7 unlolldes, 1/lz'd sæ, 17lz"d fiözne, mÙl ealle, swa hLÏ is 11 gene Jrwed. [To hwon willlige geJ þonne to un[gellletlzce jJ ge] eowerne naman [Iobrædan qjèrJ þone teoðan dæl, [llU hÙ mare nz"s 1 mid sæ, mid [fænne, mid ealJle ? 20 ii g. Gc'ðenca'ð eae [ß on ðzJsum Iytlan pear[roce þe J we ær ymb spræcon [bugÛzð] swi'ðe manega þeoda 7 swi'ðe mÙ- lica 12, 7 swiõe ungelica ægþer ge on spræee ge on þeawum , ge on eallum sidum, ealra þara þeoda þe ge nu wilnia'ð swiðe ungcmetlice fft ge srylonJ eowerne naITIan ofer tobra'dan. 'P 25 ge næfre gedon ne magon, forðon 13 hiora spræc is todæled on twa 7 (O1l) hundseofontig, 7 æIc þara spræca is todæled on mancga þioda 14,7þ[a 1 1> sÙzt] tolegena7 todælda mid sæ 7 16 [llzz'dJ wudum 7 mid muntum 7 (mÙl) fennum17, 7 mid manegum 7 * 3 1 a C. (1llÙl) mislieum ,veste[llum] * 7 ungeferum 18 londum, jJ hit 3 0 fur'ð[itJ eepemen ne gifarað. Ae hu mag 'ð[ a;r J þonne 19 g lloeth. ii. pro 7. 1. 23 I). ' Adde quod hoc ipsum,' &c. 1 1zotiað fierðu1Jl nawer J. 2 féorðan B. S giferan J. cfle B. 5 sæ ofe1'séten ll. 6 an :D. 7 cafertzl1Z B. 8 to gebrædanne ll. 9 þ1'l"ce J. 10 bugz'aù' J. 11 hit is from J, hz's B. 1:.1 mislz"ca f!om T, mistlz"ce B. 13 forðalll n. 14, em. þiod C, þeoda B. 15 þa conJect. m. :D. 16 7 om. 13. 17 fæll1ZU1ll:D. 18 ungefærulIl B. lU þõn B. X\.I1I. 3J DE CONSOLA Tl0NE PHILOSOPl-ILIE 43 synderÜce anes rices monnes nama cumal1, þonne þær mon fur'ð'um þære burge nalllan ne geher'ð' ne þære þeode þe he on hãfæst bi'ð'? )Jy Û: llat for hwztco1l 1 dysige ge girnaõ 2 .p ge zt'oldOll eowerne naman tobrædan geond ealle eorþan; Þ ge 5 næfre gedon ne magon, ne fur'ð'um nawer neah. Hwæt, þu wast hu micel Romana [rzce] wæs on l\Iarcuses dagÜ þies here- togan; se wæs oõre llanzan haten Tullius, 7 þriddan Cicero. H wæt, he cy'ð'de on sumre his boca õætte 3 þa get Romana (nama lle) come ofer þa muntas, þa 4 we hataõ Caucaseas, n 10 'ð'a Sci'ð''ð'ea þe on o'ð're healfe þara unt[ a bugz]a'ð' fur'ð'um þære burge naman ne þæs fo1ces ne geherd[o In, ac þa he com ærest to Par'ð'lt1ll 5, 7 wæs (þl1'r) swi'ð'e niwe; ac he wæs þeah þæ 'mbutan manegum fo1ce swi'ð'e egeful. Hu ne ongite ge nu hu nearo se eower hlisa bion wile þe ge þær 15 ymb swincaõ *[7 Ullr Jihtlice tioliaõ to gebrædanne? [Hwa Jet * 3 1 b C. wenstu hu nziceblc hlisan 7 hu n1Ïcelne weor'ð'scipe an 6 rOmalllsC man mæge habban Oil þã lande þær mon furðulll ðære burge naman ne geherde, ne ealles 'ð'æs fo1ces hlisa tIC com r peah nu hwelc mon ungemetlzce 7 ungedafenlice 20 wilnige jJ he scyle his hlisan tobrædan ofer ealle eorþan, he lle 1llag .p for'ð'bringan, forþ[ amþe J þara 'ð'eoda þeawas sint [swzoe J ltllgclzce, 7 hiora geseten[essa J s'lf}iðe misltca 7, swa 'ðætte [Ii] on o'ð'[rumJ lande betst bcað 8 rte .p biõ hwiluill on 'ð'æm o'ð'rum tælwyr'ð'licos'ð', 7 eac n1icles wites wyrõe. 25 For'ð'æm ne mæg nan mon hahball gelic lof on æ1cUIll Ion de, [.f or þollðe 011 J ælcun1 londe ne lica'ð' Þ on o'ð'ruIll lica'o. iii h. For'ð'y sceolde æ1c mon bion on 9 'ð'æm wel ge- healden r he 011 his agnum earde licode. þeah he nu maran wilnige, he ne n1æg fur'ð'um .p for'ð'brÙzgan, forþæInþe 3 0 seldhwonne biõ rte auht monegum monnum anes hwæt llcige ]0 ; for})' wyrð o/i *[godes mOll1lCS lof alegen z1Zl1e on 11 * 32a C. þære ztcall þeode þe he Oil hamfiest bz"ð, 7 eac forþãþe hzÏ oft h Boeth. ii. pro 7. ]. 40 P. 'Erit igitur peruagata,' &c. 1 'Ilat hwelce J. 2 geoYllað B. SIB. of þe B. 5 þarððum B. 6 on B. 7 From J, mistle B. 8 Hcode J. 9 011 above line in C. 10 licige . . . oft concealed under the paper mounting. 11 ill J. 44 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XYIII. 3 swiðe sarlice gebyrede þurh þa J heard[sæ(þa þara 'awitera J 'ð'æt hi for [ heora slæwðe 7 for glJmeleste 7 eac 1 [for recceleste for Jleton unwriten [þara monna ðeawas J 7 hiora dæda, þe o[ n hiora dagum J formæroste r 7 'lveorðgeornuste J wæron. 7 þeah hi [nu eall hzora J lif 7 hira dæda awr[zïen hæfdon], swa swa 5 hi sceoldon [gif hi dohton J, hu ne forealdodon þa g[ewrz!u J þeah 7 losodon þonecan [þe hit wære], swa some s\Va þa wri[teras qydon, 7 J eac þa 'ð'e 2 hi ym b wri[ton. 7 eow þÙlcðJ þeah j> ge hæbben ece [are gif ge mæ ]gen on ealre eowerre [worulde geJearnigan .p ge hæbben [godne hlÙan J æfter 10 eowrum dagum. [Gif þu nu] getelest þa hwila þisses [ andweardan] lifes 7 þisses hwilendlzcan 3 ['lmõ þæs J ungeen- dodan lifes hwila, [hwæt bz'ðJ hit þonne? Tele nu þa lengu 4 þ[ ære hwz"le J þe þu þin eage on beprewa1l 5 mæge wi'ð' ten 6 * 3 2b C. 'ð'usend wintra; þonne habba'ð þa hwila hwæth,vugu *[onlzces, 15 þeah hzt (ytel sie .1' jJ Ù þõn jJ heora ægþer hæfð ende. Tele nu þon jJ ten þusend geara, ge þeah þu ma wz"lle, wzõ jJ ece 7 þæt ungeendode lif.1' þõn ue finst þu þær nauht angelzces 7,forðam J Þ ten 6 'ðusend [geara, þeah hz! Ian Jg õince, ascor[taþ, 7 þæs oðres] 1læfre 8 ne cym'ð' [uan ende. Forþæ Jm 9 hit nis no to 20 [ metanne jJ gee ]ndodlice wi'ð' 'ð'æt [ullgeendodltce. pe Jah þu nu telle [from þÙes m Jiddangeardes fru[ man oð ðone J ende, 7 mete þonne [þa gear wiðJ r 'ð'e nænne ende næfõ, [Þonne] ne bi'ð' þær nauht anlices. [Swa bzO'] eac se hlisa þara for[emærena ]0 mou1l]a; þeah he hwilum [ lang sie, 7 fe ]Ia geara 25 þurhwu[ nige, he b/ð Þ ]eah swi'ð'e scort to [metanlle wiJõ 'ðone þe næfre [ue geendað. iv i. 7 J ge ne reccaõ 'ð'eah [hweðer ge a Juht to gode don \Via [ænegÜ oþrÜ] þingum buton [wzO' þam (ytlan] lofe þæs folces, [7 wiðJ þæm scortan hlisan þe we ær ymb spræcon. 3 0 Earniaõ þæs, 7 forsioõ þa cræftas eoweres inge'ð'onces 7 I Boeth. ii. pro 7. 1. 60 p, 'V os autem, nisi ad populares auras,' &c. 1 eac om. R. 2 ðe om. B. 3 þises hwihvflldlican B. 4 lenge B. 5 So J; B. has beþrel1an with the first 11 altered to w. 6 tin B. 7 anlices J. I) l1æfre follows cYlllþ in .B. 9 em. foþam B. I'J forlllæra J. XVIII. 4J DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 45 eowres andgietes 7 eowre gescead *wisnesse, [7 wold]on * 33 a C. habban eowerra godena weorca mede æt fremdra mon1la cwÛldunge. TVztnzgað 1 þærto þære mede þe ge 10 Gode sceolden. Hwæt, þu gehyrdest þætte gio dagü gelomp jJ an swiðe wzS 5 mon 7 swi'ð'e nce ongan fa1ldigan 2 anes u'ð'witan 7 hine bismrode,fir'ð'æm he hine swa orgellice up ahof, 7 bodode þæs .p he u'ðwita wære; ne ryðde he hit mid nænum cræflü, ac mid leasum 7 ofermodlzcü gelpe 3. Va wolde se wisa 1710n hz's fandian, hwæ'ð'er he swa wis wære swa he self wende .p he 10 wære. Ongon hine þa hyspan, 7 heanncwidian 4. pa geherde se u'ð'wita swi'ðe geþyldelice þæs wisan monnes word sume hwile; ac si'ð'ðan he his hispinge gehered hæfde, þa srylde 5 he ongean swi'ð'e ungeþyldelice 6, þeah he ær licette .p he u'ð'wÏta wære. (Ahsode hÙze þa eft hwæðer hz'nz þuhte jJ he 15 uþwzla wære) þe nære. a andswarode se wisa mon him 7 cwæ'ð' : Ic wolde cweþ[ an ] i> þu u'ðwita wære, gif þu ge[i!;:ldzg wæ Jre 7 gesugian meahte 7. [Hu lang ]sum wæs him se hlisa, þa [he J ær mid leasungum wilnode. *[ Hu ne * 330 C. for ]bærst [he þa þærri]hte for 'ð'æm anum andwyrde. H wæt 20 forstod þ[ onl1]e þæm betstum monnum þe ær us wæron jJ hi swa swi'ð'e wilnodon þæs Ùlelan gzlpes 8 7 þæs hlisan æfter heora deaþe? o'ð'ðe hwæl forstent hit þæm þe nu sindon r jJy wære æ1cum [men] mare þe[ aif jJ he] wilnode godra cræfta þõn leases hlisan. H wæt hæfð he æt þã hlisan æfter þæs 25 lichoman gedale 7 þære sawle? [Hu neJ wit on we t ealle me[n] lichomlzce swelta'ð', 7 þeah sio sawl bi'ð'libb[elldeJ? Ac sio sawl fær'ð' swi'ð'e friolice to hefonum, siõ'ð'an hio ontiged bi'ð', 7 for 9 þæm carcerne þæs lichoman onlesed bi'ð'. Heo forsih'ð']O þonne eall [ðas eorðlz]can þing, 7 f ægnaõ 11 þæs Þ 3 0 hio mot brucan þæs heofonlican, si'ð''ðan 12 hio bi'ð' abrogden from 'ðæm eorõlican. þonne t mod him Eelfum gewita bi'ð Godes willan. 1 wiln'Íaõ J. 2 fa1zdian J. 3 gilþe B. 4 hearmcwlddz'gan B. 5 From J, sea/de B. 6 ðyldelÙe n. 7 mihtest B. 8 gelþes J. II of B. 10 forseohð B. 11 fagenað B. 12 siðæs B. 4 6 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XIX XIXk. Ða se \Visdom þa [,hÙJ spel areaht hæfde, 'ð'a o[ ngan he] '" 34 a C. gyddian 7 'ð'us singende [cwæð:] *( Swa hwa swa wzlnz"ge to habbellne þone ide/an hlz'san 7 þone unnyttan gilp, behealde he on flower heaife hz's hu 'It'/(fgllle þæs heojones kweaifa bið, 7 hu neara þære eorðan slede z's, þeah heo us rum þz"nce. jJõn mæg 5 hine scamigan 1 þære brædz"nge hz's hlÙan, .forþam he hÙze ne mag .furðum lobrædan o.fer þa nearwan eorðan ane. Æala, ofermodan, hwi ge wz7nigen fi ge underlulan mid eowrü swiran jJ deað!z"ce geoc r oððe hlt,z" ge seon on swa Ùlelan geswÙzce jJ ge woldon eowerne hlzsan tobrædan ojër swa manega þeoda? peah 10 hit nu gel!J'rige jJ ða ulemeslan ðioda eowenze naman up ahebban, 7 on mauig þeodz'sc eow herz"gen, 7 þeah hwa wexe mid mice/re æþelcundnesse hz's gebyrda, 7 þeo on eallit '/,Velil 7 on eallü wlencü, ne se deaþ þeah swelces ne recð. Ac he jorsiehð þa aþe/o, 7 þone rzcall gelzcf 7 þone heanan ojswelgð 2 , 7 sura 15 geemnet þa rÙ:an 7 þa heanan. H;wæt synt llU pæs ./fJynnI'Y(]1l 7 pæs wz'sa!!, g oldsm zões ban JVelondes? For}z'lc cwæð þæs wÙan forþy þã cræjiegan ne mag næjre hÙ cræjt losigan, ne hine mon ne mag þõn eð on him genÙJlan ðe mon mæg }a sunllan awendan of hÙre s/ede. Hwær synt llU þ H :'H(}lld l'-Lban, oððe 20 hwa wat .nu hwær hi UX) ')? Oððe hu.'ær z's nu se joremæra 7 se aræda Romwara heretoga, se wæs halen Brulus, oðre namall Casszus r Oððe se wÙa 7 jæslræda Calo, se wæs eac Romana heretoga ' se was openlÙ:e uðwita. Eu ne wæran þas gtfj!rn .forðgcwzlene? 7 nan mon nat hwær hi nu sinl. 25 Hwæt zS heora nu to la.fe, bulan se b'lla hlzsa 7 se nama mid fiaum stafiï awrzlen? 7 þæt gzï wJ'rse z's,jJ we wz/on manz"ge foremære 7 genzyndwyrþe weras forðge'"dJzlene þe swiðe fiawa manna a ongit. Ac manige licggað deade mid ealle .forgz'tene, jJ se hlisa hz"e .furðii cufe ne gedeð. jJeah ge llU wenen 7 wihllan 3 0 jJ ge lange lz"bban sC)'lan her on wont/de, hwæt bzð eow þõn þy bet? Hu lze cymð se deað þeah l þeah he 3 lale cume, 7 adeð eow k Boeth. ii. met. 7. · Quicumque solam,' &c. Cotto Metr. x. g 1 scamian B. 2 ern. ofswe!fð B. 3 deað ab. 1., over h erased. XX] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE of ðisse worulde? 7 hwat firstent eow þõn se gzlp, huru þã þe se æflerra deað gegripð 7 on ecnesse gehæfð ?) XXI. Ða se \Visdom þa [þis leoð] asungen hæfde, 'ða [ol1gan] he spillian 7 'ðus ewæð: N e wen õu no p ic to anwilliee winne 5 wi'ð 'ða wyrd; for'ðæm ic hit no self nauht ne ondræde, for[þã hit 0/1] gebyre'ð p sio lease [wyrd nauþ]er ne mæg þæm men [don] ne fultum ne eae nænne dë. [F01jã] hio nis nanes lofes wyr'ðe, *[forþãJ hio hzre se[if g Jeey'ð jJ hfo nanwuht ne bz'ð ' ac heo onwrihð hzre æwelm þon[ ne 1 heo geop- 10 enað] hz'ore þeawas. Ie [we Jne 'ðe[ ah jJ ðu] lze firstande nu get hwæt ic þe to cweðe ' forþam hit is wundorZzc þæt Ù: secgan wz1le, 7 zC hit mæg unea'ðe mid wordum areccan 2 swa swa Ù: wolde; p is 'ðæt (Ù. 3 ) wat 4 'ð'ætte 5 sio wi'ðerwearde wyrd bi'ð æleum men nytwyrðre þõn sio orsorge. For'ðæm seo 15 orsorge simle lih'ð 7licet jJ mOil style wen an 'Þ hio is 6 sio so'ðe gesælð ' ac szo wiõerwearde is sio soðe gesælþ, þeah hwæm swa ne þynce, forõæm heo is fæstræd 7 gehæt sirnle pte soõ bi'ð. Sio o'ðru [is leas] 7 beswie'ð ealle hire [giferan,for J'ðæm hio hit 7 geey'ð self [mÙl hzre hwu Jifulnesse 'Þ hio bi'ð [swÛJe 20 wancol]; ae sio ,viõerwearde ge[bet 7] gelære'ð æ1cne þara þe hie hi 10 geþiet. Sio o'ðru gebin'ð æ1c 'ðara moda 'ðe hire bryc'ð mid õære hiwunga þe (hio) lieet .p hio sie god; sio wiõerwearde [þõn] onbinõ 8 7 gefreo'ð' æ1c [þara þe J hio to geðiet, mid 'ðæm þe [hio himJ geopenað hu tz"edre 9 *[þas 25 andweardan gesælða sint. Ac seo orsorhlles 10 gæð scyrnzælÛ swaðer 11 wÙzdes þyf12/ sio wzoerweardnes þõn bzô sinzle u1ltalu 7 wæru ]3, ascz'rped I4 mÙl þære sryrÙzge hzre agenre 1 Boeth. ii. pro 8. 'Sed ne me inexorabile,' &c. 1 Conj. ðÕll B. 2 gereccan B. 3 Conject. om. C and B. 4 Apparently wa C. 5 te om. B. 6 seo B. 7 hit om. B. 8 anbÙlt B. 9 tedra J. 10 em. o1 Þ sohnts B. 11 swa )ær J. 12 em. suggested by Prof. Napier; ðJfB; no reading in J. 13 From J, wraCli H. 14 Orig. asciyred in B, but the second r changed to þ; J has ascerþed. 47 * 35b C. * 36a C about here. 4 8 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XX freeennesse. Ac sz() lease gesæliJ hio tihð on last neadznga þa þe hiere to geðeodað fJrom þæm soõ[ü 1 gesælðum mid hiere 2 J olieeunge s; sio wi'ð[erweardnes 4 þõn fulJ oft ealle 'ð'a õe [hÙre ullderþeodde bioð neadz]nga getyh'ð to õ[ am soðum gesælðum], swa swa mid angl[e fisc gefangen biðJ. Ðine'ð õe 5 nu 'Þ [rytel gestreon 7 tytel] eaea þinra gesæl[ða þætte ðeos reðe 7 J þios egesliee wiõerweardnes [þe brÙlgð]? .p is .p hio swi'Oe hra'ðe 'ð'a [mod þe geope Jnaõ þinra getreowra fer Jeonda [7 eae J þinra fionda, .p þu hi miht swiõe sweotole 5 toenawan? Ac þæ[ s leasan geJsæl'ða, þonne hi õe from gewita'ð, þonne 10 nima'ð hi hiora men mid him, 7 læta'ð 6 þine fea wan getreowan mid 'ðe. Hu woldes 'ðu nu gebye[ggan þa 1 þu gesælegost wære 7 þ[ e þuhte jJ se]o wyrd swi'ðost [on þznne willan wode J ? mid hu m[zCelan 7 fio woldest þu þa habban geboht jJ ðu swzlole * 3 6b C mlntest toenawan þzne frind 8 7 ðine .fylld 9 ? * Ie wat ðeah jJ 15 aLout here. ðu hit 'If.!oldest habban nzza mielan fio 10 geboht jJ ðu hz' euðest wel toseadan. jJeah þe nu pznee jJ ðu deorwyrðe fioh 11 forloren habbe, þu hæfst þeah mzcle diorwyrðre mid geboht / jJ sÙ t geireowe frz"end ' þa ðu miht nu toenawa1l, 7 wast hwæt þu hiora hæfit]. H wæt, .p [Ù jJ eallra deorweo Jr'ðoste fioh. 20 XXI m. [Ða se JVisdom þa ðÙJ spell asæd hæfde, [þa ongan he giddigan ]2J 7 þus singende [cwæð]: (An seeppend zS butoll æ/cum tweon, 7 se is eae wealdend heofones 7 eorðall 7 ealra geseeafta, gesewenlzcra 7 eae ungesewenlzcra / jJ zS God æl- mihtig. jJã ðeowiað ealle þa þe ðeowÙzð, ge ða þe eunnon ge þa 25 þe ne eU711lOn, ge þa ðe hz! wi/on jJ hz"e him ðeozm"a-ð t þa ðe hzï nyton. Se zlea gesette unazt'endendlz"ene sÙlo 7 þeawas 7 eac gecyndelzce sibbe eallù his gesceaftü, ða þa he wolde, 7 swa szva he wolde, 7 swa lange swa he wolde / þa n seulon standan to worulde. Ðara unstillena geseeafta s!yrÙzg ne mæg no 3 0 m Boeth. ii. met. 8. ' Quod mundus,' &c. Cotto Metr. xi. I so)an J. 2 )ære J. II olecunge B. 4 em. 'lviðe1Werdnes B. 5 From J, swutele B. 6 From B, lædað C. 7 mt'c/e J. 8 frend J. g fiend J. 10 micle fio J. 11 jioh J. 12 giddian J. XXI] DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 49 'It'eor'ðan gestilltd, ne eae on wend of jam rYlle 7 of þære elldebyrd1lesse þe him geset is ' ac se allwealda ha:fð ealle his geseeajìa swa 1Jlz'd hz's bridle bifangene 7 getogene 7 gemallode swa jJ hi nauþer lle gestillan ne moton, lle eae swi'ðor styrian 5 þõn he him þæt gent his wealdleðeres to flrlæt. S'lf.1a hæ/ð se ælmzntiga God geheaðorade ealle hz's geseifta mid his anwealde þæt heora æle win'ð wið oðer, 7 þeah wræ'ðe'ð o'ðer, jJ hz"e lze 1JlotOll toslupan, ae bioð 1 gehwerfile ift to þã z"leal1 ryne þe hie ær ur1l0n, 7 swa weorðað eft geedlliwade. Swa hi hzï fagiað jJ þa wiðer- 10 weardall geseea/ta ægðer ge hie betwux hì WÙ111a'ð, ge eae fæste sz"bbe betwux 2 hÙJl healda'ð. Swa llU jj'r de'ð, 7 wæter 7 sæ 7 eor'ðe, 7 manega o'ðra geseeafla þe beo'ð a swa unge'ðwæra betwux him swa sWa hi beoð ' 7 þeah hz' beo'ð swa geþ'lfJæra þæt!e no jJ an þæt hi magon gefiran beon, ae þy furðor jJ heora 15fur'ðum nan buton o'ðrü beonne mæg. Ac a sceal jJ 'lfJi'ðerwearde jJ o'ðer wi'ðerwearde gemetgÙ111. Swa llU hæf'ð se æl771zntega God swiðe geseeadwislÙ:e 7 s'lf'iðe IÙJlpliee geset jJ gewrzxle eallÜ his geseea/tü. Swa nu lene/en 7 hærjèst: 011 lencten hz"! grew'ð, 7 011 hæifest hz"t wealwa'ð. 7 eft sumer 7 wÙzter: 011 20 sumera hzï bið wearm, 7 on wintra eeald. Swa eae sio sunne bring'ð leohte dagas, 7 se mO?la liht on ?lznt, þurh þæs ilean Godes mznt. Se z"lea forwyrllð þæræ sæ jJ heo ne mot þ01le þeorscwold ofirstæppan þære eorþan 3. Ac he hæfð heora mearee swa geselte jJ hz"e ne 4 mot heore 1llearce gebrædan o.fer 25 þa stz1lan eorþan. .lJlid þã ilean gereee is gereaht swzoe anhe gewrzxle þæs jlodes 7 þæs ebban. j:Ja gesete1l1lesse 5 þa he læt standan þa hwzle þe he wzle. A'c þonne ær þe he jJ gewealdle'ðer forlæt para brÙlla þe he ða geseeafla nu mid gebrÙllode ha!fð: jJ is 6 seo u'zoerweardnes þe we ær .J'mbe spræeon: gif he þa læt 3 0 toslupan, þõn firlætað hi þa sz"bbe 'ðe hi l11t healda'ð, 7 wÙzð heora æle on o'ðer æfler his agenü 7.1Jz"llan, 7 fòrlætað heora giferrædenne, 7 fordoð ealne i[ysne middaneard, 7 weor'ðað him selfè to nauhte. Se 11ca God gefigð mid freondrædenlle file 1 b ð B. 2 em. betwx B. ::I 11læru follows eorða1t above line. 4 '1ze conj. om. B. 5 tm. gesete'Jlnes B. 6 is conj. om. B. E 50 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXI logædere, 7 sinhigscipas gesamnað mÙI clænlÙ:re lufi. He {.[egaderað frind 7 gefiran fJ hz"e geireowlÙ:e heora sibbe 7 heora freondrædenne healdað. Eala fJle þis nlOnryn wære gesælig, gif heora mod wære swa riht 7 swa gestaðelod 7 swa geende0'rd swa swa þa oðre gesceafta sindon.) Her endað nu seo æflre 5 froferboe 1 Boeties, 7 onginð sz'o þridde. Se Boetius wæs oore naman haten 2 Seuerinus,. se wæs here toga Romana. XXII n. i. Ða se \Visdom þa õis lioð asungen hæfde, þa hæfde he me gebundenne mid þære wynsumnesse his san[ges, jJ ic his J wæs swi'ð'e ,vafiende 7 swi[ðe lu Jstbære (hÙze) to geheranne 10 mid [ÙzneJwearde mode, 7 þa fulhræ'ð'e [ðæs icJ cleopode to him 7 þus ewæ'ð': [Eala, Tf""zS ]dom, þu 'ð'e eart sio heht ste fro Jfer ealra werigra moda 3; hu þu me hæfst afrefredne æg- þer ge mid þinre smealican spræce, ge mid þinre wynsum- nesse þines sanges. To þæIn þu me hæfst n[ u J aretne 4 15 7 ofercumene mid þin[re] geseeadwisnesse, t me nu 'ðine'ð * :w a C. 'ð[ æt]te no .p an 'Þ ic [ðas] unwyrd aræf[ nan *mag ðe me O1Z becumen is, ac þeah me] giet mare freeenes 5 on beeume, ne cwi'ðe ie næfre ma 'Þ hit butan g[ cwJIYhtÜ sz"e J; for'ðæm ie wat Þ ic [maran 7 hefigran] wyr'ðe wære. [Ac ic wolde ymbe þoneJ 20 læeedom [þara þinra lara hwene mare] geheran. þ[eah þu nu hwene ær sæ ]de .p þu wende .p hi ZfJoldon me swi'ðe bitere þincan, ne ondræde 6 ie hi me nu nauht 7, ac ic heora eom swiõe gifre æg'ð'er gee] to geheranne ge eac to gehealdenne, 7 þe swiõe georne bidde 1> þu hi me gelæste, s[ wa swa ðu me] nu 5 lytle ref gehete. þ[ a cwæõ seJ JVisdom: Ie ongeat son a [þa õu swa wel] geswugodes 7 swa lustlic[e geher Jdest mina lara, .p þu woldest [mid] innewearde mode hi ong[zlonJ 7 smea- gean. For'ð'æm t'c geanbÛfode swi'ð'e wel oþ ic wisse hwæt [þu wold est] 7 hu þu hit understandan woldest, 7 eac þy 3 0 fur'ður ic tiolode swi'ð'e geornfullice 'P þu hit forstandan D Boeth. iii. pro 1. 'Jam cantum illa finiuerat,' &c. J æfterrc frofrboc J. 2 gehaten B. 3 doma B. 4 gerctnc B. :i frecell1tes B. 6 em. 01ldl ade B. 7 me 1Zauht 1ZU B. XXIII] DE CONSOLA TIOl';E PHILOSOPHIAE 51 meah[leJ 1. Ae ie þe nu wille seegan hwilc se [læ ]eeeræft is minre lare þe þu nle nu bitst. He is swiðe biter on 1lluðe, 7 he þe tir'ð on 'ða þrotan *[þõn ðu his 'ærasl fandast J' ac he] * 39 b C. weredaõ 2 siõõan he innan biõ 7 3 szmõe 4 lz"'ðe on õæm Ùzno'ðe, 5 7 [swiJ'ðe swiõe [swete] to bealcetenne 5. ii. 11& Ac [þær ðu ongeale h ]wider ic 'ð'e [nu] tiohige [10 lædenne 6, ic wafJ õæt þu woldest [swz'ðe georne þider fundian 7 swzõe swið/z"ce beon ona:led nzz"d þ]ære gitsunge, forþã ic geherde jJ ðu ær sædest .p þu swiðe geornfull wære hit to J 0 gehJ'ranne. Ða ewæ'ð 1> l\Iod: H wider wilt 'ð'u me (1l11 swzõost) lædan? Ða andwyrde sio Geseead w[Ù Jnes 7 cwæ'ð: To [þJæm so'ðum gesælõum ie tiohig.e 'ðæt [lC þe læde J, þær 7 þin mod oft ymb [ræsweð 7 eac] mæt 8; 7 þu ne meahtes gyl ful rihln Je weg aredian to 'ðæm [soðU1ll 15 gesa Jel'ðum, for'ð'on 9 þin mod [wæs abis Jgod mid 'ðære an sene ]0 þissa [leasena J gesæl'ða. Ða ewæ'ð 1> l\'lod: Ie [þJe healsige .p þu me o'ðewe butan [æ!cÜ Iw Jeon hwæt sio so'ðe gesælõ sie. Ða cwæõ sio Geseeadwisnes: Ie wille forlustlice for õinum lufum; [ac J ic sceal be sumre bysene SUllie 20 anlienesse þære wisan (ðe) getæcan, r oðJ 'ð'e þæt þing euõre sie, to õæm .p þu þa bisne sweotole 11 geseeaw[zge, 7 þon Jne be þære anlienesse þara [soðena * gesælþa ðu mæge ongitan þa * 4 0a C. soðan gesælða, 7 forla:tan 12 þætte hÙll wlõer Jweard biõ; 1> sint þa leasan gesa[elða J' 7 þonne mid ealles modes geornfulla[ n J 25 inge'ð'once higz"e 13 .p þu mæge becuman 10 þã gesælõum þe ece þurhwunÙzð. XXIIIo. ÐA se TVisdom 'ða 'ðis spell aræd l 4. hæfde, þa ongan he eft giddz"an, 7 ðus 15 cwæð: (Swa hwa swa zm7le sawan westmbærc land, alio {['rest of ða þornas 7 þa .fyrsas 7 jJ fiarn 7 calle þa ua. Boeth. iii. pr. I. 1. 14 P. 'Sed quod tu te audiendi,' &c. o Boeth. iii. met. I. ' Qui serere,' &c. Cotto 1\'f etr. xii. 1 From J, mihtest B. 2 ðe 'lveredað J, werodað B. 3 Ùmað 7 bið 13. j, em.swðe B. :> beleentan B. 6 lædamze J. 7 )e B. I' hræs'loæð 7 cae mæt J, ræsweð 7 eaD'met B. 9 forþam B. 10 ansz'nt B. 11 swl le C. 12 From J,forlæ! B. 13 higige J. H From J, arch! B. 15 ðus ðus B. E 2 52 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXIII weod pe he gesio jJ þã æceru derigen, jJ se hwæte mæge þy bet 'ifJeaxan. Eac Ù öeos bz'sen to ge'ðencenne, jJ Ù jJ æ!cÜ men þÙzcð huniges biobread þy 'weorodra gif he hwene ær biteres onbz"rig'ð. 7 eft smylie weder bið þy þancw)Jrðre gif hit hwelle ær bið stearce stormas 7 nor'ðanwindas 7 micle rellas 7 Sllawas. 5 7 þallcwyrðre bzõ eac þas da:.f?es leoht for þære egeslican þiostro þære nznte, þõn hit wære gif nan l1iht llære. Swa bz'ð eac micle þe winsltmre sio soðe gesæl'ð to habbenne efte r þã eormðulll bz'sses alldweardan lifes. 7 eac 1llicle ði eð þu mz"ht þa soðall gesa1ða gecnawan 7 to hz'ora cyððe becumall, gif ðu æres/lo auyrtwalast of þÙzu mode ða leasan gesæl'ða, 7 hz' oj atiht oð ðOlle gr und . Siððan þu hi þõn gecnawan mznt, 'ðolllle wat ic jJ ðu ne wilnast llanes oðres þÙzges ofer þa.) XXI\T p. i. LPa he þaJ þis leo'ð asungen h[ æfde, þ]a forlet he þone sang, [7 gesw]ugode ane hwile, 7 oJl[galln] smealice 15 þenean on hz's modes Ùzgeþanee, 7 'ða 1 ewæ'ð: Ælc deaõlic man swencõ hine sel/ne [mid 77lzStliJeun1 2 7 mænigfealdum ymb[ ho Jgunl, 7 þeah wilniaõ ealle [ðurlz mistJliee 3 pa'ðas euman to anti ende; [jJ ÙJ 'P hi wilniaõ þurh ungelice earnunga euman to anre eadignesse; .p is þonne God; [se ] 20 is fruma 7 ende ælces goodes, 7 he is sio hehste gesælõ. Ða * 4 Ia C. ewæõ *'ðæt l\Iod: 4 Ðæt me 'ðineð sie .p hehste good 4, [þætJte mon 5 ne [ðurfi nanes oðres godes], ne eac [ne recce o.fer jJ, si'ð'ðan J he .p hæbbe [ft is hrof6 eallra o'ðerra J good[ a / forþã hit eall o'ðru god 7 J utan bifehð, [7 eall ollÙznan him] hæfõ. 25 N ære hit [no jJ hehste god 7J gif hiln ænig [butan wære, for J- þæm hit þonn[e J hæfde 8 t[o wz?nianJne sumes goodes þe hit [self] næfde. þa andswarode sio [Gesce ]adwisnes 7 e\væ'ð: Ðæt is 9 swiõ[e sweotol] t õæt is sio hehste ges[ ælð, for ]õæm hit is ægõer ge hrof [ge flor J ealles goodes. H wæt is õæt 3 0 [þõnJ buton sio seleste ges[ ælð, þe 'ðaJ oõra gesælõa ealla on- p noeth. Hi. pro 2. 'Turn defixo paululum uisu,' &c. 1 ðus B. 2 mislicll1Jl J. 3 mislice J. t ðæt . . . good gone from top of fo1. 4 Ia , but written at bottom of fo1. 4 0b in a moùern hand. á Jf se man B. 6 frofr J. 7 good J. 8 hæfde þõn B. 11 is om. B. XXIV, 2] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE S3 [innan hÙll] gegadera'ð, 7 hi utan ymb[hæfðl, 7] oninnan him geheIt, 7 him nanes ne bi'ð wana, ne he nanes nedþearfe næfO, ac hi cuma'ð eall of himt 7 eft eall to him, swa swa eall wætru curna'ð of õære sæ, [7 J eft cuma'ð ealle 2 to 'ðære :, sæ? Nis nan to õæs Iytel æwylm S p' he þa sæ ne [ge]seee; 7 eft of õære sæ he gelent z1Z on þa eorðan, [7 s'lf}]a he bi'ð smugende geond þa eor'ð[ an oð he J eft cym'ð to 'ðæm *ilcan 4: * 4 Ib C. æwe[l17le þe he ær ut jleow, 7 swa ift to þære sæ. ii q. ÐÙ Ù n Ju bysen þara [sé?Þena gesælða ' para] wilnÙlð 10 [ealle deaðlÙ:e men to begzlanne, jeah hi ðurh mÙlice wegas ðencan to cltmanne. Forpã ægh Jwelc man hæf'ð [gecyndelic god on him] selfum, for[þä ælc mod wzl1zað so ]ões godes to [begz'- taune / ac hz"t blÕ] aJllerred mid [þä lælllimJ godum 5, forõæm hit [bÙ1] ofdælre 6 õærto. For'ð[ä Sltllle lllcnn wenað þæt jJ se 15 seo seleste gesælð jJ lJWn seo swa welig jJ he nanes ðÚlges maran ne ðurfi, 7 wilnz'að hzora] woruld æfter [þã. Sume men wenað jJ jJ sze þæt hehte god jJ he sz"e his gejèrÜ hz"s gefirena weorðost, 7 eallon ma ]egene cæs tiolaõ. Sume wenaõ j5 õæt hehste good sie on þä hehstan anwalde; þa wilnz'að oðer twega, o'ð'õe 20 him selfe ricsian, oõõe hi to õæra ricena frcondsczpe geþiod[an]. Sume þonne tiohia'ð Þ 'ðæt betst sie Þ mon sie foremære 7 widmære, 7 hæbbe godne 7 hlisan; tiliaõ þonne þæs æg'ðer ge on sibbe ge on gewinne. [.JIanege tella]'ð Þ t[o] mæstluJm goode [7 to mæstere g Jesælõe *[jJ mOll sie sÙllle blz"ðe Oll þù * 42a C. 25 andweardan life, 7 jitlga callum hz"s lus/ü. Sume þonne þa þe ðas welan wzlnÙlð, hi hz's wztJliað firþã pæt his woldean & maran anweald habban, jJ he 1Jlznle 9 þy orsorglzcor ðÙsa woruldlusla brucan, 7 eac þas we/an, i1Iane ]ga 10 sint þ[ ara þe forji wz"lnÙzð an }valdes þe hie [woldon or17læle feoh 11 gega]- 3 0 derian; 0 'ð''ðe [ift pone hlÙan heo] ra naman hi [wllnzllð jJ hi gebrædan ]. q Boeth. iii. pro 2. 1. 13 P. 'Est enim mentibus hominum,' &c. 1 Ylllbfehð J. 2 ealle cumað B. S æwelm B. 4 Ucan æwe[ written at bottom of fo1. 4la in a modern hand, cf. p. 52, note 4. 5 goodU11l J. 6 em. by Junius, oftðælre J, ofðælre B. 7 hcalt be gone B. 8 em. he B. 9 meahte J. lU lllanegæ B. 11 jiolt J. 5+ DE COIrSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXIV.) 3 iii r. On swilcunl 7 [Ull oiJrulll szve/cü la; ]num 7 hreosazdii 1 [weorðsczpüJ ælces mennisces [modes Ùlgeþanc bÙ1J geswenced mid 'ðære geor[ tifubzesse 7] mid 'ðære tiluncga 2; wen'ð [þõn] jJ hzï h{('bbe sum healie [god 3 gestryned] þonne hit hæfO genumen 4 [þæs folces] olecunga; 7 5 me þinc'ð Þ hit [hæbbe 5 ge ]boht sume swiõe leaslice [mærðe J. Sume tiliaõ mid micelre [geoJrnfulnesse ,,,ifa, forõæm t he þurh õæt mæge mæst bearna be [gzl] an, 7 eae wynsumlice libban. D[ a gdr Jiewan friend þonne ie secgge sie õæt dcorwyrõeste õing ealra þissa weo[ruldgesæIJõa; þa ne sint furõum 6 [to U'oruld- 10 * _pb C. godit to teJllanne, ac to godcundum; * [.f01pä seo lease wyrd hi . na fòrð ne brÙzgð, ac se God þe hl"geryndeIÙ:e gesceop to gemagü. Forþamðe {['lees oðres þinges on þisse worulde mon wlÏnaõ, oõðe forþãþe he mæg þurh jJ to anwealde cuman, oððe to sumü zt'oruldluste, butan þæs getreowan freondes ' þone] mon lu[fað 15 hwilü for lulu 7] for trior wum, þeah he hz"mJ nanra oõerra [læna 7 ne wene. jJJ gecynd gefægð 8 [7 gelilllð þa frzendJ togadre mid [swÙ1e untodeledlÙ:re IJufe. Ac [mÙl þz'ssÜ wo ]ruldgesælõum 7 [mÙI þz"s andzt'e Jardan welan mon [wyrcð ifJtor fiond 'ðonne frtùnd. [Be õz"san 9 7 be] mæneguITI 20 þi1licum nlæg [beon ealJlü monnum cu'ð õætte [ealle þa lÙ]umlican 10 good bio'ð for[cuõran] 'ðonne 'ðære sawle cræftas. [Hwæt, we] wena'ð õæt mon bio þy strencra 11 þe he bi'ð n1icel on his lichomall. Seo fægernes õonne 7 sio hwætnes þa[es J lichoman geblissa'ð õone mOll 7 ar[e ]t, 7 sio hælo hine 25 gede'ð lllsõbærne. On eallum 'ðissnm lic[um ]licu 12 ge- sæli[g Jnessu men s[ecað anfealde J eadignesse õæs õ[e hÙJl :Ie of a C. õÙzc'ð,forþä *þe 13 æghzvelc man swa hwat S'iva he ojèr ealle oõre þÙzg swiðost lifaõ, jJ he teohhaõ 14: jJ hÙn sz"e betst, 7 þæt bið hz"s hehsle god 15; þÕll he þat ðõn begz"ten hæfð, þõn 3 0 Iz"hhað 16 he jJ he 1Jlæge beon s'lviðe gesælz"g]. Ne 17 onsac[e r Boeth. iii. pro 2. 1. 28 P. ' In his igitur ceterisque,' &c. 1 hi nosendu B. 2 From J, tiolzmga B. S good J. 'geWU1l1ztlt R. :> ond B. 1\ furðon B. 7 leana J. 8 gifehð B. 9 ðis J. 10 From J, lichamlÙan B. 11 From J, stræl1gra n. 12 From J, licamlicum B. 13 Top of fol. 43a C partly gone, partly illegible. 14 liohhað J. 15 good J. 16 tiohhað J. 17 It C. XXIV. 4] DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 55 lC 1lauh/ jJ ða gesælða J 7 (seo) 1 eadignes [sze þæ/ /zchs/e '2 god 3 þises ] andweard[l 1i lifes ' jòrþã ðe" æg Jhwilc mon 5 tiohh[ aó 6 jJ jJ õing betst] sie Þ he swiõust [ofir oõre þàzg lu Jfað; 7 þonne he [tiohhað jJ he sz"e] swi'Ce gesælig gif [he 5 þæt beglÏan mæg] õæt he þonne swiþus[t wzl1na'ð. Eli ne] is Þ 7 nu genoh openlice g[eeowadJ þara leasena gesælõa anlÙ:- [nes,] jJ is þonne æhta 7 weorõscip[e 7 an Jweald 7 gielp 7 woruldlust? [Be þãJ \yoruldluste Epeccurus 8 [se uðwiJta sæde, þa he ymb ealle Cþas oðJra gesæl'Ca smeade þe we 10 [ær nem ]don ' þa sæde he Þ se lust [ware] Þ hehste good, for'Cæm eall[e þa oðru] good þe we ær nemdon olee[cað þã] mode 7 hit retaõ 9; se lust ÕO[llne 10 alla olec Jõ õæm lichoman an[ it swzoos/. iv B. Ac we w Jill[aðJ nu giet sprec[ an ymbe manna gecynd 15 7 Jmzbe heora Hlullga. *jJa llU þeah heora mod 7 heora gecynd * 43 b C sit adimmad, 7 hi sz"en on:ß ofdæle asigen to yfele 7 þÙler healde, about here. þeah hz' wz"lnÙlð þæs ðe hz' cunnon 7 magon þæs hehstan 1l godes 12. SWa swa ojèrdruncen man 'li'at jJ he seeolde] to his huse [7 to his ræste, 7 ne mæg þe'l Jh 'Cider [aredÚl1l, swa bZd eac þã] 20 mode [þõn hit bzo ahejigad] mid õæm [ymhogit þzSse] worulde; hit bi'ð [mid þã hwz7ü ofer Jdrenced 7 gedwe[lod to þã 13 jJ hit ne mæg]e full rihte 14 [aredÙzn to gode]. Ne þine'C þeah þæ l monnit jJ hz] auht mearrigen þe [þæs 15 wzlniað] to begitanne, Þ hi nlaran [ne ðuifonJ tilian; ac wena'C Þ hi mæ[gen 16 ealle 17] 25 þas good gegadrian togædere, [þætte nan J butan þære gesom- nunga [ne sit]. l\);ton þonne nan herre 18 good [þõn] eallra þara deorwyr'ðestena [õzn ]ga gegadrunga to hiora [anwealde J õæt he nanes õinges buton [þæm 19 neJ þyrfe. Ae õæt nis nan [man jJt]e sumes eacan ne õyrfe, [bu/on Go ]de anum; 3 0 he hæf'C on his [agenit gen Jog, ne 'Cearf he nane[s þznges bu/oft] õæs þe [he on hÙ71 seifit hæfðJ. \V e[ nst þu nu jJ ða S Boeth. iii. pro 2. 1. 49 P. 'Sed ad hominum studia reuertor,' &c. 1 em.}eo B. 2 em. hehte B. 3 good J. i }y J. 5 mann B. 6 tehhað' B. 7 tJe B. 8 eþiccurus B. 9 em. rei C, setaJ B. 10 ConJ. ðÕIl B. 11 em. hehtan B. 12 goodes J. 13 gedweald to ð'01l J. 14 r)lht B. HI mearrige1lde }æs B. 16 em. him agen B. 17 eall J. 18 em. here C, heora B. 19 conj. butam for bltton bæm. B. 56 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXIV. 4 * 44a C dysegian þe 1 *wena'ð jJte jJ õÙzg sz"e alces zveorðscipes 2 betst wyr- about here. õe jJte hi 3 nzedemast 011gzwl1lllagon ? Nese, l1ese. Ic wal jJ hit 1zis 110 10 /orseone. Hu mæg jJ yfil beon jJte ækes monnes zngeþanc wenð jJJte good s[Ù>, 7 æfter higaõ, 7 wz'lna'ð 10 be Jgitanne ? J.Vese, [nis hzï na y/el.; jJ is jJJ hehste good. 5 [Hwz' nis nu a71zveald to] tellanne to [sumit þara hehstena J god a þisses [andzveardan lifes? Hwæðer J Þ nu sie to talia[ nne zvaclz"c 7 un1 t] 'ðætte nytwyr'ðos[1 is eallra þissaJ woruldþinga, Þ is a[ nweald ? Hwæðer 40 nu J good hlisa 7 forema[ernes seo 5 /orJ oauht to tellenne? Nese, nes[e.; flis 10 hit nan 6J eyn Þ mon 'ðæt for nau[ ht telle] , [or'ðæm'ðe æ1c mon wen'ð [ß jJ betst] sie Þ he swi'ðost lufa'ð. Hu ne [witon ] we Þ nan nearones 7 ne nan e[ a ifo rðu J ne nan unrotnes ne nan sar ne [nan J hefignes nis nan gesæl'ð ? H wæt þurfon 8 we nu ma ymbe þa gesæl'ða sprecan? Hu ne wat æle mon 15 hwæt 'ða bio'ð, 7 eae wat Þ hi 9 bioõ 'Þ hehste good? 7 þeah see'ð (jitlneah) ælc mon on swi'ðe lytlum þingum [ða s Jelestan gesælõa; forþæm he [wellð jJ he] hi þonne ealle hæbbe, gif he * 44 0 C. [hæ/ð jJ jJ he þõn swiJ'ðost wilnaõ *[to begz'lanne. jJ is ðõn jJ hz' SWlõost wlÏnlað to begitanne: wela 7 'l(}eorðscipe 7 nce 7 20 þisse worulde wuldor 7 gz"lp 7 woruldlust. Ðisses ealles hi wz"lniað, / rþãþe hi wenaó jJ hie þurh þa þzng scylon begÙan jJ hÙll ne seo 10 ?lanes wz'llall wana, naðer 11 ne weor'ð]scipes ne 12 [ an wea Ides ne /oremærlle Jsse ne blisse. Ðæs ealles hi wilniað, 7 wel doþ Þ hi þæs [wÜnÙzð], þeah hi mis[ tlzce 13 his wÜnigen. 25 Be þãJ þingum [mon mæg sweotole ongÙan J Þ ælc mon [þæs wzlnað jJ he 1llæge J 1> hehste god 14 [begù'an þær hi hù'] geena wan mea[ htan, oððe on riht J secan euõen; ae [hi hzï ne secað on] þone rihtestan weg; [hit nz"s on J þz"sse worulde. 3 0 1 dysiellde J. 2 em. 'll.1corsciþes B. 3 Ie hi from J, om. B. i em. hw{zder B. 5 sie J. 6 lla1Z om. J. 7 1Zearalles B. 8 Jmife B. 9 ða B. 10 sie J. 11 nauðer J. 12 ne om. B. 13 mislice J. 1-1 Appar. gôd, but accent not clear. XXV] DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 57 XXV t. Ða se Wis[dom þa õis] spel asæd hæfde, þa an[gan he di] singan 7 þus c\Væ'ð: (Icwille nu llu'dgiddttgecy'ðan huwundor- lice Drz'hten welt eallra gesceafta mid þã bridlu his anwealdes, 7 mid hWztcere endebyrdnesse he gestaðolað 7 gemetgaõ ealle 5 gesceafla./ 7 hu he hi hæfð geheaõorade 7 gehæfte mid hz"s unanbÙzdendlÙ;ü racentÜ, jJ ælc gesceafl biô' healdon locen wzo hire geCYllde, þære gecynde þe heo to gesceapen wes, butoJl monnÜ 7 sumu englÜ ; þa weoróaõ hwÜü of hiora gecynde. Hwæt, seo leo, þeah hio wel tam se, 7 fæste racenlan habbe 7 hz're 10 magister swiðe lufige 7 eac ondræde, gif hit æfre gebyreõ þæt heo blodes onbzrigõ, heo forgz"t sona hzre nzwall laman, 7 gemon'ð þæs wz'ldan gewltllan hzre eldrana. OngÙzõ þõn ryn 7 hzre racenlan brecan, 7 abit æresl hzre ladleow, 7 siõ'ðan æghwæt þæs þe heo gefon mæg, ge monna ge neata. Swa doõ 15 eac wudufuglas 1 ./ þeah hz' beon wel atemede, gif hi 011 þam wuda weorôaô, hi flrseoð heora lareowas 7 wunÙzõ on heora gecynde. jJeah heora lareowas him þõn biodan þa ilcan metlas þe hi ær tame mid gewenedon, ôõn ne reccað hiþara mella, gif hz' þæs wuda benugon ' ac þinc'ð hz'm w)'nsitre jJ him se weald 200ncweõe 7 hi gehzran oðerra fugla stemne. Swa biõ eac þã treowü þe hÙJl gecynde bz''ð up heah to standa71lle. jJeah þu leo hwelene boh ofdune 10 þære eorõan swelee þu began mæge, swa þu hz'ne alælst, swa sprÙzcð he up 7 wrigað wzo his gecyndes. Swa de'ð eac seo sunlle ' þeah heo ofer mÙlne dæg 25 onsige 7 lute "/0 þære eorþan, efl heo sað hz're gecynde 7 stigõ on þa dæglan 'If)egas wzo hire uprynæs, 7 swa hie zifor 7 lifor oðõe hzo cynz'ð s'Zva up swa hire yfimesl gecynde bið. Swa deð æle gesceaf/ ' wrigaõ wið his geCYlldes, 7 gifagen biõ gif hit æfre to cuman mæg. Nz"s nan gesceafl gesceapen ðara þe ne Wzt- 30 nige jJ hz"t þider cuman mæge þonan þe hzt ær com, jJ Ù to ræsle 7 to orsorgnesse. Seo ræst z"s mid Gode, 7 þæl Ù God. Ac æle gesceaft hweaifað on hire seifre swa swa hzveol,,' 7 to þä heo swa t Roeth. iii. met. 2. ' Quantas rerum,' &c. Cotto Metr. xiii. 1 em. wudu fugas B. 58 DE CONSOLATIOf\;E PHILOSOPHIAE [XXV hweaifaõ jJ heo eft cume þ< men 2, 'ðeah gee eo Jw selfe nu don neatum gelice f[or eow Jre dysige, hwæt, ge þeah magon hwæthwugu ongitan swelce eow m[ æt]e be eowrum frumsceafte, Þ is God; õone so'ðan fruman 7 þone soõan [en Jde [ælc Jre gesæl'ðe ge ongitaõ, þeah ge [hine /uIIÙ:e] ne oncnawen 3; 7 swa'ðeah [sio ge- 10 * 4 Gb c. cYlld eow Ilnð] to õæn1 andgite, *[ ac eow teohð 4 swiðe manig- /eald gedwola of þã andgite. Geôencað nu hwæðer men mægen cuman to þã soþulll gesælðum þurh þa 5 andweardan gesælða . /orþãðe fulbzeah ealle mln cweðaõ jJ se seo 6 se gesælgosta se þe þas eorðlican gesælða] ealla hæfð. [Hwæðer nu micel] fioh J 5 oõ'ðe weor'ð[sciPe oððe eallJ þes andwearda wela [mæge ænigne nlOn J don swa gesæligne [j) he lzanes þÙzges m Jaran ne þyrfe? [l'lese, nese / ze 'U}at þæt jJJ hi ne lnagon. H wy [nÙ hit þõn on] þy swi'ðe sweotol [jJ þas andwea Jrdan good ne sint no [þa soðan go Jd 7, forõæmþe hi ne [magon sellJan þæt 20 hi gehata'ð? (Ac hcella'ð jJ hi gelæstan ne magon, þõn hz' gehatað) þæ [þe hi lzifiall] willaõ õa soõan gesæl[þa.; 7 aleogaþ] him þeah ma õonne [hz' him ge ]læsten, forõæmõe hi heo[ra nabbaþJ ma þõn hi heora hæbbe.n. [Geþellc þuJ nu be õe selfum, la, Boetius, hwæðer þu æfre auht unrot 25 wære þa þa þu gesælegost wære, oõõe hwæðer þe æfre æniges welan 8 wana wære þa 'ðu Inæstn[e welan hæfdest, II< 47 a C o'ððe hzvæðer Jin zfJoruld *þa eall wære æfter þÙzu wz"llan? about here. pa andsworode Boe/ius 7 cwæð: .J..Vese, la, nese J' næs ic næ/re gzï nane hWzte swa elll11eS 1Jlodes,þæs þe Ù: ge1Jlunall1Jlæge, 3 0 u Boeth. iii. pI. 3. 'V os quoque 0 terrena animalia,' &c. 1 aSll1lcgen J. 2 hwæ þæs weorðlican men B. 3 gecnawan B. f tihð J. 5 þas J. 6 sie J. 7 good J. 8 willan B. XXYI. 2] DE CONSOLATIO.YE PHILOSOPHIAE 59 jJ l'e eallu1/.ga wære orsorg, jJ ie swa orsorg wære jJ ie nane gedrejèdnesse na:.fde.; ne me næfre gz"! ne /z"eode ealljJ ie wÙste \ 11C me næfre næs eaUes swa IC wolde,þeah zc lis nllõe J. Ða and- swo[rode se fVisdom 7 ewæð: Hwz] nære 'ðu 'ðo[ nne 2 gel10g earm 5 7 genog] unhydig 3, þ[eah þe ðuhle jJ ðu welig wæ ]re, þonne [ðu oðer twega, oððe hæfdest] t 'ðu noldes oõõe [llojllcst jJ õu woldest] ? Ða andswarode Boet[z"us 7 ewæð: Eall me] wæs swa swa õu sæd[esl]. (Ða ewæð se fVisdoJll: hu ne bzo ælc m01l genog earm þæs ðe lze næfJ, þõn lzz"t hille lyst habban? 10 j) is soð, ewæõ Boe/ius. jJa ewæõ se JVÙdom: Gif he þÕll earm bzo, ne he þõn ne blO eadig . forði he eae wibzaõ jJ he habbe jJ he næfð,þy he wolde genog habban. jJa cwæð Boe/Ùts: P is eall soð jJ ðu segst.) [Ða cwæð se TVis Jdom: Hu ne hæ fdesl [þu þÕll þa yr Jmõe 4, õa õa 'ðu welgost [wære? 15 Ða and]swarode lC 7 ewæo: Ie wat 'Þ þu [soð segs/J, t ic hi hæfde. Ða cwæõ se \Vis[ dõ: Eu] ne þinc'ð me 'ðonne nu jJ [ealle þa wJelan þisses nzz'ddaneardes [ne mægollJ gedon ænne mon weligne, [swa wel(gne] 'Þ he genog hæbbe 7 no [maran ne] õyrfe? 7 swaõeah hi [hit gehalað ælcu]m 'ðara 20 þe hi hæ[fð.* jJa ewæð zC: Nis nan þing5 sooreþõn jJ ðu * 47a C segst. ends. re::;t ii v. jJa ewæõ se TVisdõ: Ae hzvi ne earl þu þõn his gone. geõafa? Hu lze nzz"ht þu gese01l ælce dæg jJ ða strengran nÙJlaõ þa welan Of6 þã ullstrengu 7? Hzvi bið elles ælce dæg 25 swelc seo.fung 7 s'lvelce gejlz"tu 7 gcnlOl 7 domas buton jJ ælc bit þæs ?"eajlaces þe him on genumen bzõ, oððe if! oõres gilsað? jJa andswarode 8 IC 7 ewæð: Genoh Jyhte þu spyrast J' swa hI"! is swa þu segsl. jJa cwæõ he: For 'iT'Ùu þÙzgÜ beðeaif ælc mon fultume]s *[to eaean hz'nz se!fü, þæt he] mæge gehea[ldall * 4 b (' 30 his welan. Ða cwæ 1'ð ic: H wa o'ð [ sæeð þæs? Ða cwæð he : b fi egms, rst part Gif he nau Jht næfde [þæs ðe he ondrede P] he forleosan [Þ01jie, gone. þõn ne 9] õorfte he no maran Llultomes þõn J his selfes. Ða cwæ'ð [zc: Soð þu segslJ. Ða onsac se vVisdom [sarlzce 7 ewa ]eõ : Y Boeth. iii. pro 3. 1. 32 P. 'Quidni fateare,' &c. 1 'Zvisse ]. 2 Conj. ðÕll B. 3 U1thiðy B. f From J, earlllðe B. 5 þara J. 6 on J. 7 em. 'll11þstrcngulIl B. II andwynle J. 9 þÓ1Z he ne B. 60 DE CONSOLA TIO/'lE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXVI. 2 Eala, f me þync'ð wi'ð[erweard þÙlg J ælces monnes gewunan 7 æJ[ces motl1zes J willan, þe 1 ie nu seegan wille; [jJ z"s jJle J þonan þe hi. tiohhia'ð 'Þ h[i srylan eadJigran weorõan, 'Þ hi weorõ[ að þonan ea Jrmran 7 eargran, Forõæm [gif hi lyllesJ hwæt habbaõ, þonne be[þuifon hi jJ hz] oleeeen þæm æfter 5 [frzoe 2 þe ænzgr Je wuhte mare h[abbað J' sam hi þyifJen, saC m hz' ne þuifon, hi wz'l/að þeah. Hwær z"s þõn seo gemelgun.g, * {Sa C. oðõe hwa hæfð hi, oõõe hW01Zlle rymð heo,jJ heo mæge *adn]fan þa yrm'ða from õæ[m S welegum J eall[ un Jga ? Swa he mare h[ æ/ õ, S'l-va J he ma monna 4 oleecan sceal. [Hwæ J'ðer þa 10 welegan nu næfre ne [hzngrzge 5J, ne ne þyrste, ne ne [cale 6 ? Ic weneJ þeah 'Þ þu wille nu [cweõan jJ õa welJgan hæbben mid h[ wã hz'mægen þæ/J eall gebetan. [Ac þeah õu nu swaJ c\væde, hit ne nzago[ n ða welan ellun Jga gebetan, þeah [hz' SUllle hwÜe J n1ægen. F orõæm þ[ e hz' sat/on ælce dæg J yean 'Þ 15 mon æ1ce dæg [wanað ' /orþamJþe sio mennisce wædl [õe 1zæfre ge Jfylled ne bi'ð wilnaõ æ1ce [dæg klvæs Jhwugu 7 þ}sses woruldwelan, [ægõer J ge hrægles ge metes ge dr[Yllces ge] monegra þinga to eaean [þã. For Jõæm nis nan mon swa welig [jJ he] maran ne þyrfe. Ae sio [gù'SUllg J ne con 20 ge t 8, ne næfre ne biõ gee Jhealden on 'ðære nedõearfe, ae wilna'ð s}lnle maran þonne he jurfe. Ie nat hwi ge fultruwiaõ õæm hreo[ s Jendan welan, nu hy ne magon eowre [zv Jædle eow from ad[o In; ae [ge ecað eowre J wædle 9 mid 'ðæm õe hi eow [10 clt1Jlað. 25 * -f8b C. iii w. Ða s Je \Visdoln õa þis spel * [asæd hæfde, þa ongan he eft gÙldÜln 10, 7 þus J singende ewæõ: (Hwelc fremu byõ þã welgan gù'sere jJ he gegaderzge ungerï þz"ssa welena 7 ælces gÙJlrynnes genog begù'e? 7 þeah he erz"ge hz"s la1ld nu'd þuselld sula: 7 þeah eall ðes nu'ddaneard sie hz's a1l'lvealde ullderðeoded, 30 ne læ' he hz"s nan'ivuht of þz"s nu'ddanearde mid hznz mare þõn he brohle hider.) w Boeth. iii. met. 3. 'Quamuis fluente,' &c. Cotto 1fetr. xiv. 1 jJ B. 2 em. frðe B. 3 ðæm conj. om. B. 4 /ífå'; l B. :; hingre J. fI kale J. 7 SO J, hwæthweg B. 8 géY//ét B. 9 ermð'e B. 10 giddigan J. XXVII. 2] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 61 XX.VII x. i. [Ða 1J se \Yisdolll ða õis lioð á[ sun Jgen hæfde, õa ongan he [ifi] spellian 7 cwæõ: Tu 2 þing [mæg se J weorõ- scipe 7 se anwald [gedoll], gif he becymõ to þæm dy[sgall.... hJe mæg hine gedon weorõne [7 J andrysne oðrum dysegum. 5 Ac þonecan þe (he) ðone anwald for1æt, (oõðe s se allweald hÙze. þÕ71 ne bið he nau'Jer þã dysegan ne weorõ ne alld1ysne 4). Hwæðer nu se anwald hæbbe þone þeaw õæt he astificige unõeawas 7 awyr[t]walige 6 of ricra nlonna [m]ode, [7] plaritige 'ð'ær cræft[ as on? Ie 7i 1 atJ ðeah 'Þ se eorõlica 10 [allweald næfre *ne sæwõ þa eræjias, ae 7 lisð 7 gadrað * 49 a C. unõeawas.... 7 þonne hi gegadrad hæfð 7 , þÕll 8 eowaõ he hi, nallas ne hzTð .... forþã õara ncra m01l1Za zmõeawas manige men geseo'ð, flrþãõe hz' nzanige eunnon, 7 mallfge hÙn mÙl beoõ]. Forðæm we sy[mle seofiað ymbeJ ðone anwald [7 hÙze eae 15forscoð, þon Jne we ges[ eoõ jJ he eY1llð to þã wy Jrrestum 7 to þ[ã þe us ullweorþosteJ bioõ. For ðæm [þzngÜ wæs gl'O þæ! se] \Visa Catulus hine [gebealg 7 swa un Jgefræglice forcwæð N[oniÜ] þone rican, forðæm he hine gemette sittan on gere- neduIll scridwæne; forõæm 9 hit wæs ða swiðe 9 micel sido 20 mid Romwarum p 10 þær nane oõre an 11 ne sæton buton þa weorðestan. .þa forseah se Catulus hine, flrõy he þæran sittan sceolde; for'ðæm he hine wiste swiðe ungesee [adw] isne 7 swiõe ungemetfæstne. þa O1zgan se Catulus him spigettan on; se Catulus wæs here toga on Rome, swiõe [ge ]sceadwis 25 mono Ne forsawe he r no þonJe oõerne swa swi'ð'e gif he nan [nee ne næ Jnne anwald [na Jefde. ii y. Hwæ[þer þu nu lllæge ongitan] hu mieelne 12 *[ un- * 49 b C. weorðseipe se] anwald brengð [þã ulllllede1lla1l] gif he hine x Boeth. iii. pro 4. 'Sed dignitates,' &c. Y Boeth. iii. pro 4. 1. 7 P. ' Videsne quantum malis,' &c. 1 Da . . . cwætJ supplemented from J, om. B. 2 twa B. S Between forlæt and hwæðer a line erased in C. 4 em. andyslle B. :; astyfecige B. 6 wyrtwalige B. 7 ac . . . hæfð from J, om. B. 8 7 }õn B. Ð forðæm . . . swzð'e om. B. 10 wæs jJ B. 11 :F rom J, OIl B. 12 midë C. Top of fo1. 49b left blank. * 49b C ends, rest gone. * soa C ends, rest gone. . 62 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXVII. 2 under[fi ]h'ð? for'ðæm æIces monnes yfel bið þy openre gif he anwald hæfO. Ac gesege me nu, ic aseige 'ðe, þu Boetius, hwi þu swa nzan(gfeald yfel hæfde 7 swa mice]e une[ðn Jesse on þam rice, þa hwile þe õu [hI! hJæfdest, o'O'ðe forhwy þu hit [diJ þinum unwillum forlete? Hu ne was'ð þu i> hit næs 5 for nanù o'ðrum 'ðingum buton for'ðæm þe þu nolde[ st] on eallum 'ðinguln bion geþwære þæs unrihtwisan eyn[Ùz Jges 1 ",man þiodrices? forðæm'ðe ð[ u] hine ong[eatJe on eaUum [þi1zgft] unwyr'ð[neJ þæs * an[ wealdes, swzõe sceanzleasne 7 ungeþwærne 2, buton ælcü godü 3 þeawe. Forþã we ne nzagon 10 nauht ea'ðe secgan fJ þa J!felan szen gode 4, þeah hi anweald habban. l\Te wurde þu ðeah na adrifen from Ðeodrice, ne he 'ðe na ne flrsawe, gif] þe [lzcode hz"s dys/g 7 his un Jrihtwisnes sw[a wel swa hz's tb'segitJ deorlingum qyde. [Gif þu nu gesa ]\\'e sun1ne s\yi'ðe [wisne man þe hæ.fJde swi'ðe gooda 15 [lýèrh)'da, 7 wæreJ þeah swi'ð'e eann 7 s[ wlõe ungesælig] , hwæ'ðer 'ðu wolde cwe'ðan [fJ he wæreJ unwyr'ðe anwealdes 7 weo[rðscij>esJ? Ða andswarode Boetzus [7 cwæð: l\r ese , la, ] nese; gif ic hine swilcne [gemete 5 neJ cwæðe ic næfre 'ðæt he sie un[ weorðe] anwaldes 7 weor'ðscipes, ac [ælees] me 20 'ðinc'ð Þ he sie wyr'ð[e þe on] þisse worulde is. Ða [cwæð seJ Wisdom: Æ1c cræft hæfO his [sun]dorgife, 7 þa 6 gife 7 þone 6 weo[r'ðsci]pe þe he hæfð he forgifð [szm"ðeJ hræõe þæm 7 þe hine lufa'ð. Sw[ a szva wz]sdom is se hehsta eræft, .../ [7 se'3 hæ.f'ð on hi]m feower o'ðre cræftas; 'ð[ ara is an wærscipe J, 25 o'ðer gemetgung 9, õ[rÙlde* tS ellen, jëor'ðe rihtwzSnes. Se TJ'z'sdom gede'ð his lujiendas wzSe 7 weor'ðe 10 7 gemeifæste 7 geþyldige 7 rihtwise, 7 ælces godes 11 þeawes 12 he gejj'll'ð þone 13 þe hl'ne lzifað. .þæ/ ne magon don þa õe þone anweald habba'ð þisse zl1orulde ' ne magon hz" nanne cræflforgifan þã 'ðe hÙze 14 3 0 lujiað of hlora welan, gif hi hine J on [heora ] gee CJ'nde nabba'ð. BeþJæm is swiõe sweo[/ol jJ ða rzcan onþ]æm woruldwelan r 11abbað nælllle sun ]dorcræft; ae [hÙJl bl'ð 15 se 'loela utJane 1 Jines B. 2 em. tlnge'l()ærne B; the w was orig. p. S goodzl1n J. f goode J. 5 mette J. 6 JafigeJo1'le B. 7 ælcÜpara B. ' Ile J. 9 metglmg B. III wære J. 11 goodes J. 12 em. pea'l(las B. 13 em. bõn B. It hi J. lð bió from J, om. B. XXVII, 3J DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 63 cumen, 7 he Ene mæg utanJe nauht agnes habban. [Geðellc 111/ hw Jæ'ðer ænig mon bio a 'ðe 1 [unzveorðra J þe hine manige men [jòrse01t 2 . gi]f þonne ænig mOD á [þe Ullweor Jõra biõ, þonne bi'ð ælc [dJ,'sig 3] man 4 þy unweorõra þe he [mare] 5 rice hæfO æIcum wisii [men. Be þ]æm is genoh sweotol [Þ se] anweald 7 se wela ne mæg his [wealde ]nd 6 gedon no 'ðy weorõran, [ac he] hine gede'ð 'ðy unweor'ðran 6 [þe he] him to eym'ð, gif he ær ne [dohte. Swa biJ'ð eae se \Vela 7 se anwal[d þiJ wyrsa, gif se ne deah þe hi[ne ah ' æg J'ðer 10 hiora bi'ð þy [ forcuðra git hi hi gemetað. * * b 5la C h a out ere. iii z. Ac ic þe mæg eaþe gereccan be sumere bisne, Þ ðu mill! genoh sweotole ongiton Þ ðis andwearde lif is swzde antic sceade, 7 7 01Z þære sceade nan 1ll0n 7 ne 1llæg begz"tan þa soðall gesælða. Hu wenst ðu llU? gif hwelc swz"ðe rice 1710n zf!)'rð 15 adrifin of his earde oððe O1Z his hlafordes ærendt færð, )!mJõ þo[nne 8 01Z ælðeodig folc þær þær J hine [nan man ne can lle he ne ænn]e 9 mon, ne [furðü Þ geðeode neJ can, wenstu mæge [hz's rice 10J hine þær on lond[e wyrðne gedoll? AcJ ie wat l' he ne mæg. Gif [þõn se weorðJscipe þæm ",elan gecy[nde 20 wære, 7] he his agen wære, oð'ðe eft [se we/a ðæs J welegan agen wære, þon[ne ne me Jahte 11 he hine no forlæt[an. TVæreJ se mon on swe1cum lande sw[e/ce he] ",ære þe hi ahte, 'ðonne wæ[re hz's J wela 7 his weor'ðscipe mid hi[ m. Ac fir Jþæmþe se wela 7 se anwald his [agene neJ bio'ð, for'ðy hi hine 25 forlæta'ð; [7 forðJpeJ hi nan gecyndelie good on hi[ m selJfum nabbað, for'ðy hi losi[að swa swa J sceadu o'ð'ðe Slnee. peah s[ e leasa wenaJ 7 sio rædelse þaJ a dysi[gena monnJa tiohhige i> se anwald [7 se we/a 12] sie 1> hehste good, ae [hzl bið *eall oðer. põn þa rÙ:an beoð oðer twega, oððe on * SIb C 30 ælðeode 13 oððe on hzora agenre gec.yððe 14 1711a gesceadwz"sü 171On111/, about here þõn bz"ð ægðer ge þii wisan ge þã ælðeodegan his we/a for z Boeth. iii. pro 4. 1. 27 P. 'Atque ut agnoscas,' &c. 1 tJy B. 2 forsioð J. 3 dyfz" B, dysig J. 4 111011 J. 6 From J, anweald R. ti tJ above line in C, wyrsan B. 7 /01 jæm on tJæm na1t 11tOJl J. 8 Con ject. þõn B. g nænne J. 10 his 7.f 1 el a 7 his r'Ùe J. 11 Conject. 11l'Íhte B. 12 7 st u'ela from ], om. B. 15 ellellde J. II cy:JtJe J. 64 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXVII. 3 1lauht, szõðan hi ongitað fJ hz' nær01zfor nanü cræfle gecorene 1, buton for dysges jòlees herÙzge. Ac þær hi ænige wuhtJ ag[lles oððe gecyndelÛ:es go des an 2 heo Jra [anwealde hæ/don, þÕll hæídeJlJ hi 'Þ lnid h[im,þeah hz'þæt rice /orleJten; ne forlet[oll hi no jJ geC)'lldelÙ:e go ]od 3, ae simle him [wolde jJ hlgeanJ 7 hi 5 syn11e weorðe [gedon, wæron hz' 0 In swelcum lande swyIce [hz' wærOll J. iv a . N u 'ðu n1eaht ongitan 'Þ se ['lDela 7 se a Jnwald nænne mon ne magon LOll ellendeJ weorðne gedon. Ie nat þeah ðu [wene þæt hi] on hiora agenre eyð'ðe ealne[ weg mægen]; 10 ae ðeah þu his wene, ic wat [fJ hi ne ma ]gon. Hit wæs gio giond ealle Ro[ mana 1ll Jearee 'Þ heretogan 7 domeras, [7 þa maðJmhirdas þe 'Þ fioh hioldon þe [nlOn þa]m ferdmonnuln on geare seIla[n seeolde, 7] þa wisestan 4 \Vitan, hæfdon mæst[ ne weorðJseipe; nu þonne oðer twe[ga, úððe] þara nan nis, oõðe 15 hi nænn[e weorþscipeJ nabbaõ, gif hiora ænig [z"s. Swa hit * 5 2a C. bið be] ækulll þara þinga ðe ag[en god 3 7 *gecyndelÙ: llabbað on hÙ71 se!fit.; oðre hwz7e hlï bzõ to tælenne, oðre hUJz'le hz"! bzõ to heriganne. Ac hwæt þincð þe þÕll 011 þã welan 7 011 a71wealde wynsumes oððe llyfwyrþes, 1ZU hi na1zes ðÙlges genog nabbaþ, 1ze 20 hi nauht agnes J goodes nabbað, [1le nauht þurhwunZ"gendJes hiora weald[endü sellan na mogon]? XXVIII b. Ða se \Visdom þa [ðÙ sþell asa:d hæ/deJ, ða ongan he eft gÙldigan 5 7 þus cwæð:] (Ðeah nu se 1t1zrihtwz"sa cynig 6 Neron hÙze gescyrpte mid eallÜ þam wlzïegestü wædü 7 1Jlz'd ælees cynnes 5 gÙllJJlÜ geglengde, hu 11e wes he þeah æleü wlÏü lað 7 u1zweorð, 7 ælees unðeawes 7 firenlustes full? Hwæt, he þeah u'eorðode hz's deorlÙzgas mid nzz"clft welü ' ac hwæt was hz'm i!Y bet? Hwele gesceadzms nlOn mihte cweþan jJ he a ðy weorðra 'If}ære þeah he hzne weorðode ?) 3 0 ø. Boeth. iii. pro 4. 1. 37 P. 'Sed hoc apud exteras nationes,' &c. b Boeth. iii. met. 4. ' Quamuis se tyrio,' &c. Cotto Metr. xv. I gecore1l1ze J. 2 goodes Oil J. S good J. 4 'Westa1Z B. 6 gieddia1Z J. 6 So B. XXIX. i I] DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 65 XXIX c. i. Ða se W[Ú ]dom [þaJ þis leoð' a[sun ]gen hæf[ de, þa] ongan he ef[t * spelligan 1 7 jus cwæð: Hweðer þu lZU wene * 52b C. ß þæs cynz11ges giferræden 7 se we/a 7 se anweald þe he gifð hÚ deorlÙzgü mcpge ænigne nlOll ged01z weligne oõðe 'loealdendne? 5 Ða andsworede ic 7 cwæt: Forhwz' ne 17lag01l hi? Hwæt -is on ðÙ andwea Jrdan lit[ e wynsÜre 7 betere J þonne þæs [0'1Zl1zges folgað 7 hÚ] neawest, 7 siõð'ar n we/a 7 anweald? Ða] andswarode se [Trisdõ 7 cwæõ: Sege J me nu hwæ'ðer [þu æ.fre gehyrdest] p he ængum ð'a[ra þe ær us w Jære 10 eallunga þurh[ u'unode.; oõðe] wenstu hwæð'er hine [ ænig þar Ja [e]alne weg habban mæge [þe hz1zel nu hæfð? Hu ne was'ð 'ðu pete ealle b]ec sind fulla þara biesena [þara] monna þe ær us wæren? 7 æIc [mon wat] þara þe nu leofa'ð 'ðætte [manegüJ eyninge onhwearf se an[ weald] 7 se wela [o]õ ð'æt 2 15 he eft wearð' [u'ædla]. Eala ea, is i> 3 þonne forweorð'[fitl1zc] wela 'Þ 4 nau þer ne mæg ne hin[e seifne g ]ehealdan ne his hlaford, [to þOll] .p he ne þyrfe maran ful[tu]mes, o'ð'ðe hi bio'ð begen forheal[ den] ? Hu ne is þæt þeah sio eowru [hehstJe gesælð' [þara] eyninga anweald? *7 þe[ah gif þã * 53 a C. 20 cy71z1zge æniges 'If'z'lian] wana biõ, þonne lytlaõ 'ðæt his an[ weald], 7 eeð' his erm'ða; for'ðy bioð' simle þa [e Jow[r ]a gesælð'a on sumum þingum unsæl'ð'a 5. Hwæt, þa cyningas, þeah hi mænig ger 6 þioda wealden, ne wealda'ð' hi þeah ealr[ a J þara þe hi weald an woldan, ae 7 bio'ð' forð'æm swiõe 8 25 earme on hiora mode for'ðy hi nabbaõ sume þara þe hi habban \Volden 7; for'ðæm ie wat p se [cy Jning þe gitsere bi'ð, t he hæfð mare a ]n 9 erm'ðe þonne anwald. For'ð'am cwæ'ð gio sum cyning þe unrihtliee feng to rice: Eala, hwæt 'ðæt biõ gesælig mon þe him ealne weg ne hangaõ naeod 3 0 sweor[ d 0 Jfer 'ðæ heafde be smale 10 þræde, [swa sw Ja me 11 c Boeth. iii. pro 5. ' An nero regna,' &c. 1 sþellian J. 2 oððe jJ B. S jJ ab.l. in C. 4 þe B. 5 1l1Zgesælða B. II manegra for 11lænig ger B. 7 ac. . . wolden erased and written afresh in C, but not on the erased portion, where the writing is still faintly visible. 8 swa B. g maro1t J. 10 smalan B. U næ B. F 66 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXIX. I git symle 1 dyde? Hu þinc'ð [þe nu], hu þe se wela 7 se anwald licige, [llU hi] 2 næfre ne bioð buton ege [7] earfoðü 7 sorgum ? H wæt, þu wæst S 'Þ æ[k ry ]ninc wolde bion butan þissum, [7 habbJan þeah an wald gif he meahte; ae ic wat Þ he ne mæg; þy ic wundrige forhwy hi gilpen swelces an- 5 waldes. H wæ'ðer þe nu þinee 'Þ se mon 4 m[zcebze a ]nwald * 53b c. *hæbbe 7 sz"e swzõe gesælig þe sz1Jlle wzïlnað þæ Js þe he begitan ne mæg? Oõðe [zveJnstu f se sie swiðe gesælig þe symle mid mic1e 5 werede fær'ð, oõðe eft see] 'ð[eJ æg'ðer ondræd ge þone þe hine ondræ[t] ge þone þe hine no ne ondræt? 10 H wæõe[r ] þe nu þi[n ]ce l' se mon micelne anwald hæbbe þe him selfum ðineð 'P he nænne næbbe, (s'lva swa nu nzallegü men oinco, jJ he nænne næbbe) buton he hæbbe mænigne man þe him here? H wæt wille we ma nu 6 sprecan be 'ðæm eininge 7 be his foIgerum, butan 'Þ ælc gesceadwis man mæg 15 witan f [hz] bioð full earme 7 ful unmihtige? Hu magon þa 7 cyningas oõsa[c ]an o'ððe forhelan heora unmeahte, þ[oJnne hi ne magon nænne weorðscipe for'ðbrengan buton hiora [þeg ]na fultume? ii d. Hwæt wille we (llu) e[lles 8 sec ]g-gean be ðæm þegnum 20 but[ on jJ] f 'ðær oft gebyre'ð jJ hi weo[rðað] bereafode ælcre are, ge furõum þæs feOl-es, from hiora leasan cyni[nge]? H"\væt, we witon 'P se unrihtwisa [ryni1lgJ Neron wolde hatan his agenne magister 7 his fostorfæder ácwellan, þæs nama wæs Seneca; se wæs uðwita. þa he þa onfunde .p he dead 25 * 54a C. bion [sceolde], þa bead he ealla his "æhta *[ wzõ his fiore .; þa nolde se rynz"ng þæs 011 ]fon, ne him his feores geunnan. Ða [he þa] 1> ongeat, þa geceas he (hi) þone dea'ð ðæt hine 9 mon oflete blodes on 'ðæm eanne; 7 ða dyde mon swa. H wæt, we eae geherdon [þæt] Pap(z'n)ianus wæs Antoniose 10 'ðæln 3 0 casere 11 eal[ra J his dyrlinga 12 besorgost, 7 ealles his folces [mæstne] anwald hæfde; ac he hine het gebindan [7 szõðan d Boeth. iii. pro 5. 1. 23 P. 'Nam quid ego de regum familiaribus,' &c. 1 simle git B. 2 em. he B. S So C, wast B. i mon om. B. micelU1l B. 6 nu mare B. 7 þa om. B. 8 elles from J, om. B. g {<'rom J, hï B. 10 ontoniose B. 11 kasere B. 12 dcorlÙlga li. XXIX. 3J DE CONSOLATIO..VE PHILOSOPHIAE 67 o/'Slean]. Hwæt, ealle men witan þæt se Seneca wæ[s .oL'TJerone 7 Papinianus Antonie þa weor'ð[est]an 7 þa leofostan, 7 [11læstne] anwald hæfdon ge on hiora hirede ge buton, 7 þeah buton ælcre scylde wurdon fordo[lle. HzvætJ, hi \Vil- 5 nedon begen (eallon nzægene) .p ða hlafordas n[ a Jman swa hwæt swa hi bæfden, 7 leten hi libban; ac hi ne meahten .p begitan, for'ðæm þara eyninga wælhreownes wæs t[o J 'ðæm heard .p hiora eaðmetto ne meaht[o]n nauht forstandan, ne huru heora off ermet] to dydon; swa hwæðer swa hi dydon 10 [71e do ]hte him 'ða naw'ðer, þeah hi scold[on] f feorh ælætan]. For'ðæm se ðe his [ær tzä]e ne tiolað, þonne bið his on tid untilad 2. Hu lica'ð þe nu se anwald 7 se ,vela, nu õu gehered hæfst Þ hine mon naw'ðer ne S butan ege habban ne mæg ne forlætan ne mot, þeah he w[zi'le]? Oõ'ðe bwæt forstod *[seo * 54b C, 1:5 nze1liglt þara freollda þã deorlÙzgÜ 4 þara J cyninga? o'ððe hwæt forstent hio ænegu men? For'ðon 5 þa frend eumað [mz.d] þæm welum 7 eft tnid 'ðæm welan [gezvzï'að] buton swiðe feawa. Ac 'ða frend [þe hz]ne ær for 'ðæm welan Iufiað þa ge[zvz"tað] eft n1id þæm \Velan, 7 weorða'ð [tJ:oll]ne 20 to feondum, buton þa [fiazoan] 'ðe hine ær for lufum 7 fo[r] treowum lufedon; þa hine woldoll þeah lufian 'ðeah he earm wære; þ[a h]im wunÎaõ. H w)'1c is \Virsa \Vol oõ'ðe ænegum lnen mare daru þonne (he) hæbbe on his geferrædenne [70 In h[iJs neaweste feond 7 6 freondes anlzcnesse? 2:; iii e. Ða se \Visdom ða 7 'ðis spell areaht hæfde, þa ongan he eft singan 7 þus cwæ'ð: (Se 8 þe wille fulZzce anweald aganJ he sceal tiliga1l 9 ærest jJ he hæbbe anweald hz's agenes modes, 7 ne sz"e to ullgerÚcn!zce underðeod hz's ltllþeawÜ, 7 ado if hz"s mode ungerz'senlice J'mbhogan, 7 forlæte þa seo.fullga hz's eormþa. 30 peah he nu rzcsige ojèr eallne 1JlÙldallgeard from easteweardÜ oð westeweardne, /rõ IndeÜ, jJ z's se suðeastende }z"sses nzid- daneardes, oð ðæt zi'and þe zve hatað 7J;le,.fJ z's on þã 1l0rðwest- e Boeth. iii. met. 5. 'Qui se nolet,' &c. Cott. Metr. xvi. 1 So C, alætan B. 2 unlod B. 3 'Ize om. B. i diorlÌ1zgu11l J. 5 forða1ll B, 6 So Band C. 7 ða om. B. 8 em. ðe B. II tz"lifl1l B. F 2 ( "55b C 68 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXIX. 3 ende þz'sses middaneardes, þær ne bÛJ nawþer ne on sumera nznt, ne 01Z wz1ztra dæg: þeah he 7lU þæs ealles wealde, næ.fð he no þe maran anweald gif he hz's Ùzgeþances anweald næfð 7 gi.f he hine lle warenað wið þa unþea'lfJas þe 'lfJe ær ynzb 5 XXX!. i. Ða se Wisdom þa þas fitte asungen hæfde, þa ongon he eft seggan spell 7 ewæ'ð: Is.p ungerisenlie wuldor þisse worulde 7 swiðe leas; be 'ðæm wæs gio singende sum seeop. Va he forseah þis andwearde lif, 'Oa cwæð he: Eala, wuldur þisse weorulde, ea, forhwy þe haten dyszge men mid leasre 10 stelnne wu1dor, nu ðu nane neart? For'ðæm'ðe ma manna hæfð micelne gielp 7 micel 1 wuldor 7 micelne weor'ðscipe for dysiges folces wen an, þonne [he ha Jebbe for his gewyrh- turn. Ac sege 2 me nll hwæt ungerisenlicre sie 'ðonn[e] .p, o'ððe forhwy hi (ne) mægen hiora [nza J scamian þonne 15 fægnian, þonne h[i ge Jheraõ .p him man on Iih'ð? þeah mon nu * [hwolle godra S mz"d rihte henge 1 7 4 so'O an segge 5, ne seeal he na [þeJ 6 hræ þor to ungemetlice fægnian 'ð[ æs J folces worda ; ac þæs he sceal fægn[Ùzn J 7 'ðæt hi him soð an 8 segga'ð. peah he nll [þæs J fægnige t hi his naman bræden. ne [bû1J 20 he no þy hræ'Oor swa brad (swa) hi tihha'ð, [fJor'ðæm (hz) hine ne magon tobrædan geond ealle eor'ðan, þeah hi on sumii lande mægen; for'ðæm þeah he sie anum gehered 9, þonne bi'ð he o'Orum unhered 10; þeah he on þam lande sie mære, þonne bið he on oðr[ um unJmære 11. For'ðæm is þæs 25 folces h[liJsa ælcum men for nauht to habbanne forðæm he to ælcum (men) ne eymð be his gewyrhtum, ne huru nanum ealne weg ne wunað. Ge þene nu ærest be þæm gebyrdum, gif hwa þæs gilp'O, hu idel 7 hu unnet (se) gylp bi'ð; for'ð[ ãJ þe ælc nlon wat iJ ealle men Of12 anum fæder conlon 7 of anre 3 0 meder. Oððe eft be þæs folces hlisan 7 be hiora heringe 13; r Boeth. iii. pro 6. ' Gloria uero,' &c. 1 micelne B. 2 gesege B. 3 goodra J. f 7 conject. om. Band C. 5 soð an se,l{ge om. B. 6 þy J. 7 From J. 8 on B. 9 geherod B. JO unherod B. 11 From J, læsse B. 12 Appar. ôfC. 1;$ herige B. xxx. 2] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 69 ic nat hwæs] we þær f[ ægn]iað. þeah 'ða 2 nu foremære sien þe [/o!cÙce men h]eriað, þeah bioð þa foremærran 7 rihtlicran to heriann[e þa J þe bioð Inid cræftum ge- weorð[ode]; forcæmþe nan mon ne bið Inid r[/nte g *.for oðres * 56a C. 5 gode ne for hiS cræflü 1LO þy mærra ne no þy geheredra ., glf he hzne self Juifð. Hwæðtr þu beo a þy fagerra jòr oðres mannes fægere? Bz'ð men ful lYtle þy bet þeah he godlle fæder hæbbe, glf he self to nauhle ne nllrg. Forþã Ù: lære jJ ðu /ægenz"ge oðerra J monna good[es 5 7 heora æðelo to þ01Z J swiðe 10 p þu ne [tzlzge ðe seifum agnes], for'ðæmþe æl[ces monnes god I) 7 hÙ J æþelo bioð 7 ma o[n þã mode þõn] on fæm ftæs[ce. p an ic wat þeah godes 8J on þa æðelo, iJ rnænig[ ne nLOll sceamaþJ Þ he wiorðe wyrsa þon[ne his eldran J wæron, 7 forðæm higa'ð eall[on 9 magneJ ðæt he wolde þara betst[ella slt1Jles] 15 teawas 7 his eræftas gefon 10. ii g, [P a se] \Visdom 'ða þis spell areah[/ ll hæfde J, þa 1 ongan he singan ym b p i[lce 12 7 cwæð : J (Hwat, ealle men hæfdon gelzcne fruman,firþã hi ealle coman of anit fæder 7 o.f j anre meder, 7 ealle hi beoð git gebce acennede. lVÙ jJ nan 20 wltlldor,forþãþe an God is fæder eallra gesceafla jòrþã he hi ealle gesceop 7 ealra welt. Se selð þære sltnnan Üoht, 7 þã nzonan, 7 ealle lungl a geset. He gesceop men on eorþan.J' gegaderode j a saula 7 þone IÛ:homan 1Jlz"d hz's þã allwealde, 7 t!alle me1l1Z gesceop e1llnæþele on þære fruman geçynde. Hwi 25 o.fermodige ge þõn ojèr oðre men for eowrÜ gef?yrdÜ butOll anweorce, till ge nanne ne magon metan unæþelne? ac ealle Sz1Zt emllæþele, gif ge wzllað þone fruman sceaft geþencall, 7 þone sciPpelld, 7 siððan eoweres ælces acellnednesse. Ac þa 1J:ht- ll?þelo bz'ð on þã mode, næs O1l þam jlæsce, swa Jwa we æt 3 0 sædon. Ac ælc nLOll þe allunga underJeoded bZd ullþeawü forlæt hz's sceppend 7 his fruman sceaft 7 hz's æðelo, 7 þona 1 z wyrð anæþelad oð ðæt he wyrð llnæþele.) g Boeth. iii. met. 6. 'Omne hominum " &c. Cotto Metr. xvii. I wat hwæt B. 2 :From E, ðze C. 3 1Idd rihte for rihte B. f heredra J. 5 SO J, godes B. 6 good J. 7 bioð' om. B. 8 goodes J. II eaffe J. 10 geþeoll B. 11 SO J, areht B. 12 em. iffce H ab. 1. 70 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXI. I XXXI h. i. [Ða s]e \Visdom þa þis lio'ð â[ su ]ngen hæfde, þa ongan he [ift s Jeggan spell 7 þus cwæð: [Hwæt g ]odes magon we seggan [on þa jlæsclz]can unþea\vas? For[þã swa hZf.'a s Jwa hi forlætan wile, [he sceal gepolÙl1zJ micle * 57 a c. nearanesse [7 *1llanige geaifoðu.; Jòrþã seo o}ërfyll simle fit 5 unþeawas, 7 þa unþeawas habbað ojèrðeaife hreowsullga, 7 seo hreowsung ne beoð na butall sorge 7 butall nearonesse. Eala, eaw, hu 1llanega adla 7 hu 1llÙ;el sar 7 hu mÙ;ele 1 wæccan 7 hu micle Ullrotnesse se hafõ þe ðo Jne w[on wzllan ha!fð 01Z þz'sse worul] de. 7 hu micele m[a wenst ðu jJ hz' srylonJ habban 10 æfter þi[sse worulde edlean] hiora earnun[ga 2; swa swa bearneace1z S] wif (acenð bearn 7) ðrowað [nllcel earjöðu, æfter þãJ þe hio (ær) micelne [lust þurhteah. For ]þy ic nat 4 hwæt þa wore uldlustas J n1yrges bringað hiora luf[zgelldÜ]. Gif nu (hwa) cwið .p se sie ges[ ælzg se þeJ his woruldlustum eallu[ 15 .fulgæð], hwi nele he cwe'ðan eac (jJ ða) ne[tenu seonJ gesælegu, for'ðæm (ðe) hior[a willa to J nanum oðrum ðingum n[Ù aþenod] buton to gifernesse 7 to wr[ ænllesse]? Swiõe gewynsum 5 hit bið þæt [nlOn wif] hæbbe 7 bearn; ac õeah m[ al1ige 6 bear In bioð gestrined to hiora [eZdrena J fonvirde, 20 forõæn1þe manig [wifJ forswilt 7 for hire bearne æf [heo hz!] brengan 8 mæge. 7 we leorno[ don] eae þæt h[ wzl]um geberede * 5" be. swiðe *[ ullgewunelzc 7 ullgeCYlldelÙ; yfel, jJ ða bearn getreowedoll be!wuh him 7 szeredon _ymbe þone fæder . ge furðon 9 jJ wyrse was, we geheordo1l 1o geo geara on ealdü spellü jJ sit sunu ofsloge 25 hz's .fader.; ic nat humela, butoll we WZlo1Z jJ hz! unmellnÙclÙ; 11 dæd wæs. Hwat, æle 1ll0n mæg witan hu hif]ig so[rg men beoð seo gem ]en his bearna; ne [þeaif Ù; þe þeah jJ s ]ecgan, forõæm [þu hzï hæfst afullde1z12J be þe selfum. [Be þære hæfigan 1S gemenlle hÙ J bearna cwæð [mÙz 1Jlægz"ster EurupÙles J 3 0 h Boeth. iii. pro 7. ' Quid autem de corporis uoluptatibus,' &c. 1 micla J. 2 From J, geeanumga B. 3 bearlleacell from J, om. B. f waf B. 5 fØÿJlsum C, gewll1ZsÜ B. 6 þeah 'mon manige B. 7 su,e!t R. 8 forðbringan B. 9 furþulIl J. 10 herd Oil J. 11 'UJ1lt111lisclicu J. L. afandad J. 13 hefcgall J. .,....- -,......, { I :. XXXII. 9 I] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 71 t hwilu ge[ rede þã] heardsælgan .p him wæ[re be/ere] .p he bearn næfde [þÕll he hæfde]. ii i. þa se \Visdom ða þis spel [areht hæfJde, þa ongan he eft giddian -[7 þus sing Jende ewæð: (H'lfJæt, se yfila 5 wz?la unrznthænzedes gedrefð fulneah ælces llbbendes nzOlllles nzod. Swa swa seo beo sceal losÙl1z þõn heo hwæt zrrÙzga stz"ngð, swa sceal ælc sawl forweorðan æfler þã unrihthænzede, buton se m07Z hweoife 10 gode.) XXXII k. i. Ða se \Visdom þa þis leoð asungen [hæfJde, þa 10 ongan he eft spellian 7 þus ewæ'ð: Forðæm nis nan tweo .p þes andwearda \Vela myr'ð 7 let þa men þe bioð [a Jtehte to þam soðum gesælðum; 7 he [n Jænne ne mæg gebrÙzgan 1 þær he him gehet, .p is æt þæln hehstan goode. Ac ic þe mæg mid feaum word[ it ge Jsecgan hu manegra yfela þa 15 [welan sz"1zt] gefylde. H wæt þu þonn[e 2 nzæne tJZúi þa Jere gidsunge þæs [fios, nu þu hzï nahu elles begzïan ne mznt buton þu hzïJ forstele oõðe gereafige o'ðõe abeþecige, 7 þær (þær) hit þe wexð, þonne wanaõ hit oþrum? Ðu ,voldest nu bion foremære on weor'ðseipe; ac gif þu f habban wilt, 20 þonne seealt ðu oleeean swiðe earn1lice 7 (swiþe) eadmodlice þæm ðe (þe) to þæm gefulteman 3 n1æge. Gif þu þe wilt don manegra beteran 7 weorðran, þonne seealt þu þe lætan anes \vyrsan. Hu ne is f þonne sum dæl yrrnða .p mon swa [werelz]ce 4 scyle eulpian to þæm þe him gifan [s Jcyle? 25 Anwaldes:> 'ðu wilnast? Ac þu hine næfre orsorgne ne begitst 6 for [æ Jl'ðeodegum 7 git ma for ðinunl agnum monnUln 7 mægum. Gilpes þu girnst? [Ac J þu hine ne meaht habban orsorgne, *[jòrþä ðu scealt habban sinzle * 58b C. hwæthweg 7 wÛJ]erweardes 7 ungetæses. þu woldest nu 30 bruean ungemetliere wrænnesse? Ae ðe willað þonne for- I Boeth. iii. met. 7. 'Habet omnis,' &c. Cotto Ietr. xviii. k Boeth. iii. pro 8. ' Nihil igitur dubium est,' &c. I mæge bringan J. 2 Conj. þõn B. 3 gifultzml a1Z B. 4 From J, wæreli ;-, l;;:'vealdes B. 6 begi1t C. 7 117.iJæthwtlgze J. 72 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXII. I sion goode 1 Godes þeowas, for'Oæm þe þin werie 2 rt1æse ha.fað þin anwald, [1lJales þu his. Hu mæg mon earmlicor gebæron 3 þo[ 1l Jne mon hine under'Oiede 4 his were[gall jlæsce, 7 1lelJle his gescead wisan [saule? Hwæþer ge 1l Ju sien maran on [eowrit IÙ:honzan J þonne elpend, o'O'ðe strengran 5 [þõnJ leo o'ðõe fear, oð'ðe swiftra[n] þonne tigris? peah 5 'ðu nu wære mara þonne elpend 7 strengra þonne leo oõ'Oe fear and 6 swiftra 'Oonne tigris Þ deor 5, 7 þeah þu wære eallra manna fægrost on wlite, 7 þÕ1Z (wold est) geornliee æfter wisdome spyrian o'O'Oæt þu fullice rih t ongeale, þonne 10 meahtes 'ðu sweotole ongiton 'ðæt ealle þa mægno 7 þa [cræ.ftas J þe we ær ymb spræcon ne sint to metanne 7 wi'O þære.sawle eræfta ænne, Hwæt nu, wisdom is an anlepe eræft þære sawle, 7 þea[ h] we Wz"t01Z ealle 1> he is betera 'ðo[ nne J 8 ealle þa 9 o'ðre eræftas þe we ær [Y17lbe] spræeon. 15 * 5 Ja C. ii I. Behealda'ð nu þa widgielne[sse *7 .fæstnesse 7 þa hrædfirnesse þz"sses heo.fen Jes; 'Conne magon ge ongitan 1> he [Ù ealles na Juht wi'O his seep pend to metanne [7 wi'ð hÙ zve Jaldend. Ac hwi ne læte ge eow [þõn] aþreotan jJ ge ne wundrigen 7 ne [herzgen] 1>te un[ nyttre is, jJ is þes] eor'Olica 20 [ we/a? Swa J swa se heofo1l [IS be/era J 7 healicra 7 .fægerra þonne eall hIS Ùznung buton nlonnum anum, [swa IS J þæs 10 monnes liehOlna betera 7 deor[ wyrðra J þonne ealle his æhta. Ac [hu17lzce/eþÙz]c'O 11 þeþonne siosawp2 bet[ereldeorz0'rðre13J þonne se lichOlna? Æ[lc J gesceaft is to arianne be hire 25 andefn[e, 7 sym Jle 14 sio hehste swiðost; for'Oæm U is se [godc Junda anwald to arianne 7 to wyndrianne 7 to weorð- ianne ofer ealla 15 o'ðra gesceafta. Se wlite þæs lichoman is swi'oe flionde 16 7 swiõe tedre 7 swi'ðe anlic eorðan blostlnum. Ðeah nu hwa sie [swa J fæger swa swa Alcibiadis se æþelincg 30 wæs; [gifhJwa biiJswa scearpsiene.p he lnæge [hÙzeJ þurhsion, 1 Boeth. iii. pro 8. 1. 16 P. 'Respicite caeli spatium,' &c. 1 gode above line B. 2 werige B. 3 So also B. i zmderðeode hine B. :I þeall . . . deor om. .B. 6 So C. 1 wiðmctanne B. 8 Conj. ðÕ1Z B. II calle}a om. B. 10 }æs from J, om. B. 11 .From B, ]nð' C. 12 sawl om. H. 13 em. deorwyrre B. H symle from J, symle . . . forðæ11l om. B. 15 From J, ealle B. I6 jlowellde B. XXXII. 3J DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 73 swa swa Aristotelis 1 se u'ðwita sæde Þ an 2 dior wære 'ðe 3 meahte ælc wuht [þ]urhsion (ge treowu 4 ge furðum stanas): p dior we hata'ð lox: gif þon[ne] hwa wære swa scearpsiene p he m[lnte þone eni]ht þurhsion þe we ær ym[be spræeon], 5 þonne ne 'ðuhte he him *[no l1UlOn 5 swa fæger swa he utan * 59 b C. þuhte. peahJ þu (nu) hwæm fæger ðince, ne bið [hù' 110 J þy hræ'ðor swa; ac sio ungeseead[ wisnes J hiora eagena hi myrð 6 p hi ne [magon on Jgiton j> hi 'ðe seeawia'ð utan, [næs l1znan]. Ac geþen[cað nu swz"ðe georn ]lice, [7 geseeadJwislice [smeagð 7 10 hwe]lc þæs flæsli[ean] good sie[n, 7 þa ge]sæl'ða þe ge nu ungemetlice [zmlniaðJ; þonne magan ge sweotole o[ ngeotan] f þæs lichoman fæger 7 his strengo 8 [þa 1llagon beon 9J afyrred mid þreora [ daga fifre 10]. Forðæm ic þe recce eall1' ic þe ær r[eahte J 11 forðæm ic 'ðe wolde 12 openl[lc ge Jreccan on 15 'ðæm ende þisses capit[ ulan J j>te eall þas andweardan good ne magon gelæ tan hiora lufiendum jJ hi him gehata'ð; p is p hehste good p hi him gebatað. peah hi nu gegaderien eal[le J þas andweardan good, nabba'ð hi no 'ðy hra[þor 13J fulfremed" good on 'ðæm, ne hi ne [magon] gedon hiora 20 lufiendas swa welige [swa sw Ja hi woldon. iii m. Ða se \Visdom 'ða þis sp[ell] areaht hæfde, þa ongon he ef[t] gieddigan 7 þus singinde cwæð: (Eala wa, hu hifig 7 hu freeendlÙ: jJ dysig is þe ða earlllan men gedwelað 7 alæt of þã rzntan wege. Se weg is God. Hwæðer ge nu 25 secan gold on treowü? IC wat þeah jJ ge hI"! þær ne seeað, ne .finde ge hz"t no,forþãðe ealle men wz"ton jæt hit þær 1ze weaxð þe llla ðe gilllmas weaxað on wÙzgeardü. Hwæðer ge nu set/an eower nett on þa hehstan dune, þõn ge jiseÙln wzllað? Ie wat þeah jJ ge hz"t þær ne settað. Hwæðer ge nu eower hundas 30 7 eower net ut 011 þa sæ lædon, þÕ1l ge huntia1l wzllað? Ie wene þeah jJ ge hi þõn set/01l up on dunü 7 11znon wudum. Hwæt, jJ is wundorlzc jJ geornfulle men wz"ton jJ hi sat/01l m Boeth. iii. met, 8. ' Ehen, quae miseros/ &c. Cott. :Mctr. xix. 1 aristode/is B. 2 an om. B. 3 J1 B. 4 em. treowa n. 5 innan J. 6 eaga1Z hi amerrað B. 7 smeageað J. 8 streOlt B. 9 bt."on J. 10 Second! erased, B. 11 From J, rehte It 12 wolde be B- IB raþor n. 74 DE COASOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXII. 3 secan be sæwaro'ðe 7 be æaofrü ag'ðer ge hwite gimmas ge reade 7 ælces cynnes gimcyn.1' 7 hi wi/on eac Oil hzvelcü wæteru 7 on ægh'l1)elcra ea muþü hi sadon secan fiscas.1' 7 ealne þÙne andweardan welan hz" wZlon hwar hz. secall SCUIOl1, 7 pone swzõe una'ðrotenlzee seca'ð. Ac hit Ù swzõe earmlze þz11g jJ 'ða dysegan 5 men sznt ælces domes swa blÙzde jJ hi nylon hwær þa soðan gesælþa Sz1Zt gehJ1dde, ne furðü nane luslbærnesse llabba'ð hi 10 secanne.,. ac wenað jJ hi magoll on þÙsü lænan 7 011 'ðÙit deadlzeft þÙzgft jindan þa so'ðan gesælða, jJ Ù God. Ie nat nu hu Ú: mæge heora qysig eall swa sweotole areccall 7 swa swiðe gelælan 10 swa ze wolde,forþã hi sznt earmran 7 dysigran 7 ungesæligran þõn ic hz"t arecan mæge. JVelan 7 zveor'ðsczþes hz' willnz"a'ð, 7 þõn hz' hÙze habba'ð þÕ11 wena'ð hz' szva ungewiifulle jJ hz" habball þa so'ðan gesælða.) XXXIII n. i. [Pa J 1 se \Visdom þa þis leo'ð asun[gen J hæfde, 'ða 15 ongan he eft spellian 7 þus cwæ'ð 1: Genog ic þe bæbbe nu gereah t ym b 'ða anlicn essa 7 em b 'ða sceaduwa 2 þære so'ðan gesæl'ðe. Ac gif þu nu sweotole gecnawan meabt þa anlie- nesse þære so'ðan ges[ æl'ðe J þonne is siõ'ðan 3 'ðearf p ic þe [hz' selJfe getæce. þa and''Yrde ic 7 [cwæ'ð: Nu J ie ongite 20 genog 4 openlice 'ðæt[te ælces J goodes genog nis on 'ðissum [woruldJwelum, ne æltæwe anwald nis [on nanùJ weoruldrice, ne se soõa [weor'ðscipe J nis on þisse weoruld[e, ne þa mastan J mær'ða ne s[Ùzt on l[ysse woruldgylpe, neJ sio heh[sle blÙ nÙ * CIa C *on þã jlæsclzeu lustü. Ða andJsworede se \Visdom 7 [cw Jæ'ð: 25 about here. H wæþer þu nu fullice ongite forhwy bit þonne swa sie? Ða andswarede ie 7 cwæ'ð: pee ahJ ic his nu hwæthwugu ongite, ic wolde hit þeah fullicor 7 openlicor of 'ðe ongitan. Ða andsworode se vVis[ dom] 7 cwæõ: Genog sweotol hit is jJte God is anfeald 7 untodælendIic, þeah hine dysige men on 30 mænig todælen 5, [þJol1ne hi dwoliende 6 seca'ð jJ hehste D Boetll. iii. pro 9. 'Hactenus mendacis formam; &c. 1 þa se Wisdom . . . cwæð om. B. [þa] and [genl conject. 2 Conject. letter between d and w in C, sceadwa B. ;s siððan is B. i genog om. B. 5 tfælan B. 6 dweligelldc B. XXXIII. 9 IJ DE COJ.VSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 7S god on ða sæmran 1 geseeafta. Hwæþer þu [nu ] wene Þ se nauhtes maran ne þygë se þe mæstne anwald hæfO þisse worulde? pa andsworede ic eft 7 cwæõ: N e secge ic no Þ he nauhtes maran ne õyrfe, forõæm ic wat 1> n n nis þæs 2 5 welig Þ he sumes eacan ne þyrfe. Ða andswarode se \Visdon1 7 c\\"æõ: [Gellog J ri[ hJte þu sægst; þeah h\Va anwal[ d hæbbe J, gif oõer hæfõ maran, þonne b[eþeaifJ se unstrengra þæs strengr[a]n fultumes, Ða c\Væõ ic: Eall hit is s\Va þu sægst. Ða cwæ'ð se \Visdom: þeah rnon nu [anwe Jald 10 7 genyht to twæm þingii 1lemne, [þea]h hit is an. þa cwæõ ic: Swa me þinc'ð. [Ða he cwæðJ: \Venstu nu [ßJ se anwald 7 [ß geniht sJie to fo[rseo1lJle] oõõe eft *[swzðor * 61b C. to weorðÙl1lJze þÕ1l oðre 3J good? pa cwæõ ie: N e m[ æ Jg nænne mon þæs tweogan þte anwald 7 genyht is to weor'ði- 15 anne. Ða cwæ'ð he: Dton 1lU, gif 'ðe swa þinee, ecan 4 þone anwald 7 Þ geniht, don þær weorðscipe to, 7 gereccan þonne þa þreo to anum. Ða andswarode ic 7 cwæð: UtOll þæs. for'ðæm hit is soõ. Ða cwæð he: Hweþer þe 5 þonne þince unweor'ð 7 unmærlic sio gegaderunc þara 'ðriora þinga 20 þonne þa þrio bio'ð to anum gedon, o'ðõe hwæõer hit þe eft þince eallra þinga weorþlicos'ð 7 mærlicost ? Gi[.f] þu nu 6 ænigne mon cuðe þara þe hæfde æ1ces þinces 7 anwald 7 æ1cne weor'ðseipe hæfde, swa forõ Þ he na maran ne 'ðorfte, ge þenc 1lU hu weor'ð1ic 7 hu foremærlic þe wolde se man 25 þincan; 7 þeah he 1lU þa þ[reo h ]æfde, gif he nære hliseadig, [þõn w Jære him þeah sumes weorõscipe[ s wana J. pa cwæð ic: Ne mæg ie þæs oõsac[ a1l]. pa cwæ'ð he: Hu ne is ß ðOJllle 8 ge1log sweotol Þ we seulon don þa hliseadignesse to [Þ ]æm þrim, 7 don þa feower to anum? Ða cwæ'ð ù:: Þ is 3 0 cyn. þa cwæõ he: Hwæþer þu n[ u J wene Þ se auht bHõe sie 'ðe ealle þas.fe[ ower] hæfð? Fifte biõ SlO blis, 7 mæg [dOll eall þætJ he wile, 7 nane[s þÙzg ]es mara[ n ne beþearf *[þõn] he [hlifð, Ða cwæð Ù:: Ne lllæg ic 1Ul'.fre ge Jþencan, * 62a C gif he swylc wære 7 Þ [eall hlifde], hwonan him ænig unrotnes about hele. 1 samran B. 2 s'wa B. B, þu C. 6 nu om. B. 3 oð'ru J. 7 þillges B. -I geecan B. 5 je from II ð01Z1ze from J, om. B. 76 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXIII. 9 I euman sceolde. Ða ewæ'ð he: Swa þeah is 1 to ge þencanne jj õa fif þing þe we ær )'mb spr[ æ Jcon, þeah hi tonemde sien mid wordum, jj hit is eall an þing, þonne hi gegaderede bio'ð; 'P is anwald 7 genyht 7 forernærnes 7 weorõscipe 7 blis, þa fif (ðÍ11g), þonne hi ealle gegaderade bioõ, þonne bi'ð jj God; 5 for'ðæm þa fif eall nan Inennisc man fullice habban ne rnæg 'ða hwile þe he on þisse worulde biõ. Ac þonne þa fif þing, swa we ær cwædon, eall gegadorede bioð, þonne bi'ð hit eall an þing, 7 y an 'ðing biõ God; 7 he bi'ð anfeald untodæled, þeah he ær [0 In mænig tonemned wære. Ða andsworede ic 10 7 cwæõ: þisses ic eom ealles ge þafa. ii o. þa ewæ'ð he: þeah nu God a1!feald sie 7 untodæled, swa swa he is, se mennisca gedwola hine todæ1e'ð on mænig mid heora unnyttum wordum, Æle mon tiohha'ð him p to selestum goode 2 ðæt y he swi'ðust lufa'ð; þonne lzifa'ð sum 15 õæt, sum elles hwæt. 1J bi'ð þonne his god p he þær swiõost lufa'ð. þonne hi þonne heora God on swa monige dælas * ó2b C. to*[ dælað, þõn metað hz' llauþeJr ne God selfne ne þone dæl gódes õe hi swiõor lufiaõ. þonne hi hine selfne don ealne ætgædere, nabbaõ þonne nauõer ne hine ealne ne þone dæl 20 þe hi þærôf dydon. For'ðy ne fint ælc mon y he secõ forðy he hit on riht ne secõ. Ge seea'ð t 3 ge findan ne magon, þonne ge seca'ð eal good on anum go[o Jde 4. [Ða cwæð] ic: P is soõ. Ða cwæõ he : þonne se mon wædla bi'ð ne wilna'ð he nanes anwealdes, ac he 5 wilnaõ 6 welan 7 fiihõ þa wædle; 25 ne swin[c Jõ he naubt æfter þæm. hu he foremærost sie, ne nan man eae ne begit y he æf't ne swinc'ð. He þonne win'ð 7 ealle his weoruld æfter þæm welan, 7 forlæt mænigne weor- uldlust wiõ þæm þe he þone welan begete 7 gehealde, forþæm þe his hine lyst ofer eal o'ðru þing. Gif he hine þonne beget, 3 0 þonne þinc'ð him jJ he næbbe genog buton he hæbbe (eac) anwald þærto, forþæmþe him þinc'ð y he ne mæge þone we Ian buton anwalde gehealdan. Ne him eae næfre genog o Boeth. Hi. pro 9. I. 43 P. 'Hoc igitur, quod est umun,' &c. I Ù above line. 2 gesælestÜ B, om. goode. S þæ B. 4 From ], gode B. :; he om. B. 6 willað B. 7 swincò B. XXXIII. 3] DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 77 ne þinc'ð ær he hæbbe eal jj hine lyst, for'ðon] þe þone welan 2 lyst anwaldes, 7 þone anwald lyst weor'ðscipes,7 þone weor'ð- scipe lyst mær'ða. *Si'ð'ðan [he þæs welan full bi'ð, þõn þÙzcô] * 63 a C. him jj he hæ bbe ælcne willan gif he hæ[ b]be anwald; 7 5 gesælþ S ealne þone welan æft þæm anwalde, buton he hine mid læssan begitan mæge; 7 forlæt ælcne o'ðerne [wJeor'ðscipe wiõ 'ðæm þe he mæge to 'ðæm [anweal]de cuman. 7 þonne gebyre'ð 4 oft, þonn[e] he eall wi'ð anwalde geseald hæfð ('ß 'ß he hæ.fde), p he næfõ nauõer ne þone anwald ne eac Þ (þæt) 10 he wi'O sealde, ac [w ]yr'ð þonne swa earm Þ he næfð furþum 5 þa nedþearfe ane; jj is wist 7 wæda. Wilna'ð þeah þonne þære nedõearfe, næs þæs anwaldes. iii p. We spræcon ær be þæm fif gesælþum; jj is wela 7 anwald 7 weor'ðscipe 7 formærnes 7 willa. N u hæbbe 15 we gereaht be welan 7 be anwalde, 7 jj ilee we m[ agonJ recean be þæm þrim 'ðe we u[ nareht 6) habba'ð; Þ is weorõscipe 7 forernærnes 7 willa. þa 7 þrio þincg, 7 þa tu þe we ær nedon, þeah hwa wene Þ he on hiora anra hwylcum mæge habban funa gesæl'ða, ne bi'ð hit no 'ðy hræ þor swa, 'ðeah 20 hi his wilnigen, buton hi þa fif ealle habben 8. Ða ands\Vorede ic 7 cwæõ: H wæt sculon we þonne don, nu þu cwist jj we ne mægen on 'ðara anra hwylcum t hehste good habban 7 þa fullan gesæl'ða, ne we huru *[ne wena'ð jJ ure anra hwelc þa fiJf * 63 b C. eall ætgædre begite? Ða andsworede he 7 ewõ: Gif hwa 25 wilna'ð Þ he þa fif eall hæbbe þonne wilna'ð he þara hehstena gesæl'O[ a ]; ac he ne mæg 'Oa fullice begitan on 'ðisse weorulde, for'ðæm þeah he ealle þ[a] fif gesæl'Oa begite, þonne ne bi'O [hzï] þeah Þ hehste good ne þa selesta[ n] gesæ[ll'ða; for'Oæm hi ne bio'ð ece. þa andswarode ie (7 cwæ'ð: Nu) ie ongite 3 0 genog sweotole :J> 'ða selestan gesæl'Oa ne sint on þisse weorulde. ]Ja ewæ'ð he: N e þearf nan mon on 'ðys and- weardan life spyrian æft þæm so'ðum gesæl'Oum, ne þæs P Boeth. Hi. pro 9. 1. 59 P. 'Similiter ratiocinari,' &c. 1 flrþam B. 2 we/egan B. 3 geselð B. f getideð B. 5 furðon B. (\ tt1weht J. 7 }as B. 8 So c. 78 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXIII. 3 wenan 'ðæt he ær 1 mæge good genog findan. Ða ewæ'ð ic : Soõ þu sægst. iv q. þa ewæõ he: [Ie w Jene (llu) ic þe hæbbe genog gesæd [ynl Jb õa leasan gesælõa, ac ic wolde nu Þ õu wende þin inge þone frõ þæm leasum gesæl'ðum; þOl1ne ongitst þu 5 swiõe hræ'ðe þa soõan gesælõa þe ic õe rer gehet Þ ic þe eowian wolde. þa ewæ Þ ic: Ge furõum þa 2 dysegan S men ongitaõ 1Jte fulla gesælða sint, þeah hi þær ne sien þær hi heora \Yena . þu me gehete nu lytle ær 'Þ ðu hi wolde me getæcan; ae þæs 4 me þinc'ð õæt Þ bio sio soõe 7 sio ful- 10 * 64a C. fremede gesælõ *'ðe nzæg [a'lei, hz"re folgera sell an ðurhJwuni- gendne welan lí 7 eene anwald 7 singalne weorõscipe 7 eee mærõa 7 fuUe geniht. Ge furõum Þ ie cweõe sie sio soõe gesælð þe an 6 õissa fifa mæg fullice forgifan, forõæm þe on ælcum anum hi sint eall. For'ðæm ie seege þas word 'ðe If forþy ie wille Þ 'ðu wite õæt se cwide [sw Ji'ðe fæst is on minum mode, swa fæst Þ his me nan n10n gedweBan 7 ne n1æg. þa ewæ'ð he: Eala, cniht, þy 8 þu eart gesælig Þ þu þit swa ongiten hæfst; ae ic wolde p wyt spyredon get æft þæm þe þe wana is. Ða cwæþ ie: H wæt is t õonne ? þa cwæ'ð 20 he: \Venst 'ðu hwæõer ænig þissa andweardana 9 gooda þe 10 mæge sellan fuBe gesæl'ða? Ða andswarode ic 7 [cw Jæ'ð: N at ie nan wuht 10 on 'ðys and weard[ an ] life þe swilc gifan mæge. Ða cwæõ [he: jJas] andweardan good sint an- lien[essa þæs J eean goodes, næs ful goode, LfmþãJ hi ne 25 magon soõ good 7 ful good forgifan hiora folgerum. þa ewæð ic: Ie eom genog wel ge þafa þæs þe þu sægst. Ða cwæõ he: Nu 'ðu ronne wast hwæt ða leas an gesælõa sint 7 hwæt þa so[þ Jan ges[ æ Jl'ða sint, nu ie wolde þæt þu 'IIi 64 b C. *[leornodest hu þu mildest becu17lan to þã so Jþum gesælðum. 3 0 Ða cwæõ ie: H u ne gehete 11 þu me gefyrn ær Þ õu hit 12 wolde me getæcan,7 me lyste nu Þ swiõe georne geheran. q Boeth. iii. pro 9, 1. 70 P. 'Habes igitur, inquit,' &c. 1 h r B. 2 þa om. B. S dysi'ge B. 4 So B, þæs pc C. 5 ðurh- wu1tigtlldlle 7.lIelan om. B, ðurh- from J. 6 From B, on C. 7 gedwcli'- gmt B. 8 kwæt B. 9 andwearda B. 10 þc . . . 'Zvuht om. D. .1.1 From B, gehet C. 12 llit om. B. XXXIII. 5] DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 79 Ða cwæõ he: H wæt sculon we nu don to þon 1 jj we mægen cuman to þæm (soõztm) gesæloum? Hwæþer we seylen biddan þone gódcundan fultum ægðer ge on Iæssan ge on ma[ran ], swa swa ure uõwita sæde, Plato? þa c\Væ'O 5 ic: Ie \vene jj we seylen biddan þone fæder ealra þinga; for'ðæm se õe hine biddan nyle þonne ne gemet he hine, ne furþum 2 ryhtne weg wi'ð his ne aredaõ. Ða cwæ'O he: Swïðe rihte S þu sægst; 7 ongan 'ða s[z'n Jgan 7 þus cwæõ: 10 V r. (Eala, Dryhten, hu micel 7 hu wÛderlú: þu earl, þu oe ealle þÙze gesceafta gesewenlÙ:e 7 eac ullgeSe7.t'el1lzce 'lfJun- derlzce gesceope 7 gesceadwÙIÛ:e heora weltst / ðu ðe Nda /rä nziddaneardes /ruman oõ oone elzde endebyrdlzce gesettest, swa jJle hi ægþer ge forð faraõ ge if! cumao.; þu õe ealle þa 15 Zt1zs!t7Ian gesceafta to þznü wz?lan asl;'rast, 7 þu self sinzle slz7le 7 unawendedlzc þurhwunast . forþä ðe nan mzlztigra þe nÙ, 1ze nan þztl gelzca, ne þe nan neodþearf ne lærde to wyrcanne jJ 'P õu worhtest . ac mid þinu agel11Î wz7lan 7 nzÙl þÙ1Û agenÛ anwealde þu ealle þÙlg geworhlest, ðeah ðu heora nalles ne 20 beþoifte. Swzõe wzt1zderlz"c is jJ geCj'nd þÙzes godes, forþäðe hit Ù eall an, þu 7 þin godnes . jJ god na ulon cumen to þe, ac hit Ù ðÙz agen. Ac eall jJ we godes habbað on þÙse worulde, jJ us Ù uton cumen / jJ Ù from fe. Næfst þu l1a111Z/ andan to nallum þznge, forþäþe nan cræfligra nis þonl1e þu, 2:' lle nan þin gehca . firþam ðu ealle god mz'd ðines anes geþeahte geþohtest 7 geworhtest. Ne bÙnode þe nal1 man,forþäþe nan ær þe llæs þara þe auht oððe llauht worhte. Ac þu ealle þzng geworhtest swzõe gode 7 swzõe fægere, 7 þu self eart jJ hehste 4 god 7 ß fægereste. Swa swa þu self geþohtest þu geworhtest þz'sne 3 0 mÙldangeard, 7 hz's weltst swa s'wa þu wzlt, 7 þu self dalsl eall god swa S'lva þu u'z7t. 7 ealle gescea fla þu gesceope hÙJl gelzce, 7 eac on sumû õÙlgí"t ul1geIÙ:e. peah þu þa ealle gescfafta ane naman genëde, elle þu nemdest togedere 7 hete woruld ' 7 þeah þone anlle noman 'þu todældest on flower r Boeth. Hi. met. 9. '0 qui perpetua mundum,' &c. Cotto 1ietr. xx. 1 jam B. 2 furðo1t B. 3 ryht B. 4 em. hehte B. 80 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXIII. 5 gesceafta ' an þæra is eoroe, ooer wæter, oridde !Yfl,jèorþe .tyr. Æ!cit þara þu gesettest hz's agene sunderstowe, 7 þeah æ!c 'is wio oðre genëned 7 sz'bsÜHce gebunden nzÙl þznu bebode, swa jJ heora nan oores nzearce ne ofèreode, 7 se cz1e geþr07..fJode wz'ð ða hæto, 7 jJ wæt wzo þã drygü. Eorðan gecynd 7 wæteres 'is 5 ceald ' sie eorðe zS dryge 7 ceald, 7 jJ wæter 'It'æt 7 ceald. Sz"e lyfll þonne zS gellenzned jJ hio is ægþer ge ceald ge wæt ge wearm. l\ris hit nan wunder, forþã õe hio 'is gesceapen on þã midle betwux 2 þære drygan 7 þære cealdan eorþan 7 þã hatã .tvre. .fJ fyr is yfinzest ifer ellu þzSsü woruldgesceaflit. 10 j;Jundorlic is jJ þln geoeaht, jJ ðu hæftt ægþer gedon: ge þa gesceafta gemærsode betwux him, ge eac gemengde þa drz"gan eorõan 7 þa cealdan under þã cealdan wætere 7 þã:3 wælall, /J þæt hnesce 7 ftowende wæter hæbbe jlor on þære fæst- an eoroan . forþãþe hit ne mæg on him se!fu gestandan. Ac seo 15 eoroe hit helt 7 4 be sumit dæle swz1g'ð, 7 fir þã sype heo biõ geleht 'P hio grew'ð 7 blewð 7 westmas brÙzgð ' forþã gif 'P wæi hi ne ge'ðwænde, þõn drugode hzo 7 wurde todrifen mid þam wÙlde swa s'Wa dust oõðe axe. Ne mihte nanwuht lz"bbendes þære eorþan brucan ne þæs wæteres, ne on nauorü 20 eardigan fir cz7e, gif þu hi hwæthwegullunga wzõ fir ne gemengdest. fVundor!zce cræfle þu hz"t hæfit gesceapen þæt jJ fyr ne Jòrbærnð'ß wæter 7 þa eorþan, nu hz"t gemcnged 'is wzo ægõer ' ne eft wæter 7 seo eorðe eal/unga ne adwæsceð jJ jÿr. j;Jæs wæteres agllu ryõ is on eorþan, 7 eac on lyfte, 7 if! bu.fan 25 þã rodore. Ac þæs .lYres agen stede is ojèr eallu woruld- gesceaftu gesewenlzcu, 7 þeah hz"t zS genzenged 'lmõ ealle gesceafla ' 7 þeah ne nzægnane þaragesceajiaeallunga forcunzan 5 , forþanzþe kit næfð leafe þæs ælmihHgan. Sio eorþe þõn is hejigre 7 þiccre þÕ11 oõra gesceafta, fòrþã hio Ù n'ioðor 3 0 þõn ænig ooru gesceaft buton þã rodore . forþã se rodor hÙzc ha'.fð ælee dæg utane, þeah he hire nawer ne genealæce ' on æ!cere stowe he 'is hire enz1l1leah, ge utan ge neoõon. Æle þaro gesceafla þe 'loe gifyrn ær ymbe spræcon hæfð his agenne eard ollsundron ' 7 þeah Ù æle wzõ o'ðer gemenged, firðamþe 35 1 em. !JiB, 2 em. betwx B. 3 em.jJ B. 17 Conject. om. B. :! em. orctl11lan B. XXXIII. 5] DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 81 llan õara gesceo fta lle mæg bzon buton oõerre, ðeah hzo unsweotol sie on þære oðerre. Swa swa 1Ut eorõe Ù 7 wæter St1zt swi'ðe eaifo'ðe to gese01zne o'ððe to ongzlollne dysgu monllU on .fyre, 7 swaþeah hz' sznt ðærwzõ gemengde. Szpa zS eac þær fyr 011 5 'ðam stanlÌ 7 on 'ðã wætere, swi'ðe eaifo'ðhawe 1, ac hzl Ù þeah þara. jJu gebunde 'ß .fyr mid swz"ðe unanbÙzdendlz"cü racentü, jJ hz"t lle nzæg cuman to his agenü earde, jJ is to þã mæstan jÿré 'ðe ofir us zS, þylæs hz"! forlæte þa eorðan ' 7 ealle oðre gescea.fta aswÙzda'ð for ungemetlÙ:ü cÜe, gif hz"! eallullga 10 from gewzle. Ðu gestaõoladest eor'ðan swzõe wundorlzee 7 j"æstlzee, jJ heo ne helt on nane heaife ne on nanum eor'ðlzeü þÙlge ne stent.,o ne nallwuht eorõbees hi ne healt jJ hzo ne sz"ge, 7 nÙ hire þeah þõn e'ðre to fiallanlle ofdunc þõn up. _þu eac þa ðrÙ!Íealdan sawla on geðwærü IÙJlü styrest, swa jJ õære 15 sawle þy læsse ne bz"ð on ðam læstan jingre õe on eallit þã !zehomall. Forþi ze cwæð þæt szo sawul wære þreifeold, forþãþe uõwz"tan secgaõ jJ hzo hæbbe þrzo gerynd. A 11 'ðara geryllda Ù jJ heo bzo wz7nz"gende, oðer jJ hzo bz"ð irsiende, þrÙlde jJ hio bi'ð geseeadwÙ. Twa þaragecynda 2 habba'ð netenu 20 S"'dJa same S'lva men ' oðer þara zS u'Ünung, oõer Ù irsullg. Ac se mon ana hæf'ð gesceadwisnesse, nolles nan o'ðru gesceaft . flr'ðï he hæfl qferþungen ealle þa eorð!zean geseeafta mÙI ge'ðeahte 7 mid ondgite. Forþã seo gesceadzvÙnes sceal wealdan æg'ðer ge þære u'zlllunga ge þæs yrres, fòrþã hio Ù synderhe 25 cræfl þære saule. Swa 'ðu gesceope þa saule þæt hz'o seeolde ealne 'lveg hwearjian on hire seifre, swa swa ea!! þes rodor hweifð, oõõe swa swa Aweol onhweif'ð, smeogende ymb hzre sceoppend, oðOe ymbe hz' seife, oð'ðe ymbe þas eorõlzean ge- seeafta. jJõn hzo þõn .J'mbe hzre scippend snzea'ð, þõn bzO' hzo 3. 0 ofir hzre seli re ,o ac þÕl1 hio ymbe hz' selie smeað, þõn bz"ð hzo on hzre se{fre ' 7 under hz"re seifre hz"o bz"ð þõn 'ðõn hi'o hifa'ð þas eorô!tean þÙlg, 7 þara wundra'ð. Hwæt þu, Drihten, forgeaft þã sawlum eard on hzifonit, 7 hz'm þær gifst weorõlzee g[fa, ælcere be hzre geearnunge ' 7 gedest jJ 35 hi scina'ð swz"õe beorhte, 7 þeah swi'ðe mistbee bzrhtu, sume I em. taifðhawe B. 2 em. gecyndu B. G 82 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXIII. 5 beorhtor sume unby rh tor, swa swa steorran, ælc be his geear- nunga. Hwæt þu, Drz"hlen, gegæderast þa hiofonlican sawla 7 þa eorôljcan lichoman, 7 hi on õisse worulde gemengest. Swa swa hi from þe hider comon, swa hz' eac 10 þe hionan fundÙlõ. pu fyldest oas eoroan mid mistlicu cyllrenü netena, 5 7 hi siooan aseowe nzistlicü sæde treowa 7 'j.fJyrta. Forgif nu, Drihten, urü nzodÜ jJ hi moton to þe Cfstigan þurh þas eaifoõu þisse worulde, 7 of þissu bisegü to þe cuman, 7 openü eagum ures modes we moten geseoll þone æþelan æzvelm ealra goda ' jJ eart ou. Forgif us þÕll hale eagan ures modes, jJ we hi þõn 10 motOll afæstnian on þe ' 7 todrif õone ?Jilsl þe 1lU hangaõ biforan ures modes eagü, 7 onliht þa eagan mid ðinü leòhte ' forþã ÕU earl sio birhtu oæs soðan leohtes, 7 þu ear! sio sifte ræsl soðfæstra, 7 ou gedest þæt hi õe gesioð. pu eart ealra þz'nga fru11la 7 ende. Ðu brzst ealle þing buton geswince. pu 15 eart lPgõer ge weg, ge ladþeow, ge sio stow oe se weg to ligõ; oe ealle men 10 fundÙlð.) XXXIV s. i. Ða se 'Visdom þa 'ðis leo'ð 7 þis gebed asungen hæfde, þa ongan he eft spellian 7 þus ewæ'ð: Ie wene t hit sie nu ærest þearf Ý ic 'ðe gere[ cc Je hwær y hehste good is, nu ic 'ðe 20 ær [hæfde g ]ereaht hwæt hit wæs, o'ð'Oe h wylc fJ medeme] * 69 b C. good wæs, I hwylc Ý [unmedeme. * Ac anes þÙzges zc þe wolde ærest acsÙln 2: .lIJwæ'ðer þu \vene f ænig þing on þisse worulde swa good sie Þ hit õe mæge forgifa[ n J fuBa gesælõa? De S ic 'ðe ascige þ[y ic] nolde Þ unc beswice ænegu leas 25 a[ nliJcnes for so'ða gesæl'ða. For'ðy [n ]an [mon J ne rnæg o'ðsaean p sum good ne sie Þ hehste J swa swa sum micel æwelm 7 diop, 7 irnen mænege 4 brocas 7 ri'ða of. For'ðy mon cwi'ð be sumfi goode t hit ne sie ful good, for'ðæ hi'rll bið h\\'æshwugu wana; 7 þeah ne bi'ð ealles butan, for'ðæm 3 0 þe ælc þing wyr'ð to nauhte gif hit nauht goodes on him 8 Boeth. iii. pro 10. 'Quoniam igitur,' &c. 1 kwylc. . . ac om. B, u1Z1/ledeme ac from J. 2 asciall J. a pi B. 4 em. lIlægene C, mmn"ge B. XXXIV.92] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 83 næfõ. Be þy 'ðu meaht ongilall jJ of pam mæstan goode euma'ð (ða) læs8an god, næs of 'ðæm læssan l' mæste, þon 1 [ ma] þe sio ea mæg weor'ðan to æwelme. Ae se æwelm mæg weor'ðan to ea, 7 þeah sio ea eym'ð eft to 'ðæm æwelme; 5 swa eym'ð ælc good of Gode 7 eft to him, 7 he is l' fulle gód 2 7 l' fullfremede, l' nanes willan ,vana ne bi'ð. N u þu rneaht sweotole ongitan f l' is good 3 self. Hwi ne meaht 'ðu geþenean, gi[.f nan ]wuht full nære, 'þonne [nære nan wuhl] wana, 7 gif nan wuh[1 wana nære], *þon[ ne nære * 7 0a C 10 1Zan wuhl .full? Forþy bz"ð] ænig þing full' þe sum bið about here. wana, (7) for'ðy bi'ð ænig þing wana 'ðe sum bið full; ælc þing bi'ð fullost on his agnum earda 5. II wy ne meaht þu þonne ge'ðenean, gif on ænegum þissa eor'ðlieena gooda æniges wiIlan 7 æniges goodes wana is, þonne is sum good 15 fun ælces will an, 7 nis nanes goodes wana? Ða andsworede ie 7 ewæ'ð: Swi'ðe rihtliee 7 (swz"ðe) gesceadwisliee þu hæfst me ofereumen 7 gefangen, f ie ne mæg no wi'ðewe'ðan ne fur'ðum 6 ongean 'ðæt þenean 7, buton Þ hit is eall swa swa þu sægst. 20 ii t. þa ewæ'ð se Wisdom: N u ic wolde f 'ðu 'ðohte geornliee o'ð l' 'ðu ongeate hwær sio fulle gesæl'ð sie. Hu ne wast þu nu 'ðætte eall rnoneyn is ann10dliee geþafa f God is fruma ealra gooda 7 waldend ealra geseeafta? He is f hehste good, ne nænne. mon nu þæs ne tweo'ð; for'ðæ þe hi 25 nauht niton betere, ne fur'ðü nauht emngoodes. For'ðæm us sægõ ælc geseeadwisnes 7 ealle men :þ ilce andetta'ð 8 l' God 9 sie :þ hehste good, forþæmþe hi taenia'ð fte eall good on him sien 10; for'ðæm gif hit swa nære, þonne *[ nære he jJ * job C. jJ he gehaten is . o'ððe æniJg þing ær wære o'ððe æltæwre, þonne 3 0 wære :þ betere þonne he. Ac for'ðæm þe nan þing næs ær þonne he ne æ1tæwre þonne he ne diorwyr'ðre þonne he, forõæm he is fruma 7 æwelm 7 hrof eallra gooda. Genog t Boeth. iii. pro 10. 1. 2 I P. 'Quo uero, inquit, habitet,' &c. I From J,}e B. 2 Accent not quite clear. 3 god B. i full}Ùzg B. :I earde It 6 fllrð B. 7 geþencan B. 8 From B, andetteJ C. g From B, good C. 10 sy B. G 2 84 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXIV. 9 2 sweotol hit is 'ðæt f fulle good wæs ær'ðæn1 þe f wana 1. 'P is to gelefanne f se hehsta God 2 sie 3 ælces godes fullast, þyJæs we leng 4 spreeen ymb þonne we ne þyrfen. Se ilea God is, swa swa we ær sædon, f hehste good 7 þa selestan gesæl'ða, nu hit is openliee euð l' 'ða selestan gesæl'ða on 5 nanum o'ðrum geseeaftum ne sint buton on Gode. pa ewæ'O ie: Ie eom ge þafa. jii u. Ða ewæ'ð he: Ie þe healsige p 'ðu geseeadwisliee f ollgz1e fte God is full ælcere fullfremednesse 7 ælees godes 7 ælcere gesæl'ðe. Ða c\Væþ ic: Ie ne mæg full ice ongitan 10 forhwy 'ðu eft sægst f ilce f ðu ær sædest. pa ewæõ he : For'ðy ic (hit) þe secge eft, þy ie nolde p 'ðu wende f se God 4 þe fæder is and fruma eallra gesceafta, Þ hin} áhwonan utan eOlne his 5 sio hea goodnes þe he full is. N e ie eae * 7 I a C. nolde f 'ðu wende *jJte [oðer wære his god 7 hz's gesælð, oðerJ J 5 he self; for'ðæm gif 'ðu wenst f him ahwonan utan eon1e þa good þe he hæfõ, þOl1ne wære p 'ðing betre þe hit him frõ come þonne he, gif hit swa wære. Ae f is swiõe clyslie 7 swi'ðe mieel syn f mon þæs wenan scyle be Gode. o'ðõe eft wenan þæt ænig þing ær him wære oõõe betre õonne he 20 o'ððe hin} geJie. Ae we seulon bion geþafan fte se 6 God sie ealra þinga betst. Gif þu nn gelyfst þte an 7 God sie, swa swa on monnum bi'ð: oõer bi'ð se mOIl, p biõ saul 7 lichoma, oõer bi'ð his goc1nes; þa gegaderaõ 8 God 7 (efl), ætgædre gehelt 7 gemetgaõ: gif þu þonne gelefst f hit swa 25 sie on Gode 9, þonne seealt þu nede gelefan l' sum anwald sie mara þonne his, f þonne his swa gesomnige swa he þone urne c1eõ. H wæt, ælc þing þe toseeaden biõ from o'ðrum biõ o'ðer, (oþer) þæt þing, þeah hi ætgædre sien; gif þonne hwylc þing toseeaden bi'ð fron} þæm hehstan goode, þonnc 3 0 ne biõ f no f hehste good. Þ is (þeah) mieel syn to geõen- eanne be Gode, jJte ænig god sie buton on him, oõðe ænig u Boeth. iii. pro 10. 1. 37 P. 'Sed quaeso, inql1it, te,' &c. 1 For wana B has 1le wellt!. 2 From B, good C. 3 ls B. t leng om. B. 5 his is B. 6 se om. B. 7 all above line in B. 8 ge..{[adi-að C. g From B, goode C. XXXIV. 9 5J DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 85 from him adæled, for'ðæmþe nan wuht nis betere *[þõn he, lle * 7Ib C. e1llngod him. Hwzïc þzng mæg be Jon betre þonne his seeppend ? For'ðæ ie secge mid ryhtre gesceadwisnesse j5 j5 sie :p hehste good on his agenre geeynde pre fruma is eallra þinga. Ða 5 ewæ'ð ic: (l\/lt) þu hæfst me nu swi'ðe rihte oferreahtne. pa ewæ'ð he: Hwæt, ic þonne ær sæde t f hehste good 7 sio hehste gesælð an wære. Ða cwæ'ð ic: Swa hit is. pa ewæ'ð he: H wæt, wille we þonne seegan h wæt l' sie elles buton God? Ða ew ic: N e mæg ic 'ðæs o'ðsaean, for'ðæm 10 þe ic his wæs æf geþafa. iv". Ða ewæ'ð he: H wæ'ðer þu hit a sweotolor ongitan Inæge gif ic þe sume bisne get ma seege? Gif nu tu good wæren þe ne Ineahton ætsomne bion, 7 wæren þeah buto goode, hu ne wære hit þonne genog sweotol j5 hiora 1 nære 15 nau'ðer f o'ðer? forõy ne lnæg :p fuIle god bion no todæ]ed. Hu mæg hit bion [ægþer g Je full ge wana? For'ðæm we cweõaõ :p szo fuIle gesæl'ð 7 god l' hi sien an good, 7 r sie :p hehste; þa ne magon næfre weor'ðan todælede 2. Hu ne seulon we þonne nede bion geþafan :pte sio hehste gesæl'ð 20 7 sio hea godeundnes a[ll J sie? pa ewæ'ð ie: Nis nan þing so'ðre þonne þæt; *nc ma[gon we nanwuht jÙzdan betere 3J * i2a C. þonne God. (Ða t:wæõ he 4): Ae ic wolde giet (mÙl) SUlnre bÚne þe behwerfan utan :p þu ne mihtst nænne weg findan ofer; swa swa uõwitena gewuna is jJ hi willa'ð simle hwæt- 25 hwugu niwes 7 seldeuþes eowian, :þ hi mægen midþy awecean t nlod þara geherendra. v w. Hu ne hæfdoll we ær gereaht .p 'ða gesælþa 7 sio .godcundnes an wære? Se þe þonne þa gesætða hæf'ð, þonne hæfð he ægþer, se þe þone ægþer hæfð. Hu ne bi'ð se þonne . 3 0 full eadig? Hu ne wast þu nu f we ewe'ða'ð 15 se bio wÙ þe wisdom hæfõ, 7 rihtwis þe rihtwÙnesse hæf'ð? Swa we cwe'ða'ð eae f f sie God þe þa godcundnesse 5 hæfð 7 õa " noeth. iii. pro 10. 1. 63 P. w Boeth. iii. pro 10. 1. 79 P. l dd I jJ hiora om, B. 2 todælede B. he conject. by Junius, om. C and B. , Respice, inquit, an hine,' &c. , Nam quoniam beatitudinis,' &c. 3 llledemYe J. 5 godnesse B. 4 ÐI1 C'wæð 86 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXIV. 5 gesæl'ða,7 ælc gesæl(g (mon) biõ God; 7 þeah is an God \ se is stemn 7 sta'ðol eallra goda 2; of þæm euma'ð eall good, 7 eft hi fundia'ð to him, 7 he welt ealra. peah he nu sie se fruma 7 se sta'ðol S ealra goodra 7 ealra gooda, þeah is mænig good þe of him eymõ 3; swa swa ealle steorran 5 weorõaõ onlihte 7 gebirhte of þære sunnan, sume þeah beorhtor, sume unbeorhtor. Swa eae se mona, swa micl(u) * 7 2b C. he lyht swa sio sunne hine gesein'ð; *[þõn hzo hine ealne geondscz1zô, þõn J biõ he eall beorht. Ða ic þa þis spell ongeat, pa wear'ð ie 4 agælwed 7 swi'ðe áfæred, 7 ewæõ: Is 10 þis la wundorlie 7 wynsum 7 geseeadwislie 5 spell p 'ðu nu sægst. Ða ewæ'ð he: Nis nan wuht wynsüre ne gewisre þonne Þ 'ðing .p pis 6 spell ymbe is 7 we nu embe spreean willa'ð; forõæm me þine'ð good .p we hit gemengen to õæm ærran. Ða ewæ'ð ie : H wæt is þ, la? 15 vi x. Ða ewæõ he: Hwæt, þu wast 'ðæt ie þe ær sæde Þ siD soõe 7 gesæl'ð wære good, 7 qf þære so'ðan gesælõe euma'ð eall õa oõru good þe we ær 8 embe spræeon, 7 eft to; swa swa of þære sæ eymõ f wæter innon 'ða eor'ðan, 7 þær áfer(s)ea'ð; eym'ð þonne up 9 æt þæm æwelme, wyrõ þonne 20 to broce, þonne to ea, þonne andlang 10 ea, oð hit wyr'ð eft to sæ. Ae z'c wolde þe nu ascian hu þu þis spell understanden hæfdesl; hwæþer þu wene jJ þa fif god þe we oft ær ymbe spræcan, jJ is anwald 7 weor'Oscipe 7 forenzærnes 7 geIifht 7 bIis, ic wolde witan hwæôer þu wende Þ þas 11 good wæren 25 limu þære soþan gesælþe, swa swa monegu IÙJlU 12 beoõ on * 73a C. anum men, 7 weor'ða'ð peah *[ealle to anÛ lz"choman J' oõðe þu wendestJ hwylc an þara fif god(a) \Vorhte þa soõan gesælðe, 7 siþþan 'ða feower good wæren hire good; swa swa nu saul 7 liehoma wyrea'ð anne mon, 7 se an mon hæfõ mænig 13 lim, 3 0 J: Boeth. iii. pro IO. 1. 89 P. ' Cum multa, inquit, beatitudo,' &c. 1 7 se }eah is /[od B. 2 godJ B. 3 Instead of ealra . . . C)'1llð' B has simply eallra goda ðe of him cumað. t lie B. :; gesceadlic B. 6 ði1l R. 7 B has}e for soðe. 8 ær om. B. 9 From B, 'lib C. 10 From B, which has 7 lang. 11 }as from B, pees C. 12 For monegu Hmu B has man hUlzd /ill/a: limu from J. 13 Orig. mallige B, but the e erased. XXXIV. 6] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 87 7 þeah to þæm twæm, :þ is to þære saule 7 to þæm liehoman, belimpaõ ealle þas 1 þæs monnes good ge gastlieu ge liehomlieu. 'þ is nu þæs liehoman good t mon [s Jie fæger [7 sIr Jang 7 lang 7 brad, 7 m[ ane Jgu [oj]ru good Vo) 2 eae 5 þæm; 7 ne biõ hit þeah se liehoma self, for'ðæm þeah he þara gooda hwylc forleose, þeah he biõ t he æror wæs. ponne is õære saule good wærscipe 7 gemetgung 7 geþyld 7 rihtwisnes 7 wisdom, 7 manege 3 swe1ce eræftas; 7 swa þeah biõ oþer sio saul, oõer bioõ hire cræ.flas. Ða ewæõ ie: Ie 10 wolde :þ õu me sædesl get sweotolor ymb þa oõru good þe 10 ðære so'ðan gesælõe belimpað. Ða ewæõ he: N e sæde ie þe ær :þ sio gesælð good wære? Gyse 4, ewæõ ie, ge þu jJ sædesl jJ hio l' hehste good wære. Ða cwæð he: Eart þu nu 5 get geþafa :þte anweald 7 weorõscipe 7 foremærnes 7 15 gellyhl 7 blis 7 sio eadignes 7 Þ hehste god, *[jJ ða szen ea1l 6 * 73 L C. an, 7 jJ an þõn sie god r Ða c Jwæõ z"c: Hu wille ie nu þæs oõsacan? pa ewæõ he: H wæ þer þineõ þe þonne t þa þincg sien, õe õara soõena gesælõa limu, þe sio gesæl'ð self? Ða ewæõ ie: Ie wat nu hwæt þu woldest witan; ae 20 me Iyste bet Þ õu me sæde sume hwile ymb :þ, þonne þu me aseode. pa ewæõ he: Hu ne meaht þu geõenean? gif þa good wæ[ron þa Jere so þa[ n] gesæl'ðe limu, þonne wæron hz" hwælhwegu 7 lodæled ' swa swa monnes liehoman limu 8 bioð hwælhwugu todæled. Ae þara lz"ma geeynd is jJ hi gewereað 25 ænne lichoman, 7 þeah ne bioð eallunga geliee. þa ewæð ie: Ne þearft þu rna 9 swinean ymbe t; genog sweotole õu hæfst me gesæd :þ ða good ne sint nanw[ u Jht todæled from õære soõan gesælðe. þa ewæð he: Genog rihte þu hit one gilsl, nu J þu ongitst t þa good ealle sint [jJ] i1ce l' gesælð is, 7 30 sio gesælð is õæt [he ]hste good, 7 :þ hehste good is God 10, 7 se [God] is semle on anum untodæled. Ða [cwæð ic: Nz"s] þæs 11 nan tweo; ae ie wolde nu [j} ðu] me sædesl hwæthwugu uneuões. 1 }as om. B. :I to above line in B. 3 From B, 11lanega C. 4 From B; the letter foIl. g very faint in C, but apparently not y. 5 nu om. B. 6 ealle J. 7 hwætllwugu J. 8 From B, C has lieu. 9 mare B. 10 From B, good C. 11 11 B. 88 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXIV. 9 7 vii Y. Ða [C'wæð he: ß] is 1 nu sweotol :þte eall þa good * 74a C. [þe we æ]r ymbe spræcon belimpaõ to õæ *hehstan goode, [7 þi men secaþ god ge Jnog þe hi wenaõ :þ 'Oæt sie f hehste good. þy 2 hi seeaõ anwald 7 eae ea1l 3 oõru good þe we ær ymb spræcon, õy hi wenaþ f hit sic :þ hehste good. Be þy 5 þu meaht witan f jJ hehste good is hrof eallra õara oõra gooda þe men wi1niaõ 7 hi lyst, forõæmþe nænne mOl1 ne lyst nanes þinges buton goode[ s oð]ðe hwæshwugu þæs õe (goode gelz"c bið. lIIaniges þÙzges hi 'lm"lniaþ þæs ðe) full good ne bið, ae hit hæfð þeah hwæthwugu geliees goode. Forõæm 10 we eweõaõ :þ :þ hehste good sie se hehsta hrof ea1h-a gooda 7 sio hior õe 4 ea1l 5 good on hwearfaõ, [7 eac] õæt þing þe mon eall good fore deõ; for õæm þinge men lyst ælces þara gooda þe hi lyst. Þ þu meaht swiõe s\Veotole ongitan be þæm þe nænne 11lon ne 1yst þæs þinges þe hine 6 lyst ne 15 þæs þe he deõ, ae þæs þe he lnid õæm earnaõ; forõæmõe he wen'ð, gif he þonne lust begite 7 Þ þurhtio :þ he þonne getiohhad hæf'ð, f he þonne hæ[ bbe fitlJle gesælõa. Hu ne wast þu jJ nan mon forõy ne rit þe hine ridall lyst, ae rit for õy þe he mid õære rade [ear ]naõ sume earnunga? Sume 7 20 * 74 b C. mid þære *[rade earnað sume ß hÙ szen þy halran, Slone earniað ßl hz"e sien õy eafran, s[u ]me y hy woldon Cltlllan to sumre þara stowa þe hi ðonne to [fit ]ndiaõ. Hu ne is õe þonne 8 genog sweotol yte men nanwuht swiõor ne lufiaõ þonne hi doð Þ hehstc god? forõæmþe ælc wuht þæs õe hi 25 wilniaõ oõõe doð In" doð forþ)þe hi woldon habban :þ hehste good on õæm. Ae hi dwo1iaõ sume on õæm þe hi wenaõ õæt hi mægen habban full god 7 fulla [gesælðaJ on þisuln andweardum godü; [ac Þ Ja fullan gesælõa 7 y hehste good [is] God self, swa swa we oft ær sædon. Ða ewæõ ie: Ne 3 0 mæg ic no geþencan hu ic þæs oðsacall mæge. Ða ewæõ he: Uton lætan þonne bion þa 9 spræee, 7 bion U1ZC õæs orsorge, nu õu swa fulliee ongzïen hæfst -pte God sim1e bi'ð Y Boeth. iii. pro 10. 1. I 12 P. 'Ad bonum uero cetera referri,' &c. J is conj. om. B. 2 Jf B. 3 eall om. B. 4 hior ðe fr. B, eorðe C. !o From B, ealla C. 6 !tire ll. 7 earll. SUllle om. B. nu B. 9 þas B. XXXIV. 99J DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 89 unlodæledlÛ: 7 full good, 7 :þ his good 7 sio [hz's gesælðJ him nahwonan utane ne com, ae wæs symle on him selfum, 7 nu IS, 7 a bið. viii z. Ða se "\Visdolll þa õis spell asæd hæfde, þa ongan 5 he eft sz1zgall 7 þus cwæ'ð : * (TVella, men, wel.,' ælc þara ðe *74 b C freo 1 sie jimdz"ge to þã goode 7 to þã gesælðÜ.,. 7 se ðe 1ZU ends. gehæfl sz"e nlla þare ulln)'ttan life þz'sses 2 nlladaneardes sece him freodom hu he mæge becuman 10 þã gesælðum,forþam jJ is sz'o an ræst eaUra urra geswÙzea 7' sio an Iryð bÙl sinde 10 snryllu 3 æjier eallü þã ystit 7 þã yõum urra geswz'nea. p Ù seo an frz'ðslow 7 sz() an frojèr ermz'llga æfler þã ermðü ðÚses andweardan lifes. Ac þa gJJldcnan slanas, 7 þa seoifrC1z , a1l 7 ælces C) J 1l1ZeS gÙJlnzas, 7 eall þes andwearda wela, lle onhh!a J hi nauht þæs modes eagan, ne heora scearpnesse llauht gebetað 15 10 þære sceawltnga þære soðan gesælðe.,. ae get szvz'ðor hz' ablelldaõ þæs modes eagan þõn hz' hz' aseÙ-pall. Forþä calle þa ðÙzg þe her IÙ:iaõ on þz'sU1Jl andweardu1Jl life sin! eorðlzce, Jòrþy hz' sÙz! jleonde 4. Ac sz"o Wlt1ldorlzce beorhtnes þe ealle õÙzg gebzrht 7 eallü welt, nyle jJ ða sawla fOrd}eorðan, ac wile 20 hz' olllih!an. Gif þÕ11 hwelc nlOn nzæge geszDn þa bzi-hlu þæs heqfenltcan leohles mid hluttrü eagü. hz's modes, þÕ1l wile he cweðan jJ SZD beorhl1les 5 þære 6 SUllnan seÙJlan sie þeslenzes 7 to metanne wz'õ õa eean birhlu Godes.) ix a. Ða se 'Visdom 'ða 'ðis leo'ð asungen hæfde, þa 25 ewæ'ð ie: Ie eom geþafa þæs þe þll sægst, for'ðæIllþe þu hit hæfst gese'ðed mid geseeadwislicere race. Ða ewæ'ð he: l\Iid hu nuCle feo woldest þu nu habban geboht Þ þu meahte ongitan hwæt [P soðeJ god wære, 7 hwylc hit wære. [Ea cwæð IC J: Ie walde fægnian mid swi'ðe [uJlgemetlzc Je 3 0 gefean, 7 ie wolde mid [unarÙJle Jdü feo 8 gebyegan Þ ie hit *llloste gesion. Ða ev;æð he: Ie hit þe þonne wille * 76a C. getæean; ae Þ an ic þe bebiode, :þ þu þeah for 'ðære z Boeth. iii. met. 10. 'Hue omnes pariter,' &c. Cotto Metr. xxi. " Boeth. iii. pro II. · Assentior, inquam,' &c. '/J J em.ftor B. 2 em. }isse B. 3 smzltu B. i em.jle,,"CJonde R. :I em. beortlles B. 6 em. wære B. 7 em. }æs ær ties B. 8 jio J. go DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXIV. 9 tæeinge 1 ne forgite i> i> ie 'Oe 2 ær tæhte. Ða ewæ'ð ie: Nese, ne forgite ic hit no. Ða ewæ'ð he: Hu ne sædon we þe ær i> þis andwearde lif þe we her wilnia'ð nære no i> hehste good, for'ðæm hit wære rnislic 7 on swa manigfeald todæled 3, t hit 4 nan mon ne mæg eall habban i> him ne sie 5 sumes þinges wana? Ie ðe tæhte þa:P þær wære 'ðæt hehstæ god þær þær þa good (ealle) gegadrade bioõ, swelee hi sien to anum wegge 5 gegoten. þonne þær bi'O full good þonne þa good ealle þe we ær ymb spræeon beoõ to anum gode gtgadrad; þonne ne bzp [ðær ] nanes goo des wana; 10 þonne þa good ealle on annesse bio'ð, 7 sio annes biõ on ecnesse. Gif hi ón eenesse næren 6, þonne nære hiora swa s"áõe to girnanne. Ða ewæ'ð ie: 1J is gesæd; ne n1æg ie no þæs 7 twiogean. þa ewæ'ð he: Ær ie þe hæfde gesæd Þ p nære full good Þ eall ætgædere nære, for'ðæm is 'Þ fuBe 8 good 15 p eall ætgædre is untodæled. Ða ewæõ ic: Swæ me õine'ð. * 7 Gb C. Ða cwæ'ð he: Wenstu nu p eall *[ õa þing õe gode sint on þÚse w Jeorulde for'ðy goode sien 9 þe 10 hi hæbben 11 hwæt- hwugu goodes on him? Ða cwõ ie: H wæs mæg ic elles wenan? hu ne is hit swa? Ða cwæ'ð he: þu seealt þeah 20 gelyfan 'ðæt sio annes 7 sio good[ ne Js an õing sie. Ða ewæõ ic: Ne mæg ie þæs oõsacan. þa cwæ'ð he: Hu ne meaht þu geþencan jJ ælc þing mæg bion, ge on þisse weorulde ge on þære toweardan, þa hwile þe hit untodæled biõ? þonne ne bi'ð hit eallunga swa swa hit ær wæs. þa cwæ'ð ie: Sege 25 me jJ sweotolor; ne mæg [lC J fullice ongitan æfter hwã þu spyrast. Ða cwæð he: Wast þu hwæt mon sz"e" Ða ewæõ ie: Ie wat Þ hit bi'ð 12 sawl 7 lzchoma. [Ða cwæ Jð he: [ Hw Jæt, þu wast jJ hit bi'ð mon, þa hwÏle þe sio saul 7 se lz"choma untodælde]3 bioõ; ne bi'ð hit nan mon siõ'ðan hi 3 0 todælde bio'ð. Swa cae se lz"chorna biõ liehoma þa hwile þe he his limu ealle hæfð; gif he þonne hwilc lim forlyst, [þõn neJ bi'ð he eall swa he ær wæs. j) z7ce þu meaht I tæcninge B. 5 wecge B. 10 }y B. 2 ðe om. B. 3 gedæled B. 4 hit om. B. 6 ne sien B. 7 }æs no B. 8 full B. 9 sint B. !! From J, habbað B. 12 is B. 13 undælde B. XXXIV. 9 IOJ DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 9 1 geþenean be ælcum þÙzge, :þ nan þing ne bi'ð swilce hit wæs sz'ð'Oan hit wanian ongin'O. Ða cw'O * ie: Nu ie (hz"!) * tï a . wat. Ða ewæ'O he: Wenst þu hwæ'Oer ænig geseeaft sie þe hire willum nylle ealne weg bion, ac will[e J hire agnÜ wiIlum 5 fore weor J'Oan ? x b. Ða ewæ'ð ic: N e mæg ic nane cwuee [w Juht ongitan þara þe wite hwæt [h Jit wille, o'O'ðe [h Jwæt hit nylIe, þe ungened lyste 1 forweor'ðan ' for'Oæm þe ælc wuht wolde bion hal 7 libban, þara þe me ewueo 'Oinc'O; bute ie nat be 10 trcowum 7 (be) wyrtum, 7 be swelcum gesceaftum swelce nane sawle nabba'c. Ða smearcode he 7 cwæ'O: Ne þearft þu no be þæm geseeaftum tweogan þon 2 ma þe be 'Oæm o'Orum, H u ne meaht þu gesion :þ ælc wyrt 7 ælc wudu wile weaxan on þæm lande selest þe him betst gerist 7 him 15 geeynde bið 7 gewunlic, 7 þær þær hit gefret y hit hra'Oost weax[ an J mæg 7 latost wealowian? Sumra wyrta o'Oõe sumes wuda eard bi'ð on dunü, sumra on merseum, sumra on morum, sumra on cludum, sumra 3 on [bar Jum sondum. Nim 'Oonne [swa wuda {J swa wyrt, swa' hwæ'Oer [swa þu 20 wz"lle, of þ([re stowe þeJ his eard [7 æþelo biðJ *on to wexanne, * 77b C. 7 sete 5 on ungeeynde 6 stowe him; þonne ne g[egr ]ewð hit þær nauht, ae forseara'O; fo[r ]õæm ælees landes gee ry Jnd is 7 :þ hit [hzm g Jelica 8 wyrta 7 geliene wudu tydr[ e 9, 7 hzïJ swa de'O. Fri'Oa'O 7 fyr'Ora'O swi'O[e geo Jrne, swa lange swa hiora 25 geeynd [bið ßJ hi growan 10 moton. Hwæt wenst þu, forhwy ælc sæd ereope 11 inon 12 þa eor'Oan, 7 to ci'Où 7 to wyrtru- mum weor'Oe (011 þære eorðan), buton for'Oy 13 þe hi tiohhia'O t se stemn 7 se helm H mote þy fæstor 7 þe leng stondan? Hwy ne meaht þu ongitan, þeah þu hit gesion ne mæge, Þ 3 0 eall se dæl se 'Oe 15 þæs treowes on twelf mon'Oum gewex'O 16, þæt he ongin'O of þæm wyrtrumum 7 swa upweardes grew'O 0'0 'Oone stemn, 7 si'O'Oan andlang þæs piðan, 7 andlang b Boeth. iii. pro II. 1. 43 P. 'Si animaIia, inquam, considerem,' &c. 1 lust B. 2 }e B. 3 sume B. 4 wudu J. 5 sette B. 6 u1tC)'nde B. 7 is om. B. 8 Conject., gelica om. B. 9 From J, I}Idrige B. I' From B, growen C. 11 greowe B. 12 innon B. 13 }y B. 14 welm B. 15 ðe om. B. 16 geweaxð B. 92 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXIV. 10 þære rinde o'ð õone helm, 7 si'ððan æft þælll bogu[17l], o'ð'ðæt hit ut aspringeõ on leafum 7 on blostmum 7 on bledum? H wi ne meaht þu ongitan þte ælc wuht ewuces bi'ð inllan- weard hneseost 7 unbroc[ h]eardost? Hwæt, þu meht gesion h[u :P t]reow bið utan gescerped 1 7 bee wæfed 2 nu"dJ 5 þære rinde wiõ õone w[Ùzter 7 wÙJ ða stea Jrean sto[rnzas * 7Ra c. 7 eac W1Õ þære] *sunnan hæto on sumera. H wa mæg .p he ne wundrie swel[ cr Ja geseeafta ures scyppendes, 7 huru þæs seyppendes? 7 þeah we his nu wundrigen, hwilc ure mæg arecean medemlice ures scyppendes willan 7 nwald, hu his 10 geseea[fta J wexaõ 7 eft [wanz"a ]ð, þonne þæs time a J eYln'ð, 7 of hiora sæde wiorõaõ ef[t ge Jedniwode, swylce hi þonne weor'ð[ ell 3 to] edsceafte? H wæt, hi þonne eft bzûõ, 7 eae hwæthwugu anlice bioð swzlee hi á bion, for'ðæm hi ælce geare "Teorcaõ to edseeafte. 15 xi c. Hwæþer þu giet ongite p 'ða uneweõendan geseeafta wilnodon to bionne on eenesse swa ilce swa më, gif hi meahten? II wæõer þu nu ongite forhwy Þ fyr fundige up, 7 sio eor'ðe of dune ? Forhwy is .p buton forþy'ðe God geseeop his eard up 7 hire of dune ; forõy fundia'ð 4 ælc gesceaft þider 20 swi'ðost þider his eard 7 his hælo 5 swi'ðost bio'ð, 7 flih'ð pte him wi'ðerweard biõ 7 ungebyrde 7 ungelie. Hwæt, þa stanas, forõæm [hi] sint stillre geeynde 7 heardre, [bzoðJ earfo'ðe to tedælenne 6; 7 eae un[eaðe tosonzne cuma Jð, gif hi * 78b C. todælde 7 *weorþað. Gif þu þonne ænne stan toclifst, ne wyr[ Õ 25 h]e næfre gegadrod swa he ær "'æs; ae f wæter 7 sio lyft bio'ð hw[ elle] hnescran geeynde; hi [b ]io'ð swiðe eõe 8 to tedælenne 9, ae hi bio'ð [ift] sona ætgædre. V fyr þonne ne [mag] næfre weorõan [todæIJed. Ie sæde [þeah] nu hwene ær jJte nanwuht his [agen ]um willum nolde forweor'ðan; ac 3 0 Ù; eom 111t ma ymb [Þ] geeynd þonne y1 þone willan, for'ðælll hi hwilum willa'ð on tu ]0. pu meaht \\ itan 11 be manegum c Boeth. iii. pro 11. 1. 69 P. 'Ea etiam quae inanimata esse,' &c. 1 gescyrþed B. 2 From J, be'WeroJ B. 3 em. weordC C, wcordoll 13. 4flmdað B. 11 Appar. æðelu in C. 6 From B, tedælende C. 7 gedæ/ede B. B eaðe B. 9 o also B. 10 t'Wa B. Jl wi!ml om. B. XXXIV.912] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 93 þingum ÿ ÿ geeynd is swi'ðe micel; is ÿ formieel gecynd 'ðæt urum Iichoman cymõ eall his mægen of õæm mete þe we þiggaõ, (7) þeah færõ se mete ut þurh þone liehoman; ae his swæc 1 õeah 7 his eræft geeymõ on 2 ælcre ædre, swa swa mon 5 meolo seft; õæt meolo õurgerypõ ælc õyrel, 7 þa syfeõa 3 weorõaõ asyndred. Swa eae ure gast biõ swiõe wide farende 4 urum unwil1um 7 ures ungewealdes for his ge- c[y Jnde, naIIes for his willan; ÿ biõ þonne þonne we slapaõ. I-Iwæt, [þa J nytenu õonne 7 eae þa oõra 10 ges[ ceafla J rna wi1nia'ð þ[ æs þe hi wz"/niað for gecy 11 de J *õonne for wilJan. Ungeeynùelie is 5 ælcre wuhte 1> hit * 79a ('. wilnige frecennesse o'ðõe deaões, ac þeah mænig þing biõ to þæm gened ÿ hit wiInaõ þara ægõres; forõæm se willa biõ þonne strengra þonne ÿ geeynd. H wilunl biõ e willa T 5 swiõra þonne 1> geeynd, hwilum þæt geeynd ofereymõ þone wilIan. Swa nu wrænnes deõ; sio biõ ælcu1ll men geeynde, 7 hwilum 6 þeah hz're biõ forwerned bi[re gecyndes þurh J þæs monnes wi1Ian. Eal1 sio Iufu [þæs J hæmedþinges biõ for geeynde, [nail as 7J for willan. 20 xii d. Be þæm þu meaht [open Jlice witan ÿ se seeppend 8 ea1ra [ge Jsceafta bæfõ forgifen ænlle [lustJ 7 an geeynd eallum his gesceaftii; þæt is ÿ hi woldon á 9 bion. ÆIcre wuhte is geeynde ÿ bit wilnige 1> hit á sie be þæm dæle [þe hit 10J bis geeynde healdan mot [7 mæg J. Ne þearft õu no 25 tweogan [ymbe .pJ þe þu ær tweodest, ÿ is be [þä ge Jsceaftum þe nane saw Ie n[ abbaðJ; ælc þara geseeafta þe [sawle hæfð, ge J eae þa þe nabbaõ, [willllzað sziJlle 10 bz'01l1le. Ða czvæð ic: Nu Ù: J *ongite ÿ õæt ic ær ymbe tweode; 1> is * 79b C. õæt ælc geseeaft wilnaõ symle to bionne; ÿ is swiõe sweo- 3 0 tol on õære tidringe. þa ewæõ he: H \væ þer þu þonne [ 0 Jngite t ælc þara wuhta þe him n beon þene[ ðJ, ÿ hit þencõ ætgædere bion, gehal, untodæled 12? forõæm gif hit d Boeth. Hi. pro I I. 1. 92 P. 'Dedit enim providentia,' &c. 1 sþr.-ec B. 2 on om. B. 3 siofoèa B. 4 From B,færende C. 11 bið B. 6 gehwilcÜ B. 7 lIales J. 8 em. stþþend C. 9 a om. U. 10 hit from J, om. B. 11 him om. B. 12 zmdæ/ed B. 94 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXIV. 12 1 todæled biõ, þonne ne bi'ð hit no hall. Ða cwõ ic: f> is so'ð. Ða cwæõ he: (j) is), eall þing habbaþ [þeah] ænne willan, 'ðæt is 'ðæt hi woldon [a bzon ' þur]h þone ænne wiJ[lan] hi wilniaõ 'ðæs anes goodes þe â bit!, t is God 2. Ða ewæ'ð ic: Swa hit is [swa ð]u sægst s. Ða ewæõ he: 5 H wæt, þu m[ int] openlice ongitan t 'ðæt is fore inlice] good þing þe ealra 4 wuhta 7 ealle gesceafta wilniaõ to habbanne. Ða ewæõ ic: N e mæg nan mon soõre seegan, for'ðæm ie ongite t ealla gee sceafla ] toflowen 5 swa swa wæter, 7 [nanne] sibbe ne nane endebyrd[nesse] De heolden, ae swiõe unge- 10 ree[ Nee 6 10 ]slupen 7 7 to nauhte wurden, [swa szva] we lange ær sædon on 'ðisse [ikan bec], gif hi næfdon ænne * 79b C God 8 [þe hz1Jl e ]allum stiorde 7 raeode *[7 rædde. Ac nu en s 1 ' next forþäðe We wilon Þ an wealdend is eallra þÍ1zga, we seeolon 9 2 10 s. missing. beon 1lede geþafan, sam we wzïlan sã we nJ,llan, Þ he sit se 15 hehsta hrof eallra goda. Ða smercode 10 he wzõ mz11 7 cWTð: Eala 11, mz11 cz7d, ea 12 . hwæt, þu eart swiðe gesælig, 7 ic swiðe bliðe, for minü IS andgzle. SW1'ðe neah þu ongeate þa jJ rz"ht, 7 Þ z7ee jJ þu ær sædest jJ ðu ongz't01z lze mildest, þæs þu zvære nu geþafa. Ða cwæð ic: Hzvæt wæs jJ Þ ic ær sæde 20 Þ Ù: nysste 14; Ða cwæð he: Nu þu sædest jJ ðu n.Jlslest 11 æ/cre geseeafle rode ' ac Wzle nu Þ jJ is æ/cre gesceafle ende jJ ðu self ær nemdest, jJ is God 15 . 10 þam fit1zdiað ealle 16 gesceafla. Nabbaõ hi nan god ojër jJ 10 secanne, 1le hi nanzvuht ne magon ne uJör ne utor jÙzdan. 25 XXXV e. i. Ða he þa þis sþell asæd hæfde, þa ongan he efl sÍ11gan 7 þus cwæð:] (Swa hwa swa wz71e dzoplice spÙ-igan mid illneweardan mode after ryhte, 7 nylle ß hine ænig mon 0 Jðe ænig þzng mage amerran, onglnne þõn secan O1zÍ1znan him e Boeth. iii. met. I I. ' Qnisquis profunda mente,' &c. Cotto Metr. xxii. 1 untodæled bið,þõl1, bið flit gehal B. 2 From B, good C. 3 swa ðu sægst J, om. B. 4 ealle B. Ii tofieowon B. 6 From J. tmgelice B. 7 7 . . . wurden om. B. 8 From B, good C. 9 sculo1t J. "10 smcar- code J. 11 ea J. 12 Orig. eall in B, but II erased. 13 ðÙtum J. 14 nesse J. 15 J1ls god from J, om. B. 16 ealla J. xxxv. 9 2] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 95 seifü,:p he ær ymbulon hÙze sohte, 7 forlæte unn)'tle ymbhogan szva he swiðost mæge ' 7 gegæderz"ge to þam anum, 7 gesecge þõn hÙ anü mode jJ hit mæg jindan onznnan hz"1Jl se!fu1Jl ealle þa god þe hit ute secð. jJõn mæg he szviõe rape ongz"!an eal1 1 :p 5 yfil7 :p unnet:p he ær on hz's mode hæfde . szva sweotole swa ðu miht þa SU1Z1zan geseon, 7 þu ongilst þin agen ingeþanc,:p hz"! bz'õ mÙ:ele beorhtre 2 7leohtre þÕ11 seo sunne. Forþã nan hæfignes þæs Izch01Jlan ne nan unðeaw ne mæg eallunga ation if hz's mode þa rihtzvzSnesse s, szva:p he hzre hwæthwegu nabbe on hz's 10 mode.; þeah sio szværnes ðæs lichoman 7 þa unþeawas if! abz'segien :p mod mid ofergiotulnesse, 7 mid þã gedzvolmz'ste hz"! 4 flrtz"o :p hz"! ne mæge swa beorhte scÙzan szva hz"! wolde. 7 þeah biJ sz'mle corn þære soõ.fæs!1zesse sæd 01Z þære sazole wunz"gende, þa hzvz1e þe sz'o sawl 7 se bchoma gederode bioõ. 15 j) corn seeal bion aweht mid ascunga 7 mid lare, gif hz"! growan seeal. Eu mæg þõn ænig man 1yhtwz'sIÙ:e 7 gescead- wz'slice acsigan 5, gif he nan grot rihtwz'snesse on him næfð ) Nis nan szoa szviðe bedæled ryhtwz'snesse ß he nan ryht and- wyrde nyte, gif mon acsað. Forþã hz"t z's swiðe ryht spell 20 ß Plato se uðwz"!a sæde ' he cwæ1: sWa hzva sWa ungemyndig sie rihtwzSnesse 6, gecerre hzne 10 hz's gemynde . þÕ1Z fint he þær þa 1yhtzvz'snesse gehydde mid þæs Izchoman hæjignesse 7 mid hÙ modes gedrifednesse 7 bz'sgunga.) ii f. [Ða cwæð Ù: Ic eom geõafa þ:p was soð sþell :p 25 Plato sæde. Eu ne m)'negodest 7 þu me eac nu lu'Zva þære z1can spræce; ærest þu cwædeþ z'c hæfdeforgz"tellßgecyndelzce 8 god Þ ic onznnan me se!fit hæ.fde, for ðæs bchoman hejig- nesse. ÆI oõru eerre þu me sædest Þ ðu hæfdest ongz"ten Þ me seifü puhte:p ic hæfde eallunga forlO1'en jJ geryndelzce god ß ic 3 0 oninnan me se!fü seeolde habban, for þære ungemetlzcan unrol- nesse þe ic hæfde for ðã forlætenan 'ltlelan. Ða czvæõ he: þær þu gemyndest þa word þe Ù: þe sæde on þare forman bee, t Boeth. iii. pro 12. 'Turn ego, Platoni, inquam,' &c. 1 Orig. ealle, but e erased. 2 em. beortre B. 3 em. unn'htwÚnesse B. 4 Orig. hig B, g turned into t. em. acsigen B. 6 em. rihtwissesse B. 7 myndgodest J. 1\ em. gecynlelic B. 96 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXV. 9:.J þõn mzn/ 1 þu be þã wordü genog szveolole ongzÏon ß ß ru (J'r sædesf ß ðu nysslest 2 . Ða cwæð ic: Hzvæt was ß, hzvæf sæde lC 'ß ze nysle 3 ? Ða avæð he: Ðu sædesl on þære z7can bec ß ðu ongeale ßle God weolde þisses mz"ddangeardes, ac þu sædesf ß þu 4 ne mzÏJle zm"tan humela he his weolde, oððe hu he hz's 5 u'eold. Ða cu-,æð ic: Ie gelllan genog geara 5 min agen dysig, 7 ic his was ær þe geþafa,] * eah ic hit õa be sumum * 80a C. dæle ongeate, ic wolde giet his mare æt þe geheran, Ða ewæõ he: N e õe nauht ær ne tweode 'ðætte Cod rædde 7 wiolde ealles middangeardes. Ða cwæõ ie: Ne me giet 10 nauht ne t\\"eoõ, ne nu næfre ne twioð; ie õe wille eae son a see[gan] be hwæn1 ie hit 6 ærest ongeat. Ie on[geal] p ões middangeard ,,"æs of swiõe [maneg ]um 7 mislicl1m þingum gega[ derod, 7 sw Jiõe fæste tosomne gelim[ ed 7 gefJangod. Nære(n) 7 ðe (hi) gegaderode 7 geradod[e J, swa wiõerwearda 15 geseeafta, þon[ ne ] 8 ne wurdon hi næfre ne geworht[ e] ne eae gegaderod ; 7 gif he hi ne gebunde mid his unanbindendli- cum 9 raeen[lü], 'Oonne toslupen hi ealIa; 7 næ[re 10 lZ0] swa gewisliee ne swa endebyr[ dlzee] ne swa gemetlice hiora stede 7 hiora ryne funden on hiora stowü 7 on hiora 20 tidum, gif an unanwendendlic God (nare þe heora 11 weolde. pOlle God), ðæt t he is, t ie hate God, swa swa ealle geseeafta hatað. iii g. Ða ewæð he: N u 'Ou t swa openlice ongiten hæfst, ne õearfe ic nu nauht swi'Oe ymb 'Oæt swinean 'P ie ðe 25 1< Sob C. ma be Code reeee; forþ[ ã þu ea ]rt nu fulneah *eumen in on 12 õa eeastre þære soõan gesæl'ðe, þe þu lange 13 ær ne meahtest aredian, Ae wit seulon swa þeah seean p 'P wit æI' mynton. pa cwæõ ie: H wæt is 'Oæt? Ða ewæ'Õ he: II u ne tealdon wit ær pte genyht wæren 14 gesælõa, 7 þa gesælða [zvær ]en 30 God? Ða ewæõ ic: Swa hit is [swa þ]u sægst. Ða (cwæô) he: God ne be þearf [nan Jes oðres fultomes buton his [sel.fes ] g Boeth. iii. pro 12. 1. 25 P. 'Turn ilIa, cum haec, inquit,' &c. I meahte J. 2 11esse J. 3 l1ysse J. 4 Conject. om. B. !I geare J. 6 hit om. B. 7 Last 11, erased in B. 8 Conj. }Õll B. 9 unabilldel1dlictl B. 10 tlær01t 110 J. 11 }e heora conj. om. B. I:! z"mlOll B. 13 lang C. 14 7.Være B. xxxv. 4J DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 97 his geseeafta mid to wealdanne, [þe] 1 ma þe he ær þorfte to 2 [þã] 'weorce; forõæm gif he æniges [fu ]ltomes on ænegum þingum beõorf[te], þonne næfde he (no) self geno[g]. Ða ewæ'ð ic: Swa hit is swa 'ou [segst]. Ða ewæ'O he: 5 þurg hine self[ ne he] geseeop eall õing 7 ealra wylt. Ða [cwæ]'O ie: Ne mæg ic þæs o'Osacan. Ða ewa[e Jõ he: Ær we þe hæfdon .p gereaht t God wære þurh hine selfne good. Ða ewæ'ð ie: Ie .geman t 'Ou swa S sædest. Ða ewæ'O he: þurg good God gesceop eal 4 'ðing, forõæm he wilt þurh hine 10 seltI ne ] ealles þæs þe we ær ewædon 'ðæt good wære; 7 he is ana staõolfæst wealdend 7 stiora 7 steorroðer 7 helma 5, for'Oæm he riht 7 [ræt eallü] geseeaft[ um], *swa swa good * 8Ia C. stiora anum scipe, [ Ða] ewæ'O ie: N u ic õe 6 andette Þ ie h[ æbbe ] funden duru þær þær ie ær gee seah ane] lytle cinan, 15 swa õæt ie unea'ð[e 7 mznte] gesion swiõe lytelne scima[ n leohtes] of þissum þiostrum; 7 þeah [þu me] tæhtest ær þa duru, ae ic [hire ne] meahte mare aredian, b[ ulon jJ ze hire] grapode ymbutan [.fJ þe ze þat !yt]le leoht geseah tW[ÙlclÙzn. Ie þe sæde] gefyrn ær on þiss[e z1can bec.fJ ze] nysse (hwæt 20 se) fruma wære ealra [gesceqjìa]; þa gerehtest þu me f 8 hi t [wæs God]. Ða nysse ic eft ymb þone [en de, ær] þu me eft gereahtes t 'ðæt [wære eac God]. Ða sæde ie þe ÿ ie nysse hu he [ealra þara] geseeafta wiolde; ae þu hit [ me] hæfst nu swi'Oe sweotole ge[reht] 9, swylce þu hæbbe þa duru a[broden] 10 25 þe ie ær sohte. Ða andswarode [he me] 7 ewæ'O: Ie wat :þ ic 'Oe æI' myndg[ ode] õære ilcan spræee, 7 nu n1e 'Oi[ ncþ .fJ] þu ongite swa swa 11 leng swa bet [ymbe] þa so'Ofæstnes5e ; ae (z"c) wolde [git þe] eowian sume bysne, (ac) swa sweo[tole] swa sio wæs þe ic (þe) ær sæde. D[ a cwæð Ie ]: H wæt [Ù sio ; 30 iv h. Ða] ewæ'O he : Ne *[ mag nænne mon þæ]s twiogean * 8Ib C. .pte ealra geseeafta [agnü] wilIum God riesaõ ofer hi, 7 ea'O[ modlzee] hiora willan wenda'O to his willan. [Be jam h Boeth. iii. pro 12. 1. 44 P. 'Cum deus, inquit, omnia,' &c. of I pon J. 2 to B. 3 swa om. B. 4 ælc B. Ii 7 helma om. B. 6 ðe om. B. 7 ullgeaðe B. 8 hwæt B. 8 gereaht J. 10 anbroden B. II s'wa only once B. H 98 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXV. 4 zS J swi'ðe sweotol 'Oætte God æghwæs [wealt mid Þ Jæm helman 7 mid 'Oæm stior[roõre hz's J goodnesse; for'Oælnþe ealla [geseeqfia J geeyndelice hiora agnii [zm'llulll jitndÙlð] to eumanne to Gode, [swa szva we 1 oft ær] sædon on 'ðisse Bean [bee. Ða cwæð ic: Hwi lze 2J rnæg (ze) þæs twiogan; 5 [finþã Godes anwe Jald nære full eadig[lze gif þa ge ]seeafta hiOl"a unwillü him [herde1l 3 ; 7 ift] þa geseeafta næren nanes [þonees ne n Janes weor'ðscipes wyr'ðe gif [hi hz'ora un Jwillum hlaforde herden. Ða [ewæð he J: Nis nan geseeaft þe 4 tiohhie IÞ hio J seyle winnan wi'ð hire scippen[ des wz"lla In gif hio hire 10 eynd 5 healdan wille 6. [Ða ewæðJ ic: Nis nan geeynd 7 þe wi'ð hire [ seippen Jdes ",i1lan winne buton dys[ ig 1Jlon, 0 Jõ'ðe eft þa wi'ðerweardan englas. [ -E a ewæðJ he: H wæt wenst 'ðu ? gif ænegu [geseeqft 8J tiohhode p hio wi'ð his willan [sceolde ] wÙznan, hwæt hio meahte wi'ð [swa 17lznJtigne swa we hine 15 gereahtne [habbaðJ? Ða ewæ'ð ic: N e magon hi nauht, * 82a C. [þeah hi zvillon. Ða wUlldrode he 7 ewæð: l{z's J *nanwuht þe mæge o'ð'ðe wille swa heaum Gode 9 wiõcwe'ðan. Ða cwæ'ð ic: N e wene ic t ænig wuht sie 'ðe wi'õ winne, buton õæt wit ær spræeon. Ða smearcade he 7 ewæõ: \Vite geare 20 õæt ðæt is 1> hehste gôd, õæt hit eall swa mihtiglice maea'Õ 7 eall ðing geseeop 7 eallü swa [ge Jrec1ice raeaõ 7 sw e'ðelice buton a[elcuJ geswinee hit eall set. Ða ewæ'ð [le: JVel] me lieode 'Oæt þu ær sædes, 7 þ[ Úes me !J;st nu J giet bet; ae me sceama'ð nu õ[ æt 10 le hz"t ær J ne ongeat. Ða 25 ewæ'Õ he: (Hwæt), ie wat [jJ ðu ge ]herdest oft reeean on ealdum [leasùJ spellum pte lob Saturnes 11 [SUllU sceo Jlde bion se hehsta god of(er ealle oðre 12J godu 18,7 he seeolde bion þæs heo[fines J sunu, 7 seeolde riesian on heo[finÜJ; 7 seeolden 14 gigantes 15 bion eorõan [ suna J, 7 'ða seeolden riesian 3 0 ofer eor[þan; 7 þa J seeolden hi bion swelce hi wæren [geswys Jterna 16 bearn, for'Oæm þe he see[ olde beon J heofones sunu, 7 hi eorõan. 7 þa [sceolde ] þæm gigantum ofþinean 1 we from J, om. B. 2 hwone J. 3 From J, herdest B. · }e he B. 5 gecynd B. 6 wil C. 7 gesceaft B. 8 em. gesceaf B. 9 goode B. 10 ðæt coniect.,p B. 11 saturnÍts C. 12 oðru J. 13 godas B. Hem. seeo/de C, seo/doll B. 15 gi'gantas B. 16 geswystre1la B. xxxv. 5] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 99 F he hæfde hiera rice; wold on þa tobreean þO[lle J heofon under him; þa sceolde he sendan þunras 7 ligeta 1 7 windas, 7 toweorpan [eallJ hzra geweor[ c J mid, 7 hi selfe ofslean. *[ ÐylJlica leasunga hi worhton, 7 meahton eaõe seggan * 82b C. 5 soõspell, gif 2 him þa leasunga næren swetran, 7 þeah swiõe gelie õisum. Hi meahton seggan hwylc dysig N efrod se gigant worhte; se Nefrod wæs Chuses sunu; Chus wæs Chames 3 sunu, Cham 4 N"oes. Se Nefrod het w[yrca In ænne tor on õæm felda õe N en[ sar J 5 hatte, 7 on õære þiode 10 õe Dezra 6 [halle, swiJõe neah þære byrig [Þe 7JlOll 711t hæt BabJilonia. Þ hi dydon [for þã ðiJngum þe 7 hi woldon witan hu heah [hit wære J to õæm heofone, 7 hu õicee se [hifoll zv Jære 7 hu fæst, oõ'ðe hwæt þær[ ofir wære J. Ae hit gebyrede, swa hit [CY1l1l 8 was], .p se godeunda wald 9 hi 15 tostene[te 10 epr hiJ hit fullwyrean mosten, 7 toe wearp J õone tor, 7 hiora monigne of[ slog, 7 hzora s ]præee todælde ôn tu 7 hund [seqjònliJg ge þioda. Swa gebyreõ ælcü [þara þ]e winõ wiõ õæm godcundan anwal[ de.; 1le] gewyx'ð him nan weorõscipe on [ðæm, a Je wyrõ se gewanod þe hi ær 20 hæfdon. v i. Ae loea nu hwæõer þu wille õæt [ wz'l] giet spyrigen 11 æft: ænigre gesceadwzS1lesse furður, nu wit 'ðæt funden 12 habbaõ jJ wit ær soh/on. Ie wene þeah, gif wit giet uncru word losonlne sleaõ, jJ ðær *ásprunge sum spearea up soõ- * 83a C. 25 fæstnesse þara þe wit ær ne gesawon. Ða ewæõ ic: Do (swa) swa õu wille. Ða ewæõ he: Hwæt nænne lllon nu ne tweo'ð F God sie swa mihtig p he mæge wyrean .p .p he wille. Ða ewæõ ie: N e tweo'ð õæs nænne 18 mOll õe auht wat. Ða cwæõ he: Hwæõer ænig mon wene 1-1 p [auht sie 3 0 þæsJ þe God don ne mæge 1 5 . Ða ew[ æð z]e: Ie hit 16 wat õæt nauht nis þæs þe he [don J ne mæge. Da ewæõ he: 1 Boeth. iii. pro 12. 1. 66 P. 'Sed uisne rationes,' &c. I lygetlt B. 2 gif above line C. 3 From J, chaame.r 13. 4 chaã B. 5 From J, sellllar B. 6 Looks like dera in C. 7 jf B. 8 cyn J. 9 allwea/d B. 10 los/eufe B. 11 gesþyrigut B. 12 afU11den B. 13 nan B. 14 wære B. 15 mæg B. 16 hit om. B. HZ 100 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXV. 5 Wenstu hwæõer [he m Jæge ænig 1 yfel don? Ða ewæ'ð ic : Ie waC! j>J he ne mæg. Ða cwæõ he: So'ð þu sægst, forõæm hit is nauht j þær yfel auht wære, þonne meahte hit God wyrean; forõy hit is nauht. Ða ewæ'ð ie: l\le þincõ 'Þ 'ðu me dwelle 7 dydre 2, swa mon cild deõ; lædst me hidres 5 7 õidres S on swa þiene wudu õæt ic ne n1æg ut aredian. Forõæm õu a ymbe stieee fehst (ift) on 'ða ilcan [sp Jræee þe þu ær spræee, 7 for1ætst eft õa ær õu hi geendod hæbbe, 7 fehst on uncuõe; þy ic nat (llu) hwæt þu wilt. Me þinc'ð t õu hwerfe ymbeulan sume wundorliee 7 seldeuþe spræee J 0 )'mbe 'ða anfealdnesse 4 þære godcundnesse. Ie geman Þ õu me ær reahtes sù wundorlic sPell be õã þa õu me reahtes ÿ hit 5 * 83 b C. *wære eall an gesælõa 7 Þ hehste god, 7 ewæde :þ 'ða gesæ1'ða wæren on õæm hehste goode fæste, 7 ÿ hehste good wære God self, 7 he wære full ælcre gesæl'ðe; 7 þu ewæde ÿ ælc J 5 gesælig mon wære God. 7 eft þu sædes ÿ Godes goodnes 6 7 his gesælignes [7 J he self ðæt õæt wære 7 eall an, 7 P 'ðon[71e J 8 \' ære se hehsta God; 7 to õæm god[e ealJla (þa) gesceafta fundiað 'ðe hiora [ge Jeynd healda'ð, 7 wilniað t hy to e[UlJZ01 J 9. 7 eae þu sædes ðætte God wiolde ea[lIJra (hz's) 20 gesceafta mid õæm stiorroðre his goodnesse; 7 eae sædes :þ ealla gesceafta hiora agnum willum ungenedde hin1 wæren underðiodde. 7 nu on last fU sædes ÿ yfel nære nauht. 7 eal[IJ fis þu gereahtes to soõe swiõe geseeadwi[ sliJce, buton ælcre leasre rædelsan. 25 \'i k. [Ða ] ewæ'ð he: jJu sædés ær ÿ ic ]0 õe dwealde 11 ; ac me õincõ selfum ÿ ic þe nauht ne dwelle 11, ac õe sæde 12 swiõe lang spell 7 wundorlic, 7 13 sw ðe gesceadliee be õæm Gode õe wit une gefyrn to gebædon; 7 nu giet ic tiohhie Þ ic õe hwæthwugu uncu'ðes gerecee be ðæm ilean Gode. Hit is 3 0 g[ec ]}'nd f ære godeundnesse ÿ hio mæg bion ungemenged k Boeth. iii. pro 12. J. 93 P. 'Turn ilIa, Minime, inquit,' &c. 1 ænig om. B. 2 dweNge 7 dydtrie B. 3 lætst me hider 7 þÙ{er B. 4 alldfealdlleSJe B. II hit om. B. 6 em. goodes C, godness B. 7 he 'lUære B. 8 Conject. þõn B. \I tocumen J. 10 t"c om. B. II dwelode B. 12 sade ðe B. 13 7 om. B. xxxv. 7] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 101 wi'O o'Or[ e ] 1 gesceafta * buton o'Oerra geseeafta fultome, * 84a C. swa swa nan o'Oer geseeaft ne mæg. N e mæg nan o'Oru gesceaft be him selfum bion, swa swa (gzo) Parmenides se sciop giddode 7 ew'O: Se ælmihtega God 2 is eaIIra þinga reecend, 5 7 he ana unanwendendlie 3 wuna'O, 7 ealra 'Oara anwendend- licra welt. For'ðæm 'On ne þearft nauht swiþe wundrian 'Oeah we spyrien æfter 'Oæm 'ðe we ongullnon, swa mid Iæs word a swa m[zä ma J, swæ'ðer we hit gereecan magan. Ðeah [we] nu scylen manega 7 mislica bisna 7 bispell reecan, 'Oeah hanga'ð ure mod ]0 ealne weg on þæm þe we æfterspyria'ð. Ne fowenoon 4 'ða bisna 7 on 'ða 5 bispeI for 'Oara leasena spella lufan, ae forõæmõe we woldon mid gebeenan 6 þa so'ðfæstnesse,7 wold on õæt hit wurde to nytte 'Oam geherendum. Ie gemunde nu ryhte þæs wisan Platones lara suma, hu he ewæ'ð 'ðæt te 7 se mon se 'ðe I fi bispell seegan wolde, ne seeolde fon on to ungelic bispell õære spræce þe he õonne sprecan wolde. Ac geher nu geõylde- Nee hwæt ic nu spreean wille, 'Oeah hit þe 8 gefyrn ær unnyt þuhte, hwæ'Oer þe 8 se ende a bet lieian wille. vii 1. Ongon 'ða *singan 7 ewæõ 9: (GesæNg biT se mon * 8-t-b C. 20 þe mæg geseoll þOlle hlutlran æzt'ellm þæs hehsta1l 10 godes, 7 of hÙJl sel.fü aweorpall mæg þa þzostro hz's modes. Ve selllon get of ealdü leasü sþellü ðe sü bz'sþell reecan.) Hit gel amp gio 'Oætte an hearpere wæs on 'ðære 'ðiode 'ðe Ðracia 11 hatte, sio wæs on Creca rice; se hearpere wæs swiõe ungefrægliee 25 good, 'ðæs nama wæs Orfeus; he hæfde an swiõe ænlic \Vif, sio wæs haten Eurudiee 12. Ða ongon mon seegan be õam hearpere :Jj he meahte hearpian :Jj se wudu wag-ode, 7 þa stanas hi styredon 13 for 'ðy 14 swege, 7 wildu dior õær woldon to irnan 7 stondan swilce hi tamu wæren, swa stille, 'Oeah him 3 0 men oõõe hundas wiõ eoden, 'ð'æt hi hi 15 na ne onscunedon. 1 Boeth. iii. met. 12. ' Felix qui potuit boni,' &c. Cotto Metr. xxiii. 1 oðra J. 2 God om. B. a unawendenlic B. 4 From B, 7 C. 11 ða om. H. 6 gebeacnian B. 7 te om. B. 8 }e both from J, om. B. 9 After cwæð (in C) there is a letter (apparently g), then a blank space of about two-thirds of the line. The allit. verse begins next line. 10 em. hehtan B. II racia B. 12 ezwudice B also. J3 hirgedon B. 14 }ã B. 1.3 hi once B. 102 DE CO]llSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXV. 9 7 Ða sædon hi y 'ðæs hearperes [wifJ sceolde acwelan, 7 hire ,Ie 85 a c. saule mon sceolde *lædan to helle. Ða sceolde se hearpere weor'Oan swa sarig y he ne meahte ongemong oðrum monnum Lion, ac teah to wuda, 7 sæt on 'ðæm muntum æg'ðer ge dæges ge nihtes; weop 7 hearpode 'ðæt 'ða wudas 5 bifedo[ll J 1 7 þa ea stodon, 7 nan heort ne onscunode nanne leon, ne nan hara nænne hund, lze nan neat nyste nænne andan ne næn!1e ege to oõrum for 'ðære merg'ðe 2 ðæs sones. Ða 'ðæm hearpere 'ða õuhte 'ðæt hine (þa) nanes õinges ne lyste on 'ðisse worulde, õa 'ðohte he 'ðæt he wolde gesecan 10 heJIe godu 3, 7 onginnan him oleeean mid his hearpan, 7 biddan ÿ hi him ageafan 4 eft his wif. þa he 'ða 'ðider com, õa seeolde euman ðære helle hund ongean hine, þæs nama wæs Ceruerus 5, se 6 seeolde habban þrio heafdu; 7 (ol1gall) onfægnian 7 mid his steorte, 7 plegian wiõ hine for his 15 hearpunga. ÐLl wæs 'ðær eae swi'ðe egeslie geatweard, 'Oæs nan1a sceolde bion Caron; se hæfde eae þrio heafdu, 7 (se) wæs swiõe oreald. Ða ongon se hearpere hine biddan p he hine gemundbyrde 'ða hwile þe he 'Oær wære, 7 hine * 8fih C. gesundne eft õonan *brohte. Ða gehet he him 'ðæt, forõæ 20 he wæs oflyst õæ.:; seldcu'Oan sones. Ða eode he fur'ður, oõ he (ge)mette 'Oa graman metena 8 õe folcisee men hataõ Pareas, 'ða hi secga'ð 'ðæt on nanum men nytL on na Jne are, ae æ1cü men wrecen [be his J gewyrhtu; þa hi seega'ð 'ðæt walden [a Jelces mannes wyrde. Ða ongon he biddan heora 25 blisse 9; 'ða ongunnon hi wepan mid him. Ða eode he fur'Our, 7 him urnon ealle hellwaran ongean, 7 læddon hine to hiora cininge, 7 ongunnon ealle sprecan mid him 7 biddan þæs 'Oe 10 he bæd. 7 ÿ unstille hweol 'ðe Ixion wæs 11 to gebunden Leuita 12 eyning for his seylde, õæt o'Ostod for his 30 hearpunga. 7 Tantulus se eyning 'ðe on õisse worulde un- gemetliee gifre wæs, 7 him 'ðær 'Oæt ilee yfel filgde 13 'ðære 14 gi- fernesse, he gestilde. 7 se ultor 15 seeolde forlætan 'ðæt he ne 16 1 bifod01Z B. 2 17lz'rll)e B. 8 gatu B. 5 em. cer'lleruerus C, a1'uerlts B. 6 se om. B. " gydena B. 9 llliltse B. 10 ðe om. B. 11 'If)æS om. B. 13 fyli'gde B. 14 em. ðæs C and B. 15 So B also. 4 From B, agifa1z C. 7 fægclliall B. 12 lauita B. 16 1ZC om. B. XXXVI. I] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 103 slat ða lifre Sticces 1 þæs eyninges ðe hine ær mid ðy witnode. 7 eall hellwara witu gestz1don ða hwile þe he beforan ðam eyninge h[e Jarpode. Ða he õa *longe 7 longe * 86a C. hearpode, ða cleopode se hellwara eyning 7 cwæð: Wutun 5 agifan ðæm esne his wif, forðæm he hi hæfð geearnad mid his hearpunga. Bebead him ða t he geare wisse [fJ hJe 2 hine næfre underbæc ne besawe, [siJWan S he ðonanweard wære; 7 sæd[ e J gif he hine underbæc besa we .p he sceolde forlætan ðæt wif. Ae ða lufe mon mæg swiðe uneaðe oWe 10 na 4 forbeodan; weilawei, hwæt, Orpheus ða Iædde his wif mid him oð 5 he com on y gemære leohtes 7 ðiostro. pa eode .p wif æft him. Ða he furðum 6 on ðæt leoht com, ða beseah he hine underbæc wið 'ðæs wifes; ða losade hio him sona. Ðas leasan (spell) lærað gehwylcne mon ðara ðe wilnað helle 15 ðiostro to flionne 7 to ðæs soðan godes liohte to cumanne, .p he hine ne besio to 7 his ealdan 8 yflum, swa ðæt he hi eft swa fullice fullfremme swa he hi ær dyde. Forðæm swa hwa swa mid fulle willan his mod went to ðæ yflum ðe he ær forlet, 7 hi ðonne fullfren1eð, 7 hi him þonne fullice licia'ð, 7 20 he hi næfre forlætan ne þeneeð, ðonne forlyst he eall his ærran good, buton he hit eft gebete. Her endað nu S10 *þridde boc Boeties, 7 onginneð 9 sio fiorðe. * 86b C. XXXVI ID. i. Ða se \Visdom ða ðis leoð swiðe lustbærlice 7 gescead- wislice âsungen hæfde, ða hæfde ie ða giet hwylchwugu 10 25 [gem Jyn d on minum mode ðære unrotnes[ se J þe ic (ær) hæfde, 7 cwæð: Eala Wisdom, ðu [þe J eart boda 7 forerynel ðæs soðan leohtes, hu wundorlic me ðineð .p ðæt þu me reest; forðæm ic ongite .pte eall ðæt þu me ær reahtes me reahte 11 God þurh ðe, 7 ic hit wisse eae ær be sumum dæle; ac me hæfde 3 0 þios unrotnes amerredne, y ic hit hæfde mid ealle forgiten. 7 t m Boeth. iv. pro I. 'Haec cum Philosophia,' &c. I dccies B. 2 he conject. om. B. 8 From J,f01:Jã B. 4 oððe na om. B. II oôe B. 6 for) B. 7 to om. H. 8 ealdit B. 9 Ollgiñð C. 10 hwæthu)ega B. 11 For me reahte B has lllihte. 10 4 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXVI. 9 1 is eae minre unrotnesse se mæsta dæl, 'Þ ic wundrige forhwy se gooda God h te ænig yfel bion, oõõe gif hit þeah bion 1 seyle, 7 he hit ge þafian wille, forhwy he hit (þõn) sona ne wrece. Hwæt, þu meaht 'ðe self ongitan y õæt is to wun- drianne, 7 eac oõer õincg me õincõ giet mare wundor; 'Þ is -þte 5 dysig 7 unrihtwisnes nu rixsaõ ofer eallne middangeard, 7 se wisdom 7 eac oõre cræftas nabbaõ nan lof ne nænne weorõ- scipe on õisse worulde, ac licgaõ forsewe[ne J swa (swa) miox under feltune; 7 yfele men o[ n a Jeleum l[ all Jde sind on nu * 87 a C. *weorþe 7 þa goodan habbaõ manigfeald witu. Hwa mæg 10 forberan 'Þ he t ne siofige 7 sweIcre wæfõe ne wundrige, õæt te æfre swyIc yfel geweorõan sceolde under õæs æln1ihtgan Godes an walde, nu we witon 'Þ he hit wat 7 æIc good wile? ii n. [ÐJa ewæõ he: Gif hit swa is swa õu sægst, õonne is 'Þ egeslicre õonne ænig oõer broga, 7 is endeleas 15 wundor, õæm gelieost õe on sumes cyninges hirede sien gyldenu fatu 7 selfrenu 2 forsewen, 7 treowenu mon weorõige. Nis hit S no swa swa õu wenst; ac gif õu eall õæt gemunan wilt :þ we ær spræcon, mid õæs Godes fultume õe we nu embe sprecaõ, õonne meaht õu ongitan Þ õa gôdan beoõ 4 20 symle waldende, 7 þa yfelan nabbaõ nænne anwald; 7 õæt þa eræftas. ne bioõ næfre buton heringe ne buton edleane, r ne J þa unõeawas næfre ne bioõ unwitnÇ)de, ac õa goodan bioõ symle gesælie, (7 þa yfilan ungesælige). Ie õe mæg eowian õæs swiõe manega bisena, õa õe magon getrymian 25 to õon 5 õæt þu nast hwæt þu leng siofige. Ac (ie) þe wille nu giet getæcan õone weg õe õe gelæt to þære heofonlican * sib C. byrig þe õu [ær ] of come, siõõan ðu ongitst *[Þ Jurh mine lare hwæt sio soõe gesælõ biõ, 7 hwær hio biõ. Ac ic seeal ærest õin mod gefeõeran 6, õæt hit mæge hit õe yõ up 30 ahebban ær õon hit fleogan onginne on õa heanesse, 'Þ hit mæge hal 7 orsorh fteogan to his earde, 7 forlætan ælce õara gedrefednessa õe hit nu õrowaõ. Sitte him on minü n Boeth. iv. pro 1. 1. 19 P. 'Turn illa, Et esset, inquit,' &c. I bioll om. B. 2 sylfrenu B. 3 hit nis B. 4 hz'oð B. 15 )ã B. 6 gefiðerian B. xxx\'"!. 4J DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE IDS hrædwæne; ðoerige him on minne weg; ic bio his lad- 'ðeow. iii o. Ða se '"risdon1 ða þis spell areaht hæfde, 'ða ongoI1 he singan 7 cwæ'ð: (Ie hæbbe swiðe swifte fiþera, jJ ie mæg 5 ßiogan ofir þone hean hrqf þæs heqfones. Ae þær it: IZU moste þÙz mod gefioerigan mid þã fioerit, 'P ou mihlest mid me ßzogan, þÕ11 mild þu ofirszon ealle þas eorðlÛ:an þillg. Gif þu mihtest þe ßz"gon ofir þã rodore, þõlz mildest }u geszon þa 'If}olcnu under þe, 7 mihtest þe jlzogan ofir þã fyre þe is 10 belwux þã rodore 7 þære lyfle . 7 1Jlzntest þe feralz mid þære Sltlznan beti.f!Yx þã lunglit, 7 þ01wn weorþan on þã rodore, 7 síooan to þã eealdan sflorran þe 'we hatao Satunzes steorra. Se Ù eall isig ' se wandrað o.fer oorü steorrü ufor þõn ænig ooer fungol. Sl'ðoon þu þõn foro ofir þone bist a.ferod 1, þÕIZ bisl þu 15 bu.fan þã swiftan rodore, 7 læfst þõn behilldan þe þone hehstan heqfon. Sz'ðõan þu nUlzI habban þinne dæl þæs sooan leohles. jJær rÛ:sað an cyning ' se hæfl anweald eallra oora C)'ninga,' se gemetgað þone bridel 7 jJ gewealdleþer ealles ymbhweoiftes hÙ!Íenes 7 eorþan ' se an dema is, geslæoðig 7 beorht . se stz"orð 20 þã hrædwæne eallra geseeafla. A e gif þu æfre cymst on þone weg 7 10 þærf stowe þe ou nu geot forgzlen ha.fst, þõn wz7f ðu eweþalz: jJis is mÙz rihl eoel,o hzonan zc was ær eunzen, 7 hzonan ie was acenned ' her zc wz71e IZU standan fæste ' nelle zc nu næfre hzonon. Ie wal þeah, gif þe æfre ge'WJlro 'P ðu wz"lt 15 ooðe most eft fandÙzn 2 þara þiostra þÙse worulde, þÕlz gesznst þu fZU 3 þa unrihtwisan CYllÙzgas 4 7 ealle þa qfermodan rzcan bion swioe ullmihtz"ge 7 swzõe earme wreeean, þa z7ean þe þz"s earme folc lZU heardosl ondræl.) iv p. Ða ewæð (IC): Eala, \VisdoIn, micel is 'ðæt 7 3 0 wundorlic t 'ðu gehætst, 7 ic eac nauht ne tweoge 'ðæt 'ðu hit mæge gelæstan. Ac ic þe halsige 'ðæt 'ðu me no leng ne lette r., ac getæe me þone weg; for'ðæm þu meaht ongitan o Boeth. iv. met. I. 'Sunt etenim pennae,' &c. Cotto Metr. xxiv. P Boeth. iv. pro 2. C Turn ego, Papae, inquarn: &c. I aftrod written over an erased word. 2 ji{,ndz'an B. 8 nu partly erased. 4 em. B has cynÙzg, with an indistinct letter following. :I læde B, with t written above the d. * 89a C. * 89b C. 106 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOP1IIAE [XXXVI. 4 j> me Iyst 'ðæs weges. Ða ewæ'ð he: pu seeal[tJ ærest ongitan 'Þ 'ða goodan [habJba'ð sY[1Jl Jle anweald, 7 þa yfilall næfre lzanne, *ne nænne eræft; for'ðæm hiora nan ne ongit fte good 7 yfel bio'ð symle gewinnan. Gif 'ða goodan 'ðonne syle habba'ð anwald, þonne nabba'ð þa yflan næfre 5 nænne; for'ðæm f good 7 f yfel sint swi'ðe unsamwræde. Ac ic (õe) wolde giet be æg'ðrü 'ðara hwæthwugu sweotolor gereccan, f 'ðu mæge 'ðy bet gelefan 'ðe ic 'ðe o'ðre hwile recce be 'ðæm o'ðrum, o'ðre hwile [be J 'ðæm o'ðru. Twa 'ðing sindon 'ðe ælce[ s ] monnes inge'ðone to funda'ð, f is 10 'ðonne willa 7 anwald; gif 'ðonne hwæm 'ðara twega hwæ'ðres wana bi'ð, þonne ne mæg he mid 'ðæm o'ðru nanwuht fullfremman 1. For'ðæm nan nyle onginnan f f he nyle, buton he nede 2 seyle; 7 'ðeah he eall wille, he ne mæg, gif he 'ðæs 'ðinges anwald næfo. Be 'ðæm 'ðu meaht I!, sweotole ongitan, gif 'ðu ænigne mon gesihst wilnian 'ðæs 'ðe he næfð', 'ðæt (þã bið) anwaldes wana. Ða ewæ'ð ic: 'Þ is so'ð; ne mæg ie þæs o'ðsaean. Ða ewæ'ð he: Gif 'ðu 'ðonne hwone S gesihst 'ðe mæg don y f he don wile, ne 'ðe 'ðonne nauht ne tweo'ð 'Þ se hæbbe anwald. Ða ewæ'ð ie: N e tweo'ð 20 me 'ðæs nauht. Ða ewæ'ð he: * Ælc mon bi'ð waldend 'ðæs 'ðe he 4 welt; (næfð he nanne anweald þæs ðe he lze welt). Ða ewæ'ð ic: pæs ic eom ge'ðafa. Ða e\\'æ'ð he: H wæ'ðer þu nu giet mæge gemunan Þ ic 'ðe ær reahte; 'Þ wæs þte ælces monnes inge'ðanc wilna'ð to þære so'ðan gesæl'ðe to 25 eumanne, 'ðeah hi 5 ungelice hiora earnien 6. Ða ewæõ ic: Þ ic geman; genog sweotole me is 'ðæt gesæd. Ða ewæõ he: Gemunst 'ðu f ic 'ðe (ær) sæde y [hzY] wære eall an good 7 gesæl'ða; se þe gesælõa sec'ð, he see'ð good. Ða cwæ'ð ie: Þ ie hæbbe genog fæste on gemynde. Ða cwæ'ð he: Ealle 30 n1en ge goode ge yfele wilnia'ð to eumanne to goode, þeah hi his misliee wilnien. Ða ewæ'ð ic: 1> is so'ð 'Þ þu sægst. Ða cwæ'ð he: Genog sweotol f is 'ðæt te 7 for'ðy sint gôde men goode, 'ðe hi gód gemeta'ð. Ða cwæ'ð ic: Genog open 1 fremma1Z B. 2 ne B. II earnige B. '1 Ie om. B. 8 hwæne B. 4 Ile om. B. 5 he B. XXXVI. 6J DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 10 7 hit is. Ða ewæ'ð he: pa goodan begita'ð 'Þ good t hi wilnia'ð. Ða ewæ'ð ie: Swa me 'ðyne'ð. Ða ewæ'ð he: pa yfelan næron [na 1 .J:fele g Jif hi gemetten 'ðæt good 'ðæt hi wilnia'ð; ae for'ðy hi sint yfle þe 2 hi hit ne meta'ð 3, 7 for'ðy 5 hi hit ne meta'ð S 'ðe hi hit on riht ne seea'ð. Ða ewæ'ð ie : Swa hit is swa 'ðu sægst. Ða ewæ'ð he: Forõæm *hit is 4 * 9 0a C. nan tweo t ta 5 goodan beo'ð syle waldende, 7 þa yflan nabba'ð næn e anwald; for'ðy 'ða goodan 'ðæt gód on riht seea'ð, 7 (ða) yflan on woh. Ða ewæ'ð ic: Se 'ðe ne 6 wen'ð 10 t 'ðis so'ð sie 7, 'ðonne ne gelyf'ð he nanes so'ðes. v q. Ða ewæ'ð he: H wæ'ðer wenstu nu? gif twegen men fundia'ð to anre stowe,7 habba'ð emnmieelne willan to to eU[11le Jnne, 7 o'ðer hæfð' his fota 8 anweald 'Þ he mæg gan 'ðær he wile 9, swa swa eallum monl1um geeynde wære t hi 15 meahten, o'ðer næf'ð his fota geweald t he mæge gan, 7 wilna'ð 'ðeah to feranne 10, (7) ongin'ð ereopan on þone ilean weg; hwæ'ðer 'ðara twega 11 þine'ð 12 'ðe mehtigra? Ða ewæ'ð ic: Nis 'Þ gelic; se bi'ð mehtigra se 'ðe gæ'ð þonne se 'ðe eriep'ð, for'ðæm he mæg euman e'ð 'ðider 'ðe he wile þonne se o'ðer; 20 saga elles 'Þ õu wille, 'ðæt wat æle mono Ða ewæõ he: Swa ilee ]3 biõ 'ðæm goo dum 7 õæm yflum; ægþer heora wilna'ð for geeynde t he eume to õæm hehstan goode. Ae se gooda mæg euman 'ðider he wilnaõ, for'ðæm he his on riht wilna'ð, 7 se yfla ne mæg euman to 'ðæm þe he wilna'ð, 25 *forõæm hi 14 hit on wog seea'ð 15. . Ie nat 'ðeah þe elles hwæt * 9 0b C. 'ðinee 16. Ða ewæõ ie: Ne õineõ me nauht oõres of õinum spellü. pa ewæ'ð he: Genog rihte õu hit ongitst, 7 'Þ is eac tacn þinre hælo; swa swa læea gewuna is 'Þ hi ewe'ðaõ õonne hi sioene mon gee siJoõ, gif hi hwilc ungefæglic 17 taen on 30 him ]8 gesioõ. l\1e õineõ nu t þin geeynd [7 J õin gewuna flite swi'ðe swiõliee wi'ð õæm dysige. vi r. Ie hæbbe nu ongiten t õu eart gearo to ongitanne q Boeth. iv. pro 2. 1. 42 P. 'Rursus, inquit, si duo sint,' &c. r Boeth. iv. pro 2. 1. 69 P. 'Sed quoniam te ad intellegendum: &c. I 110 J. 2 Jf B. a gemetað B. 4 nis B. 5 ða B. 6 1ze om. B. 7 ne sit B. 8 jöJa C. 1/ pær he Wzle om. 13. 10 farenne B. II twegra B. 12 pÙz,)' C. 13 gelice B. 14 he B. Hi secð B. 18 From B, ðellce C. 17 '2lnfæglic B. 18 him on B. 108 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXVI. 6 mina lara; for'ðy ie 'ðe wolde gegaderian n1anzgu spell 7 manega bisna be 'ðæm 'Þ 'ðu meahte 'ðy e'ð ongitan hwæt ie secgan wille. Ongit nu hu unmehtige þa yflan men bio'ð, nu hi ne magon cuman 'ðider 'ðider 'ða ungewittigan ge- sceafta wilnia'ð to to 1 eumanne; 7 hu micle unmihtegran 2 hi 5 wæren gif hi his nan geeynde næfden. Beheald nu mid hu hefigre raeentan dysiges 7 ungesælða hi sint gebundene. II wæt, þa dId, 'ðonne hi fur'ðum gan magon, 7 eae 'ða ealdan ceorlas, þa hwile þe hi gan magon, wilni[ a J'ð sumes weor'ðsdpes 7 sumre mær'ðe. Ða eild rida'ð on hiora 10 * 9 Ia C. stafum 7 man(gfealde plegan plegia'ð S *'ðær hi hyria'ð 4 ealdum nlonnû. 7 'ða dysegan nanwuht nella'ð onginnan 'ðæs 'ðe hi 5 him aw'ðer 6 nlægen to wenan o'ð'ðe lofes o'ð'ðe leana, ae do'ð Þ wyrse is; irna'ð hidres 'ðidres 7 dwoligende under þæn1 hrofe eallra gesceafta; 7 þte 'ða ungewz"tle[gallJ 8 gesceafta witon, Þ 15 niton 'Oa dysegan men. For'ðy sint þa eræftas beterall 'ðonne þa un'ðeawas, for'ðæmþe ælc mon seeal bion ge þafa, sam he wille sam he nylle, Þ se sie anwaldegost 9 'ðe mæg beeumall to þã hehslã hrofe eallra geseeafla, jJ is God.; þã nis nanwuht betifan 10 ne l1anwuhl bel1yþan l1e ymbutan, ae ealle þing sint 20 bÙl1zan him on his anwalde. Se God is swi'ðe to lufianne. H u ne c\\;æde þu ær 'Þ se wære an fe'ðe mihligosl se þe rneahte gan (þeah he zvo/de) oõ 'ðisse eorþan ellde, swa 'Þte nan 11 dæl þisse eor þan ofer Þ nære? :þ ilee þu n1eaht ge'ðenean be Goàe, swa swa we ær cwædon, Þ se bi'ð meahtegost þe to him 25 cuman mæg, forõæm he nohwider ofer 'Þ euman ne mæg. vii s. Be eallü 'ðissü raeü þu meaht ongitan Þ 'ða goodan f; 9 Ib C. bio'ð simle *nuntige, 7 'ða yflan beo'ð æ1ces mæ6'nes 7 æ1ces eræftes bedælde. I-I wy wenstu 'ðonne 'P hi forlæten 'ða eræftas 7 folgien 'Oæm un'ðea \vurn ? Ie wene 'ðeah Þ 'ðu 3 0 wille seegan 'Þ hit sie for dysige Þ hi hi ne eunnen toenawan. 8 Boeth. iv. pro 2. 1. 86 P. 'Ex quo fit, quod huic obiacet,' &c. I to once B. 2 ungemihran. B. a þlegan þlegiað in small characters beneath last line of page. 4 Orig. olllzyriað E, on crossed out and ofer written above. Ii From B, hit C. 6 ægþer B. 7 hider 7 þider 13. 8 gcwittigan J. 9 .From J, anwealde hegost B. Iv Conject. btifan B. 11 ðn C. XXXVI. 8] DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 109 Ae hwæt sægst ÕU þ[onneJ F sie foreuõre þonne S10 un- g[ eSc Jeadwisnes? hwy geõafiaõ hi õæt hi bioõ dysige? hwy nylla'ð hy spyrian æfl eræftum 7 æf't wisdome? Ic wat þeah 'ðæt swongornes hi of sit 7 hi mid slæw'ðe ofercym'ð, 7 5 gitsung hi abient. \Vit cwædon þeah ær F nanwuht nære wyrse þonne ungeseeadwisnes. Ae hwæt willaõ wit nu eweõan" gif þa geseeadwisan habbaõ unõeawas 7 nyllaõ spyrian ært wisdome 7 ært eræftum ? Ie wat þeah F ÕU wilt cweõan 'Þ wrænnes 7 ungemetfæstnes hi ofsitte; ae hwæt is 10 þonne unstrengra õonne se mon þe biõ to ungemetlice oferswi'ðed mid 'ðæm tedran flæsee, buton he eft geswice 7 winne wiõ þa unõeawas swa he swiõost mæge? Ac hwæt wilt ÕU þonne e\Veõa[ n J, gif hwa nanwuht nyle wiõ winnan, ac mid fulle willan forlæt ælc good *7 fulgæõ õæm yfle, 7 * 92a C. 15 bi'ð õeah geseeadzVlS 2? Ie seege sie unmehtig 7 eae ealles nauht; forõæm swa hwa swa õone gemænan God 3 eallra goda 4 forlæt, buton tweonne ne biõ se nauht. Ac hwa swa 5 wil1na'ð 'Þ he eræftig sie, he wilnaõ F he wis sie; swa hwa swa õonne eræftig biõ, he biõ wis, 7 se õe wis biõ, he 20 b;õ good; se þe þonne good biõ, se biõ gesælig, 7 se 'ðe gesælig biõ, se biõ eadig, 7 se þe eadig biõ, se biõ god, be õæm dæle õe we ær reahton on õisse ilean bec. Ae ic wene nu hwonne 'P dysige men willen wundrian þæs õe ic ær sæde; õæt wæs õætte yfle men næren nauhtas, forõælll 25 (þe) 'ðara is ma þonne þara oõra, Ae õeah hi his nu næfre ne gelefen, 'Oeah hit is swa; ne magon we næfre gtreecan õone yflan mon clænne 7 untwifealdne, 'ðon 6 ma õe we magon hatan oõõe habban deadne mon for ewucone 7; ne biõ se 8 ewuea õonne nyttra õe se deada, gif him his yfel 3 0 ne hreowð,' ac se þe ungereclice Izo/aõ 7 his geeynd nyle healdan, ne biõ se nauht. viii t. Ic wene þeah F ÕU wille eweõan 'Þ hit ne sie *ealles * 9 2b C. swa gelie, õæt se yfla mæge don yfel 'ðeah he good 9 ne , noeth. iv. pro 2. 1. 106 P. 'Sed possunt, inquies, mali,' &c. 1 From B, wit nu wit cwæðan C. 2 em. gesceadwz"se C and 11. a From B.gûd C. 4 From B, gooda C. 5 swa kzva swa B. I þe B. 7 Half the 'It of CZVlICOlle gone. 8 se om. R. 9 good above line in C. 110 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXVI. 8 mæge, 7 se deada ne mæge nau'ðer don; ae ic 'ðe secge p se anwald 'ðara yflena ne eym'ð of nanun1 cræfte, ae of un'ðea- wum; ae gif 'ða yflan symle goode wæren, þonne ne dyden hi nan yfel. N e bio'ð 1 'ðæt nane mehta 'Þ mon mæge yfel don, ae bioõ unmeahta; gif (jJ) soõ is Þ we ær gefyrn 5 reahton, :þ :þ yfel nauht ne sie, õonne ne wyrcõ se nauht, (se) 'ðe yfel wyreõ. Da ewæõ ic: Genog soõ Þ is P õu sægst. Da ewæõ he: Hu ne reahton we ær y nanwuht nære mehtigra õonne y hehste good? Da ewõ ie: Swa hit is swa 'ðu sægst. Ða ewæõ he: N e hit þeah ne mæg 10 nan yfel don. Ða ewæõ ie: Dæt is so'ð. Ða cwõ he: - H wæõer æni mon 2 wene 'Þ ænig mon sie swa meahtig :þ he mæge don eall 'ðæt 'ðæt he wille? Da cwæõ ic: N e wen'O aaes nan mon þe his gewit hæfð. Ða ewæõ he: H wæt, yfle men magon õeah yfel don. Ða ewæõ ic: Eala, 15 õær hi ne meahton. Da ewæõ he: Hit is sweotol p hi magon don yfel, 7 ne magon nan good; y is forõæmþe * 93 a C. p yfel nis naubt; *ac þa good an, gif hi fulne anwald habbaõ, hi magon don to goode f p hi willaõ. F orõy is se fulla anwald to tellanne to õæm hehstum goodum, for'ðæm ægþer 20 ge se anwald ge þa oõru good 7 õa cræftas t5e we longe ær nemdon sindon fæste on õæm hehstan goode. Swa swa ælces huses wah biõ fæst æg'ðer ge on 'ðære flore ge on 'ðæm hrofe, swa biõ ælc good on Gode fæst; for'ðæm he is ælces gódes æg'Oer ge hrof ge flor. Dy is â to wilnianne þæs 25 anwaldes :þ mon mæge good don; forõæm 'ðæt is se betsta anwald t mon mæge 7 wille wel don, swa læssan spedum swa maran, swæõer he hæbbe. Forõæm swa hwa swa 3 wilnaõ 4 good to donne, he wilna'O good to habbanne 7 mid goode to bionne. Forõy 5 is se Platones ewide genog soõ (þe) 30 he ewæ'ð: Ða wisan ane magon don to goode t hi wilnia õ ; õa yflan magon onginnan 'Þ hi willaõ 6. Ie nat nu õeah 'ðu 7 wille eweõ[ an P] þa goodan onginnen hwilü t hi ne magon forõbrengan; ae ie ewe'ðe t 8 hi hit bringaõ symle forõ; 1 bz"ð B. 2 æ1zÙl101Z C. 3 swa above line C. 4 ",villað B. 5 for bis B. 6 wilniað B, apparently willað orig. 7 ðz, om. B. 8 )eah B. XXXVII. I] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE III 'ðeah hi 'ð'æt weore ne mægen fullfremman, * hi habba'ð' 'ð'eah * 93 b C. fullne 1 willan, 7 se untweofealda willa bi'ð' to tellanne 2 for fullfremed weore. For'ðæm he næfre ne forlist 3 'ð'æm Ieanum o'ð'Oe her o'ð'ðe 'ð'ær o'ð''ð'e æg'ð'er 4. þeah wilIa'ð' 'ð'a 5 yflan wirean f 'Þ hi Iyst, 'ð'eah hit nyt ne sie 5; ne forleosa'ð' hi eae 'ð'one willan, ac habbaþ his wite o'ð'Oe her o'ð''ð'e elleshwær o'ð''ð'e æg'ð'er; se yfla willa to donne 6 hiora welt. For'ð'y hi ne magon begitan 'Þ good 'Þ hi wilnia'ð', for'ð'y hi hit 'ð'urg 'ð'one \\illan seeaõ, nales þurg rihtne 7 weg. Se yfla willa næfõ 10 nænne geferscipe wi'ð' þa gesæl'ð'a. Ða se \Visdom 'ð'a 'ð'is spell areaht hæfde, 'ð'a ongan he eft singan 7 þus cwæ'ð': XXXVII u. i. (Geher nu an spell be þã ojèrmodit 7 þam ullrz"hlwisit cyningit. pa we gesioð sit/an on þã hehstan heahsellit.; þa sCz1zað on manegra cynna hræglÜ, 7 beoð ulon ymbslandene 8 mid 15 miclon gefirsclpe hzora þegna ' 7 þa blO mz'd fitlUJJl 7 mid gyldenü hyltsweordu 7 mÙl manigjèaldit heregealwü gelryrsle, 7 þrealiað ealmOJU;}'1111 nlla hzora þrymme. 7 se þe hzora well ne nzyrnð 9 nauþer ne friend ne fiend þe ma þe wedende hund, ac bzoð sZi'lõe ungifræglÙ:e up ahafin on his mode for þã unge- 20 mellican anwealde. Ac gif hÙn mOll þõn aWz1zt if þa claþas, 7 hz'm qflihð þara þellltllga 7 þæs anwealdes, þõn mznl þu geseon jJ he bioð swzõe anlic þara hz's þegna sumû þe hï þar þeniað, buton he flrcuðra 10 sie. 7 gif him nu weas 11 gebyreð jJ him wyrð sume hWzle þara þenunga oftohen, 7 þara claþa, 7 þas 25 anwealdes 12, þõn þÙzcð hÙll jJ he sze on carcerne gebroht, oððe on racentit. Forþã of þã unmætan]3 7 jam ungemetlzean gegerelan, of þã swetmettü 7 of mzStllCû drYllcû þæs bþes onwæcnað sio wode þrag þære wrænnesse, 7 gedrifð hlora mod swiðe swið- bee. põn weaxað eac þa o.fermetta 7 ullgeþwærnes . 7 þõn hz' 3 0 weorðað gebolgen, pOl1ne wyrð jJ mod beswungen mza þã we/me u Boeth. iv. met. 2. ' Quos uides sedere,' &c. Cotto Ietr. xxv. I full't C. 2 em. dællamle C, tellenne B. a So also B. 4 æ..l[ðær B. :! )eah hit 'JUt ne sie ny! B. 6 From B, ðOlllle C. 7 B has jJltrhtne for )urg rihtlle. 8 em. ymbstandende B. 9 orig. 1llZl1'1zð in B, 'lf, altered to y. 10 em.forðra B. 11 em. kwes B. 12 em. anweades B. la em. -zwlll1tta B. 112 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXVII. I þære halheorl1zesse, oððæt hi weorþað geræple mid þære Ull- robzesse, 7 swa gehæfle. Siððan jJ þõn gedon bið, ðOlllle onginð him leogan se tohopa þære wræce, 7 swa hwæs swa his irsung zvz"lnað 1 ,þõn gehet him þæs his reccelest. Ic þe sæde gejj'rn ær on þÙSf! zZcan bec jJ ealle gesceafla wt7lnodon sumes godes 5 for ge{:.ynde ' ac þa ullrihtwisan cyngas ne magon llan god don, forþã Ù: þe tzu sæde. NÙ jJ nan wundor,forþã hi hz' underþiodað eallÜ þã u1lþeawum þe 'Ie þe ær nemde. Sceal ðonlle nede to þara hla..forda dome þe he hine ær underþeodde, 7 jJle wJ'rse Ù, j5 he hi nyle furðit wið winnan. jJær he hzï a angz1znan wolde, 7 þÕl on- 10 þam gewz1zne þurhwunian ne mihle,þõn næfde he hÙ 1zane scylde.) ii v. Ða se \Visdom ða ðis leoõ asungen hæfde, þa ongon he eft spellian 7 þus cwæ'ð: Gesihst þu nu on hu micIum 7 on hu diopum 7 on hu þiostrum horoseaðe þara unõeawa 'ða yfelwillendan sticiaõ, 7 hu 'ða goodan scinaõ 15 beorhtor þonne sunne? Fot'ðæm þa goodan næfre ne beoõ bedælde þara edleana hiora goodes, ne 'Oa yflan næfre þara wita 'ðe hi geearnigaõ. Ælc õing õe on þisse worulde gedon biõ hæfð edlean; wyrce h \Va F ðæt he wyree, oð'ôe do F 2 he do, a he hæfð p t he geearnaõ s. Nis 1J eae nauht unriht; 2:1 swa swa gio 4 Romana þea w wæs 5, 7 giet is on Inanegum þiodum, p mon hehõ ænne heafodbeag gyldenne 6 æt sumes ærneweges ende; færð ðonne mieel fole to, 7 yrnaõ ealle end- emes 7, ða ðe hiora ærninge trewa'ð. 7 swa hwelc swa ærest to þæm beage cym'ð, þonne mot se nine habban him. oLEIc 25 * 9S b C. wilnað t he scyle :I[ æ Jresl to cuman 7 hine habban, ae anum he þeah gebyreõ. Swa de'ð eall moneyn on ðis andweardan }ife; irnaõ 7 onettað 7 wilniaõ ealle 8 þæs hehstan goodes; ae hit nis nanum anum men getiohhod, ac is eallum monnü. F orõæm is ælcii õearf 'Þ he higie ealle mægene æft ðære 3 0 mede; ðære mede ne wyrõ (næfre) nan good man bedæled, t Ne mæg hine mon no mid rihte hatan se gooda, gif he biõ Y Boeth. iv. pro 3. ' Videsne igitur,' &c. 1 em. 'Zi.lillað B. 2 P P B. a earnaô B. 15 )eawas for )eaw wæs B. 6 gy!de;!e C. 7 endelllest C. g N . . . bedæ!ed om. B. 4 gio om. B. 8 ealles B. XXXVII. 3J DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 113 'ðæs hehstan goodes bedæled, for'ðæm nan good 'ðeaw ne bið buton goodù edleanü. Dón þa yflan p :þ hi don, sÿle bi'ð se beag goodes edleanes ðæm godù gehealden on ecnesse. Ne mæg þara yflena yfel þa 1 goodan beniman 5 heora goodes 2 7 hiora wlites; ae gif hi 'ðæt good 2 buton hÙn selfum hæfden 3, 'ðonne meahte hi mon his 4 beniman, o'ðer twega, o'ððe se þe hit ær sealde, o'ððe o'ðer mon 5. Ae 'ðonne forlyst good man his leanü 'ðonne he his good forlæt. Ongit nu pte ælcum men his agen good gifõ good edlean, 10 p good :þte oninnan him selfü bið. H wa wisra manna wile cweðan p ænig god man sie bedæled þæs hehstan goodes, for'ðæm he sÿle æft þæm swine'ð? Ae gemun 'ðu sÿle þæ[ s] miclan 7 þæs fægran *edleanes, for'ðæm :þ edlean is ofer eal *96a C. o'ðr[ u ] 6 lean to lufianne; 7 do 'ðæs lean to 'ðæm for- 15 sprecenan 7 goodü þe ie þe ær tealde on þære þriddan bee. ponne hi þon(n)e gegaderudu bio'ð, 'ðonne meaht þu (þõn) ongitan p ða gesælða 7 p hehste good [bÛl] eall an, 7 p bið God. 7 þonne þu meaht eac ongitan p æIc good man bið eadig, 7 p ealle gesælige men bio'ð godas, 7 habbað eeu 20 edlean heora goodes. . iii w. Forðæm ne þearf nænne wisne mon tweogan Þ 'ða yflan næbben eae eeu edlean hiora yfles; p bið ece wite. peah 'ðu nu wene p hiora hwy1c 8 gesælig 9 sie her for weorulde, he hæf'ð þeah symle his yfel mid him, 7 eae þæs yfles edlean 'ða 25 hwile þe hit hilica'ð ]0. Nis nu nan wis mon p nyte fte good 7 yfel bio'ð sÿle ungeþwære betweox him, 7 sÿle on tu willa'ð; 7 swa swa 'ðæs gódan gódnes bið his agen good, 7 his agen edlean, swa bi'ð eac 'ðres yfelan yfel his agen yfe17 his edlean 7 his agen wite. N e tweoð nænne mon, gif he wite hæf'ð, p he 30 næbbe (yfil). H wæt wenað þa yfelan p hi bion bedælde 'ðara wita, 7 sint fulle æIces yfles? N alles no p an :þ hi bio'ð afylde, ae forneah *[10] nauhte gedone. Ongit nu be 'ðæm gódü hu * 9 6b C. 'W Boeth. iv. pro 3. 1. 30 P. ' Quae cum ita sint,' &c. I From B,}ã C. 2 god B, 7 hi01'a . . . good om. B. S 11æfde1t R. 4 hi B. 5 ma B. 8 oð,.u T, oð1'e B. 7 foresþrecenan B. 8 hozuylc om. B. II gesæl}e B. 10 ñe /icað B. I 114 DE CONSOLATIOl'lE PHILOSOPHIAE [X XVII. 3 mieel wite þa yfelan sÿle habba'ð; 7 gehere 1 get sum bispell, 7 geheald þa wel þe ie 'ðe ær sæde. Eall:þ :þte annesse hæfð, Þ we seega'ð pte 2 sie þa hwile þe hit æt[ s Jomne bi'ð; 7 Fa samwrædnesse we hata'ð good. Swa swa an mon bìð man þa hwile 'ðe sio saul 7 se liehama ætsomne bio'ð, þonne 5 hi 8 'ðonne gesindrede bio'ð, þonne 8 ne bi'ð (he) 'ðæt :þ he ær wæs. p ilce þu meaht geþenean be þæm lichoman 7 be his limü; gif þara lima" hwylc of bi'ð, þonne ne bi'ð hit no full man swa hit ær wæs. Gif eac hwyJc good man from gode gewit, þonne ne bi'ð he þon 5 ma fuUice good, gif he eallunga 10 frõ gewit 6; þonan hit gebere'ð :þ 'ða yflan forlæta'ð :þ :þ hi ær 7 'ða dydon, 7 8 ne beo'ð p :þ hi ær wæron. Ae þonne hi Þ good forlæta'ð 7 weor'ða'ð yfle, þonne ne bio'ð hi nauhtas butan anlienes; Þ mon mæg gesion :þ hi gio men wæren, ac hi habba'ð þæs mennisees þonne þone betstan dæl for- 15 loren, 7 þone foreuþestan 9 gehealden. Hi forlæta'ð Þ lie 97 a C. geeyndeliee good, Þ sint menniscliee þeawas; *7 habba'ð þeah mannes anlicnesse 'ða hwile þe hi libba'ð. iv x. Ae swa swa manna goodnes hi áhef'ð ofer 'ða mennisean geeynd to 'ðon ]0 :þ hi bio'ð godas genemde 11, swa 20 eae hiora yfelnes awirp'ð (hi) 12 under þa mennis[can gec Jynd to þon 18 Þ hio bio'ð yfle gehatene; Þ we ewe'ða'ð sie nauht. For'ðæm gif 'ðu swa gewlætne mon metst :þ he bi'ð ahwerfed from goode to yfle, ne meaht þu hine na mid ryhte nemnan n1an ae neat. Gif þu on hwilcum men ongitst p he bi'ð 25 gitsere 7 reafere, ne seealt þu hine na 14 hatan mon, ae wulf; 7 þone re'ðan þe bi'ð þweorteme 'ðu seealt hatan hund, nalles mon; 7 þone leasan lytegan þu scealt hatan fox, næs man; 7 þone ungemetlice modgan 7 yrsiendan þe to mieelne anòan hæf'ð þu seealt hatan leo 15, næs man; 7 þone sænan 3 0 þe bi'ð swa]6 slaw [þu s Jeealt hatan assa ma þonne man; 7 x Boeth. iv. pro 3. 1. 50 P. 'Sed cum ultra homines,' &c. J geh?r B. 2 Ie om. B. a hz". . . ponne om. B. t lima om. B. 11 pe B. II from gode gewt"te B. 7 ær om. B. 8 70m . B. Orig. forcuðesan in B, the s altered to r. 10 pã B. II gene11lnede B. 12 Conject. om. Band C. 13 þã B. I4 na om. B. 15 lio B. 16 to B. XXXVIII. 9 I] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE lIS þone ungemetliee eargan þe him ondræt ma 1 þonne he þyrfe 'ðu meaht hatan hara ma þonne mon; 7 þæm un- gestæ'ððegan 7 þæm galan 2 þu meaht S seegan ðæt he bi'ð win de geliera. o'ððe *unstz1lü fugelum þonne gemetfæstü * 97 b C. 5 monnum; 7 þæm þe 'ðu ongitst þte fi lig'ð on his liehonlan lustuln, 'P he bi'ð anlieost fettum swinü þe syle willa'ð licgan on fulum [sol]um, 7 hy næfre 6 nellað aspy[lzgan 7 011] hluttru[mJ wætrü; ae þeah hi seldü hw[ 0 Jnne beswemde weorðen, þonne slea'ð hi eft on 'ða solu 7 bewealwia'ð hi 8 10 þæron 9. Ða se \Visdom þa 'ðis spell areaht hæfde, þa ongon he eft 10 sÙzgan 7 þus cwæ'ð: XXXVIII y. i. (IC oe 11 mæg reccan of ealdû leaszt spellit slim swzõe anHc spell þære sþræce þe wit nu ymbe sþræcon. HzÏ geby- rede gz'o on TroÙzna gewÙzne jJ þær wæs an cynzng þæs nama 15 Aulixes . se haifde Iwa þi'oda under þã kasere. pa oioda zt'æron hatene Iþaclge 7 ReNe, 7 þæs kaseres nama u'æs Agamenon. Ða se A ulixes mid þam kasere to þã gejiohte .for, þa haj"de he sume hundred scipa ' þa wæron hi sume len gear 011 þã gewinlle. pa se cynÙlg ift hã cerde frõ þã kasere, 207hz' jJ land hæjdon gewunnen, þa llæfde he na 12 ma sciPa þõn an ' jJ wæs þeah þrereore. Ða geslod hine heah weder 7 slormsæ. Wearð þa fordrifen on an iglond ut on oære TVendel- sæ. pa wæs þær Apollines doh/or Iobes suna ' se Iob was hzora cynz'ng, 7 Hcetle jJ he sceolde bzon se hehsta god; 7 jJ 25 dyszge folc hz'nz ge!J'fde,forþãoe he u:as cynecynnes; 7 hi nyston nænne o'ðerne god on þæll& timan, buton hz'ora cyningas hi weorþodon for godas. pa sceolde þæs Iobes fæder bzon eac god ; þæs nama wæs Saturnus ' 7 his suna swa zLce ælcne 13 hz' ., Boeth. iv. met. 3. 'Vela Neritii duds,' &c. Cotto Metr. xxvi. 1 mare B. 2 hælgan B. I em. meah C. 4 From B, gelicran C. 5 B has he for Ie. 6 llæfre om. B. 7 aspyliall J. · hi om. B. 9 Looks like }æran in C. 10 eft om. B. II Conject. the vowel in B is a mixture of a and e. 12 he na above line. Ia em. ældne B. I 2 116 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXVIII. 1 hæfdon for god. pa was hzora an se Apollz"nus 1 þe we ær ymb spræcol1. pæs Apollines doh/or 2 seeolde bzon gydene, þære ?lama wæs KÙ-ke. Szo hi sædon seeolde bz'on swz"ðe dry- cræflz"gu, 7 szo wunode 011 þã iglallde þe se cynz.ng 011 fordrifen 'lvearð, þe we ær )'lllbe spra:con. Hio hæfde þær swz'ðe miele 5 werode hire õegna, 7 eae o'ðerra mædel1a. Sona swa hio geseah þone fordrifenan cynzfzg de we ær ymb spræeon, þæs nama wæs AuZzxes, þa ongal1 hzo hz'ne lufian, 7 hz"ora ægþer 0'ðen1e swiðe ul1gemetlzce, swa jJ/e he for hzre lujan forlet his rzee eall 7 hz's cynren, 7 wUllode mid hire oð 10 ðone first jJ hÙ ðegnas hÙ/l ne 1llih/on leng mÙl gewunÙzn, ac for hzora eardes lzifan 7 for þære wræee tznodol1 hz"rze 10 flrlælenne. Ða ongunnon lease men 'lvJ'rean spell, 7 sædon jJ hzo seeolde lllÙl hzre dry'eræfl þa men fòrbredan, 7 S weorpan hi an 'lVlldedeora lie, 7 szõdan slean on þa raeentan 7 on cospas. 15 Sume hi sædon j5 hzo seeolde forseeoppan 10 leon, 7 þõn seo seeolde sþreeall, þõn 1yde hzo. Sume seeoldan bzon eforas, 7 bõn hz' sceoldan hzora sar szojian, þõn grymelodan hz: Sume wurdon /0 wuifan.; þa ðulol1, þõn hz' sprecall seeoldon. Sume wurd01l 10 þã deorcyll11e þe mon hat tigris. Swa wear'ð 4 eall20 se giferseipe .forhweifed to mlS/lzeum deorcynnü, ælc to sumit dzore, bu/on þã c.;'nznge anu. Ælcne mete hz' onsCltízedon þe me.n etað, 7 wz"lnodon þara þe deor etaþ. Næfdon hz' nane anZzcnesse manna ne on lzchoman ne on slemne, 7 ælc wissle þeah hz's ge-dJzl swa swa he ær wlsste. j) gewzl was swÛJe 25 sorgzellde jôr þã erm'ðum õe hz. drogan. Hwæl, þa menl1 þe ðúit leasullgü gelifdon, þeah wzSslon jJ hio nlla þã dryeræfle ne mznle þara 17lO11na mod ollwendan, þeoh hio þa lzehoman onwende. Eala jJ hz"t z's nacd cræflð þæs modes for þone liehoman. Be swilcit 7 be swylcu þu mznl ol1gzïal1 jJ se eræft 3 0 þæs lzchoman bzõ on þã mode, 7 jJle ælcü men ma derÙz'ð his modes ullþeawas. Ðæs modes unþeawas 6 tl03 ealllle þone lzehonzan 10 hi, 7 þæs lzehoman 1Jleltrumnes 7 ne mæg jJ mod eallunga /0 him getz"oJl.) 1 em. þollt"n' B. 2 em. dohdor B. 3 em. B has ð. 4 em. weorcð B. .' em. cræf B. 6 ull}eawas conject. om. B. 7 mettrimmes B. XXXVIII. 9 2J DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 117 ii z. Ða cwæð ie: Ie eom geþafa:þ f is so'ð f õu ær sædest; 'P wæs õæt hit nauht unriht nære f mon þa yfel- willendan men hete ne[tJenu oõõe wildior, þeah hi mannes [0 Jnlienesse hæbben; ae gif ic hæfde [ sWiJlcne anwald swiIce 5 se ælmihtiga 1 [God hæ Jfð, þonne ne lete ie no 'ða [yfila In derigan þæn1 goodum swa swi'ðe swa hi nu do'ð. Ða ewæõ he: :Kis hit him no swa longe alefed swa õe 'ðineõ; ae 'ðu meaht ongitan 'ðæt him bi'ð swi'ðe hrædliee gestiored [hzora J orsorgnesse, swa ic *þe nu rihte 2 secgan wille, þeah ie get * Iooa C. 10 æmettan næbbe for oõre spræee. þær hi þone unnettan anwald næfden ðe hi wenaõ :Þ hi hæbben, þonne næfden hi swa mieel wile swa hi habbJ.n seulon. Ða yfb,n bioõ symle S ungesæligran þonne þonne hi magon 'ðurgtion :Þ yfel :Þ hi lyst, õonne hi þonne i bion ðonne hi hit dón ne magon, þeah 15 his dysige men ne gelefen. Hit is swi'ðe yfel Þ mon 5 yfel wille 6, 7 hit is þeah mic1e wyrse t hit mon mæge (don) 7; forõæm se yfla willa bi'ð tosteneed swaþær fee 8 beforan fyre, gif mon 'ðæt weorc þurgtion ne 9 mæg. Ae ða yflan habba'ð hwilum 'ðrio unsælõa ]0; an is Þ hi yfel willaõ, o'ðer 20 :Þ 1> hi magon, þridde f hi hit þurgtioõ; forðæmõe God hæfõ ge[tzo Jhhod to sellanne witu 7 ermõa [þã yJflum monnü for Il hiora yflu11l weorcum. Ða ewæõ ie: Hit is swa 12 [swa J 'ðu sægst; 7 þeah ic wolde gew} sean, gif ic meahte, :Þ hi næfden õa heardsæl'ða Þ hi meahten yfil dón. 25 Ða ewæð he: Ie wene ðeah Þ *him losige se anwald ær * Ioob C þonne þu wolde oõõe hi wenen; forõæm nanwuht (nis) long- færes on õys andweardan life, þeah monnum ðynee f hit long sie. Ae swiðe oft se micla anwald õara yflena gehrist swiðe færlice, s\Va (swa) great beam on wuda wyreõ hludne 3 0 dynt þonne men læst wenað; 7 for ðæm ege hi beo'ð simle swi'ðe earme. Gif hi þonne hiora yfel earme gedeõ, hu ne bið 'ðonne semle 1> lange yfel wyrse þonne õæt seorte? Z .Boeth. iv. pro 4. 'Turn ego, Fateor, in quam, , &c. I I ælmihtga C, ællln"htega B. 2 From B, ruhle C. 3 micle B. 4,þÕ1t þõn hi B. :; From B, C has 11lon J1 instead of Jf 1/l01l. 6 wile C. 7 dOll above 1ine in B. 6 swa}e ncels B. lie om. B. 10 lwg-esælþa B. 11 for am. B. 12 s1Va hz', is B. 118 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXVIII. 2 þeah nu 'ða yflan næfre ne wurden deade, þeah (ZC) wolde ewe'ðan :þ hi wæren earmoste 7 ungesælgoste 1. Gif þa yrm'ða ealla so'ða sint þe we longe ær ymbe reahton :þ 'ða yflan her on weorulde habban seolden, þonne is 'ðæ[t] sweotol :þ 'ða yrm'ða bio'ð [endele Jase þe eee 2 bio'ð. Ða ewæ'ð 5 [z'c: jJæt zS] wundorlie :þ 'ðu sægst, 7 swi'ð[ e] earfo'ðlic dysegum n10nnü to ongitanne; ae ic ongite þeah f hit belimp'ð genog \Vel to 'ðære spræee 'ðe wit ær ymbe spræeon. * IOIa C. ÐJ. cwæ'ð he: Ie ne spreee nu S no to *dysegum n10nnum, ae spreee to 'ðam þe we[l] wilnia'ð wisdom ongitan; 10 for'ðæm :þ bi'ð taen wisdomes f hine mon we]nige geheran 7 ongitan. Ae gif dysegra hwone tweoge æniges þara spella þe we ær ymb spræeon on þisse i1can bee, 'ðonne gereeee he gif he mæge o'ðer twega,oõõe þara spella sum leas, o'ðõe ungelie þære spræee þe wit æfterspyria'ð; o'ðõe þridde wend, ongite 15 7 gelefe þæt wit on riht spyrigen. Gif he þara nan nyte 4, þonne nat he hwæt 5 he mæn'ð. iii a. Ae ic þe mæg giet tæean o'ðer þing 'ðe dysegum monnum wile 'ðinean giet ungelefedliere 6, 7 is þeah genog gelic þam spelle 'ðe wit æfterspyria'ð. Ða 7 ewæ'ð ic: H wæt 20 is 'ðæt la 'ðinga 7? Ða c\\'æ'ð he: (Hït) is f 'ðæt þa yflan bio'ð 8 micle gesæligran þe on 'ðisse weorulde habba'ð micelne wean 7 manigfeald \Vitu for hiora ():felü), 'ðonne þa sien 'ðe nane wræee nabba'ð ne nan wite on 'ðisse worulde for hiora yfle. Ne wene þeah nan mon f ic for 'ðæm anum 'ðyllic 2 * IOIb C. spreee 'ðe ie wolde un'ðeawas tælan *7 goode herian 7 mid 'ðære bysne men 'ðreatigan 7 tyhtan to gódu þea\Vu for þæm ege þæs wites; ae for o'ðrii õinegum ie hit spræe 9 get 10 swi'ðor. Ðae\Væõ ic: For hwy1cun1 o'ðrum õingum woldes þu :þ spreean buton for 'ðæm þe þu nu sædes? Ða c\Væ'ð he: Gemanst 30 þu hwæt 11 wit ær spræcon? f> wæs þæt 'ða goodan hæfdon ]2 syle an\Vald 7 gesæl'ða, 7 þa yflan næfden næfre nau'ðer. a Boeth. iv. pro 4. 1. 37 P. 'Nam hoc quoque quod dicam: &c. 1 7 ungesælgoste om. B. 2 From B, cae C. 4 ne deð B. :I nall ðara between he and hwæt C. B. 7 Ða . . . ð;' ia om: B. 6 From B, biod C. above line. 11 J1 B. 12 hafdell B. 3 11:U above line C. 6 ungelefendlz"ere 9 sþrue B. 10 get XXXVIII. 3] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 119 Ða cwæõ ie: Þ ie geman. Ða ewæõ he: H wæt wenst õu nu? gif þu gesihst hwylcne swiõe ungesæligne mon, 7 ongitst 'ðeah hwæthwugu goodes on him, hwæõer he sie swa ungesælig s\va se õe nanwuht goodes næfõ? Ða cwæõ ic : 5 Se me 'ðineõ gesæligra þe hwæthwugu hæfõ. Ða cwæõ he: Ae hu þineõ þe 'ðonne be õæm þe nanwuht goodes næfõ, gif he hæfð 1 sumne eacan yfeles? se þu wilt seegan þonne giet sie ungesæligra þonne se oõer, for õæs yfles eaean. Ða ewæõ ie: H wy ne seeolde me swa þyncan? (Ða ewæ'ð 10 he b: 7élo þonne jJ 'ðe swa þÙlc'ð); ongit 2 þonnc mid innewearde"l mode f 'Þ õa yflan habbaõ syle hwæthwugu gódes on gemong *hiora yfle 4; f is hiora wite; :þ mon lllæg * 102a c. swi'ðe eaõe gereeean mid rihte him to goode. Ac þa þe him biõ (ullwzinode) eall hiora yfel on þisse worulde habbaõ sü 15 yfel hefigre 7 freeenliere þonne ænig wite swa 5 on þisse worulde; f :þ is f him biõ unwitnod 6 hiora yfel on þisse weorulde, 'ðæt is f sweotoloste taeen þæs mæstan yfeles on þisse weorulde, 7 þæs wyrrestan edleanes æfter þisse worulde. Ða ewæõ ie: N e 7 mæg ic þæs oõsaean. Ða ewõ he: 20 Forõæm sint ungesæligran õa yflan forõæm hin1 biõ buton gewyrhtü forgifen hiora yfel þonne õa sien õe him biõ hiora yfel geleanod be hiora gewyrhtum. For'ðæm hit is riht f mon (þa) yflige õa yflan, 7 hit is v.og f hi mon læte unwitnode. Ða ewõ ie: Hwa oõsæeõ þæs? Ða ewæõ 25 he: N e lllæg nan mon o'ðsacan :þ hit ne sie eall good :þte riht (bid), 7 eall yfel fte woh biõ. Ða ewæ'ð ie: Ie eom swiõe gedrefed mid õisse spræee, 7 wundrie forhwy swa rihtwis dema ænige unrihte gife wille forgifan. Ða ew'ð he : Be hwæm (ewest þu þæt" Ða ewæ'ð ie: Forþã)õe õu ær 30 ewæde õæt he unriht dyde :þ he lete unwitnod õa *yflan. * J02b C. Ða ewæõ he: p is his weorõscipe :þ he swa giful is, 7 swa rumedliee gifõ; õæt is micel gifo 'P he gebit oõ:þ õa yflan ongitaõ hiora yfel 7 gecierraõ to goode. Ða ewæõ ic: N u b Boeth. iv. pro 4. 1. 58 P. 'Habent igitur improbi; &c. I næjð' B. 2 From B, 11U git C. 21 Ùmeweardan B. 4 yfel B. :I sit B. 6 ungewitllOde B. 1 ne om. B. J20 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXVIII. 9 3 ic (on)gite f hit (n)is ecu gifu :þ he gifõ þæm yflum, ae is 1 hwilchwugu 2 eldeung S 7 andbid i þæs hehstan deman. For ðæm andbide 7 for ðæm geþylde me ðineð f he sie ðe swiðor forsewen; 7 þeah me licað þis spell genog wel, 7 'ðincð me genog gelie 'ðæm ðe ðu ær sædes. 5 iv c. Ac ie ðe healsige giet ðæt þu me seege hwæ'ðer ðu wene f þa yflan habban ð ænig wite æfter þisse weorulde ; oõðe þa (godan) ænig edlean hiora goodes. Ða ewæ'ð he: Hu ne sæde ic ðe ær :þ ða goodan habbað edlean heora goodes ægþer ge her 6 ge on eenesse, 7 'ða yflan eae habbað 10 edlean hiora yfles, ægþer ge her ge eft on eenesse. Ae ie wille dælan þa yflan (þã yfilü) nu on twua 7; for'ðæ þe oðer dæl þara yflena hæfð eee wite, for'ðæ hi nane mildheortnesse ne geearnodon; oðer dæl seeal be on gec1æsnod 8, 7 (þa) * r03a C. amered on 'ðæm *heofonlican fyre, swa her bið seolfor, 15 forðæm he hæfð sume geearnungæ sumre mildheortnesse; forðæm he mot euman æft 'ðæm earfoðum to eere are. Giet ie (þe) meahte mare reecan ægðer ge be ðæm goodum ge be þæn1 yflum, þær 9 ie nu æmettan hæfde. Ae ic ondræde :þ ie forlæte 10 :þ wyt ær æftspyredon; f wæs :þ wit woldon 20 gereeean :þ þu ongeate 'ðæt ða yflan næfden nænne anwald ne nænne weor'ðseipe ne on þisse weorulde ne on þære toweardan. Forðæm þe þuhte ær :þ eallra 'ðinga wyrrest 'P 'ðu wen des :þ hi hæfden to mieelne; 7 ðæt eal1neg 11 siofodes :þ hi eaUneg 11 næron on wite; 7 ie ðe sæde eallne weg :þ hi 25 næfre ne bioð buton wite, ðeah þe swa ne þinee. Ae ic \Vat þeah :þ 'ðu wilt siofian 'ðæt hi swa longne fyrst habbað leafe ]2 yfel to donne; 7 ic 'ðe sæde ealne weg f se (fyrst) biõ swi'ðe lytle hwile; 7 ie þe seege giet, swa s\Va 13 he lengra bið swa hi bioð ungesæligran; 'P him wære eallra mæst 3 0 * I03b C. unsæl'ð 14 (jJ) :þ se *fyrst wære oõ domes dæg. 7 ic þe sæde eac :þ 'ða wæren ungesæligran þe him unrihtlice hiora yfel C Boeth. iv. pro 4. 1. 70 P. 'Sed quaeso, inquam, te,' &c. 1 From B, -ic C. 2 h'Wæthwegu B. 3 eldZl1lg B. 4 anbid B. 5 So C and B. 6 ge her om. B. 7 twa B. 8 geclænsod B. 9 gifB. ]0 forlele B. 11 talne 'Weg B. 12 leaf n. 13 swa once B. 14 u ælð C. XXXVIII. 9 5] DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 121 forboren wære þonne þa wæren þe him 1 heora yfel rihtliee on gewreeen wære. Git hit gebyre'ð :þ 'ðe 'ðine'ð 'ðæt þa orsorgan bio'ð ungesæligran þonne þonne þa gewitnodan. v d. Ða cwæ'ð ic: N e þincõ me næfre nanwuht swa 5 so'ðlic swa me þinea'ð þine spell 'ðæm tidum 2 'ðe ie õa gehere. Ae gif ic me wende to þises folces dome, þonne nis hit no 'ðæt an :þ hi nylIa'ð þisse þinre race gelefan, ac hi hit nylla'ð furõum geheran. Ða ewæ'ð he: Ni(s):þ nan wundor; hwæt, þu wast :þ þa men þe habba'ð unhale eagan ne magon 10 full eaõe locian ongean þa sunnan þonne hio beortost 3 scinõ, ne furõum on 4 fyr ne on nanwuht beortes :> hi ne lyst loeian, gif se æppel lef bi'ð. Swa beo'ð õa synfullan mod ablend mid heora yflan willan f hi ne magon gesion :þ leoht þære beorhtan soõfæstnesse, f is se hehsta wisdom. Ac him 15 biõ swa þæm fug[lu Jm 7 þæm diorü * 'ðe magon bet loeian * I04a C. on niht þonne on 6 dæg; se dæg blent 7 þiostraõ heora eagan, 7 þære nihte 'ðiostro hi onlyhtaõ. For'ðy wenaõ 'ða ablendan mod Þ þæt sie sio mæste gesælõ :þ men sie alefed yfel to donne, 7 sio dæd hI mote bion unwitnod. For'ðæm 20 hi ne lyst spyrian ært ælcre spræee swa longe 05 hi :þ riht witen, ae wenaõ 7 on hiora unnettan 8 willan 7 spyriaõ æa 'ðæm. þe 9 ic nat hu nyt þu me tæhst to õæm dysegii monnum, þa 10 næfre æft' me ne spyriaõ; ie ne spreee næfre to õæm, ae ie spreee to þe, forõæm þu tiohhast :þ þu spyrie 25 ært me, 7 swiõor swinest 11 on õæm spore þonne hi don. Ne reeee ic hwæt hi demen; ic læte nu to þinü dome ma þonne to hiora, forõæm hi eall 12 loeiaõ mid bæm eagum on þas eor'ðl an 'ðineg, 7 hi him lieiaõ eaUunga þær 13, ge (on þæs modes eagum ge) on þæs liehoman. Ac þu ana hwilum 3 0 beseylst mid oõre eagan on þa heofonliean þincg, mid o'ðre þu loeast nu giet on þas eorõliean. Forõæm wenaõ þa dysegan 1> ælc mon sie blind swa hi sint, 7 :þ nan nlon ne d Boeth. iv. pro 4. 1. 85 P. ' Turn ego, Cum tuas,' &c. 1 þe him om. B. 2 timum B. 3 So C, berrhtost B. 4 on from ,ryttan B, ofyr C. 5 beorhtes B. 6 01t om. B. 7 7.1'elldað B. 8 unrihtan B. 1/ ðy B. 10 þc B. II From B, swÙtcð C. 12 calle B. 13 agþer n. 122 DE CONSOLATIOl\TE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXVIII. 5 * I04b C. mæge *gesion 1 :þ hi gesion ne Inagon. p dysi is anlicost þe sum eild sie full hal 7 ful æltæwe geboren, 7 swa fullice 'ðionde on eallum eystum 7 eræftii þa hwile þe hit on eniht- hade bi'ð; 7 swa for'ð eallne giogo'ðhad 2, 0'0 3 he wyr'ð ælees cræftes medeme, 7 'ðonñ lytle ær his midferh'ðe weor'ðe (bæm 5 eagum blind, 7 eac þæs modes eagan weor'ðan swa ablende Þ he 5 nanwuht ne gen1une þæs 'ðe (he) æfre ær geseah o'ð'ð'e geherde, 7 wene þeah 'ðæt he sie ælees þinges swa medeme swa he æfre medomest 6 wære, 7 wen'ð :þ æleum men (sz"e swa swa hï sz', 7 ælcu1Jl mell) 'ðinee swa s\ya him þineõ. 10 þeah 'ðe 7 he þonne swa dysig sie :þ he þæs wene, hwæ'ðer we 'ðonne willen ealle wenan þæs 'ðe he wenõ? Ie wene 'ðeah :þ we nyllen; ae ie 8 wolde witan hu þe þuhte be þæm monnum õe wit ær ewædon Þ une õuhte :þ ,væren wildiorum gelieran þonne monnii, hu miee]ne wisdo:Ln þa hæfden; nle þineõ 15 þeah 'ð hi næbben nænne. vi e. Ie õe wolde giet reeean sume s\vi'ðe 9 rihte raea 10; ae * Io:;a C. ie wat :þ þis fole his nele gelyfan; f is :þ õa bio'ð gesælig* ran þe mon witna'ð, þonne þa bion þe hi 11 witnia'ð. Ða wundrode ie 'ðæs 7 e\\'æõ: Ie wolde f þu me gereahte hu hit swa bion 12 20 meahte. Ða ewæõ he: H wæõer þu ongite :þ æle yfel- willende mon 7 yfelwyreende sie wites wyr'ðe? Ða ewæõ ic: Genog sweotole ic f ongite. Ða ewæõ he: Hu ne is se 'ðonne yfelwillende 7 yfelwyrcende õe þone unseyldigan witnaõ? Ða cwõ ie: Swa hit is swa õu sægst. Ða e\\'æõ 2:; he: H wæ'ðer þu wene :þ õa sien earme 7 ungesælige þe wites wyrõe bio'ð? Ða ewæõ ic: N e wene ic his no, ae wat geare. Ða cwæõ he: Gif þu nil deman moste, hwæ'ðerne woldes þu deman wites w}'rõran, þe õone þe õone 13 UIl- scyldgan witnode, 'ðe õone þe f wite þolade? Ða ewæõ 3 0 ic: Nis f gelie; ic wolde helpan þæs õe 'ðær unscyldig wære, 7 henan þone þe hine yflode. Ða cwæõ he: penne e Boeth. iv. pro 4. 1. 107 P. 'Nam ne illud quidem adquiescent,' &c. I seon B. 2 ealbze p01Zlle giogoðhad B. 3 oõe B. c 'lveorðe om. B. II From B, flie C. 6 medemast B. 7 þeah 'ðe om. B. 8 z"c om. B. 9 swiðe om. B. 10 'race B. 11 From B, hit C. 12 /liOlt om. B. 13 pc none for p. õ. p. õ. B. XXXVIII. 7] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 123 þe 'ðine'ð se earmra se Þ yfel de'ð 'ðonne se þe hit þafa'ð. Ða ewæ'ð ic: pæs ie gelefe pte ælc unriht witnung sie þæs 1 )'fel þe hit de'ð, næs þæs õe hit 'ðafæ'ð, for'ðæm *his yfel hine * lo;;b C. gede'ð earmne; 7 ic ongite 'ðæt þis is swi'ðe 2 riht racu p þu nu 5 recst, 7 swi'ðe anlie þæm þe þu ær reahtes; ac ic wat þeah p þis folce swa ne þine'ð. vii f. Ða ewæ'ð he: 'Vel þu hit ongitst; ae 'ða þingeras þingia'ð nu hwilum þæm þe læssan þearfe ahton; þingia'ð þæm (þe) þær man yfla'ð, 7 ne þingia'ð þæm þe p yfel do'ð s. . þæ 10 wære mare 'ðearf þe þa o'ðre unseYlöige yfla'ð Þ him mon þingode to þæm rieum, 7 bæde p him mon dyde swa mieel wite swa hi þæm o'ðrü unseyldgum dydon. Swa swa se sioea ah þearfe p hine mon læde to þæm læce, Þ he his tilige, swa ah se (þe) 'ðæt yfel de'ð Þ hine mon læde to þæm ricum, 15 Þ mon þær mæge sni'ðan 7 bærnan his unþeawas. Ne cwe- 'ðe ie na p Þ yfcl sie p mon helpe þæs unscyldgan 7 him foreþingie; ae ic 4 eweðe Þ hit is bet ere p mon wrege þone seyldgan; 7 ic seege Þ sio forespræc ne dyge nau'ðer ne þæ seyldgan ne 'ðæm þe him fore þinga'ð, gif hi þæs wilnia'ð Þ 20 him heora yfel unwreeen sie be 'ðæs gyltes andefne. * Ae ie * I06a C. wat gif 'ða seyldgan ænigne speare an wisdomes hæfden 7 be ænegum dæle ongeaten Þ hi meahten heora scylda þurg Þ 5 wite gebetan, þe him her on weorulde on become, þonne noldon hi na cwe'ðan Þ hit wære wite, ae woldan ewe'ðan Þ 25 hit wære heora clænsung, 7 heora betrung; 7 noldon nænne þingere gesecan 6, ac lustlice hi wold on lætan þa rican hi tucian æft hiora agnum willan. For'ðæm ne seyle nan wis man nænne mannan hatian; ne hata'ð nan mon þone gódan, butan se eallra d ysgosta; ne Þ nis nan riht Þ mon 3 0 þone yflan hatige, ac hit is rihtre Þ him mon miltsige. 'Þ is þonne hiora 7 mildsung Þ mon wreee hiora un'ðea was be hiora gewyrhtum 8. N e seyle 9 nan mon sioene monnan 7 10 gesargodne swenean, ac hine mon scel ll lædan to þæm læce t Boeth. iv. pro 4. 1. 123 P. ' Atqui nunc, ait, contra faciunt,' &c. 1 }æs om. B. .2 swa B. 3 déð C. 4 ie om. B. ' ;born. B. II seean B. 7 hðra C. 8 From B, ull'ZvJ'rhtum C. \I seeal B. 10 7 om. B 11 sceolde B. 12 4 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXVIII. 7 Þ he his tilige. Ða se \Visdom þa þis spell areaht hæfde, 'ða ongan he eft 1 singan 7 þus ew'ð: XXXIX g. i. (Forhwi drift ge eowru mod mÙl unrihtre fioltllge, swa swa yða fir wz1zde þa sæ hrerað? oððe 2 firhwy æfw1Ïe ge eowerre wyrde jJ hl"O nan geweald nah? oððe hwy ne 3 magon 5 ge gebidan geryndelÙ:es deaðes " nu he eow ælce dæg toweardes one! ? HW1' ne 1llagon ge gesÙJll ß he spyrað ælce dæg æ ffer fuglum 5 7 æfter diorü 7 æfler monnü, 7 ne forlæt nan S'Wæð ær he gefihð ß ß he æflerspyreð. Tralawa ß ða Imge- sæligan 1llelln ne 6 1llagon gebÙlon hwonne he hl"nz 10 cunze, ac 10 forseeotað hine foran, swa Siva wz"lde deor wzllnað oðer to ac- wellenne. Ac hzï nære no manna 1J,ht ß hzora ænig oðerne fiode / ac jJ wære ryht jJ hzora ælc guIde oðrü edlean ælces 1-DeOreeS æjter hz's gewyrh/Ü, ß Ú ß 112011 lufode þone godan, swa swa riht Ú ß mOll do, 7 nzzldsige þam .Jjèlum, swa we ær 15 C1vædon J' lufie 7 þOl1e man, 7 hatige hz's ullþeawas J' ce01jè him if swa he swiðost 1llæg.) ii h. Ða he þa þis lio'ð asungen hæfde, þa geswugode he ane hwile. Ða cwæ'ð ie: Nu ie ongite openlice 'ðæt sio so'ðe gesæl'ð stent on godra monna geearnunga, 7 sio 20 unsæl'ð stent on yfelra monna geearnunga 8. Ae ie seege get p me ne 9 þyne'ð nauht lytel good þisses andweardan lifes gesæl'ða, ne 9 eae nauht lytel yfel his ungesæl'ða 10 ; for'ðælll ie næfre ne geseah ne geherde nænne wisne mon þe ma wolde bion wreeea 7 earm 7 el'ðiodig 7 forsewen, þonne 25 welig 7 weor'ð 7 rice 7 foremære on his agnü earde. Forðæm hi secga'ð p hi mægen 11 þe 12 y'ð 13 hiora wisdome fulgan 7 hine gehealdan 14, gif hiora anwald biõ fullice ofer g Boeth. iv. met. 4. 'Quid tantos,' &c. Cotto Metr. xxvii. h Boeth. iv. pro 5. ' Hie ego: Video, inquam,' &c. 1 eft om. B. 2 em. o'ðõ B. · em. l1e 11e B. 4 em. by J, }eawes B. II em.filgum B. ø ne conjeet. om. B. 1 em. Illjicn H. 8 13 has geeaY11UlIgU1Jl, the second last letter of which is a blend of a and u. g ,ze om. B. 10 From B, ungcsalða C. 11 lti 1llægcll om. B. I }y B. 13 eð B. J.I .fz..t!!gehealdall C. XXXIX. 3J DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 12 5 :þ fole þe him under bi'ð; 7 eae be sumum dæle ofer 'ða þe him on neaweste bio'O ymbutan, for'Oæm :þ hi mægen henan 'ða yflan 7 fyr'Oran 'ða goodan. For'ðæm se gooda bi'ð sÿJe arwyr'Oe, ægþer ge on þís andweardan life ge on þæm 5 *[lowearda1l ' 7 se jftla þe mOll hz's jfêl IJ gestioran ne mæg * I 0 7b c. bi'ð sÿle wites wyrþe, ge on þisse worulde ge on þære toweardan. Ae ic wundrie swi'Oe swi'ðliee forhwi hit swa went swa hit (nu) oft de'ð, :þ is :þte 2 mislicu \Vitu 7 mænig- feald earfo'Ou euma'ð to þæm gódü swa hi to 'ðæm yflum 10 seeoldon, 7 þa good þe se[e Joldon beon edlean godü monnü godra weorca cuma'ð to yflum monnum. For'ðæm ic wolde witan nu æt þe hu 'ðe lieode :þ gewrixle. Ie his wundrode micle þy Iæs, gif ie wisse :þ hit weas gebyrede buton Godes willan 7 buton his gewitnesse; ac se ælmehtega 15 God hæfð geeced mÍtlne ege 7 mine wafunga mid 'ðisü þingum. For'Oæm he hwilü sel'O þa gesæl'Oa þæm goodii, 7 þæm yflum unsæl'Oa, swa hit riht wære .p he sÿle dyde; hwilum he eft geþafa'ð :þ þa goodan habba'O unsæl'Oa 7 ungelimp on mænegum þingum, 7 þa yflan 3 habba'ð 20 gesæl'ða, 7 him limp'ð 4 oft æfter hiora agnum willan. py ic ne mæg nan oþer geþenean buton hit weas swa gebyrige, buton þu me get þy *gesceadlicor 5 oõer gereeee. Ða and- * 108a C. swarode he ymbe long 7 cwæ'ð: Nis hit nan wundor þeah hwa wene :þ \Velces gehwæt 6 nu 7 unmyndlinga geberige, 25 'Oonne he ne con ongitan 7 gereecan forhwy swylc God 8 ge þafa'O. Ae 'ðu ne seealt no 9 twiogan :þ swa good seeppend 7 waldend eallra geseeafta rihtliee gesceop 10 eall :þ he geseeop ]0, 7 rihte dem'O 7 welt 11 ealles, þeah þu nyte forhwy he swa 7 swa do. 3 0 iii i. Ða he 'Oa þis spell areaht hæfde, þa ongan he singan, 7 e,væ'ð: (Hwa u1l1æredra ne wundraõ þæs roderes færeldes 7 hz's swif/1lesse, hu he ælce dæg ulOll ymbhwyifð12 I Boeth. iv. met. 5. 'Si quis Arcturi,' &c. Cotto Metr. xxviii. 1 yjles J. 2 Ie om. B. · þ1jlatJn C. · gelt"mþõ B. II em. gtsceadlior B. 6 h-wæt B. 7 nu om. B. 8 B has god swylc for swylc God. II From B, on C. 10 sceoþ B. II wealt B. 12 em. ymbh-wyrð B. 126 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXIX. 3 ealne þz'sne 1711ädangeard 1 " oõðe hwa ne wundrað ßte sltme lunglu habbað scyrtran hwyifl þõn sume habban, swa swa lunglu habbað þe we halaõ 7-(Jænes 'ðz"sla" For}.J' hi habba'ð swa sceorhze ymbhw.J't/t 2 forþl' hi sz1z1 swa neah þã norðellde þære eaxe þe eall þes rodor on hweifðs. Oððe hwa ne wafað 5 þæs, buton þa ane þe hit witon, þæl sume lunglu habbað lengran .J'mbhw.J,ift þõn sume habban, 7 þa lengestne þe .J'mb ða eaxe middewearde hweaifað, swa nu Boeties deð, 7 Saturnlts 4 se steorra ne cymð þær ær ymb ðritig wz'ntra þær he ær wæs? Oððe hwa ne wundrað õæs ß Slane steorran 10 gewzïa'ð under þa sæ, swa swa SU1lle men wenaþ ß szo sunne do þõn hzo 10 setle gæð" A c hzo ne bÛ1 þeah þy near þære sæ ðe hzo bið 011 midne dæg. Hwa ne wafað þæs þõn se fulla mona wyrð oferlogen mÙl þiostrum, oðõe eft þæl þa sleorran scinað bejöran þã monan, 7 ne scÙzað biforan þære sunnan? jJz'ses 15 hi wundriað 7 manies þyllices, 7 ne wundriað na ßte men 7 ealle cwuca wuhla habbað sz1zgalne 7 unnytne andan betwuh him. Oððe hwy ne 'It'undrÛlð hi þæs ß hit hwilü þunrað, hwz7Ü na ne ongin'ð, oððe eft gewinnes sæ 7 wÙzda 7 yþa 7 landes, o'ððe hwy p zS weorðe 7 ift for þære sunnan 5 sciman 20 to hz's agnum gecynde weorðe? Ac ß ungestæððige 6 jòle wllndrað 7 þæs þe hit seldost 8 geszehð,þeah hit læsse wundor sze, 7 wenaõ jJ ß ne 9 sze eald gesceafl, ac se 10 weas geworden niwane. Ac þa ðe jirwetgeorne weorþa'ð ll 7 ollgÙznað þõn leornÙzn, gif hÙJl God abril if þã mode jJ dysig Þ hit ær mid 25 o.ferwrz"gen was, þÕl'l ne wundrz"að hi 110 fila þæs þe hi nu wundrz"að. ) iv k. Ða se Wisdom þa þis leo'ð asungen hæfde, þa geswugode he ane lytle hwile. Ða ewæ'ð ie: Swa hit is swa þu sægst; ae ic 12 wolde get :Þ þu me hwæthwugu openlieor 30 gereahte be 'ðære wisan þe min mod swi'ðost gedrefed hæf'ð; 'Þ is :Þ ie 'ðe ær ymb acsode; for'ðæm hit wæs syIe giet þin k Boeth. iv. pro 6. 'Ita est, inquam,' &c. J mt"dda1zfard B. 2 em. Y1llbhwyft B. 3 em. hzvej'ð B. fern. satusl1US B. ' em. sunna B. 6 em. tUlgesæððlge B. 7 em. ne wUlldrað 120 B. 8 em. seldos B. g 11& conject. om. B. JO em. sæ B. 11 em. weorjaðað B. 12 ic om. H. XXXIX.95] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 12 7 gewuna p þu woldest ælcõ mode deglu 'ðing tæean 7 sel'ð- eu'ð 1. Ða ongon he smearcian 7 ewæ'ð to me: Ðu spænst me on 'ða mæstan spræce 7 on þa earfo'ðestan to ge*receanne. .* I loa C. þa race sohton ealle u'ðwiotan, 7 swi'ðe swi'ðlice ymb swuneon, 5 7 unea'ðe ænig com to ende þære spræee; for'ðæm hit is þeaw þære spræee 7 þære ascungæ þte symle þonne 'ðær an tweo of adon bi'ð, þonne bi'ð þær unrim astyred; swa swa mon on ealdspellum sæg'ð Þ an nædre wære þe hæfde nigon heafdu, 7 sÿle gif mon anra hwelc of aslog, þonne 10 weoxon þær siofon on 2 'ðæm anum heafde. þa geberede hit Þ þær com se foremæra ;grculus to, se wæs lobes sunu ; þa ne 3 meahte he geþenean hu he hi mid ænige eræfte ofereuman sceolde, ær he hi bewæg mid wuda utan 7 for- bærnde þa mid fyre. Swa is 'ðisse spræee þe þu me 15 æft aesast 4; unea'ðe hire eym'ð ænig mon of, gif he ærest an eem'ð 5; ne cym'ð he næfre to openum ende, buton he hæbbe swa scearp andgit swa'ðær 6 fyr. For'ðæm se 'ðe ÿb p acsian wile, he seeal ærest wz/an hwæt sie sio anfealde foresceawung Godes, 7 hwæt wyrd sie, 7 hwæt weas gebergie 7, JO 7 hwæt sie godcund andgit 7 [go Jdcund foretiohhun[g J. 7 hwæt monna *freodom sie. [iVU ðu J mznt ongitan hu hefig * I lob C. 7 hu earfo'ðe 8 þis is eall to gereeanne 9; ae ic sceal þeah hwæthwugu his onginnan þe to tæeanne, for'ðæm ic hæbbe ongiten p hit is swi'ðe mieel læcedom þinre sorge, gif þu J5 þises auht ongitst, þeah hit me lange to læranne sie. Forõæm hit is neah þære tide þe ic getiohhod hæfde on o'ðer weorc to fonne, 7 get næbbe þis gedon; 7 me þinc'ð eac Þ þu sadige h wæthwugununges, 7 þe 'ðyneen to ælenge 10 þas Iangan spell, swelce þe nu lyste lio'ða. lc wat eae Þ þe 3 0 hiora lyst, ac 'ðu seealt þeah geþolian sume hwile; ie ne mæg hit nu swa hra'ðe asingan, ne æmettan næbbe, for'ðæm hit is swi'ðe long spell. Ða cwæ'ð ic: Do swæ'ðer 'ðu wolde 11. v 1. Va ongan he spreean swi'ðe fiorran ymbutan, swelce 1 Boeth. iv. pro 6. 1. 20 P. 'Turn uelut ab alio orsa principio,' &c. 1 sedcuðe H. 2 of B. 3 ne om. B. C æft fuast C, æfter ascast B. :\ on cymð B. 6 swa p B. 7 gebyrz:'1 e B. 8 geaifoðe B. II gereccamle B. 10 ælengo B. II u'ille B. 128 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXIX. 5 he na þa spræce ne mænde, 7 tiohhode hit 1 ðeah þiderweardes 7 cwæð: Ealla geseeafta, gesewenliea 7 ungesewenlica, stillu 7 unstil1u, onfo'ð æt þæm stillan 7 æt þæm gestæõðegan 7 æt * I I Ia C. þæ anfealdan Cod[eJ endeberdnesse 7 an[ dwlzïan ] *7 gelnet- gunge; [7 flrþæm 2 hit swaJ gesceapen wæs, forðæm he wat 5 hwy he geseeop eall :þ he gesceop. Nis him nanwiht unnyt þæs þe he geseeop. Se Cod wuna'ð syle on þære hean ceastre his anfaldnesse 7 bilewitnesse; þonan he dæl'ð manega 7 misleea gemetgunga eallum his geseeaftii, 7 þonan he welt eallra. Ae 'ðæt 'ðætte we hata'ð Codes foreþone 7 his 10 foresceawung, :þ bið þa hwile þe hit 'ðær mid him 3 bi'ð on his mode, ær'ðæ þe hit gefremed weor'ðe, þa hwile 'ðe hit geþoht bi'ð; ac si'ð'Oan hit fullfremed bi'ð, þonne hata'ð we hit wyrd. Be þy mæg ælc mon witan :þ hit sint ægþer 4 ge twegen naman ge twa þincg, foreþonc 7 ,:vyrd. Se fore- 1ft þone is sio godcunde geseeadwisnes; sio is fæst on þæm he an seeppende 5 þe eall fore wat hu hit geweor'ðan sceall ær ær hit geweor'ðe. Ae:þ:þ we wyrd hata'ð, :þ bi'ð Codes ,veorc p 6 he ælce dæg wyre'ð, ægþer ge þæs (ðe) we gesioð ge þæs þe us 7 ungesewenlic bi'ð. Ae se godeunda foreþone 20 * III b C. hea'ðera'ð eane *[gesceafla, 'P hz' ne molon los/upan ifJ hiora endebyrdnesse 8. Sio wyrd þonne dæl'ð eallum gesceaftum anwlitan 7 stowa 7 tida 7 gemetgunga; ac sio wyrd cy'ð of 'ðæm gewitte 7 of 'Oæm foreþonce þæs ælmehtigan Codes. Se wyre'ð æfter his unasecgendlicum foreþonee (þõn) swa 25 hwæt swa he 9 wile. vi m. Swa swa ælc eræftega 10 'ðene'ð 7 mearea'ð his weore on his mode ær ær he hit wyree, 7 wyre'ð sið'ðan eall, þios wandriende wyrd þe we wyrd hata'ð fær'ð æfter his forþonee 7 11 æft his ge þeahte, swa swa he tiohha'ð :þ hit sie. jJeah hit 30 us manigfaldlie 'ðince, sü good, sum yfel, hit is 'ðeah him anfeald good; for'ðæm he hit eall to gódum ende breng'ð, 7 III Boeth. iv. pro 6. 1. 42 P. ' Sicut enim artifex,' &c. I hit om. B. 2 em. fohwam B. I him om. B. sippel1de c. 6 þe B. 1 us om B. 8 wyrdnesse B. kwa C. lJ cræftga C. II 7 om. n. 4 J:þer c. II he from ß, XXXIX. 7] DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 12 9 for goode de'ð' eaB 'P p he de'ð. Si'ð''ð'an we hit hata'ð wyrd siõ'ð'an hit geworht bi'ð; ær hit wæs Godes] foreþanc 7 his foretiohhung. Ða wyrd he þonne wyre'ð o'ð'ðe þurh 'ð'a goodan e[l1g Jlas oõ'ð'e þurh monna sawla, o'ð'ðe þurh o'ð'erra 5 gesceafta lif, oõ'ð'e þurh heofones tungl, oõ'ð'e 'ðurh þara seuceena 2 mislice 10twreneas; hwilü þurh an 'ðara, hwilü þurh eall *'ða. Ac p is openliee cu'ð p sio godcunde fore- * I12a C. tiohhung is anfeald 7 unandwendlic 3, 7 welt æ1ces þinges endebyrdliee, 7 eaB þing gehiwa'ð. Sumu þing þonne on 10 þisse weorulde sint under'ð'ied þære wyrde, sume hire nanwuht under'ðied 4 ne sint; ae sio wyrd 7 eall 'ða þing þe hire under'ðied sint, sint under'ðied 'ðæm godeundan foreþonee. Be 'ð'æm ic 'ðe mæg sum bispell seegan, .p þu meaht þy sweotolor ongitan hwilce men bio'ð under'ð'ied þære wyrde, 15 hwy1ce 5 ne bio'ð'. Eall 'ð'ios unstiBe geseeaft 7 þios hwear- fiende hwearfa'ð' on 'Cæm stillan Gode, 7 on 'ð'æm gestæ'ð'- 'ðegan, 7 on 'ðæm anfealdan; 7 he welt eallra gesceafta swa swa he æt fruman getiohhod hæfde 7 get hæfð. vii n. Swa swa on wænes eaxe hwearfiaõ þa hweol 7 sio 20 eax stint stille 7 byr'ð þeah 6 caIne þone wæn, (7) welt ealJes þæs færeltes; p hw[ eo Jl hwerf'ð ymbutan 7 sio nafu nex[1 þæ Jre eaxe sio fær'Õ micle fæ[ sllÙ:or J 7 orsorglicor þonne 'ða fee 19an 7 don], swe1ce sio eax sie Þ hehste g[ od þe we] *nemna'ð God, 7 [þa seleslan men fa Jren nehste 8 Gode, * I 12b C. 25 swa swa sio 9 nafu fær'ð' neahst þære eaxe, 7 þa midmestan swa swa 'ð'a]O spa can ; for'ð'æmþe æ1ces spa(ca)n bi'ð o'ð'er ende fæst on 'ðære nafe, o'ðer on þære felge. Swa bi'ð þæm midlestan monnum; o'Ore hwile he smea'ð on his mode yb þis eor'ð'liee (l(f), o'ð're hwile ymb 'ð'æt godeundlice, swi1ce 3 0 he locie mid o'ðre eagan to heofonum, mid o'ð're to eor þan. Swa swa þa 11 spaean sticia'ð o'ðer ende on þære felge oþer on þære nafe, middeweard se spaea 12 bi'ð' æg'ðrum emnneah, n Boeth. iv. pro 6. 1. 61 P. 'Nam ut orbium circa eundem cardinem,' &c. 1 From B, goodes C. 2 From B, scnccena C. 3 unawendendlic B. .. zmder}iede B. 11 hwylce om. B. 8 eaJ B. 7 ftlga J. 8 nehst B. II sio om. B. 10 ða om. B, 11 }æs B. 12 middeweardre sþaca B. K 130 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXIX. 7 'ðeah o'ðer ende bio fæst on þære nafe, o'ðer on þære felge; swa bio'ð þa Inidmestan 1 men onmiddan þam spacan, 7 þa betran near þære nafe, 7 þa 2 mætran near 'ðæm felgum; bio'ð þeah fæste on 'ðære naft 3, 7 se nafa 4 on 'ðære eaxe. H wæt, þa Lie Jiga þeah hongia'ð on þæm spaean, [þ Jeah hi 5 eal1unga wealowigen on þær[e e Jor'ðan; swa do'ð þa mæte- stan (j [men 0 In þæm midmestum 6, 7 þa mid[nzeslan J on þæm betstan, 7 þa betstan [011 GodJe. }Jeah þa mætestan 5 ealle * I 13a c. hio[ra llf/Je wend en to 'ðisse weorulc1e, *[ hi fze magonJ þær- on wunigan, ne to nauhte ne weor'ða'ð, gif hi be nanum dæle 10 ne beo'ð gefæstnode to Gode; þon ma pe þæs hweoles felga magon bion on 7 'ðæm færelte, gif hi ne bio'ð fæste on þæm spacum, 7 þa spacan' on þære eaxe. þa felgea bio'ð fyrrest 'ðære eaxe; for'ðæm hi fara'ð ungeredelicost. Sio nafu fær'ð neaxst þære eaxe; for'ðy hio fær'ð gesundlicost 8. Swa 15 do'ð 'ða selestan men; swa hi 9 hiora lufe near Gode læta'ð, (7 swz'ðor þas eorðlz'con þing jorsz'oð 10 ), swa hi beo'ð orsorgran, 7 Iæs receað hu sio wyrd ,vandrige, o'ð'ðe hwæt hio 11 brenge. Swa swa sio nafu bið sÿle swa 12 gesund, hnæppen þa felga on p 'ðe hi hnæppen, 7 þeah bi'ð sio nafu hwæthwugu 20 todæled from þære eaxe. Be þy þu meaht ongitan p se 13 wæn bi'ð micle leng gesund þe læs bi'ð todæled f[rom J þære eaxe; swa bio'ð þa men eallra orsorgestæ æg'ðer ge þisses andwea(r)dan lifes earfoða 14, ge þæs tow[ear Jdan, þa þe fæste bio'ð on Gode; ac swa hi swi'ður bio'ð asyndrede 15 frõ 25 Gode, swa hi swiður bio'ð gedrefde 7 geswenete, ægþer ge * I13b C. on mode ge *on liehoman. viii o. Swylc is þæl ß we wyrd halað be þæn1 godcundan foreþonee, swylce (sz'o) smeaung 7 sio gesceadwisnes is to metanne wi'ð þone gearowitan 16, 7 17 swylce þas lænan þing 30 bio'ð to metanne wi'ð 'ða eean 17, 7 swilce Þ hweol bið to o Boeth. iv. pro 6. 1. 74 P. 'Igitur uti est ad intellectum,' &c. I For midmesfan B has 11læstan. 2 þa om. B. 3 From B, 1tæft J. 4 So also B. II 11læstan B. 6 midmestãm C. 7 011- om. B. 8 gesu1td- fullicost B. II hi om. B. 10 forsê ð B. 11 From B, hi C. 12 swa om. B. 13 :From B, þe C. 14 From R, eatfoðe C. 1:; From J, asyndrode bioð B. 16 gearewz"ton B. 17 7 swylce . . . ecan om. B. XXXIX. 9] DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 13 1 metanne wi'ð 'ða eaxe; forõæm sio eax welt ealles þæs wænes. Swa de'ð se godcunda fore'ðonc; he astere'ð 1 þone rodor 7 þa tunglu, 7 þa eor'ðan gede'ð stille, 7 gemetga'ð þa feower gesceafta; p is wæter 7 eor'ðe 7 fyr 7 lyft. Ða he ge'ðwæra'ð 7 5 wlitega'ð 2, hwilum eft unwlitega'ð, 7 on o'ðrü hiwe gebreng'ð, 7 eft geedniwa'ð, 7 tidre'ð æ1c tudor, 7 hi eft gehyt 7 gehelt þonne hit forealdod bi'ð 7 forsearod, 7 eft geew'ð 7 geedniw[ aðJ þonne þonne (he wZle). Sume u'ðwiotan [þe Jah secga'ð p sio wyrd 3 wealde 4 ægþer ge gesæl'ða ge ungesæl'ða 10 æIces monnes. Ie þonne seege, swa swa ealle [crzS Jtene men secga'ð, p sio godcunde foretiohhung his walde, næs sio wyrd; 7 ic wat 'Þ hio dem'ð eall þing swi'ðe rihte, þeah ungesceadwisum men 5 [swa J ne þince. Hi wena'ð p þa[ra J æl[c J *sie go[ d þe hzora wz'flJan fulgæ'ð; nis hit nan wundor * II.j.a C. 15 for'ðæm hi beo'ð ablende mid 'ðæm þiostrum heora scylda. Ac se godcunda foreþone hit understent eall swi'ðe rihte, þeah us þinee for urum dysige p hit on woh fare; for'ðæm we ne cunnon t riht understandan. . He dem'ð þeah eall swi'ðe rihte, þeah us hwilum swa ne 'ðinee. 20 ix p. EaIle men spiria'ð æft' þæm hehstan goode, ge goode ge yfle; ae for'ðy ne magon þ(a) yflan cuman to õæm hean hrofe eallra gooda, for'ðæn1 hi ne spyria'ð on riht æft. Ie nat 6 þeah þu ewæ'ðe 7 nu hwonne to me: hwylc unriht mæg beon mare þonne geþafige 8 p hit geweor'ðe, 25 swa hit hwilum gewyr'ð, .p þæm goodum becym'ð anfeald yfel on þisse weorulde, 7 þæm yflum anfeald god, 7 o'ðre 9 hwile æg'ðer gelnenged, ægþer ge 'ðæ goodum ge þæm yflum ? Ae ic þe aesige hwæ'ðer þu wene p ænig 17lOll sie swa andgitfull p he mæge ongitan æ1cne mon on ryht hwylc he 3 0 sie, p he naw'ðer ne sie ne betra ne wyrsa þonne he his wene. Ic wat *[þeah ß hz' ne magan. Ac wyrð 10 swÙ1'e] oft on * II4b c. won se sido þe sume men seega'ð F sie mede wyr'ðe, sume P Boeth. iv. pro 6. 1. 9 2 P. ' Nihil est enim quod rnaIi causa,' &c. 1 styreð B. 4 From B, 'Wold C. a he geðajige B. 2 þrarað 7 gewlitega'ð B. 3 From B, wyr'ð C. II 1JlonnUnl B. 6 wai B. 7 cweðe B. II oðÇre C. 10 ern. weortJað B. K 2 13 2 DE CONSOLATIONE PIIILOSOPHIAE [XXXIX. 9 men seega'ð .p he 1 sie wites wyr'ðe. þeah hwa mæge ongitan hwæt o'ðer do, he ne mæg witan hwæt he þene'ð; þeah he mæge sume his willan ongitan, þonne ne (mæg) he eallne. Ie þe mæg eac reeean sun1 bispell be þæm p þu hit 2 meaht þe sweotolor ongitan, 'ðeah h[zï] ungesceadwise men ongitan 5 De mægen; t is forhwi se gooda læee selle þam halu men seftne drene 7 swetne, 7 o'ðru halum biterne 7 strangne; 7 hwilü eft þam unhalum, sumu li'ðne, (sum it) strangne, sumum swetne, sumum biterne. Ic wat 1J æIc þara þe þone eræft ne can wile þæs wundrian forhwy hz'swa don. Ae his 10 ne wundria'ð þa læeas 3 nauht, for'ðæm hi \Vi[/on] p 'ða o'ðre nyton; for'ðæm hi CU1l11On æIces hiora medtrymnesse ongzwn 7 oncnawan 4, 7 eac 'ða cræftas þe þærwi'ð seulon. Hwæt is sazvla hælo bute rihtwisnes? oõôe hwæ/ is hiora unl1ymnes * Il5a C. bu/e un*þeawas? [Hwa is þõn be/era læce þære sawle] I þonne se þe hi gesceop, p is God? He ara'ð þæm !) goodan, 7 witna'ð 'ða yflan; he \Vat hwæs æIc wyr'ðe bi'ð. Nis hit nan wundor, for'ðæm he of Fæm hean hrofe hit eall gesih'ð, 7 þonan misca'ð 7 metga'ð æIcum be his gewyrhtum. x q. 1> we þonne hata'ð 6 wyrd, þonne se gesceadwisa 20 God, þe æIces monnes 'ðearfe wat, hwæt wyrc'ð o'ððe ge þafa'ð þæs þe we (ne zve)na'ð. 7 git ie þe mæg sume bisne feaum wordum secgan be þæm dæle þe sio mennisce gescead wisnes mæg ongitan þa godeundnesse. P is þonne .p 7 we ongita'ð hwilü (mon) on o'ðre wisan, on o'ðre hine God ongit R. 25 H wilum we tiohhiaõ t he sie se betra 9, 7 þonne wat God .p hit swa ne bi'ð. þonne hwæm hwæt eymõ o'ðõe goodes oõôe yfles mare þonne 'ðe þinc'ð t he wyr'ðe sie, ne bi'ð sio unrihtwisnes no on Gode, ae sio ungleawnes bi'ð on 'ðe selfum, f þu hit ne canst on riht geenawan. Oft gebyre'ð þeah iJte 3 0 men ongitaõ man on 10 õa zkan wisan þe hine God ongit. Oft * II5 b C. hit 11 ge&,re'ð pte manige [men *bio'ð swa unge/rume 12 ægþer q Boeth. iv. I:r. 6. 1. I I 7 P. ' Hie iam fit illud fatalis ordinis,' &c. ] hi B. 5 }a B. 9 betsta B. 2 hit om. B. 3 From B, læces C. 8 t rom B, hætað C. 7 Jf om. B. 10 on om. B. ]I hit om. B. 4 From J, tOC1zawan B. 8 From B, alldgit C. 12 Ulltrume J. XXXIX. II) DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 133 ge on mode] ge on liehon1an t hi ne magon nan good don, ne nan rfel nylla'ð unnedige, 7 bio'ð eae swa ungeþyldige 1 Þ hi ne magon nan earfo'ðu geþyldeliee aberan. For'ðælll hit gebyre'ð oft Þ God nylle for his mildheortnesse nan unabe- 5 rendliee broe him an settan, þy læs hi forlæten hiora unsee'ð- fulnesse 7 weor'ðen wyrsan, gif hi asterede 2 bio'ð 7 geswencte 3. Sun1e n1en beo'ð ælces cræftes full eræftige, 7 full halige weras 7 rihtwise. þonne þine'ð t Gode unriht Þ he swylce swence ; ge fur'ðum tone dea'ð þe eallum monnuIll 4 is gecynde 5 to 10 þolianne, he him gede'ð seftran þonne o'ðrum monnum; swa swa gio (sum) wis n10n ewæ'ð Þ se godeunda anwald ge- frio'ðode his deorlingas under (hz's) fi'ðra seeate 6, 7 hi scilde swa geornliee swa (szva) Illan de'ð þone æppel on his eagan. l\lanige tilia'ð Gode to cwen1anne to þon georne Þ hi wilnia'ð 15 hiora agnum willum manigfeald earfo'ðu to þrowz'anne, for- 'ðæm hi wz"llnia'ð maran are 7 ma[rallJ hlisan 7 (marall) weor'ðseipe mid Gode to *[ habbanne þõn þa habbað 7 þe sqftorJ * Il6a C. libba'ð. xi r. Oft eae becym'ð se anwald þisse worulde to swi'ðe 20 goodum n10nnUm, for'ðæm j) se anwald tara yfelana weor'ðe toworpen. Sumü monnum God sele'ð æg'ðer ge good ge yfel gen1enged, for'ðæm hi ægþres earnia'ð; sume he bereafa'ð hiora welan swi'ðe hra'ðe, þæs þe hi 8 ærest gesælige weor'ða'ð, þy læs hi for longum gesæl'ðum hi 9 to up ahæbben, 7 þonan 25 on ofern1ettum weor'ðen; sume he 9 læt þreagan n1id heardum broce, Þ hi leornigen þone eræft geþyldelice 10 on 'ðæm langan geswinee. Sume him ondræda'ð earfo'ðu swi'ðor þonne hi þyrfen, þeah hi hi 11 ea'ðe adreogan mægen; sume hi gebycga'ð weor'ðlicne hlisan þisses andweardan lifes n1id hiora agnum 3 0 dea'ðe, for'ðæm hi wena'ð Þ hi næbben nan o'ðer fioh þæs hlisan 12 wyr'ðe buton hiora agnulll fiore. Sume men wæron gio unoferswi'ðedliee, swa t hi nan ne meahte mid nanun1 r Boeth. iv. pro 6. 1. 138 P. 'Fit autem saepe uti bonis,' &c. I un}yldige B. 11 gecY1lde 'is B. sume he om. B. 2 astyred B. 8 sceade B. 10 ge})'lde B. a geswenced B. 4 mom1um om. B. 7 hæbben J. 8 hi om. 13. 9 lli . . . It hi once, B. 12 hliosan B. 134 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXIX. 1 I wite oferswiþan; þa bisncdon hiora æftergengum Þ hi næren * I I6b C. n1id \Vitum oferswi'ðde. On tæm ",æs sweotol *[jJ hi for heora godU1Jl 'If'eorcum hæ/Jden 'ðone eræft p hi 1 mon ne nleahte oferswi'ðan. Ae ta yflan for hiora yflum weorcum wæron gewitnode 7 2 oferswi'ðde, for'ðæm Þ 'ða witu gestirden 5 o'ðrum Þ (hz) swa gedon 3 ne dorsten, 7 eac þa gebetan te hi þonne brocia'ð. Þ is swi'ðe sweotol tacn þæm wisan Þ he ne sceal lufian to ungemetlice 'ðas woruldgesæ 'oa, for'Cæm hie oft euma'ð to 'ðæm wyrrestum 4 n10nnum. Ae hwæt wille we ewe'ðan be þæm andweardan welan þe oft ey'ð to 'ðæm 10 goodu, h\ ;æt he 5 elles sie buton tacn þæs to' leardan welan, 7 tæs edleanes angin þe him God tiohhod 6 hæf'ð for his good an willan? Ie wene eae pte 7 God selle mænegum yfelü men 8 ge æl'ða for'C'æmþe he wat hiora geeynd 7 hiora willan swa geradne p hi for nanum ern1'ðum ne byo'ð no þy 15 betran ae þy 9 wyrsan. Ae se gooda læce, p is God, laena'ð hiora n10d mid 'ðærn welan; wile p (hz) ongiten hwonoll him se wela come 7 oleece þæm þe 10 læs he him þone welan af)'lTe, o'ðõe hine (þã) welan, 7 wende his * I I 7a C. *[þeawas to gode, 7 jorlæte ða u1 eawas ] 7 þa yfel þe he ær 20 (jor) his erm'ðum dyde. Sume bio'ð þeah þy wyrson gif hi welan habba'ð, for'ðæm hi 11 ofermodiga'ð 12 for 'ðæm welan 7 his ungemetliee bruca'ð. xii s. l\Ianegu men bio'ð eae forgifene for'ðæm þas weoruldgesæl'ða p he scile þæm goodum leania1l hiora good, 25 7 þæln yflum hiora yfel. For'ðæm sÿle bio'ð þa goodan 7 þa yflan ungeþwere 13 betwuh him, ge eae hwilum þa yflan bio'ð ungerade betwuh him selfli; ge fur'ðum an yfel man bi'ð simle]4 ungeþwære him selfum, for'ðæm þe 15 he \Vat p he untela de'ð, 7 wen'ð him þara 16 leana, 7 nyle þeah þæs 30 geswican, ne hi[tJ fur'ðum him ne læt hreowan; 7 þonne for 'ðæm singalü ege ne mæg no weor'ðan geþwære on him B Boeth. iv. pro 6. 1. 168 P. ' Alios in c1adem rneritam; &c. ] From B, him C. 2 70m . B. a don B. 4 wyrstmt 13. IS he om. B. 6 getihhod B. 7 Ie om. B. 8 mOllnum B. 9 B has lIe Ita }y for ac þy. ]0 }y B. 11 hi om. B. 12 ofermodgian B. 13 zmge- jwæl'e B. It hwilum B. ]11 }e om. B. 16 maran B. ÀXXIX. 13] DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE J35 selfü. Oft hit (eac) gee by Jre'ð F se yf]a for1æt his yfel [fir J sumes o'ðres yfles mannes andan, [Jò1'J'ðæm he wolde mid þy tælan 1 þo[ ne oðer Jne Þ he onscunode his þeawas; [SWz1lCðJ þonne ymb Þ swa he swi'ðost mæg [Þ he J tiola'ð 5 ungelie to bionne þæm o'ð[rum J, for'ðæm hit is þæs godeundan anw[ea/Jdes ge' luna 15 he wirc'ð of yfle good. *[Ac hz"! 1Zz"s * I17b C. nanum men alifed þæ/ he mæge J witan eall Þ God 2 getiohhod hæfO, ne eae areccan 15 p he geworht hæfð. Ac on þænl hi habba'ð genoh to ongitanne .p se scippend 7 se waldend 10 eallra geseeafta welt, 7 rehte geseeop eall t he gesceop, 7 nan yfel ne worhte ne get ne wyrc'ð, ae ælc yfel he adrif'ð of eallü his rice. Ae gif þu æft [æm hean 3 anwalde spyrian wilt þæs ælmehtigan Godes, þonne ne 4 ongitst þu nan yfel on nanum þinge, þeah þe 5 nu 'ðinee F her micel on 15 þys middangearde sie; for'ðænl hit is riht 15 'ða goodan hæbben good edlean hiora gódes, 7 þa yflan hæb[ ban J 6 wite hiora yfles; ne bi'ð 15 nan yfel [þJte riht biõ, ae bi'ð good. Ae ic ongite 'ðæt ic t e hæbbe a'ðretne 7 (nu) mid þy8 langan [spe JIle 9, forcæm þe lyst nu leo'ða; ae on[.íoh J hiora nu, 20 for'ðæm hit is se læee[ dom J 7 se drene þe þu lange wilnodest, [þæt 10 ðu þy J e'ð mæge (þære) lare onfon. xiii t. Ða se [H'z"sdo Jm þa þis spell areaht hæfde, [þa o Jngon he eft 11 singan 7 þus ewæ'ð: (Gif þu willnige 12 mÙl hlu/rum mode onglÏan þone heall al1weald, beheald þa /Ullglu 25 þæs hean heifnes. Healdað þa tunglu þa ealdan sibbe þe hz' Oil gesceapne wæron, swa jJ sz'o .fyrelle szmne ne onhrÙzð 110 þæs dæles þæs heifenes þe se mona on z'1'nð, ne se mOlla 110 lle onhrinð þæs dæles þe sio Slllllle on irnð, þa hwzle ðe hzo þæroll bz'ð. !\le se steorra þe we hatað Ursa ne cymð næfre on þam 3 0 wes/dæle, þea}z ealle oðre steorran faren mid þã rodore æfter þære SUllnan on þa eorþan. Nz"s hlÏ nan wundor,forþã he z"s swiðe neah þam upende þære eaxe. Ac se steorra þe we hataJ & Boeth. iv. met. 6. 'Si uis celsi iura tonantis,' &c. Cotto Metr. xxix. 1 lætan B. 2 From B, good C. õ hean om. B. 4 1ze om. B. 5 þe om. B. 6 SO J, habban B. 7 em. aretne C, aþr-iet B. 8 þis B. 1/ .From B, sþell C. 10 em. þæ B. 11 ift om. B. 12 em. wilbzig B. 13 6 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XXXIX. 13 æfinsteorra, þõn he bið west gesewen, þõn /acll11að he æjèl1. Færð þõn æfter þære sunnan on ðære eorðan sceade oð he ojirnð þa Slt111la1Z hindan ' cymð wz'ðjòran þa sunnan úp. jJõn hate we hine 7Jlorgensteorra, forþã he cymð .lastan úp ' bodaõ þære sunnan cyme. Szo sUllne 7 se mona habbað 5 todæled betwuht hÙll þone dæg 7 þa llznt szm'ðe emne, 7 su'z'ðe geþwærNce 1 rz"csiað þurh godcundall foresceawullga, 7 unaþ- rotenlice þiOWÙlð þã ælmzntigall Gode oõ domes dæg. Forþz' hz' ne læt God on ane healjè þæs heqfones bz"oll, þy læs hi flrdoll oðra gesceafla. Ac gesibsuma God gemetgað ealla 10 gesceafta 7 geþwærað þa õe betwuh hzm wuniað. HwÜü flz"hð se wæta jJ drJ'ge ' hwlÏü 2 he gemengeõ jJ .fyr wið þam cz"le s . hwilü jJ leohte fyr 7 þæt beorhte úp gewz"t, 7 szo hejige eorõe sz"t þær niðere. Be þæs cynÙlges gebode brengð eorðe ælcne 4 zuestm 7 ælc tudor ælce geare, 7 se hala sUlJlor drygõ 7 15 gearwaõ sæd 7 bIeda, 7 zoeslmbæra hæifesl bryngð 5 ripa bleda. Hæglas 7 snazvas 7 se ojìræda ren lecca r þa eorðall 011 uÙzlra ' forþã undeifehð szo eorðe þæl sæd 7 gedeð þæl hzï grewð 6 on leng/en. Ac se metod eallra gesceajia fil 011 eoroan ealle growende weslmas 7 ealle Jòrõbrengð . 7 gehyl þõn he 20 wyle, 7 eozvað þõn he wz"le, 7 nimõ þõn he wz"le. jJa hwz"le þe ða gesceafta þzowÙlð, sz"/ se hehsla sceoppend on his heahsetle . þanon he 'well þã gewealdleðerü ealle gesceaflu. !\lis nal1 wundor, forþãðe he is cyning 7 dryhlen 7 æwelm 7 fruma 7 æ 7 zmsdom 7 nntzvis dema. He sent ealla gesceafta 7 on his 25 ærendo, 7 he he! ealle eft Clt1nan. jJær se an geslæþþega cyning gif he 8 ne slaþelode ealla gesceajla \I, þõn Zf)urdon hi ealle loslopene 7 toslencle, 7 10 nauhle wurdoll ealle gesceajla 9. jJeah habbaõ gemællelice þa ane lufi jJ hi þeowÙln swlÏcü hlaforde, 7 fægnz"að þæs þæl he hiora weal!. .Ll\fis :P nan wundor,jòrþam 10 3 0 hz' ne 7Ilihlon elles blon, gif hz' ne õzowedon hzora fruman.} Ða forlet se \Visdom jJ leo'ð, 7 ewæ'ð to me : 1 Orig. geðwærelice, but middle e erased. 2 em. h),Zu B. a em. lice B. 4 em. ællle B. 5 em. br)'1zJ B. 6 em. grewað B. 7 em. gesaaftu B. 8 gif he ab. 1. 9 em. gesceafa B. 10 em.ftþan B. XL. 2] DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 137 XLu. i. Hwæ'Oer õu nu ongite hwider þios spræce wille? Ða cwæ'O ic: Sege me hwider sio wille. Ða ewæ'O he: Ie wille seegan Þ æle wyrd bio good, sam hio monnli good þinee, sam hio him yfel þince. Ða ewæ'O ie: Ie wene jJ hit 5 eaõe swa bion mæge, þeah us h willi o'ðer þynee. Ða ewæ'O he: Nis þæs nan tweo õæt ælc wyrd bi'O good þara õe 1 riht 7 nytwyr'Oe bi'O; for'Oæm ælc wyrd, sã hio bio 2 wynsü sam hio sie un wynsü, for'Oy eÿþ to 'ðæm goodan y hio oõer twega do, oõ'Oe hine þreatige to 'Oon p he bet do þonne he ær dyde, 10 oõõe him leanige jJ he ær tela dyde. 7 eft ælc wyrd þara )Je t.o õæm yflli eÿõ, eym'O for þæm twæm þingü, sam hio sie re'ðe, sam hio sy wynsli. Gif to õæm yßU1Jl eymõ re'Ou wyrd, þonne rymð he to edleane his yfla, o'O'Oe to þreunge 3 7 to lære :þ he eft 4 swa ne do. þa ongann ie wundrian, 15 7 ewæ'ð: Is jJ ./"orÙzweardlt"ce rihtraeu 5 jJ þu 'Oær *recst. j:Ja * 120a C. cwæð he: Swa hit is swa õu sægst; ae ie wolde, gif 'Ou wolde, õæt wit 6 une wenden sume hwile to þises falces spræce, þylæs hi e\ve þan 7 jJ wit spreean 8 ofer monnes geme Ð. Ða ewæ'ð ie: Spree jJ 'Ou wille. 20 ii v. Ða ewæ'O he: Wenst þu 'ðæt jJ ne sie good 1> nit biõ? Ða ewæõ ic: Ie wene j5 hit sie. Ða e\væ'O he: Ælc (w.J'rd) is nyt þara þe au'Oer de'O 10, oõõe lær'O, o'Oõe wyre'O 11. Ða ewæ'O ic: p is so'ð. Ða cwæ'O he 12: Sio wi'Oerwearde wyrd is 'Oæm 13 good þe winna'O wi'O unõeawas 7 wendaõ hi to goode. 25 Ða cwæõ ie: Ne mæg ie þæs o'Osaean. Ða ewæ'ð he: Hwæt wenst þu bi þære goodan wyrde 'Oe oft cym'O to goodli monnli on 'ðisse weorulde, swylee hit sie foretaen ecra 14 gooda? hwæþer þis fole mæge cwe'ðan Þ hit sie yfel wyrd? Ða smear- code (ze) 7 cwæ'O: Ne ewið p nan mon, ae ewiõ :þ hio sie swiõe u Boeth. iv. pro 7. 'Iamne igitur uides,' &c. v Boeth. iv. pro 7. 1. 17 P. 'Nonne igitur bonum censes,' &c. 1 ðe above line in C. 2 sie B. a þreatunge B. C get B. 5 racu B. 6 wi'! am. B. 7 So C, cwæJon B. 8 So C, sþræcon B. 9 alldget B. 1u B has awerdeð for auðer deð. 11 wricð B. 12 For words here omitted in text see p. 149 note. 13 .From 13, is 'ðæm is ðæt good C. 14 From B, ælcra C. 13 8 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XL. 2 good, swa hzo eae bi'ð. Ða ewæ'ð he: Hwæt wenst þu be þære unwenlieran 1 wyrde þe oft þreata'ð þa yflan to witnianne? hwæõer þis fole wene p t good wyrd sie? Ða ewæõ ie: * T20b C'. Ne wenaõ hi no Þ p gód *[ wyrd sze, ac wtnað jJ hzo sze earm]- lieo. Ða ewæõ he: Uton healdan une p wit ne wenen swa 5 swa þis fole wen'ð; gif wit þæs wenaõ õe þis fole wenõ, þonne for1æte wit ælee geseeadwisnesse 7 ælee rihtwisnesse. Ða ewæõ ie: I-Iwy forlæte 2 wit hi (a) þa 8 ma? Ða [cw(cð he:] Forõy þe 4 folcisee men seega'ð Þ æle reõu wyrd 7 unwynsumu sie yfel; ae we ne seulon þæs gelefan, for'Cæm 10 þe 5 æle "'"yrd biõ good, swa we ær spræeon, sam hio sy reõe, sam hio sie 6 wynsum. Ða wearõ ic afæred 7 ewæ'ð : Þ is soõ F þu sægst; ic nat þeah hwa hit dyrre seegan dysegu monnu, {orõæm his ne mæg 7 nan dysi man gelefan 8. iii w. Ða onsae se Wisdom sarliee,7 ewæõ: Forõy ne 15 seyle nan wis mon (forhiga1l 11e) to swiõe ÿb 1'9 gnornian, to h\\'æm his wise weorõe 10, oõõe ll hwæõer him eume þe reõu w[;'Jrd þe liõu, 'ðon ma þe se hwata esne seyle ymb l' gnornian, hu oft he fiohtan seyle. Ne biõ (his) lof na 'ðy 12 Jæsse, ae is wen p hit sie þy 12 mare; swa bið eae þæs wisan 20 * I 2Ia c. med þe mare, þe hin1 wraõre wyrd 7 reõre to beeÿõ. *pz' ne [seeo/de 18 nallJ wis man wilnian seftes lifes, gif he ænigra cræfta reeõ oõõe æniges weor'ðscipes her for weorulde oõõe eees lifes æfter þisse weorulde. Ae æle wis man seyle a winnan ægõer ge wiõ þa reõan wyrd[eJ ge wiõ þa wyn- 25 suman, þy læs he hine for õære \\"ynsuman wyrde fortruwige, oõõe forB õære reõan forõenee. Ae him is õearf p he aredie þone midmestan weg betweoh 15 þære re'ðan wyrde 7 õære liõan, p he ne wilnige wynsuran wyrde 7 maran orsorgnesse õonne hit gen1etlie sie, ne 16 eft (to) reõre 17, for'ðæm he ne '3 0 mæg nauþres ungemet adriogan. Ae hit is on hiora agnum anwealde hwæõre þara hi geeiosen. Gif hi þonne þone mid- w ] oeth. iv. pro 7. 1. 37 P. 'Quare, inquit, ita uir sapiens,' &c. ] 1l1zscwenlican B. 2 for/ele B. 3 þy B. 4 pe om. B. ð ð B. 6 hio sz"e om. B. 7 B has llele for lIe mæg. 8 gelefa1t om. B. II to swiðe ÿb J1 om. B. 10 wyrþa1t scyle B. II oððe om. B. ]2 þe B. ]3 scyle J. 14 for om. B. ]ð betwyhs B. ]6 ne om. ß. ]7 :From B, hreðre C. XL. 5] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 139 mestan weg aredian willaõ, þonne seulon hi selfe him selfü gemetgian 1 þa wynsuman wyrde 7 þa 2 orsorgan; þonne gemetga'ð S him God þa re'ðan wyrde ge on þisse weorulde ge on þære toweardan, swa swa hi ea'ðe 4 adreogan 5 magan. ;) iv x. Well a, wisan men, wel; gaõ ealle on þone weg *ðe eow (læraðJ þa f[ oremæra1l bÙ1laJ þara godena gumena 7 * I 2Ib C. þara weorõgeornena \Vera te ær eow wæron. Eala, ge 6 eargan 7 idelgeornan; hwy ge swa unnytte sien 7 swa aswundne ? H wy ge nyllen ascian æfter þæm wisum 10 monnu 7 æa þæm weorðgeornum, hwylce hi wæron þa þe ær eow wæron? 7 hwy ge þonne nyllen, si'ð'ðan ge hiora þeawas geascod hæbben, him onhirian, swa ge swiõost Inægen ? for'ðæn1 hi wunnon æf't weor'ðscipe on þisse worulde, 7 tiolodon goodes hlisan mid goodum weoreü, 15 7 \\"orhton goode bisne þæm þe æfter him wæron. Forõæm hi wuniaõ nu ofer 'ðæm tunglum on eere eadignesse for hiora gódum weorcum. Her endað sio fiorõe boe Boeties, 7 ongin'ð sio fifte. v Y. Ða se Wisdom þa þis spell areaht hæfde, þa cwæõ 20 ie: Swiõe riht is þin lar; ae ic wolde þe nu myndgian þære mænigfealdan lare þe þu me ær gehete be þære Godes fore- tiohhunge. Ae ic wolde ærest witan æt þe hwæ'ðer >t p auht * 1223. C. sie j; we oft gehera'ð jJ men cweðað be sumum þingum jJ hit seyle weas gebyrian. Da ewæ'ð he: l\Ie wære leofre 15 ic 15 onette wið þæs t ic þe 7 moste gelæstan jJ ie þe 7 ær gehet, 7 þe n10s[teJ getæcan swa scortne weg swa ie seyrtestne findan meahte to ðinre eyððe. Ae hit is swiõe 8 feor 9 of unerum wege, of þæm wege þe wit getiohhod habbaõ on to farenne; 15 jJ þu me ær bæde (hit) wære þeah nyttre to 30 gecerranne 7 (10) ongitanpe. Ae ie ondræde Þ ic þe læde hidres þidres on 'ða paõas of þinü wege, Þ þu ne mæge eft þinne weg aredian. Nis hit nan wundor þeah þu getiorie, gif ie þe læde bi 'ðæm wege. Ða ewæ'ð ic: Ne þearft (þu) no .J: Boeth. iv. met. 7. 'Bella bis quinis operatus 5 wære uneynlicre 6, gif God næfde on eallum his rice nane frige geseeaft 7 under his an walde. For'ðæm he geseeop twa gesceadwisa 8 ge- sceafta freo, englas 7 men; þæ he geaf micle gife freodomes, p hi mosten don swa god swa yfel, swæ'ðer 9 swa hi wolden. 10 He sealde swiõe fæste gife 7 swiõe fæste æ mid õære gife ælcum men oõ 10 his ende; ðæt is se freodom õæt se 11 mon mot don jJ he wile, 7 jJ is sio æ j; he 12 gilt ælcü be his gewyrh- tum ægõer ge on þisse worulde ge on þære toweardan swa * 124b ç. good swa yfel, *swæõer he deõ. 7 men Inagon be[gzi'an] J;; þurh þone freodom swa hwæt swa hi willaõ, bulOll deaõ hi ne magon foreerran; [æc hz' hine] magon mid goodü weoreum [gelettall,] p he þe 13lator cymð; ge fur[Þu] o'ð oreldo hi hine hwilü gelettað 14. Gif men If) to gOOdUlTI weorce ne onhagie, hæbbe 16 goodne willan; Þ is emngood 17. D[ a cwæð Ù::J 20 \Vel ÕU me [ hæfsl aref1ze on þã I}veon. 7 on þære gedrefed- nesse [þe ic] ær (on) wæs be 'ðæm freodome. [Ac Ù: eomJ nu giet on micle maran gedrefednesse geunrotsod, fulneah oð ormodnesse. Ða ewæð he: 18 1-1 wæt is siD micle un- rotnes 18 ? Ða cwæð ic: Hit is ym ða Godes foretiohhunge ; 2 for'ðæm we gehera'ð hwilum secgan p hit scyle eall swa geweor'ðan s\va swa God æt fruman getiohhad hæfde, jJ hit ne mæge nan mon onwendan 19. Nu 'ðincõ me jJ he do \Voh 20, þOl1ne he ara'ð þa goodan, 7 eae þonne he 21 witna'ð þa yflan, gif jJ so'ð is jJ (hzi') him swa gesceapen wæs 15 hi ne 30 mosten elle[ s J don. U nnytliee we swineaõ þonne we us I he n'll locian B. 2 hit me B. 3 nauht B. 4 1tauht om. B. ð Hwæt B. 6 'Zl1lgecyndlicre B. 7 scealt B. 8 gescedwz"san B. 9 swæðer om. B. 10 on B. 11 ðe B. 12 he em. B. 13 þz" B. 14 lettað B. 15 mo1Z B. 16 habbe B. 17 emu om. R 18 Hwæt . . . unrotues om. B. 19 awe1zdan B. 20 Tht h of 'wok written over n C. 21 From B, he hzi C. XLI. 3] DE CONSOLA TIONE PIIILOSOPHIAE 143 gebidda'ð, 7 'ðonne we fæsta'ð, *o'ððe ælmessan sellað, gif we his * 12 f.rt C. nabba'ð 'ðy maran þane þe þa þe on eallum þingum wada'ð on hiora (agenne wz71an, 7 afler hiora) lichoman luste irnað. iii d. Ða ewæð he: þis is sio ealde siofung þe þu longe 5 siofodes, 7 manige eae ær 'ðe; þara wæs sum 1\lareus, o'ðre naman Tullius, þriddan naman he was gehaten Cicero; se 1 wæs Rornana heretoga; se wæs u'ðwita. Se wæs s\viðe abisgod mid þære ilcan spræee, ae he hi ne meahte brengan to nanum ende. 2 For'ðy he ne n1eahte, ne nan mon on þone 10 timan, þa spræce to nanum ende bringan 2, for'ðy hiora mod 3 wæs abisgod on 'ðisse weorulde wilnunga. Ae ic þe seege, gif Þ soð is Þ ge 4 seega'ð, y hit wæs unnet gebod on god- eundum boeum Þ God bebead 5 Þ mon seeolde forlætan yfel 7 don good; 7 eft se ewide þe he ewæ'ð: swa mon ma 15 swine'ð, swa mon 6 rnaran mede onfeh'ð. 7 ie wundrige hwy þu hæbbe forgiten eall p Þ wit ær spræeon. Ða ewæ'ð ie 7 : 8 Hwæt hæbbe ic forgiten þæs þe wit ær spræcon? Ða ew'ð *he 8: Wit sædon ær Þ sio godcunde f[ 0 ]retiohhung ælc * 12Sb c. gód worhtc 7 nan yfel, (ne nan) ne tiohhode to wyreanne, 20 ne næfre ne worhte. Ge fur'ðum Þ wi[t] gereahton to goodum 9 þæt folciseïi monnü yfel þuhte; p wæs Þ n10n wræee 7 witnode hwone for his yfle. Hu ne sædon 10 wit eae ær 11 on þisse Hean bec i> God hæfde getiohhod freodom to sel- lannc monnum, 7 swa dyde; 7 gif hi 12 þone freodom tela ge- 25 heaIdon l3 , Þ he hi wolde swi'ðe weor'ðian mid eee life 14; 7 gifhi 15 'ðone freodom forheolden, Þ he hi þonne wolde witnian mid dea'ðe. He tiohhode, gif hi hwæt gesyngoden on 'ðæm freodome, i> hi hit eft on 'ðæm freodome mid hreowsunga gebeten; 7 gif hiora hwylc swa heardheort wære Þ he nane 3 0 hreowsunge ne dyde, Þ he þonne hæfde rihtlie wite. Ealla gesceafta he hæfde getiohhod þeowu 16, buton englum 7 d Boeth. v. pro 4. 'Turn illa, Vetus, inquit: &c. I þe B. 2 Forfor)y. . . brÙlgan B has only on }01ze timan. II From B, med C. 4 ge om. B. :i bead B 6 1/lon om. B. 7 he B. 8 Hwæt. . . he om. B. g gode B. IJ sæde B. 11 ær om. B. 12 From B, he C. 13 From H, to lange heoldon C. 14 rice H. 15 hi om. B. It! }eowe B. 144 DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XLI. 3 monnum. For'ðyþe þa o'ðra gesceafta þeowe sint, hi healda'ð 1 hiora þegnunga o'ð don1es dæg; ac þa men 7 þa * 126a C. englas, þe freo 2 sint, for1æta'ð hiora þegnunga. *H wæt magon Inen cwe'ðan F sio godcunde foretiohhung getiohhod hæfde þæs 'ðe hio ne þurhtuge? o'ð'ðe hu magon hi hi aladian p hi 5 ne mægen good don, nu hit awriten is F God gelde ælcum men be 3 his gewyrhtum? Hwy sceall þonne ænig mon bion idel, 'ðæt he ne wyrce? Ða cwæ'ð ic: Genoh þu me hæfst gefreolsod þære tweounge mines modes be þære ascunga þe ic þe ahsade 4. Ac ic þe wolde giet acsian sumre 5 spræce 10 'ðe me ymbe tweo'ð. Ða cwæ'ð he: H wæt is þæt? Ða cwæ'ð ic: Genog cu'ð me is 6 F God hit wat eall beforan, ge good ge yfel, ær hit geweor'ðe 7; ac ie nat hwæ'ðer hit eall geweor'ðan sceal unanwendendlice 8 F he wat 7 getiohhod hæfð'. Ða cwæ'ð he: (Ne) 'ðearf hit no eall geweor'ðan unanwen- 15 dendlice 8; ac sum hit sceal geweor'ðan 9 unanwendendlice 8 ; F bi'ð Fte ure ned þearf bi'ð, 7 his willa bi'ð. Ac hit is sum swa gerad phis nis nan nedþearf, 7 þeah ne dere'ð no þeah hit geweor'ðe; ne nan hearm ne bi'ð, þeah (hzï) no (ne) geweor'ðe. Geþene nu be 'ðe selfu hwæ'ðer þu ænig þing 20 * I26b C. swa fæst 10 getiohhod bæbbe *þæt þe þince y hit næfre þinu willii onwend ne weor'ðe 11, ne þu butan bion ne mæge; o'Õ'ðe hwæ'ðer tu eft on ængum geþeahte swa h:vioræde sie F þe helpe hwæ'ðer hit geweor'ðe, 'ðe bit no ne geweor'ðe. Fela is þara þinga þe God ær wat 12 ær hit geweor'ðe, 7 wat 25 eac F hit dere'ð his gesceaftum gif hit ge\vyr'ð. N at he hit no for'ðyþe he wille y hit geweor'ðe, ac for'ðy 13 þe he wile forwernan Þ hit ne 14 geweor'ðe, swa swa good scipstiora ongit micelne wind on hreore æ 15 ær ær hit geweor'ðe 16, 7 hæt fealdan y segl 7 eac hwilum lecgan þone mæst, 7 lætan þa 3 0 bætinge; gif he ær þweores windes 17 bætte, warena'ð 18 (he hZ1ze) wi'ð 'ðæt weder. I habbað B. II me is cuð B. 10 fæste B. left instead. has 7 hreose. 2 frige B. a æfter B. 4 acsode B. :I SU11le B. 7 gewyrðe B. 8 1l1tawendendlice B. g uyrþmz B. II onwended weorðe B. 12 ær 'wat om. B, but space 13 forþe B. 14 lie om. B. 15 For on hreore sæ B 16 wiorðe B. 17 winde B. 18 wærnað B. XLI. 5] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 145 iv e . Ða ewæ'ð ie: Swi'ðe wel þu min hæfst geholpen æt þære spræee, (7) ic wundrige hwy swa mænige wise men swa swi'ðe swuneen 1 mid þære spræee, 7 swa lytel gewis funden. Ða ewæ'ð he: Hwæs wundrast þu þær swa swi'ðe, 5 swa e'Õe swa hit is to ongitanne? Hu ne wast þu f manig þing ne bið no ongiten swa swa hit bi'ð, *ae swa swa þæs * I27aC. andgites mæ'ð bi'ð þe þærært spyre'ð? Swilc 2 is se wisdom Þ hine 3 ne mæg nan mon of þisse weorulde ongitan swilcne swylce he is; ae æ1c win'ð be his andgites mæ'Oe f he hine 10 wolde ongitan gif he meahte. Ae se wisdom mæg us eallunga ongitan swylce swylce we sint, þeah we hine ne mægen ongitan ealJunga swylcne swylce he is; for'ðæm se wisdom is God. He gesih'ð (eall) ure weore ge good ge yfel, ær hi gewordene 4 sien, o'ð'ðe fur'ðum geþoht; ae he us ne ned no 15 þy hra'ðor to þæm F we nede seylen 5 good don, ne us ne wern'ð Þ we yfel don, for'O'æmþe he us seal de freodom. Ie þe mæg eae tæean sume bisne F þu þe y'ð ongitan meah[te] ð 'ða spræee. H wæt 7, þu wast [þæt geszfið] 7 gehernes 7 gefrednes on[gitað þo Jne lichoman þæs monnes, [7 Þ Jeah ne 20 ongita'ð (hi hine no gelicne / þa earan ongz"lað) j5 hi gehera'ð, (7) ne ongita'ð hi þeah þone lichoman ealIunga swylcne 8 swylce he bi'ð; sio gefrednes hine mæg 8 gegrapian 7 gefredan þæt hit liehoma bi'ð, ae hio ne mæg gefredan hwæ'ðer he bi'ð þe blæe 9 þe hwit, *'ðc freger 'ðe unfæger. Ac sio gesih'ð æt * 12 7b C. 25 frumcerre 10, swa þa eagan on besio'ð, hi ongita'ð ealle þone andwlitan 'O'æs lichoman. Ae ie wolde get reccan sume race, F 'ðu wisse hwæs þu wundrode. v f. Ða ewæ'ð ic: H wæt is þæt? Ða cwæ'ð he: Hit is f se an man ongit F Þ he (on) o'ðrü ongit synderliee; he hine 30 ongit þurh þa eagan synderlice 11, þurh þa earan synderlice, þurh his rædelsan synderliee, þurh geseeadwisnesse synder- lice, þurh gewis and[g Jit. l\Ianige sint ewucera geseeafta e Boeth. v. pro 4. 1. 69 P. ' Cuius erroris causa est,' &c. f Boeth. v. remainder of pro 4 and whole of 5. . I geswuncen B. 2 hwilc B. 3 P hz'ne om. B. 4 geworden B. 5 scy/en om. B. II From J. B mill!. 7 J1 B. II swylC1ze. . . mtzg omit B. 9 blac B. 10 fruman cerre B. II sYltderli[ C. I 14 6 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XLI. 9 5 unstirende, swa swa nu scylfiscas 1 sint, 7 habba'O þeah sumne dæl andgites, for'Oæm hi ne meahton eJ1es libban, gif hi nan grot andgites næf( dJen. Sume magon gesion, sume [ magon J geheran, sume gefredan, sume [g Jestincan 2. Ae þa S styriendan neten[ 'it s Jint monnü gelicran, for'Oæm [ hy J 5 habba'ð eall 'P 'ða unstyriendan habba'ð, 7 eac mare to; p is iJ hi onhyria'ð 4 monnu ; lufia'O p hi lufia'O 7 hatia'ð Þ hi hatia'O, 7 flio'O .p hi hatia'ð 7 seca'ð .p hi lufia'ð. Ða men 'ðonne habba'O * 127b C eall i' we ær ymbe* [spræcon, 7 eac to eacan þã micle gift f en l ( s; next gesceadwÙnesse. Englas þõn habba'ð gewÙs andgz!. For- 10 010 missing. þam sznt 'ðas sceafta 5 þus gesceapene jJ ða uns!yrzelldan hz' ne ahebben qfer þa s!yrzelldall, lle hÙ71 wzd lle wznllall, ne þa slyrzendan ojèr þa men, l1e þa men oJër þa englas, ne þa englas zlJz'ð God. Ac þæl is earmlzc jJ se mæsla dæl JJlonna ne secd no jJ jJ hÙJlforgife1l is,jJ is gesceadwzSllcss" nejJ ne secð 6 þat him IS ofer zS, jJ is þæt englas habbað 7 wzSe men,. jJ is gewis andget. Ac JJlest monlla 111t 7 onhyreð 8 nu lleatü on þã þæt hz' willnz"aõ u'oruldlusta swa swa lletenu. A c gif 'lve nu hæfdoll ænignt dæl Ulltwz"ogelldes andgz"tes swa swa englas habbað, þõn nllnte 'Zt'e ongz"toll jJ jJ andgel bZd 1/lzCle betere þõn ure gesceadwzSnes se 9. 20 jJeah we fila smean 10, we habbað ltÏellne gearowitan buton tweon ' ac þã englum nis nan tweo nanes þæra þznga þe Jn" wZlon / forþz' Ù hzora gearOZfJllo sura micle betra þõn ure gesceadwÙnes se, swa ure gesceadwz"snes 11 is be/ere þõn nytella 12 andgll sze, oððe þæs gewzïtes ællig dæl þe hz'm_forgifen Ù auþer 25 oà;e hrorulll neatü oððe zt1zhrorum 13. Ac u/on lllt habban ure moa uþ swa swa we yfemest mægen 'lvið þæs hean hrojès þæs hehstan alldgzÏes, 'P ðu mæge hrædlzcost cunzon 7 eðelzcost to þznre agenTe 0'õðe "pollan þe ðu ær come. jYær mag þzn mod 7 þin gesceacrdJzSnes geseon14 opelllzce j5 jJ Jill nu ymb hveoð 3 0 ælas þz"nges, ægþer ge be þære godcundan foresceawl/llge þe we llU oft Y1llb spræcon, ge be urUJil jiydome 1 :>,ge swa be eallit þzngit. 1 fiscas B. 2 For gestillcan B h;1S ge fall. by space. 8 }a am. B. 4 Ilyrigað B. 11 gcsceafta J. 15 secað J. 7 llU from J, om. B. From J, ol1styræð 1-3. II gesceadwislles s'Ù J. 10 s1lleagen J. 11 ern. gesceadwisnesse B. 12 netan J. 13 em. 1/'11rorUIIl B. It em. gesceo1t H. 15 freodome J. XLII] DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 147 vi fa. Ða se fVisdom þa þis spell asæd hæfde, þa ongan hl singan 7 þus cwæð:] (Hwæt, þu mznt ongz"tan ß manzg wyht is mistlzce firende geond 1 eorþan, 7 Sz1zt swzde ungeHces hiwes, 7 lIngelzce farao. Sume lzcgað mz'd eallon Hc homan on 5 eorþan, 7 swa smuhende 2 farað ß hÙn nallþer ne fêt ne jiðeras ne fultu1Jlað.; 7 sume bið I'wz"o.fete, sume fioweifete, sume fleogende, 7 ealle þeah bzoð o.fdulle healde wzo þa're eoroan, 7 þÙler wzllnÙlo, oððe þæs þe hi /yst oððe þæs þe hi beþuifon. Ac se mann ana gæþ uprihte.; ß tacnao jJ he sceal ma þencan 10 úp þõn nyðer, þi læs jJ mod sie nzoooror þõn ðe Hchoma.) Ða se Wisdom 'ða 3 'ðis leo'ð asungen hæfde, 'ða cwæ'ð he : XLII g. For'ðy we scoldon eaIle mægene 4 spyrian æfter Gode, 'Þ we wissen hwæt he '\være. Ðeah hit ure mæ'ð ne sie i' we witen hwylc 5 he sie, we sculon þeah be þæs anrlgites mæ'ðe 15 þe he us gifð fandian 6; swa swa we ær cwædon Þ mon scolde æ1c þing ongitan be his andgites mæþe, for'ðæm we ne magon ælc þing ongitan swylc sw)'1ce hit bi'ð. Ælc gesceaft 'ðeah æg'ðer ge geseeadwis ge ungesceadwis p sweotola'ð i' God eee is, for'Oæm næfre swa *manega * 138b C. 20 gesceafta 7 swa micla 7 sw[ a ] 7 fægra hi ne under'ðiodden læssan gee Jsceafte 7 læssan [an Jwalde þonne (hz) ea[lle] sindon, ne fur'ðum emnmiclum. Ða cwæ'ð ic: H wæt is ecnes? Ða cwæ'ð he: þu me ahsast micles (7) earfo'ðes to ongitanne; gif þu hit witan 8 wilt, 'ðu scealt habban ær þines 25 modes eagan clæne 7 hlutor 9. Ne mæg ic 'ðe nauht helan 'Oæs 'ðe ic wat. Wast þu Þ þreo 'ðing sindon on þis mid- dangearde? An is hwi1endlic, 'ðæt hæfð 10 æg'ðer ge fruman ge ende; 7 (ze) nat 'ðeah nanwuht 'ðæs 'ðe hwilendlie is, nau'ðer ne his fruman ne his ende. O'ðer 'ðing is ece, Þ hæfð fa Boeth. v. met. 5. ' Quam uariis terras,' &c. Cotto Metr. xxxi. g Boeth. v. pro 6. 'Quoniam igitur,' &c. 1 em. geoll B. 2 orig. snicende, c erased, ni turned into m, and uh written ab. 1. 3 ða am. B. 4 eal/on mægne B. 11 hwylc am. H- I) fundigan B. 7 Conject. B has swægra for swa fægra. 8 ongitan B. U hlutre B. 10 þæs ðe for ðæt hæfð E. L 2 14 8 DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [XLII fruman 7 næfð nænne ende; 7 (zë) wat hwonne hit ongin ; 7 wat p hit næfre ne geenda'ð; Þ sint englas 7 monna saula. þridde 'ðing is eee buton ende 7 buton anginne; Þ is God. Betweoh þæm þrim is swi'ðe micel toseead. Gif wit Þ eall sculon tosmeagan 1, þonne eume wit late to ende þis5e bec, 5 o'ð'ðe næfre. Ac an þing 'ðu seealt nede þæran 2 witan: forhwy God is gehaten sio hehste ecnes. Da ewæ'ð ic: * 129a C. Hwy? Da ewæ'ð he: *For'ðon þe 3 we witon swi'ðe !ytel 'ðæs þe ær us wæs buton be gemynde 7 be geæscum" 7 get læsse þæs 'ðe æf'i us bi'ð. 'Þ an us is 5 gewislice and weard 10 Þ þe ð þonne bi'ð; ae him is eall andweard, ge pte ær wæs, ge j)te nu is, ge pte æfter us bi'ð; eall Þ 7 is him andweard. N e wex'ð 8 his wela na, ne eac næfre ne wana'ð. N e ofman he næfre nane wuht, for'ðæm he 9 næfre nauht ne 10 forgeat. Ne see'O he nanwuht, ne ne smea'ð, for'ðæmþe he hit wat eall. 15 N e sec'ð he nanwuht, for'ðy 11 he nanwuht ne forleas. N e eht 12 he nanre wuhte, for'ðy hine nanwuht ne mæg flion; ne ondræt he him 13 nane wuht, for'ðæm he næfð nænne ricran ne fur'ðum nænne gelican. Sin1le he bi'ð gifende, 7 ne wana'ð his næfre nauht. Symle he bi'ð ælmihtig, for'ðæm he 20 symle wile good 7 næfre nan yfel. Nis him nanes þinges ned- þearf. Sÿle .he bi'ð lociende, ne slæp'ð he næfre. Sÿle he bi'Õ * 129 b C. geliee manþwære. Sÿle he bi'ð ece, *forþæm næfre sio tid næs p he nære, ne næfre ne wyr'ð. Simle he bz"'ð freoh, ne bi'ð he to nanum weorce geneded. For his godeundlìcum 25 anwalde he is æghwær andweard. His micelnesse ne mæg na.n man ametan; nis p 'ðeah no licü1ice 14 to wenanne, ac gastliee, swa swa nu wisdom is 7 rihtwisnes, for'ðæm he Þ is self. Ae hwæt ofermodie ge þonne, o'ðõe hwy ahebbe ge eow wi'ð swa heane anwald? jõr'ðæm ge 15 nauht wi'ð 30 hine don ne magon; forõæm se eea 7 se ælmehtga syle sit on þæ heahsetle his anwaldes; þonan he mæg eall gesion, 7 gilt æ1cii (be jam) swi'ðe lð rihte æf'i his gewyrhtü. For'ðæ 1 asmeagan B. 2 )ær ær B. · is om. B. 0 Ie B. 7 hit B. 10 ht ne B. lJ flrþã B. 13 him om. B. 14 /ichoml-Ùt B. S )e om. B. 4 geasc'lJnge B. II From B, sceaxð C. g he om. B. 12 if! B, with s above line after j: :5 ðe hz.- B. 10 swiðe om. B. XLII] DE CONSOLA TIONE PHILOSOPHIAE 149 hit nis no unnet p we hopien to Gode, for'ðæ he ne went 1 no swa swa we do'ð. Ac bidda'ð 2 hine eadmodlice, for'ðæm he is swiõe rümod 7 8wz'õe mildheort. - Hebba'ð eower mod to him mid eowrü hondü, 7 bidda'ð þæs þe riht sie 7 eower 5 þearf sie, forõæm he eow nele wyr[ nan J. Hatiaõ yfel 7 fleoõ swa ge swi'ðost m[ æ Jgen 3; lufia'ð cræftas, 7 folgia'ð þæ. Ge habba'ð micle ned'ðearfe 4 p ge sÿle wel don, for'ðæm ge sÿle beforan þã ecan 7 þæm ælmihtgan:> Gode do'ð eall Þ p ge do'ð; eall he hit [gesihõ, 7 eall he] hit forgilt. 10 FINIT 6. DRIHTEN ælmihliga God, wyrhla 7 wealdend ealra gesctajla, ic bidde þe for þinre mice/an mzïdheortnesse 7 7 for. þære halegan rode tacne, 7 for Scã Marian mægðhade, 7 fir Scé Michaeles gel!)lrsünesse, 7 fir ealra þinra halgana IS lzifan 7 heora earnungü, jJ þu me gewZ"Ssige bet þonne ic awyrhte to þe . 7 gewz"ssa llle to þinu wzïlan 7 to minre 8 sawle þearfi bet þonne ù: SJ'lf cunne.; 7 gestaþela min mod to þinü wzïlan 7 to mznre sawle þtarfe ' 7 gestranga me wzõ þæs deofles costnungu ' 7 afyrra frfi me þa fit/an galnysse 7 ælce 20 unrz"ldwz"snysse ' 7 gescylde me wÛ! mz1zu wzõerwinllii gese- wenlÙ:ü 7 ungesewenlicu ' 7 tæc me þinne wztlan to wyrcenne, jJ ic mæge þe inweardlice lujian toforon eallü þingum mid clænü geþance 7 mÙl clænü lÙ:ha17lan ' flrþon 9 þe þu tart min sceoppend, 7 mzn alesend, min fullü, mzn fro.fêr, mil1 25 trewnes, 7 mÙz tohopa . si þe lif 7 wylder nu 7 a a a 10 worulde buton æghwzïcü ende. Amen 8.. " This prayer is only in B. See Introduction. 1 welt B. 2 abiddað B. I Conject. 11lagon B. 4 þeaifc B. fj em. ælnu"hga1l C, ælmehtiga1t B. 8 A11lC1I Finit B. 7 t:m. 11lild- heorlnessan H. 8 em. mire B. \I em. fo)on B. NOTE (i) After ða cwæð he: p. 137, 1. 23, read: eall bið good pie 1Zyt bið. Ða cwæð ic: J1 'is soð. Ða cwæð he: This passage om. .B. (ii) Before wæler: p. 80, 1. 24, read: )æt. THE OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF THE LAYS OF BOETHIUS 1 . PROEl\i 1 Ð US Ælfred US ealdspell reahte, cynzng JVestsexna, crafl17leldode, leoowyrhta ItSt. him wæs lust micel õæt h õzossum leodu1Jl leoð spellode, monnum 1l9lrgen, ll11slice C""dJÙlas, þy læs ælznge ut adrife selflzcne secg, þonne he s'lR.Jelces /yt gY17lÕ for hz"s gz1pe. lC sceal gÙI sprecall, ./ón on jitte, .folccuðlle ræd haleðulll secgean ,,' hlz"ste se þe wzlle. l\IETRA I a. Hit wæs geara Ùt ðætte Golan eastall of Sciõõza sceldas læddon: þreate geþrungon þeodlond monig. set/on suoweardes sigeþeoda Iwa ,,' Gotene rice gearmælum weox. hæfdan him gecynde rynÙzgas twegell, R ædgod 7 A lerÙ: ,,' rice geþUJlgOll. pa wæs ofir ]JIun/giop monig atyhted Gota gylpes full, guõe ge!J;sted fllcgewÙznès. fana llweaifode a. Cf. p. 7. 1 The proem and first four metra are from J. !' 10 f. 10 15 2 THE OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF sci'r on sceafle . sceotend þohton 1 taNa ealle 1 gegongan, IÙzdwigende,. hi gela;stall swua ef1ze from Maztgiop oð þOlle mæran wearoð þær Sicz7ia sæslrea1Jlum in eglond mzeel eõel mærsað. oa wæs R omana nee gewunllen, abrocen burga cyst. beadurz"ncum wæs Rom ge1J!med. R ædgol 7 A leric Joron on ðæt fæsten. ßeah casere mid þam æþeHngum ul on Crecas. ne meahle þa seo wealaf wige Jòrstandan Golan mid guðe. giolllOnlla gestrion sealdon ullwillulll eþelweardas, halige aðas ' wæs gehwæðeres waa. þeah wæs magorinca mod tnz'd Crec1t1Jl, glf hi leod.fruman læstan dorsten. slod þrage on ðam ' þeod wæs gewullllell wzntra mænigo, oðþæl wyrd gescraf ß þe 'peodnee þegnas 7 eorlas heran sceoldan. wæs se heretema Cnsle gecnoden ' cyning seifa onfing fulluhtþeawltm. fægnodon ealle R omwara bearn, 7 hz'm recene to fnoes wilnedoll. he hÙn fæsle gehet 'P hy ealdrihta ælces nlOslen wyrðe gewunigen on þære welegan byrig ðenden God wuolde þæt he Golena 2 geweald agan mosle. he ß eall aleag . wæs þæm æþelz"nge Arrialles gedwola leofre þOllne Drihlnes æ. het Iohanl1es godne papan heafde belleawon ' l1æs ðæl hærlze dæd. eac þam wæs unrz'm oðres manes Þ se Gola fremede godra gehwilculll. 1 em. ealla J. 2 em. Godella J. [I. I I I :> :;:0 2;; 3 0 5 4 0 45 I. 81] THE LA YS OF BOETHIUS 153 õa zvæs ricra sum on Rome byrig ahefen heretoga, hlaforde leof, þendel1 rynestole Creacas wz'oldon. þæt wæs rzntwz's rznc.J' wæs mid Romwarullt sz1zcgeq(a sella, siððan longe. 50 he wæs for weorulde wz's, weorðmynõa georn, beorn boca gleaw. Boz"tius se hæle hatte.J' se þone hlz"san geþah. wæs him 01Z gemynde mæla gelzwz1ce yfel 7 edwz"t jJ him elõeodge 55 kynz1zgas cyõdon. wæs on Creacas Iwld.J' gem un de þara ara 7 ealdrznta þe hz's eldran lllz'd him ahton longe, lzifan 7 lissa. angan þa lz"stum ymbe õencean þearßice, hu he õÙler meahte 60 Crecas oncerran, þæt se casere eft anwald oJèr hi agan moste. sende ærendgewrz"t ealdhlafordum degeIÙ;e, 7 hi: fir Drzntne bæd, ealdum treowum, ðæt hi æ It to him 65 comen on þa ceastre, lete Creca witan rædan Romwarum, rzntes wyrðe lete þone leodsczpe. õa þa lare ongeat Ðeodric Amulz"ng, 7 þone þegn q(erftng, heht fæstlice folcgesiðas 7 0 healdon þone hererz1zc. wæs him hreoh sifa, ege from õam eorle. he hine znne heht on carcerne cluster belucan. þa wæs modsifa miclum gedrefed Boetzus. breac longe ær 75 wlencea under wolcnum.J' he þy wyrs meahte þolz"an þa þrage, þa hz'o swa þearl become wæs þa ormod eorl, are ne wende, ne on þam fæstene frifre gemunde.J' ac h neowol astreaht nz"ðer ifdune 80 feol 011 þa flore. fela worda spræc, 154 THE OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF [I. 82 forþoht õearle.1' ne wende þona1l æfre cuman of õæm clam mum. cleopode to Dr/hlne geomran stenl1ze, gyddode pus. II b. })oeth. i. met. I. 'Carmina qui quondam studio florente peregi.' Hwæt, Û: lz"oõa fila lustlÛ:e geo sanc on sælum. nu sceal slojigende, wope gewæged, wrecca gzomor, sz1zgan sarc7vÙlas. me þz'os sÙ:ce/ung hafaõ agæled, ões geocsa, jJ ù: þa ged ne mæg ge.fegean swa fægre, þeah ic fila gzo þa sette soõcwÙla, þonne z'c on sælu1ll wæs. oft z' nu 1Jlz"scyrre cuõe spræce, 7 þeah uncuõre ær hwz7um fond. JJle þas woruldsælða welhwæs blz"ndne on õz"s dÙJlme hol dysine forlæddOlz, 7 me þa berypton rædes 7 j"rofre for heora unlreowum, þe ù: hÙll æfre be/st truwian seeolde. hi me to wendon heora bacu bz"tere, 7 heora blisse from. forhwam wolde ge, weoruldfrynd mÙze, secgan oððe szngall jJ ù: gesællÛ: mOlZ wære on weorulde? 1le synt þa word soð, nu þa gesælða lle magon sÙJlle gewulligan. 5 ]0 1 III c. })oeth. i. met. 2. 'Heu quam praecipiti mersa profundo.' ../Eala, OJZ hu grz"nZ1JlU1Jl 7 hu grundleasu1Jl seaõe swÙzceõ þæl sweorcende mod, þonne hz"t þa strollgan stormas bcataõ 'weoruldbz'sgunga. þOllne hz"! wÙznende hz's agen leoht an/orlæteõ, 7 1llÙl uua forgz"t þone ecan ge.fean, b Cf. p. 8. C Cf. p. 9. 5 IV. 27] THE LA YS OF BOETHIUS 155 ðringð on þa ðzostro ðisse worulde, sorgum geswenced. swa is þissum nu mode gelumpen.1' nu hz"t mare ne wat .for Gode godes but01z gllornunge fremdre worulde. hznz is frofre ðeaif. 10 IVd. Boeth. i. met. 5. ' 0 stelliferi conditor orbis.' Æala, ðu scippend sczrra tungla, hefones 7 eorðan.1' ðu on heahsetle ecum rÙ:sast, 7 ðu eabze hræðe hefon ymbhweaifest, 7 ðurh ðine halige nunt tunglu genedest jJ hz' ðe to herað. 5 . swylce seo sunne sweartra nihta ðzoslro adwæsceð, þurh ðine meht, blacum leohte, beorhte steorran mona gemetgað.1' ður h ðinra meahta sped hwz"lum eac þa sunnan sz'nes bereafað 10 beorhtan leohtes, þonne hz"t gel!)'rigan mæg þæt swa geneahsne nede weorõað. sweke þone mæran morgellsteorran þe we oðre naman æfensteorra nemnan herað, ðu gelled est þone ] 5 jJ he þære SUllnan sið bewitz"ge.1' geara gehwelce he gongan sceal, beforan firan. hwæt ðu, fæder, wercest sumurlange dagas swzõe hate.1' þæm wznterdagum wundrum sceorta 20 tÙla getz"ohhast. ðu þæm treowum selest suõan 7 westan, þa ær se swearta storm norðan 7 east an benumen hæfde leifa gehwelces ðurh þOlle laðra1l wind. lala hwæt, on eorðan ealla gescea.fta 25 0'rað ðinre hæse.1. doð on heifollum swa S01lle mode- 7 mægne, buta1l men anum.1' d Cf. p. 10. * middle of 3a C. 15 6 THE OLD ENGLISH VERSIOfl OF [IV. 28 se wz"iJ 'ðÙzum will an wyrce'ð ojios/. wella, 'ðu eca 7 þu ælmihtiga ealra gesceafla sceppend 7 reccend.1' ara 'ðÙlum earmum eor'ðan tudre, monna cynne, õurh 'ðinra mehta sped. hwi 'ðu ece God æfre wolde jJ sio wyrd on gewz11 wendan sceolde yflum 1Jlonnum ealles swa swi'ðe? hio ful oft dere'ð unscyldegum. silta'ð yfile men giond eorõricu on heahsetlum, halige þrzcca'ð under heora fitum. firum uncuõ hwi sÛJ wyrd swa wó wend an sceolde. swa sznt gehydde her on worulde geond burga fe/a beorh/e cræftas. UllrzntWz"sf eal/um tz"dum habbaõ 01l hospe 'ða þe him szndon rzntes wz"sran, rzces wyr'ðran. bi'ð jJ lease lot lange hwz'le bewrigen mÙl wrencum. nu on worulde her monnum ne dena'ð máne aõas. gif 'ðu nu, waldend, lze wilt wz"rde steoralz, ac on seifwz'lle sigan lætest, þonne lC wat j5te wz'le woruld1llen tweogan geond foldan sceat, buton fea ane. eala, min Dryhten, õu þe ealle ojërsihst worulde gesceafta, wlzï nu on moncyn ll11'ldum eagum, nu hi on monegum her worulde y'ðum wynnað 7 swincaõ, earme eor'ðwaran.1' ara him nu 'ða. "'0 .J 35 4 0 45 f-O 55 Ve. Boeth. i. met. 7. ' Nubibus atris.' *Ðu meaht be ðære sunnan sweotole geþeneean, 7 be æghwelcum o'ðrum steorran e cr. p. 14. v. 37] THE LA YS OF BOETHIUS þara þe æfter burgum beortost seined' ' gif him wan fore woIcen hanga'O, ne mægen hi swa leoh!ne leoman ansendan ær se þicea mist þynra weorðe. swa oft smylte sæ su'ðerne wind, græge glashlutre, grimnle gedrefe'ð, þonne hie gemenga'ð micla 1 ysta, onhrera'ð hronmere; hrioh bi'ð þonne seo þe ær gIadu onsiene wæs. swa oft æspringe ut awealle'ð of dife harü eol 7 hlutor, 7 geredice rihte flowe'ð; irne'ð wi'ð his eardes, 0'0 hi oninnan *[filð mun!es mægens!an, 7 him on J midda[ n gelig Je'ð, atrendlod 2 of 'ðæm [torre. he on] tu si'ð'Oan tosceaden wyr'ð; scir bi'ð gedrefed burna geblonden; broe bi'ð onwended of his rihtryne, ry'ðum toflowen. swa nu þa þiostro þinre heortan willa'O minre leohtan lare wzostondan, 7 'ðin modge þone miclü gedrefan. ac gif 'ðu nu wilnast, i' 'ðu wel mæge, þæt soõe leoh! sweotole onenawan, leohte gel[ eo/an, Þ Ju forlætan seealt idle ofersælða, unnytne gefean, þu seeaIt eac yfelne ege anforlæ!an woruldearfo'ða. ne most 'ðu wesan for þæm ealles to ormod, ne 'ðu 'Oe æfre ne læt wlenca gewæean, þe læs þu weor'ðe for him mid q(ermettü eft geseended, 7 to upahafen for orsorgum woruldgesælõum. ne eft to wac1iee geortreowe æniges godes, þonne þe for worulde wi'ðerweardra S mæs'ð þinga þreage, 7 þ[ u] õe selfum 1 mila C. :I atrendlod C. a ern. witJerwearda C. 157 5 10 IS * 3b C. 20 15 ;-\0 35 * .f.a C. * j oa c. TS8 THE OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF [V. 38 swi'ðost onsitte. for'Oæm sinlle bi'O se modsefa miclum gebunden mid gedrefnesse, gif hine dreceean mot ....0 þissa yfta hwæðer, innan swencan. for'Oæm þa twegen tregan teo'O tosomne* [wzo Þ mod for Jan mis[les J dwolema[ n, jJ hit seo ece ne mol] innan geondscinan [sunne fir ðæm sw Jeartum mistum, ær õæ[ m hi ge-] swi'ôrad weor'Oen. VI f. Boeth. ii. met. 3. 'Cum polo Phoebus roseis quadrigis.' Ða se \Visdom eft wordhord onleac, sang so'Oewidas, 7 þus selfa cwæð: õonne sio sunne sweotolost scine'O, hadrost 0/ hefone, hræðe bio'ð aðz"slrod ealle ofir [eorþan oðre sleorra In; for'ôæm hiora b[zThlll ne bzo] auht to gesettane wi'ô þære sunnan leoht. 'Oonne srnolte blæw'O suðan 7 westan wind under wo1cnum, þon[ ne weax ]a'ô 1 hra'Oe feldes blostma[ n, fagen jJJ hi moton. ae se stearca sto[rm, þonne h]e strong cym'ô nor'ðan 7 eas[lan, he] genimeð hra'ôe þære rosan wlite; 7 eae þa ruman sæ nor þerne yst [llede gebæ Jdeõ 2 .p hio strange geonds!1'red [on slaðu] beate'ô. * eala t on eorðan auht [/æstIÚ:es weoræs on J worulde lle .wunað a/re. VII . 5 10 15 Boeth. ii. met. 4. ' Quisquis uolet perennem.' [Ða ongon se Wisdom his gewunan] fylgan; gliowordum gol, gyd æ/7 S spelle. song so'ôew[ÙIJa sumne þa geta; r Cf. p. 2 I. g cr. p. 26. I em. weaxe'ð J. 2 em. -ded C. 3 em. tZst J. VII. 37J THE LA YS OF BOETH/US ewæõ þæt he ne herde F on heane munt monna ænig meahte asettan [healle hroff ]æste. ne þ[ eaif eac hæleða nan wena1l J þæs [weorces jJ he wz"sdom mæge wzoJ oferme[tta afre gemengan. herdes J þu æfr[e jJte ænz"g mon on sondbe Jorg[ as settan meahle fæste healle r] ne mæg eae fira nan wz"sdom tz"mbran þær ðær woruldgitsung beorg J oferbrædeõ. baru sond [wz1lað] ren forswelgan; sw[ a J de'ð [ricra nu J grundleas gitsung gilpes [7 æhta.; gedrz]nce'ð to dryggum dreos[ endne we/an, J 7 þeah þæs þearfan ne bzo [þurst ace Jled. ne mæg hæle þa geh[ wænl hus on J munte lange gelæsta[ n, for'ðæm] him lungre on swiít [wznd swaþeð. J ne biõ sond þon m[ a wzo mz'celne Ten J manna ængum, h[ uses hz'rde.; ac hzï hreo Jsan wile, sigan [solld aifter rene. swa blOð aura gehwæs monlla modsifan miclum awegede*, if hz'ora slede sryrede, þOllne hz' 1 strong dreceð wÙld under wolc1lum woruldea Jrfoõa, o Þ te hi 2 eft se re'ða fen onhrereõ [su Jrnes ymbhogan, ungemetgemen. ac se 'ðe þa ecan agan wille s[ oðan J gesæl'ða, h[ e sc Jeal swi'ðe fi[ zon þÙse wont/de wlile ' wy Jrce him [szoþan hÙ modes hus, þær he J mæge [filldan eaðmetta stan unigme Jt S fæst[ ne, grundweal gearoné ' se 10 Jglidan [ne þeaif, þeah hit wecge Wz11d] woruld[ ear:foþa 4 oððe ymbhogena orme Jte [ren ' Jörþ{('1Jl on þære dene Drzrlfen se!fa I em. ht J. :2 em. hit C. '" From here to lædað(l. 40) C much damaged. 3 U1zi'g meifæstnc J. 159 5 10 l :J o * 14b C about here. 2 o 35 * If3 C abou there. * Job C 160 THE OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF þara tadmelta eardfæsl wunz"gað, þær se wisdom â zvunað on gemyndum.] for'ðon orsorg lif [ealnig læda]'ð woruldmen wise bulon [wendz1zge '] þonne he eall forsih'ð [eorðlic1t goo]d 7 eae þara yfela ore sorh wunað,] hopa'ð to þæm ecum [þe þæræfler J cuma'ð, hine þonne [æghwonan ælmiJhtig God 1 singalliee [simle gehealdeðJ anwunigendne his [agenum modes gesælþ Jum, þurh me[Iodes gift, þeah hine se] wz'nd [woruldeaifoõa swiõe swence, 7 hine singale gemen gæle, þonne him *grimme on 'lvoruldsælþa wind wraðe blaweð, J þeah þe [hine ealneg se ymbhoga ðyssa J woruldsæl'ða wra15e [d]recee. VIII h. Boeth. ii. met. 5. 'Felix nirnium prior aetas.' * Son a swa se JVisdom þas word hæfde swtlole areahle, he þa si'ðþan ongan singan [s Jo'ðcwidas 7 þus selfa ewæ'ð: hwæt, [sio] forme eld foldbuendum geond [eorðJan see at æghwam dohte, þa þa anra gehwæm on eor'ðwæstmum genoh [ðuhJte; nis hit nu 'ða swelc. næron þa [geo Jnd weorulde welige hamas, ne mise Nee] mettas ne drineas, ne hi þara [hræ Jgla huru ne gemdon þe nu driht[gum Jan diorost læta'ð; for'ðæm hiora [næn Jig næs þa gieta, ne hi ne gesa won [sun Jdbuende, ne ymbutan hi awer ne [hJerdon. hwæt, hi jirenl usta frece ne wæron, h Cf. p. 33. 1 em. good C. [VII. 3R "'0 ...5 50 5 10 15 VIII. 49] THE LA YS OF BOETHIUS buton swa hi meahton gemet[lz]cost 'ða geeynd began þe him Crist [g Jeseeop ; 7 hi æne on dæge æton sym[ Ie J on æfentid eor þan wæstmas, [ wu Jdes 7 wyrta; nalles win druncon scir [if] steape. næ[ s] þa s[ ce ]aIca nan þe mete [0 J'ð'ðe drin[c] mængan eu'ðe, wæter wið [hu ]nige, ne h[ e ]ora wæda þon ma sioloce siowian 1; ne hi siaroeræftum godweb giredon, ne hi gimreced setto[ n searoIÛ:e, ] ae hi simle him eallü [tÙlum] ute slepon under beamseead[e. drunc Jon burn an wæter, ealde wel[lan 2. nænz"g]* eepa ne seah ofer eargeblond ellendne wearod, ne huru ymbe sczphergas sætiIcas ne herdon, ne fur'ðum jira nan ymb gefeoht spreean. næs 'ðeos eorðe besmz"ten awer þa geta beornes blode, þe hi ne bz1lrude ne furðum wundne wer weoruldbuellde gesawan under sunnan. llænz"g siððan wæs weorð on weorulde, gif 1Jlon hz's wz71an ongeat yfelne 1Jlz'd eldum.; he wæs æghwæm lað. eala þær hit wurde, oððe wolde God, þæt on eor'ðan nu ussa tida geond þas widan weoruld wæren æghwæs swelce under sunllan. ac hit zS sæmre 1ZU jJ ðeos gitsunc hafað gumena gehzvelces mod amerred, jJ he maran ne recð, ac hz"t on wz"tte weallende Iyrnð. ifne sz'o gz"tsung þe nælllle grund hafað swearte swæfeð sumes onlice ifne þam munle þe nu monna bearn Etne hatað.; se on iglonde 1 sitvian C. 2 So J, C apparently has wyl-. Folio 2 I a is almost illegible, the words being blurred. 1\1 161 20 25 * end of 20b C. 3 0 35 ....0 45 * 2Ib C about here. * 27a C. 162 THE OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF SicilÙz swefle !J.J'r1zeð.1' þæt mon helle.fyr hal/ó wide, * forþæm hit symle [bJi'ð sinbyrnende, 7 ym butan [h Jit oõra stowa blate forbærnõ biteran lege. eala, hwæt se forma feohgitsere wære 011 w[ 0 ]rulde, se þas wongstedas grof æfter golde 7 æfter gimcynnü? hwæt, he frecnu gestreon funde mænegum bewrigen on weorulde, wætére oððe eorþan. IX i. Boeth. ii. met. 6. f N ouimus qnantas dederit ruinas.' *[Hwæt \ we ealle wz"ton hweZce ærlesle ge neah ge feor ]{er01l worhte, Romwara ryning, þa hz's rice wæs hehst under heo.follum, to hryre m01legum. wælhreowes gewed wæs ful wide cur, u1lrihthæmed, arleasta fela, man 7 1Jlorðor,] mz'sdæda worn, unrihtwises [ÙzwÙlþ()ncas. he J het him to gamene [geara for ]bærnan Ro[ mana burig.1' sio hz's J rices wæs ealles eðelstol. he for unsnyttrun1 wolde fa1ldiall gif F fyr n1eahte lzxan swa leohte, 7 swa longe eac read rasettan, swæ he Romane secgan geherde t on sume [tÙ!e Troia] burg ofertogen hæfde lega leohtost, lengest burne hama u1lder hefonum. næs þæt herlzc dæd 'P hine s\Ve1ces gamenes gilpan lyste, þa he ne earnade elles wuhte i Cf. p. 39. ] Top of folio 27a gone. [VIII. 50 50 5f' 5 10 15 20 IX. 53J THE LAYS OF BOETHIUS but on t he wolde ofer [w Jer'ðiode his anes huru anwald [cyþan. eac hù'J gesælde æt sunzum cierre þæt se ilea he! ealle aewellan *[þa 1 ricostall Romana wù'all 7 þa aþelestan eorlgebyrdu1ll þe he on þam Jolee gefrz"gen llæfde, alld 2 onuppan agene broðor 7 hz's 1Jlodor mz'd nzeca ecgum, bz7lu1Jl o.fbeatan, he hz's bryde ofslog self mid sweorde, 7 he s.;,nzle wæs micle þe bliðra on breostcofan þonne he swylees J mor'ðres 3 mæst [gifremede. llalJles sorgode hwæ[þer siðþan â m Jihtig Drihten anze/an wolde wreee be gewyrhtum wohfremmendum, ae he on ferðe fægn faenes 7 searuwa wælriow 4 wunode. wiold emne swaþeah ealles þisses mæran middangeardes, swa swa lyft 7 lagu land J!mbclyppa'ð, garseeg em begyrt gumena rice, seeggea 5 sitlu, su'ð east 7 west o'ð 'ða norðmestan næssan on eor'ðan; eall i' Nerone nede [oðJðe l[ ustum, heaðo Jrinea gehw[ zlC, heran seeolde. he J hæfde hÙn [to 6 gamene, þonne he on gylp hu he eoroCJ'ningas yrmde 7 ewe/mde. wenst ou j5 se anwald eaoe ne meahte* Godes ælnu"htz"ges þone gelpscaoan rice berædan, 7 bereajian hz's anwaldes ourh þa ecan meaht, oõoe him his yfiles ellesJ gesHoran? eala gi.f he wolde, oat he wel meahte, 1 Top of folio 27b gone. 2 SO J. f Top of final w vis. :; em. secgge C. 1 2 16 3 25 * 27 b C .about here. 3 0 35 4 0 45 astag, * 28a C about here. 50 3 J's em. 1Jloðres C. 6 Folio 28a much damaged. 16 4 THE OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF [IX. 54 þæl unrz"hl 111m ea'ðe forbiodan. eawla Þ se Illaford hefig gioe slepte ;I sware on þa swyran sinra ðegena, ealra 'ðara hæleða þe on hz's IÙlu1Jl geond þas lænan worold liban seeoldon. he on unseyldgum eorla blode his sweord selede swi'ðe gelonze. 60 ðær wæs swi'ðe sweotol, þæt we sædon oft, þæt se anwald ne de'ð a wiht godes, gif se wel nele þe hz's geweald hafa'ð. Xj. Boeth. ii. met. 7. 'Quicumque sol am mente praecipiti.' [ Gif 1Ut hæle'ða hwon Je hlisa[ n {yste, un1!J!lne gelp agan wille, þonn[ e Ù: hÙze wolde wordunz J biddan [ji he hine æghwolloll] utan ym[btþohle, sweolole ynzb]sawe su'ð [easl 7 wesl hu widgz"l s Jint wolcnum [ymbulan heofones hweaife.] higesnotrum mæg [ea'ðe ðillcan Þ] þeos eor'ðe sie eall [for 'ðæl o'ðer unig Jmet 1 lytel, þeah [hzo UllwÙunz wÙIJgel þinee, on stede [slronglic, sleo ]rleasum men. þe[ ah mæg þone] wisan on gewillocan [þære gilsun ]ge gelpes seamian, 'ðon[ ne] hine þæs hlisan heardost lysteð, [7 he J þeah ne mæg þone tobredan ofer ðas nearowan, nænige 'ðinga, eorðan seeatas; is ðæt unnet gelp. eala, ofermodan, hwi eow a lysle mid eowrum swiran selfra wz1lum þæt swære gioe symle underlulan? hwy ge ymb 'ðæt unnet eablig swzneen, 5 10 15 20 j Cf. p. 46. I So J, cr. vii. 33. x... 55J THE LA YS OF BOETHIUS Þ ge þo ne hlisan habban tz7Ùlð ofer 'ðioda nla þonne eow þearf [sie]? þeah eow nu gesæle t eow suð [o'ðõe norõ þa] ytmestan eorðbu[e1zde on nlOJlz"g õiodzsc] miclum herien, [õeah hwa æõele sie] eorlgebyrdü, * [ welu1Jl] geweor'ð[ ad 1, 7 on WlellCltlll õz"O du ]gu'ð'um d[zore, deað þæs ne scri]fe'ð', þonne [him rum forlæt rodo ]ra wald[end; ac he þone zvelegan wæ ]dlum gelz"ce [efn1Jl(cnze gedeð, al]ces þinges. [hwær Sl'nt 111t þæs wzsallJ \Velandes [ban þæs golds1Jlzoes, þe] wæs [geo mærost?] for þy ic cwæõ þæs wz'san TVela71des ban, forðy iLngU1Jl ne mæg eorõbuclldra se cræft losian þe hÙJl Crz'st onlænõ. ne mæg mOlz æfre þy eõ ænne wræccan hz's cræftes beniman, þe mon O1lcerran mæg sunnan ollswifan, 7 õz'slle swiftall rodor of hz's rihlryne rinca ænig. hwa waf nu þæs wzSan fVelandes ban, O1Z hwelcum hi 2 hlæwa hrusan þeccen? hwær is nu se rica Romana wi/a 7 se aroda, þe we ymb sprecaõ, hiora heretoga, se gehaten wæs mÙl þæm burgwarum, Brutus nemned. J hwær zS eac se wisa 7 se weorðgeorna 7 se fæstræda folces IlJwde, se wæs uðzvi/a æ/ces þinges cene 7 cra!ftig, þæm was Caton nama? [hi wæron ge.fyrn forõge ]witene, [?lat nænig mon hwær hi nuJ sindon. [hwæt Ù hlora Izere buton]* se hlisa an? se is eae to lytel swe/cra lariowa, 1 em. geweorðað J. 2 Grein's em. Ùt J. r65 2- :> * 3{b C. . o J:, 4 0 4;; :;0 * 3Sa C :, * end of 36b C. r66 THE OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF [x. 56 for'ðæm þa magorincas maran wyr'ðe wæron on wørulde. ae hit is wyrse nit þæt geond þas eorþan aghwær sÙzdon hiora geliean hwon ymb spræce, sume openlice, ealle forgitene, 60 jJ hi se hlisa hiweuðe ne mæg forem{l're weras forð ge brengan. þeah ge l1U wenen 7 wilnigen jJ ge lange tÙI lz"bban moten, hwæt iow æfre þy bet bz"o oððe þince? 65 forðæmþe l1alle forIe!, þeah hit lang 'ðÙzce, deað æfler dogorrime, þonne he hæfð Drihtnes leafe. hwæt þonnt hæbbe hæleþa ænig guma æt þæm gz"lpe, gif hine gegripan mot [se eca J deað æfter þissum [worulde?J 7 0 Xlk. Boeth. ii. met. 8. ' Quod mundus stabili fide: l A 11 sceppC1zd zS butJan ælçü tweon; [se zS eac wea Jldend woruldge[ sceafta J heofones 7 eorðan [7 heah Jsæ 7 ealra 'ðara þe 'ðær[Ùz UJUIlz(l'ð, u Jngesæwenlicra, 7 eae swa [same 'ðara J 'ðe we eagum on loeiað, [ealra geseeifJta. se is ælmihtig; þæ[ m ] oleecað eaHe gesceafte þe þæs ambehtes awuht eunnon, ge eae swa same þa ðæs auht nyton jJ [hz' þæs 'ðe Jodnes þeowas sindon. se [us gesetle J sido 7 þea was, eallum [gesceaflum una Jwendendre 1 s[ ingallÙ:e sz"bbe geryll Jde, þa þa * [he wolde Þ Þ he wolde ' swa lange swa he wolde Þ hz't wesan seeolde, 5 10 15 k Cf. p. 4 8 . I em. -weJldelldlle C. XI. 50] THE LAYS OF BOETHIUS swa hit eac to u:orulde sceal wltllz"an 1 jör'ð ; forþæm æfre ne magOll þa ullstJill[ al J woruldgeseeafta weor'ð[ an gest17de,] of õæm ryne onwend, õe [him rodera J weard ende[by]rdes eallum Jiesette.] hæfð se alwealda ealle [geseeafla gebæt] mid his bridle; hafaõ butu gedon, ealle [gema Jnode, 7 eae getogen, jJ hi ne moten ojèr metodes est æfre gestz7lall, ne eft eallunga swi'ð'or stirÙln, õonne him 2 sigora weard his gewealdleþer wille onlætan 3. he hafa'ð þe bnodle butu befangen heqfoll 7 eor þan, 7 eall holma begollg. swa lzæfð geheaõærod hefonrices weard mid his anwealde ealle geseeafta, jJ hi ora æghwilc wiõ oõer winõ, 7 þeah winllende wre þiaõ fæste, ll'ghwzlc o'ðer ulan ymbc1yppeõ, þy læs hi tos\Yifen. forõæm hi symlc sculon þone i1can ryne if! gecyrran þe æt frymõe fæder getiode, 7 swa edniwe eft gewiorõan; swa hit nu fagaõ, frean ealdgeweorc, jJte winnende wiõerweard gescea It faste sibbe for'ð anhealdaõ. swa 1Ut jÿr 7 wæter, folde 7 lagustream, manigu 4 o'ðru gesceaft* [qizswiðe him giond þas wÙlan 5 'loorulde J winna'ð betweox him, 7 swa þeah magon hiora þegnunga 7 giferscipe fæste gehealdan. nis hit no þæt an jJ swa eaõe mæg wZderweard gesceaft wesan ætgædere symbel geferan, ac hz! is sellicre 1 em. wun'iað J. 2 em. ht" c. 3 em. 01l!ætêll C. clear in C, but apparently either mænigu or maJlltglt. i So J; not ;; em. widas J. 16 7 20 25 3 0 35 4 0 * 37b C. 45 50 * 3 h c. 168 THE OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF [XI. 5 I Þ hiora ænig ne mæg butan 0 þrum bion. ae sceal wuhta gehwile wiõerweardes hwæthl,t1ugu habban under heifonum, Þ his hz"ge dun'e gemetgian ær hit to mice! weor'ðe. hæfð se ælmihtiga eallu1Jl geseeaftum 55 jJæt gewrixle geset þe 11U wunÙzn sceal, 'If!Yrla growan, leo/ grenian, Þ on hærfest eft hrest 7 wealuwaõ. winter bringeð wedel' tt1zgemd eald, swifte windas. sumor æfler cymeõ, 60 wearm gewideru. [hwæt, þa J wonnan niht mona [olllz'hteð, oðJõæt monnum dæ g sunne bnlzgeð giond þas sidan gesceaft. hæfð se ilea God eorõan 7 wætere mearee gesette; merestream ne dear 6:- ofer eor'ðan seeat eard gebrædan fisea cynne butan frean leafe; ne hio æfre ne mot eorõan þyrscwold up ifersteppan, ne õa ebban þon nla foldes *mearce oJèifaran moton. 7 0 þa gesetnessa sigora wealdend, lifes leohtfruma, læt þenden he wile, geond þas mæran [gesceaft mea Jrce healden ae þonne [se eca 7 J se ælmihtiga þa gewealdleðeru wz1e onlætan, 7:; efne þara bridla þe he gebætte mid his agen weore eall æt frynzðe, f is wiõerweardnes wuhte gehwelcre þe we mid þæm bridle becnan tz1iað: gif se õioden læt þa loslupan, 80 sona hi forlætaõ lufan 7 sibbe, õæs geferscipes freondrædenne; tila Þ anra gehwilc agnes wi/Ian; woruldgesceafta winnaõ betweox him, oõþæt ðios eorõe eall forweorõeõ, s:; 7 eae swa same o'ðra geseeafta XII. 16] THE LAYS OF BOETHIUS [ weor Jþað him selfe si'ððan to nauhte. ae se ilea God, se jJ eall metga'ð, se gefehð fela folea tosomlle, 7 mid freondscipe fæste gegadrað; gesamnað 1 sinscipas, sibbe gemengeð, c1ænlice lufe. swa se cræjiga eae geferseipas fæste gesamna'ð, jJ hz' hiora freondscipe forð on sym[ bel] untw ofealde treowa gehealdað, [s ]ibbe samrade. eala, sigora God, wære þis monern miclum gesælig* [gif hiora 1/lodsefa meahte weor'ðall st]aõolfæst gereaht þurh þa strongan n1eaht, 7 geendebyrd swa swa oõra sint woruldgesceafta. 'U){Ere hit la þonne murge mid 1l1011llltm gif hit meahle SZi'a. XII I. Boeth. Hi. met. I. ' Qui serere ingenuum uolet agrum.' Se þe wille wyrcall wæslmbære lond, atio of 'ðæm æcere ærest sona fearn and rorllas 7 fyrsas swa san1e, wiod þa þe wz1laõ welhwær derian c1æ[num hwæ ]te, þy læs he eiõa [leas IÙ:ge on 'ðæmJ lande. is leoda gehw[ æm 'ðios oðru] bysen efnbehif u ; jJ is þætte [i[vnce'ð] þegna gehweleum huniges [bibre ]ad healfe þy swetre gif [he hwelleJ ær huniges teare bitres o71byrge'ð. bið eae swa same monna æghwile mic1e þy fægenra liðes weðres, gif hine lytle ær stormas [ge ]stondaõ 7 se stearca wind, llorõan 7 eastan. nænegum þuh t [d]æg on þonee gif sio dimme ni[ hi] 1 em. gesanl1lz"að C. 1 Cf. p. 5 I. 16 9 9 0 9:; * 3Sb C. 100 :; 10 15 17 0 THE OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF [XII. 17 ær [qjè]r eldum egesan ne brohte. swa þincð anra gehwæm eor'ðbuendra * 4 0b C. sio so'ðe gesæl'ð symle õe betere* 7 þy wynsumre 1 [þe he wita ma, heardra he ]n'ða, her adreoge'ð. þu meaht [ea]e myc1e þy e'ð on rnodsefan soða gesæl'ða sweotolor gecnawan, 7 10 heord. eyõõe be[Clt1Jlall szõðan,] gif þu [up aty ]h!;'ð ær[ est 2 son a, 7 õu au!yrtwalast of gewitloean leasa gesælða, swa s'wa londes ceorl (if Ius æeere !yeõ yfi ]1 weod monig. si'ðõan ù: ðe secge jJ þu sweotole meaht soða gesælõa sona onenawan, 7 þu æfre ne recst æniges õznges ofer þa ane, gif þu hi eal[les 01lglÏst.] XIII m. 20 25 3 0 Boeth. iii. met. 2. ' Quantas rerum flectat habenas.' [Ie wÜleJ mid giddum get gecyõan L hu se æl]n1ihtga ealra gesceafta [blyrõ] mid his bridlum, begõ õider he w[lle] mid his anwalde, ge endebyrd l w ]undorliee wel gemetgaõ. 5 hafa'ð s\Va gehea'ðorad heofona wealdend, utan befangen eaIIa gesceafla, geræped mid his racentan, [Ii] hi aredian ne magon Þ h[ i hi æfre] him of aslepen. 7 þeah [wuhla ge ]hwilc wriga'ð [toheald 10 * 4Sa C. sz"dra geseeafta] *swiõe onhelded wi'O þæs [geryndes þe him 3] eyning [engla], fæder æ[t fiY1Jlðe, /æste] getiode. swa nu þin[ga gehwilc õz"der Jweard fundaõ, m Cf. p. 57. I 7 þy wYllsumre written in a modern hand, apparently that of Junius, at bottom of folio 4oa. 2 From -est to yfe- (1. 28) part gone, rest illegible in C. 3 em. hi J. XIII. 49J THE LA YS OF BOETHIUS 17 1 idra [gesceqjia, butonJ sumum en glum 15 7 moue cylllle ' þaraJ micles to feola, wore oldwunzendra,] win'O wi'O geeynde. þeah [nu on londe leon] gemete wynsume w[ lId wel atemede, ] hire magister Iniclum [lufige, 20 7 eacJ ondræde dogora geh[ zvelce, gif hù'] æfre gesælð jJ hio [ænzges blodes] onbyrge'ð, ne 'Oearf [beorna nan] wenan þære wyrde [} Ino we! sÙJðan] hire taman healde; [ac ù: Iz"ohhz"e 25 þ'] hio 'Oæs niwan taman nau[ hi ne ge Jhiegge, ae 'Oone wildan gew[ Ullall 'lfJllle] geþenean hire eldrena; o[ ngÙzð eor ]neste raeentan slitan, ryn, [grymet]igan, 7 ærest abit hire agenes 30 huses hirde, 7 hraðe si'O'Oan hæle'ð[ a] gehwilene þe hio gehentan mag. nele hio forlætan libbendes wuh[ I, 1l eata ne monna; nim'O eall jJ hio fint. swa do'ð wudufuglas; þeah hi wel szen 35 [Ie Jla atemede, gif hi on treowum [weor JÞaõ holt[ e] tomiddes, hræ'Oe bio'O jòrsewene heora lareowas þe hi Iange ær tydon 7 temedon. hi on treowum* [wzlde * 4 b C. ealdgecynde â forð sl"ððan 40 wz1lu7Jl wltlliað, þeah hÙn] wolde hwi[lc h ]eora [lareowa lzstUIJl] beodan þone ilean [mete þe he Ill] aror mid tame gete[ de. hÙn þa IwiguJ þinea'O emne swa me[rge jJ hz" þæs metes] ne recð; 45 'Oine'O 1 him [10 ð011 'If!Ynsu]m jJ him se weald one cwyð / þonne hi] gehera'O hleo'Orum [bragdall oðre] fugelas, hi heora ag[ne sleflle sty ]ria'O; slunað eal geado[r 1 ðZ:1 ð C. * 46a C. 17 2 THE OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF [XIII. 50 We!Wz11SU1Jl S Jane; wudu eallum one c'UJ.!ð. S'lt'a bið e Jallum treowum þe [hznz on æðeleJ biõ t hit on holte hy[ hsi geweaxe ' Þ Jeah þu hwilcne boh [byge wið e Jor þan, he biõ upweardes [swa ðu an Jforlætst widu on willan; [went on ge]0'nde. ;'5 S7Æ)a deõ eac sio [sunlle, J þonne hio on sige weorõeõ ofer midne dæg; merecondel seyf'ð on qfdæle, uncuõne weg nihtes geneðeð, 1l0rõ eft 7 east; eldum oteweð, brencð eorõwarum morgen meretorhtne; hio ofer moneyn stihõ â upweardes, oõ hio eft eyrneõ þær hire yfernesõ biõ eard geeynde. swa s\\'a ælc gesceaft ealle [mægene ] geond õas widan woruld wri[gað 7 J higaõ ealle rnægene, eft mle on*[lyt wz"ð hz's gecYlldes, cymð 10 ðonne hz'! mæg. 1lz's 1llt ojèr eorðan ænegu geseeaft þe ne WZ711ie Þ hlO wolde cuman 10 þam earde þe hlo of becom . Þ z's orsorgnes 7 ecu J rest 1 ; .p is openlice [ælmihtz" God. 11 is J nu ofer eorõan æne[gu gesceafl þe J ne hwearfige swa [swa hweol deð on] hire selfre, fore ðOll IllO swa hzveal'ýaòJ i' hio eft cume [jar hlO aror wæs ' Jon Jne hio ærest sie u[ Ian behwerfed, þon Jne hio ealles wyrõ [ulan becerred ' ] hio sceal eft don jJ hio [ær dyde, 7 eacJ we san jJ hio æror wæs. 1 Above rest can be made out si- weoroda gin C o ;J 60 6- ;J 7 0 75 80 xv. 15] THE LAYS OF BOETHIUS XIV n. Boeth. iii. met. 3. 'Quamuis fluente diues auri gurgite.' * Hwæt bið 1 þæm welegan woruld[gzlse Jre on his mode ðe bet, [Þeah J he micel age goldes 7 gimma [7 gooda ge J hwæs, æhta unrim, [7 him mon erigen sc Jyle æghwelce dæg [æcera õuscnd, õeah J þes middangeard [7 þis manna ryn ry uJnde1' sunnan [suõ west 7 east his J anwalde eall un [derõÙ'ded ? ne mot] he þa1'a hyrsta [hzonane lædan of J ðisse worulde [wuhte þon ma Jre ho1'dgest1'eona [oonne he hzõe J1' brohte. . XVo. Boeth. iii. met. 4. ' Quamuis se tyrio superbus ostro.' *Ðeah hine [nu se yfila ullrzntJwisa N e1'o[n rynz1zcg nzwan ge Jseerpte wlitegum [wædum, wUlldJorliee golde gegle[ ngdJe [7 gimrynn Jum, þeah he wæs on woru[ Ide wzle Jna gehwelcum 5 on his lifdag[ um laõJ 7 un weo1'ð, fierenfull. hwæt, s[ e fiondJ swaðeah his diorlingas dugu[þum J stepte; ne mæg ie þeah gehy[ cgan hwy J him on hige þorfte a ðy [sæl wesan -,' J þeah hi sume hwile JO geeu1'e [butan J eræftum eyninga dysegast, [næron J hy þy weorðran witena ænegu[m. õeahJ hine se dysega do to eynin[ge, hu J mæg t geseeadwis seealc gere[ ccall pJ he him ðy sel1'a sie oððe þÙlce? 15 n Cf. p. 60. 0 cr. p. 64. I bið above line in C. 173 * 48b C near top. 5 10 * top of 52a C. * 55a C. 174 THE OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF [XVI. 1 XVI p. Boeth. iii. met. 5. 'Qui se uolet esse potentem.' Se þe wille anwald agon, 'ðonne seea[IJ he ærest tilian jJ he his [selJfes on sefan age anwald [l]nnan, þy Iæs he æfre sie his unþeaw[ um J eall under'ðyded; ado of his mode mi[ slz]cra fela ;, þara ymbhogona þe him [u Jnnet sie ; læte sume hwile siofun[gaJ anà 1 enn'ða þinra. þeah him eall sie þes middangeard swa swa merestreamas utan belzcgað on æht gifen, 10 efne swa wid[e] swa swa westmest nu an *[zglond ligð u/ on garsecg, þær nællgu bzo nih]t on sumera ne wuhte þon ma o[1l wz]ntra dæg toteled tidum, jJ is Tile haC/en J : 15 þeah nu anra hwa ealles wealde þæs [zgla Jndes, 7 cae þonan o'ð Indeas eastewe[ ardJe, þeah he nu Þ eall agan mote, hwy [bÚfJ his anwald auhte ðy mara 20 gif he siððan nah his selfes geweald ingeðanees, 7 hine eorneste wel ne bewarenað wordum 7 dædum wið ða unþeawas þe we ymb spreeað? XVII q. Boeth. Hi. met. 6. ' Omne hominum genus in terris.' Ðæt 2 eorðwaran ealle h[ tifden,J foldbuende, fruma[ n gelic1le .,oJ hi of anum twæm ea[lle cOnlon,] P Cf. p. 67. q Cf. p. 69. 2 J's conject., -Æ T C, with large space for initial. I Conject. 7 J. XVIII. 6] THE LAYS OF BOETHIUS 175 were 7 wife, on woruld [Ùznan,] 7 hi eae nu get ealle gelice 5 [01Z zvoruldJ euma'ð, wlanee 7 heane. [llis jJ nan zvundJor, for'ðæm wit an eal[le jJ an God is J ealra geseeafta, free a 1JloncynJles, fæde Jr 7 scippend. se 'ðære [sunnan leoht* seleð 0/ heqfonum, 10 * 5 6b C 1Jlonan 7 þys mærum steorrunz. se gesceop men on eorðall, about here. 7 gesanl1zade sawle to lice æt frzrman ærest, folc u1lder zvolC1zum enl1zæðele gesceop, æghwz"lc1le mono hwy ge þonne æ.fre ojèr oðre men If. ofermodigen buton andzveorce, llU ge unæðelJne nænigne 1 [metað? hwy ge eow for] æþelum up [ahebben lZlt? On þ{l'J7l m Jode bi'ð mon[na gehzm7cum þa rz"]htæþelo þe [ic ðe recce ymb, 20 nales 0 In 'ðæm flæ[sce foldbuendra. ac J nu æghwilc [mon þe lIlz'd e Jalle bi'ð his un þea[ UJUJ7l unde Jr'ðieded, he forlæt ærest [lzjès fru ]mseeaft 7 his agene æþe[lo swa s Jelfe, 25 ï eae þone fæder þe [hz"ne ætJ fruman geseeop. for'ðæ [hÙze an Jæþela'ð ælmihtig God, Þ he [una Jeþele â for'ð þanan wyr'ð [on weoru Jlde, to wuldre ne eym'ð. XVIII r. Boeth. Hi. met. 7. ' Habet omnis hoc uoluptas.' [ Eala] 'ðæt se yfla unrihta gel deðJ wra'ða willa wohhæmetes, Þ [he J mid ealle gedræfõ anra gee hwy Jlces monna eynnes mod rful1zeah þJon. hwæt, sio wilde beo, þeah [zvis sze, ] 5 anunga seeal eall forweo[r Jþan r Cf. p. 7 I. 1 em. ænigl1e C. 176 THE OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF [XVIII. 7 gif hio yrringa awuht stin[geð -,.] swa seeal sawla gehwi1c si'ð'ðan 10 [sÙln ] gif se lieholna forlegen weorþ[eõ U1l ]rihthæmede, bute him ær cum[e] * 5 ða C. hreow *to heortan, [ær he hzonan wende.] * 60a C. XIXs. Boeth. iii. met. 8. ' Eheu, quae miseros tramite deuios.' Eala, jJ is hefig dysig, hyge'ð [ym ]be se 'ðe wile, 7 f[re ]eenlic jira gehwilculn, .p ða ea[rman men mid] ealle ged[ wæ Jle'ð of 'ðæm [rihtan wege* recene alæded. h'li'æðer ge 'lfJl7le1z 01Z wuda] secan gold 'ðæt reade [on J grenü triowu[lIl J ? Ie wat swa'ðeah y hit [wzle Jna nan þider Ene seceõ,] for'ðæn1 [hzl þJær ne wexõ, ne [on wz]ngeardum [wlzlzge ] gimmas. hwy [ge] nu ne settan [on su ]me dune fise[ net] eowru, þonne eo[ w J fon Iyste'ð leax [oõJ'ðe eyperan? me gelieost 'ðine'ð jJte ealle witen eor'ðbuende þoncolmode 'ðæt hi þær ne sint. h[ wæ Jþer ge nu willen wæþan n1Ïd hundu[mJ on sealtne sæ, 'ðonne eow seean lyst heorotas [7] hinda? þu gehiegan meaht p ge will [a ]'ð 'ða on \yuda seean oftor micl[e þo Jnne ut on sæ. is õæt wundorlie, y 'we w[zïJan eaIle, y mon secan seeal be sæwaroõe 7 be eaofrum æ þele gimmas hwite 7 reade 7 hiwa gehwæs. hwæt, hi eae witon hwær hi eafiscas seean þurfa[ n, 7 ] swylcra fela weoruldwelena; hi y \vel [doõ,] 5 Cf. p. í3. 10 5 10 15 20 2- ;) XX. 10] THE LA YS OF BOETHIUS geornfuIIe men, geara gehwilc[. ac J 'ðæt is earmlicost ealra þing[ a jJ þa] dysegan sint on gedwolan word[elle ifne sw Ja blinde p hi on breostum nee magon eaoe] gecna wan hwær þa ec[ an good, soða gesælJða, sind on gehydda; [/orþæm hi æfre ne [ystJ æfter spyri[ an, secan þa gesæloa. wena Jð same wzSe þæt hz' on* oÙ lænan mægen life jindan sooa gesæloa, ß is J selfa God. [It: natJ hu ie n1æge nænige 'ðinga ealles swa swiðe on sefan minum hiora dysig [tælan J swa hit me don Iysteð; ne ic þ[e swa J sweotole [gesec Jgan ne mæg, fo[rþæm J hig 1 sint earmlran J 7 eae dysegran ungesæligran, [þon ]ne ic þe seegan mæge. hi wilnÛlO [we Jlan 7 æhta 7 weorðscipes to gewinnanne; þonne hi habbað p hiora hige seeeð, wenað þonne swa gewitlease ðæt hi þa so'Oan gesælða hæbben. XX t. Boeth. iii. met. 9. '0 qui perpetua mundum ratione gubernas.' Eala, min Drihten, p þu eart ælmih[tzg, m Jicel, modilie, n1ærþum gefræ[ge,J 7 wundorlic witena gehwylcum. [hwæt, ðu J eee God ealra geseeafta wun[ dorHce 'w Jel geseeope 5 ungesewenliea, [7 eac swa s ]ame gesewenliera softe wealdest, scirra geseeafta, mid geseeadwisum mægne 7 eræfte. þu þysne middangear[ d J from fruman ærest forð 0'5 ende 10 t Cf. p. 79, 1 em. hit c. N 177 o 35 * 60b C. about here. 4 0 45 17 8 THE OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF tidum totældes, swa hit getæsos[tJ wæs, ndebyrdes, p hi æghwæõer ge ær fara'O ge eft euma'O. * 65 a C. þu þe unstilla * agna g[ esceafia to 'ðinu1Jl wz7lan 'lfJlslz"ce] astyrest, 7 þe self wunæst swi'ðe stille unanwendendlic a for'O simle. nis nan mihtigra ne nan mærra, ne geond ealle þa geseeaft efnliea þîn, ne þe ænig nedþearf næs æfre giet ealra þara weorea þe þu geworht hafast; ac mid þinum willan þu hit worhtes eall, 7 mid anwalde þinum agenum weorulde geworhtest 7 wuhta gehwæt, þeah õe nænegu ned'ðearf wære eallra þara ill æ!þa. is 'Oæt mice} geeynd þines goodes, þencõ ymb se õe wile, for'Oon hit is eall an ælces þineges, þu 7 jJ 'Oin good. hit is þin agen, for'ðæm hit nis 1 utan, ne com auht to õe. ae ic georne wat y õin goodnes .is ælmihtig good, eall mid 'Oe selfum. hit is ungelie urum gecynde; us is utan eymen eall þa we habbaõ gooda on grundü from Gode selfum. næfst þu to ænegû andan genumenne, for'Oamþe nan þing nis þin gelica, ne huru ænig ælcræftigre; for'ðæm þu eal good anes geþeahte þines geþohtest, 7 hi þa worhtest. næs æror 'ðe 2 ænegu geseeaft þe auht oõ'Oe nauht au'Oer worhte. ac 'Ou butan bysne, brego moneynnes, ælmihtig S God, eall geworhtest * G b c. þing þearle good; eart þe* [se!fa I em. hz's C. 2 em. aworðe C. 3 al æ/nl'ihtigC. [XX. II 15 20 25 30 35 4 0 45 XX. 81] þæt hehste good. hwæt au, halzgJ fæder, æfter þinum wil1an woruld geseeope, ðisne n1iddangeard meahtü þinü, weorada Drihten, swa þu woldest self, 7 mid ðinum willan wealdest ealIes; 50 for'ðæm þu, soða God, selfa dælest gooda æghwiI . forðæm þu geara ær ealla geseeafta ærest geseeope swiðe geliee, sumes hwæðre þeah ungelice; nemdest eall swaðeah 55 mid ane noman, ealle togædre woruld under wo1cnum. hwæt þu, wuldres God, þone anne naman eft todældes, fæder, on feower; wæs þara folde an 7 wæter oðer worulde dæles, 60 7 fyr is þridde, 7 feowerðe lyft; þæt is eall weoruld eft togædere. habbað þeah þa feower frumstol hiora, æghwilc hiora agenne stede, þeah anra hwilc wið oðer sie 65 miclum gemenged, 7 mid mægne eae fæder ælmihtiges fæste gebunden gesibliee softe togædre nzz"d bebode þine, bilewit fæder, pte heora ænig oðres ne dorste 7 0 mearce ofergangan for metodes ege. ae geþweorod sint 'ðegnas togædre, eyninges eëpan, cele wið hæto, wæt wið drygum; winne aðJ hwæðre. wæter 7 eorðe wæstmas brenga'ð. 75 þa sint on geeynde eealda batwa, wæter wæt 7 eeald. wangas ymbeliegað, eorðe æl*greno, eae hw[ æare cea/d. * 6Ga C. {yft Ù genzenged, for Jþæm hio on middum wunað; nis p nan wundor Þ hio sie wearm 7 eeald, 80 wæt wolcnes tier [win Jde geblonden, THE LA YS OF BOETHIUS 179 N 2 * 6Gh ( . 180 [XX 82 THE OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF for'ðæm hio is on midle, [min]e gefræge, fyres 7 eorþan. fel[ a] mon[na] wat pte yfemest is eallra geseeafta fyr ofer eor'Oan, folde neo'Oemest. is p wundorlie, weroda Drihten, p 'On mid geþeahte þinum wyrcest þæt 'Ou [þæm gesce ]aftum swa geseeadlice mearee [gesetJtest, 7 hi ne mengdest eae. hwæt, þu þæm wættere wætu[lIl 7 cea ]ldum fold an to Bore fæste gesettest, for'Oæm hit unstille æghwider wolde wide toseri'Oan wac 7 hnesee. ne meahte hit on him selfum, so'O ie geare wat. æfre gestandan; ae hit sio eor'ðe hylt 7 swelge'O eac be sumum dæle, Þ hio si'Gþan mæg for 'ðæm sype weor'Oan geleht lyftum. for'Oæm leaf 7 gærs bræd geond Bretene, blowe'O 7 growe'O eldum to are. eor'Oe sio eealde breng'O wæstma fela wundorliera J, for'Oæm hio mid [æm wætere weor'Oe'O 2 geþawened. gif ß nære, þonne hio wære fordrugod to duste, 7 todrifen si'O'Oan wide mid winde, s\va nu weor'Oe'O 2 oft axe giond eor'Oal1 eall toblawen. ne meahte on 'Gære eor'ðan [azv Juht lib ban, ne wuhte [þ Jon ma [wa Jetre[ s * brucall, O1Z e ]ardÙzn ænige eræfte for eele anum, gif þu, cyning engla, wi'O fyre hwæthwugu foldan 7 lagustream ne s Inengdest 4 togædre, 7 gemetgodest eele 7 hæto eræf[te] þine, p p fyr ne mæg foldan 7 me[re ]stream blate forbærnan, þeah hit wi'O batwa sie ffæ Jste gefeged, fæder ealdgeweore. 85 9 0 rtion, amount; d. be hire andefne 72. 26; be ðæs gyltes andefne 123. 20. andettan, WV. confess; 'indo prs. I.s. andette; þl. andettað 83. 26* (andette'ð C). andgiet, n. intellect, reason; and- git 32. 2*, 127. 20, 14 6 . 25*; and get 146. 20*; gewis andget GLOSSARY 146. 16*; g. andgietes 45. I; and gites Pro 13 &c.; d. andgite Pr- 3, 58. II, 12*, 81. 23*, 94. 18*, xx. 201; a. andgit Pro 3, 127. 17; gewis andgit 145. 3 2 , 146. 10*; and get 137. 19*; ondgit 27. 18*. andgietfull, adi. intelligent; andgitfull 131. 29. andgietfulliee, adv. intelligibly; sup. andgitfullicast Pro 4. andlang, prep. w.g. along; 86. 21, 91. ;:;2. andleofen,j: sustenance, support; d. andIifene 3 0 . 4. andrysne, acij. awe-inspiring; 61. 6 n. ; a. 61. 4. andsaeian, wV. deny; 'iV.g. and- sacigan 21. II *. andswarian, wV. answer; indo pst. andswarode 23. 17 &c.; andswarede 74. 27*; andswo- rode 9. 20*, 23. 9, 29. I I, 58. 29, 59. 4, 74. 29; andsworede 21. 18, 65. 5, 74. 25, 75. 3, 7 6 . 10, 77. 20, 24, 83. 15. andswaru,j: answer; g. ondswore 19. 25*; a. andsware xxii. 43, 51. andweard, acij., often witlt lif, wela, actual, present; 148. 26; wk. andwearda 58. 16 &c.; It. wk. andwearde 26. 15 &c.; g. d. and a. wk. andweardan 33. 16 &c. and xxi. 28; d. andwear- dum 89. 17; a. 1l. wk. andwearde 68. 9; pl. n. wk. andweardan 47. 25 &c.; g. 'wk. andwear- dena 30. 1 I; andweardana 78. 2 I; d. andweardum 88. 29: eagum andweardum, bodily eyes xxii. 20; a. wk. andweardan 73. 18. andweore, n. material; 40. 15, 16; ondweorc 40. 20; g. and- weorces 40. 10, 25 ; d. andweorce 40. 14; d. buton andweorce, cause :2 3. 2 ; xvii. 16 ; anweorce 69. 26*. andwlita wm. form, shape; a. andwlitan 128. 4, 145. 26, xxxi, 17; anwlitan 128. 23. 21 3 andwyrdan, wV. answer, rarer thall andswarian, 12. 31, 19. II ; geandwyrdan 12. 5, 19. 28, 142. I ; indo pst. andwyrde q. 4 &c.; andwirde 13. 3; imp. andwyrde 19. 23*. andwyrde, n. answer; d. 45. 19 ; a. 95. 18. ãnfeald, adJ. single, undivided; 74. 30, 7 6 . 9, 12; f. anfeald 1'29.8; wk. anfealde 127.18; n. anfeald 128. 32, 131. 25, 26 ; g. anfealdes 16. 18; d. wk. an- fealdan 128. 4, 12 9. 17; a. f. anfealde 54. 27. ãnfealdnes, f. singleness, unity; g. anfaldnesse 128. 8; a. an- fealdnesse 100. 11*. ãnfor1ætan, rv. forsake, abandon; V. 28; indo prs. 2.S. anforlætst xiii. 54; 3. S . anforlæteð iii. 5, xxviii. 56; pst. 2.S. anforlete 17. 14; sbj. prs. forlæte an xxii. 9. angel, JJl. fish-hook; d. angle 4 8 . 5. anginn, n. beginning; angin 13. 2, 20, 134. 12 ; d. anginne 148. 3 ; a. angin 13. 7. anlïe, adJ. W. d. similar; 7 2 . 29, Ill. 22 ; f. 12 3. 5; n. 49. 25, 63. 12; onlic 34. 29; g. anlices 44. 18, 24; onlices 44. 15; a. n. anlic I 15. 13 ; sup. anlicost I 15. 6, xx. 169; anlicost 'ðe 122. I. anlïee, adv. similarly; 92. 14; onlice viii. 47. anlïenes,.f likeness, portrait; il- lustration; 55. 6, 82. 26, 114. 14; a. anIicnesse 51. 20, 67. 24,7+ 18,114. 18 ,116.24; on- licnesse 32. 4, 6, I 17. 4; pl. n. anlicnessa 78. 24; a. 74. 17. ãnliepe, adj. single, individual; an anlepe cræft 72. 13; g. pl. used as sbst. ænlepra ælc xxvi. I 10; anlepra ælc xxv. 56. ãnmodlïee, adv. unanimously; 83. 22. ann, sWV. grant; Ùif. geunnan 66. 27. ãnnes,j: oneness, unity; 90. II, 21 4 GLOSSARY 2 I; d. annesse 90. I I ; a. an- nesse I J 4. 2. ansien, f. face, appearance, as- pect; d. ansene 5 I. 16 ; onsiene Y. I I. anweald, fll. authority, power; fq; B has forms with ea; C 'lvith a, but the foIl. have ea : 35. 5, 12, 55. 7, 65. 19; g. anwealdes 37. 23 (J), 53. 29, 62. 17, 7ú. 25; d. anwealde 138. 32, xi. 32; a. his fota an- v. eald 10 7. 13; ânweald 39.29*; g.pl. anwalda 12. I. anwealda, wm. ruler; 49. 2*. anwealdig, adj. powerful; sup. anwaldegost 108. 18. ãnwillice, adv. obstinately; 47.4. ãr, f. honour, dignity; 22. 29; g. are 66. 22, i. 78; d. 120. 17, xx. 100; a. 4+ 9, 102. 23, 133. IÓ ; g. pl. ara i. 57. aræda, v. ãrod. ãrædan, wv. utter, deliver (a speech) ; pp. aræd 51. 27. ãræfnan, wv. endure, bear; 50. 17; z'nd. prs. 3.S. aræfneð 25. 5. ãræran, wv. lift up, raise; indo pst. arærde 8. 25. áreccan, wv. tell, relate, explain; 22. 15, 47. 12, 9 2 . 10, 74. 10, 135. 8; arecan 74. 12*; uld. pst. areahte viii. 2 ; pp. areaht 39. 15, 4 6 . I ; areh t 51. 27*, 7 I. 3 *. ãredian, wv. find the way, go; W. weg 51. 14, 139. 1,32 ; Ùld.þrs. 3.s. aredað 79. 7; sbf prs. are- die 138. 27; witholtt weg: inf. 55. 19, 9 6 . 28, 97. 17, 100. 6, xiii. 8, xxiii. 10. arëtan, wv. cheer, comfort; indo prs. 3.S. aret 54. 25 ; pþ. a. S. 1ll. aretne 50. IS, 142. 21. ãrian,wv.w. d.o,.a. honour; spare, pity; to arianne 72. 25; indo prs. 3.S. ara'ð 132. 16, 14 2 . 29; imp. ara iv. 3 1 , 57 ; þp. gearod 3 2 . 27. árianisc, adj. Arian ; d. wk. arrianiscan 7. 7. ãrleasnes, f. wickedness; a. ar- leasnesse 39. 18. ãrlëast,f. wickedness, cruelty; a. ær1este ix. I ; g. pl. arleasta ix. 6. ãrlice, adv. honourably; 36. 30. ãrod, adj. energetic, bold; wk. se aroda X. 45; miswritten aræda? 46. 22*. ãrweor nes, f. honour, dignity; þl. g. arwyrðnessa 20. 2; a. 20. 14. ãrwier e, ad}. honourable, vener- able; arwyr'ðe 125. 4; wk. ar- wyrða 7. 25*. ãsãwan, rv. sow; indo pst. 2.S. aseowe 82. 6*; 3.S. asiow xx. 25 0 . asce,f ashes; axe 80.19*, xx. 106. ãscian, wV. ask, inquire; 82. 23, 86. 22, 139. 9; acsian I 27. 18, q.O. 19, 144. 10; acsigan 95. 17*; indo þrs. 2.S. acsast 127. 15; ahsast 147. 23; 3.s. acsað 95. 19*; þst. ascode 87. 21; acsode 126.3 2 ; ahsode 45. 14* ; absade 1.4-4. 10; sbj. þrs. ascige 62. 2, 82. 25; acsige 131. 28. geascian, wv. leam by inquiry, ascertain; Pf geascod 139. J 2. ãscierpan, wv. sharpen (sight); sbJ. prs. pl. ascirpan 89. 16*; pp. ascerped 47. 27. ãscortian, wv. fall short, fail; indo prs. 3. S . ascorta'ð 44. 19. ãscüfan, SV2. push away, repel ; sbj. prs. ascufe 38. 18. ãscung,f. inquiry, investigation; g'. ascungæ 127. 6; d. ascunga 95. 15*, 144. 9, xxii. 41; geas- cunge 148. 9; a. acsunga 12. 30. ãsecgan, wv. say, deliver (a dis- course), used W. spell; þp. asæd 33. 20 ,4 8 . 21, 57. I, 60. 26,89. 4, 94. 26. ãsettan, wv. place; vii. 5. ãsigan, SVI. sink down; PÞ. asigen 55. 16. ãsingan, .sV3. sing, recite; 'used w. leo'ð; 127. 31 ; Pt. asungen 8. 15 &c.; W. gebed 82. 18; âsungen 61. 1,70. 1,103.24; asuncgen 58. 4. ãslëan, sv6. cut off (head); iud. þst. of aslog 12 7. 9. GLOSSARY ãslüpan, SV2. slip away; sbJ. pst. 1:fiX. hi hi of aslepen xiii. 9. ãsmëagan, 'WV. examine, investi- gate; 14 8 . 5*. ãspringan, sv3. spring up ; Ùzd. prs. 3.s. aspringe'ð 9.l. 2; sbf. pst. âsprunge 99. 24. ãspy lian, WV. wash oneself; I 15. 7. assa, Will. ass; 114. 31. ãstïeran, WV. rule, govern; indo prs. 2.S. astyrest xx. 15 ; astyrast 79. 15*; 3. S . astere'ð 13 1 . 2. ãstïgan, SVI. ascend; 82. 7, xx. 254; indo pst. astag ix. 4 6 . ãstreccan, 'wv. stretch out; indo pst. astrehte 8. 4*; pp. astreaht i. 80. ãstÿfician, wV. extirpate; sbj. prs. astyfecige 61. 7* (astificige C). âstyrian, wv. move, agitate, rouse; astyrigan 13. 9; indo þrs. 3.S. astyroð 27. 3*; pþ. astyred 127. 7; astered 36. 2 ; 11. pl. asterede 133. 6. ãswindan, SV3. languish, grow enervated; indo prs. pl. aswin- da'ð 8 I. 9; pp. 1Z. pl. 1Jl. as- wundne 139. 9. ãsyndran, 'imJ. separate; pþ. asyn- dred 93. 6; n. pl. nl. asyndrede I O. 25. ãtellan, wv. reckon up; 20. 4, ãtemian, wv. tame; pp. a. S. f. a temede xiii. 19; n. pl. l/l. 57. 15, xiii. 3 6 . ãtëon, SV2. pluck away, remove; ation 95. 8*, xxii. 27; indo prs. 2.S. atyhsð xii. 25; 3.s. atiht 52. II*; sb.i. prs. ateo xii. 2; atio 5 I. 29*. ãtrendlian, wv. tra1'ls. roll; pþ. atrendlod V. 17. ãtyhtan, 'WV. entice; pp. atyhted i. 8; 11. pl. nl. atehte 71. I I. ã1S, 1Jl. oath; pl. aðas 10. 21, iv. 48 ; a. i. 25. ã:t)enian, wv. stretch, make in- tent (of the mind); pp. a'ðenod 70. 18. ãiSëostrian, wv. grow dim; Ùzd. 2I5 þrs. pl. a'ðeostriað 21. 2*; pp. aðistrod vi. 4. ã1)rëotan, SV2. be weary; 7 2 . 19 ; pp. a'ðroten xxix. 40. a15rïetan, wv. trans. weary; fþ. a. S. nl. aðretne 135. 1811. ãweallan, rv. well up; indo þrs. 3.S. awealleð V. 12. ãweccan, wv. arouse, awaken; 85. 25; pp. aweaht xxii. 4 0 ; aweht 95. 15*. ãwecgan, WV. move, remove; pp. aweged 27. 2; n. pl. nl. awe- gede vii. 24. ãwendan, wv. turn away, avert; 46. 20; = onwendan 142. 28*; indo prs. þl. awendað 141. 5. ãweorpan, sv3. cast away, expel ; 10J. 2 I, xxiii. 6; indo þrs. 3.s. awirpð 114. 21. ãwiergan, wv. curse; pp. n. Pl.f. awirgede 8. 22*. ãwiht, 1) pron. anything; ix. 62 ; awuht xi. 9, xviii. 7, xx. 107, xxii. .46, xxv. 59; auht vi. 6, 16, Xl. 10, xx. 30, 166, xxi. 23 ; so always ill the prose, 12. 16 &c.; d. used as adv. auhte 'ðy mara xvi. 20. 2) adv. at all, in any degree; auht 22. 7 &c. ãwindan, .)"V3. strip off; xxv. 22 ; Í1ul. prs. 3.s. awint of II I. 20*. ãwrïtan, SVI. write, compose; pp. awritel1 44. 5, 4 6 . 27, 144. 6 ; g. pl. awritenra II. 28. ãwyrcan, wv. do; indo pst. awyrhte 149. 16. ãwyrtwalian, wv. root up; indo prs. 2.S. awyrtwalast 52. II, xii. 26 ; sbj. prs. awyrtwalige 61. 8. B. booc, n. back; a. 8. 12; a. pl. bacu ii. 15. bædan, WV. compel; ind. prs. 3.S. nede gebæde'ð vi. 14 n. booftan, adv. behind; her beæftan 24. 1*. boor, adJ. bare; n. pl. 1Z. baru sond vii. 13; d. barum sondum 91. 18. 216 GLOSSARY gebæran, 'WV. behave; 36. 31; gebæron 7 2 . 3. bærnan, wv. trans. burn; 123.15 ; Ùzd. prs. 3.S. bærn'ð 34. 28. bætan, wv. bridle; ind. þst. 3.s. gebætte xi. 76; of a shiP, make fast þst. sbj. 3.s. bætte J 44. 31; þþ. gtbæt xi. 23. booting, f. cable of a ship; a. bætinge 144. 3I. balca, 'lvm. heap; a. balcan 37.8. bãn, n. bone; It. þl. 46. 17, 20, x. 33, 35, 4 2 . be, preþ. 'lV. d. 1) actual juxta- þost"tioll, by, near; 19. 2, 74. I, xix. 2 I; be healfe xxix. 43 ; along, læde bi 'ðæm wege 139. 33. 2) mental juxtaposition; a) com- pared with. 39. 2 I. b) manner, by; hanga'ð be smale 'ðræde 65. 30 ; be nanum dæle, in no degree 13 0 . 10; be ænegum dæle 123. 22; be sumum dæle 1:;.18 &c.; be 'ðæm dæle 109. 2 I ; be ðæm dæle 'ðe, in so far as 93. 23; be him se1fum bion, by himself IOI. 3. c) standard, means, judging by, by reference to, by; Pro 3, 26. 10, 51. 19, 22, 54. 10, 56. 26, 63. I I, 92. 32, 9 6 . I, 108. 27, II 6. 3 0 , 148.9; be 'ðæm, thereby 38. 20 &c.; be ðy 83. I &c. d) in connexion with, in the case of 36. 16, 28, 64. 1 7,7 0 . 2 9,113.3 2 , II4. 7, 130. 28, 146. 31, 32, V. I; be hwæm, in what connexion 96. 12, II9. 29; be 'ðæm ðe, by reference to the fact that 88. 14; in order that 108. 2, 132. 4. e) fornâng obj. of vb. concerning, nearry=ymb, fq. 23. 7 &c. and xxv. I, xxx. 17; bi 13. 14, 137. 26. I) in proportion to, accord- ing to; be his æmettan Pro 14; be Codes dome 37. 4; be 'ðæs cyninges gebode 136. 14; be hire andefne 72. 25; be ðæs gyltes andefne 123. 20; be hire gearnunge 81. 34; if. 82. I ; be his and gites mæðe Pro [3. 145. 9; if. 147. 14, 16; be his ge- wyrhtum 68. 27 &c.; if. 119. 22, 123.31, ix. .;6, xx. 96, 228, xxvii. 27, xxix. 56. bëacnian,v. bïecnan. beadorinc, m. warrior: d. pl. beadurincum i. 18. . bëag, m. crown; I 13. 3; d. beage II 2. 26. bealcettan, wv. belch, bring up; to bealcetenne 5 I. 5 n. bealocræft, m. evil art, sorcery; d. pl. balocræftum xxvi. 75. bëam, m. tree; I17. 29. bëamsceadu, f. tree-shade; d. beamsceade viii. 28. bearn, n. child; d. bearne 20. 7,70. 21 ; a. beam 70. 12 ; þl. bearn 70. 20, 23, 9 8 . 32, i. 34, viii. 4 8 , xxi. I, xxvi. 49, xxix. 21: g. bearna 54. 8. 70. 28, 30; d. bearnum xxix. 58, 68; a. beam 23. I, 24' 12, 70. 19, jI. 2. bearnëacen, adj. pregnant; n.s.n. 7 0 . 12 . bearnlïest, f. childlessness; d. hearnleste 24. 10*. bëatan, rv. 'lVV. beat; z'nd. þrs. 3.S. intralls. beate'ð on sta'ðu yi. 15; pl. trans. beata'ð, belabour, attack iii. 3. bebëodan, SV2. enjoin, command; indo þrs. I.S. bebiode 89. 32; þst. 3.s. bebead 103. 6, 143. 13 ; pp. beboden 40. 10, 24. bebod, n. command; d. bebode 80. 3, xx. 69; þl. g. beboda 10. 15 ; d. bebodum 19. 22. becierran, wv. trans. turn; pþ. becerred xiii. 78. becrëopan, SV2. creep; þþ. he sie becropen xxv. 36. becuman, sV4. come; arrive, hap- pen, befall; 18.23 &c. and xii. 24; Í1'zd. þrs. 3.s. bec)'miS 34. 22, 61. 3, I3J. 25,133.19; þl. becumað 23. 28, 30. 6, 38. 2; pst. 2.S. to monnum become, came into the world, became a man 17. T 2 ; 3.s. becom 8. I, i. 77, xiii. 7 0 ; þl. becoman Pro 7; sbj. prs. becume 20. 18, 35. 8. :;0. 18; pst. 2.S. become on ðiofscole, GLOSSARY fall among 33. 10; 3. S . 20. 19, 23. 13, 123. 23; pp. becumen 15. 22, 50. 18. gebed, n. prayer; a. 82. 18. bedælan, wv. deprive; 'lV. a. & g. pp. bedæled 4 1 . 19, 95. 18, 112. 32, 113. I, II; n. pl. 11l. bedælde 108.29,112. 18,1I3.30. gebedmann, 1Jl. priest; a. pl. gebedmen 40. 17. befæstan, wv. entrust, commit; pp. befæst 40. 12*. befõn, rv. surround, encompass; indo prs. 3.S. befehð 52. 25 ; pp. befangen xi. 29, xiii. 7; a. Pl.f. befangene 49. 3. beforan, 1) prep. a) w.d. before, in front of, in the presence of; 14. 10, 17. 8, 32. 19, 82. 12, 10 3. 3, 117. 17, 126. 15, 149. 8, xxviii. 46. b) w.a. to the presence of 36. 20. 2) adv. before, in front iv. 18; time, beforehand 144. 12. begãn, anv. observe, fulfil; ða gecynd b. viii. 17; indo pst. pl. ða gecynd beeodan 33. 27*. begang, m. circuit; a. holma be- gong xi. 30. bëgen, adj. both; 65. 18, 67. 5; n. ba twa xx. 76, I 15; buta 38. II ; buto 85. 13; butu xi. 23, 29; d. bæm 121. '27, 122. 5 ; a. 1l. bu xxxi. 4. begietan, sv5. get, obtain; be- gitan, 12 times, 55. 5 &c. ; beget, engender 54. 8 ; to begitanne 53. 10, 12, 55. 23, 56. 5, 56. 19; indo prs. 2.s. begitst 71. 26 n. ; 3. s . begit 76. 27 ; beget 7 6 . 30 ; pl. begitað 107. I, 140.29; pst. 2.S. begeate 17. 14; sbj. prs. begite 60. 29, 77. 24, 27, 88. 17 ; begete 76. 29; pp. begiten 54. 30. behealdan, rv. a) keep, observe; b) behold. look at; indo prs. 3.s. behealt 16. 20 (b) ;p/. behealda'ð 72. 16 (b); pst. þl. beheoldon 15. 26 (a) ; imþ. beheald 108.6; 135. 24 (b); sbJ. þrs. behealde 4 6 . 3 (b). 21 7 behëawan, . rv. behead; heafde beheawon i. 43. behëfe, adj. suitable. becoming; n. S. f. behefu xii. 7. behelian, wv. cover, conceal; 17. 24 ; pp. behelod 34. 13; n. Pl.f. behelede 16. 1*. behindan, 1) preþ. w. d. behind; 10 5. J 5, xxvi. 23, xxix. 52. 2) adv. behind xxiv. 29. behõfian, wv. need, require; Ùul. þrs. pl. behofiað 4 0 . 23*; sbJ. þrs. pl. behofigen 40. 23 n. behwierfan, wv. turn round; be- hwerfan utan, to encompass 85. 23 ; pþ. behwerfed 58. 2, xiii. 77. behÿdan, 'lfJV. hide, conceal; pp. behyd 34. 12*. belgan, sv3. swell with anger, grow angry; indo þst. 3.s. 1jlx. hine gebealg 61. 17 ;pp.gebolgen I I I. 30; n. þl. 1/l. gebolgene xxv. 45 n. belicgan, sV5. surround; indo ps. pl. belicgað xvi. 10. belimpan, sV3. W. prep. to; con- cern, pertain, belong; indo þrs. 3.S. belimpet 16. 24; belimpð 32. 27, lI8. 8; W. to and g. 29. 1 7,31. 7;þl. belimpað 87. 2, II, 88. 2. belücan, SV2. lock up; 7. 24, i. 73; pp. a. pl.f. belocena 28. l!i. beneah, sWV. 'lV. g. enjoy; pl. benugon 57. 19. beneo'ð n, þrep. W. d. beneath; xx. 222 ; benyðan 108. 20. beniman, sv4. deprive; 'lV. a. & g. II 3. 4, 6, X. 39; sbj. þrs. þl. benimen 20. 26; pþ. benumen 13.4, 17. 6 , 17, 28, 30, iv. 23. bëo wf. bee; 7 I. 6, xviii. 5. bëobrëad, n. honeycomb; bio- bread:; 2. 3: bi bread xii. 9. bëodan, SV2. offer; xiii. 42 ; indo pst. 3.S. bead 66. 26, 143. 13*; sbJ. prs.þl. biodan 57.17*. bëon, allv. be; usual form in B, fq. 16.3 &c.; but bion occUJ s also; bion is the usual form Ùl C, 12. 26 &c.; but be on 93. 3 I, 120. 14, 125. 10, 131. 24; 2r8 GLOSSARY we san v. 29, xi. 16, 49, xiii. 80, xv. 10, xxvi. 51, 70; bion xi. 51, xx. 145; to bionne, to beonne 92. 17 &c. ; Ùld. frs. I.s. usual form eom 13. 12 &c.; beo 18. 3 1*; w. fit!. meaning bio 105. I, 140. I; 2.S. usual form eart 8. 18 &c., xx. I, 45. &c.; neg. neart 20. 15 & c.; bist 28. 23, 10 5. 14, xxiv. 27; 3.s. is and bið ind ïfcrelltly: is Pro 2 &c.; neg. nis 14. I &c.; bið I I. 24 &c.; beoð 10. 22*, 19. 6*, 21. 3*, 3 2 . 29*, 35. 16*, 3 6 . 6*, 39. 6*, 70. 28*; bioð III. 22*; byð 60. 2 í* ; pl. bioð & sint equally often,; beoð about 15 times Ùz C, 15. 10 &c. ; in B beoð most C01JlmOIl, I I. 17 &c.; but bioð about 7 times, 39. 7 &c.; byoð 134. 15; sint usual form, 9. 20 &c. ; but sind 8. 22*, 9. 13*, 28*, 65. 12; sient 37. 2....; sent 31. 8*; send 32. 15*, 20*, 22*; synt ii. 18; sind on about 15 times Í1l C, 14. 7, iv. 44 &c.; in B, 16. 1*, 19*; sindan 17. 18*; siendon 9. 26; send an 30. 2; seondan 9. 26*; syndon 20. 23* ; pst. I and 3.S. wæs 10. 28 &c.: often was in B, 7. 6 &c.; neg. llæs I I. 2 &c.; ne wæs 4 0 . 3, xxvi. 92; 2.S. wære II. 3 &c.; pl. wæron 7. 3 &c.; næron 33. 23 ; s/lj. prs. s. usually sie I I. 9 &c.; se 15. 24*, 31. 27*, 35. 2 9*, 57. 9*, 126. 23* n., 146. 20*; sy 12. 25, 15. 18, 21. 17, 23.20*, 137. 12, 13 8 . II, xiv. 7; si 33. 4 N, 122. 10*; seo II. 9*, 24. 27*, 27. 24*, 39. II*, 53. 14*, 56. 10*, 23*, 58. 14* ; beo 17. 19,69. 6*, 58. 1*; bio 63. 2, 7 8 . 10, 85.3 0 , 13 0 . 1,137.3,7, X. 65; wese xxxi. 23; pl. sien 22. 29 &c.; sin 28. 19*, 2. 20, 30 N; sen 29. 27*, 2 l, 31. 18*, 32. 23*; seon 31. 11*, 32. 18*, 4 6 . 9*, 7 0 . 16*; be on 57. 15*; bion 28. 2, 37. 18*, 92. 14, 101. 3, 113. 30, II7. 14; pst. wære II. 19 &c.; pl. wæren 13. 21 &c.; wæran 23. 10*, 24. 6*. beorg, m. hill; a. vii. 13. beorht, adi. bright; 86. 9, 105. 19, xxix. 19; f. pred. beorht xxx. 9; n. wk. beorhte 136.13; g. beortes, beorhtes* 121. II j 'wk. beorhtan 121. 14, iv. II ; d. wk. 10. 4; a. wk. 10. 8; pl. n. 111. beorhte, beorte* 10. 20, iv. 42; wk. beorhtan 10. 6; a. 1Jl. beorhte iv. 8; comp. n. S. n. beortre 95. 7*; a. s.n. berhtre xxii. 22; a. pl. 11l. beorhtran xxi. 27. beorhte, adv. 81.35,95. 12, xxii. 35, xxviii. 27; comp. beorhtor 82. I, 86. 7, 112. 17; sup. beorhtost 21. 2, v. 3; beortost 121. 10 (berrhtost B). beorhtnes, f. brightness; 21. 3*, 89. 18*, xxi. 3 1 , 41. beorn, 1Jl. warrior, (brave) man; i. 52 ; g. beomes viii. 34; pl. g. beoma xiii. 23, xxi. 41; a. beornas xxvi. 75. beprÏewan, wv. wink; eage be- prewan 44. 14* n. berædan, wV. deprive; rice b. ix. 50. beran, sv4. bear, support; indo 2.S. birest xx. 276; vrist 82.15*; 3.s. byrð 129. 20; pp. boren = natus xxvi. 46; geboren 20. 3*, 122. 2; ?t.pl. m. geborene 25. I. berëafian, wv. rob, deprive; 13. 10, ix. 50; indo prs. 2.S. berea- fast 10. 12; 3.s. bereafað 10. 7, 133. 22, iv. 10; pst. pl. berea- fodon 8. 10; pþ. bereafod 13. 18, xxii. 50; bereafad xxviii. 42 ; 1l. pl. 11l. bereafode 66. 2 1 . berÏepan, wv. rob, deprive; indo pst. þl. berypton ii. 12. bescÏelan, wv. look, gaze; indo þrs. 2.S. bescylst . . . on 121. 30. besëon, sv5. look, gaze; Ùzd. prs. pl. on besioð 145, 25; pst. s. 1jlx. beseah he hine, looked round 103. 12; sbi. prs. hine besio to. . . 103. 16 ; pst. s. hine underbæc besawe 103. 7, 8. beslïepan, wv. slip, place; iud. GLOSSARY þst. 3.s. hu hefig geoc he beslepte 40. 1*. besmïtan,svI. defile ;þþ. besmiten 34. 3, viii. 33. besorg, ad/. deserving care, dear, precious; sup. besorgost 66. 3 1 ; a. s. n. 22. 2. bestyrman, wv. assail, disturb; indo þrs. þl. bestyrma'ð 9. I I. beswemman, wv. make swim; þþ. n. þl. 1ll. beswemde lIS. 8. beswic, 1Il. deceit, deception; d. l,iswice 3 0 . 5. beswïcan, SVI. deceive; 15. 6; Ùul. þrs. 3.S. beswic'ð 41. 10, 47. 18 ; sbi. þrs. beswice 82. 2:i ; PÞ. a. s. lll. beswicenne 19. 16 ; a. þl. 1Il. beswicene 19. 17. beswingan, sv3. beat, scourge; þp. bes\Vungen III. 30, xxv. 46. besylian, wv. soil, stain; þþ. besyled on blode 40. 2*. bet, v. we!. bëtan, 'WV. improve; xxiii. 9; gebetall 60. 13, 14, 123. 23, 134. 6; indo þrs. 3. S . gebet 47. 20; þl. gebetað 89. 14, xxi. 23; sli. frs. gebete 103. 21; pl. gebeten, atone for 143. 29. betera, V. gõd. betrung,.f im provement; I 23. 25. betst, betsta, v. gõd, wel. betweox, þreþ. w. d. between, among; xi. 45, 84, xxiv. 13, 16; betwux 7. 4*, 10. 7*, 49. 10*, 1I*, 13*,80.9*, 12*, 105. 10*; betweox 113. 26; betwyx 105. I 1* ; betwuh 38. 19*, 39. 25'1<, 7 0 . 2 4*, 126. 17*, 134. 27,28, 136. II *, xxix. 4; adv. xxvii. 20; betweoh 138. 28, 14 8 . 4, xxviii. 52; betwuht 136. 6*. be1)earf, sWV. W. g. need; indo prs. S. 31. 19, 59. 28, 75. 7, 3 2 , 9 6 .3 2 ; þl. beðurfon 31. 21,60.5, 147. 8 ; pst. 3. s . beðorfte 97. 3; sbj. prs. 3.s. be'ðurfe 31. 30; þst. 2.S. be'ðorfte 79. 20. be1Seccan, wv. cover; þp. be'ðeaht xxviii. 43. bewæfan, WV. wrap up; pþ. be- wæfed 9 2 . 5. 21 9 bewarenian, WV. beware, guard; ind.prs. 3.S.1jlx.hine bewarenað xvi. 23. beweal wian, wv. wallow; ind. þrs. þl. 1jlx. bewealwia'ð hi I IS, 9. bewegan, sv5. cover; indo pst. 3.s. bewæg 127. 13. bewendan, sv3. intrans. turn; Ùul. pst. 3.s. bewende 9. I. beweorpan, sV3. throw, plunge; indo pst. 3.S. hwæt bewearp ðe on 'ðas care 15. 20. bewerian, wv. defend; þp. be- wero'ð 9 2 . 5*. bewitian, wV. observe, perform; bewitigan 17. 27 ; sbj. prs. 3. s . si'ð bewitige iv. 16. bewrëon, SVI.2. wrap up, conceal; þþ. bewrigen 10. 22, iv. 47, viii. 59. bïdan, SV1. W. g. wait, await; ge- bidan 124. 6, xxvii. 7, 17; ge- bidon 124. 10; indo prs. 3.s. gebit II9. 32; sbj. prs. gebide 20. 31. biddan, sv5. pray, pray for; 79. 3, 5, 6, 102. 12, 18, 25, 28, x. 3; indo prs. I.S. bidde 140. 2; 2.S. bitst 51. 2; 3.s. bit Pro 10, 59. 26; pl.1jlx. we us gebiddað 143. I; pst. 2.S. bæde 139. 29; 3.s. bæd 102. 29, i. 64; pl. bædon 7. 22; ðe wit unc to gebædon 100. 29; sbj. prs. bidde 50. 25 ; gebidde Pro 12; pst. bæde 123. II. bïecnan, wV. denote, signify; bec- nan xi. 79; gebecnan 24. 24, 10 I. 1 2 ; ge beacnian 101. I 2 * . bïegan, wV. trans. bend; began 57. 22*; indo þn. 3.S. beg'ð xiii. 3; sbj. prs. byge xiii. 53. gebierhtan, wV. make bright; indo prs. 3.S. gerberhteð xxi. 32 ; gebirht 89. 19*; pp. n. pl. 11l. gebirhte 86. 6. bierhto, f. brightness; birhtu 81. 35, 82. 13, vi. 6, xx. 26 9: a. 89. 20*, 23*; beorhto xxi. 39 ; biorhto 141. 14*. biernan, .sv3. burn, be on fire; indo þres. 3.5. byrneð viii. 50; 220 GLOSSARY byrnð viii. 45; þst. 3.S. barn 39. 20; sbj. 3. s . burne 39. 21, ix. 17 ; þrs. p. birnende 34. 9*, 28 N; byrnende 34. 7*; used as adj. wk. m. byrnenda 34. 28. bifian, wv. tremble; ind. þst. 3.p/. bifedon 102. 6. bilewit, ad/. gentle, kind; :xx. 69, 255, 26 9. bilewitnes, f. gentleness, kind- ness ; g. bilewitnesse 128. 8. bill, 11-. sword; d. pl. billum ix. 3 0 . billrudu,f. red sword-dye, blood? a. billrude viii. 34. bindan, sV3. bind, fetter, 37. 8; gebindan 28. 17, 66. 32; indo þrs. 3.s. gebinð 47. 21 ; pl. ge- bindað 38. 31; pst. 2.S. gebunde 81. 6; sbj. pst. 3.S. gebunde 9 6 . 17 ; pp. gebunden 14. 24, 37. 9. 80. 3, 102. 30, v. 39, xx. 67, 153, xxvi. 96; a. S. 11l. ge- bundenne, captivated 50. 9; 1Z. þl. m. gebundene 108. 7. binnan, prep. w. d. within; 3 1 . 3 2 , 108. 21; beinnan 8. 3. bisgian, wv. occupy, trouble; indo þst. ,i.þl. bisgodan Pro 6*; sbj. þrs. 3.pl. bysigen xxii. 30. bisgo, f occupation, trouble; þl. n. bisgu Pro 6*; d. bisgum Pr. 5*, xxii. 64; bisegum 8J. 8*; bysegum xx. 255. bisgung,j: affliction; d. bisgunga 95. 23*. bismerian, wv. revile, mock; W. g. bismrian 33. 16; z'nd. þst. 3. S . w. a. bismrode 45 6. bisn, f. example; bisen 52. 2*; bysen fi3. 9, xii. 7; g. bisne 63. I 1*; bisene 39. 20*; d. bisne 85. 23*; bysne 118. 27, xx. 43 ; bysene 51. 19; a. bisne 51. 21, 85.12,132.22,139.15,145.17 ; bysne 97. 28 ; pl. bisna 139.6*; g. biesel1a 65. 12 ; a. bisna 101. 9, 10, 108. 2; bisena 104. 25. bisnian, wv. set an example; indo pst. 3.S. bisnode 79. 26; þl. bisnodon 134. I. bïspell, n. example, parable; a. 101. 15, 22, II4. I, 126. 13; pl. d. bispellum 140. 2, xxiii. 9; a. bispell 101. 9; bispel 101. II. biter, adj. bitter; 51. 2; g. biteres 52. 3*; bitres xii. I I, xxvii. 7; d. wk. biteran viii. 54; a. 1Jl. biterne 132. 7, 9; pl. n, f bitere 50. 22. bitere, adv. bitterly; ii. 15. biternes, f. bitterness; a. biter- nesse 2:'. 7. bïwist, f. sustenance, food; 40. 2 I ; a. biwiste 40. 21. blãc, adj. bright; d. blacum iv. 8; wk. blacan 10. 5. blæc, adj. black; 145. 24. blandan, rv. mix, blend; pp. geblonden v. 19, xx. 81. blãte, adv. lividly, with livid flame; blate forbærnð; viii. 54; b. forbærnan xx. II5. blãwan, ro. intralls. blow (of the wind); indo þrs. 3.S. blawe'ð 21. 4*, vii. 52; blæwð vi. 8; sbj. prs. 3.s. blawe 27. 13. blëd,j: shoot, branch, fruit; pl. d. bledum 92. 2; a. bleda 136. 16, 17, xxix. 60. blendan, wv. blind; Ùzd. þrs. 3.s. blent 121. IÓ. blëo, n. colour, appearance; a. blioh xxxi. 4; d. pl. bleowmTI 33.3 0 . blïcan, JVI. shine; xxii. 35. blind, ad}. blind; 121. 32, 122. 6; g. wk. blindan 15. 30; a. blindne 8. 10, ii. 10; pl. n. m. bUnde xix. 30; ælces domes swa blinde 74. 6. bliss, f. joy; bUs 74. 24*, 75. 3 1 , 7 6 . 4, 86. 25, 87. 15; g. Llisse 56. 24; a. bUsse, favour 102. 26, ii. 15; n. pl. blissa, joys 20. 17. blissian, wv. gladden; ind. prs. 3.S. geblissað 54. 25. bl11Se, adj. joyful, glad; 53. 24, 75. 30, 94. 18; d. pl. bliðum wordum 8. 26; bliðum eagum 10. 29; comp. bli-ora 39. 25, ix. 3 2 . blìðnes, f. joy; a. pl. bli'ðnessa 20. 4, IS. GLOSSARY blõd, n. blood; g. blodes 57. II, xiii. 23; oflete blodes, let blood 66. 29; d. blode 34. 4, 4 0 . 3, viii. 34, ix. 59. blõstma, Wlll. blossom, flower; pl. n. blostman vi. 10; bios- man 2T. 5*; g. blostmæna 29. 21*; d. blostmum 7 2 . 29, 92. 2 ; a. blostman 12. TO, 17. 25. blõwan, rv. bloom; indo prs. 3.s. blowe'ð xx. 99; blewð 80. 17*. bõc,j: book; 38. 6, 10 3. 22, 139. 17; d. bee about 15 times, Pro I. &e. and xxv. 54; bëe 41. 28*; a. boe Pro 8, II ; pl. bee 65. 12; g. boca I I. 28, 43. 8, i. 52; d. bocum 41. 27, 143. 13; a. bec I I. 29, 3 0 . bõccræft, 1Jl. book learning, litera- ture; d. pl. boccræftum 7. 12. bõclæden, n. written Latin; d. of boclædene Pro 2. gebod, n. command; 143. 12 ; d. gebode 136. 14, xxix. 56. boda, wm. me senger, herald; 10 . 26. bodian, 'wv. proclaim, herald; indo trs. 3.S. bodað 13 6 . 5; he dæg bodað J!:xix. 23; pst. 3.s. bodode 'lV. g. 4:;. 6. bóg, m. bough, branch; a. boh 57. 22*, xiii. 53 ; d. pl. ogum 92. I. bõt,j: improvement, cure; d. bote 9. 8 . brãd, adf broad 87. 4; widely known tí8. 2 I; d. bradum 41. 25; wk. brãdan 4 1 . 25*. broodan, wv. extend; gebrædan 49. 24, xi. 66 ; to brædanne 4 2 . 12 ; to gebrædanne 4 . 15; indo pI's. 3.S. in trans. bræd xx. 99 ; Jbj. þrs. 3.þl. bræden 68. 20; gebrædan 53. 3 1 *. brooding, f. widening, extension; g. brædinge 46. 6*. breean, SV4. break; 57. 13. bred, 1Z. board; d. brede 4 1 . 25 (brëde B). bregdan, sv3. hleo'ðrum brægdan, modulate their song xiii. 47. 22I brego, m. chief, king; xx. 43. brëost, n. breast, heart, mind; d. pl. breostum xix. 30, xxi. 27, xxii. 64, xxv. 4.5. brëostcofa, WJJl. mind, heart; d. breostcofan ix. 32. bridel, m. bridle; d. bridle 49. 3, xi. 29, 79, xxiv. 37; a. bridel 105. 18; pl. g. bridla 49. 28, xi. 7 6 ; d. bridlum :; 7. 3, xiii. 3. brïdlian, WV. bridle, curb; pp. a.pl.f. gebridlode 49.28*. bringan, WV. bring, lead; 71. 12, 143. 10; for forðbringan 41. I; gebringan 7. 19, 24, ]4. 8, 16. 17, 71. 12*; brengan 17. 23*, 25, 143. 8; give birth to 70.22; z"nd. þrs. I.S. bringe 9. 19; gebringe 18. 8, 9; 3.S. bringeð xi. 59, 63, xxix. 57; bring'ð 4 8 . 7, 49. 21; = forðbringð 80. 17 ; brengeð xxix. 23; brengð 37. 31, 39. 10, 61. 28, 128. 3 2 , 136. 14, xx. 101; gebrengð 131. 5; brencð xiii. 60; bryngð 136. 16* ; pl. bringað 70. 14 ; bren- gað xx. 75 ; pst. brohte 60. 3 2 ; gebrohte II. II, 17. 13; sll. frs. brenge 130. 18; þst. brohte 23. 19, 102. 20, xii. 17, xiv. I I ; pp. gebroht I I I. 25. brõe, m. brook; 14. 15, v. 19; d. broee 86. 2 I; n. pl. brocas 82. 28. broe, n. affliction, evil; 23. 5; d. broce 133.26; a. broc 133.5. brocian, wv. affEct, harm; indo prs. 3.pl. brociað 134. 7. brõga, wm. terror; 104. 15. brosnian, wv. decay, perish; prs. p. used as adf 'ð es brosnienda wela 35. 26. brõðor, m. brother; a. 39. 23, ix. 28. brücan, SV2. W. g. enjoy, use; 17. 26, 45. 3 0 , 53. 28, 71. 3 0 , 80. 20, xx. 108, xxxi. 9; to brucanne 19. 22, 24. II; indo frs. 3. S . brycð 24. 18, 47. 22; pl. bru- cað 134. 23; pst. 2.S. bruce 15. 15; 3.s. breac* i. 75; sbj. prs. bruce. 222 GLOSSARY brün, adI brown; 11. s. f. brune xxvi. 29. bryd,f. bride, wife; a. bryde ix. 30. bryrdan, wv. incite, urge on; -ind. prs. 3.s. bryrð xiii. 3. bufan, prep. above, 1) w. d. 80. 25, 10 5. 15 : be ufan 108. 20 n. 2) w.a.motion, 18. 13. bügan, SV2. -h1trmls. bow down, stoop; gebugan xxv. 64. búgian, wv. dwell, inhabit; ge- bugian 42. 3; to bugianne 40. 2 I, 42. 9; indo prs. pl. bugia'ð 4 2 . 13, 22, 43. 10; bogia'ð 42. 15*. burg, f. fortified town, town; g. burge 43. 2, II, 43. 18; d. byrig 99. 10, 10 4. 28, i. 37; Rome byrig i. 46; a. Troia burg xxvi. 20; burig 7. 3*, ix. 10 (J); pl. g. burga i. 18, iv. 4 2 ; d. burgum v. 3 ; xxix. 23. burgsittend, 1Jl. town-dweller, citizen; n. pl. burgsittende xxvii. 17. burgware, m. pl. town-dwellers; II. 18; g. burgwara 1 I. 14; d. burgwarum I I. 22, x. 47. burna, 'W11I. brook; v. 19; g. buman viii. 28. buton, 1) adv. outside, 67. 3. 2) prep. w.d.; a) outside, 113. 5; butan 31. 26, 55. 25. b) without (sine); buton about 38 times, I I. 6 &c.; butan about 20 times, 12. 17 &c.; used as adv. butan 82. 30, 144. 22. c) except, buton 10 times, 28. 10 &c. and xiii. 15, xx. 136, 189: butan 5 times, 9. 24 &c. and iv. 27, xxvi. 89. 3) conj. W. 110 construction, ex- cept, fq. buton about 40 times, 18. 29 x. 54 &c.; butanabout 10 times. 16. 18 &c.; bute 13 2 . 15. 4) adve1'sative con}. but; buton 8. 20, 33. 26, 40. 9. 70. 6: bute 91. 9. 5) con}. 'W. sbj. unless; buton about 18 times, 23. 20 &c.; butan 9. 7, 31. 23; bute 141. 26, xviii. 10; buta I I. 18*. bycgan, 'wv. acquire by purchase, acquire the power; gebycgan 1'> ic mote 89. 3 0 ; gebycggan 48. 12*; indo prs. pl. gebycga'ð 133. 28; pp. geboht 'ðæt 'ðu . . . 4 8 . 14, 16, 18, 54. 6, 89. 27. gebyrd, f. birth, descent; pl. If. gebyrda I I. 14, 46. 13; d. ge- byrdum 24. 3, 4, 68. 28, 69. 25. gebyrde, ad/. natural; 11. S. n. ne him nis gebyrde -Þ. . . 30. 2*. gebyrian, wv. happen; 139. 24; gebyrigan iv. I I ; indo prs. 3.s. gebyre'ð 47. 6, 57. 10, 66. 21, 77. 8, 99. 17, I II. 23, 121. 2, 13 2 . 30, 3 2 , 133. 4, 135. I; falls to, belongs I I 2. 28; ge- bereð I 14. I I; pst. gebyrede 37.9*,44. I 71.1*,99. 14,115. 13*, 12 5. 13; geberede 3 6 . 33, 7 0 . 22, 127. 10, xxv. 31; ge- birede 140. 11*; sbj. þrs. ge- byrige 46. II, 125.21,127. 19*, 14 0 .4; geberige 12 5. 24; ge- bergie 127. 19; pp. bi'ð weas gebyred 140.5,611.; wæreweas gebyred 140. I I; sie weas ge- bered 140. 13. C. cãf, ad]. active, vigorous; comþ. n. pl. cafran 88. 22. cafortün, 1Jl. courtyard, enclosure; cafertl1n 42. 10*; cauertun ib.; a. cafertun 42. 12*; cauertun ib. calan, sv6. be cold; impers. W. a. sbj. prs. cale*, kale 60. II. campstede, m. battlefield; a. campsted xxvi. 14. cann, swv. a) w. a. recognize, know; b) W. inf. know how, be able; indo pI's. 2.S. canst 13 2 . 3 0 (b); 3.s. can 63. 16, 17 (a), 132. 10 (a); con 60. 20 (a), 125. 25 (b); pl. cunnon f,5. 17 (a), 61. 13 (a), I3I. 18 (b), 132. 12 (b), xi. 9 (a); (011- trasted W. witon 48.25 (a): pst. 2.S. cu"ðest 48. 16 (b); 3.S. cui'\'e viii. 22 (b); xxvi. 53 (b); pl. GLOSSARY cu'5on 33. 29 (b); sbj.prs. cunne xxii. 51 (b); ðucunne -p . . .3 0 .9; pl. cunnen 108. 31 (b); pst. cuðe 75. 22, 20. 9 (a), 15. 14 (b) ; pl. cuðen 56. 28 (b). capitula, wm. chapter; g. capi- tulan 73. 15. carcern, 11. prison, dungeon; d. carcerne 8. 3, 45. 28, i. 73; a. carcerne 7. 24, I II. 25; carcern xxv. 36. caru,}:sorrow,grief; a. care 15. 20. cãsere, m. emperor; i. 20, 61 ; kasere 7. 21; g. kaseres II5. 16*; d. casere 34. 24,66. 3 1 , xxvi. 6; kasere 66. 31*, 115. 15*,17*.19*; kâsere 39. 18 *, 30*; d. pl. case rum 7. 16. ceahhettung, f. laughter; a. cehhettunge 36. I. ceald, adj. cold; xx. 78; wk. cealda xxiv. 22; ceald 80. 6*, 7*, xx. 80; ceald gesceaft xx. 119; }: 'zok. cealde xx. 100, xxix. 54; n. ceald 49. 20, 80. 6, xx. 77, xxvi. 28; d. cealdum xx. 90; wk. cealdan 80. 9. 13, 10 5. 12; a. f. calde viii. 29; 'lvk. cealdan 80. 13; n. cald xi. 59 ; pl. n. f. cealda xx. 7 6 . ceaster, f. city; d. ceastre 1'28. 8, 141. 7; a. 9 6 . 27, i. 66. cempa, WlIl. soldier; n. pl. cem- pan xx. 73. cëne, adj. bold; x. 51. cëol, 1ll. ship; d. ceole xxvi. 60; a. ðriereðre ceol xxvi. 27; pl. d. ceolum xxi. I I; a. ciolas xxvi. 23. ceorfan, sV3. cut; sbj. frs. 3.s. ceorfe him of 124. 16. ceorl, 11l. free man, man; xii. 27; 1t. pl. ceorIas 108. 9. cëosan, SV2. choose; indo pst. 2.S. gecure 16. 27; 3's. geceas 20. 13, 66. 28; sbj. prs. 3.pl. geciosen 138. 32; pst. gecure xv. II ; pp n. pl. m. gecorene, chosen, dIstinguished 41. II, 64. 1* (gecorenne J). ciele, 1Il. cold; cile 80. 4; cele xx. 73; d. cile 4 2 . 3, 80. 21*, 223 81. 9*, 13 6 . 13*; cele xx. 110, 158; cyle 42. 3*; a. cile xxix. 50; cele xx. II3. ciepa, Will. trader; cepa 34. I, viii. 29. ciep, ttll WV. buy; indo pst. 3.s. diore gecepte xxvi. 19. ciepemann, m. merchant, trader; n. pl. cepemen 4 2 . 31. cierr, 1ll. time, occasion; d. æt sumum cierre ix. 23; æt sumum cyrre 39. 19*; æt oðrum cerre 95. 28*. cierran, wv. in trans. turn, return; gecyrran xi. 37; to gecerranne 139. 30; Í1zd prs. 3.s. cerreð xxix. 50; gecerre'5 xxviii. 61; pl. gecierräð, gecyrra'ð* 119. 33 ; pst. 3. s . cerde 3 6 . 32 ; ham cerde II5. 19*; sbj. prs. gecirre 9. 8*; gecerre hine 95. 21. cild, n. child; 94. 17.122. 2; a. 100. 5 ; n. pl. dId 108. 8, 10. cine, af. chink, crack; a. cinan 97. 14. cits, 1ll. sprout, shoot; pl. g. ciða xii. 5; d. ciðum 91. 26. clæne, adj. clean, pure; d. clænum 1..4-9. 23, xii. 5; a. m. clænne . 10 9. 27; pl. a. n. clæne 147. 25. clænlic, adj. pure; d. S. f. cIænIicre 50. 1 ; a. s.}: clænlice xi. 92. clænnes, f. purity; d. clænnesse 22. 14. clænsian, wV. purify; pp. ge- clænsod*, geclæsnod 120. 14. clænsung, f. purifying; 12 3. 25. clamm, 1Il. bond, chain; d. pl. clammum i. 83. clã"tSas, pl. m. clothes; 3 0 . 9, {o. 22; g. claða 30. 17, I II. 24, xxv. 23. clif, n. cliff; d. clife v. 13. clifian, wv. adhere, cleave; 'lV. on 37. 25, 3 8 . 23; cleofian 3 8 . 23 (]); cliofian 37. 25 (J). clip ian, wv. call; xxvi. 85; to (;ode cleopiall 9. 29*; Ùtd. pst. clipode 8. 21*, 12. 12; cleopode 8. 2 I, 10 3. 4, i. 83; cleopode to him 50. 10. 224 GLOSSARY clúd, n. rock; d. pl. cludum 91. 18. clústor, n. lock, bar, prison; a. cluster i. 73. gecnãwan, rv. know, recognize, understand; 52. 10, 12, 56. 28, 7+ 18,13 2 .3 0 , xii. 23, xix. 3 1 ; -indo pst. 3.s. gecneow 9. 1. 'cniht, 7ll. boy, young man; 78. 18; a. 73. 4; n. pl. cnihtas, retainers, foHowers xxvi. 8;;. cnihthãd, 11l. youth ; d. on cniht- hade 122. 3. cnõdan, rv. assign, attribute; pp. gecnoden i. 32. cnoll, 1n. hillock, hill; a. 26. 24. cõl, ad;: cool; n. v. 13. consul. 7ll. consul; 7. I I. gecõplïce, adv. fittingly, well; 8.8. corn, It. grain, seed; 95. 13, 15, xxii. 37, 40. cor15er, 11. troop, company; d. cor'ðre xxvi. 85. cosp, m. fetter; a. pl. cospas II6. 15. co15lïce, adv. foully, miserably; xxv. 36. cræft, 1/1. skill, faculty, virtue, power; 38'9,x. 37 &c.; g. cræftes 108. 29 &c. mtd X. 39; art, 37. II, 40. 14; d. cræfte 3 0 . 9, xx. 9 &c.; a. cræft 30. 22 &c. and xx. 196; pl. gen. = virtues, n. cræftas 10. 20, iv. 42 &c.: g. cræfta 22. 9 &c. a1zd xx. 119; d. cræftllm 35. 14 &c. and xv. I I; a. cræftas 44. 3 I &c. and xxx. 7. cræftig, adJ. skilful, powerful; 109. IS ; ælces 'ðinges c. X. 5 I ; 'wk. ælc cræftega 128. 27; cræftga xi. 92; g. wk. cræftgan xxiv. 51; d. 'wk. cræftegan 46. 18*; pl. 1l. cræftes full cræftige 133. 7; comþ. cræftigra 79, 24 ; sup. cræftigast xxx. 2. crëcisc, ad.f. Greek; g. pl. cre- ciscra xxvi. 28. crëopan, SV2. creep; 107. 16; -indo þrs. 3.S. criep'ð 107. 18; pl. creopai'ì xxxi. 6; sbj. prs. creope 9 I. 26. cristen, adj. Christian; 7. 6; n. þl. 1ll. cristene 131. 10. cristendõm, 1Il. Christianity; d. cristendome 7. 22*; cristenan- dome 7. 14*' culpian, wv. cringe, fawn; w. to 71. 24. cnma, 'Wl/1. new an-ivaI, stranger; a. cuman 36. 30, 37. 2. cum an, sv4. come; 33. 6, i. 83 &c.; to cumanne 53. II &c.; -ind. prs. 2.S. cymest xxiv. 47; cymst 105. 20*; 3.S. cyme'ð xi. 60, xiii. 62, xxv. 43, xxviii. 28, xxix. 20, 29, 56; usual form Ùt the þrose cymð 20. 25 &c. and vi. I I, xvii. 29; gecym'ð 93. 4 ; cimð 140. 5; cemð 127. 16; pl. cuma'ð 15. 8, vii. 44 &c. ; cume wit 148. 5 ; pst. 2.S. come 10 4. 28, 146. 29; 3. s . com 13. 6, xx. 30 &c.; com 'ðær gan 8. 16; pl. comon 17. 18; xvii. 3 &c.; coman 23. 29*, 69. 18*; sbJ. prs. cume 13. 5, xiii. 76 &c. ; þst. come 43. 9, 84. 14, 16, 18, 140. 6, xxviii. 72 ; pl. comen i. 66 ; pp. cumen 41. 12, xxiv. 5 I &c. ; cymen xx. 34. \ cunnian, wV. examine, test; w. g. 12. 12 ; imþ. cmma 12. '5. cú'tS, ad.f. known, evident, famous; 20. 9, xxvi. 60; f. cuðe xxvi. 53; It. cuð 54. 21, 84. 5, 12 9. 7, 144. 12, ix. [., xxvi. II, 4 2 ; a. f. cu'ðe ii. 8; 1l. pl. 1l. cuð xxxi. 6; a. 7ll. cu'ðe 4 6 . 30; com}. 1l. S. 1t. cu'ðre 51. 20. cwëman, 'wv. 'lv.d. please; to cwemanne 133. 14.. cwën,f. queen; xxvi. 89. cwe15an, sv5. say, speak; 20. 5, 8, 22. 23, xxiv. 48; cwæðan 109. 7; indo prs. I.S. cweðe 78. 13, 123. IS, 17; cwiðe 50. 18*; 2.S. cwist 12.27, 19. 16, 20. 13,17, 24, 3 1 , 77. 21; cwyst 12. 3 0 , 27. 22; cwest I19. 29*; 3. s . cwi'ð 70.15,82.29,137. 29,J4 0 . 4; pl. cweða'ð 19.12,58.14.85. 30, 32,88. II, 107. 28, I14. 22 ; pst. I.S. cwæ'ð 4ó' 17, x. 35 &c. GLOSSARY cwæt 65. 5 *; 2.S. cwæde I 2. 2 2 &C.; 3'S. cwæð, very fq. esp. ill Phrases, ða cwæð he, tlus cwæð &c., 8. 5, vi. 2 &c.; in C. fq. eoutr. to cwð' 77. 24 &c.; pl. cwædon 76.8, 1'24. 16, 140. 10; sl:/. prs. cwe'ðe 47. II; cwæðe perh. confused'lv. cwæde 62. 19, 131. 23; pl. cwe'ðan, cwæðon* 137. 18; pst. cwæde 9. 23 ; frs. p. cwe'ðende 10. 28. cwic, adj. living. alive; 'Zuk. cwuca 10 9. 2 9; f. cwuco 91. 9 ; g. cwuces 9 2 . 3; a. cwucone, cWllcene* 109. 2R; f. cwuce 91. 6; pl. n.f. cwuca 126. 17; g. cwucera 145. 3 2 , xxix. 79. cwiddung,j: saying, report; d. cwiddunge 45. 3. cwide, m. saying; 9. 22, 31. 20, 110. 30, 143. 14; principle, 78. 16 ; a. 33. 13; a. pl. cwidas 15. 16, MPr. 5. cwielman, 'Zvv. kill; sbj. pst. cwelmde ix. 47. cyme, m. coming, advent; a. 136.5. gecynd, j: n. nature, kind; f. 30. 13. 37. 19, 58. 10, xx. 187; n. about 8 timer, 38. 12 &c.; uncert. about 7 times, 32. 18 &c.; g. gecyndes 57. 24, 28, xiii. 12, 67, xxvii. 7; natural function 93.17; gecynde 27.26, 32.6,92. 23; d. gecyndej: about 6 times, '}. 7. 24 &c.; n. about 5 times, 3 1 . 5 &c. and xx. 33; uncert. about 13 times, 41. I I &c. and xx. 76; a. gecynd j: 33. 27; natural desire 114. 20, 21, viii. 17; n. IS. 26, 9 2 . 31, 93. 2 I, xxviii. 62 ; Ullcerl. about 6 tz"mes, 16. 28 &c.; cynd 9 8 . II ; gecynde 57. 25, 93. 24, 108. 6, xiii. 55 ; n. pI. n. gecynd 29. 29; g. gecynda 81. 18, 19. a. ? 81. 17. gecynde, ad/. natural, suitable; 3 0 . 10, 63. 19, 133. 9; 'Zok. gecynda 3 K 9; j: gecynde 93. 16; n. about 7 times, 30. I &c.; a. f xi. 14; pI. n. gecynde 30. 3 ; a. i. 6. 225 gecyndelic, ad}. natural, fitting; n. 32. I ; g. gecyndelices 39. 12, 64. 3, 12 4. 6; a. f. gecyndelice 4 8 . 28; 11. gecyndelic 31. 25, 53. II, 63. 25. 64. 17; wk. gecyndelice 64. :;, 95. 29, 114. 17; ðæt gecyndelic god 95. 26. · gecyndelïce, adv. naturally, suit- ably; 54. 12, 9 8 . 3. cynecynn, n. royal family; g. cynecynnes 115. 25, xxvi. 42. cynegierela, wm. royal robe; g. cynegerelan xxv. 23. cynelic, adJ. royal; a. 'wk. cyne- lican 35. 2. cynerice, n. kingdom; a. pl. cynericll xxvi. 6. cynestõl, m. royal seat, throne; 7. 2 I ; d. cynestole i. 48. cyning, m. king; 7. 14, :M.Pr. 2 &c.; cyninc 66. 3; cynincg xv. 2; cining xxvi. 22 ; kllning Pro 1 ; g. cyninges 35, I, xx. 73 &c.; d. cyninge 7. 18, xv. 13 &c.; cininge 66.15,102.28; a. cin- ing xxvi. 45 ; pl. n. cyningas 65. 22, 66. 17, xxv. 58; kyn- ingas i. 56; cyngas II 2. 6*; g. cyninga 35. 6, xv. I I &c.; d. cyningnm 7. 2, 5. II I. 13, xxv. 2; a. cyningas 105. 26, I I 5. 26, i. 6, xxiv. :;8. cynn, n. kind, species; cyn xiv. 6, xxvii. 19 ; g. ælces cynnes 64. 25, 89. 13, 74. 2, xviii. 4, xxvi. 34; d. cynne iv. 32, xi. 67; =kin I I. 2 I ; pl. g. cynna I II. 14, xxxi. 5 n.; d. cynnum xx. 249. cynn, ad/. natural, fitting; n. cyn :;6. II, 75. 3 0 , 99. 14 (cynn B). cynren, n. kind, kin; a. 116. J 0 ; d.pl. cynrenum 82. 5. cypera, WlIl. spawning salmon; a. cyperan xix. 12. cyspan, wv. fetter; xxvi. 77. cyst, f. choice, pick, best; burga cyst i. 18; pl. virtues, good qualities, 11. cysta 28. 4; d. cystum 122. 3. . cytSan, 'lvv. make known, declare; 4 0 . 1 3, 19, ix. 22; gecyð'an 57.2, xiii. I; indo prs. 3.s. gecyð 47. Q 226 GLOSSAR Y 8, 19; pl. gecyðað 39. 7; pst. 2.S. cyðdest 13. 22*; cyddest 13. 19, 22; 3. s . cyðde 43. 8, 45. 7 ; pl. cyðdon i. 56 ; gecy'ð- don 15. 27; pp. gecyðed 30.31, 3 2 . 13, 37. 22. cyiS'tS, f. native place, home; cyð 80. 25, xxiv. 49; d. cy'ððe 52. 10, 63. 30, 64. 10, 139. 27, 146. 29, xii. 24; a. xx. 158. D. dæd,j: deed; 70. 27, 12I. 19, i. 43, ix. 18; pl. d. dædum xvi. 23 ; a. dæda 44. 3, 5, 141. 8. dæg, 1Il. day; 68. 2, xii. 16; g. dæges 52. 6; adv. by day 102. :; ; d. dæge viii. 18, xxix. 41; usëd ,in adverbial phrases, ælce dæge xxviii. 4; ælce dæg, 10 times, 59. 23 &c.; æghwylce dæge xx. 137; æghwelce dæg xiv. 5; a. dæg 20. 3, xi. 62 &c. ; on dæg 33. 27, 121. 16; midne dæg :'7.24,126.13; pl. g. daga 73. 13; d. dagum Pro 7, 34.3 0 , 35. I, 44. II, xx. 21 3; on . . . dagllm 43. 6, 44. 4; gio dagllm 45.4; dahum 10. 10; a. dagas 17. 24,49. 21 , iv. 19. dægrïm, 11. number of days; g. dægrimes xxvi. 33. dæl, 1lZ. part, portion, share; 29. 13 &c. alld xxix. 53 ; g. dæles 4 2 . I, 135. 28, xx. 60; d. dæle 42. 5,16 ; w. be, extent, degree; be sumllm dæle, in some degree, partly 15. 18 &c. alld xx. 96; be 'ðæm dæle ðe, to the extent that, so far as 93. 23, 109. 22, 13:a. 23; be nanum dæle, in no respect 130. 10; be ænegum dæle, in any degree 123. 22; a. dæl 13. 3 0 &c. and xxiv. 31 ; a. pl. dælas 76. 17. dælan, wv. divide, distribute, assign; 120. 12; indo prs. 2.S. dælest xx. 51 ; dælst 79. 3 0 ; 3. S . dælð 128. 8, 22; pp. gedæled 90. :. *, xxix. 35; pl. 1ll. ge- dælede 92. 25*; a. gedælde 28. 23*. gedafenlic, adf. proper, fitting; is -þ g. xxxi. 2 I. gedãl, n. separation; d. gedale 45. 25. daru,j: harm, injury; 67. 2à. dëad, ad}. dead; d. bion, to die 66. 25 ; wk. deada 109.29, 110. I; f pred. dead 22. 22; a. deadne 36. 10, 1 I, 109. 28; pl. deade 46. 29; wurden deade, died 118. I. dëadlic, ad}. subject to death, mortal; deaðlic 17. 9*, 52. 16; d. deadlicl1m 13. 13; a. n. wk. deaðlice 46. 9; pl. n. deað- lice 53. 10*; g. deaðlicra 22. 29; wk. deadlicena 29, 1*; d. deadlicum 74. 8*. deah, sWV. be of use, be good, avail; indo pn. 3. S . 63. 9; pst. 3.s. rlohte 63. 8, 67. 10, viii. 5 ; pl. doh ton 44. 6; sbj. prs. dyge 123. 18. dearr, swv. dare, venture; pI's. indo 3.s. dear xi. 65; pst. 3.S. dorste xx. 70; sbj. prs. dyrre. 29. 18. 138. 13; durre xi. 54; pst. pl. dorsten 134. 6, i. 27. dea1S, m. death; 20. 22, x. 29 &c. ; g. deaðes 20. 24 &c. and xxvii. 6; d. dea'ðe 26. 13 &c.;. a. deal5 66. 28 &c. gedefe, ad}. fitting, seemly; 11. S. n. xxvi. 92. delfan, sv3. dig; 34. 1 I ; sbj. prs. delfe 140. II, 14. delfere, 1Jl. digger; 140.13 dëma, Wlll. judge; 105. 19, 119. 28, 136. 25, xxiv. 42 ; g. deman 120.2; d. 17. 9. dëman, 'wv. judge, deem; 122. 28, 140. 24; indo prs. 3.S. demð 12:;.28, I3I. 12,18; sb}.prs. 3.þl. demen 121. 26. demm, 1Il. harm, loss; a. dem 13. 1,47.7. denu, f. valley; d. dene 27. 7, vii. 37. dëofol, 1ll. dedi; a. diof111, deo- fel * 38. 28. GLOSSARY deop, adj. deep; diop 82. 28; d. diopum II2. 15. deoplice, adv. deeply; xxii. 3; dioplice 94. 27*; comþ. diop- licoT 12. 26. deor, n. wild animal; 72. 8; wilde d. 124. I I; dioT 73. I, xxvii. 24; d. diore 116. 22, xxvi. 87; a. dior 73. 3; pl. deor II6. 23; dioT 101. 28, xxvii. 20; g. diora xxvi. 92; d. diorum 121. 15, 124. 8, xxvii. II . deorboren, adf. of noble birth; f. diorboren xxvi. 52. deorcynn, 11. species of animal; d. deorcynne 116. 20; d. pl. deorcynnum II6. 21*. deorwierlSe, adf. precious; a. n. deorwyr'ðe 48. 17* ; d. pl. deorwyr'ðum 32. 26*; comþ. deorwyrðra 7 2 . 23; f. deor- wyrðre 72. 24 n.; n. 28. 8; diorwyr'ðre 22. 31, 83. 31; a. '}to deorwyd'ìre 25. 20, 21; diorwyrf5re 4N. 18*; g. pl. dior- wyr'ðra 33. 24* ; suþ. wk. deorwyr'ðesta 35. 25; 11. wk. deorwyrðeste 54. 9; deorweor- ðoste 48. 20; a. n. 'wk. deor- wyrðoste 22. I; g. þl. wk. deorwyr'ðestena 55. 27. deorwieriSnes, f. precious thing, treasure; þl. d. deorwyrðnessum 19. 6; a. deorwyrð'nessa 34. 12. derian, wv. w. d. harm, injure; 3 6 . 7, 13, xii. 4; gederian 3 6 . 15; derigan 18. 14, II 7. 6; indo þrs. 3.s. dera'ð 30. 15; dere'ð 32. 32, 144. 18, 26, iv. 3 6 ; xxvi. 11 I ; þl. deriað 33. T, 3 6 . 8, 116. 3 I, iv. 48; deriga'ð 3 6 . II; deregað 10. 2 1*; sbj. þrs. pl. derigen 52. 1*. diegellice, adv. secretly; digellice 7. 19*; degelice i. 64. diegelneR,f. secret; a. diegelnes e 28. 14. diegle, adf. secret, hidden; þl. a. wk. dæglan 57. 26; n. deglu 12 7. I; comþ. d. þl. diogolr m 27. 16*. 227 diere, 1) adj. dear, precious; diore 27. 24, x. 29; 11,. 27. 29; pl. deore 31. 13; n. diore, dyre* 16. 12; comþ. diorra, deorra* 28. 12; þl. dierran 32. 16*; deorran 3 I. I I; sUþ. diorust, deorast* 27. 28. 2) adv. dearly, at a dear price: diore gecepte xxvi. 19; suþ. diorost viii. I I. dierling, 11l. favourite; diorling 14 0 . 8 ; pl. g. dyrlinga, deorlinga* 66. 31; d. deorlingum 62. 14; 65. 4*, 67. 15*; diorlingum 67. 15; a. deor lingas 64. 28*, 133. 12; diorlingas xv. 8. dimm, adj. dark, dim; f. W. dimme xii. 16; a. n. wk. dimme 8. J 0, ii. I I. dõgor, 11. day; g. þl. dogora xiii. 2 I, xx. 175, 209, xxii. 61, xxviii. 65. dõgorrim, n. number of days; d. dogorrime X. 67. dobtor, j: daughter; 22. 12, II:;. 23, n6. 2, xxvi. 33. f,2. dòm, m. a) freewill; b) judgement, opinion; c) authority, power: d) reputation, glory; g. domes 22. 9 (d), 74. 6 (b); domes dzcg, doomsday 144. 2, xxix. 4 1 ; d. dome 16. 30 (c). 2. J 3 (b), 3i. 4 (c), 41. 20 (b), II2. 9 (c), 12I. 6 (b), 121. 26 b); pl. 1Z. domas, decrees 59. 25, 35. 3 2 (a), 140. 28. dõmere, = demere, m. judge; d. 20. 13; n. pl. domems 64. 12. dõn, allv. a) do, perform; b) act; c) make, render; d) cause; e) put, set; f) used to avoid re- þeatÙzg another vb. = do. a) Pro 14 &c. b) 37. I &c. cì 2Ó. 15 &c d) 47. ï &c. e) don ðær \\'eori'í- scipe to ï 5. 16, if. 7:; 28 et Ùif. f) 9. 14 &c.; dôn 117. 14, 24; gedon, effect, bring to pac.;s, render 24. 25, 36. 15, xxvi. 102 &c. = do 134. 6; to donne 110. 29 &c.; indo þrs. 2.S. dest 3 0 . 16; gedest 10.3 &c. a1ldxx. 27 2 ; 3. s . de'ð Pro 15: vii. 14 &c. ; gede'ð 28. 3 &c.; pl. doð 14. Q 2 228 GLOSSARY 17, iv. 26 &c.; gedoð 28. 4 &c. ; pst. dyde 7. 15, xiii. 79 &c.; þl. dydon 20. 17 &c. and xxix. 5 ; ðærof dydon, took away 76. 21 (e); gedydon 16. 7, 29. 29; imp. do 29. 23, 99. 25; do nu of, take away 42. 4 (e); do . . . to, add II 3. 14 (e); sbj. prs. do 58. 2, xv. 13 &c. ; pl. don 44. 28 &c.; don ealne ætgædere 76. 19 (e); dôn 113. 2; gedon 28. 26, xxi. 27; pst. pl. dyden 110. 3; pþ. gedon Pr. 2 &c. and xi. 23; n. pl. 111. gedone 113. 32. drãamcræft, m. music; 3 8 . 7. dreamere, 1Il. musician; 3 8 . 7. dreccan, wv. vex, torment; dreccean v. 40; 'indo þrs., 3.S. drece'ð vii. 25; sbj. þrs. 3.s. drecce vii. 54. drefan, wv. stir up, confuse, trouble; xxvii. 2; gedrefan V. 23; indo þrs. 3.S. gedrefe'ð 14. II, v. 8; gedrefð 71. 5, Ill. 28; gedræf'ð xviii. 3, xxv. 42; pl. drefe ge J 24. 3; gedrefa'ð 14. 5; pp. gedrefed 9 times, 8. I &c. and i. 4, v. 18; 11. pl. 111. gedrefde 130. 26. gedrefednes ,f. confusion, trouble; 13. 8; g. gedrefednesse 14. 18; gedræfednesse 13. I ; d. gedrefed- nesse 14. 24, 95. 23. 142. 21, 23 ; a. 59. 2 ; g. þl. gedrefednesm 104-. 33. gedrefnes, f. confusion, trouble; d. gedrefnesse V. 40; gedræfnesse xxii. 61. drene, 1ll. drink; 135. 20; a. 13 2 . 7. dreogan, SV2. suffer, endure; 'ind. þrs. 3.s. drig'ð 9. I I.f. ; þst. 3.þ1. drogan 116. 26*. dreorig, adi. sad, sorrowful; a. dreorigne xxii. 33. dreosan, SV2. fall, perish; þrs. þ. perishahle, a. dreosendne vii. 16 ; a. pl. wk. dreosendan 2Ó. 29. drifan, SVI. a) drive away, expel; b) practise; drifan drycræftas xxvi. 54 (b); Ùul. þrs. 3.s. drif'ð xxix. 48 (a). drincan, sv3. drink; indo þn. 2.5. drincst 3 0 . 17; 3.S. gedrince'ð vii. 16; þst. þl. dnmcon 34. I, viii. 20, 28; druncan 33. 29*. droht ð, 1Il. manner of life; a. XXVI. 92. drügian, 'WV. Ï1ztrans. dry up; sbj. þst. 3.s. drugode 8:>. 18. dryeræft, 1ll. magic, sorcery; d. drycræfte I 16. 27; a. drycræft 116. 14; þl. d. drycræftuffi xxvi. 98. 102; a. drycræftas xxvi. 54. dryeræftig, adj. skilled in sorcery; f. drycræftigu 116. 3. drÿgan, 71/V. trans. dry; indo prs. 3. S . dryg'ð 136. 15; drige'ð xxix. 59. dryge, adj. dry; f. pred. 80. 6*; n. absol. 'ðæt drige, dryness xxix. 48; d. absol. drygum, dryness xx. 74 ; drince'ð to dryggum, drinks to dryness vii. 16; wk. drygan 80. 9; a. drygne N.; drigne 34. 27; fwk. drigan 80. 12; n. dryge 136. 12; d. pl. drygum 12. 9. dryhten, 1ll. lord; always used of God exceþt Creca drihten xxvi. 14, 19; dryhten 79. 10, 13 6 . 24, i v. 3; drihten 12 times, 10. 17, vii. 37 &c. ; g. drihtnes i. 41, X. 67, xx. 209, 2 I 3, xxix. 36; a. drihten 29. 8. dryhtguma, 'LVlll. retainer, soldier; n. pl. drihtguman viii. I I. drync, 1ll. drink, potion; 30. 8; g. drynces 60. 18; a. drinc viii. 22; pl. drincas 33. 24. viii. 9 ; d. dryncum I I I. 27. dugu'5, f. a) flower, best; b) ex- cellence, virtue; c) benefit, favour; 22. 4 (a), 28. 28 (b); pl. duguða (b); d. dugu'ðum X. 29 (b), xv. 8 (c). dün, f. hill; d. dune, Ùt adv. of- dune (q.v.) ; a. dune 73. 28, xix. 10; d. pl. dunum 73. 3 1 ,91. 17. dunnian, wv. intrans. obscure; Ùld. þrs. 3.pl. dunniað 10. 6. duru,f. door; a. 97. 14, 17,24. düst, n. dust; 80. 19; d. duste xx. 104; a. dust 28. 22. GLOSSARY dwelian, wv. lead astray; ge- dweligan 78, 17*; indo prs. 3.s. gedwelað 7:'. 23*; pst. dwdode 100. 27*; sb}. prs. dwelige 100. 5*; pp. gedwelod 55. 21*. dwell an, 'wv. lead astray; ge- dwell an 78. 17; prs. indo 3.S. gedwæle'ð xix. 3 ; sbj. prs. dwelle 105. 5, 27; pst. dwealde 100. 26; pp. gedweald 55. 2 I. B has dwelian Ù1 all these cases. gedwola, W1!l. error, heresy; 58. 12, 76. 13, i. 41; g. gedwolan 9. I 8, 19. 3 I; d. 7. 7 & C. and xix. 29; a. xxvi. 39. dwolian, wv. stray, err; indo þrs. pl. dwolia'ð 88. 27; .sbj. pst. 2.S. gedwolode I I. II; prs. p. dwoliende 74. 3 1 ; dwoligende 108. 14. dwolma, Wlll. confusion, chaos; a. pl. mistes dwoleman V. 43. gedwolmist, l/t. mist of error; d. gedwolmiste 95. I I. xxii. 33. dyderian, WV. deceive, mislead; sbj. prs. 2.S. dyderie*, dydre 100. 'i. dynt, ;',. blow, crash; a. 117. 3 0 . dysig, (i) adj. foolish, unthinking; 26. 4, 63. 4, 98. 12, 122. I I ; dysi 138. 14; wk. dysega xxv. I:' ; n. wk. dysige 115. 25; dysie xxviii. 65; g. dysiges 68. 13, xxvi. 52; dysges 64.2*; d. wk. dysegan 61. 6; dysgan 61. 3*; a. dysine 17. II, ii. II; 11. wk. dysige xxvi. 39; pl. n. dysige 31. 12, 68. 10, 74. 3 0 , 7 8 . 7,109.2,23, IIi. 15; wk. dysegan 74. 5, 7 8 . 7, 108. 12, 16, 12I. 32, xix. 29, xxvi. 9 8 ;g. dysigra 9.3; dysegra . 118. 12; wk. dysigena 63. 27; d. dysegum 61. 4, 62. 14*, 118. 7,9,18, 121. 22,138.14; dysgum 81. 3*; a. dysige 41. 2; compo n.pl. dysigran 74.11*; dysegran xix. 41; sup. dysegast xv. II; wk. dysgosta 123.29. (ii) shst. 11. folly; 62. 13, 73. 23, 104. 6, xix. I ; dybÏ 122. I ; g. dysiges 108. 7; d. dysige 39. 4* &c. ; 229 a. dysig 9. 7 &c. and xix. 39, xxviii. 78. dysigian, wv. be foolish; i1ul. prs.pl. dyscga'ð 12.8; sbj.prs. 3.pl. dysegian* '56. I n. dysilie, adj. foolish; n. dyslic 42. 10, 84. 18. E. ea.,f. river; 83. 3, 4; g. 86. 21; d. 37. 3, 83. 4, 86. 21; pl. 11. 102. 6; g. 74. 3. ea,intelj.oh! ah! 65.15,68.10, 94. I 7. eae, adv. also, besides fq.; W. ge 10. 6 &c.; eae swa same xi. 5 &e.; geac 16. 31*. ëaea, WlIl. increase; 48. 6; g. eaean 55. 29, 75. 5; d. to eacan, used as prep. W. d. in addition to 22. 30, 31. 3 2 , 59. 29, 60. 19,14 6 .9; a. eacan 119. 7. ëaden, ptcp. granted; xxxi. 9. ëadig, adj. fortunate, happy; 59. I I &c. ; d. pl. eadegum xxi. 44; compo 11. pl. eadigran 60. 3. ëadiglie, adj. prosperous, happy; 9 8 . 6 . ëadignes,j: prosperity, happiness; 55. I, 87. 15 ; d. eadignesse 52. 20, 139. 16; a. 54. 27. ea:fi.se, 1Il. river-fish; a. pl. eafiscas xix. 24. eafora, W11l. son; xxvi. 35. ëage, 'lim. eye; d. eagan 121. 30, 12 9. 3 0 , 133. 13; a. eage 44. 14; pl. n. eagan 122. 6, 145. 25; g. eagena 73. 7; d. eag1lll1 I I. I, iv. 55 &c.; eahum II. 1*; a. eagan 8. 26, xx. 261 &c. eagorstream, 1Il. sea, ocean; egorstream xx. I 18; g. eagor- streames xx. 122 n. ëalã, inter}. oh! alas! 9. 10, iv. 25 &c.; e. ea 65. 1 5 ; e. eaw 39. 3 1 , 7 0 . 7; e. wa 73. 22; æala 34. 10*, 4 6 . 7*, iii. I, iv. I; eawla ix. 55. ëaland, 11. island; d. ealonde 7. 4*, 34. 29; a. ealand 34. 1*. 23 0 GLOSSARY eald, adj. old; aId xxii. 54; wk. ealda 3 I. 20; n. eald 126. 23, xxviii. 70; a. 'wk. ealdan 33. 13, 135. 25; pl. n. ealde xxvi. 86; wk. ealdan 108. 9; d. ealdum 22. 26, i. 65 &c.; wk. ealdan 103. 16; compo g. eldran fæder, grandfather 22. 25; d. pl. eldran 20. II; v. also ieldran. ealdgecynd, n. original nature; d. ealdgecynde xiii. 40, xxv. 57. ealdhlãford, m. lord from old time; d. pl. ealdhlafordum 7. 16, i. 63. ealdhlãfordcynn, n. hereditary lordship; g. ealdhlafordcynnes 7. 21. ealdor, 1Il. chief, prince; aldor xxvi. 7, xxix. 6. ealdormann, m. magistrate, dig- nitary; n. pl. ealdormen 22. 24, 23. 6. ealdriht, n. ancient right; pl. g. ealdrihta 7. 8, 16, i. 3 6 . 57; d. ealdrihtum 7. 22. ealdspell, n. old story; a. M. Pro I; d. pl. ealdspellum 127. 8. ealdgeweorc, n. ancient work; xi. 40, xx. I 16. eaIl, 1) adj. all; fq. xvi. 8 &c.; eal 4 1 . 24, xx. 20 7; f. eall 93. 18, xx. IiI &c.; n. eall, eal ix. 44 &c. ; g. ealles 33. 5 &c.; ?t. ealles used as adv. altogether, entirely I I. 10, 40. 8, iv. 35, V. 3 0 &c. ; f. ealre fq.; ealræ 41. 20; a. eallne9. 6, 24. 10, 104.6, xxviii. 5; commoner form ealne 18. 7, iv. 3 &c.; ealne weg adv. always, fq. 9. 2 I &c.; eallne weg 120. 25; eallneg 120. 24, 25 ; ealneg xxii. 15, xxviii. 57, 69; ealnig vii. 40, 53, x. 21, xxi. 15; f. ealle 76. 28 &c.; æalle 39. 1 9; n. eall 79.31, xi. 88 &c.; eal 76. 23, 77. I, I I I. I 7, xxii. 17; in st. ealle 69. 14, xiii. 64 &c.; eall xxix. 96: eallon 53. 18*, 67. 5*, 69. 14*, 147. 4*, 12*; mid ealle adv. altogether, quite 8. 12, xvii. 22 &c. ; pl. n. ealle vi. 5 &c.; eall 23. I 3 *, I 2 I. 27 ; f. usual for III ealla 18. 4, iv. 25 &c.; ealle 10. 14, iv. 53 &c.; 11-. ealle about 10 times, 41. 28 &c.; commoner form eall 32. 15 &c. ; g. eallra 10. 16, xx. 259 &c.; ealra 24. 25, xix. 28 &c. (both used about equally); eal 'ð'inra godena weorca 18. 24; d. eallum Xl. 21 &c.; ealum 22. 15*; a. ealle ix. 24 &c.; f. ealla and ealle 52.31, xi. 32, xiii. 7 &c. (about equally); n. ealle 90. 3 2 , xx. 56 &c. ; eall 29. 9 &c.; ea142.6 &c. 2) at/v. altogether, entirely; fq. Ùz Cotto fifetra, often d tJicult to distinguish from (1), X. 9, xi. 77 &c. eallisig, ad.;: all icy, very cold; xxiv. 23. eallmæge.n, 11. all one's power; d. eallmægene xxix. 96; almæ- gene xxix. 3. eallneg, V. eall. eallunga, adv. entirely; fq. 2I. 27, xi. 26 &c.; allunga 69. 3 0 * ; ellunga 60. 14. eallwealda, W1ll. Almighty; al- wealda xi. 22. eallwihta, f. pl. all things; g. alwuhta xx. 253. ealo, n. ale; 4 0 . 22* (ealu J). ëaõfer, 11Z. river-bank; d. pl. eao- frum xix. 22 ; æaofrum 74. 1*. ëargebland, n. surge of the sea; a. eargeblond viii. 30. eard. m. native place, home; 91. 17, xiii. 63 &c. : g. eardes II6. 12. V. 15, xxvi. 71; d.earde II. 10, xiii. 70 &c.; earda 83. 12; a. eard 80. 35, xi. 66 &c. eardfæst, adi. settled, abiding; vii. 38; n. xx. 156. eardian, wV. dwell; xx. 109; eardigan 80. 21; indo prs. 3.s. eardað 27. 7; pl. eardia'ð' 25. 2 ; sbj. prs. 3.pl. eardien xx. 146. ëare, wn. ear; pl. n. earan 145. 20; a. 28. 13. 145. 30. GLOSSARY earfoiSe, 1) adj. troublesome, difficult; 1l. earfoð'e 127. 22; g. earfo-ðes 147. 23; n. pl. earfoðe 81. 3, 9 2 . 24; sup. a. f. w. earfo'ðestan 12 7. 3. 2) sbst. n. hardship, trouble; d. earfoðe 130. 24 ; earefo'ðe 18.28 n. ; pl. n. earfoðu56. 13, 125. 9; g. earfo'ða 27. 12; d. earfo'ðum 22. 8, II, 66. 2, 120. 17, xxvi. 97; a. earfoðu 70. 12, 82. 7, 133. 3, 15, 27, xx. 254; gearfoðu 70. :,. earfoiShãwe, ad/. hard to be seen; n. 81. 5, xx. 15 2 . earfoiSlic, adj. difficult; 11. II 8. 6. earfoiSnes, j hardship, trouble; g. pl. earfoðnessa 23. I . earfoiSrïme, adj. hard to count, very numerous; n. pl. n. earfoðrimu Pro 7. earfotstæcne, adj. hard to be shown; n. xx. 147. earg, adj. a) timid; b) inert, lazy; c) depraved; a. wk. eargan 115. I (a) ; n. pl. wk. ge eargan 139. 8 (b); compo n. pl. eargran 60.4(<. earm, ?/l. arm; d. earme 66. 29. earm, adJ. wretched, miserable; 20. 5 &c.; poor 77. 10, 12 4. 25; n. wk. earme 105. 28, xxiv. 63; d. earmum 10. 17; a. earmne 26. 17, 12 3. 4; wk. earman 10. 26, 25. II; þl. Il. earme 24. 6, iv. 57 &c.; wk. earman xix. 3; d. earmum iv. 31; a. earme 105. 27, 117.3 1 ; wk. earman 73. 23; comþ. earmra, 123. I; n. þl. earmran 60. 4. 74. II, xix. 41; sUþ. n. þl. 1Il. earmoste I I 8. 2. earmlic, ad}. miserable, wretched; f. earmlico 13 8 . 4; n. earmlic 74. f" 14 6 . 14, xxvii. 16, xxviii. 74 ; sUþ. earmlicost xix. 28. earmlïce, aav. miserably; 7 I. 20; compo earmlicor 72. 2. earn, 11l. eagle; 18. 12. earnian, wv. W. g. a. or 'ðæt clause, deserve, earn; geearni- gan 29, 3, 44. 10; indo þrs. 3. s . 23 1 earnað 88. 16, 20; þl. earniað 44. 3 1 , 133. 22; geearnigað II 2. 19; earnað -þ hie sien ðy halran, gain, effect 88. 21*; pst. 3.s. earnade ix. 20; pl. geearnodon 120. 14; sb/.þrs. 3.s. earnige* 106. 26; pl. earnien 106. 26; þþ. geeamad 10 3. 5. earnung,f. merit; d. geearnunga 82. I, 124. 20, 21, xx. 228; geearnunge 81. 34; a. earnunga, advantage 88. 20; geearnungæ 120. 16; pl. 11. earnunga, geearnunga* 70. I I; a. earn- unga 52. 20. ëast, adv. east; ix. 42, X. 5, xiii. 59, xiv. 7. xxx. I; error for tæst 1 xxix. 17. ëastan, adv. from, in the east; 10. 12, 136. 4, i. I, iv. 23, vi. 12, xii. 15, xxix. 20, 26; be eastan xxix. 33. ëasteweard, ad/. east, used in adverbial phrases; from easte- weardum 39. 27, 67. 30; from casteweardan 41. 21*. ëastewearde, adv. eastward; xvi. 18. ëastre, f. Easter, spring; d. or a. on eastran 29. 2 I. ëaiSe, adv. easily; fit. 26. 9, h. 48 &c.; compo ieð 23. 12; e'ð 9. 2 7, 14. 8, 4 6 . 19'\ 5 2 .9*, 10 7. 19,108.2,135. 2I,X. 38, xii. 22; y'ð 104. 30,124.27,145.17. ëaiSmëtto, n. pl. humility; 67. 8 ; g. ea'ðmetta 27. 6, vii. 33; ead- metta vii. 38. ëalSmõd, ad}. humble; d. pl. eað- modum 18. II. ëa1Smõdlïce, adv. humbly; 97. 32; eadmodlice 71. 20, 149. 2. ëatsmõdnes, f. humility; g. ead- modnesse 27. 7*; a. eadmod- nesse 18. 10. eax, f. a le-tree, aJ\.is; 129. 20, 23, 13I. 1; g. eaxe 126. f" xxviii. 22; d. 129. 19 &c. and xxviii. 13, 15, xxix. 18; a. 126 8, 131. I. ebba, WlIl. ebb, low tide; g. ebban 49. 26; 11. þl. xi. 69. 23 2 GLOSSARY ëce, ad}. eternal; 9. 12, V. 33 &c.; wk. eea 148. 31, IV. 29. &c.; f. eeu 120. I, xiii. 71; wk. ece v. 44; 11. eee II3. 22, xx. 237 &c.; g. eees 138. 24; wk. ecan 78. 25; d. ecum iv. ; to ðæm ecum gode xxi. 3 ; f. eere 120. 17, 139. 16; wk. eean 10. I, 23.9,149. 8; a. ecne 78. 12, xx. 224, xxvi. 50; wk. ecan 89. 23, iii. 6 &c.; f. eee 44. 9; n. ece 44. 17 120. 13; iust. ece 143. 25; pl. ece 27. 2 3; f. eca 26. II; eee 51. 2 3', 77. 29; wk. ecan 2 7. II, xix. 31; g. eera 137. 2ï*; d. to 'ðæm ecum vii. 44; a. f. eee 78. 12; wk. ecan 26. 18, 130. 3 1 , vii. 29; 11. ecu 113. 19, 22. ecg,f. edge; d. pl. eegum ix. 29. ecnes, f. eternity; 147. 23, 148. 7; d. on eenesse, for ever, eternally 47. 2, 90. 12, 92. 17, 113, 4, 120. 10, 11. edlean, 11. reward retribution; 9. 21, 113. 13, 28, 125. 10; g. edleanes 113. 3, 13, 119. 18, 134. 12; d. edleane 104. 22, 137. 13; a. edlean 70. II, 112. 20, II 3. 9, 24, 120. 8, 9, I I, 12 4. 1 3; 135.16, xxvii. 26; pl. g. edleana I I 2. 18 ; d. edleanum Il3. 2 ; a. edlean II 3. 20, 22. edniwe, adj. renewed; n. pl. 1Jl. edniwe xi. 39. edniwian, wv. renew, restore; Ùld. prs. 3.S. geedniwa'ð 13I. 6, 8; pp. n. pl.f. geedniwode 92. 12; geedniwade 49. 9*. edsceaft, f. new creation; d. edseeafte 92. 13, 15. edwit, 11. reproach, disgrace; i. 55. . efen, 1) ad.;". even, level; g. n. cmnes 58. 30*. 2) adv. equally, just; xx. 244. efenæ1Sele, ad/. equally noble; pl. 11. emnæðele 69. 27*; a. 69. 24*' efenbehefe, ad/. equally neces- sary ; f. efnbehefu xii. 7. efenbeorht, ad}. equally bright; n. pl. efenbeorhte xx. 233; f. xx. 231. efengõd, ad}. equally good; n. emngod 'lV.d. 85. 2; emngood 14 2 . 20 ; g. emngoodes 83. 25. efenie15e, adj. equally easy; 11. efneðe xx. 167. efenlica, W1Jl. equal; efnlica xx. 19. efenlice, adv. equally, alike; emnliee 28. 23. efenmære, adj. equally famous ; a. s. 1Jl. efnmærne x. 32. efenmicel, adJ. equally great; d. emnmic1um 147.22 ; a. emn- mieelne 107. 12. efenneah, equally near; 1) adv. xx. 141. 2) prep. w. d. emn- neah 80.33*,129.32. efensWl--ðe, adv. equally, to an equal degree; efnswiðe xi. 44. efne, at/v. equally; i. 14, viii. 46, 4 8 , xi. 76, xvi. II, xix. 30, xx. 12 4.. 154, xxii. 19, xxvi. 6:;, xxviii. 28; emne 136. 6*, ix. 3 8 , xxiv. 63, xxix. 35. eft, adv. a second time, again; Pro 9, i. 61 &c.; æft i. 65 (]). ege, ?/l. fear; 26. 6, i. 72; g. eges 22. 10; d. ege 66. 2, 6,. 13, I I 7. 30, lI8. 28, 134. 32, XX.7 1 ; a.14. 21,102.8,125_ 15, v. 28. egefull, adj. terrible; ege[ul 43. 13. egesa, Will. fear; a. egesan xii. 17. egeslic, atij. terrible; 102. 16, xxvii. 13; f. wk. egesliee 48. 7; d. wk. egeslican 52. 6; comp. n. egeslicre 104. IS. eglan, wv. w. d. trouble, ail; indo pst. 3.S. eglede 15. 23. ehtan, wv. w. g. pursue; indo þrs. 3.s. eht 148. 16. elcung,f. delay; eldcung 120.211. ellen, 11. courage; 62. 26. ellende, 1) adj. foreign; a. ellendne viii. 30. 2) .rbs!. on ellende, abroad 63. 3 0 , 64. 9. elles, adv. otherwise, else; often w. pronouns nanwuht, nauht &c. GLOSSARY 9. 14, ix. 20 &C.; eUes hwæt, something else 7 6 . 16, 107. 25 ; d. clles hwam 32. 29. elleshwær, adv. elsewhere; I II. 6. elpend, 1ll. elephant; 7 2 . 5, 7. el ëod, f. foreign nation; d. on ælðeode 63. 30*. el ëodig, adj. foreign; elðiodig 124. 25; d. 'wk. ælt\eodegan 6;\. 31* ; a. n. ælð'eodig 63. 16* ; pl. n. elðeodge i. 55 ; d. ælðeo- degum 7 I. 26. emn-, emne, v. efen-, efne. emnettan, wv. level; indo þrs. 3. S . geemnet 46. 16*. ende, 1ll. end, goal; 44. 20 &c. and xx. 275; g. endes 13. 2, 20 ; d. ende 52. 19, xxi. 44 &c.; a. 12. 6 &c. and xx. 10, xxviii. 22. endebyrd, j: order; a. 1 xiii. 4. endebyrdan, wv. anange, order; pp. geendebyrd 50. 4, xi. 100. endebyrdes, adv. in order; xi. 2 I, xx. 12; by error endebyrd xiii. 4 1 endebyrdlice, adv. in due onìer ; 12. 19, 79. 13, 9 6 . 19, 129.9. endebyrdnes,f. order; d. ende- byrdne 49. 2, 57. 4, 128. 22; a. 94. 10; endeberdnesse 128. 4. endelëas, adj. endless; n. 104. 15; n. Pl.f. endelease 118. 5. endemes, at/v. equally, uniformly; 112. 23, xxx. 12, 16; endemest 14I. 16*; ændemest 141. 18*. endian, WV. intrans. end; indo prs. 3.s. endað' 3 8 . 6, . o. fi, 103. 2 I, 139. 17: geendað 44. 27, 14 8 . 2; pl. endiað 39. 7; geendiað 26. 13; pst. 3.s. geen- dode 7. 9; pp. trans. geendod 100. 8. geendodlic, adj. finite; n. wk. absol. ðæt geendodlice, finite- ness 44. 2 I. endung, f. ending, end; d. en- dunge 39. 7. engel, 1Jl. angel; pl. n. englas 9 8 . 13, 14 0 . 28, 144. 3, 146. 10, 13, 16, 19, 148. 2; g. engla xiii. 12, xx. no, 153, 263, 275 ; 233 d. englum 57. 8, 14.0. 3 1 , I.U. 3 1 , 14 6 . 22, xiii. 15; a. englas 12 9. 4, 14 2 . 9, 14 6 . 13. englisc, 1) ad}: English; d. englis- cum spelle PI. 9. 2) sbst. 11. Eng- lish language; on e. wende Pro 2. eofor, 1Il. wild boar; 11. pl. eforas 116. 17*; eaforas xxvi. 81. eorl, 1Jl. nobleman, eminent man; i. 78 ; d. eorle i. 72 ; pl. eorlas i. 30; g. eorla ix. 59, xxv. 8. eorlgebyrd, f. noble birth; d. pl. eorlgebyrdum ix. 26, x. 27. eorneste, adv. earnestly, xvi. 22 ; fiercely, xiii. 28. eorlÇbiiend, . 1ll. earth-dweller; n. pl. eorðbuende X. 25, xix. 1;\ ; g. eorð'buendra X. 6, xii. 18; d. eorðbuendum xxvi. 94, xxix. 7 2 . eor cyning, 1/1. king; a. pl. eorð- cyningas ix. 47. eorlÇe, W. f. earth, world; fq. 49. 12, viii. 33 &c.; g. eorðan 10. I, x. 17 &c.; d. 23. 6,iv. 25 &c.; a. 10. 26. vi. 5 &c. eor'ðlic, ad/. earthly; wk. eorð- lica 61. 9, 72. 20; 11. eor'ðlic xxii. 5: wk. eor'ðlice xx. 237; g. eorðlices 22. 10, 81. 12, xx. 166; wk. eorðlican 40. 8, 9 ; d. eodSlicum 81. II; wk. eorð- lican 45. 3 1 ; a. n. eorðlic xxi\'. 7 ; wk. eorðlice 129. 29: n. pl. n. eorðlicu xxi. 30 ; eorðlice 89. 17 ; wk. eorðlican 30.3,45. 29, 58. 5 ; g. wk. eorðlicena 83. 13 ; a. 11. eorðlicu vii. 42, ÀX. 224 : wk. eorðlican 27. 10 &c. and xx. 212. eorlh'ïce, n. kingdom of the earth; a. pl. eorðricu iv. 37. eo:rtÇgesceaft, f. earthly creature; a. pl. eorðgesceafta xx. 194. eoJ"ðwæstm, m. fruit of the earth; d. pl. eorðwæstmum viii. 6. eorlSwaran, m. pl. dwellers on earth, mankind; iv. 57, xvii. I ; d. eorðwarum xiii. 60. ëow, pron. d. al1d a. of ge, you; usual form 25. 14, x. 18 &c.; iow 25. 15, x. 65. 234 GLOSSARY ëower, þess. adj. your; fq. se eower 34. 20, 43. J 4; f. sio eowru 65. 18; eower 28. 30, 149. 4; n. 28. 32; g. eoweres 44. 3 I; eoweres ælces, of each of you 69. 28 ; eowres 45. I ; f. eowre 45. I; d. eowrum 3 2 . 9, 13, 44. II, x. 19; f. eowerre 3 2 . 2, 44. 9, 12 4. 5; eowre xxvii. 5; a. eowerne 4 2 . II, 18, 25, 43. 4, 4 6 . 10 ; f. eowre 3 2 . II; n. eower 16. 30, xxvii. 2 ; illst. eowre 58. 6; þl. eo were 35. 29, 3 0 ; eowre 28. 18, 34. 31 ; f. eowra 31. 18; eowre 3 2 . 15; 11. 3 2 . 15; g. eowerra 45. 2 ; d. eowrum x. 19; a. eower 73. 29*; f. eowra 3 2 . 14; n. eowru xix. II ; eowre 28. 27. éowian, v. Ïewan. erian, wv. plough; Ùif. erigen xiv. 4 (}); sbj. þrs. 3.s. erige 60. 29. esne, 1Jl. retainer, soldier, man; 138. 18; d. 10 3. 5. ést, 1Jl. grace, permission; a. ofer met odes est xi. 2;. etan, sv5. eat; indo þrs. 2.S. itst 30. 17; 3.þl. etað 116. 23 ; þst. 3-11. æton 33. 27, 28, viii. 18. ë1Sel, 1ll. n. native land, home; 25. I, 105. 22, xxiv. 50; d. eðele I I. 4; eðle xx. 155; a. eðel i. 16. ë elstõl, 111. seat of government, capital; ix. I I. ë elweard, 1Jl. defender of country, chief man; 11. þl. eðelweardas i. 24. F. fãcen, n. fraud, deceit; g. facnes ix. 37. fooder, 111. father; 69. 20, iv. 18 &c.; g. 11. 4, 22. 25, xx. 67, I16, xxiv. 54; d. 22. 15, 68. 30, 69. 18; a. 69. 8 &c. and xvii. 26, II6. foogen, adJ. glad; gefægen, fægn* 140. I; fægn ix. 37; gefagen 57. 28; 11. þl.m. 1 fægen vi. 10; comþ. fægenra xii. 12. foogenian, wv. absol. or w. g. rejoice; 102.15; fægniar168. 16, 18, 19, 89. 29; indo þrs. 2.S. fægnast 3 I. 6 ; fagnast 3 1 . 4*; 3' s . fægna'ð, fagenað* 45.29; þl. fægeniað 29. 14; fægniað 39. 4, 69. I, 13 6 . 3 0 , xxix. 93; þst. 3.S. fagenode 39. 2:'*; þl. fægnodon i. 33; sbj. þrs. 3.s. fægenige 69. 9; fægnige 29. 2 I, 68. 20. fooger, 1) ad}. beautiful; 7 2 . 30, 73. 5, 6, 87. 3, 145. 24, xxix. 25; n. 29. 12, 31. 5; g. wk. fægran 113. 13; þl. n. f. fægra 147. 20; n. fægru 29. 9, 3 2 . 3 0 ; fægere 31. 9*; g. fægerra 29. 20; a. 11. fægere 79. 28; comþ. fægerra 69. 6, 72. 21; 11. fægerre 32. 29, 31; sUþ. fægrost 7 2 . 9; wk. fægeresta 29. 13; 1t. wk. fægereste 79. 29. 2) sbst. 11. beauty 31. 6, 73. 12; g. fægres 31. 7; d. fægere 69. 7*. foogere, adv. beautifully, well; fægre ii. 6. fægernes, f. beauty; 29. 18, 54. 24; g. þl. fægernessa 29. 17. foor, n. aspect1 a. xxxi. 4. fooreld, n. motion, course, journey; g. færeldes 125. 32*, xxviii. 2; færeltes 129. 21 ; d. færelde 10. 2*, 28. 16; færelte 130. 12; a. færeld 16. 30; færelt xxviii. II. færinga, adv. quickly, suddenly; xxviii. 4 I. færlïce, adv. suddenly; 117. 29. foost, adj. firm, fi:\.ed; 23. 6 &c.; f. fæst 128. 16; wk. fæste xx. 271 ; n. fæst 110. 24_ xx. J 50; g. fæstes 20. 29; d. 'Zuk. fæstan 27. 6, 80. 14; a. fæstne vii. 33; f. fæste 49. 10, 14 2 . II, xi. 42; n. fæst 26. 23, 26, 144- 21; þl. fæste 23. 14, 110. 22, 13 0 . 4, 25; f. fæste 100. 14, 130. 12; a. fæste racentan, strong 57. 9 ; f. fæste vii. I I. foostan, wv. go without food, fast; indo þrs. I.}I. fæstað 143. 1. GLOSSARY fæste, adv. firmly; 2 I. 8, i. 35 &c.; compo fæstor 9 I. 28. foosten, n. fortress; a. i. 20; d. fæstene i. 79. foostlic, adj. firm, fixed; g. fæstlices vi. 16. foostlïce, adv. firmly, steadi1y; 20. 22, 23. 28, 81. 11, i. 70; comþ. fæstlicor 129. 22. foost.nes, f. firmness, solidity; a. fæstnesse 72. 16. foostnian, wv. fasten; þþ. n. þl. 111. gefæstnode 130. I I. foostræd, adj. steadfast; wk. fæstræda 4 6 . 23, x. 49; f. þred. fæstræd 47. 17. foostrædlic, adj. steadfast; g. n. fæstrædlices 20. 2 I . foostrædnes, f. steadfastness; d. fæstrædnesse 12. 13; a. II. 5. foot, n. vessel, cup; 11. þl. fatu 10 4. 17. frett, adJ. fat; d. þl. fettum 115. 6. fãgian, W7J. vary, change; indo þrs. 3.s. fagað :xi. 40; þl. fagiað 49. 9. fãmigborda, W1Jl. ship with foamy sides or deck; a. famigbordon xxvi. 26. fana, Wlll. banner; i. 10. fandian, wv. 1.V. g. examine, test; 45. 9, 10 5. 25 11., 147. 15, ix. 12, xxiv. 57; indo þrs. 2.S. fandast 51. 3. fangian, wv. join, fasten; þþ. ge- fangod 96. 14. faran, sv6. go, travel; 141. 27, xxiv. II; 1}lX. ðe faran xxiv. 16; to farenne 107. 16, 139. 29; indo þrs. 2.S. færest xxiv. 28; 3.s. færð 45. 27 &c. aud :xx. 216; þl. farað 79. 14, 130. 14, 147. 4, 5, xxviii. 32, xxxi. 3; gefarað trans. journey through 4 2 . 31; die 24. 13; þst. 2.S. fore II. 5; 3.s. for II 5. 18, xxiv. 12, xxvi. 13; þl. foron i. 20; sbj. prs. fare 131. 17; pl. faren 1 9. 24,135.30; þst. 1jlx. fore 18. 14; prs. þ. farende*, færende 93. 7. gefëa, Will. joy; 9. 12; d. gefean 235 27. 9, 29. 26, 89. 30; a. iii. 6, v. 27. fealdan, rv. fold, furl; 144. 30. fealg, f. felly of a wheel; d. felge 129. 27,31, 130. I ; pl. n. felgea 13 0 . 13; felga 12 9. 23, 13 0 .5, II, 19; d. felgum 13 0 . 3. feallan, rv. fall; to feallanne 81. 13, xx. 168; indo prs. 3.S. feal'ð 14. 16*; felð v. 15; pst. 3.s. feol i. 81; gefeoll 8. 3. fearn, n. fern; a. 5 I. 29, xii. 3. fearr, 1Jl. bull; fear 72. 6, ï. fëawe, þl. adj. few; 25. 5; feawa 67. 18; feawa manna ongit 46. 28*; fea iv. 52 ; wk. ða feawall 67. 20 *; d. feawum 25. 17*; feaum 46. 27*, 71. 14, 132. 22; feam 22. 14; a. feawan 48. II. fëdan, wv. feed; indo prs. 3.S. fet 7 0 . 5*, 13 6 . 19*, xxix. 69. fefer, 1Jl. fever; d. fefre 73. 13. fëgan, 1.VV. put together, join; ða ged gefegean ii. 6; Ùtd. prs. 3.S. gefegð 49. 33; gefægð, gefehð* 54. 17 ; þþ. gefeged 3 8 . 20, xx. 1I6,121. fela, adj. indecl. many, much; 19. 1,44. 25, 126. 26,146.21, i. 81, ii. I, 6, iv. 42, ix. 6, xi. 89, xvi. 5, xix. 25, xx. 101, xxiv. 12, xxvi. 53, xxviii. 4 8 , 76; w. sitl he ne, desist from 102. 33; to forlætanne 16. 13; 24 0 GLOSSARY to forlætenne 116. 13*; il1d. þrs. 2.5. for1ætest 100. 8; 3.s. forlæteð xx. 157; forlæt 14. 3 &c. and x. 30, xvii. 24; let go, relax 49. 28; allow 49. :;; pl. for- lætað 15. 7 &c. and xi. 81; forlæte wit 138. 7; þst. I.S. forlet 13. 29; 2.S. forlete I I. 5, 20. 31, 62. 5; 3.S. forlet 52. 14 &c. and x. 66; þl. forleton 44. 3; forletan 8. 10*; sbj. þrs. forlæte 67. 29 &c. ; þl. forlæten 20. 3 2 , 108. 29, 133. 5 ; þst. pl. forleten 64. 4; pp. forlæten 16. 1011. ; d. wk. forlætenan 95. 31. forlëosan, SV2. lose; 17. 21, 59. 31 ; indo þrs. 3.s. forlyst 9 0 . 32, 103. 20; w. d. II 3. 8; forlÏst w. d. II I. 3 ; þl. forleosa'ð II I. 5 ; þst. 2.S. forlure 15. 13 &c.; 3.s. for1eas 148. 16; sbj. þrs. for- leose 87. 6; 1st. forlme 17. 21 ; þp. forloren 15. 2 &c.; n. þl.f. forlorena 24. 27. forlicgan, sv5. commit fornica tion; pþ. forlegen, adulterous, impure xviii. 9. forlustlïce, adv. very cheerfully, willingly; :) I. 18. forlytel, adj. very little: n. 29. 5; n. pl. f. forlytla 26. R; eacJl W1'llten as one 'word in C. forma, 'lok. adj. first; 34. 10, viii. f, 5 ; f. forme 33. 2 I, viii. 4, 3 8 . 6 ; d. forman 95. 32. formicel, ad/. very much, very great; n. 93. I. fornëab, adv. very nearly, almost; 113. 3 2 . forscieppan, sv6. transform; for- sceoppan to leon 116. 16*. forsëarian, 'wv. 'Ùztrans. wither; il1d. þrs. 3.S. forsearað' 91. 22; pþ. forsearod 131. 7. forsëon, sv5. despise, n glect; forsion 71. 3 0 , xxiv. 7; to for- seonne 56. 3, 75. 12; iud.þrs. 3.S. forsiehð 4 6 . 14; forsih'ð 27. 9, 45. 29, vii. 4 2 ; forseoð 45. 29*; pl. forseoð' 57. 16*, 61. 15*; forsioð 44. 3 1 , 63. 3, 130. 17* ; forseo we 18. 12 ; þst. 3. 5 . forseab 61. 21, 68. 9; s11. prs. 2.S. forseo 20. 30*; pst. forsawe 61. 25, 62. 13; þþ. for- sew en 104. 17, 120.4, 124. 2f" forsawen 22. 18; n. þl. 'm. forsewene 104. 8, xiii. 37. forsewennes, f. contempt; d. forsewennesse 12. I. forslãwian, WV. hesitate, be 10th; sbj. þst. 2.S. forslawode 22. 7. forslëan, sv6. kill; 34, 26; þp. forslagen 37. 8*. forstandan, sv6. a) understand; b) avail; 12. 30 (a); 50. 30 (a); 67. 8 (b) ; indo þrs. 3.5. forstent I I. 30 (a), 45. 22 (b), 47. I (b , 67. 16 (b), þst. 3.S. forstod 45. 20 (b), 67. 14 (b), sbj. þrs. for- stan de 47. 10 (a). forstelan, sv4. steal; sbj. þrs. 2.S. forstele 7 I. 17. forswelgan, sv3. swallow, absorb; vii. 14. forsweltan, sv3. die; 'Ùzd. þrs. 3.s. forswilt 70. 2 I. forswïgian, wv. tral1S. pass over in silence, ignore; þp. forsugod, for wugod* 40. 28. forswìðe, adv. very strongly; excessively 40. 8. fortëon, SV2. a) cover; b) lead astray; indo prs. 3.S. fortihð xxii. 34 (a) ; sbj. prs. 3.s. fortio 95. 12 lb). fortrnwian, 'lUV. be over-confident; indo þst. rfix. ð'u ðe fortruwudest 18. 21 *; sf/.prs. 3.s. fortn1\vige 138. 26. fortrüwung, f. presumption; d. fortruwunga 9. 7*. for , adv. 1) motion, forth, forward; 79. 14, 103. 12, 10 5. 14, xxiv. 26. ) t'Ùne, hence- forth; xi. 17, 42, xxi. 8, xxv. 70; a forð' xiii. 40, xvii. 28, xx. 17; forð on symbel, for ever xi. 94; 7 swa forð, sub- sequently 122. 4. 3) swa forð swa swa . . . as far as. .. 3 2 . 4; swa for'ð ðæt... to such an extent that. . . 75, 23. for15bringan, 'lim. bring forth, GLOSSARY produce, accomplish; 9. 2,*, 43.21,29; word f. utter xxvi. 79; forðbrengan 66. 18, 110. 34; for'ðgebrengan x. 62; Ùul. prs. 3.s. for'ð ne bringð 5' ' 12* ; forðbrenge'ð xxix. 70 ; for'ðbreng'ð 136. 20*; þl. bringa'ð symle for'ð 110. 34. for'tSenean, 'lVV. tjlx. despair; indo þrs. 3.S. hine for'ðenc'ð 19. 3 1 ; sll. þrs. 3.s. hine for'ðence 13 8 . 27 ; þst. ðu 'ðe for'ðohte 19. 3 0 ; þþ. for'ðoht, in despair 19. 29, i. 82. for1SforUEtennes, f. licence; d. for'ðforlætnesse 12. 2. forl5ryeean, 'wv. oppress, afflict; þþ. n. pl. 1Jl. forðr)cte 9. 25. for'tSgewïtan, SVI. depart, die; þp. l1Z. þl. n. forðgewitene 46. 25, X. 52 ; a. 46. 28. forwel, adv. very well; 40. 8. forweor'tSan, sv3. perish; 7 I . 7 &c. a1zd xviii. 6, xxi. 34; indo þrs. 3.s. forweor'ðe'ð xi. 85 ; þst. 2.S. forwurde 13. 28; sbj. þrs. 3.p/. forweorðan 89. 19. forweor't5fullie, adj. very distin- guished; 65. 15. forwiernan, 'WV. w. d. and g. prevent, restrain; forwernan 144. 28; indo þrs. 3.S. forwyrn'ð 49. 22*; þþ. hire bið forwernt:d hire gecyndes 93. 17. forwyrd, f. destruction; d. for- wirde 70. 20. fõstorfæder, 1Jl. foster-father; a. 66. 24. fõstormõdor, f. foster-mother; a. fostermodor*, fæstermodor 8. 27. fót, m. foot; þl. n. fet 147. 5 ; g. fota 107. 13, IS; d. fotum 10. 20, iv. 39, xxxi. 8, 10. fox, m. fox; 114. 28. gefræge, 1) n. inquiry, informa- tion; d. mine gefræge, as I have heard xx. 82, 248. 2) adj. famous; xx. 2. fram, 1) preþ. w.d.; a) motion, from, 14. 19*, 16. 6"', 17*, 20. 28*, xxiv. 2; from, fq. 17. 7 24 1 &c. b) separationfrom, 38. 18, 60. 24, 7 8 . 5, ii. 15; w. to- sceadan, todælan &c. 84. 28; &c. c) source, from Gode wisse 12. 22, if. 13. 6, 79. 23, i. 72, xx. 35. d) from . . . oð: þlace, 39. 27 &c. and i. 14; time, 44. 22, 79. 12, xx. 10. e) agent, by, 62. 12, 66. 22; xx. 245. 2) adv. away; 8. 12, 81. 10, 114. II. framweard, ad/. ready to depart; n. þl.f. fromwearde 26. 2*. frëa, Wlll. lord; xvii. 9; g. frean xi. 40, 67 ; a. xxvi. 6311. frëadryhten, m. lord; g. frea- drihtnes xxvi. 9. free, ad}. greedy, covetous; n. þl. w.g. hi firenlusta frece ne wæron viii. 15. frëeenlie, adj. dangerous; n. 30. 16, xix. 2; frecend1ic 73. 23*; comþ. a. n. frecenlicre 119. 15. frëeennes, f. danger, hardship; frecenes, frecennes* 50. 17; g. frecennesse 48. I, 93. 12. frëene, adj. dangerous, wicked; a. wk. frecnan 27. 5 ; þl. a. wk. frecnan 34. 12; n. frecnn viii. !'i8. gefrëdan, wv. feel, perceive; 145. 22, 23, 14 6 . 4; indo þrs. 3.s. gefret 91. 15. gefrëdnes, f. feeling, perception; 145. 19, 22. fremde, adj. strange, foreign; g. f. frerndre iii. I I ; þl. g. fremdra 45. 2; d. fremdmn 17. 28, 3 1 . 26, 32. 25; fræmdum 24. 1 1* ; a. ll. fremde 29. 29*; wk. fremdan 9. 13, 29. 27. fremman, wv. perform, accom- plish; 106. 13; indo þst. 3.s. fremede i. 45 ; gefremede ix. 33 ; þp. gefremed 128. 12. fremu, f. advantage; 30. 10, 60. 27, frëo, adj. free; 89. 6 lZ.; freoh 14 8 . 24; a. freone 14 2 . 3; f. fdge 142. 7; P/. freo, frige* 144. 3 ; g. friora xxi. 2; a. freo 14 2 . 9. R 24 2 GLOSSARY fréodõm, 1ll. freedom; 127. 21, 14 2 . 12; g. freodomes 14 2 . 9; d. freodome II. 25, 142. 22, 143. 28, 146. 32; frydome 146. 3 2 *; a. freodom 89. 8 &c.; friodom 140. 23, 27, 3 0 , 141. 2, xxi. 8. fréogan, wv. set free; indo prs. 3. S . gefreoð 47. 23. fréolïce, adv. freely; friolice 45. 27. fréolsian, wv. deliver; pþ. ge- freolsod 144.9. fréond, 1ll. friend; xxx. 3; g. heondes 54. 15, 67. 24; d. freonde xxv. 16; a. friend 1 I I. 18*; pl. n. friend 8. 13*, 48. 19*, 54. 9; frend 67. 16, 18; ..xii. 39 ; g. pl. gasta xxi. 43. gãstlic, adj. spiritual; n. þl. n. gastlicu 87. 2. gii.stlice, adv. spiritually; I I. 15, 148. 28. ge, con}. and (atque), fq. ; often W. eac 10. 6, xi. 10 &c.; ge.. . ge 12.4, ix. 2 &c.; ægðer ge. . . ge II. 31 &c. ge, pron. n. pl. you; 8. 22, x. 63 &c. .see also eow. geador, adv. together; xiii. 49. gealdor. 11. incantation; g. pl. galdra xxvi. 53. gear,n. year; 17. 24; d. geare 17. 25, 9 2 . 15; 13 6 . 15; on geare, yearly 64. 14; a. ger 65. 23; pl.g. geara 44. 17, 19, 25, iv. 17, xix. 27, xxiv. 12, xxix. 56, 59, 66; geo geara 70. 25; a. gear 44. 23, II5. 19, xxviii. 3 0 . geara, adv. long ago; i. I, ix. 9, xx. ; 2. gear iélum, adv. year by year; i. 5. gearo, adj. ready; 107. 32; a. gearone vii. 34. gearowita, 'wm. full, perfect understanding; gearowito 146. 23* ; a. gearowitan, superior to gesceadwisnes 130. 30. gearwe, adv. completely, thor- oughly ; gen. W. witan ; geare 12, 26, 98. 20, 103. 6, 122. 28, xx. 94, xxviii. 80; geara 26. 5, 3 1 . 17*; geare, geara*, once w. geman 96. 6. gearwian, wv. make ready, fur- . nish; indo prs. 3.s. gearwað 136. 16*; pp. gearod, gegyrewod* 32. 27. geat, n. gate; a.pl. gatu 102. II*. geatweard, m. janitor; 102. 16. geo, adv. formerly, of old; 8. 6*, 7 *, 9. 2 2 *, 15. 13; geo geara 70. 25*, ii. I, X. 34; usual form gio 13. 3, ii. 6 &c. ; gio dagum 45. 4; giu 34. 30*; iu 34. 23, i. I. geoc, n. yoke; a. 4 6 . 9; gêoc 40. 1 *; gioc ix. 55, x. 20. geocsa, 71'm. sobbing; ii. 5. geogo'tShãd, m. (period of) youth; a. giogoðhad 122. 4. geoloca, W11l. yolk of egg; gioleca xx. 170. geomann, m. man of old; g. pl. giomonna i. 23. geomerian, wV. mourn. lament; indo prs. 2.S. geomrast 15. 3; pn. p. geomriende. geomerung,f. mourning, lamen- tation; d. geomerunge*, geom- runga II. 1. geomor, adj. sad, sorrowful; giomor ii. 3; d. wk. geomran i. 84. GLOSSARY geond, prep. w. a. throughout, over; w. eorðan x. 58, xxxi. 3, 43. 4, 53. 7, 68. 22. 147. 3 n.; g. burga fela iv. 42; g. foldan sceat iv. 52; g. eor'ðan sceat viii. 5; g. weorulde viii. 8, if. viii. 41, ix. 58, xiii. 65; g. ðas mæran gesceaft xi. 73, if. XÀ. 19; g. Bretene xx. 99; g. ðisne sidan grund xx. 127, if. xxix. 60; g. middangeard xx. 193, if. xxi. I, xxvii. 12; giond: g. ealle Romana mearce 64. 12; g. eor'ð'ricu iv. 37; g. worulde xi. 45; g. gesceaft xi. 63; g. eor'ð'an xx. 106; g. werðioda xxiv. 35. geondliehtan, wv. shine over, illuminate; geondlihtan XÀX. 12. geondscinan, SVI. illuminate; 14 1 . 16, v. 44; indo prs. 3.s. geondscin'ð 86. 9*. geondstyrian, wv. stir up, agi- tate; pp. geondstyred vi. 15. geondwlitan, SVI. see through, look over; indo prs. 3.s. geond- wlitei'> xxx. 15. geong, adj. young; a. geongne, giungne* 20. 611.; giongne 20. 10; f. giunge xxvi. 67; 1 . pl. geonge 22. 26* ; giunge 22. 26, xxvi. 86. geongra, W1ll. young follower, disciple; n. pl. gingran 9. 5*. georn, adj. desirous, eager; i. 51. georne, adv. eagerly, earnestly; II times, 16. 22 and xx. 31, xxi. 20; carefully 91. 24; gionne xxix. 3; sUþ. geornost xxv. 27, xxvii. 29. geornfull, adj. desirous, eager, earnest; 51. 9; d. wk. georn- fullan 51. 24; n. pl. geornfulle 73. 3 2 , xix. 27. geornfullice, adv. earnestly; 50. 31. geornfullnes,j: desire, eagerness; d. geornfulnesse 54. 3, 7. geornlïce, adv. earnestly, care- fully; 7 times, 9. 29 &c. 245 gë::>tan, SV2. pour, cast ,metal); pp. to anum wegge gegoten 90. 8. giedd, n. song, poem; a. gyd vii. 2; pl. ged ii. 5; d. giddum 57. 2, xiii. I. gieddian, wV. sing, recite; 64' 24; gieddigan 73. 22; giddian 9. 10*, 39. 16, 4 8 . 22, 5 I. 28*, 60. 27*, 71. 4; giddigan 4 8 . 22*, 60. 27, 64. 24*; gyddian 4 6 . 2; giddien 9. 29*; indo þst. 2.S. giddodest 12. 22; 3.s. gid- dode, used -in formula, 21. I &c.; gyddode i. 84; geoddode 26. 22*. giefan, sv5. give; gifan 7 1 . 24, 78. 23; -indo prs. 2.S. gifst 81. 34 ; 3. s . gifo 65. 3, II3. 9, I19. 3 2 , 120. I, 147. IS; pst. 3.s. geaf 14 2 . 9; sbj. prs. 3.s. gife 2j. 22; þrs. p. gifende 148.19; pp. gifen xvi. 10. giefol, adj. freely giving, liberal; giful II9. 31. giefu,j: gift, grace; gifu 22. 24, 120. I; gifo II9. 32; d. gife 142. II; a. 62. 22, II9. 28, 142. 9, I I, 146. 9; pl. n. gifa, gifta * 40. 2 I ; g. 17. 15; gifena 17.17*; d. gifum 27. 21; a. gifa 81. 34, xx. 227. gieldan, sv3. pay, reward, requite; indo prs. 3.s. gilt 14I. 9, 142. 13, 14 8 . 33; sbj. prs. 3.s. gelde 144. 6 ; pst. 3.S. guIde 12 4. 13, xxvii. 26. gielp, m. boasting, glory, fame; 55. 7; gilp 4 2 . 15*, 47. 1*, 56. 21*; gelp X. 17; gylp 68. 29; g. gilpes 41. 12*, 45. 2 I *, 71. 27, vii. IS; gelpes 45. 21, x. 13; gylpes i. 9 ; d. gilpe 9. 7*, 45. 8, MPr. 8, X. 69 ; ge1pe 45. 8; a. gielp 68. 12; gilp 4 6 . 3* ; gelp X. 2; gylp ix. 46. gielpan, sv3. W. g. boast; gilpan 29. 18, 20, ix. 19; indo prs. 2.S. gil pst 30. 29; 3.s. gil p"t) 68. 29 ; imþ. gilp 29. 20; sbi prs. 3.pl. gilpen 66. 5. gielpsca1Sa, W1ll. boastful enemy 24 6 GLOSSARY or criminal; a. gelpsca'ð'an ix. 49. gieman, wv. 'lV. g. heed, care for; gernan xxxi. I; -indo prs. 3.s. gyrnð MPr. 8; 3.pl. gimdon 33. 3 1 *; gemdon 33. 26*, viii. 10; imp. gem, observe xxix. 3. giemeleast,.f carelessness, negli- gence; d. girneleste 44. 2; a. giemeIieste, gemeleste* 1 I. 12. giemen, .f care, heed; gemen 27. 13*, 7 0 . 28, vii. 51; d. ge- rnenne 70. 30*. gierela, WlIl. dress, clothing; gegerela 30. 20 n.; d. gegerelan II I. 26. giernan, wv. w. g. desire, long for; to girnanne 90. 13; indo prs. 2.S. girnst 71. 27; pl. girna'ð' 35. 25, 43. 3; georna'ð' 43. 3* ; pst. I.S. girnde 40. 9* ; pl. girn- dan 33. 24*' gierwan, zUV. get ready, adorn; indo pI's. 3.s. giere'ð xxix. 59; þst. 3.pl. giredon viii. 25; þp. n. pl. 1Jl. gegerede xxv. 6. giese, adv. yes; gise la gese 39. 30*; gyse 87. I 2. giet, adv. yet, still; often w. compo 12. 26 &c.; w. nu, 'ða, 43. 8 &c. ; giet usual form Ùz C, 12. 26; xx. 20 &c., but hardly occurs -in B; git about 6 times in C and about 12 times -in B; get about 20 tÙJles in C and about 8 times in B; gyt 51. 14*; geot 10:;. 21 *; gieta viii. 12; gita xxiii. 7; geta vii. 3, viii. 33, xxi v. 4 6 . gif, con}. if; fq.; gen. 'if.!. sub}. Pro 12, i. 27 &c.; w. indo 9. 18, iv. 49 &c. gifernes, f. greed; g. gifernesse 102. 32 ; d. 70. 18. gifre, adj. a) greedy; b) desirous, eager; 50. 23 (b), 102. 32 (a). gift, V. giefu. gigant, m. giant; 99. 7; pl. n. gigantes, gigantas* 98. 30; d. giganturn 9 8 . 33. gimm, 111. gem, jewel; gim xxii. 23; pl. 11. gimmas 73. 27, 89. 13; g. gimma 28. 27, 29. I, xiv. 3; d. girnrnum II. 27,28.29, 34. 12, 64. 26; a. gimrnas 74. I, xix. 9, 22. gimmcynn, n. kind of jewel; g. gimcynnes 60. 29; a. gimcyn 74. 2; d. þl. gimcynnum viii. 5';, xv. 4, xxv. 6. gimmreced, n. jewelled hall, palace; a. gimreced viii. 25. ginfæst, adi abundant, liberal; a. Pl..f ginfæsta gifaxx. 227. giscian, wv. sob; prs. p. gisciende 8. 8. git, pron. you two; d. inc 19. 28. gitsere, l1Z. covetous person, miser; 34. I I, 3 8 . 14, 65. 26, II4. 26; g. gitseres 38. '29; d. gitsere 60. 28; gietsere 19. 9; a. pl. gitseras 28. 3. gitsian, 'lCJV. w. g. covet; indo 3.S. gitsað 59. 26. gitsung,.f covetousness, greed; 26.29,28. 34.7,40. 7,60.20, 10 9. 5, vii. 15, viii. 46 ; gitsunc viii. 43; g. gitsunge X. 13; d. 51. 8; gidsunge 71. 16; a. gitsunga 17. 29, 19. 18, 26. 28 ; gitsunge 17. 29*, 28. 21*; gidsunga 17. 30 ; pl. g. gitsunga 19. 7; a. 31. 23, 3 8 . 15, 29. glæd, adj. bright, pleasant; .f gladu 14. 14, V. II. glæs, n. glass j d. glase II. 26. glæshluttor, ad}. clear as glass; .f glæshlutru 14. 12* j a. f. glashlutre V. 8. gleaw, ad}. shrewd, wise; boca gleaw i. 52; n. [6. 20. glengan, 'lfJV. adorn; indo pst. 3. s . geglengde 64. 26, xv. 4; pp. geglengde xxv. 10. glidan, SVI. glide; indo prs. 3.s. glideð xx. 170, xxviii. 39, xxix. 27. gliwian, wv. sing; gliowian 26. 22*. gliwword, 1Z. song, poem; d. pl. gliowordum vii. 2. gnætt, 1Jl. gnat; n. þl. gnættas 3 6 . 8 . gnornian, 'lfJV. grieve; 138. J6, GLOSSARY 19; indo prs. 3.pl. gnorniað 24. 13. gnornung, f. grief, lamentation; 13. 4; d. gnornunga 12. 4; gnornunge iii. 10; a. gnornunga 9. 14, 15. 21; n.pl. 16.8. gõd, 1) adi good; V. fq.; good -is usual form in C, god Ùz B ; exx. of god in C are given; god 35. 13; wk. gooda, goda 10 4. 2 &c.; f. good, god 47. 22; gõd 138.4; n. good, god 28. II ; g. goodes, godes 38. 28, ix. 49, 62; gõdes 119. 12; wk. goodan, godan 35. 10*; gõc1an I 13. 27; d. goodum, gõdum 128. 32 ; f. goodre xxii. .p &C. ; 'wk. goodan, godan 18. 22; a. goodne, godne 38. 33, 53. 22, i. 42; wk. gõdan 123. 28; pl. 1Jl. f. 11,. goode, gode 35. 23; gõde 106. 33; wk. goodan, gõdan 104. 20; g. goodra, godra 18. 16, 45. 23, 124- 20, 125. II, i. 45; gõdra xxvii. 29; wk. godena 45. 2,139. 6 ; d. goodum, godum 41. 6, 125. 10; gõdum 113. 3 2 , lIS. 27, 12 5. 9, 139. 17; a. goode, gode 39. 14; wk. goodan, godan 37.30; f. gooda 62. 15; n. goode, gode 79. 28*; good xx. 45; compo betera 27. 27, 35. 16, 7 2 . 14, 21, 23, 132.15; betra 2S. 12,131. 30, 13 2 . 26, 146. 23; f. betere 18. 3 2 , 7 2 . 24, 14 6 . 24, xii. 19, xx. 187; n. betere about 10 tz'mes, 20. 28 &c.; betre about 4 times, 84. 17 &c. ; g. beteran xxv. 29; a. 71. 22; n. betere 83. 25, 85. 2 I; betre 18. 33; n. pl. betran 130. 3, 134. 16; sup. bctst xxx. 4; wk. betsta 110. 26, 132. 26 ; n. betst 53. 21 &c.; a. wk. betstan 114. 15 ; pl. n. wk. 130. 8; g. wk. betstena 69. 14; d. betstum 45. 20; 'wk. betstan 130. 8. 2) sbst. n. good; good usual form in C, 37. 21 &c.; god about 12 times, 29. 6 &c. ; gõd 29. 5, 83. 6, 98. 2 I ; g. goodes 52. 21 &c.; go des 13. 18 &c.; 247 gõdes 76.19, no. 25,135.16; d. goode 71. 13, 89. 6* &c. ; gode 44. 28 , II4. 9, 141. 6, iii. 10; a. good; god 22. 14, 56. 27, 88. 25; gõd 106. 34, 107. 8, 143. 19; pl. n. good; g. gooda; goda 5 6 .7; d. goodum, godum 39. 13, 88. 29; a. good, god 18. 10, 29. 9, 31. 25 ; gõd 27. 10*. god, 11l. 1) god; 98. 28, 109. 21, II!). 24.28; a. lIS. 26, 116. I; pl. n. godas II 3. 19, 114. 20; g. goda 109. 17; a. godas 1I5. 27; godu 98. 28, 102. I I. 2) God; 12. 19 &c., often diificult to d-ist-Ù1,guish from gõd (2); in C the two are occasionally confused, God .being written good, or gõd 83. 27, 84. 2, 13, 26, 87. 3 0 , 94. 4, 10 9. 16, 17 ; occurs about 170-175 times Ùz all ,. g. Godes I I. 7 &c. ; d. Gode 9, 29 &c.; a. God 38. 26 &c. godcund, adj. Godlike, divine; wk. godcunda 39. 29 &c.; f. godcund 127.20; wk. godcunde 123. 16 &c.; n. godcund 127. 20; g. 'wk. godcundan 135. 5; d. wk. 99. 18 &c.; a. godcundne 26. 25; wk. godcundan 25. 15 ; gõdcundan 79. 3; without arti- cle, 136. 7; d. pl. godcundum 54. II, 14I. I, 143. 12. godcundlic, adj. divine; g. god- cundlices 32.2; d.godcundlicum 148. 25; a. n. wk. godcundlice 12 9. 29. godcundlice, adv. divinely; 3 I. 2 i. godcundnes, f. divine quality, Godhead; 85. 28; g. godcund- nesse 100. 1 I, 31; a. 85. 32, 13 2 . 24. gÕdnes,f. goodness; goodnes 100. 16, II4. 19, xx. 3 1 ; godnes 79. 2 1*, 84. 24, 90. 21; gôc1nes 113. 27; g. goodnesse 98. 2, 100. 21. godwebb, n. fine cloth; godweb 28. 31 ; a. viii. 25. gold, n. gold; 27. 28, 29; g. goldes xiv. 3; d. golde I I. 2j, 28, 19.5,34- II, viii. 57, xv. 4, 24 8 GLOSSARY xxv. 6; a. gold 33. 9, 73. 25, 14 0 . 14, 16, xix. 6. goldhord, mn. hoard of gold, treasure; a. 140. 12. goldsmi1S m. goldsmith (WeIand); g. goldsmiðes 46. 17, x. 34. græg, ad/. grey; a. f. græge v. 8. grafan, sv6. dig; indo þst. 3.S. grof viii. 57, gram, adj. fierce, cruel; a. wk. gram an 36. 21 ; pl. a. wk. 102. 22. grãpian, wv. handle, touch; gegrapian 145. 22; indo pst. I.s. grapode, felt, groped 97. 18. gréat, adj. stout, thick; 1I7. 29. grëne, ad;". green; d. pl. grenum xix. 6. grénian, wv. become green; xi. 57. grétan, wv. salute, greet; indo pst. 3.S. gegrette 8. 17*. grimm, adj. terrible, grim; d. grimmum iii. 1. grimme, adv. fiercely; v. 8, vii. 51. grip an, SV1. seize; gegripan x. 69; -ind. pI's. 3.S. gegrip'ð 47. 2. grot, n. grain, particle; a. 95. 17, 14 6 . 3. grõwan, rv. grow; 91. 25, 95. 16, xi. S 7, xxii. 42; Ùzd. pI's. 3.s. growe'ð xx. 99, xxix. 69; grew'ð 49. 19*, 80. 17*, 9 1 . 3 1 , 13 6 . 19*; gegrewð 91. 21; pl. growa'ð xxix. 66; sbj. pst. 3.S. greowe 91. 26; prs.p. growende 136. 20. grund, 1/l. bottom, ground, land; a. viii. 46, xx. 127, xxix. 16,60; oð 'ðone grund, thoroughly 52. 12; d. pl. grul1dum xx. 35. grundlëas, . adj. bottomless; f. vii. 15; f. wk. grundlease 19. 7 ; d. grundleasum 9. 10; iii. I ; a. pl. wk. grundleasan, insatiable 3 8 . 15, 29. grundweall, m. foundation; a. grund\veal vii. 34. grymettan, grymetian ; wv. roar, grunt; grymetigan xiii. 29; indo pst. 3.pl. grymetodan Il6. 18*; grymetedon xxvi. 81. guma, Wlll. man; x. 69; g. pl. gumena 139. 6, ix. 41, xxv. 27, xxvi. 37. gumrinc, m. man; g. pl. gumrinca xxvi. 53. gü ,f. war, battle; d. gu'ðe i. 23. gyden, f. goddess; xxvi. 53; gydene 116. 2*; a. pl. gydena 102. 22. gylden, adi. golden xxi. 20; a. heafodbeag gyldenne II2. 23; n.pl.1z.gyldenu 104.17; m.wk. gyldenan 89. 12; d. gyldenum Ill. 16. gylt, 1/l. guilt; g. gyltes 123. 20. H. habban, wv. a) have; b) hold, regard; 17. 31, X. 22 &c., 109. 8 (b); gehabban, hold, retain 25. 9; to habbanne 16. 13 &c., 68. 26 (b); to habbenne 30. 10* &c.; indo pI'S. I.S. hæbbe 13. 16 &c. ; habbe 17. 17* ; neg. na. bbe 127. 27; 2.S. hafast xx. 2 I, xxiv. 25; hæfst 12. 25 &c.; hafst 10:;. 21*; neg. næfst 31. 15 &c.; xx. 3 6 ; 3. S . hafað 7 2 . 2*, ii. 4, viii. 43, 4 6 , ix. 63, xi. 23, 29, xiii. 6, xx. 153, 189, xxviii. 21; neg. nafað xxii. 46, xxvii. 5; hæfð X. 67, xi. 22, 3 1 , 55, 64, xx. 143. 19 0 , xxiv. 37, xxviii. 25; usual form in prose 16. 20 &c.; neg. næfð 53. 3 &c.; gehæf'ð, holds, possesses 47. 2 *; pl. habba'ð 13. 29, iv. 44 &c.; habbæ'ð xx. 193; neg. nabba'ð 37. 25 &c. and xx. 195, xxxi. 8 ; hæbbe we 77. 14; pst. 2.S. hæfdest 15. 2 &c.; hæfdes 22.2,23.20*; neg. næfdest 15. 12; 3.s. hæfde Pr.8,iv. 23 &c.;=sceolde52.27; pl. hæfdon 7. 16, xxvi. 18 &c., 116. I (b); neg. næfdon xxvi. 93; hæfdan i. 6 (J); sbj. pI's. hæbbe 19. 17, X. 68 &c.; habbe occas. in B, 29. 23* &c.; neg. næbbe GLOSSARY 25. 21 &c.; pl. hæbben 35. 19 &c. and xix. 47, x:xix. 9 1 ; habben 77. 20; habban occas. Í1t B, 62. 12* &c. and 120. 7; neg. næbben 3 I. 26; pst. hæfde 25.22; lleg. næfde33. II,xxv. 7 I; pl. hæfden 64. 4, 67. 6, xvii. I; neg. næfden 117. II, 118. 3 2 ; pþ. hæfd, gehæfd* 30. 25; mg. næfd, genæfd* 30. 6. hãdor, ad/. bright, clear; xxii. 24 ; d. hadrum 21. 2*, xxviii. 48; pl. n. f. hadre xx. 230; d. hadrum xx. 232. hãdre, adv. brightly, clearly; sup. hadrost vi. 4. hæftan, wv. bind, imprison; pp. gehæfted xxv. 49; gehefted xxi. 5 ; gehæft 24. 3 1 , 89. 7; hæft 24.31*; pl. n. gehæfte lI2. 2; a.f. gehæfte 57. 5*. hæftedõm, m. captivity; d. hæftedome xxv. 65. hæle, 1Jl. man (vir) ; i. 53. hæletç, m. man; g. pl. hæle'ð'a vii. 6, 18, iX.:.7, x. I, 68, xiii. 32, xxi. 37, xxvi. 49, xx\'iii. 4 8 , xxix. 58; d. hæle'ð'um MPr. 10, xxix. 22. hiélig, adj. inconstant, variable; d. wk. hælgan II5. 3*. hOOlo, f. health, prosperity; 54. 25, 9 2 . 21* n., 132. 14; g. hæle 13.30; hælo 107. 28. hOOmed'tSing, 11. sexual intercourse; g. hæmedðinges 93. 18. hærfest, m. autumn; 29. 24, 49. 18, 136. 16, xxix. 61; a. on hærfest 49. 19, xi. 58. hærfesttìd, f. autumn; a. on hærfæsttíd 10. 12. hOOs, f. command; d. hæse iv. 26. hOOto, f. heat ; d. hæto xx. 73; a. 80. 5, 9 2 . 7, xx. II 3, Àxix. 50; hæto 4 2 . 3*. hié'tSfeld, m. heathland; a. 34. 27. hagol, 1Il. hail; hagal xxix. 63; n. pl. hæglas 136. 17*. hãl,atij. unimpaired ,sound,healthy; 22. 6, 28; n. 91. 9, 94. I, 10 4. 3 2 , 122. 2; gehal 93. 32,94. 1*; 249 d. halum 132. 7; 'ðam halum men 132. 6 ; pl. n. hale 22. 29 ; a. n. 82. 10; hal xx. 2(n; compo n. pl. halran 88. 21. hãlig, adj. holy; xx. 46 ; f. halige iv. 4; g. haliges xxix. 55; pl. n. halige 133. 7; wk. halgall 26. 2 I ; a. halige 10. 19, i. 25, iv. 38; sup. halgost xxvi. 38. hãm, 1) m. home, dwelling; pl. n. hamas 33. 23, viii. 8; g. hama ix. 18. 2) adv. homewards, ham cerde II 5. 19. hãmfæst, adj. resident, dwelling; 43. 3, 3 2 . hand,f. hand; d. honda xxix. 6 I ; d. pl. hondum 9. 3 *, 149. 4. hangian, wv. intrans. hang; hongian on 'ðam anwealde, cling to, 35. 22; indo prs. 3.S. hangað 65.29,82. 11*, v. 4 ; h. on 'ð'æm, depends on, 101. 9; 3þl. hon- giað 130. 5 ; pst. 3.s. hangode xx. 266. hãr, adj. grey, hoar; d. harum v. 13. hara, W1Jl. hare; 102. 7, II:;. 2. hãt, adj. hot; 'wk. hata 136. 15, xxix. 58; n. hat xxviii. 61; d. wk. hatan 80.9; a.pl.hateiv. 19. gehãt n. promise; a. pl. 7. 9*. hãtan, rv. call, name Cw. the name Ùz the ltOlll. case); com- mand ; fq. 39. 5 &c. ; command 66. 23; Ùzd. prs. I.S. hate 96. 22 ; 3. S . hate'ð' viii. 5 I; hæt 99. 10*; commands 144.29; hat 116.20* ; pl. hatað fq. 7. 12, viii. 49 &c. ; hæta'ð' 132. 20; hate we 136.4; pst. 2.S. hete 79. 33; 3.s. het, commanded 7. I I &c. and i. 42, ix. 9, 24; heht i. 70, 72; pl. he ton, named xxvi. 49; relic of pass. voice 3.s. hatte, is or was called i. 53, 34. 8*, 9, 37. 3, 4 1 . 23, 99. 9, 10*, IOI. 23, 14 0 . 9; sbj. prs. 3þl. haten 68. 10; pst. 3.S. hete II7. 3; pp. haten 3 6 . 17, 43. 7,46. 22, 101. 26, xvi. 15, xxvi. 57; gehaten 7. 12*, 50. 7*, 83. 29*, 143. 6, 14 8 . 7, X. 4 6 , xxviii. 24; n. pl. 25 0 GLOSSARY hatene II 5. 16; hatne 7. 3*; gehatene 114. 22. gehãtan, rv. promise; indo prs. 2.S. gehætst 105.30; 3.s. gehæt 47. 17, xxv. 52 ; pl. gehata'ð 58. 21, 22,59. 19, 73. 16, 17; pst. I.S. gehet 78. 6, 139. 25; 2.S. gehete 9. 21,5 0 . 26, 7 8 .9, 3 1 *, 139. 21 ; 3. S . gehet 7. 7, 71. 13, 102. 20, II 2. 4, i. 35. hãte, adv. hotly; sup. hatost 12. 8. hãtheortnes, f. violent temper, anger; g. hatheortnesse II 2. I, xxv. 47. hatian, 'wv. hate; 123. 28, xxvii. 32; Ùzd. þrs. 3.s. hatað 123. 28 ; pI. hatiað 146. 7, 8; imp. pl. 149. 5; sbj. prs. 3.s. hatige 123. 30, 124. 16. hãwian, wv. look upon, survey; imp. hawa 10. 26. he, pron. he; Pro 3 &c. Oblique cases often refix.; g. his, gen. used as a poss. adj. his, Pro 7 &c.; W. article: his sio hea goodnes 84. 14; sio his gesæl'ð 89. I; his 'ðære hean ceastre 141. 7; his ðam anwealde 69. 23; ðara his ðegna 111.22; W. wk. ad/. 103. 16; d. him Pro 12 &c.; a. hine Pr. 12 &c. ; for pl. V. hie. heafod, 1Z. head; d. heafde 65. 30, 127. 10, i. 43; a. pl. heafdu 102. 14, 17, 12 7. 9. héafodbéag, m. crown; a. II 2. 23. héah, 1) adj. high, deep; sublime; f. 'wk. hea 84' 14, 85. 20; n. heah 99. 12; h. weder, rough, stormy 115. 2 I; g. wk. hean 3:l. 6, 135.25,146.27 ; d. heaum 98. 18; wk. he an 26. 31 &c.; heohan 14. 16*; a. heane 148. 3 0 , vii. 4, xxiv. 3, xxix. 2; wk. hean 105.5, 135. 24; pI. d. heaum xxi. II; comp. a. S. n. herre 55.26 n.; sup. hehst xxvi. 38; wk. hehsta 62. 24 &c. ; f. wk. hehste 50. 12 &c. ; n. hyhst xiii. 52; hehst ix. 4; 'wk. hehste 52. 22 &c. and xx. 46, xxix. 74; hehstæ 90. 7; g. wk. hehstan 55. 17 n. &c.; d. wk. 18.8 &c. and xxiv. 29, xxvi. 44; 'inst. on 'ðæm hehste goode 100. 14; pl. g. wk. hehstena 56. 6, 77. 25; a. wk. hehstan 18. 9. 2) adv. on high 57. 21. heahburg, f. chief town; 7. 20. héahsié, f. deep sea; g. xi. 3. héahsetl, n. high seat, throne; d. heahsetle 136. 22, 148.32, iv. 2, xxix. 74 ; pl. g. heahsetla I I. 27 ; d. heahsetlum 10. 19, II 1. 13, iv. 38, xxv. 5. heald, adj. leaning, inclined; f. pred. 57. 6*; pl. n. healde 55. 16*, 147. 7*. healdan, rv. hold, keep; observe; perform; 93. 24,98. I I; restrain 10 9. 3 1 , 13 8 . 5; healdon i. 7 1 (}) ; healden xi. 73 1 ; gehealdan 4 0 . 23, 59. 29, 65. 16, 7 6 . 33, 124. 28, xi. 47; support, satisfy 28. 23; to gehealdenne 50. 24; Ùzd. prs. 2.S. heIst 3 1 . 13; 3.s. haldeð xx. 166; gehealde'ð vii. 46; healt 81. 12*; helt 80. 16*; gehelt 27. II*, 53. 2, 84. 25, 13 1 . 6; hilt 28. 3; hylt xx. 95 ; Pl. healdað 10. 15 &c. and xxix. 4; gehealda'ð xi. 95; pst. 3. s . heold xxix. 55 ; pl. hioldon 64. 13; 'imp. geheald II4. 2; sbJ prs. 3.s. healde xiii. 25 ; gehealde 7 6 . 29; pst. 3-1 1 . heolden 94. 10; geheoldon 143. 25; pp. gehealden 22. I &c.; contented 43. 27, 60. 21; healdon 57. 6 *. healf, f. a) half ; b) side; d. healfe 43. 10 (b); be healfe heofones ðisses, in one part xxix. 43; adv. healfe 'ðy swetre, by half xii. 9; a. healfe 81. I I (b), 136. 9 (b), xx. 164 (b); pl. d. used as adv. healfum, half 42. 16; a. on feower healfe his, all round him 4 6 . 4* (b). healic, ad}. high, exalted; a. n. 54. 4; comp. healicra 7 2 . 2 I. héalice, adv. in a high degree; compo healicor onbryrdan 14. 2. heall, f. hall; a. healle vii. 6; a. pl. vii. I I. GLOSSARY healsian, wv. entreat. implore; indo prs. I.S. healsige 5 I. 17, 84' 8, 120. 6; halsige 10 5. 3 1 ; 3. s . healsa'ð, halsað* Pro 1 I. hean, adf. lowly, humble; a. wk. heanan 46. 15; pl. n. heane xvii. 6 ; a. wk. heanan 46. 16. heanes,j: height, high region; d. heanesse 12. I ; a. 104. 31. heanlic, adj. abject, vile; 1l. pl.j: heanlica 23. 27. heard, adj. a) hard; b) severe, ruthles ; c) hard to bear; wiges heard, bold xxvi. 13; j: heard 67. 8 (b) ; g.j: heardre (a) ; pl. g. heardra hen'ða xii. 2 I (c); d. heardum broce 133. 25 (c). hearde., adv. firmly, excessively; xxv. 49; sup. heardost 105. 28, x. 14. heardheort, adj. hard-hearted; 143. 29. heardsælig, adf. unfortunate; d. wk. heardsælgan 71. I. heardsæl15, j: misfortune; a. pl. heardsælða I I 7. 24; bad conduct, wickedness 44. I. hearm, m. injury, harm; 144. 19. hearmcwidian, wv. revile, abuse; 45. 10; hearmcwiddigan ib.* hearpe, W. j: harp; d. hearpan 102. II. hearpere, 11l. harp-player; 101. 23, 24, 102. 2, 18; g. hearperes 102. I; d. hearpere 101. 27, 102.9. hearpian, 'wv. play on the harp; 10J. 27; 'Ùld. pst. 3.s. hearpode 102. 5. 103. 3, 4. hearpung,j: playing on the harp; d. hearpunga 102. 16, 102. 31, 10 3. 6 . hea15orian, 'llIV. restrain, confine; -indo prs. 3.S. hea'ðera'ð 128. 2 I ; pp. gehea'ðorad xiii. 6; ge- heaðærod xi. 3 I; a. pl. j: ge- heaðorade 49. 6, 57. 5. hea15orinc. m. warrior; g. pl. heaðorinca ix. 45. hebban, sv6. raise; habban 146. 26, xxxi. 18; -imp. pl. hebbað 149. 3. 25 1 hëdan, 70V. catch up, seize; sbj. prs. 3'S' gehede xxvii. 15. hefig, ad/. heavy; grievous; 70. 27, xx. 266, xxix. 53; n. 25. 3, 73. 23, xix. I ; difficuJt 127. 21; f. 'wk. hefige 13 6 . 13; d. f. hefigre 108.7; wk. hefegan 7 0 . 30; a. n. hefig 40. I, ix. 55; comp./. hefigre 80. 3 0 , xx. 133 ; g. hefìgran 50. 20; a. n. hefigre 119. 15. hefiglïce, adv. grievously; 41. 10. hefignes,..f. hea viness ,slu ggishness; xxii. 25, 29; melancholy 56. 14; hæfignes 95. 7*; d. hefignesse 95. 27; hefinesse xxii. 63; hæfig- nesse 95. 22*. helan, sv4. conceal; 147. 25; indo prs. 3.s. bil'ð' 61. 12. hell,j: Hades, hell; g. helle 102. II, 13, 10 3. 14, viii. 51 ; d. 34. 8, 102. 2. hellware, pl. 1JZ. inhabitants of hell; wk. hellwaran 102. 27; g. hellwara 103. 2, 4; wk. hellwarana 10 3. 4*. helm, 11/. tree-top; 91. 28 ; a. 92. I. helma, wm. helm of ship; 97. I I ; d. helman 98. 2. helpan, sv3. w. g. or d. 122. 3 1 ; gehelpan 30. 12 ; imp. help 10. 16 ; sbj. prs. 3.s. helpe 123. 16 ; Ùllpers. help, avail 144. 24; pþ. geholpen 145. I. hentan, wV. catch, seize; gehen- tan xiii. 32. heo, pron. she; usual form Ùz B, Pro 10 &c.; hio usual form Ùz C, 13. 9, i. 77 &c.; about 20 times in B, Pro 2 &c.; hi 13 0 . 18; hie 49. 24*, 57. 26*; g. and d. hire; g. often used as a possess. ad}., her, its 22. 20, xiii. 20 &c.; often hiere in B, 22. 15* &c.; heore 10.4*,7*,24*, II. 6*, 49. 24+; hiore 47. 10*, 14I. 14; hyre 9. 8*; a. hie, usual form Pro 1*, 13. 3 1 . v. 9 &c.; hi Pro 9*, 25. 8 &c. a1ld xx. 166, 214, 217, 219, xxvi. 65 ; for pl. v. hie. 25 2 GLOSSARY heofian, wv. Í1ztrmzs. lament; prs. p. heoti.ende 8. 6. heofon,m. sky, heaven; 72.21'; heofen 17. 23*; hefon 99. 13*; g. heofones 10. I, x. 7 &c. ; hio- fones xxi. 39; heofenes 72. 17, 9 8 . 29. 135. 27; hiofenes 105. . 19; heofnes 135. 25; hefones iv. 2; d. heofone 10. 6, 21. 2, 99. I 2, xxviii. 48; hefone vi. 4; a. heofon 10. 2, 41. 24. 99. I, 105. 16, xi. 30, xxiv. 29; hefon 18. 7, iv. 4; pl. g. heofona xiii. 6, xxix. 7 I; d. heofonum 9. 19, 18. 10, 129. 30, iv. 26 &c.; heofenum 98. 29; hiofonum 8 I. 3. ; hefonum 24. 29, 45. 27, ix. 18. heofoncund, adJ. heavenly; heo- fencund 8. 16; g. wk. heofen- cundan I I. 17; a. wk. heofon- cundan 34. 19; pl. n. wk. he- foncundan 30. 2; a. wk. heo- foncundan xx. 235. heofonlic, ad/. heavenly, celestial; g. 'wk. heofonlican 45. 30; heo- fenlican 89. 2 I; d. wk. heofonlican 10 4. 27, 120. 15; heofonlicon 18. 21*; a. pl. wk. heofonlican I'll. 30; hiofonlican 82. 2 ; he- fonlican i8. 10. heofonrice, n. kingdom of hea- ven; g. hefonrices xi. 31. heofonsteorra, 'W11l. star; n. pl. heofonsteorran xx. 232. heofontorht, ad/. heavenly bright; a. wk. heofontorhtan xxiii. 3. heofontungol, n. heaveuly body, sun; xxii. 24- heonon, adv. hence; hionon 105. 24; hionan 82. 4, 105. 22, 23, xviii. II, xxiv. 50, 52; hion xx. 239; hionane xiv. 9, xxix. 84 n. heor,f. hinge; hioI 88. 12 n. heorot, 11l. stag; heort 102. 6; a. pl. heorotas xix. 17. heorte, wf. heart; g. heortan 28. 14,15, v. 21; d. xviii. I I. her, adv. here; 11. 29, iv. 41 &c.; her on worulde 24. 25, 4 6 . 31, 1I8. 4, 12 3. 23; cf. iv. 47; her for worulde 23. 15, 24. 25, 113. 23, 13 8 . 23. herbüende, Ill. dweller on earth; d. pl. herbuendum xxix. 61. here, 1Il. host, multitude: x. 54 (1); d. here xxv. 15; d. pl. herigum xxvi. 57. heregeat, n. military dress; d. pl. heregeatwum II I. 16, xxv. 9. hererinc, m. soldier, hero; a. i. 71. heretiema, Will. commander, general; heretema i. 31. here toga, 'WIll. general, leader, chief man 37. 5, 4 6 . 22, 24, 50. 7, 61. 24, 143. 7, i. 47, x. 4 6 ; heretoha, consul 7. 12 ; g. here- togan 43. 6; pl. n. heretogan 35. 3, 64. 12; g. heretogena 35.5. herian, wv. praise; 118. 26; to herianne 32. 28, 69. 3; to heri- ganne 64. 19; indo prs. 3.pl. heriað 69. 2; pst. 3.s. here de 141. 13, xxx. 6; s/Jj. þrs. herige 30. 22,68. 17; pl. herien x. 6; herigen 46. 12, 72. 20; pp. used as ad/. geherod*, gehered 68. 23; comþ. geheredra*, heredra 69. 5. herlic, adj. martial, soldierly; f. ix. 18; hærlic i. 43. herung. f. praise; d. heringe 64. 2*, 68. 31, 104. 22. hider, adv. hither; 60. 32, 82. 4, xiv. I I, xx. 16 4, 235, 239. hidres, adv. hidres ðidres, hither and thither 108. 14 (hider 7 ðider B), 139.31; hidres 7 ðidres 100. 5. hie, þr01z. they; n. 6' a. pl. ifhe, heo. hit; usual form in C and 13 is hi; hie is fq. in 13, rarer in C, 15. 5, 15. 12* &c.; hyab. 15/'imes Ùz C, 15. 27, i. 36 &c. ; 'Ùz B, 15.6*,8*, 16. 16*, 146.5*; hìo 33. 25*, 114. 22; g. bira 44- 5, 99. 3, xx. 145; 35. 4 N.; hiera 30. 13*, 99. I ; usual form Ùz C ,Ù biora, but heora is fq., 28.21, ii. 13 &c.; heora is usual form il1. B, but hiora also occurs GLOSSARY sevt1'al tlmes 26. 30 &c.; heore 28. 3*, 3 2 . 7*; d. bim. hieldan, wv. lean, incline; indo prs. 3.S. heldeð xx. IG4; helt 81. 11*. hienan, 7.iJV. bring low, humiliate; henan 122. 32, 125. 2. hien1S, f. ignominy, humiliation; d. hæn-ðe 24. 5; g. pl. henða xii. 21. hieran. wv. w. a. hear; w. d. obey; heran i. 31, ix. 45; gehe- ran 50. 21, 78. 32, 96.8, 118. II, 121. 8, 146. 4; to geheranne 50. 10, 24; to gehyranne 51. 10*; indo prs. I.S. gehere I 2 I. 6; 3.S. geherð 28. 13, 43. 2 ; pl. berað iv. 5, IS; gehera'ð 68. 16, 139. 23, 145. 20, xiii. 47; w. inf. 142. 26; hyrað iv. 26; pst. I.!. geherde 51. 9, 12 4. 24; 2.S. geherdest 50.26,98.26 (w. Ùif.); gebyrdest 45. 4*, 65. 9*; herdes vii. 9; 3. S . geherde 34. 2, 43. 18, 45. II, 122. 8, ix. 15; pl. herd on 70. 25, viii. 14, 31 ; ge- herdon 33. 26, 43. II, 66. 3 0 ; geheordol1 70. 2:'*; imp. gehere 114. I 1t.; geher 101. 16, II I. 12, 114. 1*, xxv. I; sf?;". prs. 3.s. here w. d. 66. 14; pl. gehiran 57. 20*; pst. 3.s. berde vii. 4; pl. herden w. d. 98. 7, 9; prs. p. used as noun: pl. g. geberendra, hearers 85. 26; d. geherendum 101. 13; pp. gehered 45. 1.2, 67. 12. bierde, m. shepherd, guardian; hirde xxvi. 8, 41; byrde X. 49; d. birde vii. 22; a. xiii. 31. gehiernes, f. sense of hearing; gehernes 145. 18. hiersum. adj. obedient; a. pl. n. gehyrsume 10. 3*. hiersumian, wv. obey; heorsu- mian 9. 22*; indo prs. 3.pl. heorsumiað 10. 14*. hierwan, WV. despise, value lightly; indo P1'S. I.pl. herwa'ð, herewiað* 29. 6. higian, wv. basten, strive to go, tend; 25. 18; indo prs. 3.S. 253 higað 56. 4, 69. 14, xiii. 65; sbj. prs. 3.S. higie 51. 25*' 112. 30; higige 51. 25. hildetor h t, adj. shining in battle; d. pl. hildetorhtum xxv. 9. hiltsweord, n. hilted sword; d. pl. hyltsweordum II I. 16. hind,}: female hart; a. pl. hinda xix. 17. hindan, adv. from behind; 13 6 . 3. hired, Ill. body of retainers, court; d. birede 67. 3, 104. 16. hirgedon, B's reading for C's styredon 101. 28. hit, pron. it; '7. 25 &c.; g. bis; d. him; a. hit; for pl. v. hie. hiw, n. appearance, form, shape; g. hiwes 147. 3; d. biwe 131. 5 ; g. pl. hiwa xix. 23. hiwcü'ð, ad/. familiar; a. pl. m. hiwcuðe x. 61. hiwian, wv. shape, form; 'indo prs. 3.S. gehiwað 12 9. 9. hïwung,j: (false) appearance, dis- simulation; d. hiwunga 47. 22. hlæw, m. mound, barrow; g. pl. blæwa X. 43. hlãford, 11l. lord; 35. 3 I, ix. 55, xxv. 15, xxvi. 38; g. hlafordes 30. 26, 63. 15; d. hlaforde 9 8 . 9, 13 6 . 29, i. 47; a. hlaford 65. 17, xxvi. 44,72 ; pl. n. hlafordas 35.30,37.26,67.5; g.blaforda xxv. 65. hlãfordhold, adi. loyal, faithful; n. pl. m. blafordholde 30. 27. hlãfordscipe, m. autbority, supre- macy; d. 16. 27. hleahtor, m. laughter; d. hleahtre 36. 2. hlëot5or, n. melody, song; d. pl. hleoðrum xiii. 47. hlïsa, WIll. report, reputation; 28. II &c. and X. 54, 61 ; g. hlisan 41. 13 &c. and X. I, 14 ; hliosan 133. 3 1 *; d. hlisan 41. 17 &c.; a.41. 15 &c. and i. 53. X. 22. hlïsëadig, adj. of good repute, renowned 75. 25; a. pl. m. hliseadige 28. 5; comp. hlis- eadigra 27. 29; n. pI, hliseadig- ran 28. I. 254 GLOSSARY hlïsëadignes, f. renown; a. hlis- eadignesse 75. 28. hlüd, adj. loud; a. hludne I 17. 29. hlütor, adj. clear, pure; n. v. 13; d. hll1trum 135. 24; a. f. hll1tre xxi. 39 ; wk. hluttran 101. 20; 'ins!. hlutre xxix. 2; pl. g. hluterra 33. 3 1 ; d. hlutrum xxi. 37; hluttrum eagum 89. 2 I, 115. 8 ; a. n. hlutor, hll1tre* 147. 25; sup. a. s. wk. hlutrestan xxiii. 3. hlütre, adv clearly, brightly; sup. hlutrost xxii. 24. hlystan, wv. listen; sbj. 3.s. hliste MPr. 10. hnæppan, wv. intrans. strike, collide; sbj. prs. 3.pl. hnæppen 130. 19, 20. hnesce, adj. soft, delicate; n. h. wæter, fluid, yielding 80. 14, xx. 93 ; compl. n. pl. hnescran, opposed to heard 92. 27; sup. hnescost 9 2 . 4. hnipian, 7.vv. droop; ind.prs. 3.S. hnipað xxxi. 13. hogian, wv. think (about), be in- tent; :;. 22. bol, 11. hole, cave; dungeon; a. 8. 10, ii. .1 I ; a. pl. holu 19. 8. hold, adj. gracious, friendly; i. :;6. holm, m. ocean, sea; g. pl. holma xi. 30. holt, 11m. thicket, copse; d. holte xiii. 37, 52. hõn, rv. !1'a1ZS. hang, hang up; indo prs. 2.S. hehst 30. 18; 3.s. hehð 112. 23. hopian, wv. ( 7.V. to); hope, trust; indo prs. 3.S. hopað 27. 10, vii. 44 ; sbj. prs. pl. hopien 149. I. hord, 1t. hoard; d. horde 3 I. 13. hordgestrëon, 11. hoarded wealth; g. pl. hordgestreona xiv. I I. horusëa1S, m. pit, abyss; d. horo- seaðe II 2. 15. hosp, m. insult, contumely; d. hospe iv. 44. hræd, adj. swift; d. hrædum 10. 2. hrædfërnes,f. swiftness; a. hræd- fernesse 7 2 . 17. hrædlïce, adv. swiftly, speedily II 7. 8; rædlice 2 I. 14*; sup. hrædlicost 146. 28. hrædwæn, m. swift car, chariot; d. hrædwæne 105. I, 20, xxiv. 41. hrægl, 1t. dress; g. hrægles 60. 18: Pl. g. hrægla 33. 24, 30, viii. 10; d. hræglum II I. 14. hranmere, m. 'whale pool,' ocean;, a. hronmere v. 10. hra'tSe, adv. quickly. soon; usual form in B, 8. 20* &c., 48.8, 127. 3 1 , 133. 23, vi. 9, 12, xiii. 31 ; raðe 95. 4*; hræ'ðe 41. 18, 62. 23,7 8 .6, iv. 3, vi. 4, ),..iii. 37, xxi. 7, xxii. 56; ful hræðe ðæs, immediately afterwards 50. 10; hreðe xxv. 47 ; sup. hraðor 28. 19, 145. 15; hræð'or 68. 18, 2 I; 'ðy hræ'ðor, rather, more 73.7, 18 n., 77. 19 ; sup. hraðost 39. 9 n., 41. 3, 91. 15. hrëoh, ad}. stormy, fierce; i. 7 I ; j. pred. hrioh v. 10; d.f. hreore 144. 29. hrëosan, SV2. fall; decay, perish; vii. 22; indo prs. 3.s. hrest xi. 58; gehrist 117. 28; prs. p. perishable, d.' 7.ok. hreosendan 60. 23; pl. 11. f. hreosende 25. 3 1 *; d. hreosendum 54. 1 n. ; by error, hreorendum 32. 8*. hrëosendlic, adj. perishable; d. pl. hreosendlicum 32. 8. hrëowan, SV2. repent: impers. W. d. find g. 134. 3 I ; indo prs. 3.S. hreowð 109. 30. hrëowsian, 'wv. sorrow, be sorry: 9. 9; prs. p. d. hreowsiendum 8.24. hrëowsung,f. repentance: 70.7 ; g. hreowsl1nga 70. 6*; d. 20. I, 143. 28 ; a. hreowsunge 143.30. hrëran, wv. stir up, agitate; indo prs. 3.þ/. hrerað 12 4.4, xxvii. 3. hre'tSer, m. breast, heart; d. hraðre xxv. {6 n. hrïnan, SVI. touch; Ùul. prs. 3.s. gehrineð xxix. 10. hrõf, m. roof, summit, gen. used metaphorically, 25. 17 &c.; g. GLOSSARY hrofes 146. 27; d. hrofe 41. I I &c. and xxv. 5; a. hrof 10 5. 5, xxiv. 3. hrõffæst, adj. with firm roof; a.f. hroffæste vii. 6. hrõr, adj. moving, active, d. þl. hrorum neatum 146. 26. hrüse, wf. earth, ground; g. hrusan xxix. 53 ; d. x. 43, xxix. 63; xxxi. 13. hryre, l1Z. fall, rnin, destruction; d. ix. 4 ; a. pl. hryras 39. 17. hü, adv. interrog. direct and in- direct, how? 8. 17 &c. ; often w. ne = Lat. nonne 18. 16 &c. hümeta, adv. how? 70. 26*, 9 6 . 5 *. hund, m. dog; 102. 13, I II. 18. 114, '27 ; a. hund 102. 7 ; þl. n. hundas 101. 30; d. hundum xix. 15 ; a. hundas 73. 29. hund n. hundred; mid an h. scipa xxvi. 15. hundnigontig, num. ninety; xxvi. 24. hundred, n. hundred; sume h. scipa 115. 18. hundseofontig, num. seventy; 4 2 . 27, 99. 17. hunig, n. honey; g. huniges 52. 3, xii. 9, 10; d. hunige 33. 29, viii. 23. hunta, wm. hunter; xxvii. 13. huntian, 'wv. hunt; 73. 3 0 . hüru, adv. at least, at any rate; 20. 22,47. I, 92. 8, ix. 22 ; ne hurn, nor indeed, nor even 67. 9, 68. 27, 77. 23, viii. 10, 3 1 , xx. 38, xxii. 4, xxix. 12. hüs, n. house; 26. 30, vii. 18; g. huses 110. 23, vii. 2:a, xiii. 31 ; d. huse 55. IS; a. hus 26. 23, 26, 27. 6, vii. 2. hwã, þron. 1) interrog. who? 60. S, x. 42 &c.; w. sbj. xxviii. 43; n. bwæt, 'Yhat 1 34. 10 &c. = who 36. 22, = hwy 17. 16, 31. 3, 6, 10 4. 26, I4S. 29, used as an inte1j. ah! well! why!fq. 10. 14, ii. I &c. ; hwæt la 9. 20; g. hwæs 90. 19, 140. 24, 14:;. 4, 27; d. hwæm 16. 17 ; inst. to 255 hwon, why? 8. 12*, 16. 4*, 31. 4*, 4 2 . 17*. 2) -Ùidef. anyone, someone,fq. 26.7 &c.andx. 27, xvi. 16; neut. n. and a. hwæt, anything, something 15. 2 I &c. ; often w. þart. g. swelces hwæt, something of the sort 17. 10; lytles hwæt, a little 23. 24, 60. 5; d. hwæm 16. 14 &c.; a. hwone 68. 17 &c. and x. I; hwæne 106. 19*; a. n. hwæt; gif hi hwæt gesyngoden, in any way 143. 27. 3) swa hwa swa, whoever I I. 23 &c. v. swa. gehwã,þron. 1) distributive; each, every, everyone; g. gehwæs xiv. 3, xix. 23, xx. 278, xxi. 32 ; anra gehwæs monna, of each individual man vii. 23; d. gehwæm vii. 18, xii. 6, 18, xx. 14 8 , xxi. 43, xxviii. 67, xxix. 56 ; anra gehwæm, to each one viii. 6; a. n. gehwæt 16. 23, 40. 22. 2) Í1zdif. swelces gehwæt, any- thing of the sort 125. 24. hwær, Ùzterrog. adv. where? 46. 20, x. 33 &c. hw t, adj. active, bold; wk. hwata 138. 18. hwæte, m. wheat; 52. I; d. xii. 5. hwæthwegu, 1) þron. something, a little; always hwæthwugu Í1z C, 15.22 &c. and xi. 52, xx. I I I ; hwæthwega usual form in B, 32. 1* &c.; hwæthwegu 87. 24*, 95. 9*; hwæthweg 60. 17*, 71. 29*; g. hwæshwugu 25. 12, 60. 17, 82. 30, 88. 8. 2) adv. somewhat, a little,fq. S. 25 &c. hwæthweguningas, adv. some- what, a little; hwæthwugu- nunges 23. 18, 127. 28; hwæt- hweganunges 23. 18*; hwæt- hwegununga80. 21 hwætnes,j: activity; 54. 24. hwæ"ðer, l)þl'on. which (of two) ; 87. 17 &c. and v. 41 ; g. hwæ- ðres 106. 12 ; a. hwæðerne 122. 28; f. hwæðre 138. 32; 11. hwæðer 107. I I. 2) interrog. adv. direct and indo ; gen. W. sbj. 25 6 GLOSSARY 13. 10 &c. ; alternative question hwæðer ðe . . . ðe 20. 30 &c.; hweðer sometimes z"n B, 65. 2* &c.; hwæðer . . . ðeah, never- theless 27. 24. gehwæ'ðer, þron. each of two, both; g. gehwæðeres i. 25. hwæ15re, adv. nevertheless; xx. 54, 74, i 8 , 15 2 ,17 0 ,23 0 , xxvi. 100. hwanon, adv. whence; 32. 21 N. ; hwonon 8. 19*, 12. 14, 134. 18 ; hwonan 13. 5, 15. 8, 32. 20*, 3 2 . 21 *, 75.34, 14 0 .7. hwealf, f. vault, arch; 4 6 . 4; þl. hwealfa 46.4; hwealfe x. 7 (]). hwearfian, wv. z"ntrans. a) turn, revolve; b) change, vary; 8 I. 26 (a); indo þrs. 2.S. hwearfo,;t 16. 5 (b) ; 3. s . hwearfað 57. 3 2 (a), 58. I (a), 88. 12 (a), 126. 8 (a), 129. 16 (a), xiii. 75 (a); pl. h\vearfiað 16. 3 (b), 12 9. 19 (a) ; pst. 3.s. hwearfode i. 10, xx. 206; sly.þrs. hwearfie 18.30 (b); hwearfige xiii. 74; þl. hwear- figen 18. 31 (b) ; pst. hwearfode 18. 28 (b); prs. þ. hwear- fiende 129. 15 (a). hwearfung. f. change; 18. 3 1 , 20. 18; d. hwearfunga 18. 27, 20. 2 I ; a. pl. 18. 29 ; motions 17. I. hwelc, pron. (hwylc usual form -in C, but fq. hwilc, more rarely hwelc; most usual forms z"n B are hwelc and hwilc, octas. hwyIc); 1) interrog. direct and indirect, which, of what kind. 2) z"ndef. any (one), some (one). forms: m. f. and n. hwelc 9. 8* (2), 30. 20 (2), 43. 19 (2), 60. 27* (I), 63. 14 (2). 64. 29* (I), 77. 23* (2), 89. 20 (2); hwilc 30. 10 (I), 35. 28 (I), 51. I (I), 85. 2* (I), 92. 9 (I), 142.2 (2), xiii. 41 (I), xx. 65 (2), xxi. 37 (2), xxii. 45 (2); hwylc Í1l, C ab. 6 times (1),67' 22 &c., and ab. 7 times (2), 84. 30 &c. ,:n B, 82. 21*; g. hwelces 13. 2* (I), 20 (I); hwilces I I. 15* (I); d. hwelcum X. 43 (I); hwilcum 114. 25 (2); hwylcum 77. 18 (2), 77. 22 (2); hwilcon 43. 3* (I) ; f. hwelcere 13. 23 (I); hwilcere 57. 4* (I); a. hwelcne 16. 20* (1),57.22* (2); hwilcne xiii. 53 (I); hwylcne I19. 2 (2); f. hwelce 35. 3 1 (2), ix. I (I); hwilce 39. 18* (I); n. hwelc 12. 8 (2), 12 7. 9 (2); hwilc 90.32 (2),90.32 (2), 107. 29 (2), 39. 17* (I) ; hwy1c 87. 6 (2); inst. hwe1ce 36. 2 (I) ; pl.m.; hwilce 129. 14 (I) ; hwylce 129.15 (I), 139.10 (I); f. hwylce 38. 18 (I); n. hwelc 73. 10* (I); g. hwylcra I I. 14* (I) ; d. hwe1cum 22. 8 (2), 32. 26* (2), 74. 2* (I); hwylcum 118. 29 (1) ; a. hwelce 16. 2* (1); hwi1ce 39. 17* (1); f. hwelce 26. 3* (I), 39, 17* (I) ; n. hwelc 64. 29* (I). gehwelc, þron. w. g. each (one), every (one), only Í1t Metr. except 103. 14; gehwilc 9 times ix. 45 &c.; gehwylc xxvi. 95, xxxi. 12 ; g. gehwelces 6 times, iv. 24 &c.; gebwilces xx. 183, xxvi. 105, xxvii. 28; gehwy lees xviii. 3; f. ge- hwelcre xx. 22R; d. gehwelcum 5 times, xii. 8 &c.; gehwilcum i. 45, xvii. 19, xix. 2; gehwyl- cum 4 times, xx. 3 &c.; f. ge- hwelcre xi. 78, xxi. IS; a. gehwilcne 4 times, xiii. 3 2 &c. ; gehwylcne, not W. g. 1 0 3. 14; inst. gehwelce i V. 17, xiii. 2 I ; gehwilce 6 times, i. 54 &c. ; ge- hwylce xxii. 65. hwelchwegu.pr01t. some; hwilc- hwugu 120. 2; hwylchwugu 10 3. 24. hwëne, ad7J. somewhat, a little, W. compo 32. 28, 50. 20, 9 2 . 27 ; hwene ær 5 Nmes, 12. 22 &c. and xii. 10. hwëol, n. wheel; 16. 33, 57. 3 2 , 81. 27, 102. 29. J 29.21, 130. 3 1 , xiii. 74; g. hweoles 130. I I ; d. hweole xx. 211, 217; n. pl. hweol 129. 19. . GLOSSARY hweorfan, sv3. intrans. a) turn, move; b) return; 8. 23* (b), 10. 24* l.a); indo 3.þl. hweorfað 16. 17* (a); sbj. prs. hweorfe 71. 8* (b); prs. p. hweorfende 16. 14 l.a). hwider, adv. whither; 51. 6 &c. hwierfan, wv. intrans. a) revolve; b) change; hwyrfan 10. 18* (b) ; Í1zd. prs. 3.s. hwerfeð xxviii. 15 (a); hwærfeð xx. 2II (a); hwerfð 81. 27* (a), 126. 5 (a), ug. 21 (a); hwærfð xx. 217 (a); sbj. prs. hwerfe 100. 10 (a); prs. p. hwerfende 16. 33* (a). gehwierfan, wv. bring back, re- store; pþ. n. pl. f. gehwerfde 49. 8*. hwierflic, adj. chan'ging, transIt- ory; n. pl. f. hwerflice 25. 10*. hwïl, f. space of time, time; g. hwile 44. 14; a. fq. in adv. Phrases: hwile ær, some time before xxvii. 15; hwyle xx. 266; sume hwile fq. 45. 12, xv. 10 &c.; ane hwile, for a while, for a time 52. IS, 12 4. 19, if. 14. 26, 120. 29, 126. 29, 141. 2 I ; ænige h. 20. 22; nane h. 58. 3 0 ; oðre h\vile . . . oðre hwile, at one time. . . at another 64. 18 &c. ; ða hwile ðe, conj. while, fq. 23. 14 &c.; pl. g. hwila 44. 15; d. hwiIum, used as adv. at times, occasionally, fq. 10. 8, ii. 9 &c.; hwylum xxix. 49; hwilan xxix. 53; nu hwilum 123.8; hwilum eft 132. 8 &c.; hwilum . . . hwilum, sometimes . . . at other times Pro 2, 3 &c. ; a. hwila, moments 44. II, 13. hwilwendlic, adj. temporary, transitory; n. 147. 27, 28; g. wk. hwilwendlican*, hwilend- Ii can 44. 12; a. pl. wk. hwiI- endIican 20. 14. hwit, adJ. white; J 45. 24; a. pl. m. hwite 74. I, xix. 23. hwõn, adv. somewhat, a little; 12. 13, X. 59. 257 hwonne, 1) interrog. when? 60. 8, 148. I. 2) coni w. sbj. until, 20.31,124.lo.3)gives'Ùldef. meanil1g to advv. of time, nu hwonne 109.23, I3I. 23; seldum hwonne I I 5. 8. hwurfolnes,f. fickleness; d. hwur- fulnesse 47. 19. hwÿ, inst. of hwæt; used as Í1zterrog. at/v. w. sbj. or indo why 1 10. 17, X. 21 &c.; fq. hwi in Band C, 17.5 iv. 33 &c. hwyrft, m. revolution, orbit; a. 126. 2*. hycgan, wv. think, imagine; ge- hycgan xv. 9; gehicgan xix. 17; Ùzd. prs. 3.S.; hygeð xb-.. I; sbJ. pI's. 3.S. gehicgge xiii. 26. hyd, f. skin, hide; d. hyde 31. 3 2 . hÿdan, wv. hide, conceal; indo prs. 3.s. gehyt 13 I. 6, J 36. 20; pst. 3.s. hydde :>..XIX. 55; slj. pst. hydde 140. 14, 17; pp. geheded xx. 15 1 ; a. f. gehydde 95. 22, xxii. 60; n. pl. m. iv. 4 1 ; f. gehydda xix. 3 2 ; gehydde 74. 7*. hyge, m. mind, heart; hige xi. 53. xix. 45; d. :Xv. 9; a. xxxi. 20. hygesnottor, ad.f. wise; d. pl. higesnotrum X. 7. hyhtlic, ad}. hoped for, pleasant; f. hyhtlicu xxi. II. hyngran, wv. be hungry; -imþers. sbj. prs. hingre, hingrige* 60. I I. hyrian, wv. w. d. imitate; indo prs. pl. hyriað 108. II n.; hyri- . gað 14 6 . 7*. hyrnede, adj. horned, beaked; a. pl. 1Il. hyrnde xxvi. 23. hyrst, f. ornament, trappings; g. pl. hyrsta :>..iv. 9. hyrstan, wv. dress, adorn; pp. n. pI. 171. gehyrste 1 II. 16, xxv. 8. hyspan, 'WV. revile; 45. 10. hysping, f. reviling; a. hispinge 45. 12. hy'tS,f. port, haven; 89. 9, xxi. II, 13. s 25 8 GLOSSARY I. ie, p1'on. I; 8. 6, MPr. 8. &c.; íc 39. 3 1 *; g. min 4 1 . 6 &c.; d. me 8. 12 &c.; a. 8. 9 &c. idel, adj. useless, vain: 68. 29; idle, lazy 144. 8; g. 'Wk. idelan 45, 21; d. wk. 4 6 . 9; a. wk. 46. 3; ins!. idele 29. 26; a. pl. f. idle v. 27. ídelgeorn, adj. lazy, ease-loving; n. pl. 1/l. 'wk. ge ide1geornan 139. 8. ïeean, wv. increase, add to; ecan, geecan* 75. 15; ycan 60. 15; indo prs. 3.5'. ecð 65. 21 ; pl. ecað 60. 24*; pst. 3's. ecte 26. 22*; pp. geeced 125. 15. ïegland, 11-. island; iglond xvi. 12; eglond i. 16; g. iglandes xvi. 17; d. ieglande 34. 8*; iglande II 6. 4*; iglonde viii. 49, xxvi. 58; a. igland xxvi. 3 2 ; iglond 115. 22*; iland 67. 3 2 *. ield, j. age, period; eld 33. 2 1*, viii. 4, ielde, pl. men; d. eldum viii. 3 8 , xii. 17, xiii. 60, xx. 100, xxix. 34. . ielding,j: delay; eldung 120. 2*. ieldran, pl. parents, ancestors; ildran 34, H N.; eldran 24. 13*, 34.31,69' 13*, i. 58; g. eldrena 70. 20*, xiii. 28; eldrana 57. 12*. ierman, wv. ill-treat; 'iud. pst. 3. s . yrrnde ix. 47. ierming, m. wretched person; g. pl. errninga 89. I I; yrminga xxi. 17. ierm1S,j: misery; a. ermðe 60. 24*, 65. 27; yrmðe, earmðe* 59. 14 ; pl. 1l. yrmða I 18. 3, 5; g. ermð'a xvi. 8; yrmða 7 I. 23; eormð'a 67. 29*; d. ermðum 89. 11*, 116. 26 134. IS., 134. 2 I; yrm'ð'um xxi. 19, xxvi. 7 1 ; eormðum 52.8*; a. erm'ða 19. 4, 65. 21, 117. 21; yrmða 60.9. iernan, sv3. run; iman 101. 29 ; t'nd. prs. 3.s. irneð V. 15; irnð 135. 27*, 28*; pl. irnað 108. 14, 112. 29, 143.3 ; ymað 112. 24; pst. pl. umon 49. 8, 102. 27 ; sbj. prs. ierne, irne* 4. 24 ; pl. irnen 82. 28. ierre, n. anger; irre xxv. 51; g. yrres 81. 24*; d. irre 12.4. ierringa, adv. angrily; irringa 71. 6* ; yrringa xviii. 7; Jrrenga xxvi. 84. iersian, wv. be angry; indo prs. 2.S. yrsast 19.12; prs.p. irsiende 81. 18* ; a. wk. yrsiendan 114. 29. iersung, j: anger; irsung 8 I. 20*, II 2. 4*' xx. 186 ; g. irsunge xx. 199; a. yrsunga xx. 19 2 . 1e15e, adj. easy; n. e'ð'e 145. 5 ; pl. n. ie'ðe 16. 13; eðe 9 2 . 27; comp. 1l. eðre 81. 13*. ïe elïee, adv. easily; eðelice 9 8 . 23, xx. 276; sup. eðelicost 14 6 . 28*. ïe1Snes, f. ease, comfort; g. pl. eðnessa 7. 15*. ïewan, wv. show, reveal; eowian 78. 7, 85. 25, 97. 28, 10 4. 25; indo prs. 3.s. geew'ð 131. 7; eowað 61. u*, 136. 21*, xxix. 72 ; pp. geeowad 55. 6. ilea, pron. adj. same; 48. 27, ix. 24 &c.; n. ilce 15. 23 &c.; g.d.a. ilcan 7. 5, 10. 9, xi. 37 &c.; a. 11. ilee 12. 22 &c.; pl. iIt;an 16. 7 &c. and xxiv. 63. ilee, adv. swa iIce, in the same way; 35. 3 &c. in, prep. a) W. d. in, 7. 12*, xx. 238; Joll. case, i. 15. b) W. a. into, 7. 4*. ine, V. gi t. ineofa, Will. breast, mind; d. in- cofan xxii. 18. ingehygd,j: 1t. mind, thoughts; a. xxv. 42. inierfe, 11.. household goods, valuables; a. 3 1 . 19. inn, adv. in; in to 8. 16*, xxii. 57; in gæð on, enters 27. 17*; in on, into 53. 6*, 9 1 . 26, 9 6 . 26. GLOSSARY lunan, 1) þreþ. a) w. d. in, within; innon 73. 31 *. b) w. a. into; inn on 86. 19, 91. 26*, 96. 26*. 2) adv. within, inside; 3 6 . 9*, 12, 51. 4, 73. 5, 8*, 141. 16*, V. 4 1 ,44; innon 73.5*; inne 43. 3 1 *, i. 7 2 , xxv. 19, 45. v. also ollinnan. innanweard, 1) adj. inward, in- ternal; ins!. mid innewearde mode 50. II, 28. 1I9. II ; inne- weardan 94. 28*, 119. I 1*. 2) adv. within; 9 2 . 3. innian, wv. enter; þrs. illd. 3. s . innað 51. 4 n. inno'ð, nt. interior, inside (of body); d. innoðe 5 I. 4. innung,j: contents; 72. 22. inge'ðane, 1ll. thoughts, mind; 54. 2*, 56. 4*, 106. 25; ingeðonc 106. 10, xxvi. 118; g. ingeðan- ces 68. 3*, xvi. 22; ingeðonces 44. 3 1 ; d. ingeðance 52. 16*; ingeðonce 51. 25; a. ingeðanc 95. 6 *; ingeð' onc 7 8 . 5, xxii. 12, 2 I, xxiii. 8, xxvi. 94; a. þl. ingeðoncas 14. 27. inweardlie, adj., v. forinweard- lie. inweardlïee, adv. inwardly, ear- nestly ; xxii. 2. inwit'ðane, m. evil thought; þl. n. inwidðoncas ix. 8; d. inwitðon- cum xxvii. 23. is, n. ice; 126. 20, xxviii. 59. iseeaId, adj. icy-cold; a.f. iscalde xxvii. 3. isig, adj. icy; 105. 13. ismere, 11l. frozen pool; xxviii. 62. L. lã, hzterj. oh! ah! why! 8. 13, xi. 101 &c.; nese, la, nese 58. 29, 62. 19. geIãe, 11-. rapid movement, com- motion; laguAoda g. xx. 173; storma g. xxvi. 29. lãean, rv. a) intrans. moveql1ickly, fly; xxiv. 9; indo þrs. þl. lacað xxviii. 22. b) trans. entice; sbj. S 2 259 pst. þl. ðe liolcen (oleccan B) 15. 29. Iãenian, wv. treat (a disease), cure; iud. prs. 3.S. lacnað 134. 17. Iæee, 111. physician; 38. 8, 132. 6, 15,134. 16 ; d. 123.13,33; þl. n. læcas 132. IIn.; g. læca 10 7. 28. Iæeeeræft, m. (art of) medicine; remedy; 38. 8, 5 I. I. læeedom, 11/. remedy, medicine; 12 7. 24, 135. 20; a. 50. 20. lædan, wv. lead; 51. II, 102. 2, 12 3. 33, xiv. 9; to lædanne 51. 7; indo þrs. 2.S. lædst 100. 5, 14 0 . I; 3.S. læt 27. 8*,60.3 1 *; gelæt 10 4. 27 ; þl. lædað 48. II, vii. 40; pst. 3.s. ]ædde 103. 10, xxvi. 16,39; þl. læddon 102. 27, i. 2; sbj. þrs. læde 51. 13, 12 3. 13, 14, 139. 3 0 , 33; pl. lædon 73. 30*; pp. gelæd 36. 21. Iæden, 1/.. Latin language; d. of lædene Pro 9. V. also bõelæden. Iæfan, wV. leave; bequeath; to læfanne 41. 5 ; indo þrs. pl. læfað 24. 10; læfed 23. 20, 4 2 . 9. lænan, wV. lend, grant; þþ. n. pl. gelænde 31. I I. Iæne, adj. transitory, precarious; 41. 18; g. lænes xxvi. 113; d. wk.lænan xix. 35 ; a.lænne xxvi. 106; wk. lænan ix. 58, xx. 157 ; pl. n. lænu xxi. 29; d. lænum 53. 13,54. 1 ; wk. lænan 74. 8*; a. xx. 223. .. læran, wV. teach; 140.2 ; to læranne 12 7. 2 5; ind.þrs. 3.s. lærð 137. 22; gelæreð 47. 20; pl. lærað 10 3. 14,139. 6; pst. I.S. gelærde 17. 13, 20. 10; 3. s . lærde 9. , 79. 17, 14 0 . 16; sbj. þrs. tue 69. 8; þp. gelæred 8. 18, 15. 14. Iæstan, wV. W. d. follow; i. 27. geIæstan, wv. a) trans. perform, carryol1t; 58.21,73.16, 10 5.3 1 , 139. 25; indo þst. gelæste 7. 9 n.; pl. gelæstan, followed, marched i. 13; sbj. þrs. gelæste 50. 24; þl. gelæsten 58. 23. b) intrans.last, endure; info vii. 19. 260 GLOSSARY liëtan, rv. a) allow; b) leave; leave behind; c) think, deem; d) cause; 38. 12 (a), 71. 22 (c), 123. 26 (a); 1. 'ða bætinge, let go 144. 30; 1. bion, let alone, drop 88. 32; indo prs. I.S. ic læte nu to . . . set store by 121. 26; 2.S. lætest iv. 50 (a); lætæst 16.30 (b); lætst 105.15* (b),xxiv. 29 (b); 3.S. læt 26. 6 (a', xi. 7 2 (a; &c., 133.25 (d.); pl.lætað 23. 7, 9 (a), 24-. 10 (b), viii. I I (c); place, 130. 16. 141. I, 3; læte ge 72. 19 (a); pst. 3.S. let xxvi. 23 (b); imp.læt v. 30 (a) ; pl. lætað 8. 23 (a) ; sbj. prs. læte 119. 23 (b), xvi. 7 (b); hête 104. 2 (a) ; pl.læten 67.6 (a); pst.lete Il7. 5 fa), 119. 30 (b , i. 66 la),68 (b?); pl. leten 67. 6 (a). lãf,j: remnant; d. to lafe, remain- ing, left over 46. 26. lagu, 11l. sea, flood; ix. 40. laguflõd, 1ll. sea; g. pl. lagufloda xx. 173. lagustrëam, 11t. sea; xi. 43; a. xx. III, xxvi. 16. land, 11. land; country; 40. 21; lond 29.12; g. landes 91. 22, 126. 20'1'; londes 42. 16*, xii. 27; d.lande about 9 times, 43. 17 &c. and xii. 6, xxviii. 57; londe 43. 25, 26, xiii. 18; a. land 51. 29*, 60. 29*' 115. 20*, ix. 4 0 ; lond 40. 17, xii. I ; pl. lond 29. 10; d. londum 4 2 . 30. lang, adi ; gen. if time, long; 44. 25; n. 44. 19, x. 66; ifbody, tall 87. 4; long 117. 28, 12 7. 3 2 ; n. 'Wk. lange 117. 32; d. wk. langan 133. 26; a. longne 120. 27 ; f. Iange iv. 46, x. 64, xxvi. 103; n. lang 100. 28; ymbe long, at great length 12 5. 23; Pl.wk.langan 127.29; d.longum 133. 24; compo lengra 120. 29; a. lengran 126. 7 ; pl. a. langran 10. I 1*; sup. a. lengestne 126. 7. gelang, adj. dependent on, owing to; n. on ðe gelong 15. 24. lange, adv. if time, long, for a longtime; about 19 tÙnes, 9. 2, vii. 19&c.; longe about 10tÙnes, 103. 3, i. 50 &c. ; long xxvi. 99 ; comp. leng 84. 3 &c. and xxviii. ; sup. lengest ix. 17. langfære, adj. lasting, enduring; g. longfæres 117. 26. langsum, adj. prolonged, tedious; 45. 17. lãr, j: teaching, doctrine; 27. 17, 139. 20; g. lare 51. 2, 135. 21, 139. 21; d. 95. 15, V. 22, xxii. 4 2 ; lære, lesson 137. 14; a. lare 9. 3, 10 4. 29, i. 68 ; pl. d. larum 8. 23, II. 4, 14. 18, 20. 12; a. lara 50. 26, 101. 14, 108. r. lãrëow, m. teacher; I4I. 12, xxx. 3 ; pl. lareowas 57. 17, xiii. 3 8 ; g. lareowa xiii. 42; lariowa x. 55; a. lareowas 57. 16. lãst, m. footprint, track; a. last weardigan, remain behind xx. 241; on last, in the end, at last 15.5,48. 1,100.23. late, adv. slowly, late; 46. 32, 148. 5; comp. lator 142. 18; sup. latost 91. 16. lãttëow,m. guide; leader; xx. 278; laclðeow 82. 16, 105. 2 ; a. lad- teow 57. 13. lã1S, 1) adi hostile; hateful; 64. 26, viii. 38, xv. 6; pl. laðe 9. 24; a. 28. 4; comp. a. laðran iv. 24; a. n. wk. laðre 22. 3. 2) sbst. n. offence; g.laðes 19, 27. lã1Slice, adv. hatefully, horribly; xxvi. 83. lëaf, j: permission; d. leafe xi. 67, xx. 131; a. 80. 29, 120. 27, x. 67, xxvi. 2 I. lëaf, n. leaf; xx. 98 ; pl. xxix. 67 ; g. leafa 10. 12, iv. 24; d.leafum 92. 2; a. leaf 10. 13, xi. 57. gelëafa, wm. belief, faith; d. gelea- fan 12.21 11-.,14.19, v. 26; a. 12. 25. leahtor, 111-. vice, sin; pl. leahtras xxii. 25, 29. lëan, 11-. reward; a. 113. 14; pl. g. leana 54. 17, 108. 13, 134' 30; Iæna 54. 17*; d. leanum I II. 4, 113. 8; a. lean 18. 24, I13. 14. GLOSSARY 26r lëanian, WV. w. d. reward; 134. 25; sbj. prs. leanige 137. 10; pp. geleanod 119. 22. lëas, 1) ad/. a) w. g. devoid of; ciða leas xii. 5. b) false, feigneò; u,k. leasa 63. 27; f. leas 47. 18 . 82. 25; wk. f. lease 47. 6, 4 8 . I ; n. leas 68. 8; wk. lease 10. 22, iv. 46; g. leases 41. I 2, 4 . 24; d. leasum 45. 8, xxiii. 8; f. leasre 68. 10, 100. 25; wk. hiora leasan cyninge 66. 22; a. 7.fJk. 114. 28; pl. lease, un- truthful I 16. 13; wk. leasan 48. 10, 51. 24, 103. 14; g. wk. leasena 51. 16, 55. 6, 101. II ; d. leasum 18. 3 &c. and xxvi. I, 99; a. j. leasa xii. 27; wk. leasan 15. 29 &c. 2) sbst. n. falsehood; d. lease 14I. 19, xxx. 18; a. leas 118. 14. lëaslic, adj. false, unreal; a. f. leaslice 54. 6. lëasspellung, j. false speech, falsehood; d. leasspellunga 14. 4- lëasung,j. falsehood, false story; 21. 21; pl. n. leasunga 99. :;; leasungum 45. 18, 116. 27; a. leasunga 99. 4. leax, 1Jl. salmon; a. xix. 12. leccan, WV. wet, moisten; indo prs. pl. leccað 136. 17, xxix. 63; pp. geleht 80. 17*, xx. 98. lecgan, wv. place, lay; 37. 8; 1. ðone mæst, lower 144. 30. lëf, adj. diseased, weak; 121. 12. lencten, 1Jl. spring (season); 49. 18; a. on lencten 10. 12*, 49. 18*; on lengten 136. 19*. lenctentid, f. springtime; a. on 1. xxix. 6,. lendan, wv. arrive; indo prs. 3.S. gelent 53. 6. lengo,f.length (of time); a.lengu, lenge* 44. J 3. lëo, wmf. lion, lioness; 57. 9 (f.), 7 2 . 6, 7, 11+ 3 0 ; lio 114. 30* ; d. leon 116. 16; a. 102. 7 (m.), xiii. 18 (f.); pl. n. leon xxvi. 83 (m..1). lëode, pl. m. people; g. leoda xii. 6, xxvi. 40, I 13; d. leodum MPr. 4, xxx. 8. lëodfruma, 7.Ul1t. chief, leader; d. leodfruman i. 27. lëodhata, WIJt. tyrant; g. leod- hatan 36. 29. lëodscipe, 1Jl. nation; d. xxx. 2; a. i. 68. lëof, ad/. dear; acceptable; 20. 9, i. 47; a. leofne xxvi. 72; n. pl. ll. leofe 16. 12 ; compo n. leofre 22. 32, 24. 5, 139. 24, i. 41 ; a. n. 22. 3 ; sup. n. leofast 20. 27 ; n. pl. wk. leofostan 67. 2. lëoftæle, adj. acceptable, pleas- ant; a. pl. m. 28. 5; compo n. pl. leoftælran 28. I. lëofwende, ad/. amiable, popular; compo leofwendra 27. 3 0 . lëogan, SV2. tell a lie, make an erroneous statement; 112. 3, xxv. 50; indo prs. I.S. It:oge 33. I; 3.s. lihð 47. 15; him on lihð, misrepresent him 68. 16. leoht, 1) sbst. n. light; 14. I, 5 . 6 ; g. leohtes 10. 7, iv. II &c.; d. leohte 10. 5, iv. 8 Sec.; liohte 10 3. 15; a. leoht 9. 12, iii. 5 &c. 2) ad/. brigh t; xxix. 2 ; n. wk. leohte 136. 13; d. wk. leohtan V. 22 ; a. leohtne V. 5 ; inst. leohte V. 26: pl. d. leohtum larurn, metaph. 14. 18; a. leohte 17. 24, 49. 2 I; compo n. leohtre 95. 7; a. n. xxii. 22 ; sup. leohtost ix. 17. leoht, adj. light (not heavy); compo pl. metaph. leohtran 23. 14. leohte, adv. brightly, brilliantly; 39' 21, h.. 13. leohtfruma, wm. creator of light; xi. 72. lëoma, wm. ray of light, radiance; xxii. 22; d. leoman xxi. 36; a. v. 5. leornian, wV. learn, study; 126. 25. xxviii. 77; leomigan 7. 17, indo pst. 2.S.; leomodest 41. 27, 7 8 . 3 0 : liomodest 41. 23; pl. leornodon 36. 28, 70. 22; imp. pl. leomiað 35. 18; 262 GLOSSARY s i. prs. pl. leornigen 133. 26; pp. geleornod 35. 19; a. f. ge- leornode Pro 8. lêo1S, n. song, poem; d. leo'ðe Pro 10, 26. 23 ; a. leoð about 8 times Band C, 8. 15 &c. and MPr. 4; lioð 50. 7, 7 0 . I, 124. 18; pl. g. leoða 135. 19, xxx. 2; lioða 127. 29, ii. I ; d. leoðum 14 1 . 13, xxx. 8; a. lioð' 8. 6. leo1Swyrhta, 'Will. song maker, poet; MPr.; 3.Pt. leoðwyrhtan 18. 28. lesan, sv5. gather; indo prs. 3.S. lis'ð' 61. 10. lettan, WV. hinder; gelettan 142. 18; indo prs. 3.S. let 71. II; pl. gelettað 142. 19; sbj. prs. lette 10 5. 32. libban, wV. live, be alive; 46. 31 &c. and x. 64, xx. 107; liban ix. fi8 (]); to libbanne 41. 4; indo prs. 2.S. liofost 22. 28*; 3.s. leofað 22. 5, 26. 16*, 65. 13; liofa'ð' 22. I I, 16; liofað 109. 30*; pl. libbað II 4. 18, 133. 18; pst. lifde 41. 4 ; sbj. þrs. pl. libban 22. 29*; þrs.p.libbende 45. 26; g. libbendes 7 1 . 5, 80. 20, xiii. 33; d. libbendum 13. 12; pl. Ii bbende 40. I; g. lif- gendra xx. 278. lie, n. bod y; d. lice viii. 47, xvii. 12, xx. 236, xxii. 39; a. lic u6. 15*, xxvi. 76. gelie, adj. w. d. similar; relevant, pertinent; xxv. 26; f. pred. 22. 15; n. 84. 2 I &c. ; g. gelices 88. 10, xxvi. 93; a. gdicne 69. 18, 91. 23, 14 0 . 27, 145. 20, xvii. 2; f. gelice 79. 32, xxvi. 2; n. gelic 43. 25, 99. 6; 7.vk. gelican 148. 19; pl. gelice 30. 5, xvii. 5; 11. 87. 25; a. f. ge- lica 9 I. 23 ; gelice xx. ;;4 ; comp. gelicra II5. 4; n. þl. gelicran 122. 14, q.6. 5; sup. ge1icost xxv. 18, xxvi. 88; n. xix. 12; 11. þl. 1Il. gelicoste 22. 26. geIïea, WI1l. equal; ð'in gelica 79. 17, 25, xx. 37; pl. hiora gelican x. 59; d. gelicmn 34. 24. geIïee, adv. similarly, in the same way (as); alike; 46. 15, 58. 6, 69. 19, 14 8 . 23, X. 31; swa ge- lice 107. 21*; sup. gelicost 104. 16, xx. 2II, 217 (or adj. ?). lïeettan, wv. pretend; indo prs. 3. s . licet 47. 15, 22 ; pl. licetta'ð 58. 21; þst. 3. 5 . licette 45. 13, II5. 24, xxvi. 36. liegan, sv5. lie, be placed; I 1;;.6 ; indo prs. 3.S. ligeð 42. 8; lig'ð' 82. 16, IIS. 5, xvi. 12, xx. 279, xxix. 52; geligeð v. 16; pl. licgað 10 4. , 147. 4; licgga'ð' 46. 29; sll. prs. liege xii. 6. liehama, 7.om. body; 114. 5, xx. 24 1 ; lichoma fq. 3 6 . 3 &c. and xviii. 9, xxxi. 7; g. lichoman 45. 25, xxii. 25 &c.; d. Pro 6 &c. and xx. 181; a. 69. 23 &c. and xxvi. 106, II9; þl. xxvi. 103; a. 82. 3, 1I6. 28. lïehamlie,a'(,i.ofthe body, carnal; g. wk.lichomlican 26. 19; pI. n. lichomlicu 87. 3; wk. lichamli- can*, licumlican 54. 22; d. li- camlicum*, licumlicum 54. 26. lïehamlïee, adv. in the body, corporeally; lichomlice 45. 26, 14 8 . 27*; licumlice ib. lïeian, wV.7.iJ. d. please; 29.12, 101. 18, 142. 2; -i/ld. þrs. 3.S. licað 43. 26 &c.; pl. liciað 16. 4 &c.; þst. licode 35. 6 &c.; sll. prs. licige 66. 2 ; pl. licien 29. 9 ; pst. licode 43. 28.62. 13. gelïenes, f. similarity; d. gelic- nesse 31. 14. lïewier1Se, ad}. pleasing, praise- worthy; g. licwyrðes 35. 9. lidmann, 1Il. sailor; g. pl. Jið'- rnonna xxvi. 63. lïefan, 7.VV. allow; pþ. lyfed xx. 244. gelïefan, 'iVV. 7.V. g. d. or a., or clause, believe; gelefan 84. 26, 106.8, 121. 7 (d.), 138. 10 (g.), 14 (g.); 'ð'e . . . swelces to gelefall, believe sllch a thing of you I I. 13; gelyfan 90.21,122.18 (g.) ; to gelefanne 84. 2; iud. prs. loS. gelefe 123. 2 (g.), gelyfe 12, 18; GLOSSARY 26 3 2.S. geliefæst 13. 31 ; gelefst 12. 16, 84. 25 ; gelyfst 84. 22; 3. S . gelyfð 107. 10 (g.) ; pst. I.S. ge- lifde 12. 18*; 3.S. gel yfde 115. 25* (d.), xxvi. 40 (d.); pl. gelcfdon 116. 27 (d.); gelyfdon xxvi. 99 ,.d.) ; imp. gelief, gelef* 3 I. 14 ; s/Ji. prs. gelefe I 18. 16; pl. gelefen 109.26 (g.), 117. 15 (g.); pst. gelefde 18. 33 (a.). Heg, 1Jln. flame; lig 34. 27 N.; leg 34. 27, xxix. 5 I ; d. lege viii. 54 ; g. pl. leg a ix. 17. Hegetu, f. lightning; a. lygetu 99. 2 *; a. pl. ligeta 99. 2. liehtan, wv. shine; indo prs. 3.s. lyht 86. 8. lïetan, WV. trans. bend, incline; il1d. prs. 3.s. lit xxvi. 119. Hexan, wv. shine; lixan ix. 13. Hf, n. life; 22. 31 &c.; g. lifes 14. I, xi. 72 &c.; d.life, esp. in phrase on 'ðys andweardan life 2 I. 17, xxi. 29 &c.; a. lif 20. 25, vii. 40 &c.; a. pl. (or s.?) lif awriten 44. 5. . lïfdæg, lIt. day of life; d. pl. lifdagum xv. 6, xxvi. 88. lifer,}: liver; a. lifre 103. I. lim, n. limb, member; a. 86. 30, 90. 32 ; pl. limu 86. 26, 87. 18, 22, 23 n. ; g. lima 87. 24, 114. S; d. limnm 81. 14, 114. 8; a. limu 90. 3 2 . lïmian, wv. cement, join; Ùld. prs. 3.s. gelimð 54' 17; pp. gelimed 96. 14. limpan, sv3. happen; indo prs. 3.s. limp'ð, gelimpð* 125. 20; pst. 3.s. gelamp 101. 22; gelomp 7. 25*, xxvi. 17, 45. 4; pp. ge- lumpen iii. 9, limplïce, adv. suitably, fittingly; 49. 1 7. lindwïgend, 1Jl. warrior; 1Z. pl. lindwigende i. 13. liss, f kindness, favour; pl. g. lissa i. 59; d. lissum xxvi. 63. list, l/t. cunning, shill; art; a. MPr. 3 ; pl. listas xxvi. 108 ; g. lista xxviii. 77 ; d. listum i. 59, xiii. 42. 1i1S, 11. strong drink; g. liðes I I I. 27. lïiSan, SVI, journey, sail; xxvi. 60; Ùzd. prs. pl. geliðað xxviii. 22. lïiSe, adj. mild, pleasant; 5 I. 4 ; f. liðu 13 8 . 18; g. liðes xii. 13 ; d. 'lvk. liðan 138. 29; a. liðne 132. 8; d. pl. liðum 8. 26. locian, 'lVV. (gel1. w. on) look; xxii. 20; 1. ongean 121. 10; see, 121. 15; to locienne 14. 14; iud.pn. 2.s.locast 12 I. 3 I; pl. locia'ð 12 I. 27, xi. 6; pst. lucude II. I; pl. locodon 11. 1 *; imp. loca 14. 9, 99. 2 I ; sbj. prs. locie to . " 12 9. 30; P1'S. p. lociende 148. 22. lof, 11. praise; 43. 3 1 , 13 8 . 19; g. lofes 47. 8, 108. 13; d. lofe 3 6 . 25, 44. 29; a, lof 10 4. 7; re- nown 43. 25. gelõme, adv. frequently; ix. 60, xxx. 5, 7. loppe, w}: flea; 36. I I. losian, wv. be lost; perish; 25. 27, 28, 71. 6, x. 37, xviii. 8; losigan 46. 18; indo prs. pl. losiað 63. 26; pst. 3.s. losade 103. 13 ; pl. losodon 44. 7; sbi. P1'5. losige 117. 25; pl. losien 26. 5. lot, 11. wile, deceit; 10. 22, iv. 46. lotwrenc, 1Jl. wile, deceit; a. pl. lotwrencas 129. 6. lox, m. lynx; 73. 3. lücan, SV2. a) lock, fasten; b) pluck, pull up; indo prs. 3. S . lycð xii. 28 (b); pp. locen wið hire gecynde 57. 6 (a). lufian, wv. love; 58. 22 &c. and xxvii. 31; to lufianne 108. 21, 113. 14; Í1zd. þrs. 2.S. lufast 29. 26; 3.s. lufað 22. 17 &c. alld xx. 223; pl. lufiað 28. 6 &c.; pst. 3.s. lufode 124. 14, xxvi. 63, 65,89; lufude 34. 6; pl. lufedon 67. 2 I, xxvi. 91; sbj. prs. lufie 124.16; lufige 57.10, xiii. 20, xxvii. 28. lufigend, 1Jl. lover; pl. d. lnfigen- dum ,0. 14; luficndum 73. 16; a. Infiendas 62. 27, 73. 20. Iufu, S'lvf. love; 23. 8, 93. 18; g. 26 4 GLOSSARY lufan i. 59; d. lufe 50. I, 54. 18,89.7, xxi. 7; lufan 101. II, 116. 9, 12; a. lufe 10 3. 9, 130. 9, 16, 13 6 . 29, xxix. 90 ; lufan xi. 81; d. pl. lufum, sake 22. 22, 51. 19, 54. 16, 67. 20. lungre, adv. quickly, suddenly; vii. 19. lust, 1Il. desire, pleasure; 55. 10, 12, MPI. 3; g. lustes 15. 30; d. Iuste 143. 3; a. lust 8. 17, 93. 21 ; pl. d. lustum 53. 25, 74. 25, 1I5. 6, ix. 44. lustboore, adj. pleased, glad; ::;0. 10; a. lus'ðbærne 54. 26. lustboorllce, adv. pleasantly; 8.6, 103. 23. lustboornes, f. desire; pleasure; g: lustbærnesse 8. II; a. 74. 7. lustlïce, at/v. gladly. willingly; 25. 4,50. 27, J23. 26, ii. I. lütan,sV2. incline, sink (of thesun); sbj. prs. lute 57. 2:;. lyft. f. air, atmosphere; 80. I, ix. 40 &c. ; g. lyfte xx. 173; d. 80. 25, 10 5. 10, xxiv. 13, xxix. 52 ; d. pl. lyftum, clouds xx. 98. lystan, 'WV. illlPers. w. a. and g. 19. 14; indo þrs. 3.s. lyste'ð x. 14, xix. 1 r, 39; lyst II. 26, xix. 16, 33, xxxi. I ; pst.lyste IS. 15 &c. and ix. 19, xxvi. 71; sbj. prs. lyste PI. II &c. and x. 1. gelystan, wv. fill with desire, make glad; Pi'. gu'ðe gelysted i. 9. lytel, adj. little, small; 41. 18, x. 55; wk. lytla 4 6 . 26; f. lytlu 41. 25 ; wk. lytle 36. I I ; n. lytel 124. 22 &c. and x. 9 ; g. lytles 31. 22, xxii. 47; lytles hwæt 23. 23, 24. 23; d. litlum x}..vi. 36 ; wk. lytlan 13. 33 &c. and xx. 179; lytlon 30. 13*; a. lytelne 97. 15 ; litellne 146. 21*; f.lytleI4. 26 &c.; 1l.lytel 148.8; wk. lytle 97. 18; pl. f. lytla 26. 9; d. lytlum 24.2 I &c.; comp.f.? læsse xxviii. 22 ; 12. 28. 14, xx. 117 &c.; d. læssan 77. 6 &c.; a. 123. 8, 14I. 2, xxviii. 12; 11-. læsse 148. 10; pl. læssan 83. 2 ; d. 110. 27: suþ. d. wk. læstan 1. 15; n. pl. 3 6 . 'j. lytellce, adv. craftily; 15. 5. lytig, adj. cunning, sly; a. wk. I ytegan I 1+ 28; n. þl. I ytige 3 0 . 24. lytle, adv. a little; 50. 26 &c. and xii. 13, xx. 181; cOlllp.læs, less 101. 7. 130. 18, 22 (v. also 1Syloos) ; sup. læst, least 15. 6, II 7 3 0 . lytlian, wv. trans. diminish; indo prs. 3.s. ly!.lað 65. 20. M. macian, wv. arrange, manage; Í1/d. prs. 3.S. macað 98. 21. gemooc, adj. well matched, suit- able; a. 11. 24. 8. moog, swv. be able; avail; Í11d. prs. I and 3.s. mæg 13. 7, xv. 9 &c.; mag 42. 31; mæg Þ he ne wundrie, can help 9 2 . 7; to nauhte ne m., is good for nothing 69. 8; m. 'ðæ , enables 38. 7; m. to sorge, may be a care 24. 16; 2.S. meaht, miht* 12. 10 &c. ; meht 9 2 . 4 ; pl. magon 22. 26, ii. 19 &c.; magan 131. 3 1 *, 139.4; mahon 14. 10*; pst. I and 3.s. meahte 12. 19 &c.; mihte Pro 4; 2.S. meahtest 17. 2 I, 18. 25, xxiv. 15, 17; meabtes 18. 26, 33. 12, 16, 51. 14, 72. 11, xxiv. 8, II ; mihtest 4 8 . [5*; pl. meahton 35. 4 &c. ; mibtan 34. 6*; mihte we 23. 12*, 146. 19* ; sbj. prs. mæge 12. 13; mægge xxviii. 64; mage 94. 29* ; pl. mægen 9. 27 &c.; magen 28. 26*; mægon 59. 17*, 74. 8; mahan 18.14* ; pst. meahte 45.17 &c.; absol. xi. 102; pl. meahten 34. 18 &c. moog, nz. kinsman; d. pl. mægum 71. 27 ; gemagum 54. 12. moogden, n. maiden; g. pl. mædena 116. 6. moogen, 111. strength; 93. 2, x\.. GLOSSARY 26 5 202; g. mægnes 108. 28; d. rnægene 38. 4; rnægne iv. 27, xx. 9, 66 ; adv. ealle mægene, with might and main II 2. 31, 1..t-7. 12, xiii. 64, 66, if. 69. 14, xxvi. 64, xxix. 96: eallon mægene 53. 18*, 67. 5* ; pl. n. mægno 72. I I; g. mægena, powers 2 I. II, 41. 12; mægna xx. 258. mægeneræft, m. strength, power; xxvi. 105. mægenstãn, l1Z. great rock; v. 16. mægts,.f maiden; a. xxvi. 67. moogts,.f family; tribe, nation; mæg'ðe xx. 160 ; d. 7. I ; n. pl. rnægða xxvi. 49. gemæg1S,.f power, grandeur; 4 0 . 7*. moogwlite, nz. appearance, as- pect; a. pl. mægwlitas xxxi. 5. moo!, n. time, occasion; g. pl. mæla i. 54, xxii. 65. mffman, wv. a) mean, allude to ; b) complain (of); 22. 2 (b); Ùzd. prs. 2.S. mænst 23. 23 (b); 3.S. mæn'ð 118. 17 (a) ; pst. 2.S. mændest 17. 20 (b) ; 3.S. mænde 128. I (a); s!!.i. prs. mæne 12. 25 (a); 71. 15 (a). gemoone, adj. common; d. gemæ- num 18. 25 ; a..f gemæne xxix. 91 ; wk. gemænall 109. 16. gemooneliee, adv. in common; 13 6 . 29- mære n. boundary, borderland; a. gemære 103. II; a. pl. ge- mæro xxix. 9; mæru 49. 23 n. moore, adj. renowned, famous; 68. 25, x\.Ïv. 43 ; g. wk. mæran ix: 39, xxi. 6 ; d. mærum xxix. 97 ; wk. mæran xxx. 4 ; a. wk. i. 14, iv. 13, xi. 73, xx. 281 : pl. wk. xxix. 9; d. mærum xvii. 1 I ; comp. mærra 69. 5, xx. 18; sup. ma.rost x. 34. moor1ie, ad}. renowned, glorious; sup. mærlicost 75. 2 I. moorsian, 'wv. proclaim, cele- brate; indo prs. 3.s. mærsa'ð i. 16; þp. a. pl. gemærsodc, marked out, distingui!3hed? 80. 12. mærts, f. fame, glory; g. mærðe ] 08. 10; a. 54. 6; pl. mærða 74. 24; g. 77. 3, xx. 26; d. mærðum xx. 2; a. mærða 78. 13. mæst, m. ship's mast; a. 144. 30. mootan, WV. inzpers. dream; indo prs. mæt 51. 13; sbj. prs. mæte 5 8 . 8 . mæte, ad/. unimportant; comp. 11. pl. mætran 130. 3; sup. pl. wk. mætestan 130. 6, 8; mæs- tan 130. 8*. mæts, f. measure, capacity; 145. 7, 147. 13; d. Pro 14, 145. 9, 147. 14, 16. magister, l1Z. master; teacher; 70. 3 0 ; a. 57. 10, 66. 24, xiii. 20; g. pl. magistra xxx. 4. magurine, 1Jl. man, warrior; pl. magorincas X. 56; g. mago- rinca i. 26. geman, swv. W. a. or g. remember; in.f gemunan II. 13, 20. 2, 34. 30, 58. 3 0 , 10 4. 18, 106. 24; Ù1d. prs. I.S. geman 96.6,97.8, 100. 1 I, 106. 27, 119. I; 2.S. gemanst 118. 30; gemunst 106. 28; 3.s. gemon'ð 57. 12*; pl. gemunon 34. 18; þst. I.S. ge- munde: w. a. 13. 3, 101. 13; 2.S. gemyndest 95. 32; 3.s. w.g. gemunde 7. 15, 8. 3, i. 57, 79 ; Ùllp. gemun 113. 12; sbj. prs. gemune 122. 7. mãn, 1) sbst. n. wickedness, crime ; ix. 7; g. manes i. 44; d. mane 7. 10; a. man 39. 18. 2) adj. false; wicked; 11. pl. mane aðas 10. 22; mâne iv. 4 8 . gemãna, W1Jl. intercourse, society; d. gemanan I I. 23. mãnfull, adj. sinful, wicked; pl. manfulle 10. 19; g. manfulra 12. 2. gemang, n. on gemong prep. W. d. among 102. 3, 119. 12. manian, wv. warn, restrain; pp. a. pl. gemanode xi. 24; f. 49.3. 266 GLOSSARY manig, adj. many a, many; monig i. 8; f. manigl1 xi. 44; manig 147. 2 ; 11.7 0 . 21 , 145.5 ; mænig 86. 5, 93. 12; g. maniges 88. 9 ; manies 126. 16*; d. manegum 7. 10*, 43. 13, 65. 14*, 66.12*, 134. 24; monegum 24. 28; mænegum 22. 3 1 , 134. 13; f. monigre 15. 4; a. manigne 37. 2 *, 4; monigne 99. 16 ; mænigne 66. 13, 69. 12, 76. 28, xxvi. 7 8 ; f. monige 25. 7; 1Z. manig 4 6 . 12*; mænig 65. 23, 74. 31, 86. 3 0 ; pl. manige 24. 9*, 4 6 . 29*, 61. 12*, 13*,63. 2, 70. 20*,82. 28*, 13 2 . 3 2 , 133. 14, 143. 5; manege 2+ 7*, 53. 23*, 61. 13*, 87. 8*; monige 24. 1*, 41. 14*; mænige 17. 22, 145. 2; mænege 82. 28; f. manega 4 2 . 22*, 49. 12*, 147. 19; manige 145. 3 2 ; n. manegu 87. 4; monegu 86. 26; g. manegra 26. 19*, 65. 23*, 71. 14, 22, III. 14*; monegra 60. 19; d. mane- gum 16. 1*, 20. 11*, 33. 2, 36. 18, 4 2 . 29, 92. 32, 96. 13*, Il2. 22; moncgum 26. 10, 43. 30; mænegum 34. 24, 54. 20, 12 5. 19; a. manige 46.27*; monige 33. 7, 7 6 . 17 ; f manega 4 2 . 28, 4 6 . 10*, 70. 8*, 101. 9, 10 4. 25, 108. 2, 128. 8; 11. manigu 108. I; mæncgu 19. 8; mænig 7 6 . 10, 13. manigfeald,al:(,i. manifold, various; 58. I I; g. 'wk. mænigfealdan 139. 21 ; a.n. manigfeald 62. 3, 9 0 . 4; monifeald 9. 7 n. *; pl. 11. mænigfeald 125. 8; pl. manig- fealdum Pro 5*, I I I. 16*; mænig- fealdum 52. 17; a. manigfealde 108. II ; n. manigfeald 104. 10, 118.23,133.15; wk. manig- fealdan 7. 13*. manigfealdlic, adj. various; 11. manigfaldlie 128. 31. mann, 1Jl. man, person; mankind; 55. 2 *, 147. 9 *; man about 24 times, chÙjlyin B, I I. II &e. and xxii. 43, 49, xxxi. 16; monn 34. 4* i mon usual form Pro 13 &c. and ii. 17, vii. 9, often used as illdef. pron. one, they 13. 17*, 18. 20, viii. 37 &c.; g. mannes 69.7*,114.18,135.2; monnes uSllal form 38. 25 &e. ; d. men 10. 15 &c. ; a. mann 24. 19*; man 62. 15*, 66. 13, 114. 25, 3 1 , 124. 16*; Ùzde.f. 132. 31 ; mon 36. 9 &c.; pl. menn 53. 14*, 116. '26*, 124- 10*; men 13. 2 I &e. ; g. manna fq. in B, 10. 24* &e. and 68. II, vii. 2 I, xiv. 6, xxvi. 5f'; monna usual form ill Band C, II. 7, iv. 32 &e. ; mona 41. 26* ; d. monnum 9. 21, iv. 35 &c.; a. menn 69. 24 *; men xvii. II. manna, wm. man; a. mannan 123. 28; monnan 26. 15, 123. 32, xxvii. 31. manncynn,l1. mankind; moncynn 41. 28*; mon eyn 10. 23 * , 5 o. 3*, 83. 22, 112. 27, xi. 97; moncynnes 22. 4, xvii. 9 &c.; moncynne 10. 17, xiii. 16, xxvii. 12; a. moncynn I I I. 17* ; moncyn 10. 26, iv. 54- xiii. 6 I. mann wære, adj. gentle, kind; 14 8 . 23. martyr, 111. martyr; 11. pl. martiras 26. 2 I. mã m, 1Jl. treasure; xxi. 20. mã mhierde, 1Jl. treasurer; n. pl. ma'ðmhirdas 64' 13. mearc, f. boundary, limit; a. mearce 49. 24, 6{. 12, 80. 4, xi. 65, 7 0 , 73, xx. 7 1 , 89. mearcian, wv. mark out, design ; bzd. prs. 3.s. mearea'ð 128. 27. mearrian, wv. go astray, err; sbj. prs. 3.þ1. mearrigen 55. 23. mêce, 1ll. sword; g. pl. meca ix. 29. mêd, f. reward; g. mede 45. 3, II 2. 32, 13 I. 32; d. II 2. 32; a. 45. 2, 143. 15. gemêde, adj. acceptable, agree- able; a. 11. 24. 9. medeme,atý..; a) perfect, excellent; b) w. g. capable (of); 122.5 (b), 9 (b); 11. 'wk. 82. 2 I (a); a. medomne, medumne* 3 8 . 33 (a); GLOSSARY 26 7 comþ. a. 11. medemre, more ex- cellent 85. 21; sup. medomest, medemast* 122. 9; a. 11. mede- mast 56. 2*. medemlïee, adv. suitably, satis- factorily; 92. 10. medemnes, f. excellence; me- domnes, medumnes* 39. 6; d. medemnesse 35. 14*; medum- nesse 35. 15*; a. medemnesse, dignity, high estate 32. II. meldian, wv. a) declare, proclaim; b) w. on, inform against; 36. 18 (b); -indo pst. 3.s. meld ode :MPr. 2 (a). melu, n. meal, flour; meolo 93. 5 ; a. 93. 5. mengan, 'zvv. (often 'ZV. wið) mix; 33. 30*; gemengan 38. 12, vii. 8; mængan viii. 22; -ind. þrs. 2 .s. gemengest S 2. 3, xx. 234; 3.s. gemengeð 136. 12, xi. 91, xxiJl... 49; pl. gemengað v. 9; pst. 2.S. mengdest xx. 89, I I 2 ; gemengdest 80. 22; sb}. prs. pl. gemengen, join, connect 86. 14 ; pp. gemenged fq. 14. 13 &c. and xx. 66, 79, 128, 144; a. f. gemengde 80. 12 ; n. pl. 81. 4. menigo, f. multitude, host; 3 0 . 23 ; menigu 67. l;:í; mænigo i. 29; d. mænige xxvi. 61. mennise, adJ. human; mennisc man, human being 76. 6; 'Zvk. mennisca 76. 13; f. wk. men- nisce 60. 16, 132. 23; n. wk. 27. 2; g. mennisces xxvi. 91; n. 54. 2 ; ðæs m. human nature, humanity I 14. 15; wk. mennis- can 32. 18; d. menniscum 20. 20; f. wk. menniscan 114. 20, 2 I ; pl. wk. 23. 27. menniselie, adj. human; n. pl. mennisclice I 14. 17. meox, n. dung; miox 104. 8. mere, ?I/. lake; a. xxviii. 38. mereeandel, f. sun; merecondel xiii. 57. mereflõd, m. ocean; g. mereflodes xxvii. 2. merehengest, 1Il. 'sea-horse,' ship; g. pl. merehengesta xxvi. 25. meresmylte, ad}. calm, undis- turbed; f. ? meresmylta wic xxi. 12. merestrëam, Ill. sea; xi. 65; d. merestreame xxviii. 37; pl. merestreamas xvi. 9; a. xxviii. 33. meretorht, adj. (rising) bright from the sea; a. meretorhtne xiii. 6 I. merse, 1ll. marsh ; d. pl. merscum 91. 17. gemet, 1) sbst. n. measure; limit, moderation; a. 30. ï, 1 I, 16, 17, 60. 21, 137. 19; ðises middangeardes gemêt, measure- ment 41. 28*. 2) ad}. fit, proper, n. xxix. 42. metan, SV!). measure, compare; to metanne wið, compared with 29. 4 &c. and xxi. 42 ; to metane 29. 6; sbj. prs. mete 44. 23. mëtan, wv. meet with, find; 69. 26; to metanne xxi. 42 ; indo prs. 2.S. metst 114. 23; 3.s. gemet 79. 6 ; pl. metað 76. 18, 10 7. 4, 5, xvii. 17; gemetað 63. 10, 106. 34,107.4*,5*; pst. 3.S. mette, gemette*102. 22; gemette hine sittan, found him sitting 61. 18; sbj. pI's. gemete I I. 26, 62. 19, xiii. 18? pst. mette 62. 19; pl. gemetten 10 7. 3. mete, 1Jl. food; 3 0 . 8,4 0 . 22, 93. 3; g. metes 60. 18, xiii. 45, xxvi. 91 ; d. mete 93. 2; a. II6. 22, viii. 22, xiii. 43; pl. mettas, kinds of food viii. 9; g. metta 57. 18; a. mettas 57. 17. gemetfæst, ad}. temperate; mo- dest ; f. 22. 13; pl. d. gemet- fæstu m I 15. 4; a. gemetfæste 62. 27. gemetgian, wv. measure out, assign; regulate, control; 49, 16, 139. 2, xi. 54; -ind. prs. 3. s . metgað 132. 19, Ú. 88; gemetgað 57. 4,iv. 9 &c.; pst. 2.S. gemet- godest xx. II 2. gemetgung, f. a) moderation, temperance; b) regulation, or- dinance; Go. 7 (b); 62. 26 (a), 268 GLOSSARY 87. 7 (a); a. gemetgnnge 12 Q . 4* (b); a. pl. gemetgunga 128. 23 (b), 128. 9 (b). gemetlic, adf fitting, suitable; n. 31. 3 0 *, 138. 30; compo n. gemetlicre 3 1 . 30. gemetlice, adv. moderately, regu- larly; 33. 27, 96. 19; sup. gemetlicost viii. 16. metod, 111. Lord of destiny, God; 13 6 . 19, xx. 253, xxix. 68 ; g. metodes vii. 48, xi. 25, xx. 71, xxix. 49, xxxi. 16. metten, f. Fate ; a. pl. ða graman metena ðe folcisce men hatað Parcas 102.22. mettrumnes,.f ill-health, sickli- ness; 116. 33 ; mettrymnes .xxvi. 112; a. medtrymnesse 132. 12. micel, ad/. large; much; 14. 15, xx. 2 &c.; wk. micla 117.28; f. micd 12. 3 &c.; 1Z. 13. 26, i. 16 &c. ; wk. micle xxviii. 78; g. miceles 23. 26, 31. 20; micles 31. 21, 147. 2;); adv. xiii. 16 ; mycles xxii. 47; d. miclum 14. II &c.; used as adv. greatly, much, 86.7, and8 times ill Metr. i. 74 &c.; miclon II I. 15; f. micelre 7. 25 &c.; 'Zvk. miclan 34. 29 &c.; a. mice]ne 33. 6, vii. 2 I &c.; .f micele 62. 3 ; micle T 16. 5, 142. 9; 1Z. micel xiv. 2 &c.; inst. micle xxv. 11; after mid, 48. 14, 16, 66. 9, 89. 27; pl. f. micla 147. 20, V. 9; d. miclum xxvi. 36 &c. ; a. .f micla, micele* 70. 8; compo mara 72. 7, 84. 27, xvi. 20; f. mare 9. 17 &c.; n. 3 6 . 3 &c.; g. maran 31. 22, viii. 44 &c.; d. 79.4&c.; a. 53.27 &c. andxxviii. 20; f. maran*, maron 65. 27 ; n. mare 19. 9, iii. 9 &c. ; pl. maran 72. 5; d. I 10. 2 ; sup. wk. mæsta 22. 4; .f mæst 120. 3 0 ; wk. mæste 21. 16, 121. 18; meste 22. 29*; n. used as sbst. W. gen. most; mæst xxv. 43; mæs'5 V. 36 ; mest 146. 17 ; wk. mæste 83. 2, xx. 202, xxvi. 27; g. wk. mæstan I H). 17; d. mæstum 53. 23;.f mæstere 53. 24; wk. mæstan 15. 7 &c.; a. mæstne 58. 27 &c. ; 'Zvk. mæstan 13. 3 0 &c.; n. mæst, =sbst. 54, 8, ix. 33; pl. wk. mæstan 8. 23, 74. 23. micellic, ad/. great, grand; g. micellices 42. 14. micelnes, f greatness; a. micel. nesse 148. 26. miele, adv. much; fq. W. compo 8. I, ix. 32 &c.; mycle xii. 22 ; micele 7 2 . 24*, 95. 7*, comþ. ma Ii. 3, xxvi. 9 1 &c.; w. g. fq. = sbst. a greater number, more, 30. 17, x. 23 &c.; ðon ma ðe, \not) any more than 24. 17 &c. ; sup. mæst 15. 28, x}<.... 160 &c. mid, i) preþ. 1) w.d.; a) ac- companiment, co-existence, to- gether with, with, 7. 2, i. 21 &c. ; among, 61. 20, 141. II, 12, viii. 38, X. 47, xxx. I; in the case of 16. I, 28. 14. bì Ï1zstru- ment, means, with, by, 8. 7, iv. 47 &c. ;fq.fo!l. case 32.30 &c. and xi. 77, xiii. 43, xxviii. 79; swuncen mid 'ðære spræce, at, over 145. 3. c) manner, with, 7. 9 &c.; mid rihte, rightly, rightfully 17. 31 &c. and xxvi. 41, xxx. 17; mid unrihte 36. 20; mid nanum ryhte 29. 2; mid ungemete, exceedingly xxvi. 62; mid ðæm, thereby, therewith 32. 13 &c.; mid bwæm hi mægen . . . the where- withal to 60. 13; coni. mid ðæm 'f>, in that, inasmuch as I j. 22, 47. 24, 60. 24; mid ðæm tie 'ða, as soon as 8. 27. 2) w. ins!.; same lIleaningsas (1) ; mid ane noman xx. 56; mid bebode ðine xx. 69; mid 'ðy ðrymme xxv. 13; adv. mid 'ðy, thereby, therewith 85. 25, 103. I, 135. 2, xxxi. 18 ; mid ealle, V. ealle. 3) w.a. ; a) accomþaniment ; mid an hund scipa xxvi. 15. b) manner í mid gescead xx. 2 I 8. GLOSSARY 26 9 ii) adv. together, 18, 27; there- with, 28. 23, 99. 3, 101. 12. middangeard, m. earth, world; 39. 26, 96. 13, Àiv. 6, xvi. 9; middaneard 60. 30* ; g. middan- geardes 26. 29*, 41. 2 1*, 27*, 96. 4*, 10, ix. 39, xxi. 6, 22; midangeardes 33. 22*; middan- eardesfq. in B, 27. 5* &c.; d. middangearde 135. 15, 147. 26 ; middanearde 60. 31; a. middan- geard 67. 3 0 *, 79. 3 0 *, 104. 6, 126. 1*, and 8 times in Metr. xx. 9 &c.; middaneard 49. 3 2 *. midde, wi middle; d. on mid- dan, in the middle 130. 2, v. 16, xx. 170. midde, adj. middle; d. middum 18. 25, xx. 79 ; f. middre xxviii. 23 n.; midre 18. 27; a. midne 12. II ; midne dæg, midday 57. 24, 126. 13, xiii. 57, xxviii. 37; suþ. a. 'wk. midmestan 138. 28, 32; pl. wk. average, medium 129.25,130.2,7; d. midmestum 13 0 . 7. middel, 1) ad}. intermediate; sup. d. pl. wk. midlestan 129. 28. 2) sbst. m. middle, midst; d. on ðam midle 80. 9 ; on midle xx. 82. middelniht, f. midnight; d. pl. middelnihtum xxviii. 47. middeweard, 1) adj. middle; d. f. on ðære nafe mid de- weardre 129. 32* ; a. f. midde- wearde 126. 8*. 2) adv. in the middle; 129. 32. middewinter, m. midwinter; a. midewinter 12. I1*. midferh , 1ll. middle age; d. midferhðe 122. 5. mierran, 'wv. hinder; indo prs. myrð 71. II, 73. 7. miht,f. might, power; a. 49. 22*, iv. 4; mieht 25. 15; meaht ix. 51, xi. 99, xx. 16 r, 178, xxiv. 40. 51 ; meht iv. 7 ; pl. mehta 110. 4 ; g. meahta iv. 9; mehta iv. 32 ; meahtum xx. 48, 209, xxix. 3 6 , 55. mihtig, adJ. powerful, mighty; 99. 27, 1I0. 12>1=, ix. 35; meahtig II o. 12; a. mihtigne 98. 15; n. pl. mihtige 108. 28; COlllP. mihtigra 79. 16, xx. 18; mehtigra 107. 17, 18, 110.9; sUþ. mihti- gost 108. 22*; meahtegost 108. 25. mihtiglice, adv. mightily; 98. 21. milde, adj. gentle, kind, merciful; wk. milda xxix. 68; d. mildum iv. 55. mildelice, adv. kindly, mercifully; 10. 26 n. mildheort, adj. gentle, merciful; 149. 3. mildheortnes,f. mercy; g. mild- heortnesse 120. 16; d. 133. 4; a. 120. 13. milts, f. kindness; a. miltse 102. 26*. miltsian, wv. w. d. pity, have mercy on; sbj. þrs. miltsige 123. 30; mildsige 12 4. 15*, xxvii. 30. miltsung, f. pity, mercy; mild- sung 123. 3 I. mill, poss. ad.i. my; iv. 53 &c.; se min 23. 1 5; f. 27. 17, xxiv. 49; 1t. 18. 7; g. mines 8. 22; f. minre 5 I. 2; d. minum xix. 38; f. minre 8. 18, V. 22; a. minne 105. I, 12 5. 15 ; f. mine 125. 15; minne 20. 10*; n. ðæt min mod 8. 16; inst. mine gefræge xx. 82, 248 ; pl. mine 8. 13 &c. and ii. 16; 'ða mine 18. 5, 21. 13; f. ða mina 23. 15 ; g. minra 17. 15, 18.4; d. minum 8. 23; a.f. mina 50. 26, 108. I. miscian, wv. mix, apportion; indo prs. 3.s. miscað 132.19. miscierran, wv. pervert, misuse; indo þrs. LS. miscyrre ii. 8. misdæd, f. misdeed, crime; g. pl. misdæda ix. 7. misfõn, rv. w.g. fail to find; indo prs. 1.S. misfo 8. 9. mishwierfed, ad.f. perverted, per- verse; It. mishweorfed 31. 27. missenlic, ad.i. different, various; n. mislic 90. 4; d. mistlicum 82. 6*; a. n. mislic 31. 19; pl. 27 0 GLOSSARY mislice viii. 9; mistlice 33. 23* ; f. mislica 42. 22,43. 22; mistlice 4 2 . 22*. 81. 35*; mistle 43. 22*; n. mislicu 125.8; g.mislicra xvi. 5; d. mislicum Pro 5 &c. and xx. 248, xxv. 3; mistlicum Pro 5 &c.; a. mislice 52. 18, 53. 10*, 129. 6, MPr. 5; mistlice 52. 18*; f mislica 18. 29, 101. 9; misleca 128. 9. missenlice, at/v. variously; mislice 56.25, 106.32, xxxi. 2; mistlice 147. 3*. mist, m. mist; v. 6; g. mistes v. 43; a. mist 82. II, xx. 264, xxiii. 5; pl. mistas 14. 5, 6; d. mistum V. 45. mìðan, SVI. conceal; sbj. p1's. I.S. ðeah ic his miðe, conceal the fact 59. 3. mõd, n. mind, heart; fq.; i. 26, iii. 2 &c. ; used for Boethius in the dialogue, where it is prÙzted 'with a capitalllf, 8. 27 &c. ; g. modes 9. 9, vii. 32 &c.; d. mode Pro 6, iii. 9 &c.; a. mod 41. 10, v. 43 &c. ; pl. g. mod a 47. 21, 50. 12, xxvi. 105; d. modl1m 15. 5, 82. 7, xx. 252; a. mod 48. 8. mõdig, adj. headstrong, proud; a. wk. modgan 114. 29. mÕdiglic,adi. high-minded; modi- lic xx. 2. mÕdor,.f mother; 21. 10; modl1r 21. 10*; d. meder 68. 3 1 , 69. 19; a. modor 9. I, 39. 23, ix. 29. mõdsefa, wnz. mind, heart; i. 74, V. 39, xi. 98, xxxi. 22; d. mod- sefan xii. 22, xxii. 47, xxviii. 68; a. xxii. 31; 11-. pl. vii. 24. mõdge1Sanc, nz. thoughts, mind; a. modge'ðonc v. 23, xxxi. 19. moIda, wf. earth; d. moldan xx. 281. mõna, W11l. moon; 10. 5, 49. 21, G. 7, 135. 27, 13 6 . 5, iv. 9, xi. 62, xxix. 37 n.; se fulla m. 126. 13; g. monan 29. 15, xxviii. 4 1 ; d.69. 22, 126. 15, xvii. II; a. xxviii. 47. mõna1S, 1Jl. month; d. monðe 12. 7; d. pl. mon'ðl1m 91. 30. mõr, 1ll. moor, mountain; pl. moras 42. 7 ; d. morum 91. 18. morgen, 1/l. dawn, morning; a. iii. 61. morgensteorra, W1ll. moming- star 10. 9*, 13 6 . 4*; morgen- stiorra xxix. 2 I; a. morgen- steorran iv. 13. mor1Sor, 11-. murder, crime; ix. 7 ; g. mor'ðres ix. 33. gemõt, n. meeting, debate; n. pl. 59. 2 5. mõt, swv. be allowed, may; indo prs. I.S. 12. 12 &c.; 2.S. most 10 5. 25, V. 29, xxiv. 56; 3.s. mot 8. 14, V. 40 &c. ; pl. moton 18. 5 &c. and vi. 10, xi. 70; motan 17. 26; pst. moste 105. 6, 139. 25, 26; pl. mostan 7. 8*; subj. þrs. mote 91. 28, xvi. 19; pl. moten 82. 9, x. 64 &c.; pst. moste 89. 3 I , i. 39 &c.; pl. mosten 99. 15, i. 3 6 . gemundbyrdan, wv. protect; sbj. þst. 3.s. gemundbyrde 102. 19. munt, 1Jl. mountain, hill; 34. 9 ; g. muntes v. 16 ; d. munte 1+ 16, 26. 31, 34. 8, vii. 18, viii. 48 ; a. munt 34. 28, vii, 4; pl. g. munta 43. 10; d. muntum 7. 4, 4 2 . 29, 102. 4; a. muntas 43. 9. murcian, murcnian, 'wv. com- plain, lament; indo prs. 2.S. murcas 17. 5*; murcnast 17. 5, 31. 3: prs. p. murciende*, murcniende I I. 3. murcung, .f complaint, lament; a. murcunga 16. 17. murnan, sv3. a) be anxious; b) care about, heed; 'ind. prs. 2.S. myrnst 16. 4 (a); 3.S. myrn'ð II I. 18* (b); prs.p. a. n. wk. murnende 8. 17 (a). müs,.f mouse; 3 6 . 4; a. 35. 3 1 ; a. pl. mys 35. 31. must, 1ll. grape-juice, must; g. mustes 12. I I. müts, 'Ill. mouth; d. ml1'ðe 51. 2 ; d. pl. ea mu'ðum 74. 3. gemynd, f. n. memory, recollec- GLOSSARY tion; 32. 2 ; g. gemynde 13. 4; d. 27. 8, 95. 21, 106.3 0 , 14 8 . 9, i. 54, xxii. 58; a. gemYlld 10 3. 25; d. þl. gemyndum vii. 39. myndgian, wv. w. a. and g. re- mind; 139. 20; indo þrs. I.S. mindgige 25. 25 ; þst. I.S. mynd- gode 97. 26; 2.S. myndgodest, mynegodest 95. 2:). gemyndig, ad/. mindful, remem- bering; n.þl. þred. mingemyndig 41. 6. gemyndwier'lSe, adj.; a. þl. ge- myndwyrðe 46. 28*. mynle, wf. desire; a. mynlan xxvi. 67. myntan, wv. intend; indo þst. pl. mynton 96. 28, xxvi. 72. myrige, ad/. pleasant, delightful; n. murge xi. 102 ; g. myrges 70. 14; n. pl. n. merge xiii. 45. myrigen, n. pleasure, joy; a. myrgen MPr. 5. myrig'tS, f. pleasure, delight; d. mergðe, mirhðe* 102. 8; a. myrh'ðe IS. 12. N. nã, adv. not; about 9 times in C, 17. 21 &c. and xx. 230, xxv. 29; no . usttal jòrm ill Band C, II. 29 &c. and xi. 48. nacod, adj. naked; wk. nacoda 33. 14; n. nacod sweord 65. 29. nædre, wf. serpent; 127. 8. næfre, adv. never; I I. 18 &c. nænig, ad/. no, none; viii. 12, 29, 3 6 , X. 53; f. nænegu xx. 25; nængu xvi. I ; n. nænig xx. 189; d. nænegum xii. 15; næn- gum xxviii. 73; a. nænigne xxvi. 24 j adv. nænige ðinga, in no way, not at all X. 16, xix. 37. noos, adv. not; fq. 27. 25 &c.; nas 27. 26*, 31. 6*. noossa, 'ZVlll. headland, promontory; a. pl. næssan ix. 43. nafa, W1/l. nave of wheel; 13 0 . 4. nafn, f.. nave of wheel; 129. 2 I, 27 1 25, 13 0 . 14, 19, 20; d. nafe 129. 27, 3 2 , 130. I, 3, 4. nãhu, adv. in no way; nahu elles, in no other way 71. 16. nãhwær, adv. nowhere; nawer 80. 32; nawer neah, nowhere near, nothing like 4 2 . I, 43. 5. nãhwæ'tSer, 1) pron. neither; nawðer 67. 10; usually nauðer 39. 7*, 85. 15 &c.; g. nau'ðres 138. 31; d. nauðrum 80. 20. 2) disjunct. nauðer ne . . . ne, neither. . . nor 47. 6 &c.; na\\"- ðer 5 times Ùz C, 16. 12 &c. nãhwanon, adv. from nowhere; nah wonan 89. 2. nãhwider, adv. to no place; no- hwider 108. 26. nama, W1JZ. name; 43. I &c. and x. 5 I, xxvi. 9; g. naman 17. 3 0 &c.; d. Pr. I I &c. and iv. 14 ; noman xx. 56; a. 17.31 &c. and xx. 58; noman xxix. 29. nãn, ad/. no, none; 9. 23, vii. 6 &c.; non 34. 2*, 5*; f. always nan 25. 25 &c.; 1Z. xvii. 7 &c.; nân 29. 5; g. nanes 47. 8 &c.; f. nanre 8. 3 &c.; d. nanum; f nanre 14. 23 &c. and xx. 139; a. nanne usual Ùz B, 28. 25* &c.; nænne Ùz C, 26. 12 &c. an.d viii. 46; nonne 26.6*;f. Hane 37. II &c. and xxv. 71; inst. xx. 119; pl. nane 61. 20; f. 26. 9 &c.; g. nanra 54. 16; d. nænum 45. 7; a. nane X. 66 ; f. 25. 29,33.7. nãnwiht, 1) prolz. nothing; 128. 6; nanwuhtfq. 18. 23 &c. 2) adv. not at all; nanwuht 39. 24 &c. nãwiht, 1) pron. nothing, nought; 1Z. and a. nauht 9.14,44. 24 &c. and xx. 42 ; ne bið se nauht, of no account, worthless 10 9. 31 ; if. 10 9. 16, 17, IIO. 18; for nauht telle 56. II &c.; noht IS. I, 22. '21; used as 'Ùzdecl. ad/., nauht welan, worthless wealth 3 2 . 15; g. nauhtes 75. 2,4; d. nauhte about II tÙlles, 23.4 &c. and xi. 87, xxix. 88 ; pl. nauhtas II 4. 13; of no account, worth- 27 2 GLOSSARY less 109. 24. 2) adv. not, not at all; 13. 32 &c. and xiii. 26; naht 26. 30*; noht 12.27. ne, adv. and conj. not, nor; 8. 14 &c.; supe1ftuous, þonne we ne ðyrfen 84. 3. nëadinga, v. nïedinga. nëah, near. 1) adv. ix. 2; closely 94. [8; nawer neah, not nearly 42. I, 43. :;; ahwærgen neah, (not) anywhere near, (not) nearly xxx. 10; comþ. near 8. 24. 2) used as prep. w. d. 99, 10 &c. and xxix. 18 ; compo near 126. 12 &c. and xx. 139, xxviii. 37; sup. next 129. 22; neahst 129. 25. 3) adj. sup. n. pl. nehste 129. 24; æt nihstan, finally 15. 6. genëahsen, acti. near, close to- gether; pl. geneahsne iv. 12. neahstõw,j: neighbouring place; pl. neahstowa 34. 10. nëalæcan, wv. w.d. approach; sbj. þrs. 3.s. genealæce 80. 32. nealles, adv. not; 30. 22 ; nalles 26. 18, 33. 28*, 38. 24,81.21*, 93. 8 , 113.3 1 , 114. 27, viii. 20, ix. 34; nallas 19. 22*, 61. 12*, 93. 19*; nalæs 38. 24*; nales 16. 10*, 19. 14, 22, 7 2 . 2, 93. 19,xviL2I. nean, adv. from near, near; xxviii. 14. nearo, adj. narrow; limited, cramped; 43. 14 ; neara 4 6 . 5 ; a. 'wk. nearwan 46. 7; pl. j: nearwa, nearewe* 23. 26; a. wk. nearowan x. 16. nearones, j: strait, distress; 56. 13 (nearanes B) ; d. nearonesse 7 0 . 7; nearanesse 7. 25; a. 7 0 . 5. nearwe, adv. tightly, closely; xxi. 5, xxv. 64. nearwian, wv. narrow, limit; pp. generwed 4 2 . 17*. neat, n. ox; animal; 102. 7, 114. 25, xx. 18 9; pl. 31. 3 I ; g. neata 57. 14*, xiii. 34, xx. 249; d. neatum 30. 5, 3 2 . 22, 58. 6, 146. 17*, 26*. neawist, j: neighbourhood, pre- sence; neawest 65. 7; d. on neaweste 34. 26, 67. 24, 125. 2. nebb, 11. face; neb xxxi. 23; a. 3 6 . 24. nemnan, wv. name; mention; II4. 24, iv. 15; indo prs. pl. nemnað 129. 24, xxix. 14; pst. I.s. nemde 112. 8, xxv. 62; 2.S. nemdest 79. 33, 94. 23, xx. 55; pl. nemdon 55. 10, II, 77. 18, IlO. 22, xx. 196; sbj. prs. to twæm ðing-um nemne, reckon as 7:;. 10; pst. genemde 79. 33; pþ. nemned x. 47; genemned, defined 80. 3, 7; pl. genemde II 4. 20. neodfracu, j: greed; d. neod- fræce xxxi. 15. neo an, at/v. beneath, below; neoðon 80. 33. neowol, ad/. prostrate; i. 80; niwol 8. 4*; a. 11. niowul 8. 25 n. nergend, m. preserver, saviour; xx. 249. nerian, wv. save, protect; prs. p. nergende God xxix. 73. nese, adv. no; 90. 2 ; nese nesefq. 29. 18 &c.; nese la nese, why, no! oh no I 58. 29) 62. 18. nett, n. net; a. 73. 28; a. pl. net 73. 3 0 . në an, wv. venture on; indo prs. 3. s . geneðeð xiii. 59. nïedan, wv. compel; z"nd. prs. 2.S. genedest iv. 5, 15; 3.S. ned 145. J 4; sl?;". prs. nede 140. 2 I ; pst. nedde, oppressed 35. 3 2 ; pp. geneded 148. 25; gened 93. 13. nïede, adv. of necessity, compul- sorily; nede iv. 12, vi. 14, ix. 44; w. sceal, needs must 94. 15 &c. and xxv. 64. nïedinga, adv. by force; neadinga 4 8 . I, 4. nïedtsearf, j: necessity; need; l what is) necessary; nedðearf 144. 17 &c. and xx. 20, 25; neodðearf 79. 17; d. nedðearfe 60. 2J, xxxi. 15; a. 53. 2, 77. II, 149. 7 ; nydðearfe 30. 8*. GLOSSARY nieten, n. animal; neten xx. 191, nyten xxxi. 21; pl. netenu 42. 1*, 70. 16, 81. 19*, II7. 3, 146. 5, 18*, xxviii. 51; nytenu 32. 20, 93. 9; neotena 3 1 . 3 1 *; nytena 32. 20*; g. netena 82. 5*; nytena 14 6 . 24* 11.; d. netenum*, nytenum 3 0 . 4; neatenum 3 0 . 5*. nietenlic, adj. beast-like; pl. ge netenlican men 35. 28 (netelican B). nigon,IZU11/,. nine; 127. 9, xxvi. 24. niht, f. night; 52. 7, xii. 16 &c. ; g. nihte 10. 5 &c. ; a. xxix. 36; niht 136.6*, xi. 61 ; onniht, by night 49. 21*, 121. 16; neaht xx. 229; pI. g. nihta iv. 6; d. nihtum 19. 3, xx. 213, 232. nihtes, adv. at night; 102. 5, xiii. 59. niman, sV4. take, take away; receive; geniman 17. 25'; w. on 25. 24, 4 6 . 19; indo prs. 3.S. genimeð vi. 12; nimð 28. 711., 136. 21, xiii. 34, xxix. 73; pl. nimað 48. II, 59. 24; pst. I.S. genom 20. 7 ; pl. noman 34. 20*; imp. nim 91. 19; sbj. prs. pl. nimen 16. 25; pst. pl. naman 67. 5*; pp. genumen 18. 2, 4 2 . 6, 7, 54. 5, 59. 26; a. genu- menne xx. 36. ni'ðer, adv. downwards, down; i. 80, xxxi. 19, 21; nyðer, below 147. 10*. ni'ðerheald, adf. bent downwards; xxxi. 23. ni'ðerlic, ad/. lowly, inferior; d. pl. niðerlicum 3'2. 7 1t.. hiðerra, compo adj. lower; f. nið'erc 136. 14*; g. neoueran II. 25*; sup. niðemæst xx. 135; neoðemest xx. 85; d. wk. niðemæstan 18. 9; a. pI. wk. niðemystan 18. 8; nyðemestan 32. 12. ni'ðor, adv. lower; nioðor 80. 30*; nio'ðoror 147. 10*. niwan, adv. recently; xv. 2, xxviii. 73; niwane 126. 24*. 273 niwe, adj. new; 43. 12; g. niwes I fi. 21, 85. 25; wk. niwan xiii. 26; a. wk. 57. II. genõg, 1) adf. enough, sufficient; g. genoges 31. 23; a. pl. genoge 24. 12*, 31. 28*. 2) adv. enough, sufficiently, 'usual form genog 22. 6 &c.; genoh about 16 times, 15. 4 &c. and viii. 7. nortç, adv. in the north; x. 24, xiii. 59. no:r15an, adv. from the north; norðan 7 east an 10. I I, iv. 23, vi. 12, xii. IS, nor'ðanëastan,adv. from the north- east; 21. 6. nor anwind, 1Jl. north wind; g. norðanwindes 2 I. 7; 1t.. pl. nor'ðanwindas 52. 5. nortçemest, sup. adj. most north- ern; a. pl. wk. norðmestan ix. 43. nortçende, 1ll. north end; d. 126. 4; a. xxviii. 14. norl5erne, adj. from the north, northern; f. vi. 14. nor eweard, adj. north; used as sbst.; d. norðeweardum 41. 22 ; a. nor'ðeweardne 39. 28*, 41. 22*. norl5westende, 11l. north-west end or part; d. 67. 32. notian, wv. w. g. make use of, enjoy; indo prs. 3.fl. notiað, notigað* 42. I. notu,f. use, profit; d. note 31. I I. nfl, 1) adv. a) time, now, at present; Pro 10, xi. 40 &c.; nu ryhte, just now IOI. 13; nu hwene ær 12. 22. b) inference, therefore, then; fq. w. gif 15. 8 &c.; w. ðehh 24. 23, X. 63 &c.; 'w. ill,perat. 8.21 &c.; W. Ùzterrog. 9. 21, xxviii. 4 &c.; nu ðonne 64. 15. 2) con/. since; fq. 22. 3, ii. 19 &c. genyht.1if sufficiency, abundance; 75. 14, 7 6 . 4, 86. 24, 87. 15,9 6 . 30; geniht 7f,. 12 (n.) ; a. genyht 75. 10; geniht 75. 16 (n.), 78. 13 (f). nytt, 1) sbst.f. profit, advantage; T 274 GLOSSARY d. nytte 101. 13. 2) adj. useful, profitable; f nyt 137. 22; 11. II I. 5; nit 137. 20; a. n. nyt 121. 22; comp. nyttra 109. 29; 11. nyttre 139. 29. nytwier15e, ad]: profitable; f. nyt- wyrðe 137. 7; g. nytwyrðes 64. 20; comp. f. nytwyrðre 47. 14; sup. 1Z. nytwyrðost 56. 8. O. of, 1) prep. w. d.; oftel1 foil. c.; a) motiol1, from, away from; fq. 8. 22, i. 2 &c. b) starlillg-þoint, from, at; he onginð of ðæm wyrtrumum 91. 3 1 , if. vi. 4. c) distance; hit is swiðe feor of uncrum wege 139. 27, 28. d) 'removal, from; 91. 20, xii. 2 &c. ; foil. c. him awint of ða claðas - I I I. 19, cf. xxv. 22; ceorfe him of 124. 17, if. xiii. 9; of (bocilædene on englisc (ge)- wende Pro I, 9; sette andgit of anc1gite PI. 3. e) source, origin, from; fq. 62. 3 1 , xvii. 3 &c.; Gotan of Sciððiu 7. I; þe is micel unrotnes getenge of þinl1m irre I . 4; ðæt is mæge weorðan of wætere xxviii. 60; wyrcð of yfle good, out of 135. 6; of ealdum leas urn spellum, (taken) from 115. 12. f) opposition, opposed to; 12. 20, 57. 8. g) cause; of his agenre gecynde 27. 25, if. 31. 5. h) concerning, about; ne ðincð me nauht oðres of ðinum spelll1m 107. 26. 2) adv. a) motion; irnen mænege brocas 7 riða of, therefrom 82. 28. b) deþrivation, off, away; of atihð 52. II, if. 51. 29; do nu of 42. 4, if. 12 7. 7; of aslog 127. 9. c) absent, missing; gif ðara lima hwylc of bið I If. 8. ofbëatan. rv. slay; ix. 30. ofdæl, adi prone, inclined; comp. hit bið ofdælre ðærto 53. 1411. ofdæle, 11. downward course, descent; a. on ðæt ofdæle asigen 55. 16, if. xiii. 58. ofdüne, adv. down; 8. 4, 57. 22, 81. 13,92. 19, 20, 147. 7, i. 80, xx. 167, xxxi. 13. ofer, (ofir vi. 5) i) pnp. 1) w. d. a) position, over, above; 65. 30, xx. 124 &c. b) motion, over, across; 105.8, 9, 13, xii. 17, xxiv. 8. 12, 24, 27. 2) w. a. a) position, above; ofer eall ðis wunað xx. 156. b) extensiol1, throughout, over; 4 2 . 12,18,43. 20, 49. 24, 67. 30, 104. 6, viii. 3 0 , ix. 21, x. 16, 23, xi. 66, xiii. 68, 73, xx. 85, xxiv. I I ; flll. C. 42.25. c) motion, above, beyond; 43. 9, i. 8 &c. d) superiority, authority, over; he hæfde sige ofer ða Africanas 37. 7; hlaford ofer 35. 3 1 , if. 9 8 . 28, 124. 28, 12 5. I ; ricsað ofer hi 97. 3 1 , if. 98. 3 1 , i. 62, xxvi. 67, 106. e) distance, beyond, farther than; 108. 24. f) excess, beyond, more than; 41. 13, xii. 32 &c.; ofer gemet 30. II, 16, 17, if. 137. 18; time, past, ofer midne dæg 57. 24, xiii. 57; besides, 52. 13, 23. g) beside, in comparison with; heo hit hæfð eall forsawen ofer ðe anne 22. 18. It) contrary to, ofer metodes est xi. 25. ii) adv. over, beyond; nænne weg findan ofer 85. 24. oferbrædan, wV. cover; indo þrs. 3.S. oferbrædcð vii. 13. ofercuman, sv4. overcome; 127. 13; indo prs. 3. s . ofercymð 93. 15, 10 9. 4; pþ. ofercumen 3. 17, xx. 158; a. m. ofercumene 50. 15. oferdrencan, wv. intoxicate; pp. oferdrenced :;5. 21. oferdruncen,alij. intoxicated; 55. 18. oferfaran, sv6. pass over, beyond; xi. 70; pp. a. oferfarenne xxiv. 26. oferfõn, rv. seize; indo pst. 3.$. oferfeng i. 69. oferfyllo, f. superfluity, excess; oferfyll 7 0 . 5*. ofergãn, anv. a) overstep; b) pais GLOSSARY away,cometoanend; ofergangan xx. 71 (a); indo prs. 3.pl. ofergað 20. 16 (b); þst. 3.S. of ere ode 80. 4 (a). ofergietolnes, f. forgetfulness; d. ofergiotulnesse 95. I I; oforgio- tolnesse xxii. 3 2 (J). oferhïeran, 'WV. not listen to, dis- regard; iJlJ. prs. 3.s. oferheorð 10. 15*. oferhogian, wv. despise; Ùllp. oferhoga 16. 6*. oferhycgan, wv. despise; imp. oferhige 16. 6. oferhygd,j: pride; a. pl. oferhyda 62. 16. ofering,j: excess; 30.18* (oferinc C); d. oferinge 31. 23. ofermetto, f pride; a. 14. 2 I ; pl. ofermetta I I I. 29; .ofermetto 67. 9; g. ofermetta xxv. 44; d. ofermettum 35. I, 4, 133. 25, v. 32 ; a. ofermetta 26. 25, vii. 8. ofermõd, adj. proud, over-confi- dent; g. 'lok. ofermodan 35. I ; pI. 11. 'lCJk. 46.8, x. 18; d.ofermodum II 1. 12, xxv. I ; a. wk. ofermo- dan 105. 26, xxiv. 59. ofermõdian, wv. be proud, arro- gant; indo þrs. 2.pl. ofermodige ge 69. 25; ofermodie 14 8 . 29; 3.pl. ofermodigað 134. 22; sbj. prs. pl. ofermodigen xvii. 16. ofermõdlic, adJ. proud; d. ofer- modlicum 45. 8. ofermõdnes, f. pride, arrogance; d. ofermodnesse 15. 7. oferreccan, wV. confute; pþ. a. oferreahtne 85. 5. ofersæl1Ç, f. excessive enjoyment; a. pl. ofersælða v. 27. ofersëon, sV5. look upon, survey; ofersion 105. 7; indo þrs. 2.S. ofersihst 10. 25, iv. 53. ofersittan, sV5. spread over, occupy; pp. oferseten 4 2 . 4 (of set en B). oferstæppan, sv6.overstep; 49.23; ofersteppan xi. 69. oferswîðan, wv. overcome; 134. I, 4; pp. oferswiðed 10 9. I I; pl. n. oferswiðde 134. 2, 5. 275 oferteon, SV2. cover; pp. ofertogen 126. 14, ix. 16. oferl5earf f. great need; a. ofer- ðearfe 70. 6. oferl5eon, SVI,3. surpass; þp.ofer- ðungen 22. 13, 81. 22, xx. 194. oferwinnan, sv3. overcome; þp. oferwunnen xxv. 72. oferwreon, SVI,2. cover up; pp. oferwrigen 126. 26, J..xviii. ï9. ofhende, adj. out of one's posses- sion, absent; n. xxv. 34. ofiernan, SV3. overtake; indo prs. 3. s . ofil1leð xxix. 32; ofirnð 13 6 .3. oflætan, rv. let (blood); sbj. pst. 3.S. hine (him B) oflete blodes 66. 29. oflyst, adI desirous; he wæs oflyst ðæs seldcuðan sones 102. 21. ofInan, sWV. recollect; indo prs. 3. s . 14 8 . 13. ofgerãd, adj. straightforward, sim- pIe; pl. g. ofgeradra worda misfo 8.8. of scam ian, wv. refix. w. a. and g. ofsceamian 9. 18. ofseon, sV5. gaze on; ofsion xxi. 3 8 . of sit tan, sv5. beset, assail; indo þrs. 3.S. of sit 10 9. 4; s/Jj. þrs. 3. s . ofsitte 10 9. 9; pp. ofseten= oferseten 4 2 . 4. ofslean, sv6. kill; 7. II, 28. 17, 39. 22 ,67. 1,99.3; -indo prs. 3. s . of slog 39. 24,99. 16, ix. 3 0 ; s/Jj. pst. ofsloge 70. 25; þþ. ofslægen 36. 32; g. ofslægenes 34. 3. ofsnìt5an, SV1. cut off; xxvii. 33. ofswelgan, sv3. swallow up; t',ltd. prs. 3.s. ofswelgð 46. 15 n. oft, adv. often; Pro 5, ii. 8 &c.; compo of tor 54. 20, xix. 19; sup. oftost 30. 7, iv. 28, xxii. 9, 14; oftosð 39. 14- ofteon, SV2. take away; oftion xxv. 24; ind. þrs. oftihð 'W. d. and g. II I. 21; pp. of tog en xxv. 31 ; withheld 20. II ; him wyrtf ðara ðenunga oftohen III. 24*. T2 27 6 GLOSSARY oftræde, adJ. frequent; wk. se oftræda ren 13 6 . 17. of1Sryccan, wv. oppress, over- whelm; pp. ofðrycced 19. 27; pl. n. ofðrycte 24. 5. o:fðyncan, wv. impers. w. d. be displeased; ofðincan 9 8 . 33. ofwundrian, wv. be astonished; pþ. ofwundrod 28. 30. õleccan, wv. w. d. propitiate, flat- ter; 60. 10, 71. 20, 102. I I; indo prs. 3.S. olecð 55.12 ; pl. oleccað 15.5, 55. II , xi. 8; pst. pl. geolec- tan 15. 28; sbj. prs. olecce 134. 18 ; pl. oleccen 60. 5. õleccung,.f flattery; d. olecunga 16. 21 *; olecunge*, oliccunga 4 8 . 3; a. olecunga 54. 5. on (an 42. 5,61. 20,68.17,19, n6. 15,127.16,133.5; 6n 90.12), i) prep. fq. foil. C. 1) 'lv.d. a) place, in; 10. 27,i. 37 &c. jmetaPh. fq. 20. I, i. 54 &c.; on, upon, 10. 19, i. II &c.; metaph. 35. 22 &c.; on ðe, on your person 33. 9; among ix. 27. b) time, during, in;fq. Pro 7, viii. 18 &c.; on wintra 68. 2 &c.; on sumera 49. 20 &c. j on geare 64' 14; on gewinne 53. 23; on sibbe 53. 23 ; on wite, undergoing punishment 120. 25; on ðæm ende, at the end 73. 14. c) c01l1zexion, in respect of; 24. 3, xx. 76 &c. j fægrest on wlite 72. 9, cf. 54. 24; on hwæm, in what respect 19. 13, 36. 12; on ðy. . . for- ðæm ðe 58. 19; conj. on ðæm ð , in that 88. 27; on ðam 15 146. 17; W. genog: ðincð him genog on ðam ðe hi, think it sufficient that they 31. 3 2 , cf. 33. 22, 55. 3 0 ; on ðæm wel 1;ehealden, satisfied with 43. 27 ; mon him on lih'5, concerning 68. 16, if. 64. 19; him soð an seg- gað 68. 19, cf. 68. 17, ,0. 3. d) in the shape of j on cræftum 38. I ; on leafum 92. 2. e) de- privation, from; W. niman 18. 2, 42. 6, 46. 19, 59. 24, 26; w. reafian 27. 3 0 . f) motion, into, to; II. II, 18. 10; w. gebrengan 131. 5 j on ; him spigettan on 61. 24; adv. phrases: on sige, set- ting xiii. 66; on ryne, in motion 16. 33; on him selfum, by him- self xx. 94; on ðonce, satis- factory xii. 16; on rihte, rightly xxvi. 46 j on gerihte, upright xxxi. 17; habbað on hospe, insult, revile iv. 44. 2) w. a. a) motion, into, to; 7. 24, i. 20 &c.; upon, on to, 19. 14, i. 81 &c.; w. weg 56. 29, 57. 2:;, 10 7. 16, 139. 28; 1Jletaþ/z.. fq. 14. 21, ix. 46 &c. b) directt"on; on feower healfe 46. 3, if. 43. 10, 81. II, 136. 9, xx. 16 3. c) disþost"tioll, towards j on Crecas hold i. 56. d) change oJstate, into; weorpan hi an wilde de ora lic II6. 15, cf. xxvi. ;6; on englisc wende Pro 2. e) against; win'ð æ1c on oðer 49. 31. f) partition, into; 'lv. todælan 42. 27, xx. 59 &c.; on mænig tonemned 76. 10, if v. 17 j willað on tu, diversely 92.32, II3. 26. g) purpose, sent on his ærendo 13 6 . 25, if. 63. 1 5, xxix. 83; on æht gifen xvi. 10. h) place, in; 8. 10, 51. 3, 75, I, xvi. 12. i) in the case of, in; 69. 12; in respect to 12. 2. k) in conformity with, in aæordance with; on yfelra manna gewill 10. 24, if. 24. 24, 4 8 . 13, iv. 34, xiii. 55. I) concerning j 7 0 . 3. m) W. fon, take up, take in hand j 100. 7 &c. and MPr. 9. n) adv. phrases, on last, at last, in the end; 15. 5, 4 8 . I, 100. 23 j on ecnesse, for ever 47. 2 &c.; on ða gerad "Þ, on condition that 18. J 5 j on riht, rightly 14. 28, 56. 28; on woh, wrongly 1;\1. 17, if. 13I. 3 1 ; on ane, con- tinuously xxix. 44 j on nane wisan, in no wise 37. II, if. 13 2 . 25, 31 ; on symbel, always xi. 94; on manig ðeodisc, in many tongues 46. 12. 0; þOÙlt oftíme, in, at; 39. 19, ix. IS &c.; on midne winter 12. I I, cf. 126. GLOSSAR Y 13, XXVlll. 37; on dæg 121. 16 ; on niht 49. 2 I; on ærmorgen xxviii. 36; on æfen ib., if. viii. 19; on lencten 10. 12, 49. 18, 136. 19, if. xxix. 67; on hær- fest 49. 19, xi. 58, if. 10. 12, on eastran 29. 2 I ; on tid, when the time comes 67. I I. ii) adv. 7.fJ. similar sense to (i); 14. 14 &c. onælan, 7lJV. inflame, inspire; pp. onæled 29. 26, 5 I. 8. onbindan, sv3. unbind; indo prs. 3.S. onbin'ð, anbint* 47. 23. onbïtan, SVI. 1V. g. taste, eat; xxvi. 90. onbregdan, SV3. pull open; pp. 'ða duru anbroden 97. 24. onbryrdan, 'wv. inspire, incite; 14. 2. onbyrigan, wv. 'W. g. taste; indo þrs. 3.S. onbyrgeð xii. II, xiii. 23 ; onbirigð 52. 4*, 57. n*. oncierran, wv. turn, change; oncerran 17. I, i. 61, x. 39; pp. oncerred 23. 16. oncnãwan, rv. recognize, know; understand; 14. 19, 15. 14, 13 2 . 13, v. 25, xii. 30; sbj. prs. pl. oncnawen 58. 10; pst.oncneowe 8.27. oncwe an, sv5. answer, re-echo; indo prs. 3.S.; oncwy'ð xiii. 46, 50; sbj. prs. oncweðe 57. 20. ondrædan, rv. 1ftx. dread, fear; 13.33,33. 8, J2, 14 0 . I; indo þrs. I.S. ondræde 47. 5, 50. 23 n., I18. 19, J 39. 3 0 ; 3. s . ûndrædæð xxiv. 64; ondræt 7 times, 24. 18 &c. ; ondræd 66. 9; pl. onrlræda'ð 133. 27; sbj. prs. (11Ot rejlx.) ondræde 57.10 ; xiii. 2 I; pst. ondrede 33. 14, 59. 3 I. ónettan, 'wv. hasten; indo prs. 3. s . onet 124. 7, xxvii. 8; pl. onettað I 12. 29; sbj. pst. onette 139. 25. onfægnian, WV. show pleasure, greet; o. mid his steorte 102. 15. onfindan, sv3. discover; Ùzd. pst. 3.s. onfunde 66. 25. 277 onfón, rv. receive, accept; W. g. 66. 27; indo prs. 3.$. onfeh'ð 143. 15, xxix. 65; pl. onfoð 128. 3; pst. onfeng i. 33; imp. w. g. onfoh J35. 19. ongean, 1) prep. a) w. d. towards; ]02. 27. b) w. a. towards, 102. 13, 121. 10; against, contrary to, 83. 18. 2) adv. in reply 45. ]3. ongietan, sv5. perceive, under- stand; 12. 13, 15. 8, 10, I I, 22. 27; usual form ongitan 23. 15, xxvi. ]07 &c.; ongiton 50. 28* ; ongetan 41. 24; ongeotan 73. 11*; to ongitanne 36. 16 &c.; to ongitonne 81. 3*; indo þrs. I.S. ongiete 15. 3; ongite ] 9. 26 &c.; 2.S. ongitest 2:;. 18; ongitst 24. 2 I &c. and xii. 32; ongitsð 21. 24; 3.s. ongit 41. 18 &c. and xxii. 16, 2 I; and- git 132. 25; pl. ongitað 32. 8 &c.; ongite ge 43. 14; pst. I and 3.S. ongeat I I. 3 &c. and 7. 13, i. 68, viii. 37; 2.S. on- geate 62. 8 &c.; imþ. ongit 108.2, 113. 9, 22, 119. 10; ongite II 8. 15; sbj. prs. ongite Pro 12 &c.; pl. ongiten 35. 28, 134. 17; ongiton 3 2 . 19*; pst. ongeate 5 I. 6 &c. ; pI. ongeaten 123.22; pp.ongiten 13.16 &c.; ongieten ] 4. 27, ] 5. I. onginnan, sv3. begin; 102. I I &c. and xxv. 69; indo prs. I.S. onginne 9. 19; 3. S . pnginneð 38. 6, 103. 22; onginð usual form 25. 9, xiii. 28 &c.; on- gynð 12. 6; pl. onginnað 14. 4, 126. 24; pst. 3.s. ongan usual form in Baud C, 7. 17 &c. and viii. 2; angan i. 59; ongann 52. 15*, 137. J4*; ongon about 16 times in C, 27. 15 &c. and vii. I; pl. ongunnon 10I. 7, xxvi. 73 &c.; sbj. prs. onginne 94. 29 ; pl. onginnen 110. 33. onhagian, 7.fJV. impel'S. w. d. be convenient; sbj. prs. gif men to good urn weorce ne onhagie, if a man do not find it convenient, 27 8 GLOSSARY in his power, to do a good work 142. 19. onhealdan, rv. keep; indo prs. pl. sibbe anheaìda'ð xi. 42. onhebban, sv6. raise, exalt; sbj. prs. anhebbe 14. 21*. onhieldan, wv. bend down, in- cline; pp. onhelded xiii. I I. onhnigan, SVI. bend down, bow; pþ. onhnigen xxxi. 13. onhréran, 'WV. stir up, agitate; Ùtd. prs. 3.s. onhrere'ð vii. 27; pl. onhrerað v. 10. onhrinan, SVI. touch, interfere with; indo prs. 3.S. onhrinð' 135. 26, 28. onhweorfan, sv3. ill.l1-alls .change; Ùtcl. pst. 3.s. onhwearf 65. 14, onhwierfan, wv. indo prs. 3..r. onhwerfð, revolves; 81.27; pp. onhwyrfed, changed 15. 3. onhyrian, 'ZfJV. w. d. imitate; on- hirian 139. 12; indo prs. 3.S. onhyre'ð 146. 17*; pl. onhyriað 14 6 . 7. oninnan, 1) prep. 'lV. d. inside, within; 25. 15 &c. and xxix. 54 ; foIl. c. v. 15, xx. 120; on . . . innan xvi. 3, xvii. 4, xxii. 8, 14, xxx. 13. 2) adv. 14. 16. onlãmari., wv. lend, grant; indo þrs. 3.S. onlæn'ð x. 37; pst. 3.S. w. d. and g. onlænde J 9. 22; pþ. n. pl. onlænde 17. 8* n. onHëtan, ro. relax; xi. 75; onlæten xi. 28. onliehtan, wv. illu inate; onliht- an 89. 20, xxi. 36; indo þrs. pl. onlihtað 89. 13; onlyhtað 12 I. 17, xxi. 23; pst. 3.s. onlyhte, onlichte* 14. I; imþ. onliht ð'a eagan, give sight to 82. 12, xx. 267 ; pp. onlihted xi. 62; n. pl. onlihte 86. 6. onlïesan, WV. unloosen, deliver; pþ. onlesed 45. 28. onliican, SV2. unlock; indo pst. 3.s. onleac vi. I. onliitan, SV2. intrans. bend down; indo þrs. 3.S. onlyt xiii. 66. onsacan, sv6. deny; indo þrs. I.S. onsace 54. 3 1 ; pst. 3.S. onsac, expressed his disapproval 59. 33, 13 8 . 15. onscamian, 'WV. imþers. be ashamed; onsceamian 9. 18. onscunian, wV. avoid, shun; I9. 18, 140. 25; to anscunianne 41. 9; indo prs. I.S. onscunige 1 I. 25; 3. s . onscuna'ð 22. 19, 37. 20, 38. 13, 17; pst. 2.S. onscu- nedest If;. 15; 3.S. onscunode 102. 6, 135. 3; pl. onscunedon 10I. 30, IIÓ. 22; sbj. prs. on- scunige 16. 6. onsendan, 'lVV. send; ansendan V. 5. onsigan, SVI. sink; sbj. prs. onsige 57. 25. onsittan, sv5. fear; sij. prs. on- sitte v. 38. onstyrian, wv. disturb, affect; 13. 9; Ùzd.prs. 3. S . onstyre'ð 21. 7* ; pp. onstyred 15. 18. onsundran, adv. apart, separately; 38. II, xx. 143; onsundron 80. 35*' onswïfan, SVI. trans. turn aside; X. 40. ontéon, SV2. untie; pþ. ontiged 45. 27. onuppan, 1) prep. W. d.upon; 26. 27. 2) adv. besides; ix. 28. onwæcnian, wv. intrans. awake; indo þrs. 3.S. onwæcnað' II I. 27. onwendan, 'lVV. trans. change; 16. 28, 17. 2, 116. 28, 142. 28, xxvi. 101, I16; indo prs. pl. onwendað 141. 5, xxix. 29 ; pst. 3.s. onwende II6. 29; pp. on- wended 15. 18*, 144. 22*, v. 19; onwend 144. 22, xi. 20, xxvi. 104; diverted 49. I; pl. f. onwenda 15. 24; onwende 25. 6. onwendedlic, ad/. changeable; g. pl. anwendendlicra 10I. 5. onwréon, SVI,2. unfold, reveal; Ùul. prs. 3. s . onwrihð 47. 9. onwunian, wv. dwell, abide; þrs. p. a. anwunigendne vii. 47. open, adj. open; clear, evident; n. 106. 34; pl. f. opene 16. I ; GLOSSARY d. openum 82. 8, 127. 16, xx. 257; compo n. op nre 62. I. openian, 'WV. make clear, reveal; indo prs. 3.S. openað* 28. 15; geopenað 28. 15, 39. I, 47. 9, 24, 48. 8. openlïce, adv. clearly, evidently; fq. 21. 24 &c. and X. 60, xiii. 72; compo openlicor 74.28,126. 3 0 . ordfruma, wm. origin, originator; d. ordfruman xxix. 96. oreald, ad/. very old, ancient; 102. 18. orgellice, adv. proudly, presump- tuousl y; 45. 6. orieldo, f. extreme old age; a. oreldo 142. 18. ormæte, ad/. excessive; ormetevii. 36; a. n. ormæte 53. 29. ormõd, adj. despondent, sad; 8. 4, 19. 3 1 , i. 7 8 , V. 3 0 ; f. 22. 22. ormõdnes, f despondency; de- spair; d. ormodnesse 15. 7; a. 13. 16, 14 2 . 24. orsorg, adj. free from care, un- troubled; prosperous; 27. 9, 33. 15, 18, 59. I; orsorg ælces eorðlices eges, secure from 22. 9; ðara yfela orsorh vii. 43; f. wk. orsorge 47. 14, 15; n. orsorh 104. 32 ; a. orsorgne 7 J. 25, 28; f. wk. orsorgan 139. 2 ; n. orsorg vii. 40; pl. wk. orsor- gan 121. 3; d. orsorgum v. 33 ; a. ðæs orsorge 88. 33 ; compo n. pl. orsorgran 130. 17 ; sup. n. pl. orsorgestæ 130. 23. orsorglïce, adv. securely; compo orsorglicor 53. 27, 129. 22. orsorgnes,f security, prosperity; 21. 13, xiii. 7 1 ; orsorhnes 47. 25 n.; g. orsorgnesse II7. 9. 13 8 . 29; d. 14. 22, 57. 31. geortrïewan, wv. W. g. despair; geortrewan 23. 7, 9; geortreo- wan 23. 7*; imþ. geortreowe v. 35; sbj. prs. geortrywe 14. 23*. ot$, 1) prep. 7.0. a.; a) extension and motion, up to, as far as, 34. 17, i. 14 &c.; mctaþh. oð orrnod- 279 nesse 142. 24. b) time, unW, 20. 3 &c. and xx. 10. 2) conj. until; about II times, 50. 29 &c. and V. 15, xiii. 62; o'(')ðe 57. 27,65.17; oððæt about 14 tz'mes, 14. 26, i. 29 &c. õ'lSer, pron. ad.f. second; other; II. 1 I, xx. 60 &c.; f. o'ðru 47. 18 &c. and xi. 44. xii. 7; oðer 80. 1*; n. 63. 29. xx. 155 &c.; oðer twega oð"ðe . . . o'ððe, either . . . or 23. 27 &c. ; g. oðres 13. J 4, i. 44 &c.; pl. oðra 88. 6; f. oðre 32.12; d o'ðnlln 20.I9.v. 2 &c.; f. oðre 43. 10, xx. 139 &c.; oðerre - 39.21*,81. 2*; a. oðerne 28.26 &c. and xxvii. 23; f oðre 3 2 . 14; n. oðer 38. 13, xx. 65 &c. ; inst. oðre naman 10. 9 &c. and iv. 14; W. mid 12I. 30,129.30; pl. oðre 61. 20 &c. and vi. 5; f. o'ðra 18. 5, viii. 53 &c.; oðre 81. 8* ; n. oðru 55. I I &c. and xxviii. 12; g. oðerra 32. 10 &c. ; o'ðra 88.6, xxiv. 36, xxvi. 90; d. o'ðrum 20. 25, xx. 126 &c.; a. oðre 16. 25, xiii. 4 8 &c. ; f oðra 52. 3 1 &c. and xxv. 14; oðre 35. 3 1 *; n. oðru 10. 13 &c.; oðre 54. 29* &c. ; oðer . . . o'ðer, different 16. 25 &c. o1Sfæstan, wv. entrust, commit; r 2. 9. o'lShrïnan, SVI. W. g. touch; hzd. prs. 3.S. oðrineð xx. 138. o1Siewan, 'wv. show; appear; indo prs. 3.S. oteweð xiii. 60; þst. 3.5. oðeowde xxviii. 74; sbj. prs. oðewe 5 I. 17; pp. oðewed xxix:. 34. o'ðsacan, sv6. W. g. or clause, deny; 12 !z'mes, 66. 17 &c.; indo prs. 3.s. oðsæc'ð 59. 30, 1I9. 24-. o1Sstandan, sv6. stand still, stop; indo pst. 3.5. oðstod 102. 30. ciS"lSe, conj. or; I I. 15, ii. 17 &c. ; o"ðer twegra oððe . . . oððe, either. . . or 23. 27 &c. o'lSwitan, SVI. w. d. reproach, taunt; 23. 3; indo þrs. 2.pl. oðwite ge xxvii. 4. 280 GLOSSARY P. pæ'tS, m. path; a. pI, paðas 52. 18, 139. 31. pæ1S1San, wv. walk over, traverse; Ùzd. prs. 3.þl. peððað xxxi. 10. pãpa, wm. pope; a. papan 7. I I, i. 42. pearroe, m. enclosed space, tract; d. pearroce 42. 21. pi'ða, W11l. pith, core; g. piõ'an 91. 3 2 . plantian, wv. plant; s"j. prs. plalltige 6 I. 9. plega, wm. game, sport; 18. ï; a. pl. plegan 108. II. plegian, wv. play. frolic; plegian wið hine 102. 15; indo prs. pl. plegia'ð 108. I I. pleoh, n. danger, risk; 13. 26; d. plio 3 0 . 19. pIeolie, adJ. dangerous; comþ. 1Z. pl. pliolicran 30. 25. priea, 'Wm. point; 42. 14*. price, wf. point; 41. 25 (pricu B\ 42. 14. pyff, m. ? puff (ofwindì, gust; 47. 26 n. R. raeente, wJ. chain, fetter; d. ra- centan 108. 7, xiii. 8, xx\'o 37, xxvi. 78; a. xiii. 29; d. pl. racentum 37. 10 &c.; a. racentan 57. 9 &c. and xxvi. 7 8 . raeian, 'lVV. W. d. govern, rule; indo prs. 3.S. racað 98. 22 ; pst. 3. S . racode 94. 13. raeu, f. explanation, argument; 1 2 3. .4, 137. 15; rhetoric 38. 8 ; d. race 89. 26, I2I. 7; a. 122. 17*, 127.4,145.26; pl. d. racum 108. 27; a. raca J 22. 17. rãd, f. riding; d. rade 88. 20, 2 I. gerãd, 1) sbst. n. condition; on ða gerad t J , on condition that 18. 15. 2) adj. a) denoting con- dition, circumstance; gerad beon wið, in opposition to 24. 15; f. wel gerad, of a good disposition 22. 12 ; n. swa gerad, of such a kind 144. J 8; a. swa geradne 134. 15. b) wise, prudent; a. geradne I I. 26. gerãdian, wV. arrange; pþ. pl. n. geradode 96. 15. gerãdseipe, m. discretion, pru- dence; g. geradscipes xxii. 4 8 , 50. ræean, wv. offer, present; Ùzd. prs. 3.S. receð xxix. 62. geræeap, WV. win, gain; pþ. ge- ræht xxvi. 18. ræd, 11Z. counsel, plan; g. rædes ii. 12, xxi. 9; a. ræd MPr. 9, xx. 224. rædan, wv. a) W. d. govern, con- trol; b) read; Pr. II (b); i. 67 (a); Ùzd.þrs. 3.S. ræt 97.12 (a); pst. 3.s. rædde 94. 13 (a); sbj. þst. 96. 9 (a). rædelse, zif. imagination, fancy; 63. 27; d. rædelsan 100. 25; a. 145. 3 1 . ræpan, wv. bind, fetter; xxvi. 78; pp. geræped xiii. 8, xxv. 37, 48 n.; n. pl. geræpte I 12. I. ræsan, wv. rush; indo prs. 3's. ræst xxv. I 7. ræswan, wv. conjecture; indo prs. 3. S . ræswe'ð*, hræsweð 51. 13. randbëag, 11l. boss of shield; rond- beag 41. 25. rãp, m. rope; d. rape 28. 17. rãsettan, wv. rage (of fire); ix. 14. rëad, adj. red; a. 1Z. ix. 14; wk. reade xix. 6 ; a. pl. reade 74. 2, xix. 23. rëafere, m. robber; 114. 26. rëafian, wV. rob; Ùld. prs. 3.S. on oðrum reafa'ð 28. I; sb}. þrs. gereafige 7 1 . 17. rëaflãe, 11l. stolen property, plun- der; g. reaflaces 59. 26. rëe, m. smoke; 117. 17. geree, n. rule, government; d. ge- rece 49. 25, xxii. I. reeean, wv. a) direct, wield; 40. II, 13. b) explain; prove; nar- rate; reckon; about II ti1Jlt!s, 77. 15 &c. and xxvi. 2; gereccan GLOSSARY 281 about I times, Pro 4. xv. 14 &c. to recenne 40. 26 ; to gereccanne 127.3,22*; to gerecanne 12 7. 22; indo prs. 1.S. recce 73. 13, 106. 9, xvii. 20; gerecce 24. 20; 2.S. recst 10 3. 27, 12 3.5,137. 15; pl. recca'ð 44. 28 ; pst. 1.S. reahte 73. 14, 106. 24; rehte 73. 14*; 2.S. reahtes 100. 12, 103. 28, 12 3. 5; gereahtes 97. 22, 100. 24 ; gerehtest 11. 9*, 97. 20; 3. s . reahte 103. 28, MPr. I xxii. :;3, xxx. 8 ; rehte 140. 9*; gerehte 140. 8*; pl. reahton 109. 22, IIO. 6, 8, II8. 3; gereahton, reckoned 143. 20; in anwald gerehton, subjugated 7. 4*; sbj. prs. recce 96. 26; gerecce 82. 20, 100. 30, II8. 13, 125. 22 ; pst. gereahte 122. 20, 126. 31; pp. gereaht about 9 times, 26. 10 &c. and xi. 99; a. gereahtne habbað 98. 16. reccan, wv. W. g. care for, reck; 'indo prs. 2.S. recst xii. 31; recstu 18.3 0 ; 3. s . recð 26. 7,46.14, 13 8 . 23, viii. 44 ; impers. W. a. xiii. 45 ; pl. reccað 57. 18, 13 0 . 18; sbj. prs. recce 52.23, 121. 26. reccelëas, adj. careless, negli- gent; n. pl. recelease 13. Z1. reccelïest,f. negligence; reccelest II 2. 4; recelest xxv. 53; d. recceleste 44. 2. reccend, m. Iuler; lOr. 4, iv. 3 0 . reccere, m. reasoner, rhetorician; 38. 8. recene, adv. at once, quickly; i. 34, xix. 4, xx. 208, xxviii. 16; recen xxi V. I 7. gereclïce, adv. a) straight (of direction); v. 14, xxiv. 8. b) ill an orderly manner, methodi- cally 98. 22. gerecu, f. rule, government; d. gerece 13. 23. rën, m. rain; 27. 4, 136. 17, vii. 27. 36, xxix. 62; d. rene 18. 21, 27. 2, vii. 23; a. ren 26.28, vii. 14, 21 ; n. pl. renas 52. 5. gerëne, n. ornament; n. þl. gerenu 32. 30. rënian, wv. adorn, ornament; pp. gerenod 32.' 29, 30; d. gerened urn 6 I. 18; g. pl. gere- nodra 11. 28. rest, f. rest, resting-place; xiii. 7 1 , xxi. 10; ræst 57. 31*, 82. 14*.89' 9*, xx. 27 1 ; d.ræste 55. 19*, 57. 30*. rëtan, 'wv. cheer, comfort; indo prs. 3.S. ret 55. 12; pp. a. geretne 50. 15. . rë1Se, adj. fierce, unpropitious; 'wk. se reða ren vii. 27; f. reðu; 7.0. wyrd 137. 12, 13 8 . 9, 17 ; pred. reðe 137. 12, 138. 12 ; 'wk. 48.7 ; g.f. reðre*, hreðre 13 8 . 30; d. wk. reðan 138. 27, 28 ; a. wk. absol. ðone reðan II4. 27; W. wyrd 13 8 . 25, 139. 3; comþ. f. re'ðre 138. 2 I. rët5igmõd, adj. fierce, raging; xxv. I 7. rice, 1) adj. powerful, influential; 45. 5, 63. 14, 12 4. 26, 14 2 . 2; wk. rica X. 44; g. rices 43. I; a. ,<-ok. rican 46. 15, 61. 18 ; pl. wk. 62. 32, 63. 29; g. ricra 61. 8, 12, i. 46, vii. 14; 'u/k. ricena 53. 20; d. ricum 123. I1, 14; a. wk. rican 46. 16, 105. 26. 123. 26, xxiv. 59; compo a. ricran 148. 18; sup. a. pl. wk. ricostan ix. 25. 2) sbst. 1Z. power, authority; kingdom; 37. 22, 63. 18, i. 5, 17, ix. 3; g. rices 40. 9, iv. 45, ix. 3, 10, xxvi. 8, I I, 41 ; d. rice 7. I, i. 7 &c.; a. 7. 17, ix. 41 &c.; a. pl. ricu Pr. 7, 34. 26. ricsian, 7.t'V. rule, reign; . 53. 20, 9 8 . 29, 30; to ricsianne 40. 16; indo þrs. 2.S. ricsast 10. 2; 3.s. ricsað 14. 25, 97. 3 1 , 10 5. 17 ; rh.að 104. 6 ; pl. ricsiað J 3 6 . 7 ; pst. 3.S. ricsode xxvi. 57; sbj. prs. ricsige 67. 30. ridan, sv1. ride; 88. 19; Í1/d. prs. 3.s. rit 88. 19; pl. ridað 108. 10. riht, 1) adj. straight; right, 282 GLOSSARY proper; 9. 23 &c.; f. 12 3. 4, 137. 6, 139. 20; 11. 16. 32 &c. and xxii. 52; ryht 95. 19*; g. rihtes 11. 29; d. rihtum 14. 19, xxiv. 44; 'wk. rihtan 73. 24, xix. 4; f. ryhtre 85.3; a. rihtne 51. 14, III. 9; ryhtne 79. 7 ; f. rihte xxiii. 10; n. ryht 95. 18; pl. d. rihtum 9. 24; a. rihte 122. 17, 140. 28; comp. n. rihtre 123. 30; sup. rihtost xxvii. 25; a. , with a view to 139. 25. 2) w.d. a) relatiotz, con- duct, towaIds; 3 6 . 3 1 , 80. 5, if. 17, 16, 19. 13. /1) compared with; 20. 4, 29. 4, 6. c) in ex- change for; 66.26,77.8. d) aim, with a view to, to gain; 26. 20, 44. 29; wið ðæm ðe, in order to 76. 29, 77. 7. e) contrary to; 23. 25, 24. 22, 23, 31. 17, iv. 28. f) attack, defence, against; 7. I, xiii. 17 &c. g) 'lV. (ge )men- gan 33. 29 &c.; w. lucan 57. 6. 3 20 GLOSSARY 3) w.a.; a) direction, towards; 103. 13. b) relation" attitude, towards; 80. 3,4; geferscipe w., with III. 10; plegian w. 102. 15. c) compared with ;fq. 3 6 . 3, vi. 7 &c. d) w. (ge )mengan fq. 25. 7, vii. 8 &c. e) attack, defence, against; fq. 37. 6 &c. and xi. 33, xvi. 24. ii) adv.; a) towards; 9. I, 37. 19. b) against; 98. 19, 109. 13. c) in exchange; 77. I o. wiiScwet5an, sv5. contradict, deny; 21. II, 83. 17, 98. 18. wiiSerweard, adj. adverse; oppo- site ;fq.; f.'wk. wi'ðerwearde 47. 13 &c.; n. wi'ðerweard 25. 3 &c. and xi. 41, 49; wk. wi'ðer- wearde 49. 15 ; g. wi'ðerweardes 38. 12, 71. 29, xi. 52; a. n. 'wk. wi'ðerwearde 49. 16; pl.f. wi'ðer- wearda 96. I:'; n. wi'ðerweard 37. 18 ; wk. wi'ðerweardan 49. 9; 'ða wi'ðerweardan englas, rebel- lious 98. 13; g. wi'ðerwearda v. 36; d. wi'ðerweardum 37. 18; com}. pl. wiðerweardran 3 8 . 19. wiiSerweardnes, f. opposition; adverseness; 47. 26, 4 8 . 3, 7, 49. 29; xi. 7 8 ; d. wi'ðerweard- nesse 14. 23. wi foran, prep. w. a. before; 136. 3; wið . . . foran v. 43, xx. 26 5, xxviii. 47. witsstandan, sv6. w.d. resist, oppose; 14. 18; wi'ðstondan v. 22 ; Ùzd. prs. 3.s. w. d. and g. wiðstent, prevents 14. 17. wlætan, wv. debase, defile; fP. a. gewlætne II4. 23. wlætta, W11l. disgust, nausea; d. wlættan 30. 19. wlanc, adj. proud, grand; pl. w lance xvii. 6. wlãtian, wv. impers. feel disgust; sbj.prs. 'ðe wlatige 23. 21. wlenco,fi prosperity, riches; pl. g. wlencea i. 76; d. wlencum 18. 3, 46. 14, x. 28; a. wlenca v. 31. wlitan, SVI. look; xxiv. 10; indo prs. 3.S. wliteð xxxi. 14; imp. wlit iv. 54. wlite, m. brightness, beauty; 28. 27, 7 2 . 28, xxi. 31 ; g. wlites 28. 29, 29, 14, 31. 2, 113. 5, xxviii. 42; d. wlite 7 2 . 9; a. 21. 6, 27. 5, vi. 13, vii. 31, xxi. 32, xxx. 6. wlitebeorht, adj. beautiful, sþlendid ; d. pl. wlitebeorhtum xxv. 4. wlitetorht, adj. splendidly bright; 11.. xxviii. 60 n. wlitig, adj. beautiful; xxiv. 43 ; f. 'lok. wlitige xx. 279; þl. 'lvk. wlitegan xxix. 39; d. wlitegum xv. 3; a. wlitige xix. 9; wk. wlitegan xxviii. 6; sup. d. pl. wlitegestum 64. 25. wlitigian, wv. form, fashion; indo þrs. 3.S. wlitega'ð, gewlite- gað* 131. 5. wõd, adj. mad, raging; f. 'lvi. wade II I. 28. wõdiSrãg, f. fit of madness; xxv. 41. wõh, 1) adj. wrong; perverse; fi w6 iv. 40; n. woh II9. 26; wag 119. 23; g. woges*, was 14 0 . 29; a. wk. won 70. 9 ; wôon 1 I. 31; pl. wk. won 38. 31; a. wk. 9. 26. 2) sbst. n. wrong; a. 142. 28; on woh, wrongly 107. 9, 13I. 17; on wag 10 7. 25. wÕhfremmend, m. evil-doer; d. pl. wohfremmendum ix. 36. wõhhæmed, n. fornication, adul- tery; g. wohhæmetes xviii. 2. wÕl, 11l. pestilence, calamity; 6j. 22 ; a. 13. I 11.. wolcen, n. cloud; v. 4; g. wolcnes xx. 81; pl. wolcnu 14. 10; g. wolena xxviii. 2, x''l:ix. 13; d. wolenum i. 76 &c. ; a. wolcnu 18. 13, 10 5. 9, xxiv. 10. wõp, m. weeping; d. wope 23. 22, ii. 3. word, n. word; speech; report, fame; 28. II, 12; d. warde Pro 3; a. word Pro 3; pl. ii. 18; g. warda 8. 9, 68. 19, i. GLOSSARY 81; d. wordum 8. 7 &c. and x. 3, xvi. 23; a. word 45. II &c. and viii. I, xxvi. 79. wordhord, n. store of words; a. vi. i. worn, 1Jl. great number, multi- tude; ix. 7; a. xxvi. 33. woruld, f. (forms 'lV. 0 most fq. -in C, Ùzcl"dil1,-.R compollnds), world; life, lifetime; 58. 28 &c.; weoruld L"X:. 62, 171; g. worulde 9. I I, iii. 7 &c.; weorulde 20. 27, xx. 251 &c.; weorolde xxiv. 56; d. worulde II. IS, iv. 41 &c.; to worulrle 48. 30; more usually weorulde 20. 2, i. 5 I &c.; woruld 18. 2C) ; a. worulde xi. 45; weorulde viii. 8, xx. 24, x"X:ix. 28; woruld II. 6, 13. 25, 18. 12, 24. 1 4, 4 2 . II, ;;3. 16, xiii. 65, xvii. 4, 6, xx. 47, 57; worold ix. 58 ; weoruld 13. 32, 18. 24, 76. 28; viii. 41, xxviii. 26, xxxi. 14. A te: eo forms raJ e ù B. woruldæht,j: worldly possession; g. pl. woruldæhta 27. 19. woruldãr, f. worldly honour, good fortune; d. weoruldare 141. 3; a. woruldare 17. 13. woruldbisgo,j: worldly occupa- tion; d. pl. weoruldbisgum Pro 5. woruldbisgung, f. worldly trou- ble; g. pl. weoruldbisgunga iii. 4. woruldbüend, 1Jl.. human being; pl. weoruldbuende viii. 35; g. woruldbuendra xxix. 82; d. weoruldbuendum xxvii. 27. worulddryhten, m. Lord; g. weorulddrihtnes xxix. I. woruldearfoi5, 11-. worldly trouble; g. pl. woruldearfo'ð'a v. 29, vii. 26, 35, 49. woruldfrëond, nz . earthly friend; pl. weoruldfrynd ii. 16. woruldgielp, n. worldly boasting or pride: d. woruldgylpe 74. 24. woruldgitsere, 11l. covttous man; d. xiv... I. 3 21 woruldgitsung, f. covetousness; vii. 12 ; d. woruldgidsunga; 15.9. woruldgõd, 11. worldly good; pl. 32. 16 ; d. woruldgodum 54. 10. woruldlic, adj. worldly; g. woruldlices 20. 29. woruldlust, m. worldly desire or pleasure; 55. 8, 56. 2 I; d. woruldluste 54. 15, 55. 8; a. weoruldlust 76. 28; pl. woruld- lustas 70. 14; g. woruldlusta 53. 28, 146. 18; d. woruld- lustum 7 0 . 15. woruldmann, 1Jl. man; pl. woruldmen 41. 14, vii. 4 1 , xxviii. 10; weoruldmenn I 7. 22; weoruld men xxviii. 72; g. woruldmonna 17. 29 ; weoruldmonna xxviii. 3 I; a. woruldmen iv. 5 I. woruldrïce, 1t. earthly kingdom; d. weoruldrice 74. 22. woruldsæli5, f. worldly pros- perity; pl. woruldsælða 9 times, 8. 9 &c. and ii. 10; weoruldgesæl'ð'a 37. 22, 134. 25; g. woruldsælða 17. I, 18. 3 2 , 27. 13, vii. 52,54; weoruld- gesælða 54. 10; d. woruld- sælðum 8. 2, 16. 31, 19. II; woruldgesælðum 39. 10, 5-1-. 19, v. 34; a. woruldsælða 15. 2 17. 4; woruldgesæl'ð'a 26. I, 134. 8. woruldgesceaft, f. earthly crf:a- ture; pl. woruldgescea.fta xi. 19, 84, 101 ; g. xi. 2 ; weoruld- gesceafta xxix. 77; d. woruld- gesceaftum 80. 10, 26; c. weoruldgesceafta xx. 129. woruldsorg,j: worldly care; P/. woruldsorga 8. 22, 9. 13; d. woruldsorgum 8. 19. woruldspëd, j: worldly riches; a. pl. weoruldspeda 12. 3. woruldgeswinc. n. earthly hard- ship; d, pl. weoruldgeswincum xxi. 18. woruldi5ëaw, 1ll. worldly custom; d. pl. woruldðeawum 7. 13. woruldi5ing, n. worldly affair j g. pl. woruldðinga 56. 9. y 3 22 GLOSSAR Y woruldwela, 'WIll. worldly wealth or prosperity; g. woruldwelan 24. 2, 60. 18; d. 62. 32; pl. 30. 4; g. weoruld welena xix. 26; d. woruldwelum 74. 22. woruldwilla, 'Wl/1. worldly desire; g. woroldwillan 24. 2. woruldwuniende, adj. dweUing in the world; g. pl. worold- wuniendra xiii. 17. wracu, f. revenge; vengeance, punishment; g. wræce 112. 3; xxv. 51 ; a. 118. 24. wræc, n. exile; d. wræce 1 16. 12. wræcca, 'Will. exile, outcast; wræccea 13. 18; wrecca 8. 6*, 124. 25, ii. 3; a. wræccan x. 38; wreccan 10 5. 27*. wræcsï15, m. exile, misery; d. wræcsi'ð'e 22. II. wræcstõw, f. place of exile or confinement; 24. 31. wrænnes, f. lewdness, lechery; 93. 16, 10 9. 9; g. wrænnesse 71. 30, II I. 28, xxv. 41; d. 7 0 . 18, 71. 30. wræ15an, 'wv. support; indo prs. 3. S . wræðe'ð 49. 7*. wrãiS, adJ. angry, hostile; 'wk. wraða . xviii. 1; d. pl. wraðum xxvi. 76; comp. 11. wra'ð're [38. 21. wrãiSe, adv. fiercely; grievously; 7.9, vii. 5 2 ,54, xxix. 87, 89. wrecan, sv5. punish; sbj. prs. wreee 104. 4, 123. 3 J, ix. 36; wræce 143. 22; pl. wrecen 102.24; pp. gewrecen 121. 2. wrègan, wv. accuse; sb}. þn. wrege I 23. I 7. wrenc, nl. trick, wile; d. pl. wrencum 10. 22, iv. 47. wreiSian, 'lVV. prop up, support; 'ind. þrs. 3.pl. wre'ð'iað xi. 34. wrigian, 'Wv. move forward, hasten, tend; indo prs. 3.s. wriga'ð' 57. 23, 28, xiii. 10, 65. wringan, sv3. squeeze, press out; win wringan 12. 10. writan, SVI. write; sbj. þst. pl. writon 44. 8*. gewrit, n. writing; pl. gewritn 44. 6. wrïtere, 1ll. writer; pl. writeras 44. 8 ; K. writera 44. I. gewrixle, n. change, alternation; 49. 26, 12 5. 12; a.49. 17, xi. 56. wudu, 1ll. wood, forest; timber; 91. 13, 101. 27, xiii. 50; widu xiii. 55; g. wuda 57. 19; wudes viii. 20; d. wuda 57. 16; 102. 4, 117. 29, 12 7. 13, xix. 5, 18; a.91. 19*; wudl1 91. 19, 23, !oo. 6; pl. wudas 102. 5; g. wuda 91. 17, xx. 25 1 ; d. wudum 4 2 . 29. 73. 31. wudufugol, 1ll. forest bird; pl. wudufuglas 7. 15, xiii. 35. wuhhung, f. fury, madness; g. wûhhunge 39. 3 0 *. wuldor, 11. glory; 56. 21, 68. 7, II; wuldur 68. 9; g. wuldres xxvi. 45, xxix. 6; d. wuldre xvii. 29; a. wuldor 68. 12. wuldorcyning, m. king of glory; xx. 162. wulf, m. wolf; I I 4. 26; d. pl. wulfum xxvi. 79; wulfan 116. 19*. gewuna, 'Will. habit, custom; 15. 17 &e.; g. gewunan 57. 12, 60. I; d. 24. 23, vii. I; a. 17. 17, xiii. 27. wund, at{j. wounded; a. wundnc viii. 35. wundian, 'lVV. wound; pþ. ge- wundod 34. 4. wundor, n. wonder; 69. 20, xvii. 7 &c.; wundur xx. II 7 ; wunder 80. 8*, xxviii. 82; d. pl. wundrum used as adv. wonderfully, 24. 25, iv. 20, xxv. 4, xxix. 17. wundorlic, adj. wond rful; xx. 3, xxi. 3 1 ; wunderlic 79. 10*; 11. wundorlie 47. II, xix. 20 &c.; wunderlie 35. 3 2 *, 79. 20*; a. f. wundorlice 100. 10; n. wundorlie 100. 12, 28; ins!. wundorlice So. 22 ; g. pl. wun- dorlicra xx. lOr. wundorlice, adv. wonderfully; GLOSSARY 57. 2, xiii. 5 &c.; wunderlice 79. II*. wundrian, wv. w.g. wonder (at), admire; 101. 6 &c.; to wundri- ganne 28. 28; to wundrianne 104. 4 j to wyndrianne 7 2 . 27*; -ind. þrs. I.S. wundrige 12. 24 &c.; 2.S. wundrast 145. 4; 3. s . wundrað 81. 32, xx. 223 &c.; pl. wundriað 29. 14. xxviii. 50 &c.; þst. I.S. wundrode 122. 19; 3. s . 9 8 . 17; sbj. þrs. wundrige 104. II, 143. 15, 145. 2, xxviii. 2, 40; wundrie 9 2 . 8 , I19. 27, 12 5. 7, 141. 28, Àxviii. 6 ; þl. wundrigen 28. 32, 7 2 . 20, 9 2 . 9; wundrien 29. 3 ; þst. wundrode 125. 13. gewunelic, adj. customary, fam- iliar; n. 37. 17; gewunlic 91. 15. wunian, wv. dwell; abide, remain; xi. 1711., 56, xxix. 95 ; gewunian II6. II; wunigan 130. 10; gewunigan ii. 19; gewunigen (by error) i. 37 J); indo þrs. 2.S. wunæst xx. 16; 3'S. wuna'ð 20. 22, vi. 17 &c.; þl. wuniað 25. 13, xi. 4 &c.; wunigað vii. 38; þst. 3.s. wunode 116. 4, ix. 38 &c.; þl. wunedon xx. 243; þrs.þ. wuniende 21. 8,27.12; wunigende 95.14; þp. gewunod, accustomed 8. 2. wynsum, adj. pleasant; f. w)'n- sumu 25. 8; wYllsum 137. 7, 12, 138.12, xxi. 18; n. wyn- sum 33.17,86. II; gewun- sum 70. 19; g. wynsumes 64. 20; d. wk. wynsuman 138. 26 ; a. f. wynsume xiii. 19; 'u!k. 13 8 . 25, 139. 2; comp. f. wyn- sumre xii. 20; n. 57. 19, 65. 6, 86. 12; winsumre 52. 8*; g. wynsumran 138. 29. wynsumlïce, adv. pleasantly; 54. 8. wynsumnes, f. delightfulness, pleasantness; d. wynsumnesse 50. 8, 13. wyrcan, wv. make, constmct; cause; do; 29. 22 &c. and xii. I; wircan I I J. 5; wercan xxvi. 3 2 3 73; to wyrcanne 40. 10 &c.; to wyrcenne 40. 25*; indo þn. 2.S. wyrcest xx. 87; wercest iv. 18; 3.s. wyrce'ð iv. 28; wyrcð 3 8 . 4 &c.; wirc'ð 135. 6; þl. wyrcað S6. 30; gewercað 87. 24; þst. 2.S. worhtest 29. 19. 79. 18, xx. 40; worhtes xx. 22 ; geworhtest 29. Il)* &c. and xx. 24, 44; 3. s . worhte 30. 2 I &c. and ix. 2; geworhte Pro 9; weorhte 39. 18*; þl. worhton 99. 4, 139. 15; sid. þrs. wyrce II 2. 20 &c. and vii. 31; pþ. geworht 129. 2, 135. 8, xx. 2 I ; to witum geworht, subjected 36. 18; g. ge\vorhtes 29. 22; þl. 11. geworhte 96. 16; g. ge- worhtra I I. 27. wyrd /. fate; fq. 10. 18, i. 29 &c.; weord I I. 6*; g. wyrde 102. 25, xiii. 24 &c.; d. 23. 2 &c. aud xxvii. 5; a. 138. 25, 139. 2, 3; wirde iv. 49; wyrd usual form II. 31 &c. gewyrht, 11. desert, merit; only in d. þl. gewyrhtum I I. 7 &c.; butan gewyrhtum, undeservedly 50. 19 &c.; be his gewyrhtum 68. 27 &c.; if. ix. 3 6 ; be geweorhtum xxvii. 27; æfter hIS gewyrhtum 124. 14 &c. wyrhta, Wlll. maker, creator; 30. 22, xxix. 81, xxx. 14; d. wyrhtan 12. 17,30.21. wyrm, 1/1. reptile ;þl. 'wynnas 36.9. wyrt,f \'cgetable, pl3.nt; 91. 13.; a. 91. 19; þl. g. wyrta 82. 6, 91. 16, viii. 20, xx. 251; d wyrtum 91. 10; a. wyrta 33. 28, 91. 23, xi. f-7. wyrtruma, Wlll. root; d. þl. wyrtnunum 9 1 . 26, 31. wyrtwalian, WV. uproot; sbj. prs. wyrtwalige 61. 8*. gcwyscan, W'ZI. wish; 117. 23. Y. yfel, 1) adj. bad, evil; 'wk. yfcla 71. 4*, 12 5' 5*, xv. 1 ; )fla 10 7. 24 &c. and xviii. 1 ; f. yfel 137. Y J 3 2 4- GLOSSARY 28; g. yAes 132. 28 &c.; wk. yfelan lJ3. 28; d. yfelum 38. 3 2 , 124. 15, 134. 14; wk. yflan 121. 13, xxii. 32; a. yfelne v. 28, viii. 38; wk. yflan 14. 20, 123. 30; n. yfel xii. 28; þl. yfele 24. 12 &c. and iv. 37; yfle cOlJlmoner form in C, 107. 4 &c.; wk. yfelan 62. II &c.; yflan more /q. Ùz C, 106. 5 &c.; g. yfelra 10. 24; wk. yflena 110. 2 &c.; yfelana I 3 . 20; d. yflum 107. 2 I &c. and iv. 35, xxvii. 30; yfeluffi 120. 12*; a. 'U./k. yfelan 14. 19 &c.; comþ. wyrsa 63. 9*, 69. 13, 131. 30, xxv. 29; wirsa 67. 22; 11. wYIse 46. 27 &c. and x. 57, xxv. 67 ; a. wyrsan 63. 7 n., 71. 23; 11. wyrse 22. 3 ; þl. wyrsan 32.20 &c.; wYIson 134. 21 ; a. wyrsan 32. 14; sup. wyrresta 33. 4; 11. wyrrest 120. 23; g. wk. wyrrestan 1 19. 18; d. wk. 34. 22, 37. 5 ; d. pl. wyrrestum 61. 15, 134. 9 (wyrstan B); wyrrestan 37. 25. 2) sbst. n. evil; 37. 2 i &c. and i. 55; g. yfeles 119, 7,17, ix. 52; yfles II 3. 22, 31, 120. II; d. yfle 109. 14 &c. and xxv. 60; a. yfel 37. 12 &c. and xxii. 17; eofel 18. 27* 11.; pl. g. yfela 14. 25*, 71. 14, vii. 43; yfla 137. 13, V. 4 1 , xxv. 44; d. yfelum 118. 23*; yflum 7. 10 &c.; a. yflu 27. 10*; yfel 7. 14*. 134. 20. yfele, adv. badly, wrongly; 7. 9, 17. 12; comþ. wyrs 35. 6; suþ. wyrst xxiv. 60. yfelnes, f. badness, wickedness; 114. 2 I. yfelwillende. adj. evilly disposed, wicked; 122.21,24; þl. wk. yfelwillendan II 2. 16 ; a. yfelwillende 34. 5; wk. yf l- willendan 117. 2. yfelwyrcende, adj. evil-doing; 122. 22, 25. yfemest, ad/. suþ. of ufena; xxiv. 23; yfemesð xiii. 63; yfmest xxiv. 20; f. yfemest 57. 27; n. 80. 10, xx. 84. yflian, wv. ill-treat, injure; indo þrs. 3.s. yfla'ð 123. 9, 10; þst. 3.s. yflode 122. 32; sbj. þrs. yflige 119. 23. ymb (ymb more fq. in C than ymbe; ym 31. In., 14 2 . 25; emb 17. 3, 74. 17; embe 86.13, 18, 104. 20), 1) prep. W.a. a) motion, round; 126. 7, xxviii. 9, 22; ymbe xx. 21 I. b) con- cerning, about (the llsualmean- ing); fq. 12. 21, viii. 32 &c.; ymbe 18. 17 &c. and viii. 31. c J time; ymb 'ðritig wintra, every thirty years 126. 9, if. xxviii. 25,29; ymbe sticce, after a time, from time to time 100. 7; ymbe long, at great length 12 5. 23. d) in conncxion with, about; swincan ymbe 87. 26 &c.; ymb t> bion, busy, occupied with 12. 26, if. 9 2 . 3 1 ; sired on ymb, against 36. 19, if. 7 0 . 24; don ym be hine, towards 37. I. 2; adv. same senses as (1); 16. 19, 127. 4, xx. 27, xxviii. 6; ymbe 36. 22, i. 59, xix I, xxviii. 24, xxix. 41. ymbbætan, wv. curb; þþ. ymrJe- bæted xxiv. 37. ymbcierran, 'UJV. revolve round; indo þrs. 3.S. ymbcerreð xxviii. 14; PÞ. ymbcirred xxviii. 26. ymbclyppan, 'wv. embrace; indo þrs. 3.s ymbc1yppeð xi. 35 ; þl. ymbc1yppað ix. 40. ymbfõn, 171. surround, encompass; indo þrs. 3.S. ymbfehð 53. I ; þþ. ym bfangen 13. I. ymbgyrdan, 'wv. engirdle; Ù1d. þrs. 3.s. embegyrt ix. 41. ymbhabban, wv. surround; indo þ1S. 3.S' ymbhæfl ' 53. 1*. ym bhoga, W1Jl. care, anxiety; vii. 53; g. ymbhogan 27. 4; þl. g. ymbhogena vii. 36; ymbhogona xvi. 6; d. ymbhogum 52. 18, 55. 20; a. ymbhogan 67. 29, 95. I, vii. 28. ymbhweorfan, sv3. go round, GLOSSARY re\"olve round; indo prs. 2.S. ymbhweorfest 10. 2*; ymb- hweorfest iv. 4 (n; 3. s . ymb- hweorfeð xxviii. 13; þrs. þ. ymbhweorfende 18. 7. ymbhwierfan, wv. revolve round; indo þrs. 3.S. ymbhwerfeð xxviii. 41Z.; ymbhwyrfð 12 5. 32* n. ymbhwyrft, 1/l. revolution, orbit; circuit, compass; g. ymbhweorf- tes 105. 18; a. ymbhwyrft 41. 20, 126. 4, 7, xxiv. 38, xxviii. 20; ymbhwerft xxviii. 12 j ymbe- hwerft xxviii. 8. ymblicgan, sv.':,. surround; indo þrs. 3.pl. ymbelicga'ð xx. 77. ymbscrï.1San, SVI. revolve round; indo þrs. 3.S' ymbscrið'eð xx. 208. ymbseon, SV'f,. look round j sbj. þst. 3.S. ymbsawe X. 5. ymbsittend, 11l. neighbour; g. pl. ymbsittenda xxv. 14. ymbstandan, sv6. surround; þþ. ' 3 2 5 þl. ymbstandene 1 II. 14 n.; ymbestandne xxv. 7. ymb1Sencan, wv. reflect upon; sbj. þst. 3.S. ymbe'ðohte x. 4. ymbûtan, 1) adv. around, about; 12 9. 21 , xx. 140,171,172,174; swið'e feOl"ran ymbutan, very circuitously 127.33; yrnbeutan xxv. 28. 2) þrep.; a) w.d.; foil. C. 97. 18, 108. 20, 125. 2; utan ymb xx. 207. b) w.a. 25. 14. viii. 14, 53, xxii. 7, 15; ymbuton 95. 1* ; yrnbeutan leo. 10. yst, f tempest, storm; 2 I. 7, vi. 14; pl. ysta v. 9 j g xxi. 15; d. ystum 89. 10. ÿtemest, sup. adj. outermost; farthest outside; pl. wk. ytmestan x. 25; utemestan 46. I I. ÿ1S, f. wave; xxvi. 3 0 , xxviii. 57; þl. yða 12 4. 4, xxvii. 3; g. 17. 26, 126. 19; d. y'ðum 10. 27, 14. 13, 89. 10, iv. 56, xxi. 14. INDEX OF PROPER NAl\IES -++- :N.R Head-'Zvords are 110t normalised, but adually occur -in the text. For adjectives formed from proþer names see Glossary. A. .Ælfred, Pro I ; l\IPr. I. .Ætna, 34. 8, 28*; Etne 34. 28, viii. 48. Affricanas, Africans, a. pl. 37. 6; Africanas, Africas 37. 7 n. Agamemnon, xxvi. 10; Agame- non 1I5. 17*. Alcibiadis, 72. 30. . Aleric, i. 7, 19; Eallerica 7. 2*. Amuling, i. 71; Amulinga 7.6*. Antonie, Antonius d. 67. 2; Antoniose, Ontoniose 66. 30. Apollinus, Apollo. 116. I 11., xxvi. 34; g. Apollines 1I5. 23. 116 . 2 , xxvi. 3 2 , 5 I. Aristoteles, 140. 8; Aristotelis, Aristodelis 73. I. Arrianes, Arrianus, g. i. 40. Astralogium, 41. 23. Augustus monðe, U. 7*; g. Agustes ib. Aulixes, I IS. 15,17, 1I6. 8. xxvi. 5, 15, 2 I, 58. B. Babilonia, 99. I I. Boeties,for Bootes, the constella- tion 126. 8*; Boetes xxviii. 27. Boetius, 7. 12, 8. 15, 38. 6, o. 6,5 8 . 2 5, 29,59, 7, 10, 12, 62. 2. 18, i. 77; Boitins i. 52; Beotius 2 I. 10*; g. Boeties 50. 6, 103.22, 139. 17. Bosiridem, Busiris, d. 36. 29. Bretene, Britain, a. xx. 19. Brutus, 46. 22, X. 47. C. Caron, Charon, 102. 17. Cassius, 46. 23. Cato, 46. 23; Caton X. 5 I. Catulus, the consul, confoullded 'ZfJitlt Catullus the poet, 61. 17, 2 I, 23, 24. Caucaseas, the Caucasus moun- tains, 43. 9. Ceruerus, Cerberus, 102. 14 11-. ; Aruerus B. Cham, Ham, 99. 8; Chaam B; g. Chames, Chaames 99. 8. Chus, Cush, 99. 7; g. Chuses 99. 7. Cicero, 43. 7. 143. 6. Circe, xxvi. 56; Kirke 1I6. 3*. Cirus, Cyrus, 18. 19. Constentinopolim, d. s. 7. 20*. Crecas, Greeks; Creacas I. 48; g. Creca 7. 20, 18. 18, TO!. 24, i. 68, xxvi. II, 14, 19; d. Crecum 14I. II, i. 26, xxx. I ; a. Crecas i. 21,63; Creacas i. 56. Crist, 27. 7, viii. 17, x. 37; d. Criste I. 32. Croeses, Croesos*, Croesus, g. 18. 18. D. Deira, Dura, 99. 10*. E. Eallerica, v. Aleric. Egyptum, Egyptians, d. pl. 36. 29. Epiccurus, Epeccurus 55. 8. INDEX OF PROPER NAMES Ereulus, Hercules, 3 6 . 33, 12 7. II. Eurudiee, 101. 16. Eurupides, 70. 30*. F. Fisiea, Aristotle's treatise, 14 0 . 9. Frigilius, Virgil, 141. 12; g. Firgilies 141. 12 11., XXX. 2. G. Gota, Goth, i. 19, 45; 1l. pl. Gotan 7. I, i. I ; g. Gotene i. 5 ; Godena i. 38; a. Gotan i. 23. I. Ierusalem, II. 18. Indeum, Indians, d.pl. 67. 31 ; a. Inc1eas xvi. 18. Iob,Jove,Juppiter, 9 8 . 27.115.23; g. lobes 36. 33, II 5. 23, 27, 12 7. II, xxvi. 35,47. Iohannes (ðone papan), 7. II, i. 4 2 . Italia, 7. 3, i. 15, viii. 50. Ithaeige, Ithaca, II5. 16. Ixion, 102. 29. L. Lædenwarum, Latins, Romans, d. pl. 141. 12. Leuita, Lapithæ, g. pl. 102. 3 0 . Liberius, by error for LatÍ1t liberum, 36. 17 (Tiberius B). M. Marcus, (oðre naman Tullius) 143. 5 ; g. Marcuses 43. 6. Muntgiop, the Alps; d. i. 14; a. i. 8. N. Nefrod, Nimrod, 99. 6, 7, 8. Nensar,. v. Sennar. Neron, 39. 18, 64. 24, 66. 23, ix. 3 2 7 2, xv. I; d. Nerone 34. 24, 67. 2, ix. 44. NUus, 37. 3. Noes, Noah, g. 34. 30, 99, 8. Nonium, a. 61. 18. O. Omerus, Homer, 141. II, 13, xxx. I, 5. Orpheus, 103. 10; Orfeus 101. 25. P. Pærsa, Persians, g. pl. 18. 19. Papinianus, Papianus, 66. 30. Pareas, Parcae, Fates, confounded witlt Furies 102-23. Parmenides, (se seiop'\ 101. 3. Pari5um, Parthians, d. pl. 43. I 2. Plato, 9. 23, 79. 4; 9S. 20, 25; Platon xxii. 54; g. Platones 101. 14, IIO. 30. Ptolomeus, g. 41. 27. R. Rædgod, R3.dagaisus, i. 7; Ræd- got i. 19; Rædgota 7. 2. Regulus, 37. 5. Retie, Rhætia, error for N eritia ; II 5. 16; g. xxvi. 8. Rom, Rome, i. 19; d. Rome 61. 24; Rome byrig 35. 2, i. 46; a. Rome burg 39. 19. Romana, Romans, g. pl. 7. I; 34. 3 1 , 39. 22, 43. 6, 8, 4 6 . 24, 50. 7,64. 12, II2. 22, 143. 7, i. 17, ix. 10,25, x. 44; Romane 7. 3*; d. Romanum 7. 7; a. Romane ix. 14. Romwara, Romans, g. pl. 46. 22, i. 34, ix. 3; d. Romwarum 61. 20, i. 49, 69. S. Saturnus, the god, IIS. 28, xxvi. 48; g. S3turnes 98. 27; the planet, 126. 9, xxviii. 25; g. 10:;. 12; a. Saturnus xxiv. 2I. Soi'lS'tSeas, Scythians, 43. 10. 3 28 INDEX OF PROPER NAJ.11ES Ð. Scimsia, 1. 2; d. Scið'ðiu mæg'ðe 7. 1*. Seneca, 66.25,67. I. Sennar*, Nensar, Shinar, 99. 9. Seuerinus, 50. 7. Sicilia, 7. 4, 34. 9, i. 15, viii. 50; d. 34. 29. Simachus, Symmachus, 22. ;i; g. Simaches 22. 12. Sticces, v. Ticcies. T. Tantalus*, Tantulus 102. 31. Ticcies*, Sticces, Tityus, g. 103. I n. Torcwines, Tarquinius, g. 34. 3 1 . Troia burg, ix. 16, xxvi. 20; Trogia burg 39. 20*; Trioia gevl'in xxvi. 12. Troiana, Trojans, g. pl. I I 5. 14- Tullius. 43. 7, 1.t-3. 6. Tyle, Thule, 67. 32*; Tile xvi. 15. Ðeodric, 7. 5, 6, 14, 23, i. 7 1 ; g. Ðiodrices 62. 8; d. Ðeodrice 34. 23, 62. 12, i. 30. Ðracia, 101. 23; g. xxvi. 7, :n, 59. U. Ursa, the constellation of the Bear, 135. 29, x..xix. 14. W. Welandes, the legendary smith \Veland, g. x. 33, 35, 4 2 ; \Yelondes 46. 17, 20*. Wendelsæ, Mediterranean, d. lIS. 22; a. xxvi. 31. Westsexna, \Vest-Saxons, g. pl. MPr. 2. '1 HE I_ND 6/10/98 f ré"bo" érít6. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY . MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE MISCELLANEOUS MODERN LANGUAGES LATIN EDGCATIONAL WORKS GREEK EDUCATIONAL WORKS . pp. 1-6 p. 6 p. 1 p. 8 p. 9 p. 13 p. 17 . I The English Language and Literature. 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